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kaido™ Ice Pod XL [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] Sale price£129.00 GBP Regular price£159.00
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kaido™ FREE ICE POD and Sauna Pod + Steamer [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] SAVE £99! Sale
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> "Your body is a masterpiece, take care of it wisely."

> Recovery is about progression, not perfection.

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kaido™ FREE ICE POD and Sauna Pod + Steamer [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] SAVE £99! Sale
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kaido™ UK based
kaido™ Sauna Pod + Steamer [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] Sale price£399.00 GBP
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kaido™ UK based
kaido™ Ice Pod XL [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] Sale price£129.00 GBP Regular price£159.00
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kaido™ Ice Pod [PRE ORDER 10% OFF] Sale price£99.00 GBP Regular price£129.00 GBP


Sale price£399.00 GBP Regular price£498.00 GBP(/)
Sold outSave £99.00


Color: Black

Dimensions: 190 x 90 x 90 CM
190 x 90 x 90 CM
Black / 190 x 90 x 90 CM / SAVE £99! FREE ICE POD - £399.00 Variant


£399.00 £359.10 SAVE 10%

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We will fulfill the item as soon as it becomes available. The expected delivery
date for products ordered today is mid-November.




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For now, we only offer shipping within the UK. However, we will be adding the
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You will see the estimated shipping rates and delivery times at checkout.

For UK orders its standard between the 3 and the 5 days.

Do you offer pricematching?

Yes, we do! If you find a comparable portable ice bath from a legitimate company
online at a lower price, we’ll gladly match it.

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Refund requests must be submitted within 30 days of your purchase date.

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Born from a passion for trail running and self-development, Kaido's vision is to
make recovery a focal point of everyone's personal development journey. We aim
to reduce barriers to entry and educate on the benefits of a well-rounded
recovery routine. For nomadic workers, maintaining a consistent recovery program
can be challenging, especially when staying in remote parts of the world. The
Recovery Pod and Portable Sauna are designed to be a great solution to this


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