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URL: https://drcharlieward.com/the-british-researchers/?utm_content=12718626&utm_medium=Email&utm_name=Id&utm_source=Actionetic...
Submission: On October 19 via api from QA — Scanned from DE

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Category: InterviewsBy Dr Charlie WardJuly 5, 202133 Comments
Tags: British Researchers




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Join The Round Table With Charlie Ward & Graham Hood; Court Bullies,Standing Up
For What Is Right
October 18, 2021
Natural Frequency Band Mass Patch, Waking Up Our Inner Being With Steve 5G &
Charlie Ward
October 16, 2021
Number Sequences, Hollywood,The Big Collapse With Jason Q & Charlie Ward
October 16, 2021
Agenda 2035,Never Surrender,Germ & Terrain Theory With Wendy Smith & Charlie
October 10, 2021
QFS Is Alive & Well,Fiat Currency, A Lot Of Distraction With Simon Parkes &
Charlie Ward
October 10, 2021
Numbers Flying Off The Chart With Tom Numbers & Charlie Ward
October 8, 2021


 1.  Lisa Ray says:
     July 5, 2021 at 1:46 pm
     I keep sharing and sharing how dangerous these vaccines are and know one
     checks it like they looked at it at all.. I think their in a complete coma
     .. All my family except me and my mom have taken the jab and not one has
     texted me or anything about my
     Videos .. It’s just unbelievable! I know they all see my videos because I
     was hacked the other day and tons of people text me “I think you have been
     hacked “ ! But something serious as a deadly jab and they ignore it … OMG!
     My Brother works for the military and was in the military for years and
     calls me a conspiracy theorist… SMH !
     I really thought they all had more brains than they do .. It’s so sad …In
     The End All I Can Say Was I Tried …🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
     * Rob Raskin says:
       July 6, 2021 at 12:52 pm
       At this point, if they can’t hear us, there’s not much more we can say or
       do. So many have either died or been injured, and can still get sick.
       It’s just amazing how many people just do as they are told to do without
       question, even when their very lives are at stake.
     * Ruth says:
       July 7, 2021 at 9:52 pm
       You are by no means alone Lisa. We all have to deal with the heartbreak
       of ignorant people and we are all shocked at their actions. What I see is
       they do not have spiritual awareness. Maybe their contract with the
       planet is over. We cannot be sure. This was in the New Testament, Jesus
       said he would separate the wheat from the chaff. That is the reality we
       are living through right now and it may get more polarized before it is
       over. Stay on your track and hold the highest expectations for them.
     * Nell Pursey says:
       July 8, 2021 at 8:37 am
       Military not smart are they? Pretty dumb, what fools and how foolish they
       will all look when the Covid lies all come out like a tsunami, and the
       truth dawns on them of their greatest blunder they ever made. Too late
       then, they will owe us a massive apology.
     * Robyn Acarino says:
       July 8, 2021 at 7:17 pm
       I have the same problem here. 2 of my 3 daughters took the jab with their
       husbands & they get angry with me when I send them videos or articles
       from Drs & scientists about how bad & poisonous the jabs are. I am @ wits
     * Souls Unus says:
       July 10, 2021 at 9:30 am
       Our Lord revealed to a priest who was praying for a remedy for all those
       who took the shot, that God allowing folks to take this shot and die is a
       great mercy. He told him that those who so easily lined up and took this
       experimental shot or took it under peer pressure are the ones who would
       just as easily accept the Mark of the Beast and lose their souls. By
       having all these weaker members of humanity removed before the real
       trials come, is a mercy on them. They can die in Gods grace and see
       heaven. Had they accepted the Mark of the Beast, they would have lost
       their souls. So this evil injection has been allowed by Our Lord to take
       home the weak now, so they do not lose their souls later.
     * Alysia says:
       July 11, 2021 at 4:24 pm
       hey Lisa I hear you. same boat, same rocky ride. thats true, all you can
       say is you tried, but if you had not tried, in the end you would have
       beat yourself for not trying. so you can’t know if you planted a seed
       somewhere, you can’t know if it germinated. you planted it. now it’s up
       to God
     * Dawn says:
       July 12, 2021 at 12:22 pm
       You are not alone! My in-laws as well!
 2.  Bruce Volk says:
     July 5, 2021 at 1:56 pm
     We are witnessing evil in its true form here.
     * Nell Pursey says:
       July 8, 2021 at 8:37 am
       Absolutely 100%. Wish there was a LIKE button
 3.  James says:
     July 5, 2021 at 4:40 pm
     I’m guessing the BBC ,The Guardian and all the other useless UK media won’t
     be reporting this….
     * Christine says:
       July 6, 2021 at 3:14 am
       Exactly why aren’t they putting it on news it’s annoying people need to
       know. 👍
     * Sonya Porter says:
       July 13, 2021 at 1:35 pm
       Charlie: I want to contact my MP (in England) about this but first, could
       you let me know the names and levels of education of these British
       Researchers? And who exactly is Pearson Sharp. If I don’t include these
       details in my email, I know he won’t even consider it!
 4.  Cici F. says:
     July 5, 2021 at 7:41 pm
     Charlie….that was an amazing post. I went to OAN’s facebook page. I
     couldn’t find it. I had to put the name of the reporter in the search
     window at OAN. Then shazam! I found the video. I hope this is helpful to
     * Mary says:
       July 10, 2021 at 9:03 pm
       Thanks for letting others know to put name of reporter in searching OAN
       to read this article
       Evil versus good
       Only one son and his family have gotten the “jabs” he now has serious ear
       infection and hearing loss
       Pray pray that people will listen and not get jabbed with this germ
 5.  La says:
     July 5, 2021 at 7:48 pm
     If the government was for its people it would stop this experimental jab
     immediately, not have an emergency meeting. Nuremberg Nuremberg Nuremberg
 6.  Dr Guy Leven-Torres (Agricola) says:
     July 5, 2021 at 8:35 pm
     Many thanks Dr Ward. Passed on!
     By the way I know about “Plausible denial”…..
     Keep up the good work.
 7.  U & A says:
     July 5, 2021 at 8:48 pm
     I pray you are successful in the UK. From an American friend.
 8.  Lynn Cuthbert says:
     July 5, 2021 at 9:05 pm
     This was planned… And how many were in on it. This is war!! It was
     weaponised to kill and Mame as many as possible. Truly shameful. A very
     dark end to Medicine. Med Beds will be their downfall.
     * Nell Pursey says:
       July 8, 2021 at 8:41 am
       I am replying to all on here who are obviously awake. Yes this traitor
       Boris Govt has attacked us innocent and largely 99% healthy people using
       a bio-chemical Trojan Horse to control us all and further the evil
       Globalists diabolical NWO Great Reset Agenda. For that heinous and
       unforgivable crime against humanity they musy PAY!
 9.  Monica says:
     July 5, 2021 at 11:16 pm
     I can’t believe it has taken this long. Greatest crime against humanity
 10. Jackie Catlin says:
     July 6, 2021 at 12:34 am
     At last doctors in the UK are coming forward, it’s taken them too long in
     my opinion. I doubt that any of our mainstream media will put this on the
     news though, they are still pumping out Covid infection data and people
     like the Scottish first minister Nicola Sturgeon faking being given the
     vaccine and encouraging people to get it.
 11. Aytul Dervish says:
     July 6, 2021 at 2:52 am
     I have the same problem with my kids who call me conspiracy. I took the 1st
     dose of astrazenica due to work saying not to be stupid that it’s like one
     in a million and now 3 months down the line still off work with partial
     sight loss and getting harassed from work why I’m not returning back
     threatening my job as I’m a bus driver . There’s no help and no doctor or
     hospital will acknowledge my side affects putting blame on other things
     that might have contributed to my partial eye loss when I’m fully aware it
     was the vaccine and have refused the 2nd dose , so please never take it or
     be harassed to do so they are evil people.
     * Aytul Dervish says:
       July 6, 2021 at 2:53 am
       I’m from United Kingdom
     * Nell Pursey says:
       July 8, 2021 at 8:44 am
       Which part of country pleae and which Bus Company? You should sue for
       medical negligence although I know all medical lawyers not taking cases
       against Govt as all been bought and bribed! Grrrrr!
 12. ajammes says:
     July 6, 2021 at 3:20 am
     Government talking about making the vaccine mandatory in France – for
     health care workers first. Then generally in the population, so as to
     prevent access to many usual places and make life difficult. Or impossible.
     Supermarkets, I heard… And we live in a democracy?
 13. ajammes says:
     July 6, 2021 at 3:20 am
     Government talking about making the vaccine mandatory in France – for
     health care workers first. Then generally in the population, so as to
     prevent access to many usual places and make life difficult. Or impossible.
     Supermarkets, I heard… And we live in a democracy?
 14. rachel469 says:
     July 6, 2021 at 6:21 am
     I would pass this on to the one member of my family who has not yet taken
     the vax but I will just get ignored. We are going to have to bury all these
     people it is going to be horrific. This will be the last summer for
     millions and they don’t even know it (bitchute.com) if you have a strong
     stomach watch this video. Glad to see that report on the news but it is too
     little too late.
 15. Alysia Mcalister says:
     July 6, 2021 at 1:22 pm
     thank u Charlie for your website. I am kicked off FB for being too vocal on
     this subject. I have lost good friends to the vaccine and people think I’m
     into conspiracy because thats the way it’s all set up. its a depopulation
     agenda by the globalist so they can balance the budget and keep seniors SS.
     who would ever think that there would be born people who would decide who
     can live and who must die? but yet it’s always been that humans kill each
     other, but ground wars are different then this kind of kill, subtle and
     slow, perhaps over years, but as deadly as a bullet. and the denial of God
     working in our lives is also in the mix of evil. I will keep sharing on
     Gab. we have freedom to express and share over there, but FB is corrupted
 16. Eileen Wilkinson says:
     July 6, 2021 at 11:11 pm
     Thank you so very much.
 17. Marilyn Mangione says:
     July 7, 2021 at 4:04 am
     approx 46% of Australians, are saying “will wait and see what happens” or
     “I am not having it” , I pray to God, that they do not have the vaccine.
     People tell me I am a conspiracy theorist. I no longer put myself in the
     line of fire. The information is out there, if people want to look. Sounds
     hard, but I am looking after myself first. May The Love of The Lord Jesus
     Christ touch you all.
 18. Madeleine Donaldson says:
     July 11, 2021 at 2:38 am
     Many Doctors and Nurses and Scientists have tried to warn people about
     this. Some lost their life, others lost their jobs, others were falsely
     incarcerated to shut them up.
     Nuremberg trials are under way and I sincerely hope all who signed in on
     this fraud and genocide against humanity are brought to book! That includes
     World Leaders
 19. Stuart Finlay says:
     July 16, 2021 at 7:42 pm
     As a Medical Practitioner in North Queensland am quit shocked at the lack
     of research into the vaccine many of my doctor and nursing colleagues have
     done prior to their getting the shots.
     Stuart Finlay


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