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AI Service Desk AI Customer Service
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The truth is evident and powerful: AI-powered ITSM platform, help desks, and
service desks make employees more productive and processes more robust. AI
technologies are transformative for ITSM software and the entire service
experience. The increased use of AI in service desk tools is inevitable because
it improves self-sufficiency and the end-user experience as well as the overall
effectiveness of the service desk and fast-track digital transformation for

Learn More


IT Service Management (ITSM) is simply how IT teams manage the end-to-end
delivery of IT services to customers. This includes all the processes and
activities to design, create, deliver, and support IT services. The core concept
of ITSM is the belief that IT should be delivered as a service.


AISM is the application of artificial intelligence (AI) to service management,
sometimes known as AITSM. Other terms include AI-powered service management or
simply AI service management. AISM is an emerging approach that aims to solve
the increasing challenges of traditional IT service management tools.


As systems generate increasing data volumes, service desk and an ITSM automation
tool is absolutely key to helping IT improve how it delivers services.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) help automate and improve
services for end-users, while providing context-based recommendations, improved
correlation, anomaly detection, root-cause analysis, and much more.

A large part of an ITSM platform is its ability to proactively learn &
continuously improve to deal with issues: server concerns, application updates,
forgotten passwords—whatever arises. Now, as AI automates processes and
determines root causes, it is reducing all the noise an environment produces not
only at the help desk but throughout the organization.

Prescriptive insights on how to improve ITSM processes like change management
are only the start. AI and machine learning are actually transforming service
desk automation so that teams can handle service holistically, manage change and
compliance, and do financial planning. 

Gartner recognizes that applying AI technologies like service desk automation
will be transformative for ITSM software – noting that while AI implementations
stood at 10 percent four years ago, today it has grown to 37 percent, a 270
percent increase. Gartner predicts that by 2021, 70% of organizations will
integrate AI to assist employees’ productivity. According to a
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) report, the global economy could see a potential
contribution of $15.7 trillion from AI by the year 2030.



This is the ideal time for AI to enter IT and service management automation. In
many organizations, ITSM solutions have been confined to just help desk
operations; companies implement an ITSM platform to improve incident management,
requests, and changes, but not to add services or to define application
portfolios. Now, ITSM softwares will take even greater leaps forward as AI
combines with other digital technologies such as the Internet of Things (IoT),
robotic process automation (RPA), and bots.

Even now, new service desk automation solutions integrate various
machine-learning capabilities into tools—essentially connecting the dots to
everything taking place in the IT environment. That means AI in ITSM and help
desks will grow in influence and power, correlating and linking all functions
and events within the managed environment.

As AI becomes the core of the ITSM platform, we’ll see virtual assistants and AI
chatbots leveraging natural language processing (NLP) and natural language
understanding (NLU) technologies to deliver autonomous Conversational AI and
conversational resolutions to users.  Additionally, NLP and NLU will move to the
forefront of AI innovation. They will provide a practically human first level of
interaction to end-users as the conversation becomes increasingly natural and
contextually relevant.


AI’s ability to streamline processes such as password resets, patch management,
incident routing, and software deployments makes its superiority stand out
vividly compared to manual interventions. 

Today, 70-80 percent of resources are spent on help desk and operational
activities—executing service requests, closing incident tickets, and delivering
changes. Automating these activities makes service delivery faster, cheaper, and
more efficient by a dimension. Organizations can leverage AI to intelligently
automate complex tasks at just about every operations level, freeing help desk
and IT professionals and allowing them to spend more time innovating and
evolving the department to help achieve business goals.

Anytime something is automated, organizations can utilize their resources for
more proactive and creative work, rather than on performing routine tasks. They
can shorten the cycle for resolving incidents and spend more time working on
end-user satisfaction for both internal and external services.

Increased use of service desk automation solutions will eventually move outside
of information technology to become an organization-wide capability and

Digital transformation is rapidly changing the way businesses and their users
work. AI is already part of our lives, delivering a great experience—and people
expect that same quality level of experience in the workplace, similar to
Amazon’s Alexa, Google Home, etc. Instant response and personalization are
fundamental expectations from a service desk. Not surprisingly then, the service
desk will soar into a new dimension powered by AI and automation in ITSM to
deliver exceptional service.


ML and NLP—Machine learning is a field of science that learns from data patterns
and makes recommendations or decisions. NLP (natural language processing) refers
to the way humans communicate with each other. It is the interaction of
intelligent systems using a natural language. Example: English is a form of
communication and language that humans use to communicate. NLP has special
implications in ML; it allows for the understanding and processing of natural
language and unstructured text.

Virtual assistants for self-service—digital conversational assistants provide
solutions from data models and previous history. This also drives self-service
and consistent user experience.


AI-powered ITSM tools or it support management tools can automatically collect
the data to identify tickets without human assistance, allowing people to do
more meaningful work and less manual labor. Organizations that implement
AI-powered ITSM tools find substantial ROI and numerous benefits that drive
success throughout the whole workplace. These benefits include:

Speed request resolution 

Service desk team members work on individual tickets manually to segregate and
analyze; AI can simplify to provide end-users with quick and accurate solutions.
It accelerates resolution by comparing current tickets with past ones and
keeping service desk ahead. Calls on the agent’s desk can be routed
intelligently by the use of AI.


Gain cost-effective operations

Staffing costs are a major element of total IT; high operations costs can hinder
growth and overall competitiveness. Because AI reduces the need to outsource and
makes each employee more productive, it reduces costs significantly.

Handle tasks securely and scalably 

The use of AI has been estimated to reduce business costs by 25 to 40 percent
and increase saving up to 55 percent in just six months. Evidently, adoption of
AI in ITSM has a lasting impact on business.


Learn from historical knowledge

AI provides tools that help service agents learn from trusted knowledge
databases. These data bundles can be utilized and categorized to guide service
agents to the right resolutions.  


Save time

Through AI, any major outage or low-tier/first-level issue can be easily
predicted. The solution can be suggested with an increasingly high level of
success in a short time interval. AI categorizes at the service desk, boosts
instant solution retrieval and all in all provides superior problem resolution.


Drive accuracy  

Working on data manually increases the chance of error and inaccuracy. AI learns
from past experiences to prevent the same kinds of problems. 


Prevent false results

New service desk employees might make errors that AI-powered ITSM tools can
minimize—detecting issues, offering proactive and superior guidance to
end-users, and avoiding repetition of mistakes.  


Enable predictive maintenance  

AI-powered ITSM uses predictive maintenance to detect possible issues prior to
the incidence. This prevents sudden disruptions and encourages smooth
functionality. Machine Learning can help detect unusual behavior to block and
bolster system security.  


Prevent cybercrime

Amid the thousands of daily alerts, AI reduces response time, collects threat
insights, flags harmful files and sketchy IP addresses, and responds to them
even faster.


Perform faster and smarter  

Machine language, natural language, and virtual agents improve accuracy and
enable superior service to the end-user, making for remarkably improved customer


Now is the time to implement service desk automation to your IT Service
Management systems. Technologies such as NLP, ML, and virtual assistants save
time and prevent errors—all vital to ITSM and customer satisfaction. AI for ITSM
Automation supercharges IT service desks to deliver self-service resolutions,
unite people, processes, and technology to scale IT services and create great
service experiences. Implementing an AI Service Management solution to your
organization will drive efficiency and productivity to the workplace, enhancing
both internal employee experience, but also external customer experience. An AI
Service Desk solution not only streamlines service desk tasks, actions, and
workflows but delivers immediate ROI for its adopters.




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