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Submission: On March 28 via api from US — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_11-D">
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      <label id="tfa_106-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_106">Email</label><br>
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    <div class="oneField field-container-D" id="tfa_172-D">
      <label id="tfa_172-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_172">Program of Interest</label><br>
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          <option value="">Please select...</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_752" label="Master" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_735" id="tfa_735" class="calcval-MMATX">Teaching (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_710" id="tfa_710" class="calcval-MMATELX">Teaching - Elementary Education (Master)</option>
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      <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_28-D">
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      <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_29-D">
        <label id="tfa_29-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_29">Campaign (from Google Analytics)</label><br>
        <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_29" name="tfa_29" value="" title="Campaign (from Google Analytics)" class="calc-GOOGLECAMPAIGN"></div>
    <div id="tfa_112" class="section inline group">
      <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_30-D">
        <label id="tfa_30-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_30">Medium (from Google Analytics)</label><br>
        <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_30" name="tfa_30" value="" title="Medium (from Google Analytics)" class="calc-GOOGLEMEDIUM"></div>
      <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_31-D">
        <label id="tfa_31-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_31">Keywords (from Google Analytics)</label><br>
        <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_31" name="tfa_31" value="" title="Keywords (from Google Analytics)" class="calc-GOOGLEKEYWORD"></div>
    <div id="tfa_113" class="section inline group">
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        <label id="tfa_32-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_32">Content (from Google Analytics)</label><br>
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  <div id="tfa_882" class="section group wf-acl-hidden">
    <label class="label preField" id="tfa_882-L">Program Formula Fields</label>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_883-D">
      <label id="tfa_883-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_883">Program Match</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_883" name="tfa_883" value="" readonly="" title="Program Match" class="formula=setprogram(onlineProgram,ProgramCodeFromURL) readonly" aria-invalid="false" aria-describedby=""></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_1497-D">
      <label id="tfa_1497-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_1497">ProgramCodeFromURL</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_1497" name="tfa_1497" value="" title="ProgramCodeFromURL" class="calc-ProgramCodeFromURL"></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_1498-D" role="group" aria-labelledby="tfa_1498-L" data-tfa-labelledby="-L tfa_1498-L">
      <label id="tfa_1498-L" class="label preField ">Hide the Program of Interest</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><span id="tfa_1498" class="choices vertical "><span class="oneChoice"><input type="checkbox" value="tfa_1499" class="" id="tfa_1499" name="tfa_1499" data-conditionals="#tfa_172" aria-labelledby="tfa_1499-L"
              data-tfa-labelledby="tfa_1498-L tfa_1499-L"><label class="label postField" id="tfa_1499-L" for="tfa_1499"><span class="input-checkbox-faux"></span>Hide</label></span></span></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_1538-D">
      <label id="tfa_1538-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_1538">Required App Code</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_1538" name="tfa_1538" value="" title="Required App Code" class=""></div>
  <div class="actions" id="217783-A" data-contentid="submit_button"><input type="submit" data-label="Submit" class="primaryAction" id="graduate" value="Connect with K-State"></div>
  <div style="clear:both"></div>
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<form method="post" action="" class="hintsBelow labelsAbove" id="217783" role="form">
  <div id="tfa_47" class="section group">
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_10-D">
      <label id="tfa_10-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_10">First Name</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input aria-required="true" type="text" id="tfa_10" name="tfa_10" value="" title="First Name" class="required"></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_11-D">
      <label id="tfa_11-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_11">Last Name</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input aria-required="true" type="text" id="tfa_11" name="tfa_11" value="" title="Last Name" class="required"></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_106-D">
      <label id="tfa_106-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_106">Email</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input aria-required="true" type="text" id="tfa_106" name="tfa_106" value="" title="Email" class="validate-email required"></div>
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_13-D">
      <label id="tfa_13-L" class="label preField " for="tfa_13">Phone Number</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><input type="text" id="tfa_13" name="tfa_13" value="" autoformat="(###) ###-####" title="Phone Number" class="validate-custom /((\(\d{3}\) ?)|(\d{3}-))?\d{3}-\d{4}/"></div>
  <div id="tfa_24" class="section group">
    <div class="oneField field-container-D    " id="tfa_172-D">
      <label id="tfa_172-L" class="label preField reqMark" for="tfa_172">Program of Interest</label><br>
      <div class="inputWrapper"><select aria-required="true" id="tfa_172" name="tfa_172" data-condition="NOT (`#tfa_1499`)" title="Program of Interest" class="calc-onlineProgram required">
          <option value="">Please select...</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_749" label="Bachelor" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_656" id="tfa_656" class="calcval-BASIX">Animal Sciences and Industry (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_657" id="tfa_657" class="calcval-BATCMGX">Applied Business and Technology (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1540" id="tfa_1540" class="calcval-BATNMGX">Aviation Management (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1524" id="tfa_1524" class="calcval-BBAX">Business Administration (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_658" id="tfa_658" class="calcval-BDTX">Dietetics (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_659" id="tfa_659" class="calcval-BECEX">Early Childhood Education (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_660" id="tfa_660" class="calcval-BBSESX">Educational Studies (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_661" id="tfa_661" class="calcval-BEDELEX">Elementary Education (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_662" id="tfa_662" class="calcval-BFDSCIX">Food Science and Industry (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_664" id="tfa_664" class="calcval-BHDFCX">Human Development and Family Science (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1518" id="tfa_1518" class="calcval-BICS-BSX">Integrated Computer Science (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1519" id="tfa_1519" class="calcval-BKINESX">Kinesiology (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1525" id="tfa_1525" class="calcval-BETBMAX">Machine Learning and Autonomous Systems (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_665" id="tfa_665" class="calcval-BNHLTHX">Nutrition and Health (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1552" id="tfa_1552" class="calcval-UOPENX">Open Option (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1541" id="tfa_1541" class="calcval-BMANGTOMX">Organizational Management (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_666" id="tfa_666" class="calcval-BPFPX">Personal Financial Planning (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1491" id="tfa_1491" class="calcval-BATNPAX">Professional Aviation (Bachelor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_667" id="tfa_667" class="calcval-BSOSCI-BSX">Social Science (Bachelor)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_752" label="Master" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_697" id="tfa_697" class="calcval-MACADVX">Academic Advising (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1502" id="tfa_1502" class="calcval-MACCTGX">Accounting (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_698" id="tfa_698" class="calcval-MALRLDX">Adult Learning and Leadership (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1542" id="tfa_1542" class="calcval-MAEROX">Aeronautics (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_699" id="tfa_699" class="calcval-MAGBUSX">Agribusiness (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_700" id="tfa_700" class="calcval-MAEDACX">Agricultural Education and Communication (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_728" id="tfa_728" class="calcval-MBAX">Business Administration (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_701" id="tfa_701" class="calcval-MCHEX">Chemical Engineering (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_702" id="tfa_702" class="calcval-MCEX">Civil Engineering (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_703" id="tfa_703" class="calcval-MCDPLNX">Community Development (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1501" id="tfa_1501" class="calcval-MCSX">Computer Science (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_704" id="tfa_704" class="calcval-MMEDCIX">Curriculum and Instruction (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_708" id="tfa_708" class="calcval-MMEDCIETX">Curriculum and Instruction - Educational Technology (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1528" id="tfa_1528" class="calcval-MMEDCIEMX">Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary/Middle-Level (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_712" id="tfa_712" class="calcval-MMEDCISLX">Curriculum and Instruction - English as a Second Language (ESL) (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_718" id="tfa_718" class="calcval-MMEDCILSX">Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Skills/School Improvement (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_720" id="tfa_720" class="calcval-MMEDCIMEX">Curriculum and Instruction - Mathematics Education (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1529" id="tfa_1529" class="calcval-MMEDCIMSX">Curriculum and Instruction - Middle Level/Secondary (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1530" id="tfa_1530" class="calcval-MMEDCILAX">Curriculum and Instruction - Reading Language Arts (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_730" id="tfa_730" class="calcval-MMEDCIRDX">Curriculum and Instruction - Reading Specialist (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_736" id="tfa_736" class="calcval-MMEDCICEX">Curriculum and Instruction - Teaching Civics and Government (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1531" id="tfa_1531" class="calcval-MMEDCIWLX">Curriculum and Instruction - World Modern Languages (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_705" id="tfa_705" class="calcval-MDATALX">Data Analytics (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1520" id="tfa_1520" class="calcval-MEDLEAX">Educational Leadership (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_709" id="tfa_709" class="calcval-MEECPEX">Electrical and Computer Engineering (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_711" id="tfa_711" class="calcval-MMEMX">Engineering Management (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1543" id="tfa_1543" class="calcval-MENGLX">English (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_713" id="tfa_713" class="calcval-MFSHSFCX">Family and Community Services (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_714" id="tfa_714" class="calcval-MFDSCX">Food Science (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_715" id="tfa_715" class="calcval-MGERONX">Gerontology (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_716" id="tfa_716" class="calcval-MHADMX">Hospitality Administration (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_717" id="tfa_717" class="calcval-MIEX">Industrial Engineering (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1549" id="tfa_1549" class="calcval-MISDDX">Integrated Systems Design and Dynamics (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_719" id="tfa_719" class="calcval-MMCX">Mass Communications (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_722" id="tfa_722" class="calcval-MFASHMCX">Merchandising (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_723" id="tfa_723" class="calcval-MMUSICX">Music (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_725" id="tfa_725" class="calcval-MHNDSX">Nutrition, Dietetics, and Sensory Sciences (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_726" id="tfa_726" class="calcval-MORX">Operations Research (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_727" id="tfa_727" class="calcval-MPFPX">Personal Financial Planning (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_729" id="tfa_729" class="calcval-MPSYCHX">Psychology (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1507" id="tfa_1507" class="calcval-MMPHX">Public Health (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_732" id="tfa_732" class="calcval-MSECURX">Security Studies (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_734" id="tfa_734" class="calcval-MSPCEDX">Special Education (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_735" id="tfa_735" class="calcval-MMATX">Teaching (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_710" id="tfa_710" class="calcval-MMATELX">Teaching - Elementary Education (Master)</option>
            <option value="tfa_731" id="tfa_731" class="calcval-MMATSEX">Teaching - Secondary Education (Master)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_750" label="Doctorate" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_668" id="tfa_668" class="calcval-DALRLD-EDX">Adult Learning and Leadership Ed.D. (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_669" id="tfa_669" class="calcval-DALRLD-PDX">Adult Learning and Leadership Ph.D. (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_670" id="tfa_670" class="calcval-DCURIN-EDX">Curriculum and Instruction Ed.D. (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1532" id="tfa_1532" class="calcval-DCURIN-PDX">Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1533" id="tfa_1533" class="calcval-DEDLEA-EDX">Educational Leadership (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_671" id="tfa_671" class="calcval-DCSDEVPLAX">Leadership in Academic Advising (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_672" id="tfa_672" class="calcval-DPFPX">Personal Financial Planning (Doctorate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1534" id="tfa_1534" class="calcval-DCSDEVPSAX">Student Affairs in Higher Education (Doctorate)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_754" label="Undergraduate Certificate" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_740" id="tfa_740" class="calcval-CCHLWKX">Community Health (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_741" id="tfa_741" class="calcval-CCSX">Computer Science (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_742" id="tfa_742" class="calcval-CCONRSX">Conflict Resolution (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_743" id="tfa_743" class="calcval-CDATALX">Data Analytics (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1544" id="tfa_1544" class="calcval-CDEBX">Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1553" id="tfa_1553" class="calcval-CECCNX">Early Childhood Consultation (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1545" id="tfa_1545" class="calcval-CFTPX">Fitness Professional (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_744" id="tfa_744" class="calcval-CFSQCX">Food Safety and Quality (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_745" id="tfa_745" class="calcval-COLTLCX">K-12 Online Teaching (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_746" id="tfa_746" class="calcval-CKSINSX">Kansas Insurance (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1503" id="tfa_1503" class="calcval-CHLTHCX">Health Coach (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1504" id="tfa_1504" class="calcval-CNPLSX">Nonprofit Leadership Studies (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_747" id="tfa_747" class="calcval-CNVSX">Nonviolence Studies (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_748" id="tfa_748" class="calcval-CCASPTX">Primary Texts (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1546" id="tfa_1546" class="calcval-CEAPX">Proficiency in English for Academic Purposes (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1550" id="tfa_1550" class="calcval-CQTDSX">Quantitative Techniques of Data Science (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1547" id="tfa_1547" class="calcval-CSMMX">Social Media Management (Undergraduate Certificate)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_751" label="Graduate Certificate" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_673" id="tfa_673" class="calcval-CADVCX">Academic Advising (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_674" id="tfa_674" class="calcval-CADLRNX">Adult Learning (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1535" id="tfa_1535" class="calcval-CADVFPX">Advanced Financial Planning (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_675" id="tfa_675" class="calcval-CADHRTX">Advanced Horticulture (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_676" id="tfa_676" class="calcval-CASTATX">Applied Statistics (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_677" id="tfa_677" class="calcval-CGCBAX">Business Administration (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_678" id="tfa_678" class="calcval-CCMDEVX">Community Development (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_679" id="tfa_679" class="calcval-CCNRESX">Conflict Resolution (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_680" id="tfa_680" class="calcval-CDATAX">Data Analytics (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_682" id="tfa_682" class="calcval-CEDTCX">Educational Technology (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_683" id="tfa_683" class="calcval-CFINTHX">Financial Therapy (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_684" id="tfa_684" class="calcval-CFDSFCX">Food Safety and Defense (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_685" id="tfa_685" class="calcval-CGERONX">Gerontology (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_686" id="tfa_686" class="calcval-CGRMGTX">Grassland Management (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_687" id="tfa_687" class="calcval-CHSVADX">Human Services Administration (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1548" id="tfa_1548" class="calcval-CIELX">Indigenous Educational Leadership (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_688" id="tfa_688" class="calcval-CELDALX">Leadership Dynamics for Adult Learners (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_690" id="tfa_690" class="calcval-CPFPCX">Personal Financial Planning (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_691" id="tfa_691" class="calcval-CPADMCX">Public Administration (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_692" id="tfa_692" class="calcval-CPHCX">Public Health (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1492" id="tfa_1492" class="calcval-CQUALRX">Qualitative Research (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1551" id="tfa_1551" class="calcval-CQTDX">Quantitative Techniques of Data Science (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_693" id="tfa_693" class="calcval-CSJEDX">Social Justice Education (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1527" id="tfa_1527" class="calcval-CTWPCX">Technical Writing and Professional Communication (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1493" id="tfa_1493" class="calcval-CEDADCX">Teaching Students with Autism (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_695" id="tfa_695" class="calcval-CTENCX">Transportation Engineering (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1494" id="tfa_1494" class="calcval-CUASX">Unmanned Aircraft Systems - Information Assurance (Graduate Certificate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1539" id="tfa_1539" class="calcval-CUFSX">Urban Food Systems (Graduate Certificate)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_753" label="Minor" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_738" id="tfa_738" class="calcval-RBASCX">Bakery Science (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1496" id="tfa_1496" class="calcval-RCATSX">Conflict Analysis and Trauma Studies (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1508" id="tfa_1508" class="calcval-RGERONX">Gerontology (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1505" id="tfa_1505" class="calcval-RICRX">Interdisciplinary Conflict Resolution (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1522" id="tfa_1522" class="calcval-RLESTX">Leadership Studies (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_739" id="tfa_739" class="calcval-RNUENX">Nuclear Engineering (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1506" id="tfa_1506" class="calcval-RPREKX">Pre-Kindergarten Education (Minor)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1536" id="tfa_1536" class="calcval-RWLBNGX">Well-Being (Minor)</option>
          <optgroup id="tfa_1517" label="Associate" class="choiceGroup">
            <option value="tfa_1537" id="tfa_1537" class="calcval-AABAX">Applied Business (Associate)</option>
            <option value="tfa_1523" id="tfa_1523" class="calcval-AETAWDX">Web Development Technology (Associate)</option>
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Please select... Animal Sciences and Industry (Bachelor) Applied Business and
Technology (Bachelor) Aviation Management (Bachelor) Business Administration
(Bachelor) Dietetics (Bachelor) Early Childhood Education (Bachelor) Educational
Studies (Bachelor) Elementary Education (Bachelor) Food Science and Industry
(Bachelor) Human Development and Family Science (Bachelor) Integrated Computer
Science (Bachelor) Kinesiology (Bachelor) Machine Learning and Autonomous
Systems (Bachelor) Nutrition and Health (Bachelor) Open Option (Bachelor)
Organizational Management (Bachelor) Personal Financial Planning (Bachelor)
Professional Aviation (Bachelor) Social Science (Bachelor) Academic Advising
(Master) Accounting (Master) Adult Learning and Leadership (Master) Aeronautics
(Master) Agribusiness (Master) Agricultural Education and Communication (Master)
Business Administration (Master) Chemical Engineering (Master) Civil Engineering
(Master) Community Development (Master) Computer Science (Master) Curriculum and
Instruction (Master) Curriculum and Instruction - Educational Technology
(Master) Curriculum and Instruction - Elementary/Middle-Level (Master)
Curriculum and Instruction - English as a Second Language (ESL) (Master)
Curriculum and Instruction - Learning Skills/School Improvement (Master)
Curriculum and Instruction - Mathematics Education (Master) Curriculum and
Instruction - Middle Level/Secondary (Master) Curriculum and Instruction -
Reading Language Arts (Master) Curriculum and Instruction - Reading Specialist
(Master) Curriculum and Instruction - Teaching Civics and Government (Master)
Curriculum and Instruction - World Modern Languages (Master) Data Analytics
(Master) Educational Leadership (Master) Electrical and Computer Engineering
(Master) Engineering Management (Master) English (Master) Family and Community
Services (Master) Food Science (Master) Gerontology (Master) Hospitality
Administration (Master) Industrial Engineering (Master) Integrated Systems
Design and Dynamics (Master) Mass Communications (Master) Merchandising (Master)
Music (Master) Nutrition, Dietetics, and Sensory Sciences (Master) Operations
Research (Master) Personal Financial Planning (Master) Psychology (Master)
Public Health (Master) Security Studies (Master) Special Education (Master)
Teaching (Master) Teaching - Elementary Education (Master) Teaching - Secondary
Education (Master) Adult Learning and Leadership Ed.D. (Doctorate) Adult
Learning and Leadership Ph.D. (Doctorate) Curriculum and Instruction Ed.D.
(Doctorate) Curriculum and Instruction Ph.D. (Doctorate) Educational Leadership
(Doctorate) Leadership in Academic Advising (Doctorate) Personal Financial
Planning (Doctorate) Student Affairs in Higher Education (Doctorate) Community
Health (Undergraduate Certificate) Computer Science (Undergraduate Certificate)
Conflict Resolution (Undergraduate Certificate) Data Analytics (Undergraduate
Certificate) Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging (Undergraduate
Certificate) Early Childhood Consultation (Undergraduate Certificate) Fitness
Professional (Undergraduate Certificate) Food Safety and Quality (Undergraduate
Certificate) K-12 Online Teaching (Undergraduate Certificate) Kansas Insurance
(Undergraduate Certificate) Health Coach (Undergraduate Certificate) Nonprofit
Leadership Studies (Undergraduate Certificate) Nonviolence Studies
(Undergraduate Certificate) Primary Texts (Undergraduate Certificate)
Proficiency in English for Academic Purposes (Undergraduate Certificate)
Quantitative Techniques of Data Science (Undergraduate Certificate) Social Media
Management (Undergraduate Certificate) Academic Advising (Graduate Certificate)
Adult Learning (Graduate Certificate) Advanced Financial Planning (Graduate
Certificate) Advanced Horticulture (Graduate Certificate) Applied Statistics
(Graduate Certificate) Business Administration (Graduate Certificate) Community
Development (Graduate Certificate) Conflict Resolution (Graduate Certificate)
Data Analytics (Graduate Certificate) Educational Technology (Graduate
Certificate) Financial Therapy (Graduate Certificate) Food Safety and Defense
(Graduate Certificate) Gerontology (Graduate Certificate) Grassland Management
(Graduate Certificate) Human Services Administration (Graduate Certificate)
Indigenous Educational Leadership (Graduate Certificate) Leadership Dynamics for
Adult Learners (Graduate Certificate) Personal Financial Planning (Graduate
Certificate) Public Administration (Graduate Certificate) Public Health
(Graduate Certificate) Qualitative Research (Graduate Certificate) Quantitative
Techniques of Data Science (Graduate Certificate) Social Justice Education
(Graduate Certificate) Technical Writing and Professional Communication
(Graduate Certificate) Teaching Students with Autism (Graduate Certificate)
Transportation Engineering (Graduate Certificate) Unmanned Aircraft Systems -
Information Assurance (Graduate Certificate) Urban Food Systems (Graduate
Certificate) Bakery Science (Minor) Conflict Analysis and Trauma Studies (Minor)
Gerontology (Minor) Interdisciplinary Conflict Resolution (Minor) Leadership
Studies (Minor) Nuclear Engineering (Minor) Pre-Kindergarten Education (Minor)
Well-Being (Minor) Applied Business (Associate) Web Development Technology
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March 27 Master of Arts in Teaching webinar
Do you have questions about the Master of Arts in Teaching pathway? Join us live
for an informational webinar with Dr. Thomas Vontz at 7 p.m. (CST) on March 27,

Learn More


The online Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) is a flexible, practical and
convenient pathway to teaching. With this program, you can:

 * Multiple Start Dates. Begin in fall, spring or summer semesters.
 * Completion. Complete the program in as little as 12 months or go at your own
 * Flexibility. Design a course schedule that fits your life.
 * Personalized Mentorship. Explore teaching with your own personalized MAT
   GradCat — an experienced, veteran mentor teacher.
 * Diversity of Talent. Learn with diverse, talented and committed MAT students
   from nearly every state and many foreign countries.
 * Job Placement. Join a program that enjoys a 97% job placement rate within one
   year of graduation.
 * License Transfer. Transfer your Kansas Teaching License to other states upon
   completion of additional license transfer requirements, if any.
 * Cost/Value. $16,620.03 for 31 credits; all students receive in-state tuition.
 * Funding. MAT students are eligible to apply for TEACH grants, Teacher Loan
   Forgiveness and Kansas Service Scholarships.

The elementary MAT consists of two, flexible tracks.

 * Practitioner track: For students who pursue the MAT while teaching full time.
   Kansas teachers are required to hold a LEAP License. You can choose a
   specialization in elementary education or secondary options in English,
   social studies, mathematics or modern languages, regardless or what you
   studied as an undergraduate student.
 * License-seeking track: For students who pursue the MAT while continuing their
   current employment. You can choose a specialization in elementary education
   or secondary options in agricultural education, English, social studies,
   mathematics or modern languages, regardless or what you studied as an
   undergraduate student.

Once you complete the program, you’ll be eligible to apply for an Initial
Teaching License in the state of Kansas. Kansas Licensure also requires a Praxis
content test(s). The license will transfer to other states upon completion of
any additional requirements for that state.

Learn more about elementary and secondary education.
Download the PDF of the elementary or secondary recruiting packet for more
detailed information.

How to Apply /how-to-apply/index.html Y
How to Apply


Our NEW MAT Elementary Practitioner track provides an additional option and
pathway to the classroom. This program allows admitted elementary MAT students
to apply for Kansas teaching positions and complete their program while serving
as the teacher of record. Kansas teachers are required to hold a Limited
Apprentice License.

Here is how the program works:

 * Step 1. Admission to the MAT.
 * Step 2. Complete Practitioner Prerequisite Courses. EDCI 702: Curriculum,
   Instruction, and Assessment as well as EDCI 716: Teaching Diverse Learners.
 * Step 3. Apply for teaching positions in Kansas. You can reach out to local
   schools or visit Educate Kansas.
 * Step 4. Secure a full-time teaching contract in Kansas. The teaching position
   must be full-time and in an elementary position. Email TJ Duntz
   ( if you have questions about whether a position will work
   with the program.
 * Step 5. Declare the Practitioner Track with K-State: After securing a
   teaching position, email TJ Duntz ( that you are selecting
   the practitioner track. At this time, let him know the school, grade level
   and subjects you are hired to teach.
 * Step 6. Advising Meeting: Arrange a meeting time with TJ Duntz (Zoom or
   Phone) to adjust your enrollment sections, add EDCI 886 Orientation to
   Teaching (required of all practitioner students), create MAT plan forward and
   talk through licensing steps.
 * Step 7. Apply for a Limited Elementary Apprentice License (LEAP) for KSDE.
   Contact TJ Duntz ( to apply for a LEAP License on Form 24b
   (includes fingerprints and background check).
 * Step 8. Successfully complete MAT within 24 months. This program allows you
   to earn your master’s degree in as little as 12 months or as much as 24
   months of coursework and full-time teaching.
 * Step 9. Recommendation for Kansas Initial Teaching License. Upon successful
   completion of the MAT and the Praxis content tests, you will be recommended
   for an initial Kansas teaching license.

Questions? Send an email or arrange a call with professor, Tom Vontz


Pre-requisite Core Courses (8 credits)

 * EDCI 702 - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 716 - Teaching Diverse Learners (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 886 - Seminar in C&I (Orientation to Teaching) (2 credits) F, S and U

Practitioner Courses (20 credits)

 * EDCI 710 - Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) U only
 * EDCI 760 – Action Research in Education (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 791 - Teaching Science and Math (4 credits) F only
 * EDCI 792 - Teaching Social Studies, Reading and Literacy (4 credits) S only
 * EDCI 793 – Teaching Health, Movement and Fine Arts (4 credits) U only
 * EDCI 800 - Teaching Practicum (2 credits) F and S

Culminating Courses (5 credits)

 * EDCI 801 - Internship in K-12 Schools (4 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 890 - Master’s Project (1 credit) F, S and U

Note: Courses are offered the following semesters: F = Fall semester, S = Spring
semester and U = Summer semester

 * Prerequisites. Successful completion (grade of C or higher) in EDCI 702 and
   EDCI 716 are required prior to enrolling in any other courses AND prior to
   application for the Kansas Limited Elementary Apprentice Program (LEAP)
 * Orientation. Students enrolling in the practitioner track must take EDCI 886
   prior to and/or concurrently with their first semester of teaching.
   Enrollment in EDCI 886 is required for the LEAP.
 * Culminating courses. EDCI 801 and EDCI 890 are required during the last
   semester and are to be taken concurrently.
 * Completion deadline. The Kansas State Department of Education requires those
   who hold a LEAP license to complete their program within two years.
 * Practitioner sections. For all required and culminating courses, practitioner
   track students will complete practitioner-seeking or hybrid sections of 760,
   791, 792, 793, 800, 801 and 890.

Final Project
You will be required to complete a teaching and learning portfolio during the
spring semester.

Technology Requirements
In order to complete your teaching internship, you will be required to obtain a
tablet (e.g., iPad) and video recording technology. The combination of these
technologies enables real-time and video classroom observations.


This track is for students who pursue the MAT while continuing their current

Pre-requisite Core Courses (6 credits)

 * EDCI 702 - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 716 - Teaching Diverse Learners (3 credits) F, S and U

License-seeking Courses (20 credits)

 * EDCI 710 - Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) U only
 * EDCI 760 - Action Research in Education (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 791 - Teaching Science and Math (4 credits) F only
 * EDCI 792 - Teaching Social Studies, Reading and Literacy (4 credits) S only
 * EDCI 793 – Teaching Health, Movement and Fine Arts (4 credits) U only
 * EDCI 800 - Teaching Practicum (2 credits) F and S

Culminating Courses (5 credits)

 * EDCI 801 - Internship in K-12 Schools (4 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 890 - Master’s Project (1 credit) F, S and U

Note: Courses are offered the following semesters: F = Fall semester, S = Spring
semester and U = Summer semester

 * Prerequisites. Successful completion (grade of C or higher) in EDCI 702 and
   EDCI 716 are required prior to enrolling in any other courses.
 * Culminating courses. EDCI 801 and EDCI 890 are required during the last
   semester and are to be taken concurrently.
 * Apprentice sections. For all courses, license-seeking track students must
   complete license-seeking or hybrid sections of 760, 791, 792, 793, 800, 801
   and 890.

Final Project
You will be required to complete a teaching and learning portfolio during the
spring semester.

Technology Requirements
In order to complete your teaching internship, you will be required to obtain a
tablet (e.g., iPad) and video recording technology. The combination of these
technologies enables real-time and video classroom observations.


Our NEW MAT Secondary Practitioner track provides an additional option and
pathway to the classroom. This program allows admitted secondary MAT students to
apply for Kansas teaching positions and complete their program while serving as
the teacher of record. Kansas teachers are required to hold a Restricted

Here is how the program works:

 * Step 1. Admission to the MAT.
 * Step 2. Apply for teaching positions in Kansas. You can reach out to local
   schools or visit Educate Kansas.
 * Step 3. Secure a full-time teaching contract in Kansas. The teaching position
   must be full time and include at least 50% of FTE in the appropriate subject
   and grade level. Email TJ Duntz ( if you have questions
   about whether a position will work with the program.
 * Step 4. Declare the Practitioner Track with K-State. After securing a
   teaching position, email TJ Duntz ( that you are selecting
   the practitioner track. At this time, let him know the school, grade level
   and subjects you are hired to teach.
 * Step 5. Advising Meeting: Arrange a meeting time with TJ Duntz (Zoom or
   Phone) to adjust your enrollment sections, add EDCI 886 Orientation to
   Teaching (required of all practitioner students), create MAT plan forward and
   talk through licensing steps.
 * Step 6. Apply for a Restricted License through KSDE. Apply for a Restricted
   License on Form 9.
 * Step 7. Successfully complete MAT. Practitioners who are teaching with a
   Restricted License are required to complete requirements for a Kansas Initial
   Teaching License within two years.
 * Step 8. Recommendation for Kansas Initial Teaching License. Upon successful
   completion of the MAT and the Praxis content test, you will be recommended
   for an initial teaching license.

Questions? Send an email or arrange a call with professor, Tom Vontz


Prerequisite Core Courses (9 credits)

 * EDCI 702 - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 716 - Teaching Diverse Learners (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 886 - Seminar in C&I (Orientation to Teaching) (3 credits) F, S and U

Practitioner Courses (22 credits)

 * EDCI XXX - Subject Specific Methods (EDCI 703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790) (3
   credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 710 - Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) U only
 * EDCI 715 - Literacy in Content (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 760 - Action Research in Education (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 797 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium I (2 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 798 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium II (2 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 799 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium III (2 credits) WI
 * EDCI 800 - Teaching Practicum (2 credits) F and S

Culminating Courses (5 credits)

 * EDCI 801 - Internship in K-12 Schools (4 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 890 - Master’s Project (1 credit) F, S and U

Note: Courses are offered the following semesters: F = Fall semester, S = Spring
semester and U = Summer semester or WI – Winter Intersession

 * Prerequisites. Successful completion (grade of C or higher) in EDCI 702 and
   EDCI 716 are required prior to enrolling in any other courses AND candidate
   must achieve a passing PRAXIS score in the content area.
 * Orientation. Practitioner track students must take EDCI 886 prior to and/or
   concurrently with their first semester of teaching. EDCI 886 is required for
   the KSDE Restricted License.
 * Practitioner sections. For all courses, practitioner track students must
   complete practitioner or hybrid sections of subject-specific methods (EDCI
   703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790),710, 715, 760, 797, 798, 799, 800, 801, 886
   and 890.
 * Colloquia. EDCI 797, 798 and 799 must be taken consecutively and/or
 * Methods. Subject specific methods (EDCI 703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790)and
   EDCI 800 must be taken concurrently.
 * Culminating courses. EDCI 801 and EDCI 890 are required during the last
   semester and are to be taken concurrently.
 * Restricted license deadline. Students teaching on a restricted license must
   complete their program in two years.

Final Project
You will be required to complete a teaching and learning portfolio during the
spring semester.

Technology Requirements
In order to complete your teaching internship, you will be required to obtain a
tablet (e.g., iPad) and video recording technology. The combination of these
technologies enables real-time and video classroom observations.


This track is for students who pursue the MAT while continuing their current

Prerequisite Core Courses (6 credits)

 * EDCI 702 - Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment (3 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 716 - Teaching Diverse Learners (3 credits) F, S and U

License-seeking Courses (22 credits)

 * EDCI XXX- Subject Specific Methods (EDCI 703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790)
 * EDCI 710 - Social Foundations of Education (3 credits) U only
 * EDCI 715 - Literacy in Content (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 760 - Action Research in Education (3 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 797 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium I (2 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 798 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium II (2 credits) F, S and U
 * EDCI 799 - Secondary Content Field Colloquium III (2 credits) WI
 * EDCI 800 - Teaching Practicum (2 credits) F and S

Culminating Courses (5 credits)

 * EDCI 801 - Internship in K-12 Schools (4 credits) F and S
 * EDCI 890 - Master’s Project (1 credit) F, S and U

Note: Courses are offered the following semesters: F = Fall semester, S = Spring
semester and U = Summer semester or WI – Winter Intersession

 * Prerequisites. Successful completion (grade of C or higher) in EDCI 702 and
   EDCI 716 are required prior to enrolling in any other courses AND candidate
   must achieve a passing PRAXIS score in the content area before proceeding to
   other classes.
 * License-seeking sections. For all courses, license-seeking track students
   will complete license-seeking or hybrid sections of Subject specific methods
   (EDCI 703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790), 710, 715, 760, 797, 798, 799, 800,
   801, 886 and 890.
 * Colloquia. EDCI 797, 798 and 799 must be taken consecutively and/or
 * Methods. Subject specific methods (EDCI 703, 705, 706, 712, or AGED 790) and
   EDCI 800 must be taken concurrently.
 * Culminating courses. EDCI 801 and EDCI 890 are required during the last
   semester and are to be taken concurrently.

Final Project
You will be required to complete a teaching and learning portfolio during the
spring semester.

Technology Requirements
In order to complete your teaching internship, you will be required to obtain a
tablet (e.g., iPad) and video recording technology. The combination of these
technologies enables real-time and video classroom observations.

31 credit hours
100% online
No out-of-state tuition
$536.13 per credit hour*

*This estimate includes online tuition and College of Education fees and is for
illustrative purposes only. Your hours and costs will differ depending on your
transfer hours, course choices and your academic progress. See more about
tuition and financial aid.

Statement on 34 CFR 668.43(a)(5)(v). Graduates of Kansas State University's
teacher education programs who successfully complete the Kansas teacher
licensure exams are eligible to apply for a Kansas Initial Teaching License.
Kansas State University cannot determine whether its teacher education programs
lead to licensure in any state other than Kansas. If you plan to teach in a
state other than Kansas, you will need to check the teacher license transfer
requirements of your state's Department of Education.

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 * © Kansas State University
 * Updated 2/9/2024

Updated: 3/27/24