ensanahotels.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://ensanahotels.com/
Effective URL: https://ensanahotels.com/
Submission: On November 14 via api from US — Scanned from NL

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Sts. Constantine and HelenaAquahouse
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Mariánské LázněButterflyCentrální LázněHvězdaNové LázněPacifikSvobodaVltava
BudapestGrand Margaret IslandThermal Margaret Island
HévízThermal Aqua Thermal Hévíz
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We are proud that all eight Ensana destinations are located in places of
exceptionally rich natural resource with a long history of medical expertise
that continues to grow in line with our on-going scientific research.

Explore resources
Thermal Water
Mineral Water
Salt Water
Healing Mud
Natural CO₂
Thermal Water

The precious source of health and relaxation. Thermal mineral water is
characterised by its naturally warm temperature and rich mineral composition.

Mineral Water

An efficient natural remedy with stress-reducing effects. Waters contain high
levels of minerals (an average of 15mg per litre), plus gases and micro elements
that are dissolved in the water as it passes through underground rock.

Salt Water

Healing effects for skin diseases, mobility disorders and gynaecological
conditions. Salt water and anti-bacterial healing mud at our Ensana hotels in
Sovata come from an unusual geological phenomenon: the only natural
helio-thermal lake in Europe.

Healing Mud

Great remedy for musculoskeletal disorders and skin diseases. Like thermal and
spring water, healing mud is mineral-rich, with a great capacity to benefit a
full range of symptoms depending on the specific composition of elements such as
bromine, sulphur and magnesium. 

Natural CO2

Ideal for improved circulation and pain relief. A natural phenomenon in
Mariánské Lázně, the dry gas springs emit carbon dioxide that is harnessed for
use in different treatments of varying intensity and effect to accelerate
healing, in particular reducing blood pressure and improveing circulation.



Many of our hotels are located in Europe’s most important spa towns, and have a
rich history of hosting emperors, poets, composers and artists from around the
world, in many cases welcoming returning guests for more than a decade.

Our thermal spas in Hungary offer beautiful accommodation in stunning
destinations filled with turquoise lakes, thermal springs and healing mud.
Prices from €67

You will find our Romanian health spas right next to the only heliothermic lake
in Europe.  The healing power of Sovata's water has been known for hunderts of
Prices from €61

If you want to experience the relaxation, rejuvenation or healing offered by the
thermal spas in Slovakia, visit our hotels in Piešťany and Smrdáky.
Prices from €41

United Kingdom
One of the UK’s most historic spa destinations, dating back to the Roman times.
Prices from £115

Experience the beauty and culture of Bulgaria's oldest seaside resort Sts.
Constantine and Helena
Prices from €81

Czech Republic
Visit one of the best health spas in the Czech Republic and enjoy the same kind
of pampering sought by the European elites since the 18th century.
Prices from €48

Our thermal spas in Hungary offer beautiful accommodation in stunning
destinations filled with turquoise lakes, thermal springs and healing mud.
Prices from €67

You will find our Romanian health spas right next to the only heliothermic lake
in Europe.  The healing power of Sovata's water has been known for hunderts of
Prices from €61

If you want to experience the relaxation, rejuvenation or healing offered by the
thermal spas in Slovakia, visit our hotels in Piešťany and Smrdáky.
Prices from €41

United Kingdom
One of the UK’s most historic spa destinations, dating back to the Roman times.
Prices from £115

Experience the beauty and culture of Bulgaria's oldest seaside resort Sts.
Constantine and Helena
Prices from €81

Czech Republic
Visit one of the best health spas in the Czech Republic and enjoy the same kind
of pampering sought by the European elites since the 18th century.
Prices from €48

Our thermal spas in Hungary offer beautiful accommodation in stunning
destinations filled with turquoise lakes, thermal springs and healing mud.
Prices from €67

You will find our Romanian health spas right next to the only heliothermic lake
in Europe.  The healing power of Sovata's water has been known for hunderts of
Prices from €61


Thermal Margaret Island: "This is a great hotel with comfortable and modern
rooms, in a beautiful setting. Professional and helpful staff are always on
hand. The natural thermal pools are an oasis of calm. I have stayed here many
times and recommend this lovely hotel."

from London, United Kingdom


"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a
treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer
them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy at Grand Margaret
Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest


Sovata: "The menu at the rich and varied restaurant had many options. The
cleanliness in the hotel and in the spa area is very good. I am satisfied with
the existing conditions. We will be happy to return in the future."

from Romania


"We offer ’spa rehabilitation’ with great success for guests post hip, knee and
other locomotive surgeries. The potential of our spas for rehabilitation is

MD Pavel Knára
Emeritus Senior Consultant at Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně


Nové Lázně: "I visited this town Marienbad (Mariánské Lázně) and hotel “Nove
Lázně” for the 1st time and I liked it. I visited several times 5 stars Hotels
in Karlovy Vary, however next time I prefer to return back to Marienbad Hotel
“Nové Lázně”. I used to see in London hotels kettle, tea & coffee packs and I
was nicely surprised that Room was equipped the same way. I recommend this hotel
and hope to return in the near future."

from Kazakhstan


"Our salty water and mud act quickly against chronic inflammation, joint and
muscle pain and stiffness for long-lasting rejuvenation."

Dr. Jeremias Cristina
Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation and Balneology at Sovata & Bradet, Sovata


Thermal Margaret Island: "This is a great hotel with comfortable and modern
rooms, in a beautiful setting. Professional and helpful staff are always on
hand. The natural thermal pools are an oasis of calm. I have stayed here many
times and recommend this lovely hotel."

from London, United Kingdom


"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a
treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer
them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy at Grand Margaret
Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest


Sovata: "The menu at the rich and varied restaurant had many options. The
cleanliness in the hotel and in the spa area is very good. I am satisfied with
the existing conditions. We will be happy to return in the future."

from Romania


"We offer ’spa rehabilitation’ with great success for guests post hip, knee and
other locomotive surgeries. The potential of our spas for rehabilitation is

MD Pavel Knára
Emeritus Senior Consultant at Nové Lázně, Mariánské Lázně


Nové Lázně: "I visited this town Marienbad (Mariánské Lázně) and hotel “Nove
Lázně” for the 1st time and I liked it. I visited several times 5 stars Hotels
in Karlovy Vary, however next time I prefer to return back to Marienbad Hotel
“Nové Lázně”. I used to see in London hotels kettle, tea & coffee packs and I
was nicely surprised that Room was equipped the same way. I recommend this hotel
and hope to return in the near future."

from Kazakhstan


"Our salty water and mud act quickly against chronic inflammation, joint and
muscle pain and stiffness for long-lasting rejuvenation."

Dr. Jeremias Cristina
Consultant Physician in Rehabilitation and Balneology at Sovata & Bradet, Sovata


Thermal Margaret Island: "This is a great hotel with comfortable and modern
rooms, in a beautiful setting. Professional and helpful staff are always on
hand. The natural thermal pools are an oasis of calm. I have stayed here many
times and recommend this lovely hotel."

from London, United Kingdom


"We discuss and assess our patients’ condition, then compile and perform a
treatment programme, which we constantly monitor for effectiveness. We offer
them exercise and lifestyle advice to continue at home."

MD Katalin Lónyai
Chief Physician, Rheumatology, Specialist in Physiotherapy at Grand Margaret
Island and Thermal Margaret Island, Budapest


Start your day with a healthy breakfast

Healthy dietary concept ✔ With long-term effects ✔ Gentle detoxification &
deacidification ✔ Easy to digest ✔ Rich in nutrients ✔ Delicious ✔ Rich in

Healthy cuisine
Start your day with a healthy breakfast

Healthy dietary concept ✔ With long-term effects ✔ Gentle detoxification &
deacidification ✔ Easy to digest ✔ Rich in nutrients ✔ Delicious ✔ Rich in

Healthy cuisine
Have a swim or go to sauna

Our hotels offer full wellness and spa facilities

Discover spa in Piešťany
Have a swim or go to sauna

Our hotels offer full wellness and spa facilities

Discover spa in Piešťany
Take a stroll

Quiet parks, blooming flowers, ancient castles. Take a walk and discover the
beauty around you.

Discover Budapest
Take a stroll

Quiet parks, blooming flowers, ancient castles. Take a walk and discover the
beauty around you.

Discover Budapest
Boost your health with a medical treatment

Try one of our unique healing treatments based on 100% natural healing sources

Explore treatments
Boost your health with a medical treatment

Try one of our unique healing treatments based on 100% natural healing sources

Explore treatments
Before dinner, have a relaxing massage

Do you suffer from a backpain? We can help you!

Explore Wellness
Before dinner, have a relaxing massage

Do you suffer from a backpain? We can help you!

Explore Wellness

Please contact us with any question related to our Ensana hotels, or services.
For questions and answers related to our loyalty programme please click here.
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