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    * Medical Pillow
       * Sleepsia Contour Pillow
       * Cervical Pillow for Neck Pain
    * Bed Pillows
       * Full Body Pillow for Adults
       * Bamboo Memory Foam Pillow
       * IK Bamboo Pillow (2-Pack) - Shredded Memory Foam Pillow Adjustable
       * Best Hotel Pillows for Sleeping (Pack of 2)
       * Bamboo Pillow 2 Pack Adjustable Shredded Memory Foam Pillow King or
         Queen Size
       * Bamboo Pillow (Premium) - Shredded Memory Foam Pillow - Adjustable
    * Kids/ Travel
       * Lumbar Support Pillow for Office Chair- Back Support Pillow
       * Sleepsia Baby Pillow
    * Pillow and Cushion Cover
       * Sleepsia Throw Pillow Covers
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       * Sleepsia Throw Pillow Inserts
    * Protectors
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Full body support: The Body Pillow spans the entire length of your body so it
can offer support to all your delicate joints.

Adjustable loft and firmness: With shredded foam inside, you can adjust the loft
and firmness of this pillow.

Zipper Cover: The silky cover with premium zipper prevents the foam from
spilling out.

Washable cover: You can remove the foam from inside the cuddle pillow and wash
it in the washing machine on a gentle setting.

Perfect pregnancy pillow: We have crafted this long pillow to specifically
improve support for pregnant women, as their body’s shape changes during the
pregnancy period.

Brand: Sleepsia

Color: Grey

Material: Memory Foam

Item Dimensions (LxWxH): 54 x 20 x 6 inches

Shape: Cylindrical


If you're looking for a comfortable way to sleep, you can use our long body
pillow. It is made from premium quality shredded foam and is designed to support
your head, neck, and spine. You can use a body pillow in a variety of ways to
make sleeping more comfortable. Here is how to use a body sleep pillow:

If you're using a body pillow that doesn't have a cover, simply wrap the pillow
around your head and neck. Let this cuddle pillow rest on your chest and
shoulders for a comfortable sleep.


If you have a memory foam body pillow, there's a good chance that it slides
around a lot during sleep. Here's how to keep it in place so you can get a good
night's sleep:

1. Make sure your pillow is tightly-woven and filled with lots of foam. This
will make it less likely to move around.
2. Place your long pillow on the floor next to the bed so that it's at the same
height as your head.
3. Place one arm over the top of the pillow and use your other hand to hold onto
the sides of the pillow.
4. Try not to move around too much while you're sleeping, and don't flip or
rotate this long pillow too often.


With shredded foam inside, our body pillows provide the support you deserve and
need. They improve your comfort with full body support and conform to your
curves to ensure that your joints don’t experience any extra pressure. So it's a
great pillow for side sleeping and back sleeping.

You can alter the height and firmness of the pillow by adjusting the amount of
foam inside the pillowcase. With improved height, this becomes a great pillow
for side sleeping. So our long body pillow facilitates all sleeping positions
such as back sleeping, stomach sleeping and side sleeping.


During sleep, good alignment of your legs, back and hips protects your joints
and improves comfort at the same time. The extra support and pressure relief
provided by the memory foam body pillow further enhances your comfort.

Improved body alignment also relieves pain in joints such as back, hips,
shoulder and neck. If you’re a side sleeper, or you’ve recently gained
significant weight, then our pillow can offer relief.


As the shape of your body changes throughout your pregnancy period, our long
pillow facilitates this change and consistently provides the same level of
comfort by conforming to your shape.

Pregnancy increases your weight, putting more pressure on your delicate joints.
The high density foam in this pregnancy pillow reinforces support to your joints
to improve comfort and promote better sleep.


Sleepsia’s best body pillow has the CertiPur-US certification, meaning that the
pillow does not contain harmful chemicals such as heavy metals and volatile
inorganic compounds. Our pillows have the certification for safety and

This long pillow for bed preserves its original shape despite being highly
moldable. Further, it is resistant to most common household allergens. That’s
why it can accompany and comfort you for many years.

Why buy from Sleepsia

Sleepsia is the best place to buy pillows. You can shop for pillows according to
the requirement, type, or size. Additionally, you have a wide range of options
when choosing between different type of pillows:-

 * Memory Foam Pillows
 * Shredded Pillows
 * Bamboo Pillow
 * Kids Pillows
 * Adjustable Pillows
 * Microfiber Pillows
 * Healthcare Pillows

Our wide range of products is designed to suit all kinds of sleepers. We
carefully consider all quality parameters to check if our products would be
right for our customers. We follow these parameters to maintain the highest
possible quality of our products at the best price. We follow ethical business

Cancellation & Refund


At Sleepsia, we offer a 10 Days Cancellation and Refund Policy. No Questions

In case you do wish to cancel or return an item, please inform us at the
earliest. In case you have just placed an order and wish to cancel it, please
reach out to us within 24 hours of placing the order.

Even if  the order has been shipped, we shall try our best to cancel the order.
If not possible, we advise the customer not to take the delivery so that the
item comes back to us and we can process a refund for the same.

When an item is returned, there is a difference in the initiation of the refund
and its procedure. It completely depends on the condition in which the item is
returned, how long have you kept the item with yourself and the mode of purchase
of Item and the reason for returning the item.


While returning a product, you need to ensure the product is in it's original or
unused and is not tampered with and the packaging is intact. The item has to be
sent back to us by the customer.

Once we have received the returned item and then you are receiving the refund,
it would take  3-5 business days to process and initiate the refund.

For items purchased on Cash on Delivery (COD), refunds can be done via Paytm,
or  Direct Bank Transfer, the details of which will have to be provided by the
customer. In the above case a processing time of 3-5 business days would be


Certain items which are under a Flash Sale are not returnable. Aroma Diffusers
too are non-returnbale. However, all products comes with their respective
Warranty Periods which is 1 year in case of pillows and 6 months in case of
Aroma Diffusers. Electronic Items like Massagers are non-returnable and do not
have any warranty on them.

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