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URL: https://www.fishbowlapp.com/post/can-anyone-shed-light-on-the-job-hierarchy-at-u-s-bank-associatedirectorvp-i-am-trying-to-u...
Submission: On April 30 via manual from GB — Scanned from GB

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What are the designation levels in the major finan
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Hi i may have an offer from nagroo just wanted to know for embedded roles they
have wfh as hr said it is wfh. Will it stya that way for my profile or may
change after joining?

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works at PwC
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What’s the salary of a senior consultant at Capgemini Invent for London location
in supply chain domain?

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a Quality Assurance
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Hi Everyone on Saturday i gave interview for coforge . In how many days will i
get feedback.Coforge

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a Senior Manager
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Anyone here a US citizen who chose to leave in favor of London? I’m American but
husband is European. He wants to return for the social culture of Europe but I
just get traumatized by the pay in London and almost equally high cost of living
as in tier 1 USA cities. I know money isn’t everything but hoping to hear about
other Americans experiences . Thank you!

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works at Rsystems international
▸ Strategy
You are currently posting as works at Rsystems international

Hi fishes,

Please suggest what should I choose from following:

Mindtree -> 24 LPA (Following up every week if I am joining or not)

R Systems International -> 25 LPA (Current company, trying to retain, very
good hold on project and good relations with manager)


Tech Stack -> Angular Front end development.

Serving notice period (more than 2 months left)

Please suggest considering the global recession fears

Thank you.

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an Assistant Director
▸ Technology
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Does anyone have a non-compete clause in their contract in the UK (restricting
you to work at a competitor firm)?
Do you know if Accenture enforces it at the time of exit?

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a year
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a Consultant
▸ Analytics
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RFA M&A fishes 🐠 , how are the comp raises YoY?

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Community Builder

What salary would you say is needed to live comfortably in Dubai with the

Married (single income)
Two kids (1 and 2 years old)
House in an expat community near good schools (4 bedroom)

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a Manager
▸ Retail/Commercial
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Hello all recently applied for a position at Boeing. Application states it’s
under consideration. Is this a good thing? What’s the general turn around time
for a decision. How hard is it to usually get on? Boeing

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works at EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants
▸ Advisors and Asset Managers
You are currently posting as works at EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants

I am wondering if anyone could recommend salary range for a private client
account manager at a high end broker. I have 6 years of agency experience (5 at
my current brokerage). I have a p&c license and a designation. Currently working
towards another designation. Thank you!

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works at Wipro
▸ Operations
You are currently posting as works at Wipro

@Hi Fishes,

I am currently working with Wipro and was promoted in July as an Benefits
Operations Manager (This is Aon Hewitt taken over by Wipro) I have worked with
this company from past 6 years and my current CTC is 7 LPA. Can you suggest me
for openings in Operations/Benefits ?

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a Manager
▸ Engineering
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My company is hiring for Sales Account Manager, if anyone is interested DM me.

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a year
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an Associate

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I'm a first year associate making 45k with possibility for high bonus, but I am
seriously considering leaving my firm because the posts in here have helped me
realize I am underpaid. Is it better to stay and get more experience - I do l
like where I am - or move on for a more livable salary and WLB?

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an Associate Creative Director
▸ design
You are currently posting as works at Associate Creative Director

I fear one of my coworkers is underpaid. This person was hired for a different
role but is now doing a variety of work (account, PM, strategy, social mgmt, etc
etc) this person is very smart. (cont.)

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works at JPMorgan Chase
▸ Other (non-Software)
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Does anyone know the salary band/TC for L5 business analyst at Amazon? Looking
to negotiate with HR this week.

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works at PwC
▸ Financial Services
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If you’re interested in joining PwC’s consulting practice, feel free to reach
out. Happy to talk about current opportunities and offer a referral 😉

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a Recruiting Coordinator
▸ Recruitment
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I have some questions about Deloitte, if anybody is willing to offer some help.
I won’t ask for a referral


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works at Americold

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How much can you earn if you are really good at managing the supply chain? I'd
like to know how much you make starting out as well as your salary after a few
years, please

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an Engineer
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I need job advice. Currently a biotech development and tech transfer engineer in
the Boston area, but I need to move to NYC potentially and I’m thinking I’ll try
something new. I have some project management experience and some short
international work experiences (Japan and France), but I’ve mostly been a
laboratory based researcher.

Any ideas what type of job I could apply for? Need to make at least 120k/year

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works at Cognizant
▸ Engineering
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How is work life balance at mastercard? And in terms of job security as i am
thinking not to switch soon again? I have around 9 years experience what max
salary they can offer for senior software engineer position? CCTC: 21 LPA

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a Senior Legal Counsel
▸ Law
You are currently posting as works at Senior Legal Counsel

Used to be able to find Weller Special Reserve in Total for maybe $30 the
handle—a screaming bargain. Then it disappeared. Just dropped into a small
nearby shop where they had four of them on the shelf for $45. Maybe I should go
back and clear them out!

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a Visual Designer
▸ Design
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Trying to find a book maker/publication specialist to print a small run of
limited edition designer books. Was wondering if anyone has worked with vendors
that accommodate low MOQ and won’t completely break the bank? Looking to make
200-250 copies at the moment and any recommendations would help.

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a Manager
▸ Advisory
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They went with another candidate. Excuse me while I spend the rest of today in
my feelings 😞

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works at Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.
▸ Pharmacist
You are currently posting as works at Otsuka America Pharmaceutical, Inc.

Hello I'm looking for a remote role in consulting, medical writing, or medical
information. I'm a PharmD with a year of experience in pharma and ready to make
a change. If anyone can refer me or share any openings that are actively hiring
it would be appreciated.

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a year
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works at Lowes
▸ Restaurants & Food Service
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Currently asking around for others that work in the hospitality industry
specifically banquets or banquet serving what is the tip pool break down at your
hotel servers,captain, houseman, house percentage do you think your paid fairly
from the tip pool?

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works at SapientRazorfish
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Hi Nadia thank you for doing this workshop my question is: how do you deal with
raging systemic bias and not get victimised by your line manager who is also a
group head ?

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an Associate Attorney
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16 weeks and so worried all of the stress I’m under is going to hurt the baby.
Between work, my own scary (non-pregnancy) health stuff, the pandemic, my mom
(who is a widow and lives alone, basically isolated by choice due to covid) is
having health issues, and pressures to keep billable hours up, I’ve been having
complete breakdowns. Today I spent almost the entire day crying and now have to
make up the billable time this weekend. I really worry abt what effect this will
have on the babe.

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attends University of Southern California
▸ Students
You are currently posting as attends University of Southern California

Graduating from part-time MBA in May, have been working as a product manager in
tech for 2 years and prior to that 5 years in BI/data analytics. I’m at a new
company now and I’m disliking PM more every day. I’m thinking about doing JIT
recruiting for investment banking to get strategic finance jobs in tech in 1-2
years but we’re having a baby in August. Is it stupid to try to pull off a pivot
like that? I value WLB and want to be able to take paternity leave when our
daughter is born

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a Senior Consultant
▸ Technology
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Where can I buy treasury bonds? Can I do it through Fidelity? I tried searching
for bonds but nothing seemed to exactly match for bonds (plz don't laugh I'm
terribly new at this stuff lol)

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an Audit Associate
▸ Audit
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For Denver Co, what are the main industries for audit?

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works at Capgemini
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You are currently posting as works at Capgemini

Hi Guys,

I have been extended an offer letter for the level - Associate in Risk advisory.
Below is the ss of my comp, request you to help me understand if it's the
appropriate compensation for an Associate in pwc.

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a year
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a Strategy Consultant
▸ strategy
You are currently posting as works at Strategy Consultant

Hey fish, if you haven’t tried it, I recommend researching ketamine treatments
for depression. I just started and it’s making a huge difference. I’ve been on
SSRIs for years and other drugs and nothing has made a dent but ketamine

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a Manager
▸ advisory
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Sharing some positive news. Got my I 140 approved today in EB2. Even though the
wait is forever. Sending out positive vibes. Happy Friday folks!

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a Senior Consultant
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If I sign a lease with room mates, say 3, but I want to leave instead of renew
next, what happens at the end of the lease? Do I need to find someone to replace
me? Or do the people staying find the new person.

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a Healthcare Associate
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Hey McKinsey Fish! Is there any real luck of applying to a job on the website? I
applied to an implementation role that I know I would be qualified for but
without any referral. Been a few weeks so was just hoping to atleast see a
rejection 😁

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a Lead
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Men - when you say it’s not working out to your SO, are you trying to initiate a
conversation on reasons / things you’d like to change OR trying to end it?

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works at Sunglass Hut
▸ Customer Service
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How much a year should I ask for managing two Sunglass Huts in the same mall one
stand alone store one in Hudson’s bay.

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works at JPMorgan Chase
▸ Engineering
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Those who are on NP

Please send me your CV @ referforthebest@gmail.com with details in the subject
line Name_YOE_TECHSTACK_ROLE_LOCATION_NP. I request you to please follow the

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a Cyber Security Consultant
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Booz Allen or Deloitte better for Cyber?

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a Designer
▸ Graphic/Ux Design
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What are some smart things to talk about during interview with UX director? Or
what type of ux questions should I expect? I'm visual designer interviewing for
product design..

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an Analyst
▸ Venture Capital
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Does anyone know the TC (range is okay) for investment analysts/associates at
ARK Investment Management? Any other feedback from people you know who work

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a Compliance Manager
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Capital one offer extended & accepted. Background check is complete and marked
as “eligible” by the background check company. It was delivered to Cap1 2 days
ago. Shouldn’t I have heard back by now? I’m waiting to get info on my start
date and equipment etc. Should I reach out?

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a Director
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Bowl Leader

Welcome everyone! This bowl is intended to inform those working in the banking
industry in the US regarding salary ranges and designation levels. Let’s help
each other out, and let’s please be kind to one another.

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a Senior Operations Specialist
▸ Retail/Commercial
You are currently posting as works at Senior Operations Specialist

I went through two rounds of interviews for
a job that the posting stated $36.66 per
hour (FP&A Analyst)…the company
recruiter had told me in the initial call the
pay could be 32-36 because of the other
benefits. If I do get a job offer what range
should I try for? I was really hoping to get
around the 36-40 but now I feel like they
may try to offer lower than what was
posted. Also there was no range but the
average for this position is upper 70s-90k.
Thanks for any help!

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a Director
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Bowl Leader

Add a comment with the designation levels in your bank.

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a Business Development Consultant
▸ Sales
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Fishbowl family… any UBS financial advisor training program here? What is the
total expected income? My friend was offered 55k as base plus bonus…

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a Software Engineer
▸ Other
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Hi all, I’m not sure if this is the correct bowl to post in but could anyone
that works at Truist Financial Corporation look up the salary range for their
Intelligent Automation Product Owner - Agile role?

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a Consultant
▸ Strategy
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May I know the grading within Standard Chartered? I am applying for a job in
branding and communication at SC UK

I am confused by the title, like Associate, Manager, Associate Director and

And also, the salary range between Associate and Associate Director is so close.
What is the market range in the banking industry in the UK?

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a Vice President
▸ Retail/Commercial
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I'm a VP at Union Bank, which just got acquired by US Bank. I work in
quantitative analysis. I think by salary is a bit below market for a VP ($120K).
Obviously I'd love to make more. Have those of you at heard of any discussions
about raises?

Separately, what is a normal salary for that role at US Bank?

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