Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submission: On August 26 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious — Scanned from IT

Form analysis 2 forms found in the DOM


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Text Content

 * Advising
 * content dashboard



 * Book a strategy call 🗓️
 * Content Dashboard ⚡️




Information is scattered across teams

Your most important customer and product information is scattered across your
internal teams.

Your content team is stretched

Your content team is small and limited on resources. They may be knowledge gaps
when it comes to knowing how to create BOFU content.

You are focused on search volume vs intent

You've been publishing content on the blog but it's mostly top-of-funnel content
and you're seeing an increase in traffic but no increase in leads.

Content agencies aren't delivering

You've been working with an SEO agency but they don't track how many inbound
leads their content brings in and you find yourself having to edit a lot of
their work.



Phase 1



Your team gets a collaborative workspace in Coda to execute and learn from. No
more endless email threads. All of your deliverables and education are
consildated in one space that you own. Forever.

Phase 2



We help your team gain customer and product alignment by consolidating your most
important customer and product information across your internal teams (sales,
customer success, product, marketing) and using this as the foundation for our
content strategy.

Phase 3



We then create a bottom of funnel conversion-focused content strategy using the
information we learned from customer and product research. We find your most
valuable keywords and create product-led content that bakes your customer
research into the content and captures an audience that are solution aware and
demo ready.

Phase 4



Your team gets a 24/7 live reporting dashboard that shows exactly which BOFU
articles are converting. No more once a month reporting from content marketing
agencies. You can check the results of your efforts at any time. How its
supposed to be.

 * Book a strategy call 🗓️


I've been working with Lashay for 6+ months now and she's provided my
organization with invaluable content strategy guided by all of her extensive
research on how to effectively generate leads using bottom-of-the-funnel
frameworks. With her guidance, we've been able to produce content that has
dramatically increased our number of high-quality leads across a number of our
product verticals.In addition to her extensive industry knowledge, Lashay has a
positive can-do attitude, a calm and friendly demeanor, and a great sense of
humor. She's terrific to work with and I recommend her highly!

Jacqueline Berkman
Content marketing manager at SoundThinking

Unlike many writers and marketers that just focus on word count, social shares,
or getting traffic, Lashay understands the focus should be on getting
conversions from content.She smartly focuses on content strategy and writing
from that lens: what keywords and topics can convert the best, and how do I sell
and position this product in the piece in a way that will drive as many
conversions as possible.That's smart and will get the best ROI for her employers
and clients. A ton of businesses would be lucky to have Lashay help them with
their content and SEO.

Devesh Khanal
Co-Founder Grow & Convert

In the decade of online marketing experience, I have never encountered a content
marketer with the commitment and work ethic of Lashay.Before a single article is
written or a single KW is pursued, she dug deep down into my industry to fully
understand my ideal client profile.She came up with a bottom of the funnel
strategy, which was only rivaled by her top of funnel strategy, ensuring all
possible leads could be pursued simultaneously.She understands that sales are
the lifeblood of any company and commits full-heartedly to generating leads with
the diligence of the company owner.I can honestly say I now better understand my
client base because of Lashay’s expertise. There is nobody I trust more than

David LoPresti
Co-Founder ADA Compliance Pros

Lashay is a brilliant B2B content strategist. She gets it. Every time we chat I
nod my head in agreement with her insights and cheer on her ideas. Not a lot of
folks in content are comfortable carrying a number, Lashay most certainly is,
and that's (part of) what differentiates her from the litany of content
consultants out there. She's a rising star in B2B content.

John-Henry Schreck
CEO Growth Plays


Powered On

âś“ Customer and product alignment workshopâś“ Collaborative workspaceâś“ Buyers
journey canvasâś“ Content strategy canvasâś“ Existing content auditâś“ Create 6
comparison pagesâś“ Async advisingâś“ BOFU Academy

 * Book a chat


âś“ Customer and product alignment workshopâś“ Collaborative workspaceâś“ Buyers
journey canvasâś“ Content strategy canvasâś“ Existing content auditâś“ Create 8
comparison pagesâś“ Async advisingâś“ BOFU Academy

 * Book a chat


âś“ Customer and product alignment workshopâś“ Collaborative workspaceâś“ Buyers
journey canvasâś“ Content strategy canvasâś“ Existing content auditâś“ Create 10
comparison pagesâś“ Async advisingâś“ BOFU Academy

 * Book a chat

Let's create your BOFU content strategy.

Here's exactly what you can expect when you reach out

1. Intake questions


You'll fill out a form that asks some high-level questions about you and the

2. Schedule a strategy session


You'll schedule a 20-min meeting with Lashay.

3. Understand your team's specific needs


We'll discuss the specific roadblocks ypour team is facing and walk you through
our process to create comparison pages.

4. Choose the package thats best for you


If what we discuss makes sense to you, you can select a package, sign the
contract and we begin onboarding.

 * Book a strategy call 🗓️

Hey, I'm Lashay 👋🏿 founder of Authority Plug

I've led and built profitable content marketing strategies for SaaS companies
while working in-house and across several content marketing agencies.Having
started off as a freelance writer, to then becoming a Senior Content Marketing
Manager I have the unique knowledge of being on both sides. Knowing how to get
writers to produce high-converting content and knowing how to create a content
strategy that generates SaaS companies real, attributable pipeline.Some of my
best clients have a small content team that's been actively creating content but
that content isn't driving direct demo signups.Now I'm working with SaaS
companies and marketing leaders as a consultant to help their team execute a
profitable, repeatable content marketing strategy.


Frequently Asked Questions

Who is this service for?

This service is best for a SaaS marketing leader who manages a small content
team that is producing content but lacking strategy.They want their team
executing a content strategy that drives attributable pipeline.

Will I work with Lashay directly?

Yes, Lashay will be directly working on your comparison pages and be the main
point of contact during the engagement.

Why should we work with you vs bringing someone in-house?

âś“ No extra resources needed like recruiters to hold dozens of interviewsâś“ No
employee onboardingâś“ Average salary of a content marketing manager is $129,166.
You'd pay less than half of that.âś“ A mid-level employee turnover costs 150%
above their annual salary to replace. You have the flexibility to end the
engagement whenever you'd like with no extra costs to the companyâś“ A
junior-level employee needs to be trained on content strategy. We bring over a
decade of content marketing experience into your SaaS businesses and provide
proven frameworks and playbooks that allow us to come in and hit the ground

Why should we work with you vs working with an SEO agency?

âś“ Other agencies take months, sometimes years to execute lead driving SEO
strategies. We plug your team into templates and frameworks, helping them work
in sprints, getting what would take an agency months to execute, in weeksâś“ SEO
agencies charge a higher markup to cover the costs of their internal team. We
work with YOUR content team to execute a lead driving content marketing
strategyâś“ Most SEO agencies just focus on traffic, but not leads. We help your
team create a conversion-driven content strategy and set up reporting that
tracks leads as the primary KPI so content attribution is clearâś“ When ending an
engagement with an SEO agency, they take their system and processes with them.
We give our system and processes to your team so even if our engagement ends,
your team still has everything they need to continue to execute a profitable
content marketing strategy

Do I need a large content team for this to work?

Nope. These strategies are executed by me so I can take one more thing off your
plate. You'll know your BOFU function is ran by a professional with proven

What are the payment terms?

It's required that the first 30 days be paid up-front to begin onboarding. Teams
also have the option to pay for the full 90 days.



 * Let's start strategizing 🚀

Maybe you run a small content team
And you're having trouble understanding creating a content strategy that drives
inbound leads
Or maybe
You're an in-house or freelance content marketer who is struggling to understand
how to create a profit-driven content strategy
Regardless of which of these fit your description
Talking to someone who has experience with both being a freelancer and running a
content team
Is going to significantly speed up the learning curve for you

And after spending the last 10 years of my life in content marketing
I've made almost every possible mistake you can make
Let me help you avoid them

 * Let's start strategizing 🚀



Give Me The Dashboard 🚀

Here's what's included in the dashboard

Customer and Product Research Questions

- Helps your team achieve content marketing and sales alignment- Insight on who
your ICP is and WHY they buy from you- Gain an understanding of who your
competitors are and their weak points- Know the exact language your prospect
uses when searching for a solution like yours

Keyword Research Work-board

- Lets your team which know what keywords should be prioritized- Integrates
directly into a content work-board for seamless content production- Fluid and
easy to customize for your team

Bottom-of-funnel Content Brief + Content Frameworks

- Content brief designed specifically for BOFU articles- Helps writers
methodically think through how the product solves customer pain points-
High-converting content frameworks- Content briefs plug directly into the
content frameworks

Content Work-board

- Pulls articles directly from the keyword work-board- Simple, visual layout so
you and your team knows where each piece is in the production process- Sort by
whichever view works best for you

Clear and Concise Reporting

- Looker studio dashboard designed for clear reporting- Shows exactly which
articles are driving conversions- Completely customizable to your business



Subscribe ⚡️

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 * Privacy Policy

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