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Submitted URL: https://link.zondervanacademic.com/click/33840137.1005/aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuYW1hem9uLmNvbS9TZXQtQWRyaWZ0LURlY29uc3RydWN0aW5nLUJlbGlldmUt...
Effective URL: https://www.amazon.com/Set-Adrift-Deconstructing-Believe-Without-ebook/dp/B0BN1GJ9JS?utm_source=Sailthru&utm_medium=ema...
Submission: On January 06 via api from BE — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 8 forms found in the DOM

Name: site-searchGET /s/ref=nb_sb_noss

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POST /api/bifrost/acquisitions/v1/actions/arn:action:pa:1:QjBCTjFHSjlKUzpBVFZQREtJS1gwREVSOkJ1eTpudWxsOjIuOTk6VVNEOm51bGw=?x-client-id=ebook-dp

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        // Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
        var onOneClickPreorderButtonClick = function() {
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            if (typeof trialModeSignIn === "function" && false) {
              trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 0);
              return false;
            return true;
        // Todo: To be removed with preorder button migration
        var onCheckoutPreorderButtonClick = function() {
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            if (typeof trialModeSignIn === "function" && false) {
              trialModeSignIn("STANDARD", true, 1);
              return false;
            return true;
        // BR checkout use-case. Todo: Work with the team to remove it
        var onChangeLinkClick = function() {
          $("#change-link").click(function() {
            var counter = instrumentation.counter();
            if (counter) {
            return false;
    <script type="text/javascript">
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      P.when('A', 'jQuery', 'accordionInstrumentation', 'ready').execute(function(A, $, instrumentation) {
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          var counter = instrumentation.counter();
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      .buyBoxORDivider>h5 {
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          // Fix for TT: https://t.corp.amazon.com/P25461968
          // We should NOT freeze the 1-Click button when user returns to the DP page by hitting back buttton
          // This is an issue in mshop since the page gets cached in history
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          Claimed Applicable Promotions

          Expose a jQuery event trigger here that will show a message about
          what promotions will be applied to this purchase. Since the "You Save"
          message and price is calculated pre-promotion, we'll hide that message
          to avoid confusion.
        A.on('kindle_price_block_show_promotions', function(promotionText, numberOfPromotions) {
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          if (numberOfPromotions > 1) {
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                data-csa-c-id="gu9d1-a8q2rw-4n9cb7-ih5iqa"> <a class="a-link-normal" href="#" role="link"> Hörbuch </a> </span> mit Audible-Erzählung hinzu für <span class="a-color-price">12,99 USD</span> </span> </span></label></div>
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          } else {
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Sean McDowellSean McDowell
John MarriottJohn Marriott
Ein Fehler ist aufgetreten. Wiederhole die Anfrage später noch einmal.



von Sean McDowell (Author), John Marriott (Author) Format: Kindle Ausgabe
4,5 4,5 von 5 Sternen 30 Sternebewertungen

Bestseller Nr. 1 in eBooks Christliche Kindergottesdienste

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How to analyze and reevaluate your Christian beliefs and experiences in the
church while keeping the core of your faith intact.

The number of Christians leaving the church today is significant. Many feel
there is no place for them within the faith—they no longer feel at home in their
church community or tradition. For various reasons, they are unsettled by the
version of Christianity they've inherited.

Stripping away the nonessential aspects of Christianity, Sean McDowell and John
Marriott will help you navigate the jarring questions and cultural challenges
that lead many to walk away from the faith. You'll come to recognize that there
are other ways Christians throughout history have understood what faithfulness
to Jesus looks like.

Each chapter provides practical advice on how to disassemble, rethink, and
reassemble beliefs that are truly Christian and culturally and personally
relevant. You'll learn how you can continue to seek an authentic faith by:

 * Establishing Jesus and his teachings as the foundation.
 * Utilizing the creeds as boundary markers of what is essential.
 * Seeing the entire Bible as a truthful revelation from God.
 * Seeing Christianity as a historic and global tradition that encompasses
   diverse communities and viewpoints.


The authors of this book can personally identify with the process of
disillusionment that many young believers go through. They wrote Set Adrift as
people who had to navigate their own way back through the fog of deconstruction.
They wrote it to offer their own personal suggestions for what to do when you're
not sure what to believe anymore.

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Dr. Sean McDowell is a gifted communicator with a passion for equipping the
church, especially young people, to make the case for the Christian faith. He
connects with audiences through humor and stories while imparting hard evidence
and logical support of a biblical worldview. Sean is an associate professor in
Talbot School of Theology’s Christian Apologetics program at Biola University.
Sean is an internationally recognized speaker and the author, co-author, or
editor of numerous books. He has a popular YouTube channel in which he discusses
apologetics, culture, and worldview issues and regularly hosts conversations
with non-Christians. He blogs regularly at seanmcdowell.org and engages a range
of different social media platforms.

John Marriott, Ph.D. oversees the Biola University Center for Christian Thought
and is a leading expert in the study of deconversion. Currently, he oversees the
Center for Christian Thought's Sustainable Faith Project which seeks to discover
ways to cultivate lifelong faith. John teaches in the philosophy department at
Biola University and also at Talbot School of Theology. He and his wife Nancy
have two children.

-- Dieser Text bezieht sich auf eine andere Ausgabe: paperback.

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 * ASIN ‏ : ‎ B0BN1GJ9JS
 * Herausgeber ‏ : ‎ Zondervan (29. August 2023)
 * Erscheinungstermin ‏ : ‎ 29. August 2023
 * Sprache ‏ : ‎ Englisch
 * Dateigröße ‏ : ‎ 902 KB
 * Gleichzeitige Verwendung von Geräten ‏ : ‎ Bis zu 5 Geräte gleichzeitig, je
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 * Screenreader ‏ : ‎ Unterstützt
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 * Word Wise ‏ : ‎ Aktiviert
 * Haftnotizen ‏ : ‎ Auf Kindle Scribe
 * Seitenzahl der Print-Ausgabe ‏ : ‎ 183 Seiten
 * ISBN-Quelle für Seitenzahl ‏ : ‎ 0310145643

 * Amazon Bestseller-Rang: Nr. 10,970 in Kindle-Shop (Siehe Top 100 in
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    * Nr. 4 in eBooks Christliche Anhängerschaft
    * Nr. 4 in eBooks Apologetik Christliche Theologie

 * Kundenrezensionen:
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    Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.
    Sean McDowell, Ph.D. is an associate professor of Apologetics at Talbot
    School of Theology, Biola University. He graduated summa cum laude from from
    Talbot Theological Seminary with a double master's degree in philosophy and
    theology. He earned his PH.D. in Apologetics and Worldview Studies from
    Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. He is the author, co-author, or
    editor of over fifteen books including Evidence that Demands a Verdict, So
    the Next Generation Will Know, Ethix: Being Bold in a Whatever World,
    Understanding Intelligent Design, the Apologetics Study Bible for Students,
    Same-Sex Marriage: A Thoughtful Approach to God's Design for Marriage, and
    Is God Just a Human Invention?. Sean was named Educator of the Year for San
    Juan Capistrano in 2007-08. His apologetics training has received exemplary
    status from the Association of Christian Schools International. He is a
    regular guest on various radio and TV shows. You can read Sean's blog and
    contact him for speaking events at http://www.seanmcdowell.org. In April
    2000, Sean married his high school sweetheart, Stephanie. They have three
    children, Scottie, Shauna, and Shane and live in San Juan Capistrano,
    Weitere Informationen auf der Seite des Autors
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    Full content visible, double tap to read brief content.
    Dr. John Marriott is the Coordinator of the Biola University Center for
    Christian Thought. He teaches part-time in the Philosophy department at
    Biola and also teaches at Talbot School of Theology. John serves as a
    consulting editor for the theological journal, Sacrum Testamentum and acts
    as the Director of Cultural Engagement for the Renaissance Group. Learn more
    at www.johnmarriott.org
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ping chih keil
5,0 von 5 Sternen A timely resource for those reconsidering the Christian faith
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 18. Dezember 2023

This is a book about evangelical Christian deconstruction. If considered in
extremely broad terms, deconstruction is basically a species of doubt. Thus,
this book is a contribution to the growing Christian literature on how to deal
with questions and doubt as one tries to walk with Jesus. For those not familiar
with that literature, it must be said that the best of this genre is not about
how to deny or suppress doubt but rather about how to address it honestly,
directly and with intellectual integrity. Properly done, this process may result
in growing a trust in God that is more resilient and grounded than what one
previously had. However, it is also a process that may require abandonment of
concepts, ideas or beliefs that simply do not hold up under test.

The reality is that today most Christians will live in a world that will
challenge their faith in multiple ways. This situation is not unlike what is
frequently experienced by missionaries who when going to a foreign culture are
forced to sort out what is really core to their faith vs. what is cultural
convention or otherwise peripheral. A Christian who finds themselves challenged
to re-evaluate their faith can find themselves beginning a process that many
have labeled “deconstruction”

If one seeks a definition of “deconstruction" more precise than that given
above, they will soon find a wide diversity of options. The authors McDowell and
Marriott choose to define deconstruction as “a process of analysis that
Christians who want to follow Jesus engage in because they ‘doubt the faith
they’ve received is the fully defined good that God intends and are seeking to
sift out the dross and keep what is most precious.’ ” As the book shows, this is
a very helpful, positive, and useful definition. It is a definition that I very
much would hope could dominate this genre. However, I fear that this may be a
minority definition. For many evangelical Christians, deconstruction is more
about drifting into leftist progressivism or about beginning an abandonment of
the Christian faith altogether. For a great many others, both Christian and
non-Christian, deconstruction is rooted in the ideas of Jacques Derrida who
attempted to show that all knowledge claims are based on wrong assumptions and
incoherent concepts and therefore all truth claims must be deconstructed. What
Derrida failed to realize is that if he was correct, then his own knowledge
claims must also be based on wrong assumptions and incoherent concepts. Derrida
quickly self-destructs into incoherence.

Given the McDowell-Marriott definition of deconstruction, the question then
becomes how best to implement such a project. The authors rightly argue that
there must be rules to the game of deconstruction and that deconstruction can
only proceed until core bedrock is exposed upon which something more secure can
be built. Deconstruction that fails to follow proper guidelines or identify true
bedrock will only result in hopeless rubble. It will not enable a necessary and
durable reconstruction that should follow deconstruction. But what are those
rules and what is that bedrock? The authors argue that finding bedrock begins
with the question “who is Jesus”? One’s answer to that question begins a cascade
of answers to other critical questions. However, the pursuit of the identity of
Jesus can lead to a long list of other questions about the existence of God,
basic Biblical claims, and Jesus’s resurrection. Unfortunately, the book frankly
and honestly admits it will not give answers to such questions. All that is
given is a suggestion to read a book written by the father of one of the
authors. This is a major failing of this book. Given the explosion of Christian
apologetics in recent decades, the authors could have done a far better job than
to just reference only one book. The authors ignore a vast and extremely helpful
world of apologetics literature for the person dealing with doubt,
deconstruction, and the search for bedrock.
The issue of the “rules of the game” occupies much of the book. A range of
issues and suggestions are discussed. These include the need to be self-aware of
one’s real reasons for deconstruction. They may not be intellectual.
Furthermore, the authors advise doing one’s best to avoid going through this
process alone. Finding a helpful, knowledgeable, and sagely mentor to guide one
through this process, if possible, is extremely valuable. Unfortunately, north
American evangelical churches, as they are often structured today, do not make
it easy to find such people. The advice given by the authors is consistently
wise and seasoned both by serious scholarship and extensive personal experience
“in the trenches.”

In summary, despite a few failings, this is an extremely good book to give
anyone seeking to confront a need to reexamine their faith with honesty and
integrity. A person dealing with such issues will do well to heed the advice

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Tracy Darmstandler
4,0 von 5 Sternen Well Written
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 20. Oktober 2023
Verifizierter Kauf
This is a beautifully written book that helps answer lifes questions

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Anna Claire Jaski
5,0 von 5 Sternen It's OK to question what you believe
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 15. Dezember 2023

To twist a Socrates' quote, "the unexamined faith is not worth believing." Every
Christian is going to doubt what they believe at some point and to some degree,
especially in a world that constantly sows and waters seeds of skepticism
towards the Christian worldview. McDowell and Marriott give wise and practical
counsel, based on scripture and experience, to those individuals who have the
courage to stop and think about the Christian faith. This book oozes love and
patience with those trying to reconcile an ancient, time-tested faith in a
contemporary context. Follow the authors' guidelines, and you'll likely arrive
at the Truth!

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Amazon Customer
5,0 von 5 Sternen Important read for young people, parents, and church leaders.
Rezension aus den Vereinigten Staaten vom 30. September 2023

Though this book wasn’t what I had originally thought it would be, I found it
worthwhile and easy to read. Though this book is not necessarily written for
everyone, I do think it would be good for anyone. It was written mainly with
high school and college students in mind who are beginning to wrestle with ideas
and perspectives that do not match up with the details of their current
Christian lens of the world. Though it would be good for those who are angry or
outright rebelling against their parents’ faith, I don’t necessarily see them
picking up this book. I think it would be most useful for high school students
who haven’t yet reached the point of deconstruction as a guide to walk them
through the process. As the stated intent of the book closely aligns with what
it accomplishes, however narrow that goal may be, I think it succeeds.

Another detail I took note of were the questions at the end of the chapters.
Usually I am pretty critical of discussion questions throughout books because I
feel like many times they seem thrown together last-minute or they don’t totally
make sense. The questions included in this book felt like they could actually
start a discussion with high school or college students without making the
conversation feel forced.

The main ideas I took away were these - obviously they are all related and I
think they give a decent summary of the book overall:

First, when getting ready to demo your worldview, make sure you count the cost
first. If you are demolishing what has been passed down to you for any reason
other than seeking truth, it is entirely possible that you end up in an even
darker place than you began.
Second, beware of yourself. It is always worthwhile to attempt to understand
your own motives for action but if you truly believe your eternal destiny is at
stake, it is even more important to analyze yourself first. To deconstruct over
selfish reasons probably won’t get you closer to the truth but further away.
Third, we must make sure we seek truth for truth’s sake. This means that on any
issue, we should do our utmost to thoroughly understand different positions and
seek out the truth even if/when that truth doesn’t align with our personal
Lastly, deconstructing is a good thing as long as you end up stronger for it. As
a church we should encourage questioning and provide guides for students along
the way not forcing opinions but rather providing a path or paths forward in a
safe environment. We must model what it looks like to love others with differing
opinions while holding to core values.

Overall, I would definitely recommend this book for anyone that falls into the
intended audience but also to parents and church leaders that want to help guide
their children in truth seeking for themselves. Deconstruction is going to be a
part of life for young people - we as a church need to get ahead here and better
supply a safe environment for this process to take place. This book is a good
starting point for this to begin.

Noteworthy quotes:
“What’s the difference between a faith deconstruction that results in authentic
Christianity and one that ends in heresy or deconversion? Two crucial factors
make the difference: the guide we have and the guardrails we identify.”

pp. 32-35
“...deconstructing your faith requires a foundational theological commitment
that’s exempt from analysis, which is to say that deconstruction can’t even
start without a belief that’s immune from suspicion.”

“As Christ he is Lord, and as Lord he is God. As such, Jesus sets the rules for
human beings. He calls the shots, and he says that those who love him will obey

“Unless our posture toward Jesus is correct, we won’t be willing to let him
define what it means to be a Christian.”

“Jesus’s identity as the divine Son of God and our response to him as Lord is
the place where the dismantling aspect of deconstruction must end and from which
the rebuilding begins.”

“...it’s not the sincerity of your faith that saves you, but the object you
place your faith in.”

p. 38
“...leaving the faith is nobler than thinking we can redefine Christianity on
our terms.”

p. 105
“...following Jesus is about submitting to his lordship, not about creating a
self-styled religion according to our values.”

“The purpose of deconstruction is not to express your individualism, it’s to get
to know your values and why you believe what you believe so you can shed faulty
theological views and align yourself more truthfully with Jesus.”

p. 124
“Intellectual humility…means being more concerned about knowing the truth than
being right.”

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