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We use cookies to help you navigate efficiently and perform certain functions.
You will find detailed information about all cookies under each consent category

The cookies that are categorized as "Necessary" are stored on your browser as
they are essential for enabling the basic functionalities of the site. ... Show

NecessaryAlways Active

Necessary cookies are required to enable the basic features of this site, such
as providing secure log-in or adjusting your consent preferences. These cookies
do not store any personally identifiable data.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   CookieYes sets this cookie to remember users' consent preferences so that
   their preferences are respected on subsequent visits to this site. It does
   not collect or store any personal information about the site visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   Google Recaptcha service sets this cookie to identify bots to protect the
   website against malicious spam attacks.


Functional cookies help perform certain functionalities like sharing the content
of the website on social media platforms, collecting feedback, and other
third-party features.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   WordPress multilingual plugin sets this cookie to store the current
   language/language settings.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Posts View Counter set this cookie to ensure accurate view counts on each

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Cloudflare set the cookie to support Cloudflare Bot Management.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets the lidc cookie to facilitate data center selection.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Hotjar sets this cookie to detect a user's first pageview session, which is a
   True/False flag set by the cookie.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie for LinkedIn Ads ID syncing.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   5 months 27 days
 * Description
   Linkedin set this cookie for storing visitor's consent regarding using
   cookies for non-essential purposes.


Analytical cookies are used to understand how visitors interact with the
website. These cookies help provide information on metrics such as the number of
visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to calculate visitor, session and campaign
   data and track site usage for the site's analytics report. The cookie stores
   information anonymously and assigns a randomly generated number to recognise
   unique visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store information on how visitors use a
   website while also creating an analytics report of the website's performance.
   Some of the collected data includes the number of visitors, their source, and
   the pages they visit anonymously.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 minute
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store a unique user ID.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   14 days
 * Description
   Cookie set by G2 to store the visitor’s navigation by recording the landing
   pages. This allows the website to present products and indicate the
   efficiency of the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Linkedin sets this cookie to registers statistical data on users' behaviour
   on the website for internal analytics.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   Hotjar sets this cookie to ensure data from subsequent visits to the same
   site is attributed to the same user ID, which persists in the Hotjar User ID,
   which is unique to that site.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Hotjar sets this cookie to identify a new user’s first session. It stores the
   true/false value, indicating whether it was the first time Hotjar saw this

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   30 minutes
 * Description
   Hotjar sets this cookie to ensure data from subsequent visits to the same
   site is attributed to the same user ID, which persists in the Hotjar User ID,
   which is unique to that site.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Facebook sets this cookie to display advertisements when either on Facebook
   or on a digital platform powered by Facebook advertising after visiting the

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 month
 * Description
   Linkedin set this cookie to store information about the time a sync took
   place with the lms_analytics cookie.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   Microsoft Clarity set this cookie to store information about how visitors
   interact with the website. The cookie helps to provide an analysis report.
   The data collection includes the number of visitors, where they visit the
   website, and the pages visited.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   Microsoft Clarity sets this cookie to retain the browser's Clarity User ID
   and settings exclusive to that website. This guarantees that actions taken
   during subsequent visits to the same website will be linked to the same user

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Microsoft Clarity sets this cookie to store and consolidate a user's
   pageviews into a single session recording.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Google Tag Manager sets the cookie to experiment advertisement efficiency of
   websites using their services.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 minute
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie for user behaviour tracking.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Google Analytics sets this cookie to store and count page views.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
 * Description
   Microsoft Clarity cookie set this cookie for synchronizing the MUID across
   Microsoft domains.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   7 days
 * Description
   This cookie, set by Bing, is used to collect user information for analytics


Performance cookies are used to understand and analyze the key performance
indexes of the website which helps in delivering a better user experience for
the visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Used by Microsoft Advertising as a unique ID for visitors.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 day
 * Description
   Bing Ads sets this cookie to engage with a user that has previously visited
   the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Bing Ads sets this cookie to engage with a user that has previously visited
   the website.


Advertisement cookies are used to provide visitors with customized
advertisements based on the pages you visited previously and to analyze the
effectiveness of the ad campaigns.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Twitter sets this cookie to collect user behaviour and interaction data to
   optimize the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Twitter sets this cookie to identify and track the website visitor.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Twitter sets this cookie to identify and track the website visitor.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Twitter sets this cookie to integrate and share features for social media and
   also store information about how the user uses the website, for tracking and

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 1 month 4 days
 * Description
   Twitter sets this cookie to identify and track the website visitor. It
   registers if a user is signed in to the Twitter platform and collects
   information about ad preferences.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie to collect user behaviour data to optimise the
   website and make advertisements on the website more relevant.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie from LinkedIn share buttons and ad tags to
   recognize browser IDs.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year
 * Description
   LinkedIn sets this cookie to store performed actions on the website.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   15 minutes
 * Description
   doubleclick.net sets this cookie to determine if the user's browser supports

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Google DoubleClick IDE cookies store information about how the user uses the
   website to present them with relevant ads according to the user profile.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   1 year 24 days
 * Description
   Bing sets this cookie to recognise unique web browsers visiting Microsoft
   sites. This cookie is used for advertising, site analytics, and other

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   10 minutes
 * Description
   The ANONCHK cookie, set by Bing, is used to store a user's session ID and
   verify ads' clicks on the Bing search engine. The cookie helps in reporting
   and personalization as well.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   3 months
 * Description
   Facebook sets this cookie to show relevant advertisements by tracking user
   behaviour across the web, on sites with Facebook pixel or Facebook social


Other uncategorized cookies are those that are being analyzed and have not been
classified into a category as yet.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   9 months 26 days
 * Description
   No description available.

 * Cookie
 * Duration
   2 minutes
 * Description
   Description is currently not available.

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Powered by
Identity Fraud Report for the Crypto Industry 2023 Get the report
Identity Verification (KYC)
Onboard new users remotely
Business Onboarding (KYB)
Onboard business clients remotely
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Manage your customer data from a centralized hub
Transaction Monitoring (KYT)
Take care of transaction monitoring with our partners
Due Diligence
PEP, sanctions and adverse media checks
Streamline returning user’s journeys
Virtual Branch
Interact with clients remotely
AML Software
Cover all AML compliance needs
Automated Identity Verification
Photo-based IDV
Assisted Identity Verification
Video-based IDV
Manual Identity Verification
Via manual data submissions
NFC Identity Verification
NFC-based Identity Verification
Automated Business Onboarding
Photo-based business verification
Assisted Business Onboarding
Video-based business verification
Manual Business Onboarding
Via manual data submissions
E-Signature Authentication
Confirm identity via e-signature
Secure Remote Meetings
Safe online conferencing
Biometric Authentication
Facial biometrics scan
Age Verification System
Document-free age authentication
SMS Signature
Sign docs via SMS
Sanctions Screening and Monitoring
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Ondato SaaS-based solutions offer KYC compliance processes from an identity
verification service and business onboarding to the entire client lifecycle and
user-based management.
Get a free demo

Trusted by Companies Worldwide


Ondato OS is a pioneering KYC compliance platform that incorporates all the
necessary Know-Your-Customer (KYC) and Anti-Money Laundering (AML) tools and
digital identity services for safe client identity verification, AML screening,
and lifecycle management.
Get a free demo
 * Cut KYC-Related Business Costs up to 90%
 * Simplify Your Internal Processes and Save Time
 * Set Your Rules from Onboarding to Lifecycle Management
 * Stay Up-To-Date Regardless of Your Location or Regulatory Changes
 * Enable Identity Fraud Prevention


Streamline returning user’s journeys
Virtual Branch
Interact with clients remotely
Transaction Monitoring (KYT)
Take care of transaction monitoring with our partners
Age Verification
Document-free age verification
Due Diligence
PEP, sanctions and adverse media checks
Identity Verification
Onboard new users remotely
Know Your Business (KYB) Compliance
Onboard business clients remotely
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Manage your customer data from a centralized hub
Streamline returning user’s journeys
Virtual Branch
Interact with clients remotely
Transaction Monitoring (KYT)
Take care of transaction monitoring with our partners
Age Verification
Document-free age verification
Due Diligence
PEP, sanctions and adverse media checks
Identity Verification
Onboard new users remotely
Know Your Business (KYB) Compliance
Onboard business clients remotely
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Manage your customer data from a centralized hub
Streamline returning user’s journeys
Virtual Branch
Interact with clients remotely


Learn more about security

Turn Your Compliance OS

Get in touch


Ondato's user-friendly identity verification solution is an essential tool for
our business. Their robust security measures ensure our processes are AML
compliant while keeping us and our customers secure. Ondato makes fraud
prevention easy and allows us to streamline our onboarding process.
Crypto industry
Working with Ondato's onboarding and screening product has been a game changer
for our organization's AML compliance. The successful cooperation not only
enhanced our compliance process but also lowered the costs, improved the quality
and speed of the Player's onboarding, and saved time operationally. The
cooperation with Ondato's Team is something that has them stand out from their
competitors, their high-level of responsiveness and solution-oriented mindset in
challenging tasks is a real strong suite.
Ondato has aligned perfectly with our priorities, responding rapidly and
iterating on their offering to help us achieve our desired delivery. Through
direct collaboration and problem-solving, we have formed a mutually beneficial
partnership that has improved integration and allowed us to become a
digital-first telco provider in the MENA region. With Ondato’s support, we now
offer fully online experiences and have established world-leading registration.
Their expertise and commitment make them highly recommended for seamless
integration and digital transformation.
Ondato is a trusted and valued business partner. Their market leading age and
identity verification technology is a key element of OnlyFans safety controls.
We enjoy the close working relationship we have with their team and we know that
they value our feedback and reflect this in their product roadmap.
Internet content subscription services
We take our clients' experience and privacy very seriously, which is why we
chose and continue to work with Ondato. We wanted an efficient identity
verification solution, and that is exactly what we got. The client onboarding
process we now employ is quick, accurate and easy to understand.
The Ondato KYC solution is a fantastic tool that we always rely on! It
simplifies the client onboarding process and lowers our operational costs. The
team is quick to respond and eager to hear any concerns or suggestions. Also,
they update their tools frequently, so you're always satisfied with their
quality of service. We're happy to partner with a great organisation that goes
above and beyond for its clients.
Mindaugas Gaulia
Head of Compliance at kevin.
As fully digital bank for SMEs, we have been working with Ondato since the
beginning. We are happy to have a reliable and professional partner for our
client’s identification services and bank customer on-boarding journey. Ondato
enables us to provide fast and seamless application process for EU member
citizens and services to our clients.
SME Bank
Banking industry
Secure identity check, verification and onboarding is one of the cornerstones
for digital services and society in general, during the Lighthouse program
Ondato has shown their excellence in developing a real solution tackling this
Banking industry
Ondato KYC solution allowed us to simplify the client’s onboarding process and
reduced our operational costs. It was the simplest and fastest integration that
we have ever seen, thanks to advising and to the great support of Ondato team.
General Financing
Banking industry
As a specialized online loan bank operating exclusively on the Internet, Ondato
has enabled us to work with clients who do not have qualified e. signatures and
this has helped us to significantly expand the customer base, increase sales and
fulfill its vision of a full-digital bank without paper documents.
Fjord Bank
Banking industry
We started to cooperate with Ondato three years ago. We needed an easy to
integrate one-stop-shop solution in order to evaluate customers financial
information. Budget and timing were very strict, and they just nailed it.
Loan services
Personal data is a core area we work with, so we had three main requirements
from Ondato - bank-level security, compliance with GDPR and other international
data protection laws and global database coverage. We have got ourselves a very
convenient and tailor-made solution.
Financial services
By taking advantage of good feedback and working their a***s off, The team at
Ondato has made big strides in a short time period. They were able to transition
from a fairly basic consumer facing product to a complex business solution that
is of high interest to financial institutions and global payments companies.
NFT ventures
Financial services
As a leading Lithuanian crowdfunding platform that connects investors with
borrowers seeking financing for their real estate development projects, we have
been working with Ondato for their identification services and customer
onboarding journey. Ondato has allowed us to simplify the client onboarding
process and reduce operational costs thanks to its simple and fast integration.
For these reasons, we are delighted to be business partners with Ondato.
For years, Ondato's automatic identification confirmation has been a reliable
and efficient solution to ensure our services' security. Besides that, we
appreciate their quick response to our needs and willingness to make
improvements or upgrades when necessary. They are also very prompt in resolving
any issues that may arise.
Sharing economy
Ondato's user-friendly identity verification solution is an essential tool for
our business. Their robust security measures ensure our processes are AML
compliant while keeping us and our customers secure. Ondato makes fraud
prevention easy and allows us to streamline our onboarding process.
Crypto industry
Working with Ondato's onboarding and screening product has been a game changer
for our organization's AML compliance. The successful cooperation not only
enhanced our compliance process but also lowered the costs, improved the quality
and speed of the Player's onboarding, and saved time operationally. The
cooperation with Ondato's Team is something that has them stand out from their
competitors, their high-level of responsiveness and solution-oriented mindset in
challenging tasks is a real strong suite.
Ondato has aligned perfectly with our priorities, responding rapidly and
iterating on their offering to help us achieve our desired delivery. Through
direct collaboration and problem-solving, we have formed a mutually beneficial
partnership that has improved integration and allowed us to become a
digital-first telco provider in the MENA region. With Ondato’s support, we now
offer fully online experiences and have established world-leading registration.
Their expertise and commitment make them highly recommended for seamless
integration and digital transformation.
Ondato is a trusted and valued business partner. Their market leading age and
identity verification technology is a key element of OnlyFans safety controls.
We enjoy the close working relationship we have with their team and we know that
they value our feedback and reflect this in their product roadmap.
Internet content subscription services



Let Our eKYC Platform Speak for Itself – Take It for a Spin!
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60 sec.
Average Onboarding Time
Global AML Sources
Documents Supported
Average Pass Rate


Adult Content
Financial Services
Sharing Economy
Adult Content
Financial Services
Sharing Economy
Adult Content


Use our wide array of identity verification services to issue sim cards and
allow users necessary access to the needed data. Even when dealing with business
entities, keep your approach flexible and result-oriented for a seamless
customer experience and fraud prevention.
Get a free demo Case studies


Ensure that the adult content is accessed only by those of legal age. Our
advanced digital identity detection tools like biometric age detection confirm
that genuine customers meet the entry bar and set firm boundaries while keeping
the customer experience seamless.
Get a free demo Case studies


Better supervision of your user base with added barriers to minors. Use our
authentication solutions with returning users and verify the identity of new
ones easily with AI-driven checks and document verification.
Get a free demo Case studies


Know your clientele remotely and attend to all legal matters without the shadow
of a doubt. Perform required screening procedures and document verification
checks, prevent fraud and identity theft, and jump straight into the business
without any delays.
Get a free demo Case studies


Regulators are constantly demanding more transparency and accountability from
businesses. Our KYC for cryptocurrency identity verification solution will allow
you to provide a seamless onboarding process to your customers, and remain
compliant at no expense to their privacy.
Get a free demo Case studies


We provide our solutions for financial services, looking into ways to streamline
their KYB/KYC identity verification procedures. A one tool unified dashboard
with customisable modules allows freedom and makes staying in line with the
latest AML developments easier to manage.
Get a free demo Case studies


Onboard new users and know everything you need about them, whether it's a
natural or business entity. Stay in the know with modern tools that will be easy
to use and provide you with all required information for identity verification
and fraud detection.
Get a free demo Case studies


Sharing economy services are founded on trust between all involved parties.
Ondato is helping you take extra precautions with sophisticated tools for KYC.
Ensure that each new user meets your set entry criteria, provides all required
identity documents, and has a transparent chain of accountability.
Get a free demo Case studies


Use our wide array of identity verification services to issue sim cards and
allow users necessary access to the needed data. Even when dealing with business
entities, keep your approach flexible and result-oriented for a seamless
customer experience and fraud prevention.
Get a free demo Case studies


Ensure that the adult content is accessed only by those of legal age. Our
advanced digital identity detection tools like biometric age detection confirm
that genuine customers meet the entry bar and set firm boundaries while keeping
the customer experience seamless.
Get a free demo Case studies


Better supervision of your user base with added barriers to minors. Use our
authentication solutions with returning users and verify the identity of new
ones easily with AI-driven checks and document verification.
Get a free demo Case studies


Know your clientele remotely and attend to all legal matters without the shadow
of a doubt. Perform required screening procedures and document verification
checks, prevent fraud and identity theft, and jump straight into the business
without any delays.
Get a free demo Case studies


Regulators are constantly demanding more transparency and accountability from
businesses. Our KYC for cryptocurrency identity verification solution will allow
you to provide a seamless onboarding process to your customers, and remain
compliant at no expense to their privacy.
Get a free demo Case studies


We provide our solutions for financial services, looking into ways to streamline
their KYB/KYC identity verification procedures. A one tool unified dashboard
with customisable modules allows freedom and makes staying in line with the
latest AML developments easier to manage.
Get a free demo Case studies


Onboard new users and know everything you need about them, whether it's a
natural or business entity. Stay in the know with modern tools that will be easy
to use and provide you with all required information for identity verification
and fraud detection.
Get a free demo Case studies


Sharing economy services are founded on trust between all involved parties.
Ondato is helping you take extra precautions with sophisticated tools for KYC.
Ensure that each new user meets your set entry criteria, provides all required
identity documents, and has a transparent chain of accountability.
Get a free demo Case studies


Use our wide array of identity verification services to issue sim cards and
allow users necessary access to the needed data. Even when dealing with business
entities, keep your approach flexible and result-oriented for a seamless
customer experience and fraud prevention.
Get a free demo Case studies


Ensure that the adult content is accessed only by those of legal age. Our
advanced digital identity detection tools like biometric age detection confirm
that genuine customers meet the entry bar and set firm boundaries while keeping
the customer experience seamless.
Get a free demo Case studies


Why should you choose Ondato as your KYC verification service?
Ondato offers several benefits:

 1. Compliance: Adhere to legal and regulatory requirements with an efficient
    verification process, ensuring any changes or updates to regulations are
    reacted to in a timely manner.
 2. Risk Mitigation: Identify and mitigate potential risks associated with
    fraud, money laundering, and other illicit activities.
 3. Customer Experience: Provide the best user journey for your customers and
    gain their trust with a customisable process that can fully fit your
    business needs.
 4. Streamlined Onboarding Processes: Use automatisation to streamline customer
    onboarding from identity verification to ongoing monitoring.

What solutions does Ondato offer?
Ondato offers everything you need for efficient AML practices:

 * Identity verification;
 * Business onboarding;
 * Age verification;
 * AML screening and monitoring;
 * Transaction monitoring (with the help of our partners);
 * Due diligence processes;
 * Authentication;
 * And more.

Which industries need to implement AML processes?
In order to reduce fraud, AML processes are part of regulatory compliance for
any company that deals with transactions. This includes banks, payment
processing companies, and insurance firms, however, it can also extend to many
other industries, such as law firms, telecommunications, and others that need to
confirm the true identity of their clients.
Ondato is a tech company that streamlines KYC and AML-related processes using
cutting-edge AI solutions tools that cover the full spectrum of compliance
challenges, from new client onboarding to a comprehensive database for ongoing
client monitoring.

Identity Verification (KYC)
Business Onboarding (KYB)
Customer Data Platform (CDP)
Transaction Monitoring (KYT)
Due Diligence
Virtual Branch
AML Software
Automated Identity Verification
Video Identity Verification
Manual Identity Verification
NFC Identity Verification
Automated Business Onboarding
Assisted Business Onboarding
Manual Business Onboarding
E-Signature Authentication
Secure Remote Meetings
Biometric Authentication
Age Verification System
SMS Signature
Sanctions Screening and Monitoring
Press Page
Case studies
Why Ondato
Know Your Customer Plans
Know Your Business Plans
Officer Platform Plans
About Us
©2024 Ondato. All rights reserved
Security Privacy Policy