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URL: https://www.awwa.org/Resources-Tools/Resource-Topics/Risk-Resilience/Cybersecurity-Guidance
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                            <p>Cybersecurity is the top threat facing business and critical infrastructure in the United States, according to reports and testimony from the Director of National Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and
                              the Department of Homeland Security. </p>
                            <p>All water systems should act to examine cybersecurity vulnerabilities and develop a cybersecurity risk management program. </p>
                            <h5>Related Resources</h5>
                            <p><a href="/Resources-Tools/Resources/Risk-Resilience">Risk &amp; Resilience</a>
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                        <p>October 12, 2023 </p>
                        <h4>AWWA statement on retraction of EPA’s cybersecurity rule</h4>
                        <p><a href="https://youtu.be/Tcik9LdFwRU" target="_blank"></a>
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                        <p><span>AWWA agrees with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to retract its cybersecurity rule.</span>
                        <p><span>We strongly support efforts to strengthen cybersecurity in the water sector. In fact, AWWA is advocating for a regulatory model like that of the energy sector, with oversight from EPA. The Sanitary Survey Program,
                            however, is not the right tool for the job. Many state primacy agencies lack both the resources and technical expertise to evaluate and address cybersecurity issues. Further, state laws do not protect sensitive information
                            collected through sanitary surveys, and if publicly shared, that information could expose water system vulnerabilities.</span>
                        <p><span></span><span>We support a model that would authorize the selection of a Water Risk and Resilience Organization (WRRO) that would develop, implement and enforce cybersecurity risk and resilience requirements responsive
                            to the cyber threats and needs of drinking and wastewater systems. The WRRO would be a sector-led entity that would work closely with EPA to protect the nation’s water infrastructure effectively and efficiently at costs
                            that are manageable to water systems of all sizes.</span>
                        <p><span></span><span>The proposed legislation would create guardrails for the WRRO governance, including specifications that the WRRO must allow for stakeholder representation in the selection of the organization’s directors,
                            set equitable dues and feeds and engage member participation.</span>
                        <p><span></span><span>Based on water sector experience, lessons learned and continued assessment of cyber resilience, the WRRO will develop cybersecurity requirements, which will subsequently be approved by EPA prior to
                            becoming mandatory for covered water systems. EPA must defer to the WRRO’s expertise in the formation of the proposed requirement. If the agency disapproves of a proposed requirement, it is remanded to the WRRO with
                        <p><span></span><span>We look forward to working collaboratively with EPA and others to arrive at the right solution to address cybersecurity risks in the water sector.</span><span>&nbsp;31.</span>
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                        <h2>Cybersecurity: What Water Utility Leaders &amp; Professionals Should Know</h2>
                        <p>Cybersecurity is now a mission-critical function for water utilities. AWWA has developed a robust suite of guidance to help water utilities understand policies, comply with requirements and implement best practices. </p>
                        <p><i>To suggest updates and clarifications to this information, please email Kevin Morley, AWWA Manager of Federal Relations at <a href="mailto:kmorley@awwa.org?subject=AWWA Cybersecurity Webpage">kmorley@awwa.org</a></i>.
                        <p>&nbsp; </p>
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                        <h2>Cybersecurity&nbsp;Oversight Options Explored<br></h2>
                        <p>AWWA recently commissioned a report that explores industry-led regulatory options to support water sector cyber resilience, including the option of creating industry-wide cyber standards with oversight from a federal body,
                          similar to what exists within the energy sector. </p>
                        <p><a class="btn btn-style-1 mb-md mr-sm" href="/Portals/0/AWWA/Government/STRENGTHENINGTHECYBERRESILIENCEOFAMERICASWATERSYSTEMS-INDUSTRY-LEDREGULATORYOPTIONS.pdf" target="_blank">Read The Full Report</a>
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                        <h2>CISA Shields-Up Campaign </h2>
                        <p>The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) urges everyone to protect themselves online and adopt a heightened posture when it comes to security.&nbsp; CISA stands ready to help organizations prepare
                          for, respond to, and mitigate the impact of cyber attacks. </p>
                        <p><a class="btn btn-style-1 mb-md mr-sm" href="https://www.cisa.gov/shields-up" target="_blank">Learn More</a>
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                            <h2>AWWA Cybersecurity Assessment Tool and Guidance</h2>
                              <p>Are you a community water system or do you support community water systems? If so, federal legislation requires systems serving 3,300 or more persons to consider cybersecurity threats in your risk and resilience
                                assessment, as well as in your emergency response plan. This may sound daunting, but AWWA is here to help systems of all sizes. &nbsp;</p>
                              <p>AWWA has developed some essential planning resources to start water utilities on the path to cyber resilience. They are designed to help you clarify your utility’s exposure to cyber risks, set priorities, and execute
                                an appropriate and proactive cybersecurity strategy. &nbsp;</p>
                                <li><strong>START HERE: <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/AWWACybersecurityGuidance2019.pdf?ver=2019-09-09-111949-960">Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance</a>.</strong>
                                  Practical, step-by-step guidance from AWWA for protecting process control systems used by the water sector from cyberattacks.&nbsp;Following this guidance saves time and yields more comprehensive, accurate and
                                  actionable recommendations from the Assessment Tool.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                                <li><strong><a href="https://cybersecurity.awwa.org/" target="_blank">Assessment Tool</a>.</strong> This interactive tool asks utilities to examine how they are using various technologies. Based on responses, the tool
                                  generates a customized, prioritized list of controls that are most applicable to the utility’s technology applications. Utilities can use this output to determine the implementation status of critical controls
                                  designed to mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities. <em>AWWA website login is required for access</em>.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                                <li><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/Technical Reports/WaterSectorCybersecurityRiskMgmt.pdf?ver=2022-03-17-102456-127">Small Systems Guidance</a>.</strong> A getting-started guide to
                                  help small rural utilities improve their cybersecurity practices. For water utilities serving fewer than 10,000 people, and especially those serving fewer than 3,300 people.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                              <p><strong>About these resources.</strong> AWWA’s Cybersecurity Guidance and Assessment Tool have been updated and revised to maintain alignment with the
                                <a href="https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework">NIST Cybersecurity Framework</a> (the key set of standards, methodologies, procedures, and processes designed to align policy, business, and technology solutions to cyber
                                risks), and with Section 2013 of <a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/awia-section-2013">America’s Water Infrastructure Act</a> of 2018 (AWIA).&nbsp;</p>
                              <p>Together, these resources constitute a voluntary approach for how a utility can implement applicable cyber controls from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and also fulfill the cybersecurity provision in AWIA
                              <p>AWWA’s guidance and tools have been recognized by the U.S. EPA, Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), NIST and several states for aiding water systems in evaluating cybersecurity risks.&nbsp;<br>
                              <p><strong>Growing your utility’s cybersecurity maturity.</strong> This figure shows the levels of cybersecurity maturity (adapted from SANS), and how AWWA cybersecurity resources fit within this model.&nbsp;</p>
                              <center><img src="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/Images/Cybersecurityimage.jpg?ver=2022-03-17-112442-567" style="width: 800px; height: 307px;"></center>
                              <p><em><strong>Help AWWA keep our Guidance and Assessment Tool up to date!</strong> To suggest updates and clarifications to this tool, please email
                                  <a href="mailto:kmorley@awwa.org?subject=AWWA%20Assessment%20Tool">Kevin Morley</a>, AWWA Manager of Federal Relations.&nbsp;</em></p>
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                            <h2>AWWA Report: Cybersecurity Options for the Water Sector&nbsp;</h2>
                            <p>In August 2021, AWWA published a research report that recommends an industry-led regulatory option to enhance cybersecurity readiness and resilience across the water sector. This effort is an alternative to direct
                              federal action, which would likely be highly prescriptive, rather than risk-based.&nbsp;</p>
                            <p><strong>Read the report:
                                <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/Government/STRENGTHENINGTHECYBERRESILIENCEOFAMERICASWATERSYSTEMS-INDUSTRY-LEDREGULATORYOPTIONS.pdf">Strengthening the Cyber Resilience of America’s Water Systems: Industry-Led Regulatory Options</a>
                            <p><strong>Key recommendations</strong> from this report:&nbsp;</p>
                              <li>Establish an entity (Water Risk &amp; Resilience Organization, or WRRO), led by the water community, to set minimum requirements for cybersecurity.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>WRRO’s audit process would provide third-party accountability for cyber risk management.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>U.S. EPA would provide oversight on minimum requirements.&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><em>This report was researched and written for AWWA by <strong>Dr. Paul Stockton</strong>, who advises critical infrastructure organizations on ways to strengthen preparedness against emerging cyber threats. From May
                                2009 to January 2013, he served as Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security Affairs. Currently, he chairs the Grid Resilience for National Security subcommittee of DOE’s Electricity
                                Advisory Committee. He also serves on the Strategic Advisory Council of the Idaho National Laboratory, and is a Senior Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory. &nbsp;</em></p>
                            <h3>Latest policy actions on cybersecurity from AWWA &nbsp;</h3>
                            <p><b>April 5, Congressional Testimony.</b> Mobilizing Our Cyber Defenses: Securing Critical Infrastructure Against Russian Cyber Threats, presented by Kevin M. Morley PhD, Manager of Federal Relations, American Water
                              Works Association, before the House Committee on Homeland Security. (Video)</p>
                            <p>Morley said the water community could model a regulatory approach that is similar to the electric sector, with a tiered set of requirements based on risk and performance. EPA would provide federal oversight and approval
                              of requirements would be provided, given its existing statutory role in the water community.
                              (<a href="https://www.awwa.org/AWWA-Articles/awwa-testifies-on-new-approach-to-cybersecurity-threats" target="blank">Press release</a>)</p>
                            <p><strong>More policy guidance on cybersecurity from AWWA:&nbsp;</strong></p>
                                <strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/Technical%20Reports/BUILDINGCYBERSECURITYRESILIENCEINTHEWATERSECTOR.pdf?ver=2022-03-17-101907-407">Building Cybersecurity Resilience in the Water Sector</a>.</strong>
                                Brief summary of five&nbsp;key areas where greater collaboration is needed between owner/operators and federal, state and local partners.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                              <li><em>Journal AWWA</em>: <a href="https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/awwa.1800" target="_blank"><strong>What Does More Look Like?</strong></a> by Kevin Morley (AWWA Manager of Federal Relations) and Paul
                                Stockton. EXCERPT: “There is intense federal attention on what various sectors are doing to manage the risk from cyber threats. This raises questions on what more should be done to ensure that water systems are taking
                                appropriate actions to implement cybersecurity controls. We are therefore at a rare inflection point when it comes to informing a new oversight structure for cybersecurity in the water sector.”&nbsp;</li>
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                            <p>AWWA e-learning, standards, publications, training and webinars on cybersecurity for water systems. Members receive a significant discount.&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>Upcoming AWWA Events &amp; Webinars:&nbsp;</strong></p>

<p><strong>April 18-19, 2022: <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/Cybersecurity-Forum">Cybersecurity Forum</a></strong> - REGISTER NOW! &nbsp;Top experts will cover key information for water utility executives, so that they can provide decisive leadership to achieve cyber resilience. Includes current and emerging policy, IT/OT vulnerabilities, risk and liability, preparedness and more.</p>

<p><strong>May 24-26, 2022</strong>: NEW! AWWA in-person Seminar -&nbsp;<a href="https://www.awwa.org/cce" target="_self"><strong>Consequence-Driven, Cyber-Informed Engineering (CCE) Training for the Water Sector</strong></a> - Join us in Minneapolis,&nbsp;Minnesota&nbsp;to explore&nbsp;the CCE methodology of&nbsp;improving&nbsp;cyber-defense of our critical infrastructure systems.&nbsp;<a href="https://www.awwa.org/cce" target="_blank">Learn More</a></p>

<p><strong>June 15, 2022, 1:30-3pm: <a href="https://events.tpni.com/gcmmaintenance/awwa/online%20agenda/30000177/index.htm">Cybersecurity: How Prepared Is Your Utility?</a></strong> Session WED28 at ACE22, San Antonio, Texas (<a href="https://www.awwa.org/ace/Attend/Registration">Register for ACE22</a>). Presentations include:&nbsp;</p>

	<li>Cyber-Physical Resilience in Practice&nbsp;</li>
	<li>Implementing Cybersecurity and Network Improvements at Lowell Regional Wastewater Utility (Lowell, Mass.)&nbsp;</li>
	<li>Unveiling the Code: Understanding Ransomware and Negotiation Strategies During a Cyber Attack&nbsp;</li>

<p><strong>Sept. 28, 2022: <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/Events-Calendar/mid/11357/OccuranceId/620?ctl=ViewEvent">Utility Cyber Defense: How to Engineer a Better Approach</a>.</strong> In this cyber preparedness webinar, learn how to prepare, respond, or recover from a cyberattack. Mitigation techniques extend beyond SCADA and IT hardware to consequence-driven, cyber-informed engineering (CCE). Take swift action to secure your system.&nbsp;</p>

	<li>$75 AWWA members, $120 nonmember. Included in AWWA’s <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/eLearning-Courses/Online-Subscriptions#7571646-webinar-subscription">annual webinar subscription package</a>&nbsp;<br />
                            <h4>AWWA's Utility Risk &amp; Resilience eLearning Certificate Program</h4>
                            <p><strong>AWWA eLearning courses&nbsp;include cybersecurity:&nbsp;</strong></p>
                            <p><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/eLearning-Courses/Utility-Risk-Resilience-Certificate-Program">Utility Risk and Resilience</a>.</strong> Earn an industry-recognized certificate relevant to
                              cybersecurity and other key areas of water utility risk. Includes this cybersecurity eLearning course:
                              <a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/80638765"><strong>Cybersecurity in the Water Sector (EL264)</strong></a>, which covers:&nbsp;</p>
                              <li>Cybersecurity risk management&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Recognizing cybersecurity gaps&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Using AWWA’s Cybersecurity Assessment Tool&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>See <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/eLearning-Courses/Utility-Risk-Resilience-Certificate-Program">full list of courses</a></li>
                              <h4>Small Systems eLearning Courses</h4>
                            <p><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Professional-Development/Small-Systems#10954561-awia-elearning---cybersecurity-preparedness-risk--resilience">Small Systems Resiliency</a>.</strong> Free for people who work for a
                              water system serving fewer than 10,000 people. Includes this cybersecurity eLearning course: <strong>Cybersecurity for Water Systems</strong> (EL276), which covers:&nbsp;</p>
                              <li>Best practices for critical infrastructure&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Using AWWA’s cybersecurity risk management guidance and Assessment Tool to identify gaps in current cybersecurity practices &nbsp;</li>
                              <li>See <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Professional-Development/Small-Systems#10954561-awia-elearning---cybersecurity-preparedness-risk--resilience">full list of small systems courses</a></li>
                            <p>How to access any small systems course for free (<strong>intended&nbsp;for small systems <em>only</em></strong>):&nbsp;</p>
                              <li>Log in to your AWWA.org account&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Select your name (top right corner) to view your account information.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>In the menus on the left, select <em>My Courses</em> (under <em>Education</em>).&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Under <em>Small Systems Course Access</em>, enter code: AWWASMSY.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>All available free courses will be placed in your enrollments. To access any free course, click on the course title, or click <em>Go</em> next to the title.&nbsp;</li>
                          <div id="lt-12690718-risk-management" class="mtop ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" aria-labelledby="ui-id-4" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;">
                            <h2>Risk Management: Key Context for Cybersecurity</h2>
                            <p>AWWA offers a variety of resources on <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Resources-Tools/Resource-Topics/Risk-Resilience">risk and resilience</a> -- including our
                              <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Events-Education/eLearning-Courses/Utility-Risk-Resilience-Certificate-Program">Utility Risk &amp; Resilience Certificate program</a>. &nbsp;</p>
                            <p>Cybersecurity is one of many risks that water utilities must manage. Several AWWA Standards, Manuals and other publications offer guidance on risk management. The following AWWA resources provide valuable context for
                              managing cyber risks alongside other risks.&nbsp;</p>
                            <p>NOTE: Cyber is not the exclusive focus of any of these resources, but rather an element of all of them. Collectively, these standards facilitate compliance with AWIA and provide a foundation for demonstrating due
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/87153630">ANSI/AWWA G430-14(R20): Security Practices for Operation and Management</a>.</strong> Covers the minimum
                                requirements for a protective security program for a water, wastewater, or reuse utility. Information protection and continuity are requirements.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/160820280">ANSI/AWWA G440-17: Emergency Preparedness Practices</a>.</strong> Covers minimum requirements to establish and
                                maintain an acceptable level of emergency preparedness based on identified and perceived risks facing water utilities. Key business considerations and operating system recovery.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/88116441">ANSI/AWWA J100-21: Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater Systems</a>.</strong> Enables water and
                                wastewater utility owners and operators to make sound decisions when allocating limited resources to reducing risk and improving resilience. Cyber is a required threat domain.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/personifyebusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/39840706">ANSI/AWWA G300-14: Source Water Protection</a>.</strong> Critical requirements for the effective protection of
                                source waters.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Guidance documents:&nbsp;</strong></p>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/Government/AWWACybersecurityRiskandResponsibility.pdf?ver=2018-12-05-123319-013">Cybersecurity Risk &amp; Responsibility Guide</a>.</strong> The utility has a
                                fiduciary responsibility to manage cyber risks. Covers the scope and significance of cyber threats, system operator responsibility to anticipate threats and address vulnerabilities, additional risks (reputational,
                                regulatory, civil liability), strategy to manage risks and prioritize solutions, insurance, and more.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/ETS/Resources/AWWACybersecurityGuidance2019.pdf?ver=2019-09-09-111949-960">Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance</a>.</strong> Practical,
                                step-by-step guidance from AWWA for protecting process control systems used by the water sector from cyberattacks. Includes a summary of information to gather before using the Assessment Tool (below). Supports
                                voluntary adoption of the <a href="https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework" target="_blank">NIST Cybersecurity Framework</a>, and also addresses the cybersecurity provision of
                                <a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/awia-section-2013" target="_blank">AWIA Section 2013</a>.&nbsp;<br> &nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/38151377">M19: Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities, 5th edition</a>.</strong> All-hazards approach for
                                principles, practices, and guidelines in water utility emergency planning. Covers plan development, mutual aid partnerships, communication strategies, staff preparedness, risk mitigation and more.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://engage.awwa.org/PersonifyEbusiness/Store/Product-Details/productId/64049372">Operational Guide to AWWA Standard G300, Source Water Protection, 2nd edition</a>.</strong> Helps utility managers
                                implement and incorporate G300 into everyday utility operations. Identify source water protection goals, produce and implement action plans, and assess effectiveness. Includes worksheets, an extensive resource section,
                                and case studies of successful source protection programs.<br> &nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Related AWWA Resources:&nbsp;</strong></p>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Resources-Tools/Resource-Topics/Risk-Resilience/Cybersecurity-Guidance#12690715-assessment-tool--guidance">Cybersecurity Assessment Tool and Guidance</a>.</strong> AWWA’s
                                interactive tool for assessing your utility’s unique cybersecurity considerations, and guidance for conducting and using this assessment.&nbsp;</li>
                                <strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/Government/ProtectingtheWaterSectorsCriticalInfrastructureInformation.pdf">Protecting the Water Sector’s Critical Infrastructure Information: Analysis of State Laws</a>.</strong>
                                Many states have taken steps to exempt critical water infrastructure information from public release. As of 2020, 34 states had disclosure exemption laws that specifically address the type of information that utilities
                                much develop and prepare to comply with AWIA. States without such laws have some protections which may, or may not, apply to critical infrastructure information. This report is a review and summary of the protections
                                available for the information developed by a water utility, per AWIA at the state level.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><em>Journal AWWA</em>: <a href="https://awwa.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/awwa.1708" target="_blank"><strong>Engineering Cyber–Physical Resilience</strong></a>, by Andrew Ohrt, Daniel A. Groves, et al.
                                SUMMARY: Consequence-driven, cyber-informed engineering (CCE) adds another layer to cybersecurity strategies and helps utilities establish organizational and engineering practices that ensure resilience.&nbsp;</li>
                          <div id="lt-12690719-additional-resources" class="mtop ui-tabs-panel ui-widget-content ui-corner-bottom" aria-labelledby="ui-id-5" role="tabpanel" aria-hidden="true" style="display: none;">
                            <h2>Additional Resources for Water-Sector Cybersecurity Information</h2>
                            <p>Beyond AWWA, many organizations and agencies have created helpful cybersecurity resources relevant to protecting water systems.</p>
                            <p><strong>Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)&nbsp;</strong><br>
                              <a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterriskassessment/epa-cybersecurity-best-practices-water-sector" target="_blank"><strong>Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Water Sector:</strong></a> EPA’s central list of water
                              cybersecurity resources, including: &nbsp;
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/sites/default/files/2018-06/documents/cybersecurity_guide_for_states_final_0.pdf" target="_blank">Water Sector Cybersecurity Brief for States</a>&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterutilityresponse/incident-action-checklists-water-utilities" target="_blank">Cybersecurity Incident Action Checklist</a> for water utilities&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterriskassessment/conduct-drinking-water-or-wastewater-utility-risk-assessment" target="_blank">Drinking Water or Wastewater Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Tool</a>&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresiliencetraining/develop-and-conduct-water-resilience-tabletop-exercise-water-utilities" target="_blank">Water Resilience Tabletop Exercises</a>: Tool for planning, conducting and
                                evaluating tabletop exercises that focus water system incidents and challenges, including cyberattacks.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/infrastructure/fact-sheet-epa-bipartisan-infrastructure-law" target="_blank">Fact Sheet: EPA and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law</a>&nbsp;</li>
                                <a href="https://www.epa.gov/system/files/documents/2021-07/technicalassistanceflyerupdate-hwg.pdf" target="_blank">Cybersecurity Assessment and Technical Assistance and Assessment for Water and Wastewater Utilities</a>.
                                EPA offers free, confidential assessments and technical assistance to drinking water and wastewater utilities.&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Resource Guide: <a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/awia-section-2013" target="_blank">America's Water Infrastructure Act: Risk Assessments and Emergency Response Plans</a></strong>. The 2018 AWIA
                              requires that water system emergency response plans address cybersecurity. This EPA list of resources covers important compliance deadlines and other essential information, plus:&nbsp;</p>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterriskassessment/baseline-information-malevolent-acts-community-water-systems" target="_blank">Baseline Information on Malevolent Acts for Community Water Systems</a>&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/small-system-risk-and-resilience-assessment-checklist" target="_blank">Small System Risk and Resilience Assessment Checklist</a>&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience" target="_blank"><strong>Drinking Water and Wastewater Resilience</strong></a> resources, including:&nbsp;</p>
                              <li>Nov. 26, 2021: <a href="https://www.epa.gov/infrastructure/fact-sheet-epa-bipartisan-infrastructure-law" target="_blank">Fact sheet: EPA &amp; The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law</a>&nbsp;</li>
                              <li>Tool: <a href="https://www.epa.gov/waterresilience/route-resilience-2020-drinking-water-and-wastewater-utilities" target="_blank">Route to Resilience 2020 for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities</a>&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC)&nbsp;</strong></p>
                              <li><a href="https://www.waterisac.org/2021survey">Cybersecurity: 2021 State of the Sector, industry survey report&nbsp;</a></li>
                              <li><a href="https://www.waterisac.org/fundamentals" target="_blank">15 Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Water and Wastewater Utilities</a></li>
                              <li><em>Additional WaterISAC resources available behind paywall&nbsp;</em></li>
                            <p><strong>U.S. Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA)</strong>&nbsp;</p>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.cisa.gov/shields-up" target="_blank">Shields Up</a>.</strong> CISA’s main collection of resources to help critical infrastructure systems address cybersecurity threats.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.cisa.gov/report" target="_blank">Report Incidents, Phishing, Malware, or Vulnerabilities</a>.</strong> Secure form to report known or potential cyber threats and incidents.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.cisa.gov/uscert/ncas/current-activity" target="_blank">US-CERT Current Activity</a>.</strong> Regularly updated summary of the most frequent, high-impact types of security incidents
                                currently being reported to the U.S. Computer Emergency Readiness Team.&nbsp;</li>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.cisa.gov/stopransomware/cyber-security-evaluation-tool-csetr" target="_blank">Cybersecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET)</a>.</strong> Standalone desktop application. Guides asset owners and
                                operators through a systematic process of evaluating operational and information technology. Includes ransomware module.&nbsp;</li>
                                <strong><a href="https://www.cisa.gov/sites/default/files/publications/CISA_Insights-Implement_Cybersecurity_Measures_Now_to_Protect_Against_Critical_Threats_508C.pdf" target="_blank">Implement Cybersecurity Measures Now to Protect Against Potential Critical Threats</a>.</strong>
                                This January 2022 <em>CISA Insights</em> article warns of increased threats, and notes recent malicious cyber events in Ukraine. Recommends immediate action steps.&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>National Institute of Standards &amp; Technology (NIST)&nbsp;</strong></p>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.nist.gov/cyberframework" target="_blank">NIST Cybersecurity Framework</a>.</strong> The based set of standards, methodologies, procedures, and processes designed to align policy,
                                business, and technology solutions to cyber risks.&nbsp;AWWA’s Guidance and Assessment Tool provide a sector-specific approach to using the NIST CSF.&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Idaho National Laboratory&nbsp;</strong></p>
                              <li><strong><a href="https://www.awwa.org/cce" target="_blank">Consequence-Driven Cyber-Informed Engineering</a>.</strong> Security methodology for critical infrastructure systems. Assumes that if a critical
                                infrastructure system is targeted by a skilled and determined adversary, the targeted network can and will be penetrated. This "think like the adversary" approach offers infrastructure owners and operators a four-step
                                process for safeguarding operations.&nbsp;</li>
                            <p><strong>Congressional Research Service&nbsp;</strong></p>
                                <a href="https://crsreports.congress.gov/product/pdf/IN/IN11683" target="_blank"><strong>Critical Infrastructure Policy: Information Sharing and Disclosure Requirements After the Colonial Pipeline Attack</strong></a>,
                                by Brian E. Humphreys. Overview of past and present statutory, policy and regulatory pronouncements shaping the evolving U.S. approach to sharing information essential to addressing cyber risks for critical
                                infrastructure, including water systems.</li>
                            <p><strong>January 25, 2023</strong> -
                              <a href="https://www.awwa.org/Portals/0/AWWA/Government/JointAssociationLettertoEPAonCybersecurity20230125.pdf" target="_blank">Joint association letter to EPA regarding the Sanitary Survey Program</a></p>
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Cybersecurity & Guidance
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Cybersecurity is the top threat facing business and critical infrastructure in
the United States, according to reports and testimony from the Director of
National Intelligence, the Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Department of
Homeland Security.

All water systems should act to examine cybersecurity vulnerabilities and
develop a cybersecurity risk management program.


Risk & Resilience


October 12, 2023


AWWA agrees with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency’s (EPA) decision to
retract its cybersecurity rule.

We strongly support efforts to strengthen cybersecurity in the water sector. In
fact, AWWA is advocating for a regulatory model like that of the energy sector,
with oversight from EPA. The Sanitary Survey Program, however, is not the right
tool for the job. Many state primacy agencies lack both the resources and
technical expertise to evaluate and address cybersecurity issues. Further, state
laws do not protect sensitive information collected through sanitary surveys,
and if publicly shared, that information could expose water system

We support a model that would authorize the selection of a Water Risk and
Resilience Organization (WRRO) that would develop, implement and enforce
cybersecurity risk and resilience requirements responsive to the cyber threats
and needs of drinking and wastewater systems. The WRRO would be a sector-led
entity that would work closely with EPA to protect the nation’s water
infrastructure effectively and efficiently at costs that are manageable to water
systems of all sizes.

The proposed legislation would create guardrails for the WRRO governance,
including specifications that the WRRO must allow for stakeholder representation
in the selection of the organization’s directors, set equitable dues and feeds
and engage member participation.

Based on water sector experience, lessons learned and continued assessment of
cyber resilience, the WRRO will develop cybersecurity requirements, which will
subsequently be approved by EPA prior to becoming mandatory for covered water
systems. EPA must defer to the WRRO’s expertise in the formation of the proposed
requirement. If the agency disapproves of a proposed requirement, it is remanded
to the WRRO with recommendations.

We look forward to working collaboratively with EPA and others to arrive at the
right solution to address cybersecurity risks in the water sector. 31.




Cybersecurity is now a mission-critical function for water utilities. AWWA has
developed a robust suite of guidance to help water utilities understand
policies, comply with requirements and implement best practices.

To suggest updates and clarifications to this information, please email Kevin
Morley, AWWA Manager of Federal Relations at kmorley@awwa.org.



AWWA recently commissioned a report that explores industry-led regulatory
options to support water sector cyber resilience, including the option of
creating industry-wide cyber standards with oversight from a federal body,
similar to what exists within the energy sector.

Read The Full Report


The U.S. Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA) urges everyone
to protect themselves online and adopt a heightened posture when it comes to
security.  CISA stands ready to help organizations prepare for, respond to, and
mitigate the impact of cyber attacks.

Learn More

 * Assessment Tool & Guidance
 * Policy Actions
 * Education & Events
 * Risk Management
 * Additional Resources


Are you a community water system or do you support community water systems? If
so, federal legislation requires systems serving 3,300 or more persons to
consider cybersecurity threats in your risk and resilience assessment, as well
as in your emergency response plan. This may sound daunting, but AWWA is here to
help systems of all sizes.  

AWWA has developed some essential planning resources to start water utilities on
the path to cyber resilience. They are designed to help you clarify your
utility’s exposure to cyber risks, set priorities, and execute an appropriate
and proactive cybersecurity strategy.  

 1. START HERE: Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance. Practical,
    step-by-step guidance from AWWA for protecting process control systems used
    by the water sector from cyberattacks. Following this guidance saves time
    and yields more comprehensive, accurate and actionable recommendations from
    the Assessment Tool. 
 2. Assessment Tool. This interactive tool asks utilities to examine how they
    are using various technologies. Based on responses, the tool generates a
    customized, prioritized list of controls that are most applicable to the
    utility’s technology applications. Utilities can use this output to
    determine the implementation status of critical controls designed to
    mitigate cybersecurity vulnerabilities. AWWA website login is required for
 3. Small Systems Guidance. A getting-started guide to help small rural
    utilities improve their cybersecurity practices. For water utilities serving
    fewer than 10,000 people, and especially those serving fewer than 3,300

About these resources. AWWA’s Cybersecurity Guidance and Assessment Tool have
been updated and revised to maintain alignment with the NIST Cybersecurity
Framework (the key set of standards, methodologies, procedures, and processes
designed to align policy, business, and technology solutions to cyber risks),
and with Section 2013 of America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018 (AWIA). 

Together, these resources constitute a voluntary approach for how a utility can
implement applicable cyber controls from the NIST Cybersecurity Framework, and
also fulfill the cybersecurity provision in AWIA §2013. 

AWWA’s guidance and tools have been recognized by the U.S. EPA, Cybersecurity
and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA), NIST and several states for aiding
water systems in evaluating cybersecurity risks. 

Growing your utility’s cybersecurity maturity. This figure shows the levels of
cybersecurity maturity (adapted from SANS), and how AWWA cybersecurity resources
fit within this model. 



Help AWWA keep our Guidance and Assessment Tool up to date! To suggest updates
and clarifications to this tool, please email Kevin Morley, AWWA Manager of
Federal Relations. 


In August 2021, AWWA published a research report that recommends an industry-led
regulatory option to enhance cybersecurity readiness and resilience across the
water sector. This effort is an alternative to direct federal action, which
would likely be highly prescriptive, rather than risk-based. 

Read the report: Strengthening the Cyber Resilience of America’s Water Systems:
Industry-Led Regulatory Options  

Key recommendations from this report: 

 * Establish an entity (Water Risk & Resilience Organization, or WRRO), led by
   the water community, to set minimum requirements for cybersecurity. 
 * WRRO’s audit process would provide third-party accountability for cyber risk
 * U.S. EPA would provide oversight on minimum requirements. 

This report was researched and written for AWWA by Dr. Paul Stockton, who
advises critical infrastructure organizations on ways to strengthen preparedness
against emerging cyber threats. From May 2009 to January 2013, he served as
Assistant Secretary of Defense for Homeland Defense and Americas’ Security
Affairs. Currently, he chairs the Grid Resilience for National Security
subcommittee of DOE’s Electricity Advisory Committee. He also serves on the
Strategic Advisory Council of the Idaho National Laboratory, and is a Senior
Fellow of the Johns Hopkins University’s Applied Physics Laboratory.  


April 5, Congressional Testimony. Mobilizing Our Cyber Defenses: Securing
Critical Infrastructure Against Russian Cyber Threats, presented by Kevin M.
Morley PhD, Manager of Federal Relations, American Water Works Association,
before the House Committee on Homeland Security. (Video)

Morley said the water community could model a regulatory approach that is
similar to the electric sector, with a tiered set of requirements based on risk
and performance. EPA would provide federal oversight and approval of
requirements would be provided, given its existing statutory role in the water
community. (Press release)

More policy guidance on cybersecurity from AWWA: 

 * Building Cybersecurity Resilience in the Water Sector. Brief summary of
   five key areas where greater collaboration is needed between owner/operators
   and federal, state and local partners. 
 * Journal AWWA: What Does More Look Like? by Kevin Morley (AWWA Manager of
   Federal Relations) and Paul Stockton. EXCERPT: “There is intense federal
   attention on what various sectors are doing to manage the risk from cyber
   threats. This raises questions on what more should be done to ensure that
   water systems are taking appropriate actions to implement cybersecurity
   controls. We are therefore at a rare inflection point when it comes to
   informing a new oversight structure for cybersecurity in the water sector.” 

AWWA e-learning, standards, publications, training and webinars on cybersecurity
for water systems. Members receive a significant discount. 


AWWA eLearning courses include cybersecurity: 

Utility Risk and Resilience. Earn an industry-recognized certificate relevant to
cybersecurity and other key areas of water utility risk. Includes this
cybersecurity eLearning course: Cybersecurity in the Water Sector (EL264), which

 * Cybersecurity risk management 
 * Recognizing cybersecurity gaps 
 * Using AWWA’s Cybersecurity Assessment Tool 
 * See full list of courses



Small Systems Resiliency. Free for people who work for a water system serving
fewer than 10,000 people. Includes this cybersecurity eLearning course:
Cybersecurity for Water Systems (EL276), which covers: 

 * Best practices for critical infrastructure 
 * Using AWWA’s cybersecurity risk management guidance and Assessment Tool to
   identify gaps in current cybersecurity practices  
 * See full list of small systems courses

How to access any small systems course for free (intended for small systems

 * Log in to your AWWA.org account 
 * Select your name (top right corner) to view your account information. 
 * In the menus on the left, select My Courses (under Education). 
 * Under Small Systems Course Access, enter code: AWWASMSY. 
 * All available free courses will be placed in your enrollments. To access any
   free course, click on the course title, or click Go next to the title. 


AWWA offers a variety of resources on risk and resilience -- including our
Utility Risk & Resilience Certificate program.  

Cybersecurity is one of many risks that water utilities must manage. Several
AWWA Standards, Manuals and other publications offer guidance on risk
management. The following AWWA resources provide valuable context for managing
cyber risks alongside other risks. 

NOTE: Cyber is not the exclusive focus of any of these resources, but rather an
element of all of them. Collectively, these standards facilitate compliance with
AWIA and provide a foundation for demonstrating due diligence. 


 * ANSI/AWWA G430-14(R20): Security Practices for Operation and Management.
   Covers the minimum requirements for a protective security program for a
   water, wastewater, or reuse utility. Information protection and continuity
   are requirements. 
 * ANSI/AWWA G440-17: Emergency Preparedness Practices. Covers minimum
   requirements to establish and maintain an acceptable level of emergency
   preparedness based on identified and perceived risks facing water utilities.
   Key business considerations and operating system recovery. 
 * ANSI/AWWA J100-21: Risk and Resilience Management of Water and Wastewater
   Systems. Enables water and wastewater utility owners and operators to make
   sound decisions when allocating limited resources to reducing risk and
   improving resilience. Cyber is a required threat domain. 
 * ANSI/AWWA G300-14: Source Water Protection. Critical requirements for the
   effective protection of source waters. 

Guidance documents: 

 * Cybersecurity Risk & Responsibility Guide. The utility has a fiduciary
   responsibility to manage cyber risks. Covers the scope and significance of
   cyber threats, system operator responsibility to anticipate threats and
   address vulnerabilities, additional risks (reputational, regulatory, civil
   liability), strategy to manage risks and prioritize solutions, insurance, and
 * Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance. Practical, step-by-step
   guidance from AWWA for protecting process control systems used by the water
   sector from cyberattacks. Includes a summary of information to gather before
   using the Assessment Tool (below). Supports voluntary adoption of the NIST
   Cybersecurity Framework, and also addresses the cybersecurity provision of
   AWIA Section 2013. 


 * M19: Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater Utilities, 5th edition.
   All-hazards approach for principles, practices, and guidelines in water
   utility emergency planning. Covers plan development, mutual aid partnerships,
   communication strategies, staff preparedness, risk mitigation and more. 
 * Operational Guide to AWWA Standard G300, Source Water Protection, 2nd
   edition. Helps utility managers implement and incorporate G300 into everyday
   utility operations. Identify source water protection goals, produce and
   implement action plans, and assess effectiveness. Includes worksheets, an
   extensive resource section, and case studies of successful source protection

Related AWWA Resources: 

 * Cybersecurity Assessment Tool and Guidance. AWWA’s interactive tool for
   assessing your utility’s unique cybersecurity considerations, and guidance
   for conducting and using this assessment. 
 * Report: Protecting the Water Sector’s Critical Infrastructure Information:
   Analysis of State Laws. Many states have taken steps to exempt critical water
   infrastructure information from public release. As of 2020, 34 states had
   disclosure exemption laws that specifically address the type of information
   that utilities much develop and prepare to comply with AWIA. States without
   such laws have some protections which may, or may not, apply to critical
   infrastructure information. This report is a review and summary of the
   protections available for the information developed by a water utility, per
   AWIA at the state level. 
 * Journal AWWA: Engineering Cyber–Physical Resilience, by Andrew Ohrt, Daniel
   A. Groves, et al. SUMMARY: Consequence-driven, cyber-informed engineering
   (CCE) adds another layer to cybersecurity strategies and helps utilities
   establish organizational and engineering practices that ensure resilience. 


Beyond AWWA, many organizations and agencies have created helpful cybersecurity
resources relevant to protecting water systems.

Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 
Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Water Sector: EPA’s central list of water
cybersecurity resources, including:  

 * Water Sector Cybersecurity Brief for States 
 * Cybersecurity Incident Action Checklist for water utilities 
 * Drinking Water or Wastewater Cybersecurity Risk Assessment Tool 
 * Water Resilience Tabletop Exercises: Tool for planning, conducting and
   evaluating tabletop exercises that focus water system incidents and
   challenges, including cyberattacks. 
 * Fact Sheet: EPA and the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 
 * Cybersecurity Assessment and Technical Assistance and Assessment for Water
   and Wastewater Utilities. EPA offers free, confidential assessments and
   technical assistance to drinking water and wastewater utilities. 

Resource Guide: America's Water Infrastructure Act: Risk Assessments and
Emergency Response Plans. The 2018 AWIA requires that water system emergency
response plans address cybersecurity. This EPA list of resources covers
important compliance deadlines and other essential information, plus: 

 * Baseline Information on Malevolent Acts for Community Water Systems 
 * Small System Risk and Resilience Assessment Checklist 

Drinking Water and Wastewater Resilience resources, including: 

 * Nov. 26, 2021: Fact sheet: EPA & The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law 
 * Tool: Route to Resilience 2020 for Drinking Water and Wastewater Utilities 

Water Information Sharing and Analysis Center (WaterISAC) 

 * Cybersecurity: 2021 State of the Sector, industry survey report 
 * 15 Cybersecurity Fundamentals for Water and Wastewater Utilities
 * Additional WaterISAC resources available behind paywall 

U.S. Cybersecurity Infrastructure and Security Agency (CISA) 

 * Shields Up. CISA’s main collection of resources to help critical
   infrastructure systems address cybersecurity threats. 
 * Report Incidents, Phishing, Malware, or Vulnerabilities. Secure form to
   report known or potential cyber threats and incidents. 
 * US-CERT Current Activity. Regularly updated summary of the most frequent,
   high-impact types of security incidents currently being reported to the U.S.
   Computer Emergency Readiness Team. 
 * Cybersecurity Evaluation Tool (CSET). Standalone desktop application. Guides
   asset owners and operators through a systematic process of evaluating
   operational and information technology. Includes ransomware module. 
 * Implement Cybersecurity Measures Now to Protect Against Potential Critical
   Threats. This January 2022 CISA Insights article warns of increased threats,
   and notes recent malicious cyber events in Ukraine. Recommends immediate
   action steps. 

National Institute of Standards & Technology (NIST) 

 * NIST Cybersecurity Framework. The based set of standards, methodologies,
   procedures, and processes designed to align policy, business, and technology
   solutions to cyber risks. AWWA’s Guidance and Assessment Tool provide a
   sector-specific approach to using the NIST CSF. 

Idaho National Laboratory 

 * Consequence-Driven Cyber-Informed Engineering. Security methodology for
   critical infrastructure systems. Assumes that if a critical infrastructure
   system is targeted by a skilled and determined adversary, the targeted
   network can and will be penetrated. This "think like the adversary" approach
   offers infrastructure owners and operators a four-step process for
   safeguarding operations. 

Congressional Research Service 

 * Critical Infrastructure Policy: Information Sharing and Disclosure
   Requirements After the Colonial Pipeline Attack, by Brian E. Humphreys.
   Overview of past and present statutory, policy and regulatory pronouncements
   shaping the evolving U.S. approach to sharing information essential to
   addressing cyber risks for critical infrastructure, including water systems.

January 25, 2023 - Joint association letter to EPA regarding the Sanitary Survey



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