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Submission: On December 06 via manual from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

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Information appearing on Clear1 has been prepared for informational purposes,
and market prices shown should only be used as a general guide to market value,
which may vary from actual liquidation value. This display of information has
been prepared from data believed to be reliable, but no representation is being
made as to its accuracy or completeness, and in addition not all product
providers provide account data. Since the cost basis on certain securities may
have been provided by another source, the cost basis information in Clear1 may
not reflect accurate data or correspond to data on your trade confirmations.
This information should not be relied upon for tax reporting purposes nor does
it replace the statements you should receive directly from Pershing and/or
product providers, as applicable. We believe the sources to be reliable, however
the accuracy and completeness of the information is not guaranteed. In the event
of a discrepancy, the sponsor's valuation shall prevail. The source data for
accounts may be provided by the following third party providers: DST FAN Mail,
Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), DAZL, Pershing or other data

For additional information, please visit our website:

Contents Copyright © 1998–2021 CUSO Financial Services, LP/Sorrento Pacific
Financial, LLC.

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