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<form id="quiz-49705" class="quiz" action="https://www.techsmith.com/product-quiz-results.html" method="get" style="display: none;">
  <p class="quiz-status" role="status">Question <span class="counter">1</span> of <span class="total">4</span></p>
  <fieldset id="primary-audience" class="sr-only">
    <legend>Who is the <span class="big-underline">primary audience</span> for your content? Choose one.</legend>
    <div class="answers four">
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer1" aria-describedby="desc-answer1">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer1" name="Primary Audience" value="Colleagues at My Workplace" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="primary-audience-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/internal-operations.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/internal-operations.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/internal-operations-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer1"><span>Colleagues at My Workplace</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer1">Employees and colleagues at my company</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer2" aria-describedby="desc-answer2">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer2" name="Primary Audience" value="Government or Non-Profit Colleagues" aria-describedby="primary-audience-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/government-or-non-profit.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/government-or-non-profit.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/government-or-non-profit-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer2"><span>Government or Non-Profit Colleagues</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer2">Employees and colleagues at a government agency or nonprofit organization</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer3" aria-describedby="desc-answer3">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer3" name="Primary Audience" value="External Customers or Clients" aria-describedby="primary-audience-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/external-customers.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/external-customers.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/external-customers-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer3"><span>External Customers or Clients</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer3">Customers, partners, or other external stakeholders</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer4" aria-describedby="desc-answer4">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer4" name="Primary Audience" value="Students, Faculty, or Administrators" aria-describedby="primary-audience-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/students.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/students.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/students-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer4"><span>Students, Faculty, or Administrators</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer4">Students, faculty, administrators, or other individuals at an educational institution</span>
    <div class="footer">
      <p id="primary-audience-status" class="validation-message" data-error-text="Please make a selection."></p>
      <button type="button" class="btn btn-white btn-rounded next">Next</button>
  <fieldset id="type-of-content" class="sr-only">
    <legend>What are you <span class="big-underline">looking to accomplish</span>? Choose all that apply.</legend>
    <div class="answers five">
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer5" aria-describedby="desc-answer5">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" id="answer5" name="Type of Content" value="Provide detailed feedback" aria-describedby="type-of-content-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/detailed-feedback.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/detailed-feedback.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/detailed-feedback-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer5"><span>Provide detailed feedback</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer5">Clearly convey feedback, ideas, and information with screenshots and short video messages</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer6" aria-describedby="desc-answer6">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" id="answer6" name="Type of Content" value="Enhance emails and instant messages" aria-describedby="type-of-content-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/quick-everyday-communications.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/quick-everyday-communications.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/quick-everyday-communications-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer6"><span>Enhance emails and instant messages</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer6">Use screenshots or short videos to get to the point quicker in emails and instant messages</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer7" aria-describedby="desc-answer7">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" id="answer7" name="Type of Content" value="Train, teach, or educate" aria-describedby="type-of-content-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/training-materials.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/training-materials.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/training-materials-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer7"><span>Train, teach, or educate</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer7">Create videos for training, tutorials, or lessons</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer8" aria-describedby="desc-answer8">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" id="answer8" name="Type of Content" value="Connect with customers" aria-describedby="type-of-content-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/marketing-or-sales.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/marketing-or-sales.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/marketing-or-sales-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer8"><span>Connect with customers</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer8">Create videos for marketing or sales demonstrations</span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer9" aria-describedby="desc-answer9">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="checkbox" id="answer9" name="Type of Content" value="Create Documentation" aria-describedby="type-of-content-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/documentation.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/documentation.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/documentation-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer9"><span>Create Documentation</span></span>
        <span class="answer-desc" id="desc-answer9">Make evergreen image and text-based documentation, reference materials, and step-by-step how-tos</span>
    <div class="footer">
      <p id="type-of-content-status" class="validation-message" data-error-text="Please make a selection."></p>
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  <fieldset id="most-important-aspect" class="sr-only">
    <legend>What is <span class="big-underline">most important</span> to you? Choose one.</legend>
    <div class="answers four">
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer10">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer10" name="Most Important Aspect" value="Time to finished piece" aria-describedby="most-important-aspect-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/time-to-finished-piece.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/time-to-finished-piece.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/time-to-finished-piece-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer10"><span>Time to finished piece</span></span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer11">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer11" name="Most Important Aspect" value="Polished, professional look" aria-describedby="most-important-aspect-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/polished-professional-look.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/polished-professional-look.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/polished-professional-look-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer11"><span>Polished, professional look</span></span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer12">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer12" name="Most Important Aspect" value="Longevity of content use" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="most-important-aspect-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/longevity-of-content-use.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/longevity-of-content-use.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/longevity-of-content-use-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer12"><span>Longevity of content use</span></span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer13">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer13" name="Most Important Aspect" value="All of these are important" aria-describedby="most-important-aspect-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/all-of-these-are-important.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/all-of-these-are-important.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/all-of-these-are-important-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true"
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer13"><span>All of these are important to me / us</span></span>
    <div class="footer">
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  <fieldset id="how-many-people" class="sr-only">
    <legend>Last question! <span class="big-underline">How many people</span> will be creating content? Choose one.</legend>
    <div class="answers three">
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer14">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer14" name="How Many People" value="Myself" required="" aria-required="true" aria-describedby="how-many-people-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/myself.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/myself.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/myself-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer14"><span>Myself</span></span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer15">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer15" name="How Many People" value="Team or Department" aria-describedby="how-many-people-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/team-or-department.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/team-or-department.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/team-or-department.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer15"><span>Team/Department</span></span>
      <label class="answer" aria-labelledby="label-answer16">
        <input class="sr-only" autocomplete="off" type="radio" id="answer16" name="How Many People" value="Entire organization" aria-describedby="how-many-people-status">
        <span class="img-frame">
          <img src="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/entire-organization.png"
            srcset="https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/entire-organization.png 1x, https://assets.techsmith.com/Images/content/mkt-product-quiz/entire-organization-2x.png 2x" alt="" aria-hidden="true" role="presentation">
        <span class="answer-title" id="label-answer16"><span>Entire organization</span></span>
    <div class="footer">
      <p id="how-many-people-status" class="validation-message" data-error-text="Please make a selection."></p>
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Question 1 of 4

Who is the primary audience for your content? Choose one.
Colleagues at My Workplace Employees and colleagues at my company Government or
Non-Profit Colleagues Employees and colleagues at a government agency or
nonprofit organization External Customers or Clients Customers, partners, or
other external stakeholders Students, Faculty, or Administrators Students,
faculty, administrators, or other individuals at an educational institution

What are you looking to accomplish? Choose all that apply.
Provide detailed feedback Clearly convey feedback, ideas, and information with
screenshots and short video messages Enhance emails and instant messages Use
screenshots or short videos to get to the point quicker in emails and instant
messages Train, teach, or educate Create videos for training, tutorials, or
lessons Connect with customers Create videos for marketing or sales
demonstrations Create Documentation Make evergreen image and text-based
documentation, reference materials, and step-by-step how-tos

Previous Next
What is most important to you? Choose one.
Time to finished piece Polished, professional look Longevity of content use All
of these are important to me / us

Previous Next
Last question! How many people will be creating content? Choose one.
Myself Team/Department Entire organization



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Screen recorder & video editor

Record anything on your computer screen. Drag and drop text and callouts, add
transitions, and do so much more with the built-in video editor — then, share!

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Customer Training and Onboarding

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Employee Training

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