www.t-mobile.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: https://email.mailcrossroads.com/c/11989JDQn54nhIDVEK65ohK804p5Pv
Effective URL: https://www.t-mobile.com/business/small-midsize-business?cmpid=TFB_EPM_P_24SMGXYNPI_684D1359DCF9225B113168
Submission: On June 02 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 6 forms found in the DOM

<form novalidate="" autocomplete="off" role="search" aria-label="Sitewide" class="unav-search__form" @submit.prevent="submit(searchTerm,'',$event ,'', false)">
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        <input type="hidden" name="formIntegration" value="/self-service-flex/v1/leadgen">
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              <input class="tdds-text-field__input" id="field-formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name" name="First Name" type="text" data-xpr-field="formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name error-formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name " data-xpr-field-error-regex="Please use only alphabetical characters, apostrophes, or hyphens."
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:^[a-zA-Z '\\-]+$&quot;]" pattern="^[a-zA-Z '\-]+$" required="" aria-required="true">
            <p id="error-formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-text-field__error-message" aria-hidden="true">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-6944e4b20d-First Name" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please use only alphabetical characters, apostrophes, or hyphens.</span> </p>
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                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-e8df7d7e57-Last Name error-formFieldInput-e8df7d7e57-Last Name " data-xpr-field-error-regex="Please use only alphabetical characters, apostrophes, or hyphens."
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:^[a-zA-Z '\\-]+$&quot;]" pattern="^[a-zA-Z '\-]+$" required="" aria-required="true">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-e8df7d7e57-Last Name" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please use only alphabetical characters, apostrophes, or hyphens.</span> </p>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--input phx-field--50">
          <div class="tdds-text-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
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                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;maxLength:14&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:\\d{10,}&quot;]" maxlength="14" pattern="\d{10,}" required="" aria-required="true">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-94f56f61df-Phone Number" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please enter a 10- to 14-digit phone number.</span> </p>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--input phx-field--50">
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                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-eaae2b740e-email error-formFieldInput-eaae2b740e-email " data-xpr-field-error-regex="Please enter a valid email address."
                pattern="^\s*[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*@[\w\-\+_]+\.[\w\-\+_]+(\.[\w\-\+_]+)*\s*$" required="" aria-required="true">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-eaae2b740e-email" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please enter a valid email address.</span> </p>
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          <div class="tdds-text-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
            <div data-xpr-form-track="" data-active="false" data-complete="false" data-disabled="false" class="tdds-text-field__track"> <label class="tdds-text-field__label" for="field-formFieldInput-346e387020-Zip Code">Zip Code</label>
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                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-346e387020-Zip Code error-formFieldInput-346e387020-Zip Code " data-xpr-field-error-regex="Please enter a five-digit ZIP code."
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;maxLength:5&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:[0-9]{5,}&quot;]" maxlength="5" pattern="[0-9]{5,}" required="" aria-required="true">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-346e387020-Zip Code" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please enter a five-digit ZIP code.</span> </p>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--input phx-field--50">
          <div class="tdds-text-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
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              <input class="tdds-text-field__input" id="field-formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name" name="Company Name" type="text" data-xpr-field="formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name error-formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name " data-xpr-field-error-required="Please enter your company name."
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:^[A-Za-z0-9\\s&amp;'.,\\-]+$&quot;]" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9\s&amp;'.,\-]+$" required="" aria-required="true">
            <p id="error-formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-text-field__error-message" aria-hidden="true">
              <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" role="img" aria-label="error" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-284647c25b-Company Name" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please enter your company name.</span> </p>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--input phx-field--50">
          <div class="tdds-text-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
            <div data-xpr-form-track="" data-active="false" data-complete="false" data-disabled="false" class="tdds-text-field__track"> <label class="tdds-text-field__label" for="field-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees">Employees</label>
              <input class="tdds-text-field__input" id="field-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees" name="Employees" type="text" data-xpr-field="formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees error-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees " data-xpr-field-error-required="Please enter job title."
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:^[A-Za-z0-9\\s&amp;'.,\\-]+$&quot;]" pattern="^[A-Za-z0-9\s&amp;'.,\-]+$" required="" aria-required="true">
            <p id="error-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-text-field__error-message" aria-hidden="true">
              <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" role="img" aria-label="error" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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              </svg> <span></span>
            <p id="help-formFieldInput-6665db9066-Employees" class="tdds-text-field__supporting-text"> <span>Please enter the number of employees.</span> </p>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--selector">
          <div class="tdds-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
            <div data-xpr-form-track="" data-active="false" data-complete="true" data-disabled="false" class="tdds-field__track"> <label class="tdds-field__label" for="field-formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges">What challenges do your business
                face today?</label> <select id="field-formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges" name="Challenges" class="tdds-field__select" data-xpr-field="formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges error-formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges" data-xpr-field-error-required="Please select a challenge do your business face today"
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;]" required="" aria-required="true">
                <option value="Access to Capital​">Access to Capital​</option>
                <option value="Talent Acquisition and Retention​">Talent Acquisition and Retention​</option>
                <option value="Digital Transformation​">Digital Transformation​</option>
                <option value="Cybersecurity Threats​">Cybersecurity Threats​</option>
                <option value="Economic Uncertainty​">Economic Uncertainty​</option>
                <option value="Affordable Marketing and Advertising​">Affordable Marketing and Advertising​</option>
                <option value="Regulatory Compliance​">Regulatory Compliance​</option>
            <p id="error-formFieldSelector-5b55fb0254-Challenges" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-field__support tdds-field__support--error" aria-hidden="true">
              <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" role="img" aria-label="error" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path d="M11.99 22a10 10 0 1 1 .02-19.999A10 10 0 0 1 11.99 22zM11 15v2h2v-2zm0-8v6h2V7z"></path>
              </svg> <span></span>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--selector">
          <div class="tdds-field " data-xpr-form-input="">
            <div data-xpr-form-track="" data-active="false" data-complete="true" data-disabled="false" class="tdds-field__track"> <label class="tdds-field__label" for="field-formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion">What technologies are you most
                interested in investing in your business?</label> <select id="field-formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion" name="ContestQuestion" class="tdds-field__select" data-xpr-field="formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion error-formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion" data-xpr-field-error-required="Please select a challenge do your business face today"
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;]" required="" aria-required="true">
                <option value="Cloud based storage and collaboration services​">Cloud based storage and collaboration services​</option>
                <option value="Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation​">Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation​</option>
                <option value="E-Commerce Platforms​">E-Commerce Platforms​</option>
                <option value="Mobile Payment Solutions​">Mobile Payment Solutions​</option>
                <option value="Remote Work Tools​">Remote Work Tools​</option>
                <option value="Digital Marketing Strategies​">Digital Marketing Strategies​</option>
                <option value="Customer Relationship Management Solutions​">Customer Relationship Management Solutions​</option>
                <option value="Cybersecurity Solutions​">Cybersecurity Solutions​</option>
            <p id="error-formFieldSelector-9e7992b30c-ContestQuestion" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-field__support tdds-field__support--error" aria-hidden="true">
              <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" role="img" aria-label="error" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
                <path d="M11.99 22a10 10 0 1 1 .02-19.999A10 10 0 0 1 11.99 22zM11 15v2h2v-2zm0-8v6h2V7z"></path>
              </svg> <span></span>
        <div class="xpr-formField xpr-formField--input">
          <div class="tdds-text-area " data-xpr-form-input="" x-data="{ content: '', characterCount: '0', limit: , screenReaderText: '' }" x-init="characterCount = content.length">
            <div data-xpr-form-track="" data-disabled="false" data-complete="true" class="tdds-text-area__wrapper"> <label class="tdds-text-area__label"
                for="formFieldInput-6061476282-Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)">Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)</label> <textarea
                class="tdds-text-area__input" id="formFieldInput-6061476282-Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)"
                name="Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)" aria-describedby=" error-formFieldInput-6061476282-Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words) "
                data-xpr-field="formFieldInput-6061476282-Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)" x-model="content" x-on:input="characterCount = content.length"
                x-on:input.debounce.1500ms="screenReaderText = characterCount + ' of ' + limit + ' characters entered'" data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;optional&quot;]">      </textarea>
            <div class="tdds-text-area__messages">
              <div class="tdds-text-area__support-messages">
                <p id="error-formFieldInput-6061476282-Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250 words)" data-xpr-field-feedback-error="" class="tdds-text-area__error-message" aria-hidden="true">
                  <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" height="24" width="24" role="img" aria-label="error" focusable="false" viewBox="0 0 24 24">
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                  </svg> <span></span>
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                </nobr> customer.</label> <select id="field-formFieldSelector-970c0e8be5-Current Customer" name="Current Customer" class="tdds-field__select" data-xpr-field="formFieldSelector-970c0e8be5-Current Customer"
                aria-describedby="help-formFieldSelector-970c0e8be5-Current Customer error-formFieldSelector-970c0e8be5-Current Customer" data-xpr-field-error-required="Are you currently a T-Mobile customer?"
                data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;]" required="" aria-required="true">
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              <input class="tdds-text-field__input" id="field-formFieldInput-af1101b39e-employees" name="employees" type="text" data-xpr-field="formFieldInput-af1101b39e-employees" aria-describedby=" error-formFieldInput-af1101b39e-employees "
                data-xpr-field-error-required="Please enter your total numbers employees" data-xpr-field-iodine="[&quot;required&quot;,&quot;minLength:1&quot;,&quot;maxLength:999&quot;,&quot;regexMatch:^[A-Za-z0-9\\s&amp;'.,\\-]+$&quot;]"
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                <option value=""></option>
                <option value=" Access to Capital​"> Access to Capital​</option>
                <option value="Talent Acquisition and Retention​">Talent Acquisition and Retention​</option>
                <option value="Digital Transformation​">Digital Transformation​</option>
                <option value="Cybersecurity Threats​">Cybersecurity Threats​</option>
                <option value="Economic Uncertainty​">Economic Uncertainty​</option>
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                <option value="Regulatory Compliance​">Regulatory Compliance​</option>
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                <option value=""></option>
                <option value="Cloud based storage and collaboration services​">Cloud based storage and collaboration services​</option>
                <option value="Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation​">Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Automation​</option>
                <option value=" E-Commerce Platforms​"> E-Commerce Platforms​</option>
                <option value="Mobile Payment Solutions​">Mobile Payment Solutions​</option>
                <option value="Remote Work Tools​">Remote Work Tools​</option>
                <option value="Digital Marketing Strategies​">Digital Marketing Strategies​</option>
                <option value="Customer Relationship Management Solutions​">Customer Relationship Management Solutions​</option>
                <option value="Cybersecurity Solutions​">Cybersecurity Solutions​</option>
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Get up to $10,000 when you add 10 lines on our best Unlimited plan. That’s
$1,000 per line when you bring your own phone or get a new one from us. No
trade, no hassle. To unlock this game-changing value, call 855-972-7299 and
speak with a Business Expert.

Contact us

$1,000 per line credit: With 36 monthly bill credits for new accounts that add
at least 10 lines on Business Unlimited Edge. $1,000 per line device credit:
With 24 monthly bill credits for new accounts that add at least 10 lines on
Business Unlimited Edge.

See full terms


$1,000 per line credit: Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying
credit, new business account, and at least 10 new lines of Business Unlimited
Edge required. Must be active and in good standing to receive bill credits;
allow 3-4 bill cycles from fulfillment of offer requirements. If you cancel
account before receiving all 36 monthly bill credits, remaining credits will
stop. May not be combined with some offers or discounts. $1,000 device credit
per line: Contact us before cancelling account to continue remaining bill
credits, or credits stop & balance on required finance agreement is due (e.g.,
$1,799.99 – Galaxy Z Fold5 5G 256GB). Tax on pre-credit price due at
sale. Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying new business account,
credit, and at least 10 new lines of Business Unlimited Edge service
required. If you have cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to
reactivate them first. $35 device connection charge per line due at sale. Up to
$1,000 per line via bill credits; must be active and in good standing to receive
credits; allow 2 bill cycles. May not be combinable with some offers or

See promotion details


Offer available exclusively for T-Mobile for Business customers when you add a
qualifying line. Get access to over 60 million items from thousands of merchants
only available on Business Prime. That’s a $179 value.

Call 855-571-3917 to speak to a Business Expert.

Get Business Prime now

Subscription automatically renews for $179/yr. after first year. Cancel any

See full terms


Limited-time offer; subject to change. New/existing T-Mobile customers with 3+
voice lines who add a new line of service on Business Unlimited Ultimate or Go5G
Business Next/Plus. Register for redemption code with T-Mobile ID within 30 days
of activating qualifying new Voice line; requires 5 days service before
validation; allow 2-3 days from fulfillment of offer requirements. If you have
cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. Max
1/account code at Amazon.com https://business.amazon.com/en/cp/bp/t-mobile;
Business Prime Promotional Terms and Conditions apply (Amazon Business Prime
Account - Promotional Terms & Conditions - Amazon Customer Service). New
Business Prime and existing Duo Business Prime customers qualify. If you do not
cancel your Business Prime Essentials subscription before the 12-month
promotional period ends, you authorize Amazon to charge your credit card $179
plus taxes per year until you cancel your Business Prime subscription. To cancel
your subscription and avoid being charged, you must cancel before the end of the
12-month promotional period. To cancel, go to Amazon Business Prime Membership
Management for Business Accounts - Amazon Customer Service. May not be
combinable with other offers.


Fast, free business delivery.

One-day, same-day, and two-day shipping on millions of items.

Convenient business shipping.

Choose your own “Amazon Day” to get eligible orders delivered at the same time. 

Free survey and analytics tools.

Deploy surveys to customers through email, web, SMS, and more.

5% back or 90-day terms.

Business Prime American Express card members can get cash back or 90 days to pay
interest free.

Spend visibility.

Analyze spending patterns that can help inform your budgeting decisions and
buying policies.

Guided buying.

Create policy rules that guide employees to approved products and help prevent
procurement violations.



Every day, you put your customers first. Now we’re putting you first with a
chance to win $10,000 to help you drive your business forward.

Enter now

No Purchase Necessary. Ends 5p.m. ET 7/10/24. For complete eligibility,
entry/prize/odds see Official Rules. See full terms




Business Unlimited Edge


per line for 6+ lines, $270/mo.

Plus taxes and fees.

Business Unlimited Ultimate


per line for 6+ lines, $240/mo.

Plus taxes and fees.

Business Unlimited Advanced


per line for 6+ lines, $180/mo.

Plus taxes and fees.

Business Unlimited Select


per line for 6+ lines, $150/mo.

Plus taxes and fees.

Learn more

During congestion, Advanced customers using >100GB/mo. May notice reduced speeds
until next bill cycle due to data prioritization; Select customers may notice
speeds lower than other customers and further reduction if using >50GB/mo., due
to data prioritization. Video typically streams on smartphone/tablet at DVD
quality (480p); Ultimate: Activate up to 4K UHD streaming on capable device, or
video typically streams at 480p. 5G: Capable device req'’d; coverage not
available in some areas. Some uses may require certain plan or feature;
see T-Mobile. See full terms




Magenta Status starts on day one, giving you access to premium benefits and
experiences you get just for being a T-Mobile for Business customer.

Learn more



Small and Medium Business customers rated us the best in Cost of Service,
Billing, Customer Service, and Offerings & Promotions. And as the saying goes,
“The customer is always right.”

Let's talk

T-Mobile received the highest score in the small and medium business segments of
the J.D. Power 2023 U.S. Business Wireless Satisfaction Study, which measures
business customers' satisfaction with their wireless provider. Visit
jdpower.com/awards for more details.



Switch to T-Mobile for Business and get iPhone 15 Pro Max On Us when you port-in
on a qualifying plan and trade-in an eligible device. Get unlimited plans, with
business solutions included.

Buy now

During congestion, heavy data users (>50GB/mo. for most plans) and customers
choosing lower-prioritized plans may notice lower speeds than other customers;
see plan for details. Video typically streams on smartphone/tablet in SD
quality. With one-time bill credit(s) and 24 monthly bill credits when you
port-in and trade-in an eligible device on a qualifying plan.

See full terms


Contact us before cancelling account to continue remaining bill credits, or
credits stop & balance on required finance agreement is due: (i.e., $1,199.99 –
iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB). Tax on pre-credit price due at sale. Limited-time
offer; subject to change. Qualifying business account, credit & Unlimited
service (Ultimate or other premium plan), port-in, & trade-in (e.g., $270:
iPhone 14; $170: iPhone 12; $100: iPhone X) required. required. If you have
cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. In
stores & on customer service calls. $35 device connection charge due at sale for
each device. Up to $270 via one-time trade-in credit, $200 via one-time port-in
credit, and $730 via 24 monthly bill credits; must be active and in good
standing to receive credits; allow 2 bill cycles. May not be combinable with
some offers or discounts.


Save on 5G Business Internet from America’s fastest growing internet provider
when paired with a premium voice line.

Learn more

Delivered via 5G cellular network; speeds vary due to factors affecting cellular

See full terms


Savings with $20 monthly bill credit. Limited-time offer; subject to change.
Qualifying credit; Go5G Business Plus, Business Unlimited Ultimate, or
equivalent voice line; and new Business Internet line required. If you have
cancelled Internet lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first.
Credits may take up to 2 bill cycles; credits will stop if you cancel any lines
or change plans. Limit 5/account. May not be combined with some offers or
discounts (e.g., Price Lock); see FAQs at T-Mobile.com/plans. Reliable: Based on
T-Mobile analysis of eligible customer speed data reflecting consistent download
speeds of at least 25 Mbps. Delivered via 5G cellular network; speeds vary due
to factors affecting cellular networks. See T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for
additional details. During congestion, customers on this plan may notice speeds
lower than other customers and further reduction if using >1.2TB/mo., due to
data prioritization. Not available in all areas; addresses may be eligible for
5G or 4G LTE. $35 device connection charge due at sale. Plus taxes & fees for
accounts currently paying for a T-Mobile wireless line with additional taxes &
fees: Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling
$1.40 per data only line ($0.12 for RPF & $1.28 for TRF) apply; taxes/fees
approx. 3-12% of bill. Credit approval required. For use only at location
provided at activation. When included, return gateway undamaged or pay up to
$750. Video streaming resolution depends on available speeds. For best
performance, leave video streaming applications at their default resolution
setting. Not compatible with some live TV streaming services. Coverage not
available in some areas. Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended,
terminated, or restricted for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our
network or ability to provide quality service to other users. See
T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for details. See Terms and Conditions (including
arbitration provision) at www.T-Mobile.com for additional information.



Credit approval, deposit, and, in stores & on customer service calls, $35 device
connection charge due at sale. Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco
Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling $3.49 per voice line ($0.50 for RPF & $2.99 for TRF)
and $1.40 per data only line ($0.12 for RPF & $1.28 for TRF) applies; taxes/fees
approx. 4-38% of bill. AutoPay Pricing for lines 1-5, max discount of $25. May
not be reflected on 1st bill. Select: Capable device required for some features.
Not combinable with certain offers. Switching plans may cause you to lose
current plan/feature benefits; ask a rep for details. Max 6 lines. Plan not
available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Unlimited talk & text
features for direct communications between 2 people; others (e.g., conference &
chat lines, etc.) may cost extra. Some messages, including those over 1MB, use
data and may be unavailable internationally. Unlimited U.S. roaming. High-speed
data is US only. In Canada/Mexico, data is unlimited at up to 128kbps speeds.
Not available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Video streams at
up to 1.5Mbps. Optimization may affect speed of video downloads; does not apply
to video uploads. For best performance, leave any video streaming applications
at their default automatic resolution setting. Tethering 5GB high-speed data
then unlimited on our network at max 3G speeds. For the small fraction of
customers using >50GB/mo., primary data usage must be on smartphone or tablet.
Smartphone/tablet usage is prioritized over Mobile Hotspot (tethering) usage,
which may result in higher speeds for data used on smartphones and tablets.
Advanced: Unlimited U.S. roaming. Unlimited high-speed data US only. In
Canada/Mexico, up to 5GB high-speed data then unlimited at up to 128kbps. Not
available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Video streams at up to
1.5Mbps. Optimization may affect speed of video downloads; does not apply to
video uploads. For best performance, leave any video streaming applications at
their default automatic resolution setting. Microsoft 365: contact us to
activate one M365 Business Basic license ($6/mo. value) while you maintain 1
qualifying Business Unlimited - Advanced line in good standing or two M365
Business Basic licenses ($6/mo. value) while you maintain 2+ lines. Activation
requires access to Marketplace, a T-Mobile service providing access to Ingram
Micro Inc.'s online business-to-business platform for purchasing third-party
products and services. Platform and subscription use subject to applicable
third-party licenses, terms, and conditions, including the Microsoft Customer
Agreement and Marketplace terms and conditions at https://us.cloud.im/legal/.
Tethering: Up to 100GB high-speed data then unlimited on our network at max 3G
speeds. For the small fraction of customers using >100GB/mo., primary data usage
must be on smartphone or tablet. Smartphone usage is prioritized over Mobile
Hotspot (tethering) usage, which may result in higher speeds for data used on
smartphone. Ultimate: Unlimited U.S. roaming. Unlimited high-speed data US only.
In Canada/Mexico, up to 5GB high-speed data then unlimited at up to 256kbps. Not
available for hotspots and some other data-first devices. Capable device
required for some features. Activation required to deliver video streams at
speeds that provide up to Ultra HD video capability (max 4K); some content
providers may not stream their services in UHD. May affect speed of video
downloads; does not apply to video uploads. Microsoft 365: contact us to
activate one M365 Business Basic license ($6/mo. value) for first line and one
M365 Business Standard license ($15/mo. value) for 2+ lines. Activation requires
access to Marketplace, a T-Mobile service providing access to Ingram Micro
Inc.'s online business-to-business platform for purchasing third-party products
and services. Platform and subscription use subject to applicable third-party
licenses, terms, and conditions, in including the Microsoft Customer Agreement
and Marketplace terms and conditions at https://us.cloud.im/legal/. May not be
combined with Netflix On Us, Family Allowances, or content-blocking features;
adding these features will result in immediate cancelation of Marketplace
subscriptions without further notice. Between $6 and $21/mo. value, depending on
line count. Value not redeemable or refundable for cash or credit and may not be
creditable towards other products. Must remain active and in good standing or
licenses terminate and data becomes inaccessible. May take 1-2 bill cycles. Like
all plans, features may change or be discontinued at any time;
see T-Mobile Terms and Conditions at T-Mobile.com for details. All Plans: Int’l
Roaming: Usage may be taxed in some countries. Calls from 215+ countries and
destinations, including over Wi-Fi, are $.20/min. (no charge for Wi-Fi calls to
US, Mexico and Canada); customers on consumer plans (e.g. some sole proprietors)
pay an additional $.05/min. Standard speeds approx. 256Kbps. Not for extended
international use; you must reside in the U.S. and primary usage must occur on
our network. Device must register on our network before international use.
Service may be terminated or restricted for excessive roaming. Coverage not
available in some areas; we are not responsible for our partners’ networks.
Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended, terminated, or restricted
for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our network or ability to provide
quality service to other users, or significant roaming. During congestion, heavy
data users (>50GB/mo. for most plans) and customers choosing lower-prioritized
plans may notice lower speeds than other customers. On-device usage is
prioritized over tethering usage, which may result in higher speeds for data
used on device. See T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for details. See Terms and
Conditions (including arbitration provision) at www.T-Mobile.com for additional



How to get this offer:

 1. Must be a New T-Mobile Customer.
 2. Add 10 or more voice lines on Business Unlimited Edge.
 3. Receive $1000 back via 36 Monthly Bill Credits.

With 36 monthly bill credits for new accounts that add at least 10 lines on
Business Unlimited Edge.

Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying credit, new business account,
and at least 10 new lines of Business Unlimited Edge required. Must be active
and in good standing to receive bill credits; allow 3-4 bill cycles from
fulfillment of offer requirements. If you cancel account before receiving all 36
monthly bill credits, remaining credits will stop. May not be combined with some
offers or discounts. 


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Please use only alphabetical characters, apostrophes, or hyphens.

Phone Number

Please enter a 10- to 14-digit phone number.

Email Address

Please enter a valid email address.

Zip Code

Please enter a five-digit ZIP code.

Company Name

Please enter your company name.


Please enter the number of employees.

What challenges do your business face today? Access to Capital Talent
Acquisition and Retention Digital Transformation Cybersecurity Threats Economic
Uncertainty Affordable Marketing and Advertising Regulatory Compliance

What technologies are you most interested in investing in your business? Cloud
based storage and collaboration services Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
Automation E-Commerce Platforms Mobile Payment Solutions Remote Work Tools
Digital Marketing Strategies Customer Relationship Management Solutions
Cybersecurity Solutions

Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first (Free from max 250

Currently a T-Mobile customer. Yes No

By checking this box, you’re agreeing that we can tell you about future offers.
Don’t worry, you can opt out at any time.*

See full terms


T-Mobile Small Business Sweepstakes





1. Timing: The T-Mobile Small Business Sweepstakes (the “Sweepstakes”) begins on
Wednesday, April 24, 2024, at 8:00 a.m. Pacific Standard Time (“PT”) and ends on
Wednesday, July 10, 2024, at 5 p.m. PT (the “Entry Period”).   

2. Eligibility: The sponsor of this Sweepstakes is T-Mobile USA, Inc.
(“Sponsor”), 12920 SE 38th Street, Bellevue, WA 98006 and the administrator
(“Administrator”) is The Marketing Store, 345 N. Morgan Street, Suite 1000,
Chicago, IL, 60607. The Sweepstakes is open to Eligible Small Businesses (as
defined below) located in the fifty (50) United States, the District of
Columbia, Puerto Rico and U.S. Virgin Islands. Note: Only the owner of a
potential winning business can receive a prize. Employees of an Eligible Small
Business may submit one entry on behalf of the Eligible Small Business, if they
have the Eligible Small Business’s agreement to abide by these Official Rules,
but only one entry per Eligible Small Business will be included in the winner

An “Eligible Small Business” is a validly organized company with 999 or fewer
employees, who has a current business license (if required) in their
jurisdiction of operation; and if a sole proprietorship, filed a “Schedule C”
with the IRS for 2023; and that does not identify as one of the following
business categories or does not engage in any of the following business

 * Tobacco companies
 * Businesses that sell unsafe supplements, weapons, ammunition, explosives,
   adult products, adult services, adult content, surveillance equipment,
   counterfeit goods/documents, unauthorized streaming devices, illegal products
   or services
 * Persons/businesses engaged in professional sweepstakes or contest activity
   for profit
 * Businesses that produce controversial political content
 * Businesses that offer payday or cash advance loans
 * Businesses that use multi-level marketing or pyramid schemes
 * Penny auction companies
 * Spyware or malware companies
 * Businesses that offer prohibited financial products and services
 * Gambling
 * Alcohol

Void where prohibited. Employees, officers or directors of Sponsor and
Administrator   and Sweepstakes fulfillment partners, any entity providing
support for the Sweepstakes and each of their respective parents, affiliates,
subsidiaries, as well as the employees, directors and board members of each
(“Sweepstakes Entities”) are not eligible to enter, and businesses owned by
these individuals are not eligible to receive a prize. Prizes will only be
awarded to eligible business entities 1) in good standing (in Sponsor’s sole
discretion), 2) validly organized under the laws of the applicable state or
territory no later than December 2023, and 3) that meet the above Eligible Small
Business definition. Sponsor makes the final determination as to who is eligible
to take part in the Sweepstakes. By participating, each Eligible Small Business
agrees to abide by these Official Rules and by the decisions of Sponsor, which
are final and binding in all respects. The Sweepstakes is subject to all
applicable federal, state and local laws. U.S. law governs this Sweepstakes. By
entering, you understand that you are providing your business’s information to
Sponsor with the permission of your employer, who agrees to abide by all of the
conditions of these Official Rules and the decisions of Sponsor in all

3. How To Enter:

T-Mobile invites Eligible Small Business to visit
https://www.t-mobile.com/business/small-midsize-business and click the
sweepstakes module on the small business homepage. The CTA will open up a pop-up
form with a form that needs to be completed  with the owner’s first and last
name, business name, phone number, email address,  business ZIP Code,  total
number of employees (1-999). An Eligible Small Business must then  answer the
following questions: 1) Are you a current TMO customer (Y/N); 2)What challenges
does your business face today (drop down to select all that apply) and 3) what
technologies are you most interested in investing in your business (drop down to
select all that apply); Then tell us about a proud moment where you put a
customer first (up to 250 words). 

Once the entry form is completed, submit the entry form (the “Entry Form”).
There is a limit of one entry per Eligible Small Business.   Any prize won by an
Eligible Small Business will be awarded to the owner of the selected winning

4. Conditions of Entry: By entering the Sweepstakes, Eligible Small Business
agrees to provide:

Publicity Release: Provide Sponsor a royalty-free, irrevocable, perpetual,
non-exclusive license to use, reproduce, modify, publish, create derivative
works from and display the business name and likeness in photo or video, in
whole or in part, on a worldwide basis, and to incorporate it into other works,
in any form, media or technology now known or later developed, including for
marketing purposes. If Eligible Small Business is selected as a winner, Eligible
Small Business hereby grants T-Mobile a limited, non-exclusive, non-assignable,
royalty-free license to use and reproduce the Winner’s trademarks and statements
to identify Eligible Small Business as a user of T-Mobile products and services
for the purpose of advertising, marketing or trade. If Sponsor so elects, a
potential prize winner may be required to submit to, and cooperate in, a
confidential background check to confirm eligibility and security requirements
set by the Sponsor to help ensure that the use of any such person in advertising
or publicity for the Sweepstakes will not bring Sponsor into public disrepute,
contempt, scandal or ridicule or reflect unfavorably on the Sweepstakes or the
Sponsor as determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion. Sponsor reserves the
right to refrain from conducting any advertising or publicity associated with a
winner for any reason.

Liability Release: Release, discharge and hold harmless Sponsor, Prize Partner
and their respective parents, affiliates, subsidiaries, retailers, agencies and
all of their respective officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively
“Released Parties”) from any and all liability, claims, judgments, losses,
injuries, demands, damages, actions and/or causes of actions, whether direct or
indirect, which may be due to or arise out of participation in the Sweepstakes.

5. Additional Terms: Sponsor may prohibit an Eligible Small Business (of any of
their employees) from participating in the Sweepstakes if, in its sole
discretion, it determines that said Eligible Small Business is attempting to
undermine the legitimate operation of the Sweepstakes by cheating, hacking,
deception or other unfair practices (including the use of automated quick entry
programs) or intending to annoy, abuse, threaten or harass any other Eligible
Small Business or Sponsor or its agents, or if Eligible Small Business has or
has attempted to submit malicious code, .exe files or any file that contains
malicious code. Each Entry must be manually key stroked by the individual
Eligible Small Business; automated and/or repetitive submissions of entries will
be disqualified.

6.  Prizes and Approximate Retail Values (“ARV”):

Five(5) Grand Prizes: Each verified winner of this prize will receive a check
for $10,000, plus $4,285 that winner can use for taxes or T-Mobile service, in
their sole discretion, Grand Prize ARV: $14,285 each.

Total Number of all Prizes: 5; Total ARV: $71,425.

Odds of Winning: Odds of winning an Entry Period prize depend on the number of
entries received for each Entry Period; Odds of winning a Final Drawing prize
depend on the total number of entries received during the entire Sweepstakes

7.  Winner Selections: 

A random drawing will be conducted  from among all eligible entries received
during the Entry Period. The Administrator will randomly select five potential
prize winners (“Potential Prize Winner”) and approximately fifteen alternate
winners on or about July 17, 2024. 

The Potential Prize Winners will be notified via phone within approximately two
(2) business days following the drawing. If the selected Potential Prize Winner
does not respond to Sponsor within two (2) business days of being notified, is
found to be ineligible or cannot or does not comply with these Official Rules,
such Potential Prize Winner may be disqualified, and an alternate Potential
Prize Winner may be chosen (time permitting), by random drawing from among all
remaining eligible entries received, all as determined by Sponsor in its sole
discretion. The prize, if legitimately claimed, will be awarded. Sponsor will
not be obligated to pursue more than three (3) alternate potential winners (time
permitting) for any reason. Odds of winning the prize depend on the actual
number of eligible entries received during the Promotion Day. Potential Prize
Winner will be subject to verification, which may include a background check and
providing proof of valid business organization and good standing in compliance
with Sweepstakes eligibility requirements.

Businesses that are selected as prize winners will require the owner of the
business to sign a Prize Acceptance Form and provide tax reporting information
(“Prize Documents”).  Prize Documents (in PDF format) will be sent to the
business owner of the potential winning business via DocuSign and the business
owner must complete and return such documents by the deadline specified in the
notification. Noncompliance within any stated time period or return of any
prize/prize notification as undeliverable may result in disqualification without
further notice and an alternate winner may be determined.

8. Prize Conditions. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, each
successful potential winner that receives a prize is responsible for all
federal, state and local taxes and any other taxes associated with award,
acceptance and/or use of the prize.     Prizes are nontransferable, and no
substitution   is allowed, except in Sponsor’s sole discretion.   The Released
Parties, individually and collectively, are not responsible for any injuries or
loss to Eligible Small Business using the prize. Each winner may be issued a
1099 tax form for the actual value of their prize. If a winner does not accept
or use the entire prize, the unaccepted or unused part of the prize will be
forfeited and the Released Parties will have no further obligation with respect
to that prize or portion of the prize. The Released Parties will not replace any
lost, mutilated or stolen prizes or prize elements or any prize elements that
are undeliverable or do not reach the winner because of an incorrect or changed
address or other contact information. Prizes will be mailed (where applicable)
only to the verified winner’s address within the Territory unless Sponsor, in
its sole discretion, agrees otherwise. If Sponsor determines at any time in its
sole discretion that a winner or potential winner is ineligible or in violation
of these Official Rules, Sponsor reserves the right in its sole discretion to
disqualify that person, even if he or she has been notified or announced as a

9. Limitations Of Liability: The Released Parties are not responsible for, and
specifically disclaim any liability for or arising out of, any of the following,
regardless of cause, in connection with the Game: (1) any incorrect or
inaccurate information, whether caused by Eligible Small Business, wireless
carriers, Internet Service Providers (“ISP”) or unauthorized human intervention;
(2) technical difficulties or failures of any kind including, but not limited
to, malfunctions, interruptions or disconnections in transmissions or
connections, phone lines, network hardware or software, computers, equipment,
programming errors, cable, satellite, cellular tower or ISP or wireless
carriers; (3) bugs, viruses, worms, Trojan horses or similar malicious attacks;
(4) typographical, printing, network, mechanical, electronic, technical, human
or other errors or malfunctions; (5) any responsibility and/or liability with
respect to the Sweepstakes and/or the prize (including any property loss,
damage, personal injury or death) in connection with participation in this
Sweepstakes, the offering or announcement of any prize, or the
acceptance/possession, use/misuse and/or defects of the prize awarded herein;
(6) lost, incomplete, late, misdirected, garbled, undelivered, incomplete,
stolen or mutilated transactions, subscriptions or entries, or garbled, lost,
misrouted or scrambled transmissions; or (7) unauthorized human and/or
mechanical intervention in the Sweepstakes or any other part of the
participation process in this Sweepstakes.

10. Release. By entering, Eligible Small Business owner agrees to accept and
abide by the Official Rules of this Sweepstakes. All decisions by Sponsor
regarding this Sweepstakes are final. By entering, Eligible Small Business owner
agrees to be notified using the contact information provided as part of entry by
Sponsor for the purposes of the administration of this Sweepstakes. By entering
and/or accepting a prize, Eligible Small Business owner agrees to release,
defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Released Parties from all injury, loss
or damage to person, including death or property due, in whole or in part,
directly or indirectly, to the acceptance or use/misuse of a prize,
participation in the Sweepstakes and any related activity. Neither Sponsor nor
its affiliates are responsible for any typographical or other error in the
printing of these Official Rules, administration of the Sweepstakes, or in the
announcement or distribution of any prize or prize element. In no event will
more than the stated number of prizes be awarded. In the event Sponsor is
prevented from continuing with this Sweepstakes, or the integrity and/or
feasibility of the Sweepstakes is undermined by any event including, but not
limited to, fire, flood, epidemic, earthquake, explosion, labor dispute or
strike, act of God or public enemy, satellite or equipment failure, riot or
civil disturbance, war (declared or undeclared), terrorist threat or activity,
or any federal, state or local government law, order or regulation, order of any
court or jurisdiction or by other cause not reasonably within Sponsor’s control
(each a “Force Majeure” event), Sponsor shall have the right, in its discretion,
to abbreviate, modify, suspend, cancel or terminate the Sweepstakes without
further obligation. In no event will more than the stated number of prizes be
awarded. If Sponsor, in its sole discretion, elects to abbreviate the
Sweepstakes as a result of a Force Majeure event, Sponsor reserves the right,
but shall have no obligation, to award the prizes from among all valid and
eligible entries received up to the time of such Force Majeure event. All
entries are the property of Sponsor and will not be returned.

11.    Governing Law. By entering, Eligible Small Business agree that all issues
and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and
enforceability of these Official Rules, Small Business’s rights and obligations,
and the rights and obligations of Sponsor and the Released Parties in connection
with the Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with,
the laws of the state of Washington, without giving effect to any choice of law
or conflict of law rules. By entering, Eligible Small Business consent to the
jurisdiction and venue of the federal, state and local courts located in King
County, Washington.

12. Winners List. For a winners list, no later than 60 days after the close of
the Sweepstakes, mail a #10 self-addressed, stamped envelope to Redemption
Center: T-Mobile Small Business Sweepstakes - Winners List Request, 345 N.
Morgan Street, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60607 . Limit one (1) request per outer

13. Privacy Policy: Please see Sponsor’s privacy policy located
at http://www.t-mobile.com/company/website/privacynotice.aspx for details of
Sponsor’s policy regarding the use of personal information collected in
connection with this Sweepstakes. By entering the Sweepstakes, Eligible Small
Business agree that any personal information submitted by Eligible Small
Business may be shared between Sponsor and Administrator for the purposes of
Sweepstakes administration.

14. Sponsor & Administrator: Sponsor: T-Mobile USA, Inc., 12920 SE 38th Street,
Bellevue, WA 98006. All Rights Reserved. Administrator: The Marketing Store
Worldwide, L.P., 345 N. Morgan Street, Suite 1000, Chicago, IL 60607.

© 2024 T-Mobile USA, Inc. All Rights Reserved.


At T-Mobile, we believe in the power of community and the incredible impact that
small businesses can have on local economies. Join us as we showcase the
positive transformation in Moses Lake, thanks to the T-Mobile Hometown Grants

Learn more Play video



Whether you run a one-person show or a large enterprise, you can try America’s
largest and fastest 5G network FREE for 90 days—no strings attached.

Try our network

Non-T-Mobile customers only; 1 trial per user. Compatible unlocked device
required; coverage not available in some areas. Some uses may require certain
plan or feature; see plan for details. Fastest based on median, overall combined
5G speeds according to analysis by Ookla® of Speedtest Intelligence® data for Q4
2023. See 5G device, coverage, & access details at T-Mobile.com.

See full terms


Limited-time offer; subject to change. 5G device req'd to access 5G network.
Data available for 3 monthly cycles for approximately 90 days. During
congestion, customers on this plan using>50GB/mo. may notice reduced speeds
until next monthly cycle due to data prioritization. Video typically streams on
smartphone/tablet in SD quality. Tethering not available. Not for international
use. Active non-T-Mobile service required; your carrier's terms also apply. You
may need to upgrade when you switch to get full coverage. Coverage not available
in some areas. Not for international use. See Network Management
Policies and Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision)
at T-Mobile.com for additional information.

Ready for us to help you with your small business?

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© 2024 T‑Mobile USA, Inc.


Please enter your information below and a T-Mobile® Business Expert will contact

*All fields required.

First name

Last name

Phone number

Work email address

ZIP code

Company name

By checking this box, you’re agreeing that we can tell you about future offers.
Don’t worry, you can opt out at any time.

Thank you.

A T-Mobile Business Expert will contact you to discuss the best options for your
business. Or if you’d like to begin right away, call us at 1-877-347-2127.

ENTER TO WIN $10,000!

Please complete the contest entry form below to be eligible for a chance to win

*All fields required.

First Name

Last Name

Phone Number


Company Name

Number of Employees

Company Zip Code

What challenges do your business face today? Access to Capital Talent
Acquisition and Retention Digital Transformation Cybersecurity Threats Economic
Uncertainty Affordable Marketing and Advertising Regulatory Compliance

What technologies are you most interested in investing in your business? Cloud
based storage and collaboration services Artificial Intelligence (AI) and
Automation E-Commerce Platforms Mobile Payment Solutions Remote Work Tools
Digital Marketing Strategies Customer Relationship Management Solutions
Cybersecurity Solutions

Tell us about a proud moment where you put a customer first


0 of 250 characters entered
Currently a T-Mobile customer.
By checking this box, you’re agreeing that we can tell you about future offers.
Don’t worry, you can opt out at any time.*

See full terms


Thank you.

A T-Mobile Business Expert will contact you to discuss the best options for your
business. Or if you’d like to begin right away, call us at 1-877-347-2127.


Please enter your information below and a T-Mobile® Business Expert will contact


First Name

Please enter your first name

Last Name

Please enter your last name

Phone Number

Please enter your phone number


Please enter your email address

Zip Code

Please enter your zip code

Company Name

Please enter your company name

By checking this box, you’re agreeing that we can tell you about future offers.
Don’t worry, you can opt out at any time.*

Thank you.

A T-Mobile Business Expert will contact you to discuss the best options for your


$1,000 per line credit: Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying
credit, new business account, and at least 10 new lines of Business Unlimited
Edge required. Must be active and in good standing to receive bill credits;
allow 3-4 bill cycles from fulfillment of offer requirements. If you cancel
account before receiving all 36 monthly bill credits, remaining credits will
stop. May not be combined with some offers or discounts. $1,000 device credit
per line: Contact us before cancelling account to continue remaining bill
credits, or credits stop & balance on required finance agreement is due (e.g.,
$1,799.99 – Galaxy Z Fold5 5G 256GB). Tax on pre-credit price due at
sale. Limited-time offer; subject to change. Qualifying new business account,
credit, and at least 10 new lines of Business Unlimited Edge service
required. If you have cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to
reactivate them first. $35 device connection charge per line due at sale. Up to
$1,000 per line via bill credits; must be active and in good standing to receive
credits; allow 2 bill cycles. May not be combinable with some offers or


Limited-time offer; subject to change. New/existing T-Mobile customers with 3+
voice lines who add a new line of service on Business Unlimited Ultimate or Go5G
Business Next/Plus. Register for redemption code with T-Mobile ID within 30 days
of activating qualifying new Voice line; requires 5 days service before
validation; allow 2-3 days from fulfillment of offer requirements. If you have
cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. Max
1/account code at Amazon.com https://business.amazon.com/en/cp/bp/t-mobile;
Business Prime Promotional Terms and Conditions apply (Amazon Business Prime
Account - Promotional Terms & Conditions - Amazon Customer Service). New
Business Prime and existing Duo Business Prime customers qualify. If you do not
cancel your Business Prime Essentials subscription before the 12-month
promotional period ends, you authorize Amazon to charge your credit card $179
plus taxes per year until you cancel your Business Prime subscription. To cancel
your subscription and avoid being charged, you must cancel before the end of the
12-month promotional period. To cancel, go to Amazon Business Prime Membership
Management for Business Accounts - Amazon Customer Service. May not be
combinable with other offers.





Contact us before cancelling account to continue remaining bill credits, or
credits stop & balance on required finance agreement is due: (i.e., $1,199.99 –
iPhone 15 Pro Max 256GB). Tax on pre-credit price due at sale. Limited-time
offer; subject to change. Qualifying business account, credit & Unlimited
service (Ultimate or other premium plan), port-in, & trade-in (e.g., $270:
iPhone 14; $170: iPhone 12; $100: iPhone X) required. required. If you have
cancelled lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first. In
stores & on customer service calls. $35 device connection charge due at sale for
each device. Up to $270 via one-time trade-in credit, $200 via one-time port-in
credit, and $730 via 24 monthly bill credits; must be active and in good
standing to receive credits; allow 2 bill cycles. May not be combinable with
some offers or discounts.


Savings with $20 monthly bill credit. Limited-time offer; subject to change.
Qualifying credit; Go5G Business Plus, Business Unlimited Ultimate, or
equivalent voice line; and new Business Internet line required. If you have
cancelled Internet lines in past 90 days, you may need to reactivate them first.
Credits may take up to 2 bill cycles; credits will stop if you cancel any lines
or change plans. Limit 5/account. May not be combined with some offers or
discounts (e.g., Price Lock); see FAQs at T-Mobile.com/plans. Reliable: Based on
T-Mobile analysis of eligible customer speed data reflecting consistent download
speeds of at least 25 Mbps. Delivered via 5G cellular network; speeds vary due
to factors affecting cellular networks. See T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for
additional details. During congestion, customers on this plan may notice speeds
lower than other customers and further reduction if using >1.2TB/mo., due to
data prioritization. Not available in all areas; addresses may be eligible for
5G or 4G LTE. $35 device connection charge due at sale. Plus taxes & fees for
accounts currently paying for a T-Mobile wireless line with additional taxes &
fees: Monthly Regulatory Programs (RPF) & Telco Recovery Fee (TRF) totaling
$1.40 per data only line ($0.12 for RPF & $1.28 for TRF) apply; taxes/fees
approx. 3-12% of bill. Credit approval required. For use only at location
provided at activation. When included, return gateway undamaged or pay up to
$750. Video streaming resolution depends on available speeds. For best
performance, leave video streaming applications at their default resolution
setting. Not compatible with some live TV streaming services. Coverage not
available in some areas. Network Management: Service may be slowed, suspended,
terminated, or restricted for misuse, abnormal use, interference with our
network or ability to provide quality service to other users. See
T-Mobile.com/OpenInternet for details. See Terms and Conditions (including
arbitration provision) at www.T-Mobile.com for additional information.




Limited-time offer; subject to change. 5G device req'd to access 5G network.
Data available for 3 monthly cycles for approximately 90 days. During
congestion, customers on this plan using>50GB/mo. may notice reduced speeds
until next monthly cycle due to data prioritization. Video typically streams on
smartphone/tablet in SD quality. Tethering not available. Not for international
use. Active non-T-Mobile service required; your carrier's terms also apply. You
may need to upgrade when you switch to get full coverage. Coverage not available
in some areas. Not for international use. See Network Management
Policies and Terms and Conditions (including arbitration provision)
at T-Mobile.com for additional information.


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