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 * Groups
   * By area/parent
   * Apps & Realtime
     * Working Groups
     * asap — Automatic SIP trunking And Peering
     * asdf — A Semantic Definition Format for Data and Interactions of Things
     * calext — Calendaring Extensions
     * cbor — Concise Binary Object Representation Maintenance and Extensions
     * cellar — Codec Encoding for LossLess Archiving and Realtime transmission
     * dispatch — Dispatch
     * dmarc — Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting & Conformance
     * ecrit — Emergency Context Resolution with Internet Technologies
     * emailcore — Revision of core Email specifications
     * extra — Email mailstore and eXtensions To Revise or Amend
     * jmap — JSON Mail Access Protocol
     * mailmaint — Mail Maintenance
     * mediaman — Media Type Maintenance
     * mimi — More Instant Messaging Interoperability
     * mlcodec — Machine Learning for Audio Coding
     * mmusic — Multiparty Multimedia Session Control
     * regext — Registration Protocols Extensions
     * satp — Secure Asset Transfer Protocol
     * sframe — Secure Media Frames
     * sipcore — Session Initiation Protocol Core
     * sml — Structured Email
     * stir — Secure Telephone Identity Revisited
     * vcon — Virtualized Conversations
     * wimse — Workload Identity in Multi System Environments
     * Area Groups
     * artarea — Applications and Real-Time Area Open Meeting
   * General
     * Working Groups
     * gendispatch — General Area Dispatch
     * Area Groups
     * genarea — General Area Open Meeting
   * Internet
     * Working Groups
     * 6lo — IPv6 over Networks of Resource-constrained Nodes
     * 6man — IPv6 Maintenance
     * add — Adaptive DNS Discovery
     * bpf — BPF/eBPF
     * dhc — Dynamic Host Configuration
     * dmm — Distributed Mobility Management
     * dnssd — Extensions for Scalable DNS Service Discovery
     * dprive — DNS PRIVate Exchange
     * drip — Drone Remote ID Protocol
     * dtn — Delay/Disruption Tolerant Networking
     * intarea — Internet Area Working Group
     * madinas — MAC Address Device Identification for Network and Application
     * ntp — Network Time Protocols
     * schc — Static Context Header Compression
     * snac — Stub Network Auto Configuration for IPv6
     * tictoc — Timing over IP Connection and Transfer of Clock
   * Ops & Management
     * Working Groups
     * anima — Autonomic Networking Integrated Model and Approach
     * bmwg — Benchmarking Methodology
     * dnsop — Domain Name System Operations
     * grow — Global Routing Operations
     * iotops — IOT Operations
     * ippm — IP Performance Measurement
     * ivy — Network Inventory YANG
     * mboned — MBONE Deployment
     * mops — Media OPerationS
     * netconf — Network Configuration
     * netmod — Network Modeling
     * nmop — Network Management Operations
     * opsawg — Operations and Management Area Working Group
     * opsec — Operational Security Capabilities for IP Network Infrastructure
     * sidrops — SIDR Operations
     * srv6ops — SRv6 Operations
     * v6ops — IPv6 Operations
     * Area Groups
     * opsarea — Operations & Management Area Open Meeting
   * Routing
     * Working Groups
     * babel — Babel routing protocol
     * bess — BGP Enabled ServiceS
     * bfd — Bidirectional Forwarding Detection
     * bier — Bit Indexed Explicit Replication
     * cats — Computing-Aware Traffic Steering
     * ccamp — Common Control and Measurement Plane
     * detnet — Deterministic Networking
     * idr — Inter-Domain Routing
     * lisp — Locator/ID Separation Protocol
     * lsr — Link State Routing
     * lsvr — Link State Vector Routing
     * manet — Mobile Ad-hoc Networks
     * mpls — Multiprotocol Label Switching
     * nvo3 — Network Virtualization Overlays
     * pals — Pseudowire And LDP-enabled Services
     * pce — Path Computation Element
     * pim — Protocols for IP Multicast
     * rift — Routing In Fat Trees
     * roll — Routing Over Low power and Lossy networks
     * rtgwg — Routing Area Working Group
     * savnet — Source Address Validation in Intra-domain and Inter-domain
     * spring — Source Packet Routing in Networking
     * teas — Traffic Engineering Architecture and Signaling
     * tvr — Time-Variant Routing
     * Area Groups
     * rtgarea — Routing Area Open Meeting
   * Security
     * Working Groups
     * ace — Authentication and Authorization for Constrained Environments
     * acme — Automated Certificate Management Environment
     * cose — CBOR Object Signing and Encryption
     * dance — DANE Authentication for Network Clients Everywhere
     * dult — Detecting Unwanted Location Trackers
     * emu — EAP Method Update
     * gnap — Grant Negotiation and Authorization Protocol
     * ipsecme — IP Security Maintenance and Extensions
     * jose — Javascript Object Signing and Encryption
     * keytrans — Key Transparency
     * kitten — Common Authentication Technology Next Generation
     * lake — Lightweight Authenticated Key Exchange
     * lamps — Limited Additional Mechanisms for PKIX and SMIME
     * mls — Messaging Layer Security
     * oauth — Web Authorization Protocol
     * ohai — Oblivious HTTP Application Intermediation
     * openpgp — Open Specification for Pretty Good Privacy
     * ppm — Privacy Preserving Measurement
     * pquip — Post-Quantum Use In Protocols
     * privacypass — Privacy Pass
     * radext — RADIUS EXTensions
     * rats — Remote ATtestation ProcedureS
     * scim — System for Cross-domain Identity Management
     * scitt — Supply Chain Integrity, Transparency, and Trust
     * secdispatch — Security Dispatch
     * spice — Secure Patterns for Internet CrEdentials
     * suit — Software Updates for Internet of Things
     * teep — Trusted Execution Environment Provisioning
     * tls — Transport Layer Security
     * uta — Using TLS in Applications
     * Area Groups
     * saag — Security Area Open Meeting
   * Web and Internet Transport
     * Working Groups
     * avtcore — Audio/Video Transport Core Maintenance
     * ccwg — Congestion Control Working Group
     * cdni — Content Delivery Networks Interconnection
     * core — Constrained RESTful Environments
     * httpapi — Building Blocks for HTTP APIs
     * httpbis — HTTP
     * masque — Multiplexed Application Substrate over QUIC Encryption
     * moq — Media Over QUIC
     * nfsv4 — Network File System Version 4
     * quic — QUIC
     * taps — Transport Services
     * tcpm — TCP Maintenance and Minor Extensions
     * tsvwg — Transport and Services Working Group
     * webtrans — WebTransport
     * wish — WebRTC Ingest Signaling over HTTPS
     * Area Groups
     * witarea — Web and Internet Transport Area Open Meeting
   * IAB
     * Top Level Groups
     * iab — Internet Architecture Board
     * IAB Programs
     * edm — Evolvability, Deployability, & Maintainability
     * eimpact — Environmental Impacts of Internet Technology
     * IAB Administrative Support Groups
     * iabisoc — IAB-ISOC Policy Coordination
     * ietf3gpp — IETF-3GPP
     * ietfiana — IETF-IANA
     * ietfieee — IETF-IEEE
     * ietfw3c — IETF-W3C
     * Area Groups
     * iabopen — IAB Open Meeting
   * IRTF
     * Research Groups
     * cfrg — Crypto Forum
     * coinrg — Computing in the Network Research Group
     * dinrg — Decentralization of the Internet Research Group
     * gaia — Global Access to the Internet for All
     * hrpc — Human Rights Protocol Considerations
     * iccrg — Internet Congestion Control
     * icnrg — Information-Centric Networking
     * maprg — Measurement and Analysis for Protocols
     * nmrg — Network Management
     * panrg — Path Aware Networking RG
     * pearg — Privacy Enhancements and Assessments Research Group
     * qirg — Quantum Internet Research Group
     * rasprg — Research and Analysis of Standard-Setting Processes Proposed
       Research Group
     * t2trg — Thing-to-Thing
     * ufmrg — Usable Formal Methods Research Group
     * Research Area Groups
     * anrw — ACM/IRTF Applied Networking Research Workshop
     * irtfopen — IRTF Open Meeting
     * Administrative Groups
     * legal-consult — Legal consultation group
     * llc-board — IETF Administration LLC Board of Directors
     * llc-staff — IETF LLC employees
   * RFC Editor
     * Editorial Stream Working Groups
     * rswg — RFC Series Working Group
     * Editorial Stream Approval Groups
     * rsab — RFC Series Approval Board
   * Other
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