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      <h3 class="card-title"><span class="fw-bold">E-1.12</span> - Education Act</h3>
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              <table class="table table-responsive table-hover dropdown-menu relatedDoc" role="menu">
                    <th width="15%">Chapter</th>
                    <th width="85%">Title</th>
                    <td>97-150 </td>
                      <a class="hand boldLink" href="/en/document/cr/97-150%20/">School Administration   
                    <td>2001-24 </td>
                      <a class="hand boldLink" href="/en/document/cr/2001-24%20/">School Districts and Subdistricts   
                    <td>2001-48 </td>
                      <a class="hand boldLink" href="/en/document/cr/2001-48%20/">Governance Structure   
                    <td>2001-51 </td>
                      <a class="hand boldLink" href="/en/document/cr/2001-51%20/">Pupil Transportation   
                    <td>2004-8 </td>
                      <a class="hand boldLink" href="/en/document/cr/2004-8%20/">Teacher Certification   
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                    <span class="dateConsoException" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" title="" data-bs-original-title="This legislative document has been omitted from the latest update.">Current to 13 December 2023</span>
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                <div class="statute-id">
                  <div class="id-document"><a name="Pd467908873e3">
                    </a>CHAPTER E-1.12</div>
                <div class="statute-date">
                  <div class="Border" id="id-lt"><a name="Pd467908873e3">
                    <div class="long-title-document">Education Act</div>
                  <div class="Border"><a name="Pd467908873e3">
                    <div class="body right italic mb-12pt">Assented to February 28, 1997</div>
                <div class="Border" id="id-pr"><a name="Pd467908873e3">
                  <div class="body definitions enact" id="id-pr-en"><a name="Pd467908873e3">
                    </a>Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of New Brunswick, enacts as follows:</div>2000, c.52, s.1; 2004, c.19, s.1
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_1-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e23">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_1-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e23">
                <div class="Border" id="se:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a>Definitions</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:1">
1</a></span>In this Act</span>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:appealboardcommissiondappel"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“Appeal Board” </span> means the Appeal Board on Teacher Certification established under section&nbsp;31;<span class="body italic">(Commission d’appel)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:commonlearningenvironmentmilieudapprentissagecommun"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“common learning environment” </span> means an inclusive learning environment<span class="body italic">(milieu d’apprentissage commun)</span>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:commonlearningenvironmentmilieudapprentissagecommun-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in which instruction is designed to be delivered to pupils in similar age groups and of various abilities at
                                  their neighbourhood school for the majority of regular instruction hours, and</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:commonlearningenvironmentmilieudapprentissagecommun-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>that is responsive to the pupil’s individual needs as a learner;</div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:councillorconseiller"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“councillor” </span> means a councillor of a District Education Council under this Act;<span class="body italic">(conseiller)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:educationplanplaneducatif"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“education plan” </span> means a detailed plan establishing priorities for the improvement of pupils’ educational performance towards the achievement of prescribed learning goals for the
                          official linguistic community;<span class="body italic">(plan éducatif)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:guardiantuteur"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“guardian” </span> includes a person who has received into the person’s home and has had placed under the person’s care and control another person’s child but does not, for the purpose of
                          subsection&nbsp;9(1), include a person who, in the opinion of the superintendent concerned, has done so solely for the purpose of allowing that child to attend school in another school district;<span
                            class="body italic">(tuteur)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:independentpupileleveautonome"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“independent pupil” </span> means a pupil who has attained the age of nineteen years or is living independently of the parent of the pupil;<span class="body italic">(élève autonome)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:eleveinternationalinternationalpupil"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“international pupil” </span> means a person who is lawfully admitted to Canada for the purpose of attending school in New Brunswick, but does not include a recruited international pupil or any
                          person entitled to free school privileges under this Act or the regulations;<span class="body italic">(élève international)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:ministerministre"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“Minister” </span> means the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development and includes persons designated by the Minister to act on behalf of the Minister;<span
                            class="body italic">(Ministre)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:parentparent"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“parent” </span> includes guardian;<span class="body italic">(parent)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:renseignementspersonnelspersonalinformation"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“personal information” </span> means personal information as defined in the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span>;<span
                            class="body italic">(renseignements personnels)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:personalizedlearningplanplandintervention"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“personalized learning plan” </span> means a personalized plan for a pupil that specifically and individually identifies practical strategies, goals, outcomes, targets and educational supports
                          and designed to ensure the pupil experiences success in learning that is meaningful and appropriate, considering the pupil’s individual needs;<span class="body italic">(plan d’intervention)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:positivelearningandworkingenvironmentmilieupropicealapprentissageetautravail"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“positive learning and working environment” </span> means a safe, productive, orderly and respectable learning and working environment free from bullying, cyberbullying, harassment and other
                          forms of disruptive or non-tolerated behaviour or misconduct, including behaviour or misconduct that occurs outside school hours and off the school grounds to the extent the behaviour or misconduct affects the school
                          environment;<span class="body italic">(milieu propice à l’apprentissage et au travail)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:publiceducationinstructionpublique"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“public education” </span> means those educational programs and educational services, extending from kindergarten to graduation from high school, provided by the Minister under this Act to
                          persons who are of school age;<span class="body italic">(instruction publique)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:pupileleve"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“pupil” </span> means a person who is enrolled in a school established under this Act;<span class="body italic">(élève)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:recruitedinternationalpupileleveinternationalrecrute"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“recruited international pupil” </span> means a person who is recruited under section 8.2 and lawfully admitted to Canada for the purpose of attending school in New Brunswick;<span
                            class="body italic">(élève international recruté)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:residentoftheprovinceresidentdelaprovince"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“resident of the Province” </span> means a person lawfully entitled to be or to remain in Canada, who makes their home and is ordinarily present in New Brunswick;<span
                            class="body italic">(résident de la province)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolecole"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school” </span> means a structured learning environment through which public education is provided to a pupil;<span class="body italic">(école)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolageagescolaire"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school age” </span> means the age between the date on which a person is required to attend school under subsection&nbsp;15(1) and the end of the school year in which the person attains the age
                          of twenty-one years;<span class="body italic">(âge scolaire)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolbuildingsbatimentscolaire"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school buildings” </span> includes any building approved by the Minister as necessary for the operation of a school district;<span class="body italic">(bâtiment scolaire)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schooldistrict"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school district” </span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.2</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school personnel” </span> means<span class="body italic">(personnel scolaire)</span>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>superintendents, directors of education and other administrative and supervisory personnel,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>school bus drivers,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>building maintenance personnel, including custodians,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>secretaries and clerks,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>teachers,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>persons other than teachers engaged to assist in the delivery of programs and services to pupils, and</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:schoolpersonnelpersonnelscolaire-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>other persons engaged in support areas such as social services, health services, psychology and guidance;
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolpropertybiensscolaires"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school property” </span> includes property leased by or otherwise furnished to the Minister and used for school purposes;<span class="body italic">(biens scolaires)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:schoolyearanneescolaire"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“school year” </span> means a year beginning on the first day of July and ending on the thirtieth day of June;<span class="body italic">(année scolaire)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“serious misconduct” </span> means any behaviour exhibited by a person that is viewed by the school or school district officials as extreme and unacceptable in the New Brunswick public education
                          system, including <span class="body italic">(inconduite grave)</span>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>bullying, </div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>cyberbullying,</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>hazing or any other form of intimidation, </div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>possessing, using or providing weapons, </div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>possessing, using or selling illegal or dangerous substances or objects, </div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>disseminating hate propaganda material, and</div>
                          <div class="Border" id="se:1-df:seriousmisconductinconduitegrave-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                            <div class="body Paragraph">
                              <div class="Border">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other behaviour that would reasonably be considered a serious misconduct; </div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:specialeducationprogram"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“special education program” </span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2014, c.37, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:studentteacherenseignantstagiaire"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“student teacher” </span> means a student engaged in practice teaching while enrolled in a teacher education program at any university designated by the Minister;<span
                            class="body italic">(enseignant stagiaire)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:teacherenseignant"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“teacher” </span> means a person holding a teacher’s certificate issued by the Minister and employed in the delivery of public education as a teacher, a principal, a vice-principal, a
                          superintendent, a director of education or a district supervisor of instruction;<span class="body italic">(enseignant)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border definitions" id="se:1-df:teacherscertificatecertificatdenseignement"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                        <div><span class="text-current">“teacher’s certificate” </span> includes an interim teacher’s certificate, a teacher’s licence and a local teacher’s permit.<span class="body italic">(certificat d’enseignement)</span></div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e26">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.2; 2004, c.19, s.2; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2012, c.21, s.1; 2014, c.37, s.1; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:1_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec1.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:1_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:1_1">
1.1</a></span>The purpose of this Act is to recognize</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:1_1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>that the school system is founded on the principles of free public education, linguistic duality and the
                              inclusion of all pupils, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:1_1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the importance of the cultures and languages of the Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey peoples.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e317">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_2-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e339">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_2-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e339">
                  <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e339">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.3</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:2-sh">Establishment of schools</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e351">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e351">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">2</span>(1)</a></span>A District Education Council may, with the approval of the Minister and for the purpose of providing public education, establish schools within the school district for which the District Education Council is
                      <div class="Border" id="se:2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e356">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e356">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">2</span>(2)</a></span>All schools established under this section are to be non-sectarian.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:2-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e361">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e361">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:2-ss:3">
<span class="bold">2</span>(3)</a></span>A school for which responsibility is transferred to a District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;3(2) shall, for the purposes of this Act, be considered to be a school established by the District Education
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:3-sh">Operation of schools</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e373">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e373">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">3</span>(1)</a></span>A District Education Council shall, in accordance with this Act and through the superintendent of the school district, operate all schools established by the District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;2(1)
                              and all schools for which responsibility is transferred to the District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(2).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e378">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e378">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">3</span>(2)</a></span>The responsibility for the operation of schools in existence on July&nbsp;1, 2001, within each school district is transferred effective July&nbsp;1, 2001, from the Minister to the District Education Council that
                              is established for the school district in which the schools are located.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.5; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:3_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec3.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e385">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:3_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e385">
                    </a>Closure of schools</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e385">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.6</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:3_1">
3.1</a></span>A District Education Council may, with the approval of the Minister, close a school established by the District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;2(1) or any school for which responsibility is transferred to the District Education
                        Council under subsection&nbsp;3(2).</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e385">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_4-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e397">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_4-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e397">
                <div class="Border" id="se:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec4">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:4-sh">Organization of school districts, schools and classes</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:1">
<span class="bold">4</span>(1)</a></span>Two distinct education sectors are established consisting of</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>school districts organized throughout the Province in the English language, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e405">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>school districts organized throughout the Province in the French language.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e420">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e420">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:2">
<span class="bold">4</span>(2)</a></span>Schools and classes of a school district shall be organized in the official language of the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e425">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e425">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:3">
<span class="bold">4</span>(3)</a></span>The language of instruction in schools and classes of a school district, other than second language instruction, shall be the official language of the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e430">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e430">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:4">
<span class="bold">4</span>(4)</a></span>For each of the two education sectors established under subsection&nbsp;(1), there shall be a dedicated division within the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development to develop and oversee the
                              implementation and evaluation of educational programs and educational services.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e435">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e435">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:5">
<span class="bold">4</span>(5)</a></span>The educational programs and educational services provided within a school district, other than second language instruction, shall be developed, implemented and delivered by persons who speak the official
                              language of the school district and so as to preserve and promote that language and culture.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:4-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e440">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e440">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:4-ss:6">
<span class="bold">4</span>(6)</a></span>Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the educational programs and educational services provided within a school district organized in one official language shall not be provided in the other official
                              language for persons who speak that other official language.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2010, c.31, s.34</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec5">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:5-sh">Entitlement based on linguistic proficiency</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:5-ss:1">
<span class="bold">5</span>(1)</a></span>A person entitled to free school privileges under section&nbsp;8 is entitled</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>if the person has sufficient linguistic proficiency in only one of the official languages of New Brunswick,
                                    to receive those privileges in a school district, school and class organized in that official language,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>if the person has sufficient linguistic proficiency in both of the official languages of New Brunswick, to
                                    receive those privileges in a school district, school and class organized in either of the official languages,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>if the person does not have sufficient linguistic proficiency in either of the official languages of New
                                    Brunswick, to receive those privileges in a school district, school and class organized in either of the official languages, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e452">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>notwithstanding paragraph&nbsp;(<span class="normal">a</span>), if the person’s parent has rights under
                                    section&nbsp;23 of the <span class="italic">Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms</span>, to receive those privileges in a school district, school and class organized in the French language.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e483">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e483">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:5-ss:2">
<span class="bold">5</span>(2)</a></span>Where a superintendent has a doubt as to the linguistic proficiency of a person, the superintendent shall administer such tests as the Minister considers necessary to determine the linguistic proficiency of the
                      <div class="Border" id="se:5-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e488">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e488">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:5-ss:3">
<span class="bold">5</span>(3)</a></span>A District Education Council shall provide supplementary educational programs and services for a pupil admitted by virtue of paragraph&nbsp;(1)(<span class="normal">d</span>) to a school organized in the French
                              language if, in the opinion of the superintendent concerned, such supplementary educational programs and services are required to improve the linguistic skills of that pupil to a level necessary to satisfactorily
                              participate in the instructional program in which that pupil is placed under section&nbsp;11.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.7; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_6-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e499">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_6-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e499">
                <div class="Border" id="se:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec6">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:6-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a>Powers and duties of the Minister</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:6">
6</a></span>The Minister</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall establish educational goals and standards and service goals and standards for public education in each
                              of the education sectors established under subsection&nbsp;4(1),</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:a_1"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall, for each of the education sectors established under subsection&nbsp;4(1), provide a provincial
                              education plan,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may prescribe or approve</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>instructional organization, programs, services and courses, and evaluation procedures for such instructional organization, programs,
                                    services and courses,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>pilot, experimental and summer programs, services and courses, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b-p2:iii"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(iii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>instructional and other materials and equipment for use in the delivery of any program, service, course or evaluation procedure under
                                    this Act,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_1"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may conduct tests and examinations in any grade or level,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may establish, within the scope of this Act, provincial policies and guidelines related to </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>public education,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the health and well-being of pupils and school personnel,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2-p2:iii"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(iii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the transportation of pupils, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2-p2:iv"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(iv<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>school infrastructure, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:b_2-p2:v"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                              <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(v<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional misconduct, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may approve or recommend books and other learning resources for school libraries.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e502">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.8; 2014, c.37, s.2; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:6_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec6.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:6_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                    </a>Local programs and services</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.9</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:6_1">
6.1</a></span>A District Education Council may, in accordance with the needs of the pupils and the resources of the school district for which the District Education Council is established and in accordance with any provincial policies established by
                        the Minister,</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6_1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to the approval of the Minister, provide for the development and delivery of instructional programs,
                              services and courses unique to the character and economy of the community, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:6_1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>select, from among the optional instructional programs, services and courses prescribed by the Minister,
                              those to be offered in each school in the school district for which the District Education Council is established.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e583">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.9; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec7">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:7-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                    </a>Programs and services in relation to Indigenous education</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:7">
7</a></span>The Minister shall prescribe or approve programs and services which</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:7-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respond to the unique needs of Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey children, if the Minister has entered into an
                              agreement with a council of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation under subsection 50(1) or paragraph 50(2)(b), and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:7-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>foster a better understanding of Indigenous history, culture and languages among all pupils.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e604">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.10; 2017, c.7, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec8">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:8-sh">School privileges</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8-ss:1">
<span class="bold">8</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(2), the Minister shall provide free school privileges under this Act for every person who is of school age and who</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>has not graduated from high school, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e630">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is a resident of the Province.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e645">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e645">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8-ss:2">
<span class="bold">8</span>(2)</a></span>Subsection&nbsp;(1) does not relieve the Government of Canada of any obligation in respect of the education of any person whose education is the constitutional responsibility of the Government of Canada.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e650">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e650">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8-ss:3">
<span class="bold">8</span>(3)</a></span>The Minister may, in accordance with and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulation, provide free school privileges to such other persons or categories of persons as may be
                              prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e655">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e655">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8-ss:4">
<span class="bold">8</span>(4)</a></span>The Minister may, in accordance with and subject to such terms and conditions and fees as may be prescribed by regulation, provide school privileges to such persons or categories of persons not entitled under
                              subsection&nbsp;(1) or (3) to receive free school privileges as may be prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e660">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e660">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8-ss:5">
<span class="bold">8</span>(5)</a></span>Subsection (4) does not apply to the provision of school privileges to international pupils or recruited international pupils.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:8_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec8.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:8_1-sh">School privileges – international pupils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e674">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e674">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(1)</a></span>On the recommendation of the superintendent concerned, the Minister may provide school privileges to an international pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e679">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e679">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(2)</a></span>The recommendation of a superintendent under subsection (1) shall be made subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e684">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e684">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:3">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(3)</a></span>The superintendent concerned may charge international pupils a tuition fee calculated in accordance with the regulations.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:4">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(4)</a></span>In addition to the tuition fee, the superintendent concerned may charge international pupils</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>an administration fee not greater than the amount prescribed by regulation,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>an orientation fee prescribed by regulation, if the school district offers an orientation program for
                                    international pupils, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:4-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e689">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other fee prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e709">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e709">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:5">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(5)</a></span>Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply to an international pupil who is a participant in an educational exchange program under which a New Brunswick pupil attends a school outside Canada without a fee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e714">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e714">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:6">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(6)</a></span>If an international pupil attends school in New Brunswick for less than a complete school year, the superintendent concerned may reduce the tuition fee charged under subsection (3) in proportion to the part of
                              the school year the international pupil is not in attendance.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_1-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e719">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e719">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_1-ss:7">
<span class="bold">8.1</span>(7)</a></span>Despite anything in this section or the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>, all or part of the fees payable under this section may be collected, retained or distributed by the District
                              Education Council concerned.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:8_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec8.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:8_2-sh">School privileges – recruited international pupils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e736">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e736">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">8.2</span>(1)</a></span>With the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the Minister may designate agents of the Crown with the objective of recruiting individuals to attend school in the Province as recruited international
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">8.2</span>(2)</a></span>Designated agents of the Crown may </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8_2-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>collect fees from a recruited international pupil, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:8_2-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e741">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>provide school privileges to a recruited international pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_2-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e756">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e756">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_2-ss:3">
<span class="bold">8.2</span>(3)</a></span>Despite the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>, all or part of the fees payable under this section may be collected, retained or distributed in accordance with the terms of an agreement
                              between the Minister and an agent of the Crown referred to in subsection (1).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:8_3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec8.3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:8_3-sh">Sales agent</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e773">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e773">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">8.3</span>(1)</a></span>With the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the Minister may designate agents of the Crown with the objective of selling educational programs, services and materials.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e778">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e778">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">8.3</span>(2)</a></span>Designated agents of the Crown may collect from buyers amounts for the sale of educational programs, services and materials.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_3-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e783">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e783">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_3-ss:3">
<span class="bold">8.3</span>(3)</a></span>Despite the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>, all or part of the amounts payable under this section may be collected, retained or distributed in accordance with the terms of an
                              agreement between the Minister and an agent of the Crown referred to in subsection (1).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:8_3-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e791">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e791">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_3-ss:4">
<span class="bold">8.3</span>(4)</a></span>A diploma equivalent to a New Brunswick high school diploma may be granted to an individual who successfully completes, outside New Brunswick, a program of studies established by the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:8_4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec8.4">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e798">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:8_4-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e798">
                    </a>Recruitment and sales</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e798">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:8_4">
8.4</a></span>The same agent of the Crown may be designated under sections 8.2 and 8.3.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e798">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec9">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:9-sh">Determination of pupil’s residency</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:9-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:9-ss:1">
<span class="bold">9</span>(1)</a></span>For the purposes of paragraph&nbsp;8(1)(<span class="normal">b</span>) and regulating the placement of pupils under section&nbsp;11 or 12, the residence of a pupil means</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:9-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>if the pupil has not attained the age of nineteen years or is not living independently of the parent of the
                                    pupil, the ordinary place of residence of the parent of the pupil, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:9-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e820">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>if the pupil has attained the age of nineteen years or is living independently of the parent of the pupil,
                                    the ordinary place of residence of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:9-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e838">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e838">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:9-ss:2">
<span class="bold">9</span>(2)</a></span>For the purposes of subsection&nbsp;(1) and the definition “independent pupil”, the superintendent concerned shall, at the written request of the pupil or the parent of the pupil, determine whether or not the
                              pupil is living independently of the parent of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.11</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec10">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:10-sh">Proof of immunization</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:10-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e850">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e850">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:10-ss:1">
<span class="bold">10</span>(1)</a></span>A superintendent shall refuse admission to a pupil entering school for the first time who does not provide satisfactory proof of the immunizations required under the <span class="italic">Public Health
                                Act</span> or the regulations under that Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:10-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:10-ss:2">
<span class="bold">10</span>(2)</a></span>Subsection&nbsp;(1) does not apply to a pupil whose parent provides</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:10-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a medical exemption, on a form provided by the Minister and signed by a medical practitioner, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:10-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e858">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a written statement, on a form provided by the Minister and signed by the parent, of the parent’s objection
                                    for reasons of conscience or religious belief to the immunizations required under the <span class="italic">Public Health Act</span> or the regulations under that Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2017, c.42, s.81; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec11">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:11-sh">Placement of pupils</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e884">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e884">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11-ss:1">
<span class="bold">11</span>(1)</a></span>The superintendent concerned shall determine the placement of pupils in classes, groupings, grades, programs, services and schools according to the needs of the pupils and the resources of the school district.
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e889">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e889">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11-ss:2">
<span class="bold">11</span>(2)</a></span>For the purposes of placement, kindergarten shall be considered the first year of public education.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e894">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e894">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11-ss:3">
<span class="bold">11</span>(3)</a></span>The parent of a pupil or an independent pupil may, in accordance with the regulations, appeal a decision made under subsection&nbsp;(1) or section&nbsp;12 in respect of the placement of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11-ss:4">
<span class="bold">11</span>(4)</a></span>A decision made by a superintendent under subsection&nbsp;(1) shall be made</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:11-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e899">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>only with respect to pupils who are enrolled in a school in the school district or who reside in the school
                                    district for which the superintendent is appointed or reappointed.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">1997, c.66, s.1; 2000, c.52, s.12; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:11_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec11.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:11_1-sh">Testing</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e923">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e923">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">11.1</span>(1)</a></span>A teacher who holds a master’s degree approved by the Minister and completes the training approved by the Minister may administer a test prescribed by regulation, score the test and interpret and apply the
                              results of the test, for the purpose of developing a personalized learning plan for a pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:11_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e928">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e928">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:11_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">11.1</span>(2)</a></span>This section and the regulations made under paragraph 57(1)(o.1) shall supersede all other provisions in the <span class="italic">Psychologists Act</span> and any regulation made under that Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:12"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec12">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:12-sh">Programs and services for pupils requiring a personalized learning plan</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2014, c.37, s.3</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e948">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e948">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:1">
<span class="bold">12</span>(1)</a></span>A personalized learning plan shall be developed for a pupil if the superintendent concerned, after consulting with qualified persons, determines that the physical, sensorial, cognitive, social-emotional or
                              other needs of the pupil requires that a personalized learning plan be developed. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e953">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e953">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:2">
<span class="bold">12</span>(2)</a></span>The superintendent concerned shall consult with the parent of the pupil during the process of the determination referred to in subsection (1). </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e958">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e958">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:3">
<span class="bold">12</span>(3)</a></span>The superintendent concerned shall place a pupil requiring a personalized learning plan so that the pupil receives the programs and services within the common learning environment to the fullest extent
                              considered practicable having regard for the rights and needs of that pupil and the needs of other pupils. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:4">
<span class="bold">12</span>(4)</a></span>The superintendent concerned may deliver programs and services for pupils requiring a personalized learning plan to a pupil at the pupil’s home or other setting if the pupil is not able to receive the program
                              or service in a school due to </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the pupil’s fragile health, hospitalization or convalescence, or </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e963">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a condition or need that requires a level of care that cannot reasonably be provided effectively in a school
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e978">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e978">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:5">
<span class="bold">12</span>(5)</a></span>The Minister may issue policies to District Education Councils regarding the identification of pupils requiring personalized learning plans under subsection (1) and the placement of pupils requiring a
                              personalized learning plan under subsection (3). </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:12-ss:6">
<span class="bold">12</span>(6)</a></span>A decision made by a superintendent under subsection (1) or (3) shall be made</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:6-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:6-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to any policies issued by the Minister under subsection (5), and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:12-ss:6-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e983">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>only with respect to pupils who are enrolled in a school in the school district or who reside in the school
                                    district for which the superintendent is appointed or reappointed.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">1997, c.66, s.2; 2000, c.52, s.13; 2014, c.37, s.3; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:13"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec13">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:13-sh">Roles of parents</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:13-ss:1">
<span class="bold">13</span>(1)</a></span>A parent, in support of the learning success of their child and the learning environment at the school, is expected to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>encourage their child to attend to assigned homework,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>communicate reasonably with school personnel employed at the school their child attends as required in the
                                    best interests of the child and the school community,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>cause their child to attend school as required by this Act,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensure the basic needs of their child are met, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:1-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1010">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>have due care for the conduct of their child at school and while on the way to and from school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1040">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1040">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:13-ss:2">
<span class="bold">13</span>(2)</a></span>The parent of a pupil has a right to reasonable consultation with the pupil’s teacher or the principal of the school the pupil attends with respect to the education of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1045">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1045">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:13-ss:3">
<span class="bold">13</span>(3)</a></span>It is the responsibility of the parent of a pupil and of school personnel to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and to follow established procedures when involved in communications concerning the pupil.
                      <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:13-ss:4">
<span class="bold">13</span>(4)</a></span>The principal of a school may establish a communication plan to be followed by a parent and a member of the school personnel which may include, but is not limited to, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the means of communication,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the frequency of communication, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:13-ss:4-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1050">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the supervision with regard to communication.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2012, c.21, s.2; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:14"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec14">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:14-sh">Duties of pupils</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:14-ss:1">
<span class="bold">14</span>(1)</a></span>It is the duty of a pupil to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>participate in learning opportunities to their potential,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>accept increasing responsibility for their learning as the pupil progresses through their schooling,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>attend to assigned homework,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>attend school regularly and punctually,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>contribute to a safe and positive learning environment,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>be responsible for their conduct at school and while on the way to and from school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respect the rights of others, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:1-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1077">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>comply with all school policies.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:14-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1122">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1122">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:14-ss:2">
<span class="bold">14</span>(2)</a></span>It is the right of a pupil to be informed of their educational progress on a regular basis.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:15"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec15">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:15-sh">Compulsory attendance</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:1">
<span class="bold">15</span>(1)</a></span>Except as provided in section&nbsp;16 and subject to subsection&nbsp;(2), a child is required to attend school in the school in which the child is placed by the superintendent concerned under section&nbsp;11
                            <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>beginning on the first school day of a given school year if, on or before the thirty-first day of December
                                    of that school year, the child will have attained the age of five years, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1134">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>until the child graduates from high school or attains the age of eighteen years.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1149">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1149">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:2">
<span class="bold">15</span>(2)</a></span>The parent of a child referred to in paragraph&nbsp;(1)(<span class="normal">a</span>) may defer the attendance of their child until the first school day of the next school year if the child has not attained
                              the age of five years on or before the first day of September of a given school year.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1157">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1157">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:3">
<span class="bold">15</span>(3)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1163">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1163">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:4">
<span class="bold">15</span>(4)</a></span>The principal of a school or such other person as may be designated by the superintendent concerned shall, subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned, examine every case
                              of non-compliance with subsection&nbsp;(1) in the school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:5">
<span class="bold">15</span>(5)</a></span>When the examination warrants it, the principal or such other person as may be designated by the superintendent concerned shall, by way of a written notice,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:5-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>notify the superintendent of the case, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:5-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1168">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>notify the parent of the child of the case and the consequences of non-compliance.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1183">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1183">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:6">
<span class="bold">15</span>(6)</a></span>On receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph&nbsp;(5)(<span class="normal">b</span>), unless the child is excused from attendance as provided by this Act or the regulations, the parent of the child shall
                              immediately cause the child to attend school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1191">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1191">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:7">
<span class="bold">15</span>(7)</a></span>A parent who violates or fails to comply with subsection&nbsp;(6) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category C offence.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:15-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1199">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1199">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:15-ss:8">
<span class="bold">15</span>(8)</a></span>Subsection&nbsp;(7) does not apply if the child concerned has attained the age of sixteen years.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.14; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:16"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec16">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:16-sh">Exceptions</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:16-ss:1">
<span class="bold">16</span>(1)</a></span>A child is not required to attend school if the child</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is unable to attend school by reason of the child’s sickness or other unavoidable cause,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is officially excluded from attendance under this Act or the regulations,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is absent on a day regarded as a holy day by the religious denomination of the child or the parent of the
                                    child, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1211">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in circumstances considered exceptional by the Minister, is exempted from attendance in writing by the
                      <div class="Border" id="se:16-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1236">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1236">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:16-ss:2">
<span class="bold">16</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister shall, on application of the parent of a child, exempt in writing the child from attending school where the Minister is satisfied that the child is under effective instruction elsewhere.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:17"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec17">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:17-sh">Employment of children during school hours</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:17-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1248">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1248">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:17-ss:1">
<span class="bold">17</span>(1)</a></span>Where a child is required by this Act to be in attendance at school, no person shall employ that child during the child’s school hours.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:17-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1253">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1253">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:17-ss:2">
<span class="bold">17</span>(2)</a></span>A person who violates or fails to comply with subsection&nbsp;(1) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category C offence.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:18"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec18">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:18-sh">Burden of proof of age of child</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:18-ss:1">
<span class="bold">18</span>(1)</a></span>Where</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a person is charged with an offence</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1-p1:a-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>under section&nbsp;15 in respect of a child who is alleged to be between the ages of five and fifteen years inclusive, or</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1-p1:a-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>under section&nbsp;17 in respect of a child who is alleged to be between the ages of five and seventeen years inclusive, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the child appears to the court to be within those ages,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:1-pv-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                              <div class="body provision">
                                <div class="provision"><a name="Pd467908873e1268">
                    </a>the child is deemed to be within those ages unless the contrary is proved.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:18-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1296">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1296">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:18-ss:2">
<span class="bold">18</span>(2)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:19"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec19">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e1304">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:19-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e1304">
                    </a>Referral to the Minister of Social Development</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e1304">
                    </a>2000, c.26, s.95; 2008, c.6, s.11; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2019, c.2, s.38</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:19">
19</a></span>Where a parent neglects or refuses to ensure that their child attends school as required by this Act and, in the opinion of the superintendent concerned, the child’s well-being may be in danger, the superintendent shall refer the matter to
                        the Minister of Social Development for investigation under the <span class="italic">Child and Youth Well-Being Act</span>.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e1304">
                    </a>2000, c.26, s.95; 2008, c.6, s.11; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2019, c.2, s.38; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.36, s.7</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:20"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec20">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:20-sh">Acute communicable disease or acute communicable infestation</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:20-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1323">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1323">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:20-ss:1">
<span class="bold">20</span>(1)</a></span>A principal may exclude from school property a pupil who is or is suspected to be affected with an acute communicable disease or an acute communicable infestation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:20-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1328">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1328">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:20-ss:2">
<span class="bold">20</span>(2)</a></span>Where a pupil has been excluded from school property under this section, the principal may require the pupil to produce a medical certificate of freedom from contagion or infestation before allowing the pupil
                              to return to school.</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:21"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec21">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:21-sh">Order and discipline</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1339">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1339">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:21-ss:1">
<span class="bold">21</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to the authority of the District Education Council concerned under subsection&nbsp;45(2), every teacher has a general oversight of school property while being used for school purposes.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:21-ss:2">
<span class="bold">21</span>(2)</a></span>Subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned, every teacher shall</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>maintain proper order and discipline in or on school property,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>maintain proper order and discipline on the part of pupils under the teacher’s supervision during school
                                    activities off school property, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1344">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>have due care for the conduct of pupils while on their way to and from school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:21-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1364">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1364">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:21-ss:3">
<span class="bold">21</span>(3)</a></span>When performing the duties of a student teacher, a student teacher has the same powers and responsibilities as a teacher under this Act in respect of the maintenance of order and discipline.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.15</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:22"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec22">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:22-sh">Improper conduct</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1376">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1376">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:22-ss:1">
<span class="bold">22</span>(1)</a></span>Where a person creates or attempts to create a disturbance in or on school property while being used for school purposes, a teacher may exclude that person from the school property.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1381">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1381">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:22-ss:2">
<span class="bold">22</span>(2)</a></span>Where under subsection&nbsp;(1) a teacher attempts to exclude a person from school property and that person refuses to immediately leave the school property that person commits an offence punishable under Part
                              II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category C offence.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:22-ss:3">
<span class="bold">22</span>(3)</a></span>Where a person, in or on school property,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>uses threatening or abusive language, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>speaks or acts in such a way as to impair the maintenance of order and discipline in or on the school
                            <div class="Border" id="se:22-ss:3-pv-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                              <div class="body provision">
                                <div class="provision"><a name="Pd467908873e1389">
                    </a>that person commits an offence punishable under Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category C offence.</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:23"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec23">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e1410">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:23-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e1410">
                    </a>Corporal punishment</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:23">
23</a></span>A teacher shall not discipline any pupil by administering corporal punishment.</span>
                <div class="Border" id="se:24"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec24">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:24-sh">Suspension of pupils</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:1">
<span class="bold">24</span>(1)</a></span>A principal may for cause suspend</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a pupil from attendance at school</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:a-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for a fixed period of time not exceeding five consecutive school days, or</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:a-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>pending a review of the matter and decision under subsection&nbsp;(2) by the superintendent concerned, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other school privilege of a pupil</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:b-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for such period of time as is determined by the principal, or</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:1-p1:b-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1422">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>pending a review of the matter and decision under subsection&nbsp;(2) by the superintendent concerned.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1457">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1457">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:2">
<span class="bold">24</span>(2)</a></span>The superintendent concerned may for cause suspend any or all school privileges of a pupil for such period of time as is determined by the superintendent.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1462">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1462">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:3">
<span class="bold">24</span>(3)</a></span>Where a principal suspends a pupil under paragraph&nbsp;(1)(<span class="normal">a</span>), the principal shall immediately report the matter in writing to the superintendent concerned.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1470">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1470">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:4">
<span class="bold">24</span>(4)</a></span>In accordance with the regulations, the parent of a pupil or an independent pupil may, where the pupil is suspended from attendance at school under this section for more than five school days in a school year,
                              appeal the most recent suspension from attendance at school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1475">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1475">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:5">
<span class="bold">24</span>(5)</a></span>Where a pupil’s school privileges are suspended under this section and not reinstated on an appeal of the suspension under subsection&nbsp;(4), the pupil’s school privileges shall not be reinstated, despite the
                              expiry of the period of time of the suspension, unless assurance of the pupil’s reform is received from the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1480">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1480">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:6">
<span class="bold">24</span>(6)</a></span>A principal may, for the purposes of this section, designate a vice-principal of the school to act on behalf of the principal.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:24-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1485">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1485">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:24-ss:7">
<span class="bold">24</span>(7)</a></span>Where any or all of the school privileges of a pupil are suspended under this section, and the pupil transfers to another school district before the expiry of the period of time of the suspension, the
                              superintendent of the school district to which the pupil has transferred may, on a review of the circumstances, uphold, shorten the period of time of or waive the suspension.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">1997, c.66, s.3; 2000, c.52, s.16</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:25"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec25">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e1492">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:25-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e1492">
                    </a>Destruction of school property</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:25">
25</a></span>Where school property is destroyed, damaged, lost or converted by the intentional act of a child, the child and the child’s parents are jointly and severally liable to the Minister in respect of the act of the child.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e1492">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:26"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec26">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e1501">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:26-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e1501">
                    </a>New Brunswick high school diploma</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:26">
26</a></span>A New Brunswick high school diploma shall be granted to pupils enrolled in the public education program provided under this Act who successfully complete a program of studies established by the Minister.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e1501">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_27-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1511">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_27-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e1511">
                <div class="Border" id="se:27"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec27">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:27-sh">Duties of teachers</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:27-ss:1">
<span class="bold">27</span>(1)</a></span>The duties of a teacher employed in a school include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>implementing the prescribed curriculum,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>identifying and implementing learning and evaluation strategies that foster a positive learning environment
                                    aimed at helping each pupil achieve prescribed learning outcomes,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:b_1"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>implementing the positive learning and working environment plan, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>maintaining a deportment consistent with their position of trust and influence over young people,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>exemplifying and encouraging in each pupil the values of truth, justice, compassion and respect for all
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>attending to the health and well-being of each pupil,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:e_1"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>reporting concerns and feedback to the superintendent concerned or the Minister in a respectful,
                                    constructive, informed and fact-based manner,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>maintaining their professional competence, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:1-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1519">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>assisting in the development and implementation of the school improvement plan and cooperating in the
                                    preparation of the school performance report.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:27-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1569">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1569">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:27-ss:2">
<span class="bold">27</span>(2)</a></span>A teacher employed in a school is accountable to the superintendent of the school district through the principal of the school for the performance of the teacher’s duties and the overall educational progress of
                              the pupils under the teacher’s instruction.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2012, c.21, s.3; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:28"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec28">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:28-sh">Duties of principals</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:28-ss:1">
<span class="bold">28</span>(1)</a></span>The principal of a school</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is the educational leader and administrator of the school and has overall responsibility for the school and
                                    for the teachers and other school personnel employed at the school, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1581">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is accountable to the superintendent of the school district for the performance of the principal’s duties
                                    and the overall educational progress of the pupils enrolled in the school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:28-ss:2">
<span class="bold">28</span>(2)</a></span>The duties of a principal include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>preparing, in consultation with the Parent School Support Committee and the school personnel, a school
                                    improvement plan and coordinating its implementation,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>preparing, for parents of the pupils enrolled in the school, an annual school performance report, and
                                    ensuring that that report is communicated to those parents and the school community,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:b_1"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>submitting annually to the District Education Council concerned, through the superintendent of the school
                                    district, a copy of the school improvement plan and a copy of the annual school performance report,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to create and maintain a safe, positive and effective learning
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:c_1"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring that a positive learning and working environment plan is developed and implemented, in
                                    collaboration with the Parent School Support Committee at the school and, where appropriate, with students, and report regularly to the Parent School Support Committee at the school and the superintendent of the
                                    school district with respect to the progress and effectiveness of the plan, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:c_2"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>to report any incident of serious misconduct to the superintendent of the school district,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>participating in the selection of school personnel for the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>encouraging and facilitating the professional development of teachers and other school personnel employed at
                                    the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>evaluating the performance of teachers and other school personnel employed at the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:f_1"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>creating a positive learning and working environment that allows for open discussion, constructive
                                    dialogue and the sharing of concerns or constructive feedback by school personnel and volunteers,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>being accountable and responsible for funds provided to and raised for the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring that provincial, school district and school policies are followed, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:28-ss:2-p1:i"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1596">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring the establishment of and participating in the operation of a Parent School Support Committee at the
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.17; 2012, c.21, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:29"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec29">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:29-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                    </a>Teacher education</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:29">
29</a></span>The Minister</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:29-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall provide for a system of teacher education,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:29-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may enter into an agreement with any university providing for the establishment, maintenance and conduct of
                              teacher education programs by the university, on such terms and conditions as the Minister and the university may agree, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:29-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may make the schools available for the practice teaching component of a teacher education program
                              established under any agreement entered into under paragraph&nbsp;(<span class="normal">b</span>).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e1669">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:30"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec30">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:30-sh">Teacher certification</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1701">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1701">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:1">
<span class="bold">30</span>(1)</a></span>In this section</div>
                            <div class="Border definitions" id="se:30-ss:1-df:conditionalteacherscertificatecertificatdenseignementassortideconditions"><a name="Pd467908873e1701">
                              <div class="body definitions"><span class="text-current">“conditional teacher’s certificate” </span> means a teacher’s certificate that is valid subject to the fulfillment of such conditions as are specified by the
                                Registrar or the Appeal Board, as the case may be.<span class="body italic">(certificat d’enseignement assorti de conditions)</span></div>
                            <div class="Border definitions" id="se:30-ss:1-df:non-professionalconduct"><a name="Pd467908873e1701">
                              <div class="body definitions"><span class="text-current">“non-professional conduct” </span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1719">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1719">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:2">
<span class="bold">30</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister shall provide a system of teacher certification for the purposes of establishing certification standards and for the issuance, conversion, suspension, revocation and reinstatement of teachers’
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:3">
<span class="bold">30</span>(3)</a></span>The Registrar may for cause</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>issue to an applicant a conditional teacher’s certificate, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1724">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>refuse to issue to an applicant a teacher’s certificate.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:4">
<span class="bold">30</span>(4)</a></span>The Registrar may for cause, as the Registrar considers appropriate in the circumstances,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>convert a teacher’s certificate to a conditional teacher’s certificate,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>suspend a teacher’s certificate for a definite period of time not to exceed one year,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>suspend a teacher’s certificate for an indefinite period of time until such conditions as are specified by
                                    the Registrar at the time of the suspension have been met,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>suspend a teacher’s certificate for an indefinite period of time pending review and decision by the Appeal
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>revoke a teacher’s certificate for a definite period of time not to exceed ten years, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1739">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>permanently revoke a teacher’s certificate.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:4_1">
<span class="bold">30</span>(4.1)</a></span>If the Registrar intends to take an action under subsection (4) or to refer a matter to the Appeal Board under subsection 31(4), the Registrar shall, 30 days before acting, make reasonable efforts to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4_1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>notify the teacher of the Registrar’s intention to act with reasons and of the opportunity to make
                                    representations to the Registrar in writing, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4_1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1774">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>provide the teacher with copies of all relevant documents on which the Registrar intends to rely.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:4_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1792">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1792">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:4_2">
<span class="bold">30</span>(4.2)</a></span>A teacher referred to in subsection (4.1) may make representations for the consideration of the Registrar within 30 days after receiving the notice.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1797">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1797">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:5">
<span class="bold">30</span>(5)</a></span>A person whose teacher’s certificate has been suspended or revoked under subsection&nbsp;(4) shall not teach in a school during the period of suspension or revocation, as the case may be.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1802">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1802">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:6">
<span class="bold">30</span>(6)</a></span>A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph&nbsp;(4)(<span class="normal">b</span>) is automatically reinstated on the expiry of the period of suspension.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1810">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1810">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:7">
<span class="bold">30</span>(7)</a></span>A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph&nbsp;(4)(<span class="normal">c</span>) shall be reinstated once the Registrar is satisfied that the conditions specified by the Registrar at the time of the
                              suspension have been met.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1819">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1819">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:8">
<span class="bold">30</span>(8)</a></span>A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph&nbsp;(4)(<span class="normal">d</span>) shall be reinstated, converted to a conditional teacher’s certificate, suspended or revoked in accordance with the
                              decision of the Appeal Board.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1827">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1827">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:9">
<span class="bold">30</span>(9)</a></span>A person whose teacher’s certificate has been revoked under paragraph&nbsp;(4)(<span class="normal">e</span>) may, after the expiry of the period of revocation, apply to the Registrar, in accordance with the
                              regulations and subject to the same requirements that exist for new applicants, for the issuance of a new teacher’s certificate.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:10">
<span class="bold">30</span>(10)</a></span>If the Registrar acts under subsection (3) or (4), the Registrar shall immediately make reasonable efforts to notify in writing the applicant or the teacher, as the case may be,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:10-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>of the decision of the Registrar, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:10-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1835">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to subsection&nbsp;31(3), of the right to appeal the decision under section&nbsp;31.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:10_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1850">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1850">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:10_1">
<span class="bold">30</span>(10.1)</a></span>If the Registrar acts under subsection (3) or (4), the Registrar shall notify the Minister without delay.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1855">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1855">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:11">
<span class="bold">30</span>(11)</a></span>A decision of the Registrar under this section does not constitute disciplinary action for the purposes of the <span class="italic">Public Service Labour Relations Act</span>, and is not subject to grievance
                              or adjudication under that Act or a collective agreement under that Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:12"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1863">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1863">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:12">
<span class="bold">30</span>(12)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:30-ss:13"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1869">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1869">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:30-ss:13">
<span class="bold">30</span>(13)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18</span></div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.18; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31-sh">Appeal Board on Teacher Certification</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1882">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1882">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31</span>(1)</a></span>There is established an Appeal Board on Teacher Certification consisting of such persons as are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council in accordance with the regulations.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1887">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1887">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31</span>(2)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(3), an applicant or a teacher affected by a decision of the Registrar under section&nbsp;30 may, by notice in writing, appeal the decision to the Appeal Board.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1892">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1892">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31</span>(3)</a></span>A decision of the Registrar under paragraph&nbsp;30(3)(<span class="normal">b</span>) to refuse to issue a teacher’s certificate may not be appealed if the grounds for such refusal pertain to insufficient
                              credentials for certification.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1900">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1900">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:4">
<span class="bold">31</span>(4)</a></span>The Registrar may refer a matter under paragraph&nbsp;30(4)(<span class="normal">d</span>) or any other matter relating to the issuance, conversion, suspension and revocation of teachers’ certificates to the
                              Appeal Board for review and decision.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1908">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1908">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:5">
<span class="bold">31</span>(5)</a></span>The Appeal Board shall hear, determine or otherwise deal with any matter appealed to it under subsection&nbsp;(2) or referred to it under subsection&nbsp;(4), and may confirm, vary or rescind the decision of
                              the Registrar under section&nbsp;30 or otherwise dispose of the matter referred to it.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1913">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1913">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:6">
<span class="bold">31</span>(6)</a></span>The decision of the Appeal Board under this section is final and shall not be questioned or reviewed in any court.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1918">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1918">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:7">
<span class="bold">31</span>(7)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(6), the Appeal Board may at any time, where it considers it advisable to do so, on application or of its own motion reconsider any decision made by it and may vary or revoke any
                              such decision.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1923">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1923">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31-ss:8">
<span class="bold">31</span>(8)</a></span>The Appeal Board, for the purposes of this Act, is vested with all the powers and privileges of commissioners under the <span class="italic">Inquiries Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_01"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.01">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_01-sh">Registry – suspended and revoked teachers’ certificates</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1940">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1940">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_01-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.01</span>(1)</a></span>The Registrar shall establish and maintain a registry of the names of any teachers whose teacher’s certificate has been suspended or revoked under subsection 30(4).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_01-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.01</span>(2)</a></span>Despite the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span>, if a teacher’s certificate is suspended or revoked, the Registrar shall publish on the Department of Education and
                              Early Childhood Development website</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the name of the teacher,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the registration number assigned to the teacher’s certificate,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the action taken by the Registrar with reasons, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1948">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other information prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_01-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1976">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1976">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_01-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31.01</span>(3)</a></span>A publication shall not be made under subsection (2) until after the matter is dealt with by the Appeal Board under subsection 31(5) or after the expiry of the appeal period prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_02"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.02">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_02-sh">Disclosure to other registrars</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_02-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.02</span>(1)</a></span>Despite the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span>, the Registrar may disclose to the registrar of another jurisdiction in Canada information with respect to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a decision of the Registrar under subsection 30(4), and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e1993">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a decision of the Appeal Board under subsection 31(5) or (7).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_02-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.02</span>(2)</a></span>A disclosure under subsection (1) may include the following information:&nbsp;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the name, including any former names, and date of birth of the teacher;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the registration number assigned to the teacher’s certificate;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the type of teacher’s certificate;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the action taken by the Registrar with reasons; and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_02-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2017">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other information prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_31_1-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2050">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_31_1-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e2050">
                    </a>PROTECTION OF PUPILS</div>
                  <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2050">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_1-sh">Mandatory reporting of non-professional conduct</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.19</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2062">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2062">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(1)</a></span>The following definitions apply in sections 31.1 to 31.6.</div>
                            <div class="Border definitions" id="se:31_1-ss:1-df:administrativeproceedingsprocedureadministrative"><a name="Pd467908873e2062">
                              <div class="body definitions"><span class="text-current">“administrative proceedings” </span> means hearings before an adjudicator under the <span class="italic">Public Service Labour Relations Act</span> and hearings
                                before the Appeal Board.<span class="body italic">(procédure administrative)</span></div>
                            <div class="Border definitions" id="se:31_1-ss:1-df:professionalpersonprofessionnel"><a name="Pd467908873e2062">
                              <div class="body definitions"><span class="text-current">“professional person” </span> means a professional person as defined in section 33 of the <span class="italic">Child and Youth Well-Being Act</span>.<span
                                  class="body italic">(professionnel)</span></div>
                            <div class="Border definitions" id="se:31_1-ss:1-df:seriousprofessionalmisconductinconduiteprofessionnellegrave"><a name="Pd467908873e2062">
                              <div class="body definitions"><span class="text-current">“serious professional misconduct” </span> means conduct engaged in by a member of the school personnel that has or is likely to have an injurious effect on the
                                physical, mental, social or emotional well-being of a pupil or any other person under 19 years of age, including, but not limited to, physical, psychological or sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.<span
                                  class="body italic">(inconduite professionnelle grave)</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2094">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2094">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(2)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:2_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2100">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2100">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:2_1">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(2.1)</a></span>If a member of the school personnel has been charged with or convicted of an offence under the <span class="italic">Criminal Code</span> (Canada), the member shall notify the superintendent concerned
                              without delay.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(3)</a></span>A superintendent shall report to the Minister without delay the name of any teacher or other member of the school personnel</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who has been convicted of an offence under the <span class="italic">Criminal Code</span> (Canada),</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in conduct constituting serious
                                    professional misconduct,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who, in the case of a teacher, the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an act
                                    which may be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the teacher’s certificate, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2108">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who is seeking to resign or against whom disciplinary action is being contemplated because of serious
                                    professional misconduct or alleged serious professional misconduct.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:3_1">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(3.1)</a></span>A superintendent shall report to the Registrar without delay the name of any teacher</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3_1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who has been convicted of an offence under the <span class="italic">Criminal Code</span> (Canada),</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3_1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an act which may be grounds for the
                                    suspension or revocation of the teacher’s certificate, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:3_1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2136">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>who is being investigated, who is seeking to resign or against whom disciplinary action is being
                                    contemplated because of serious professional misconduct or alleged serious professional misconduct.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2159">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2159">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:4">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(4)</a></span>A member of the school personnel shall immediately report to the superintendent concerned the name of any member of the school personnel who the member has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in serious
                              professional misconduct.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2164">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2164">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:5">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(5)</a></span>A professional person who is not a member of the school personnel shall immediately report to the Minister the name of any member of the school personnel who the person has reasonable grounds to believe has
                              engaged in serious professional misconduct.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2169">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2169">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:6">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(6)</a></span>This section applies notwithstanding that the person has acquired the information through the discharge of the person’s duties or within a confidential relationship.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2175">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2175">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:7">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(7)</a></span>A person who fails to comply with subsection (2.1), (3), (3.1), (4) or (5) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category F
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2183">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2183">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:8">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(8)</a></span>No action lies for damages or otherwise against a person in relation to anything done or purported to be done in good faith, or in relation to anything omitted to be done in good faith, in the execution or
                              intended execution of the duty to report under this section.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2188">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2188">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:9">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(9)</a></span>Except in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings, no person shall reveal the identity of a person who has given information under this section without that person’s written consent.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2193">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2193">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:10">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(10)</a></span>A person who violates subsection&nbsp;(9) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category H offence.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2201">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2201">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:11">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(11)</a></span>No disciplinary action may be taken against, and no resignation may be accepted from, a member of the school personnel as a result of serious professional misconduct or alleged serious professional
                              misconduct, nor is an agreement in relation to such disciplinary action or resignation valid, without the prior approval of the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:12"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:12">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(12)</a></span>The Minister may, prior to any disciplinary action being taken against a member of the school personnel, take such action as the Minister considers appropriate if, in the opinion of the Minister, a matter
                              reported to the Minister under this section</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:12-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>has been inadequately investigated, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:12-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2206">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may result in inappropriate disciplinary action against a member of the school personnel.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:12_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2221">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2221">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:12_1">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(12.1)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_1-ss:13"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2227">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2227">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_1-ss:13">
<span class="bold">31.1</span>(13)</a></span>Notwithstanding any provision in any collective agreement under the <span class="italic">Public Service Labour Relations Act</span>, any information maintained in the file of a member of the school personnel
                              with respect to a resignation or disciplinary action taken in relation to serious professional misconduct shall not be removed.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.19; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.36, s.7</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.2">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2237">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_2-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2237">
                    </a>False allegations</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2237">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_2">
31.2</a></span>A person who knowingly makes a false allegation of serious professional misconduct or provides false information with regard to an allegation of serious professional misconduct commits an offence punishable under Part 2 of the <span
                          class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span> as a category F offence.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2237">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_3-sh">Investigation</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2258">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2258">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall appoint a person as an investigator to conduct investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional misconduct.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2263">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2263">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister shall issue to an investigator a certificate of appointment bearing the Minister’s signature or a facsimile of it. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2268">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2268">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(3)</a></span>An investigator who exercises powers under this Act or the regulations shall produce the certificate of appointment when requested to do so.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2273">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2273">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:4">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(4)</a></span>A superintendent shall report to the investigator any allegation of serious professional misconduct and shall provide to the investigator any information relating to the allegation that is available to the
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:5">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(5)</a></span>The investigator shall</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:5-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>conduct an investigation with respect to an allegation of serious professional misconduct,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:5-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>report the findings of an investigation to the Minister, the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a
                                    teacher, the Registrar, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:5-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2278">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>make recommendations to the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a teacher, the Registrar.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:6">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(6)</a></span>During an investigation under this section, the investigator may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:6-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>require to be produced for inspection, or for the purpose of obtaining copies or extracts, any record or
                                    document relevant to the investigation, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:6-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>make those examinations and inquiries of any person that the investigator considers necessary, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:6-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2298">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>collect, use and disclose personal information for the purpose of the investigation and to make
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2318">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2318">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:7">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(7)</a></span>An investigation under this section shall be conducted in accordance with the policies and guidelines established by the Minister relating to investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_3-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2323">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2323">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_3-ss:8">
<span class="bold">31.3</span>(8)</a></span>A statement, declaration, record or document made or given by a person at the request of an investigator in the course of an investigation is confidential and may only be disclosed by the investigator in
                              accordance with this section.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.4">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2331">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_4-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2331">
                    </a>Obstruction of investigator</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2331">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_4">
31.4</a></span>A person who obstructs or interferes with an investigator who is conducting or attempting to conduct an investigation under section 31.3 commits an offence punishable under Part 2 of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure
                          Act</span> as a category E offence.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2331">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.5">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_5-sh">Review of findings</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_5-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2355">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2355">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_5-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.5</span>(1)</a></span>A member of the school personnel against whom a finding of serious professional misconduct is made by the investigator may request that the Minister review the finding by applying to the Minister in writing
                              within 10 days after receiving notice of the finding.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_5-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2360">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2360">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_5-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.5</span>(2)</a></span>If a request for a review is made under subsection (1), the Minister shall notify the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a teacher, the Registrar without delay.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_5-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2365">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2365">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_5-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31.5</span>(3)</a></span>Following a review of a finding of serious professional misconduct, the Minister may confirm or vary the finding and shall notify the member of the school personnel in writing within 15 days after receiving
                              the request for review or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the member.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.6">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_6-sh">Registry – serious professional misconduct</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2379">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2379">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_6-ss:1">
<span class="bold">31.6</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall establish and maintain a registry of the names of members of the school personnel who have been found to have engaged in serious professional misconduct after investigations conducted under
                              section 31.3 and the findings of the investigations.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_6-ss:2">
<span class="bold">31.6</span>(2)</a></span>If a member of the school personnel is found to have engaged in serious professional misconduct, the Minister shall publish on the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the name of the member,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the school district at which the member is employed,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the date the allegation was made and the date the findings were reported to the superintendent concerned
                                    and, in the case of a teacher, the Registrar,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the action taken by the superintendent concerned and the Registrar, if applicable, with reasons, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2387">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>any other information prescribed by regulation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:31_6-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2417">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2417">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_6-ss:3">
<span class="bold">31.6</span>(3)</a></span>A publication under subsection (2) shall not be made until after a review has been conducted under section 31.5 or after the expiry of the review period referred to in that section.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:31_7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec31.7">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2427">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:31_7-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2427">
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2427">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:31_7">
31.7</a></span>If a person volunteering at a school engages in conduct that has or is likely to have an injurious effect on the physical, mental, social or emotional well-being of a pupil or any other person under 19 years of age, including, but not
                        limited to, physical, psychological or sexual abuse and sexual exploitation, sections 31.3 to 31.6 apply with the necessary modifications and the Minister may prohibit the person from volunteering at a school.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2427">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_32-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2445">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_32-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e2445">
                <div class="Border" id="se:32"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec32">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:32-sh">Establishment of Parent School Support Committees</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.20</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2455">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2455">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:1">
<span class="bold">32</span>(1)</a></span>There shall be a Parent School Support Committee for each school under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2460">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2460">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:2">
<span class="bold">32</span>(2)</a></span>A Parent School Support Committee shall have no fewer than six and no more than twelve members, the exact number of which shall be determined in accordance with such guidelines as may be established by the
                              District Education Council concerned.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2465">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2465">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:3">
<span class="bold">32</span>(3)</a></span>The majority of the members of a Parent School Support Committee shall be parents of pupils enrolled in the school or persons nominated by parents of pupils enrolled in the school as representatives of those
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:4">
<span class="bold">32</span>(4)</a></span>The members of a Parent School Support Committee referred to in subsection&nbsp;(3) shall, in accordance with the regulations,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>be elected to the Parent School Support Committee by parents of pupils enrolled in the school, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2470">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>where vacancies exist following an election under paragraph&nbsp;(<span class="normal">a</span>), be
                                    appointed to the Parent School Support Committee by the persons elected to the Parent School Support Committee under paragraph&nbsp;(<span class="normal">a</span>).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:4_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2491">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2491">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:4_1">
<span class="bold">32</span>(4.1)</a></span>Except as provided for in subsection&nbsp;(5), school personnel who are employed in a school are not eligible to be elected or appointed to or to serve as a member of the Parent School Support Committee for
                              that school.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2496">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2496">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:5">
<span class="bold">32</span>(5)</a></span>One teacher employed at the school, elected by the teachers employed at the school in accordance with such guidelines as are established by the District Education Council concerned, shall be a member of the
                              Parent School Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2501">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2501">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:6">
<span class="bold">32</span>(6)</a></span>In a school where a high school program is provided, a pupil of the school enrolled at the high school level, elected by pupils of the school in accordance with such guidelines as are established by the
                              District Education Council concerned, shall be a member of the Parent School Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:6_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2506">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2506">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:6_1">
<span class="bold">32</span>(6.1)</a></span>Subject to subsections (2) and (3), in a school where a high school program is not provided, the members of a Parent School Support Committee elected or appointed to the Parent School Support Committee under
                              subsection&nbsp;(4) may, in accordance with such guidelines as are established by the District Education Council concerned, appoint one pupil from the school as a member of the Parent School Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2512">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2512">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:7">
<span class="bold">32</span>(7)</a></span>Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the members of a Parent School Support Committee elected or appointed to the Parent School Support Committee under subsection&nbsp;(4) may, in accordance with the
                              regulations, appoint one or two persons to the Parent School Support Committee as community members.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:7_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2517">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2517">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:7_1">
<span class="bold">32</span>(7.1)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (4), where a Home and School Association or <span class="italic">Comité de parents</span> is organized at a school, the Home and School Association or <span
                                class="italic">Comité de parents</span>, as the case may be, may appoint a parent of a pupil enrolled in the school as an additional member of the Parent School Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2528">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2528">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:8">
<span class="bold">32</span>(8)</a></span>The principal of the school shall attend and participate in all meetings of the Parent School Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:8_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2533">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2533">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:8_1">
<span class="bold">32</span>(8.1)</a></span>A member of a District Education Council may attend and participate in any meeting of a Parent School Support Committee for a school in the school district for which the District Education Council is
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:9">
<span class="bold">32</span>(9)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(1), the District Education Council concerned may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:9-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in circumstances prescribed by regulation, group two or more schools together for the purpose of
                                    establishing one Parent School Support Committee for those schools, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:9-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2538">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in circumstances prescribed by regulation, exempt a school from the requirement of having a Parent School
                                    Support Committee.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:32-ss:10">
<span class="bold">32</span>(10)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (4), the District Education Council concerned may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:10-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in circumstances prescribed by regulation, provide for the transfer of members from one Parent School
                                    Support Committee to another Parent School Support Committee, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:32-ss:10-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2553">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>where necessary in order to give effect to paragraph&nbsp;(<span class="normal">a</span>), permit the size
                                    of the Parent School Support Committee to which the members are transferred to exceed the maximum size permitted under subsection&nbsp;(2).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.21</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:33"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec33">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:33-sh">Duties of the Parent School Support Committees</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.22</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:33-ss:1">
<span class="bold">33</span>(1)</a></span>A Parent School Support Committee shall advise the principal of the school respecting the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the school improvement plan which may include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for ensuring the language and culture of the school preserve and promote the language and culture
                                    of the official linguistic community for which the school is organized,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the school mission,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for establishing school policies related to education, language and culture,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for providing communication between the school and families residing in the area served by the
                                    school, and encouraging family involvement in the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for establishing partnerships with the community to improve the quality of learning within the
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for developing a school climate and conditions to improve the quality of learning and teaching
                                    within the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for establishing a positive pupil climate within the school, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2580">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies for improving school property and facilitating use of the school by the community.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:33-ss:1_1">
<span class="bold">33</span>(1.1)</a></span>The Parent School Support Committee at the school shall advise the principal of the school respecting the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the positive learning and working environment plan,
                              which may include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1_1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies and practices to promote respectful behaviour and a positive and inclusive social climate for all
                                    students and staff, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1_1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies and programs to prevent disrespectful behaviour or misconduct, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1_1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>policies and practices to address disrespectful behaviour or misconduct in a timely manner and in a way that
                                    teaches and reinforces respect for other persons, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:1_1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2625">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>appropriate support strategies for students participating in disrespectful behaviour and students who have
                                    been affected by the disrespectful behaviour of others. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:33-ss:2">
<span class="bold">33</span>(2)</a></span>A Parent School Support Committee shall</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>through the chair of the Parent School Support Committee, or another member designated by the Parent School
                                    Support Committee, who must be a parent of a pupil enrolled in the school, participate in the selection of the principal or any vice-principal of the school,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>review the results of the school performance report,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>advise the principal of the school in the development of school policies prepared in accordance with
                                    district and provincial policies,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>provide, on the request of the superintendent concerned, input into any performance evaluation of the
                                    principal or any vice-principal of the school in matters relating to the duties of the Parent School Support Committee under this section, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:33-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2650">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>communicate with the District Education Council concerned with respect to matters relating to the duties of
                                    the Parent School Support Committee under this section.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.23; 2012, c.21, s.5</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:34"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec34">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2682">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:34-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2682">
                    </a>Establishment of district parent advisory councils</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e2682">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.24</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2682">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.24</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:34">
34</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.25</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2682">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.25</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:35"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec35">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2696">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:35-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2696">
                    </a>Duties of district parent advisory councils</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e2696">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.26</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2696">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.26</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:35">
35</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.27</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2696">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.27</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2710">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2710">
                    </a>Authority to reject appointments</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e2710">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.28</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2710">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.28</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36">
36</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.29</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2710">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.29</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e2724">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e2724">
                    </a>Establishment of District Education Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2724">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_1">
36.1</a></span>One District Education Council shall be established for each school district.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e2724">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.11">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_11-sh">Legal status of District Education Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2742">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2742">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_11-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.11</span>(1)</a></span>A District Education Council is a body corporate and shall hold those rights and obligations as are provided to the District Education Council under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2747">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2747">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_11-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.11</span>(2)</a></span>A District Education Council, in its name, may sue and be sued.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2752">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2752">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_11-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.11</span>(3)</a></span>Where a District Education Council sues or is sued, or is named in a complaint under the <span class="italic">Human Rights Act</span> and is alleged to have violated that Act, and the Minister is not a party
                              to the action or named in the complaint, the District Education Council shall immediately notify the Minister of the action or the complaint.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_11-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.11</span>(4)</a></span>Where the Minister is notified of an action or complaint under subsection&nbsp;(3), the Minister may intervene in the action or complaint if, in the opinion of the Minister, the action or complaint</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>might affect the Minister or the Province, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_11-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2760">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>might have implications that would extend beyond the school district concerned.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_2-sh">Composition of District Education Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2784">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2784">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(1)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall by regulation determine the number of councillors for each District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2789">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2789">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(2)</a></span>Councillors shall be elected as provided in this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2794">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2794">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(3)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), in school districts prescribed by regulation, the Minister shall appoint one additional councillor who is a member of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation and who
                              resides in the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:3_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2799">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2799">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:3_1">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(3.1)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the Minister shall appoint to each District Education Council in accordance with the regulations, if any, one additional councillor who is a pupil and who resides in
                              the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2804">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2804">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(4)</a></span>One councillor shall be elected to a District Education Council for each of the subdistricts referred to in subsection 36.21(1) and each councillor shall discharge the duties of the office of councillor for
                              the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_2-ss:5">
<span class="bold">36.2</span>(5)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(4), where two or more subdistricts have been combined into an electoral zone, the councillors to be elected from that electoral zone shall be</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:5-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>equal in number to the number of subdistricts comprising the electoral zone, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_2-ss:5-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2809">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>elected at large within that electoral zone.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2009, c.33, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_21"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.21">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_21-sh">Subdistricts and electoral zones</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2833">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2833">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_21-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.21</span>(1)</a></span>For the purpose of the election of councillors, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, shall by regulation divide each school district into a number of subdistricts equal
                              to the number of councillors for that school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_21-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.21</span>(2)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may by regulation</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>alter the number of subdistricts within a school district, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2838">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>alter the boundaries of one or more subdistricts within a school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_21-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.21</span>(3)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, no later than the thirty-first day of October in the year before
                              the year in which a District Education Council election is to be held, may by regulation</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>eliminate an existing electoral zone, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2853">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>combine two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_21-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2868">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2868">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_21-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.21</span>(4)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(3), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may by regulation combine two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone for the purpose of
                              the District Education Council elections to be held in May&nbsp;2001.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_3-sh">District Education Council elections</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2882">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2882">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(1)</a></span>District Education Council elections shall be held on the same day as general elections under the <span class="italic">Local Governance Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2890">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2890">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(2)</a></span>Where a first District Education Council election is held in accordance with section&nbsp;36.8 within one year before the date fixed under subsection&nbsp;(1) for a regular District Education Council
                              election, the second election for that District Education Council shall be held at the second subsequent regular District Education Council election.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2895">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2895">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(3)</a></span>Except for provisions inconsistent with this Act or the regulations under this Act and for provisions relating to by-elections, the provisions of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> and
                              the regulations under the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span>, excluding Part 2 of that Act and the regulations made under that Part, are adopted for the purposes of and apply with the necessary
                              modifications to District Education Council elections.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2906">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2906">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(4)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2007, c.79, s.65</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2912">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2912">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:5">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(5)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;17(1) of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span>, a person is not eligible to nominate and shall not nominate a candidate for the office of councillor unless
                              that person is a parent of a pupil enrolled in a school in the school district for which the candidate is offering.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2920">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2920">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:6">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(6)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2004, c.1, s.37</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2926">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2926">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:7">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(7)</a></span>Where in a provision of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> or the regulations under that Act, as adopted under subsection&nbsp;(3), the word “council” or “municipality” is found, for the
                              purposes of this Act the words “District Education Council” or “school district” respectively shall be substituted.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:7_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2934">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2934">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:7_1">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(7.1)</a></span>Despite subsection (7), the word “municipality” in section 22.1 of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> shall be substituted with the words “electoral zone” or, if an electoral zone has
                              not been established, the word “subdistrict”.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2943">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2943">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:8">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(8)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may authorize the Municipal Electoral Officer to designate persons to act on behalf of the Municipal Electoral Officer for the purposes of this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2948">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2948">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:9">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(9)</a></span>A person who violates or fails to comply with an adopted provision that is listed in Column I of Schedule A of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> commits an offence under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2956">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2956">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:10">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(10)</a></span>For the purposes of Part II of the <span class="italic">Provincial Offences Procedure Act</span>, each offence referred to in subsection&nbsp;(9) is punishable as an offence of the category listed in Column
                              II of Schedule A of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> beside the section number of the adopted provision to which the offence relates.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_3-ss:11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2967">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2967">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_3-ss:11">
<span class="bold">36.3</span>(11)</a></span>For the purposes of subsections (9) and (10), “adopted provision” means a provision of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span> that is adopted with the necessary modifications under this
                              section, or is adopted as modified under this section, as the case may be.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.1, s.37; 2004, c.2, s.16; 2007, c.79, s.65; 2017, c.20, s.54; 2018, c.10, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_31"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.31">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_31-sh">Eligibility for voting in a District Education Council election</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_31-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.31</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(2), every person who</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is eighteen years of age as of the day of the election,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>has been ordinarily resident in the Province for the period of time referred to in
                                    paragraph&nbsp;13(1)(<span class="normal">b</span>) or (1.1)(<span class="normal">b</span>) of the <span class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span>, as is appropriate in the circumstances,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is ordinarily resident in the electoral zone, or where an electoral zone has not been established, the
                                    subdistrict on election day, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is a Canadian citizen,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:1-pv-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                              <div class="body provision">
                                <div class="provision"><a name="Pd467908873e2985">
                    </a>is entitled to vote in a District Education Council election held in the electoral zone, or where an electoral zone has not been established, in the subdistrict in which the person is ordinarily resident.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_31-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3022">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3022">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_31-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.31</span>(2)</a></span>A person is not entitled to vote and shall not vote in a District Education Council election if the person is not eligible to vote under paragraph&nbsp;13(2)(<span class="normal">c</span>) of the <span
                                class="italic">Municipal Elections Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.1, s.37</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.4">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_4-sh">Declaration of school district</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_4-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3042">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3042">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_4-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.4</span>(1)</a></span>A person shall, prior to voting, declare either the school district organized in the English language or the school district organized in the French language as the school district in relation to which the
                              person intends to vote.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_4-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3047">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3047">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_4-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.4</span>(2)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2007, c.79, s.65</span></div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_4-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3053">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3053">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_4-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.4</span>(3)</a></span>A person is entitled to vote only in relation to the school district declared under subsection&nbsp;(1).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2007, c.79, s.65</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_41"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.41">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_41-sh">Eligibility for candidacy in a District Education Council election</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_41-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_41-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.41</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(2), a person may be a candidate for the office of councillor in an electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been established, in a subdistrict if the person</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_41-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is entitled to vote under section&nbsp;36.31, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_41-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3067">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is a resident of the electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been established, of the subdistrict
                                    for which the person is offering when nominated.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_41-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3082">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3082">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_41-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.41</span>(2)</a></span>School personnel and employees of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development are not eligible to be elected or appointed to or to serve as a councillor.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.3; 2010, c.31, s.34</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.5">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3089">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_5-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3089">
                    </a>Declaration of language</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3089">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_5">
36.5</a></span>A candidate for the office of councillor shall certify on the candidate’s nomination paper that the candidate is willing to discharge the duties of the office of councillor in the official language on the basis of which the school
                        district, for which the candidate is offering, is organized.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3089">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_51"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.51">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_51-sh">Incomplete elections</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_51-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_51-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.51</span>(1)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;36.2(2), where a District Education Council election fails to result in the election of</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_51-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a councillor for a subdistrict, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_51-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the required number of councillors for an electoral zone,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_51-ss:1-pv-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                              <div class="body provision">
                                <div class="provision"><a name="Pd467908873e3107">
                    </a>the Minister shall, subject to subsection&nbsp;(2) and in accordance with the regulations, appoint that number of councillors required to fill the vacant positions from among candidates nominated, in accordance with the
                                  regulations, by the District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_51-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3125">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3125">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_51-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.51</span>(2)</a></span>A person is eligible for appointment to a District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(1) if the person is eligible under section&nbsp;36.41 to be a candidate for the office of councillor in the
                              electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been established, in the subdistrict in which the vacant position exists.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.6">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3132">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_6-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3132">
                    </a>Commencement of office</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3132">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_6">
36.6</a></span>Each District Education Council shall take office the first day of July following the District Education Council elections.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3132">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.5</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.7">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_7-sh">Term of office</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3150">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3150">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(4), the term of office of every elected councillor is four years commencing the first day of July following the District Education Council elections and ending the thirtieth day of
                              June following the next elections.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3155">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3155">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(2)</a></span>A person may be re-elected to a District Education Council for any subsequent four year term if that person continues to meet the eligibility requirements under section&nbsp;36.41 to be a candidate for the
                              office of councillor.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3160">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3160">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(3)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(4), the term of office of a councillor appointed under subsection&nbsp;36.2(3) or 36.51(1) commences on the date of the councillor’s appointment and ends on the thirtieth day of
                              June following the next District Education Council elections.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:3_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3165">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3165">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:3_1">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(3.1)</a></span>Subject to subsection (4), the term of office of a councillor appointed under subsection 36.2(3.1) commences on the first day of July in the year in which the councillor is appointed and ends on the
                              thirtieth day of June the following year. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(4)</a></span>A position on a District Education Council is considered to be vacant where a councillor</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>dies or resigns,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>becomes ill, so as to be declared by the District Education Council as incapable of acting as a councillor
                                    for the remainder of the councillor’s term of office,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is declared by the District Education Council to have acted wilfully or negligently in contravention of this
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is convicted of an indictable offence,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is declared by the District Education Council to have failed to attend three regular meetings in a twelve
                                    month period without cause,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>becomes a member of the school personnel or an employee of the Department of Education and Early Childhood
                                    Development, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:4-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3173">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ceases to be a resident of the school district for which the councillor was elected or appointed.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3213">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3213">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:5">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(5)</a></span>A councillor may resign from office by giving notice in writing to the secretary of the District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3218">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3218">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:6">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(6)</a></span>A District Education Council shall, in writing, notify the Minister of a resignation received by the District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(5) within seven days after the acceptance by the District
                              Education Council of the resignation.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:6_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3223">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3223">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:6_1">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(6.1)</a></span>If the position of a councillor is vacated under paragraph (4)(c),(d) or (e), the person is not eligible to be elected or appointed or to serve as a councillor for the subsequent term.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3229">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3229">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:7">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(7)</a></span>Where the position of a councillor is vacated under subsection&nbsp;(4), the Minister shall, subject to subsection&nbsp;(8) and in accordance with the regulations, appoint a person to fill the vacant position
                              for the balance of the term of the councillor replaced from among candidates nominated, in accordance with the regulations, by the District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3234">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3234">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:8">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(8)</a></span>A person is eligible for appointment to a District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(7) if the person is eligible under section&nbsp;36.41 to be a candidate for the office of councillor in the
                              electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been established, in the subdistrict in which the vacant position exists.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3239">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3239">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:9">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(9)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(7), where the position of a councillor appointed under subsection&nbsp;36.2(3) is vacated under subsection&nbsp;(4), the Minister shall appoint a person who is a member of a
                              Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation and who resides in the school district to fill the vacant position for the balance of the term of the councillor replaced.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_7-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3244">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3244">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_7-ss:10">
<span class="bold">36.7</span>(10)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection (7), where the position of a councillor appointed under subsection 36.2(3.1) is vacated under subsection (4), the Minister shall appoint a councillor who is a pupil and who resides
                              in the school district to fill the vacant position for the balance of the term of the councillor replaced.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.2, s.16; 2009, c.33, s.2; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_71"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.71">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_71-sh">Remuneration and expenses of councillors</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2012, c.7, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_71-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3261">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3261">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_71-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.71</span>(1)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall fix the remuneration of the chair and the other councillors of a District Education Council. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_71-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3266">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3266">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_71-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.71</span>(2)</a></span>The chair and the other councillors of a District Education Council are entitled to be paid travel expenses incurred in relation to the performance of their duties in the name of the District Education
                              Council, as fixed by the Treasury Board travel policy guidelines, as amended. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_71-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3271">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3271">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_71-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.71</span>(3)</a></span>The remuneration and the reimbursement of expenses shall be paid out of the budget provided by the Minister to a District Education Council under section 50.2.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2012, c.7, s.1; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.8">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_8-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a>Creation of provisional District Education Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_8">
36.8</a></span>Where a new school district is created under subsection&nbsp;43(1), the Minister may provide for</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the composition of the District Education Council in accordance with subsection&nbsp;36.2(1),</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the holding of elections,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the fixing of days for nominations either before or after the effective date of the operation of the
                              District Education Council,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the appointment, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, of an interim District Education
                              Council until the next regularly scheduled District Education Council election,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the fixing of days for first meetings of the District Education Council, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_8-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>such other matters as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council considers necessary to provide for the effective
                              administration of the new District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3281">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:36_9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec36.9">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:36_9-sh">Authority and responsibility of the District Education Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3329">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3329">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:1">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(1)</a></span>A District Education Council shall establish, implement and monitor a three year district education plan for the school district for which the District Education Council is established.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:2">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(2)</a></span>A district education plan shall be consistent with the provincial education plan and shall include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a vision, including a mission statement, goals and values,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a strategy respecting the delivery and evaluation of educational programs and services within the school
                                    district, including educational priorities, objectives and a work plan,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>accountability measures for evaluating pupil achievement, monitoring school district performance and
                                    monitoring the achievement of strategic objectives, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3334">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>strategies to ensure the preservation and promotion of the language and culture of the official linguistic
                                    community for which the school district is organized.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3359">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3359">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:3">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(3)</a></span>A District Education Council shall submit to the Minister by July&nbsp;1 of each year an updated copy of its district education plan.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3364">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3364">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:4">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(4)</a></span>A District Education Council shall establish, implement and monitor a district expenditure plan for the school district for which the District Education Council is established, and shall submit it to the
                              Minister by July&nbsp;1 of each year.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:5">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(5)</a></span>A District Education Council shall</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>develop school district policies and procedures, not inconsistent with provincial policies and procedures,
                                    in matters relating to the authority given to the District Education Council, or the superintendent of the school district, under this Act and the regulations,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensure that provincial policies and procedures are being followed by the superintendent of the school
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>review and approve the district performance report prepared by the superintendent under
                                    paragraph&nbsp;48(2)(<span class="normal">d</span>), and present the report annually at an open meeting of the District Education Council,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>review the school improvement plan and the school performance report for each of the schools in the school
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>evaluate annually, in accordance with the regulations, the performance of the superintendent of the school
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>maintain communication links between the District Education Council and the Parent School Support Committees
                                    for the schools within the school district, and consult with the Parent School Support Committees with respect to matters relating to the duties of the Parent School Support Committees under this Act,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>review and oversee the expenditure of trust funds given for the benefit of pupils enrolled in schools within
                                    the school district in accordance with the terms of the trust,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prepare annually, for submission to the Minister,</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:h-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a report that identifies priorities respecting capital construction projects within the school district, and</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:h-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a report with respect to the progress and effectiveness of the positive learning and working environment plan in the school district,
                                          and </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:5-p1:i"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3369">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>provide training for members of the Parent School Support Committees for the schools within the school
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:6">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(6)</a></span>A District Education Council may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:6-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>cooperate with another District Education Council to share school personnel and educational or
                                    administrative programs and services,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:6-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>cooperate with persons and organizations to advance the quality of learning within the school district for
                                    which the District Education Council is established and to foster the spirit of lifelong learning within the community,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:6-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>provide for the settlement of disputes arising in connection with school matters between any parent or pupil
                                    and any member of the school personnel, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:6-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>make rules, not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, governing its internal procedure and
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3457">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3457">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:7">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(7)</a></span>The Minister shall establish a code of conduct with the content prescribed by regulation applicable to the councillors.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:36_9-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3462">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3462">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:36_9-ss:8">
<span class="bold">36.9</span>(8)</a></span>A District Education Council shall establish processes and policies with respect to contraventions of the code of conduct by councillors.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.30; 2012, c.21, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:37"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec37">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3470">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:37-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3470">
                    </a>Establishment of provincial boards of education</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e3470">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.31</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3470">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.31</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:37">
37</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.32</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3470">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.32</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:38"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec38">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3485">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:38-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3485">
                    </a>Duties of provincial boards of education</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e3485">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.33</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3485">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.33</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:38">
38</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.34</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3485">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.34</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:38_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec38.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:38_1-sh">Provincial forums</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.35</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:38_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">38.1</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall, for each education sector established under subsection&nbsp;4(1), convene two provincial forums each year to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>facilitate information sharing and consultation between the Minister and the District Education Councils,
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3506">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>permit the Minister and the District Education Councils to identify and discuss areas of concern.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:38_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">38.1</span>(2)</a></span>Each provincial forum, for each education sector established under subsection&nbsp;4(1), shall be attended by</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the chair of each District Education Council in the education sector, or a person designated by the chair
                                    for this purpose,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the superintendent of each school district in the education sector, or a person designated by the
                                    superintendent for this purpose,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the Minister, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_1-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3521">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>such provincial officials as the Minister may designate for this purpose.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.35; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:38_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec38.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:38_2-sh">Support staff</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.35</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:38_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:38_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">38.2</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall, in accordance with the regulations, provide, for each education sector established under subsection&nbsp;4(1), a dedicated support staff to</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_2-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>facilitate information sharing and communications among the District Education Councils, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:38_2-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3555">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>coordinate training opportunities for members of the Parent School Support Committees and the District
                                    Education Councils.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:38_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3570">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3570">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:38_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">38.2</span>(2)</a></span>For each education sector established under subsection&nbsp;4(1), a representative shall be selected by and from among the chairs of the District Education Councils to provide direction to the support staff
                              provided under subsection&nbsp;(1).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.35; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:39"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec39">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3577">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:39-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3577">
                    </a>Eligibility of members of committees, councils and boards</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e3577">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.36</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3577">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.36</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:39">
39</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.37</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3577">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.37</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:40"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec40">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:40-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a>Conduct of members of Committees and Councils</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.38</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40">
40</a></span>Every member of a Parent School Support Committee and a District Education Council shall</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>exercise their duties under this Act in good faith,</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>comply with this Act and the regulations, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>refrain from exercising individual influence or authority over the superintendent of the school district or
                              over other school personnel.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e3591">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.39; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:40_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec40.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:40_1-sh">Provision of information to the Minister</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">40.1</span>(1)</a></span>Each District Education Council shall prepare and submit to the Minister, at such time and in such format as determined by the Minister, an annual report for the previous school year containing</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>statistical and financial information relating to the school district for which the District Education
                                    Council is established, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:1-p1:a_1"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>information relating to bullying in the New Brunswick public education system, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3624">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>information relating to the educational performance of the pupils in the school district for which the
                                    District Education Council is established.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3644">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3644">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">40.1</span>(2)</a></span>A District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school district, shall provide to the Minister, at the times and in the format determined by the Minister, the information, including personal
                              information, that the Minister considers necessary.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3649">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3649">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_1-ss:3">
<span class="bold">40.1</span>(3)</a></span>The Minister may require that such information systems and data standards as specified by the Minister be used in schools and school districts if, in the opinion of the Minister, such are required to
                              facilitate information sharing, data transfer, technical support and reporting requirements.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_1-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3654">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3654">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_1-ss:4">
<span class="bold">40.1</span>(4)</a></span>The Minister may use and disclose personal information obtained under this section for the purpose of delivering public education.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:40_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec40.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:40_2-sh">Investigations and inquiries</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">40.2</span>(1)</a></span>For the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations, the Minister may appoint a person to investigate and inquire into</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the financial, administrative, safety or educational condition relating to any matter connected with the
                                    management, administration or operation of a District Education Council, a school district or a school, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3668">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>matters relating to the effectiveness of instruction being provided when an application for exemption from
                                    school attendance is requested or has been granted under subsection&nbsp;16(2).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">40.2</span>(2)</a></span>A person appointed under subsection&nbsp;(1)</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is, if the appointment so provides, vested with all the powers and privileges of a commissioner under the
                                    <span class="italic">Inquiries Act</span>,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall on request be given access to and may examine any relevant records, books of account or other
                                    documents or property,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may make copies of any relevant records, books of account or other documents, and for such purpose may
                                    remove records, books of account or other documents from any premises and shall return them to those premises as soon as possible after the making of the copies, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3683">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall report the results of their investigation and inquiry to the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_2-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3711">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3711">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_2-ss:3">
<span class="bold">40.2</span>(3)</a></span>On receipt of a report under paragraph&nbsp;(2)(<span class="normal">d</span>), the Minister may request a District Education Council to take such action as the Minister considers necessary to meet the
                              responsibilities of the District Education Council or the requirements of the Minister under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:40_3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec40.3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:40_3-sh">Request for corrective action</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">40.3</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister may request a District Education Council to take such corrective action as the Minister considers necessary if, in the opinion of the Minister,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the health, safety or educational welfare of pupils is endangered,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the District Education Council fails to comply with any provision of this Act or the regulations or with a
                                    policy of the Minister issued in accordance with this Act, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3728">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the resources of the District Education Council are being expended in an irresponsible manner.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3748">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3748">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">40.3</span>(2)</a></span>Where a District Education Council fails to comply with a request of the Minister to take action under subsection&nbsp;(1) or subsection&nbsp;40.2(3) within the time specified in the request, the Minister may
                              take such corrective action as the Minister considers necessary.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3753">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3753">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_3-ss:3">
<span class="bold">40.3</span>(3)</a></span>Where the Minister takes action under subsection&nbsp;(2), the District Education Council concerned may, within thirty days after the taking of the action, apply by Notice of Application to a judge of The
                              Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick for a review of the action taken by the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:40_3-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3758">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3758">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:40_3-ss:4">
<span class="bold">40.3</span>(4)</a></span>The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under subsection&nbsp;(3).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:41"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec41">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:41-sh">Dissolution of a District Education Council</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.41</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:1">
<span class="bold">41</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may apply by Notice of Application to a judge of The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick to dissolve a District Education Council if, in
                              the opinion of the Minister, the District Education Council</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>is unable to function due to organizational difficulties, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3772">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>fails to comply with the provisions of this Act or the regulations within a reasonable period of time after
                                    being advised by the Minister of the provisions of this Act or the regulations with which the District Education Council has failed to comply.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3787">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3787">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:2">
<span class="bold">41</span>(2)</a></span>The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under subsection&nbsp;(1).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:3">
<span class="bold">41</span>(3)</a></span>On the hearing of an application made under subsection&nbsp;(1), the judge may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>dismiss the application, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3792">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>allow the application and by order dissolve the District Education Council concerned and may fix a period of
                                    time for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;(4).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3807">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3807">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:4">
<span class="bold">41</span>(4)</a></span>Where on the hearing of an application made under subsection&nbsp;(1) a District Education Council is dissolved, the authorities and responsibilities of the District Education Council shall vest in the
                              Minister, for a period of time not to exceed one year or such shorter period of time as may be fixed by the judge on the hearing of the application, until an interim District Education Council is appointed in accordance
                              with subsection&nbsp;(7) or the next regular District Education Council election is held.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3812">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3812">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:5">
<span class="bold">41</span>(5)</a></span>A District Education Council may, by a two-thirds majority vote of its members, declare itself unable to function due to organizational difficulties and, having done so, shall immediately inform the Minister,
                              in writing, of the declaration.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3817">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3817">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:6">
<span class="bold">41</span>(6)</a></span>Where a District Education Council acts in accordance with subsection&nbsp;(5), the District Education Council is dissolved and the authorities and responsibilities of the District Education Council shall vest
                              in the Minister, for a period of time not to exceed one year, until an interim District Education Council is appointed in accordance with subsection&nbsp;(7) or the next regular District Education Council election is
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3822">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3822">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:7">
<span class="bold">41</span>(7)</a></span>Where the Minister is vested with the authorities and responsibilities of a District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(4) or (6), the Minister may, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in
                              Council, appoint an interim District Education Council and vest in the interim District Education Council the authorities and responsibilities of a District Education Council until the next regular District Education
                              Council election.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:41-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3827">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3827">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:41-ss:8">
<span class="bold">41</span>(8)</a></span>A person is eligible for appointment to an interim District Education Council under subsection&nbsp;(7) if the person meets the eligibility requirements under section&nbsp;36.41 to be a candidate for the office
                              of councillor.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.42; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_42-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3836">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_42-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e3836">
                <div class="Border" id="se:42"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec42">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:42-sh">Administration of Act</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:42-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3844">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3844">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:42-ss:1">
<span class="bold">42</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall administer this Act and may designate persons to act on behalf of the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:42-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3849">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3849">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:42-ss:2">
<span class="bold">42</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may establish educational advisory boards, educational advisory committees and such other educational advisory bodies as the Minister
                              considers necessary for the effective administration of this Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:43"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec43">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:43-sh">School districts</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:43-ss:1">
<span class="bold">43</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;4(1), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may by regulation</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>divide the Province into school districts,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>create new school districts,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>abolish or alter boundaries of school districts, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3861">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>amalgamate school districts.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3886">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3886">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:43-ss:2">
<span class="bold">43</span>(2)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;4(1), when two or more District Education Councils each pass a resolution by a majority vote of its members to amalgamate their school district or any portion of their school district
                              with another school district or any portion of another school district and forward a certified copy of the resolution of each District Education Council to the Minister, the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the
                              recommendation of the Minister, may by regulation amalgamate those school districts or the portions of those school districts into one school district and alter the boundaries of the school districts accordingly.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:43-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3891">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3891">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:43-ss:3">
<span class="bold">43</span>(3)</a></span>Where two or more school districts are amalgamated under paragraph&nbsp;(1)(<span class="normal">d</span>) or subsection&nbsp;(2), the existing District Education Councils of those school districts shall
                              administer the amalgamated school district jointly until the next regular District Education Council election.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.43; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:44"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec44">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:44-sh">Division of financial resources between linguistic sectors</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:44-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3906">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3906">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:44-ss:1">
<span class="bold">44</span>(1)</a></span>The financial resources voted by the Legislative Assembly for school operations shall be divided by the Minister on an equitable basis between the two distinct education sectors established under
                      <div class="Border" id="se:44-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3911">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3911">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:44-ss:2">
<span class="bold">44</span>(2)</a></span>The equitable division of financial resources under subsection&nbsp;(1) shall seek to assure to each of the education sectors established under subsection&nbsp;4(1) an equivalent standard of education taking
                              into account the needs and particular circumstances of each sector.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.44; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:45"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec45">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:45-sh">School property</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3923">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3923">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:45-ss:1">
<span class="bold">45</span>(1)</a></span>All school property is vested in the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3928">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3928">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:45-ss:2">
<span class="bold">45</span>(2)</a></span>A District Education Council shall, at all times, have management, care and control of all school property in the school district for which the District Education Council is established, until such time as the
                              school property is declared surplus by the District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3933">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3933">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:45-ss:3">
<span class="bold">45</span>(3)</a></span>A District Education Council shall determine the general location in which to locate a school established under section&nbsp;2.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:45-ss:4">
<span class="bold">45</span>(4)</a></span>The Minister</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall determine the sites of schools, school district offices and other school buildings,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall determine the physical plant standards for a safe and healthy school facility,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may purchase, lease or accept gifts of lands or buildings for school or school district office purposes,
                            <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may construct and furnish schools, school
                                    district offices and other school buildings, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:45-ss:4-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e3938">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may lease, sell or otherwise dispose of any lands
                                    or buildings acquired under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.45; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:46"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec46">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:46-sh">Community use of school property</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:46-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3975">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3975">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:46-ss:1">
<span class="bold">46</span>(1)</a></span>For such purposes and subject to such terms and conditions as may be prescribed by regulation and to the extent practicable, a District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school district,
                              shall make school property available for use by community groups or other persons or organizations.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:46-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3980">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3980">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:46-ss:2">
<span class="bold">46</span>(2)</a></span>Where a fee is charged for the use of school property under subsection&nbsp;(1), the District Education Council may retain and expend that fee in accordance with the regulations.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:46-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3985">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3985">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:46-ss:3">
<span class="bold">46</span>(3)</a></span>For the purposes of this Act, the authorization of the use of school property under subsection&nbsp;(1) is not a lease.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:46-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e3990">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e3990">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:46-ss:4">
<span class="bold">46</span>(4)</a></span>Where the Minister leases property for school purposes and the owner retains the right to make the property available for the use of third parties when the property is not required for school purposes, all fees
                              paid to the owner for such use may be retained by the owner unless otherwise provided for in the lease.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.46; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:47"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec47">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:47-sh">Appointment of superintendents</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4002">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4002">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:1">
<span class="bold">47</span>(1)</a></span>A District Education Council shall select, appoint and direct, and may suspend, dismiss or otherwise discipline, the superintendent of the school district for which the District Education Council is
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4007">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4007">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:2">
<span class="bold">47</span>(2)</a></span>The superintendent is, subject to the authority under this Act of the Minister and the District Education Council concerned, the chief executive officer of the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4012">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4012">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:3">
<span class="bold">47</span>(3)</a></span>The appointment of a superintendent shall be for a five year term.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4017">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4017">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:4">
<span class="bold">47</span>(4)</a></span>The appointment of a superintendent shall not be made without the prior written approval of the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4022">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4022">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:5">
<span class="bold">47</span>(5)</a></span>Where a District Education Council seeks the approval of the Minister for the purposes of subsection&nbsp;(4), the District Education Council shall give to the Minister, in such form and containing such
                              information as may be required by the Minister, notice of its intention to appoint the superintendent.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4027">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4027">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:6">
<span class="bold">47</span>(6)</a></span>The Minister may approve or refuse to approve the appointment of a superintendent within one month after receipt by the Minister of the notice referred to in subsection&nbsp;(5).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:7">
<span class="bold">47</span>(7)</a></span>The Minister may refuse to approve the appointment of a superintendent if, in the opinion of the Minister,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:7-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the candidate lacks the requisite education, experience or qualifications, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:7-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4032">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>an established selection policy or procedure has been violated.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4047">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4047">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:8">
<span class="bold">47</span>(8)</a></span>Where the Minister refuses to approve the appointment of a superintendent, the Minister shall give the District Education Council concerned reasons for the refusal in writing.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:9">
<span class="bold">47</span>(9)</a></span>Where the Minister refuses to approve the appointment of a superintendent, the District Education Council concerned may,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:9-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in accordance with this section, appoint another individual as superintendent of the school district, or
                            <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:9-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4052">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>within thirty days after receipt of the reasons referred to in subsection&nbsp;(8), apply by Notice of
                                    Application to a judge of The Court of King’s Bench of New Brunswick for a review of the decision made by the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:10"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4068">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4068">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:10">
<span class="bold">47</span>(10)</a></span>The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under paragraph&nbsp;(9)(<span class="normal">b</span>).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:11"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4076">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4076">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:11">
<span class="bold">47</span>(11)</a></span>Where the judge dismisses an application made under paragraph&nbsp;(9)(<span class="normal">b</span>), the District Education Council concerned shall, in accordance with this section, appoint another
                              individual as superintendent of the school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:12"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4084">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4084">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:12">
<span class="bold">47</span>(12)</a></span>A District Education Council shall not enter into a contract of employment or a contract renewing a contract of employment with an individual who is appointed as a superintendent of a school district unless
                              the contract includes a five year term with no option to renew or extend the contract at the end of the term if the individual is not reappointed as a superintendent.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:13"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4089">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4089">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:13">
<span class="bold">47</span>(13)</a></span>On the expiry of the term of an appointment or reappointment of a superintendent, the District Education Council concerned may, at the discretion of the District Education Council, reappoint the
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:14"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4094">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4094">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:14">
<span class="bold">47</span>(14)</a></span>The reappointment of a superintendent shall be for a five year term.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47-ss:15"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4099">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4099">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47-ss:15">
<span class="bold">47</span>(15)</a></span>An individual appointed as a superintendent of a school district before the commencement of this section and who holds that position on the commencement of this section shall be deemed to have been appointed
                              under subsection&nbsp;(1).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.47; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:47_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec47.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:47_1-sh">District staffing</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.48</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4113">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4113">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(1)</a></span>The superintendent of the school district, subject to subsection&nbsp;(2) and on behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council, shall select, appoint and direct, and
                              may suspend, dismiss or otherwise discipline, such school personnel as are required to operate the schools and the school district office in the school district for which the District Education Council is established.
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4118">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4118">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(2)</a></span>The superintendent in selecting and appointing school personnel required to operate the school district office shall do so in accordance with a plan of establishment authorized by the Minister.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4123">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4123">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:3">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(3)</a></span>School personnel employed in accordance with this section are employed in Part II of the public service of the Province as specified in the First Schedule of the <span class="italic">Public Service Labour
                                Relations Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4131">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4131">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:4">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(4)</a></span>The salary scales for all school personnel shall be those established by the Treasury Board under the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4139">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4139">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:5">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(5)</a></span>A District Education Council shall pay as salary to school personnel only those amounts specified in the salary scales established under subsection&nbsp;(4).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_1-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4144">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4144">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_1-ss:6">
<span class="bold">47.1</span>(6)</a></span>A District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school district, and the Minister may collect, use and disclose the personal information of school personnel employed in accordance with this
                              section for the purpose of managing or administering the school personnel.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.48; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:47_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec47.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:47_2-sh">Review of disciplinary action</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4158">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4158">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">47.2</span>(1)</a></span>A member of the school personnel who is the subject of a decision with respect to disciplinary action by a superintendent, other than a member who is subject to grievance or adjudication processes under a
                              collective agreement, may request that the superintendent review the decision with respect to disciplinary action by applying to the superintendent in writing within 10 days after receiving notice of the decision.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:47_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4163">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4163">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:47_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">47.2</span>(2)</a></span>Following a review of a decision with respect to disciplinary action, the superintendent shall confirm or vary the decision and shall notify the member of the school personnel in writing within 15 days after
                              receiving the request for review or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the member.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:48"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec48">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:48-sh">Duties of superintendents</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4175">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4175">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:48-ss:1">
<span class="bold">48</span>(1)</a></span>A superintendent is accountable to the District Education Council concerned for the management of programs and resources, for the quality of learning and for the implementation of the district education plan
                              and district expenditure plan in the school district in respect of which the superintendent is appointed or reappointed.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:48-ss:2">
<span class="bold">48</span>(2)</a></span>The duties of a superintendent, with respect to the school district for which the superintendent is appointed or reappointed, include</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>providing leadership in the school district in promoting quality education, inclusive education, enhanced
                                    community involvement and the efficient delivery of services,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>coordinating and administering the educational programs and educational services prescribed by the Minister,
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:b_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring the implementation of best practice in teaching and evaluation methodology,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:b_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring that school district and provincial policies are followed by school personnel,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>having primary responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the district education plan and the
                                    district expenditure plan for the school district,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>having primary responsibility for the preparation of a district performance report, in such format as may be
                                    determined by the Minister, for submission annually to the District Education Council and the Minister,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.49</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring the allocation, management and development of all human resources in the school district,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:f_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring that the performance of school personnel is evaluated, in accordance with the regulations,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:f_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>consulting with the Parent School Support Committee concerned, in accordance with
                                    paragraph&nbsp;33(2)(<span class="normal">d</span>), when conducting a performance evaluation of a principal or a vice-principal,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:f_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>attending and participating in official meetings of the District Education Council,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>providing for the effective and efficient management of available financial resources, </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:g_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>providing alternative education programs and services for pupils consistent with policies established by
                                    the Minister; </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>ensuring effective communication links, procedures and mechanisms are in place, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:2-p1:i"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4180">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>making an annual report to the District Education Council at the end of each school year with respect to the
                                    progress and effectiveness of the positive learning and working environment plan in the school district. </div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:48-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4265">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4265">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:48-ss:3">
<span class="bold">48</span>(3)</a></span>A superintendent may, except with respect to the superintendent’s duties provided for under subsection&nbsp;(2), designate persons to act on behalf of the superintendent.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.49; 2012, c.21, s.7; 2014, c.37, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:48_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec48.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4272">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:48_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4272">
                    </a>Appointment of Registrar</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4272">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:48_1">
48.1</a></span>The Minister shall appoint an employee of the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development as Registrar.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4272">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:49"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec49">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4284">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:49-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4284">
                    </a>Duties of directors of education</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e4284">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.50</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4284">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.50</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:49">
49</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.51</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4284">
                    </a>1997, c.66, s.4; 2000, c.52, s.51</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:50"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec50">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:50-sh">Agreements</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4305">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4305">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:1">
<span class="bold">50</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;(3), the Minister may enter into agreements with a local government, the Government of Canada or any other government or a person or organization for any purpose within the scope of
                              this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:2">
<span class="bold">50</span>(2)</a></span>Without limiting the generality of subsection&nbsp;(1), the Minister may enter into agreements</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>with the Government of Canada respecting the operation or ownership of school property by Canada or the
                                    Province or both,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>with the Government of Canada, or with a council of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation, to recover the
                                    cost of providing school privileges to persons whose education is the constitutional responsibility of the Government of Canada,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:2-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4310">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>with a local government or any other corporate body respecting the construction or operation of school
                                    property for the educational, cultural and recreational use by the community.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4342">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4342">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:3">
<span class="bold">50</span>(3)</a></span>Despite a designation under section 8.3, the Minister may enter into agreements with a local government, the Government of Canada or any other government or a person or organization to sell educational
                              programs, educational services or educational materials outside the New Brunswick public education system.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4350">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4350">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:4">
<span class="bold">50</span>(4)</a></span>With the approval of the Treasury Board, the Minister may retain from year to year a portion of the funds paid to the Minister under an agreement entered into under paragraph (2)(b) to be used to enhance the
                              education of Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey children.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:4_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4355">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4355">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:4_1">
<span class="bold">50</span>(4.1)</a></span>Subject to sections 50.1 and 50.2, a superintendent, on behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned, may enter into agreements with a local government, the
                              Government of Canada or any other government or a person or organization for the purpose of carrying out the authorities and responsibilities of the District Education Council or the superintendent under this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4360">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4360">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50-ss:5">
<span class="bold">50</span>(5)</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.52; 2005, c.7, s.22; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2017, c.20, s.54; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:50_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec50.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4368">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:50_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4368">
                    </a>Application of legislation</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4368">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.53</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_1">
50.1</a></span>Unless otherwise specifically provided for in this or any other Act of the Legislature or in any regulation under this or any other Act of the Legislature, a District Education Council is subject to those provisions of the <span
                          class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>, the <span class="italic">Procurement Act</span> and the regulations under those Acts that apply to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and those
                        provisions apply to a District Education Council with the necessary modifications.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4368">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.53; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2012, c.20, s.32; 2021, c.38, s.32</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:50_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec50.2">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:50_2-sh">School district budgets and expenditures</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.53</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4392">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4392">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:1">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister shall provide annually to each District Education Council a budget for the operation of the school district for which the District Education Council is established.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:2">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>revise the budget provided under subsection&nbsp;(1), and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4397">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>establish guidelines respecting the expenditure of the budget provided under subsection&nbsp;(1), or any
                                    revision of the budget under paragraph&nbsp;(a).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:3">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(3)</a></span>A District Education Council may expend</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in accordance with any guidelines established by the Minister under paragraph&nbsp;(2)(b), such sums of
                                    money as are provided in the budget under subsection&nbsp;(1), or any revision of the budget under paragraph&nbsp;(2)(a),</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:a_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the additional sums of money derived from the fees under section 8.1,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:a_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to the terms of an agreement under section 8.2, the additional sums of money derived from the fees
                                    under that section,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:a_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to the terms of an agreement under section 8.3, the additional sums of money derived from the fees
                                    under that section,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in accordance with the regulations, such additional sums of money as are</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:b-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>earned and retained by the District Education Council from sources specified by regulation,</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:b-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>awarded to the District Education Council, or</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:b-p2:iii"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(iii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>received by the District Education Council by way of gift, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:3-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4412">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in accordance with the terms of the trust, such additional sums of money as are received by the District
                                    Education Council in trust for specific purposes.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4471">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4471">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:4">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(4)</a></span>The sums of money provided in the budget under subsection&nbsp;(1), or any revision of the budget under paragraph&nbsp;(2)(a), are to be drawn out of the Consolidated Fund by the District Education Council in
                              accordance with the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4479">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4479">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:5">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(5)</a></span>The financial accounts and records of a District Education Council shall be maintained on the financial accounting system provided and supported by the Province.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4484">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4484">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:6">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(6)</a></span>The Minister may, at the discretion of the Minister, examine the financial accounts and records of a District Education Council referred to in subsection&nbsp;(5).</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4489">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4489">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:7">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(7)</a></span>A District Education Council may hold only such bank accounts as have been approved by the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:8"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4494">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4494">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:8">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(8)</a></span>A District Education Council shall expend only such sums of money as are identified in subsection&nbsp;(3) and shall not borrow money from external sources.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:50_2-ss:9"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4500">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4500">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:50_2-ss:9">
<span class="bold">50.2</span>(9)</a></span>Notwithstanding the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span>, a District Education Council may, subject to the regulations, retain from year to year a budgetary surplus which the District
                              Education Council has realized in its operations and any additional sums of money referred to in paragraphs (3)(a.1), (a.2), (a.3), (b) and (c).</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.53; 2019, c.29, s.43; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:51"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec51">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:51-sh">Authority to retain and expend funds</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:51-ss:1">
<span class="bold">51</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister may retain from year to year and expend, in such manner and for such purposes as the Minister considers appropriate, such sums of money as are</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>earned by the Minister from sources prescribed by regulation,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>realized from the disposal of surplus school property by the Minister in accordance with the <span
                                      class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span> or any regulation under that Act,</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>awarded to the Minister, or</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4517">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>received by the Minister by way of gift.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:51-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4545">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4545">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:51-ss:2">
<span class="bold">51</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister may retain from year to year and expend, in accordance with the terms of the trust, such sums of money as are received by the Minister in trust for specific purposes.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:51_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec51.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:51_1-sh">Audit of school districts</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.54; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:51_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4559">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4559">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:51_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">51.1</span>(1)</a></span>Where an audit is performed by the Comptroller under section 15 or 16 of the <span class="italic">Financial Administration Act</span> in relation to the operation of a school district, a report on the results
                              of the audit shall be prepared by the Comptroller for submission to the Minister and the District Education Council concerned.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:51_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4567">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4567">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:51_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">51.1</span>(2)</a></span>The District Education Council concerned shall, within a reasonable period of time after receipt of the report on the results of the audit, present the report to the public at an official meeting of the
                              District Education Council.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.54; 2011, c.20, s.7; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:52"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec52">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:52-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                    </a>Authority to indemnify and defend</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:52">
52</a></span>On such terms and conditions as the Minister considers appropriate, the Minister may indemnify and defend</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:52-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>members of the Parent School Support Committees and the District Education Councils and student teachers, in
                              respect of any claim for damages or otherwise arising from any act done or omitted in good faith in the execution or intended execution of any duty or authority under this Act or the regulations, and</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:52-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>volunteers, in respect of any claim for damages or otherwise arising from any act done or omitted in good
                              faith in the execution or intended execution of any instruction on behalf and with the knowledge and consent of the superintendent concerned.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4574">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.55; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:53"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec53">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:53-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                    </a>Conveyance and lodging of pupils</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:53">
53</a></span>The superintendent concerned, in accordance with the regulations and on behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council,</span>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>shall make such arrangements as the superintendent considers necessary for the conveyance of pupils, and
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                        <div class="body Paragraph">
                          <div class="Border">
                            <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>may make arrangements for the lodging of pupils.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4595">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.56</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:53_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec53.1">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:53_1-sh">Unique identification number</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.1, s.30</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53_1-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4621">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4621">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:53_1-ss:1">
<span class="bold">53.1</span>(1)</a></span>The Minister and a District Education Council, through the superintendent of a school district, may collect and use an individual’s Medicare number for the purpose of creating a unique identification number
                              for a pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53_1-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4626">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4626">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:53_1-ss:2">
<span class="bold">53.1</span>(2)</a></span>The Minister and a District Education Council, through the superintendent of a school district, may use the unique identification number created for a child under the <span class="italic">Early Childhood
                                Services Act</span> as the unique identification number for a pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53_1-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4634">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4634">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:53_1-ss:3">
<span class="bold">53.1</span>(3)</a></span> The Minister and a District Education Council, through the superintendent of a school district, may disclose to the Minister of Health an individual’s Medicare number for the purpose of validating the unique
                              identification number for a pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:53_1-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4639">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4639">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:53_1-ss:4">
<span class="bold">53.1</span>(4)</a></span>The unique identification number of a pupil forms part of the record maintained in respect of the pupil under section 54.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2021, c.1, s.30</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:54"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec54">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:54-sh">Pupil records</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.57</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:0_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4653">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4653">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:0_1">
<span class="bold">54</span>(0.1)</a></span>A record shall be maintained in respect of each pupil and may contain personal information.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:0_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4658">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4658">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:0_2">
<span class="bold">54</span>(0.2)</a></span>The superintendent concerned may use and disclose personal information contained in the record maintained in respect of a pupil for the purpose of delivering public education.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4663">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4663">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:1">
<span class="bold">54</span>(1)</a></span>Subject to subsections (1.1) and (3), the parent of a pupil or a pupil is entitled to access to pupil records maintained in respect of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:1_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4668">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4668">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:1_1">
<span class="bold">54</span>(1.1)</a></span>Where a pupil has attained the age of nineteen years, a parent of the pupil is not entitled to access any record maintained in respect of the pupil without the consent of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4673">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4673">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:2">
<span class="bold">54</span>(2)</a></span>Where a person is given access to a record in accordance with subsection&nbsp;(1), the superintendent concerned shall, where the superintendent believes it is necessary, explain or interpret the information
                              disclosed on the record.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:3">
<span class="bold">54</span>(3)</a></span>Where the superintendent concerned believes that access to a record maintained in respect of a pupil would be detrimental to the well-being or future development of or the educational opportunities for the
                              pupil, the superintendent may</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:3-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>deny access to the record, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:3-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4678">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>where the superintendent believes it is appropriate, describe or interpret such of the content of the record
                                    the knowledge of which, in the opinion of the superintendent, would not be detrimental to the well-being or future development of or the educational opportunities for the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4693">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4693">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:4">
<span class="bold">54</span>(4)</a></span>Where the superintendent concerned, having denied a person access to a record in accordance with paragraph&nbsp;(3)(<span class="normal">a</span>), believes it is not appropriate to describe or interpret any of
                              the contents of the record in accordance with paragraph&nbsp;(3)(<span class="normal">b</span>), the superintendent shall make known to that person, at the time of such denial, the existence and general nature of the
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4704">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4704">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:5">
<span class="bold">54</span>(5)</a></span>A person who has been denied access to any record in accordance with paragraph&nbsp;(3)(<span class="normal">a</span>) may, in accordance with the regulations, appeal the denial.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4713">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4713">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:6">
<span class="bold">54</span>(6)</a></span>The parent of a pupil who has been denied access to any record in accordance with paragraph&nbsp;(3)(<span class="normal">a</span>) is, notwithstanding such denial, entitled to make inquiries to the
                              superintendent concerned and to be given general verbal information by the superintendent in relation to the educational progress of the pupil.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:54-ss:7"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4721">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4721">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:54-ss:7">
<span class="bold">54</span>(7)</a></span>A decision made by a superintendent under this section shall be made on behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council concerned.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">1997, c.66, s.5; 2000, c.52, s.58; 2017, c.30, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:55"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec55">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4728">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:55-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4728">
                    </a>Confidentiality of tests and test items</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:55">
55</a></span>The Minister, a District Education Council or a superintendent may, when requested to release or give access to tests or test items, refuse to release or give access to the tests or test items if, in the opinion of the Minister, the
                        District Education Council or the superintendent, as the case may be, the integrity of the assessment or evaluation process would thereby be jeopardized.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4728">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.59; 2009, c.R-10.6, s.91; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_56-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4738">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_56-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e4738">
                    </a>GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:56"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec56">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4741">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:56-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4741">
                    </a>School personnel within Part II of the public service</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e4741">
                    </a>Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.60</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4741">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.60</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56">
56</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.61</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4741">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.61</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:56_1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec56.1">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4755">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:56_1-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4755">
                    </a>Terms and conditions of employment of a teacher</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56_1">
56.1</a></span>The terms and conditions of employment of a teacher set out in a collective agreement negotiated under the <span class="italic">Public Service Labour Relations Act</span> and agreed between the Province of New Brunswick as represented by
                        Treasury Board and an organization representing the teachers and in full force and effect may not be altered by any regulation made under this Act.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4755">
                    </a>2016, c.37, s.50</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:56_2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec56.2">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4767">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:56_2-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4767">
                    </a>Publication of annual report</div>
                      <div><a name="Pd467908873e4767">
                    </a>Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4767">
                    </a>2012, c.21, s.8; 2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56_2">
56.2</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4767">
                    </a>2012, c.21, s.8; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:56_3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec56.3">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:56_3-sh">Conflict with the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span></div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2013, c.34, s.10</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:56_3-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4790">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4790">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56_3-ss:1">
<span class="bold">56.3</span>(1)</a></span>If section 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4, 31.5, 31.6 or 31.7 is inconsistent with or in conflict with a provision of the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span>, the above
                              mentioned section prevails.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:56_3-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56_3-ss:2">
<span class="bold">56.3</span>(2)</a></span>If section 54 is inconsistent with or in conflict with a provision of the <span class="italic">Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act</span>, section 54 prevails, other than the provisions of that
                              Act relating to the collection, use or disclosure of personal information in the context of </div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:56_3-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>a common or integrated service, program or activity of a public body referred to in that Act, and</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:56_3-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4820">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the agreements entered into under section 47.1 of that Act.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2013, c.34, s.10; 2013, c.47, s.2; 2017, c.31, s.68; 2019, c.18, s.3; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:56_4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec56.4">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e4846">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:56_4-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e4846">
                    </a>Review of Act</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4846">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:56_4">
56.4</a></span>The Minister shall initiate a review of this Act every ten years, the first of which shall be completed no later than July 1, 2031.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e4846">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:57"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec57">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:57-sh">Regulations</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:1">
<span class="bold">57</span>(1)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for the organization, government and discipline of schools;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting school vacations and authorizing the Minister to vary such vacations for any school district for
                                    any school year;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the closing of schools or parts of schools during part of the school year;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for the classification of schools;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:e"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>e<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for establishing curricula and the holding of examinations;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:f"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>f<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the terms and conditions under which textbooks are distributed and the responsibility for the
                                    care and custody of textbooks;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:g"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for the arrangement and order of school property;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:g_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>g.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the flying of flags;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:h"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>h<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing persons or categories of persons for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;8(3);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:i"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the manner in which and the terms and conditions under which the Minister may provide free school
                                    privileges under subsection&nbsp;8(3);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:j"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>j<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing persons or categories of persons for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;8(4);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:k"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>k<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the manner in which and the terms and conditions under which the Minister may provide school
                                    privileges under subsection&nbsp;8(4);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:k_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>k.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the method of calculating the amount of a tuition fee for the purposes of subsection 8.1(3);
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:k_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>k.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the maximum amount of an administration fee for the purposes of paragraph 8.1(4)(a);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:k_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>k.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the amount of an orientation fee for the purposes of paragraph 8.1(4)(b);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:k_4"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>k.4<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the amount of other fees for the purposes of paragraph 8.1(4)(c);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:l"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>l<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the admission and placement of pupils in classes, grades, programs, services and schools;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:m"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>m<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;11(3);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:n"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>n<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>for the establishment, organization, government, instruction, examination and inspection of alternative
                                    education services;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:o"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>o<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the accommodation and equipment of premises used for alternative education services;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:o_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>o.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing tests for the purposes of section 11.1;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:p"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>p<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the identification of pupils requiring a personalized learning plan referred to in section 12;
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:q"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>q<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the health and treatment of pupils requiring a personalized learning plan referred to in section
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:r"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>r<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting school attendance, including the manner in which and the terms and conditions under which a child
                                    may be exempted from attending school under subsection&nbsp;16(2);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:r_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>r.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the suspension of school privileges;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:s"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>s<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;24(4);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:t"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>t<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>limiting the liability of parents under section&nbsp;25;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:u"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>u<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>in accordance with the <span class="italic">Public Health Act</span>, for the health, cleanliness and
                                    physical well-being of pupils;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:v"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>v<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the deportment and appearance of pupils;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:v_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>v.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the format of and the information to be contained in a school improvement plan or an annual
                                    school performance report;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:w"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>w<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting responsibilities of teachers, principals and other school personnel;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:w_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>w.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting required qualifications for school personnel;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:w_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>w.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting performance evaluations of superintendents and other school personnel;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:w_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>w.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting investigations of allegations of serious professional misconduct of school personnel;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:x"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>x<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the training and certification of teachers and the classification of other school personnel;
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:y"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>y<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the issuance, conversion, suspension, revocation and reinstatement of teachers’ certificates;
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:z"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>z<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting applications for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;30(9);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:aa"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>aa<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the composition of, appointments to and the powers and duties of the Appeal Board;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:bb"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>bb<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of section&nbsp;31;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:cc"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>cc<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting reviews, including the procedure for reviews, for the purpose of section&nbsp;31;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:dd"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>dd<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the making of decisions by the Appeal Board;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:dd_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>dd.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.01(2)(d);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:dd_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>dd.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing an appeal period for the purposes of subsection 31.01(3);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:dd_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>dd.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.02(2)(e);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:dd_4"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>dd.4<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.6(2)(e);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the election of members of a Parent School Support Committee including without limiting the
                                    generality of the foregoing, respecting the eligibility requirements of candidates and voters, the nomination procedures, the holding of elections, the use of school buildings and other school resources for such
                                    elections and the filing and determination of complaints in relation to such elections;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the number of councillors for each District Education Council;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the process for the nomination of candidates for the office of councillor;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the use of school resources for District Education Council elections;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_4"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.4<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting District Education Council election campaigns, including spending limits;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_5"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.5<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing schools districts for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;36.2(3);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ee_6"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ee.6<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the process by which the Minister appoints a councillor for the purpose of subsection
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ff"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ff<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the terms of office of members of a Parent School Support Committee and the maximum number of
                                    terms that members may serve;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:gg"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>gg<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the acceptance of office and the taking and subscribing to an oath of office by members of a
                                    Parent School Support Committee or a District Education Council;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:hh"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>hh<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting vacancies on a Parent School Support Committee;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:hh_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>hh.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting, for the purposes of subsections 36.51(1) and 36.7(7), the nomination of candidates by a
                                    District Education Council, and the appointment of councillors by the Minister, to fill vacant positions on a District Education Council;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the circumstances under which a position on a Parent School Support Committee is considered to
                                    be vacant;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:jj"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>jj<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the resignation of members of a Parent School Support Committee;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:kk"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>kk<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the reimbursement of expenses of members of a Parent School Support Committee;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ll"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ll<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:mm"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>mm<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the selection of a chair and vice-chair from among the members of a Parent School Support
                                    Committee or a District Education Council;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:nn"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>nn<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the duties and powers of the chair and vice-chair of a Parent School Support Committee or a
                                    District Education Council;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:oo"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>oo<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting meetings of a Parent School Support Committee or a District Education Council, including without
                                    limiting the generality of the foregoing, respecting the fixing of a day for the first meeting, the procedures to be followed in the fixing of dates for meetings, the number and frequency of meetings, the procedure
                                    to be followed at meetings, the quorum for meetings, the holding of special meetings, the holding of open and<span class="italic"> in camera</span> meetings, the votes taken at meetings and the minutes of meetings;
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:pp"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>pp<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting conflicts of interest pertaining to members of a Parent School Support Committee or a District
                                    Education Council, including the circumstances that constitute a conflict of interest, the disclosure of a conflict of interest and the manner in which a conflict of interest is to be dealt with;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:qq"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>qq<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the appointment of persons to a Parent School Support Committee as community members;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:rr"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>rr<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ss"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ss<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing circumstances for the purposes of paragraphs 32(9)(<span class="normal">a</span>), 32(9)(<span
                                      class="normal">b</span>) and 32(10)(<span class="normal">a</span>);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ss_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ss.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the contents of a code of conduct for the purposes of subsection 36.9(7);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:tt"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>tt<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:uu"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>uu<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the establishment and operation of a support staff for the purposes of subsection&nbsp;38.2(1);
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:uu_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>uu.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the selection of a representative for the purposes of subsection&nbsp;38.2(2);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:vv"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>vv<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the rights, privileges, powers and obligations of a person designated by the Minister to act on
                                    behalf of the Minister;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ww"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ww<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the establishment and conduct of educational advisory boards, educational advisory committees
                                    and educational advisory bodies under subsection&nbsp;42(2), the eligibility requirements of members, the terms of office of members and the duties and responsibilities of such boards, committees and bodies;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:xx"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>xx<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62</span></div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:yy"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>yy<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing purposes and terms and conditions relating to the use of school property under section&nbsp;46;
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:yy_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>yy.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under which, a District Education
                                    Council may retain and expend any fee charged for the use of school property under section&nbsp;46;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:yy_2"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>yy.2<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing, for the purposes of subparagraph&nbsp;50.2(3)(<span class="normal">b</span>)(i), the sources
                                    from which a District Education Council may earn and retain additional sums of money;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:yy_3"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>yy.3<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under which, a District Education
                                    Council may retain and expend additional sums of money referred to in paragraph&nbsp;50.2(3)(<span class="normal">b</span>);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:yy_4"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>yy.4<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under which, a District Education
                                    Council may retain and expend a budgetary surplus which the District Education Council has realized in its operations and prescribing the maximum budgetary surplus that may be retained by a District Education
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:zz"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>zz<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the manner in which, and the terms and conditions under which, the Minister may provide a
                                    driver education program;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:aaa"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>aaa<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>prescribing the sources from which and the terms and conditions under which the Minister may earn and
                                    retain sums of money;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:aaa_1"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>aaa.1<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting access to and the contents, maintenance, retention and disposal of pupil records;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:bbb"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>bbb<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of subsection&nbsp;54(5);</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ccc"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ccc<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>subject to the <span class="italic">Motor Vehicle Act</span>, respecting the conveyance of pupils
                                    including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ccc-p2:i"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(i<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>driver qualifications, training, conduct and safety,</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ccc-p2:ii"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(ii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>the condition of and standards for motor vehicles operated for the conveyance of pupils, and</div>
                                  <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ccc-p2:iii"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                                    <div class="body Subparagraph">
                                      <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph">
                                        <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class="label">(iii<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>insurance requirements for motor vehicles operated for the conveyance of pupils;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ddd"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ddd<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting the lodging of pupils;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:eee"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>eee<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>respecting fees for the purposes of this Act and the regulations;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:fff"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>fff<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>making it an offence for a person to violate any provision of a regulation made under this Act, and
                                    prescribing penalties not exceeding one hundred dollars for such violations;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:ggg"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>ggg<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>defining any word or expression used in but not defined in this Act for the purposes of this Act, the
                                    regulations or both;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:1-p1:hhh"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e4862">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>hhh<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>generally for the better administration of this Act.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:2">
<span class="bold">57</span>(2)</a></span>Subject to subsection&nbsp;4(1), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:2-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>dividing the Province into school districts;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:2-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>creating new school districts;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:2-p1:c"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>c<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>abolishing or altering boundaries of school districts;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:2-p1:d"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5402">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>d<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>amalgamating school districts.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5427">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e5427">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:3">
<span class="bold">57</span>(3)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations dividing each school district into subdistricts.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:4"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:4">
<span class="bold">57</span>(4)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may make regulations</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:4-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>altering the number of subdistricts within a school district;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:4-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5432">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>altering the boundaries of one or more subdistricts within a school district.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:5"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:5">
<span class="bold">57</span>(5)</a></span>The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, no later than the thirty-first day of October in the year before the
                              year in which a District Education Council election is to be held, may make regulations</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:5-p1:a"><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>a<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>eliminating an existing electoral zone;</div>
                            <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:5-p1:b"><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                              <div class="body Paragraph">
                                <div class="Border">
                                  <div class="indent-1-1 paragraph"><a name="Pd467908873e5447">
                    </a><span class="label"><span class=""><span class="text-normal"> (</span>b<span class="text-normal">) </span></span></span>combining two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone.</div>
                      <div class="Border" id="se:57-ss:6"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5462">
                        <div class="body Subsection">
                          <div class="body section">
                            <div class="body subsection"><a name="Pd467908873e5462">
                    </a><span class="label"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:57-ss:6">
<span class="bold">57</span>(6)</a></span>Notwithstanding subsection&nbsp;(5), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations combining two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone for the purpose of
                              the District Education Council elections to be held in May&nbsp;2001.</div>
                      <div class="body historicalnote">2000, c.52, s.62; 2004, c.19, s.7; 2009, c.33, s.3; 2012, c.7, s.2; 2014, c.37, s.5; 2017, c.42, s.81; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:58"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec58">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5469">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:58-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5469">
                    </a>Application of <span class="italic">Regulations Act</span></div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:58">
58</a></span>The <span class="italic">Regulations Act</span> does not apply to any instrument made under the authority of this Act by the Minister, or by a Parent School Support Committee or a District Education Council.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e5469">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.63; 2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border" id="ga:s_59-h1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5484">
                  <div class="head-5" id="ga:s_59-h1-t1-nb:1"><a name="Pd467908873e5484">
                    </a>TRANSITIONAL, REPEALS<br>AND COMMENCEMENT</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:59"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec59">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5489">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:59-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5489">
                    </a>Transitional provisions</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:59">
59</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.64</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e5489">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.64</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:60"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec60">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5499">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:60-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5499">
                    </a>Transitional provisions</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:60">
60</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.65</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e5499">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.65</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:61"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec61">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5509">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:61-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5509">
                    </a>Transitional provisions</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:61">
61</a></span><span class="repealed-parent-text">Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.66</span></span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e5509">
                    </a>2000, c.52, s.66</div>
                <div class="Border" id="se:62"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec62">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5519">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:62-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5519">
                    </a>Transitional provisions</div><span class="label "><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:62">
62</a></span>All rights, privileges, franchises, entitlements, debts, obligations and liabilities of the school boards and the community boards dissolved under section&nbsp;80.1 of the <span class="italic">Schools Act</span>, and all funds, including
                        trust funds, and accounts receivable standing to the credit of a school board or a community board dissolved under section&nbsp;80.1 of the <span class="italic">Schools Act</span>, including interest that has accrued on the
                        funds, including trust funds, and accounts receivable, continue to be vested in the Minister.</span>
                      <div class="body historicalnote"><a name="Pd467908873e5519">
                    </a>2021, c.10, s.1</div>
                <div class="Border bold italic" id="se:63"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec63">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5534">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section bold italic">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:63-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5534">
                    </a>Repeal of <span class="italic">Education of Aurally or Visually Handicapped Persons Act</span></div><span class="body bold italic"><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:63">
63</a></span>The Education of Aurally or Visually Handicapped Persons Act, chapter E-1.2 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1975, is repealed.</span>
                <div class="Border bold italic" id="se:64"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec64">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5543">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section bold italic">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:64-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5543">
                    </a>Repeal of <span class="italic">Schools Act</span></div><span class="body bold italic"><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:64">
64</a></span>The Schools Act, chapter S-5.1 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1990, is repealed.</span>
                <div class="Border bold italic" id="se:65"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec65">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5552">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section bold italic">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:65-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5552">
                    </a>Repeal of regulations under <span class="italic">Schools Act</span></div><span class="body bold italic"><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:65">
65</a></span>New Brunswick Regulations 83-203, 87-31, 91-186, 92-26, 92-28 and 92-29 under the Schools Act are repealed.</span>
                <div class="Border bold italic" id="se:66"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="aSec66">
            </a><a name="Pd467908873e5561">
                  <div class="body Section">
                    <div class="body section bold italic">
                      <div class="Border head-3 sectionheading" id="se:66-sh"><a name="Pd467908873e5561">
                    </a>Commencement</div><span class="body bold italic"><span class="label bold mr-20pt"><a class="linkOtherLang" href="#" data-code="se:66">
66</a></span>This Act or any provision of it comes into force on a day or days to be fixed by proclamation.</span>
                <div class="Border" id="na-nb:1"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5568">
                  <div class="body notabene"><span class="bold">N.B. </span><span class="text-notabene">This Act, except section&nbsp;63, was proclaimed and came into force December&nbsp;29, 1997.</span></div>
                <div class="Border" id="na-nb:2"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5571">
                  <div class="body notabene"><span class="bold">N.B. </span><span class="text-notabene">Section&nbsp;63 of this Act was proclaimed and came into force December&nbsp;7, 2006.</span></div>
                <div class="Border" id="na-nb:3"><a class="partitions"></a><a name="Pd467908873e5574">
                  <div class="body notabene"><span class="bold">N.B. </span><span class="text-notabene">This Act is consolidated to December 13, 2023.</span></div>

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Acts and Regulations


Table of contents
Regulations 5

Chapter Title 97-150 School Administration 2001-24 School Districts and
Subdistricts 2001-48 Governance Structure 2001-51 Pupil Transportation 2004-8
Teacher Certification

Full text
Current to 13 December 2023
Education Act
Assented to February 28, 1997
Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Assembly of
New Brunswick, enacts as follows:
2000, c.52, s.1; 2004, c.19, s.1
1In this Act
“Appeal Board” means the Appeal Board on Teacher Certification established under
section 31;(Commission d’appel)
“common learning environment” means an inclusive learning environment(milieu
d’apprentissage commun)
(a) in which instruction is designed to be delivered to pupils in similar age
groups and of various abilities at their neighbourhood school for the majority
of regular instruction hours, and
(b) that is responsive to the pupil’s individual needs as a learner;
“councillor” means a councillor of a District Education Council under this
“education plan” means a detailed plan establishing priorities for the
improvement of pupils’ educational performance towards the achievement of
prescribed learning goals for the official linguistic community;(plan éducatif)
“guardian” includes a person who has received into the person’s home and has had
placed under the person’s care and control another person’s child but does not,
for the purpose of subsection 9(1), include a person who, in the opinion of the
superintendent concerned, has done so solely for the purpose of allowing that
child to attend school in another school district;(tuteur)
“independent pupil” means a pupil who has attained the age of nineteen years or
is living independently of the parent of the pupil;(élève autonome)
“international pupil” means a person who is lawfully admitted to Canada for the
purpose of attending school in New Brunswick, but does not include a recruited
international pupil or any person entitled to free school privileges under this
Act or the regulations;(élève international)
“Minister” means the Minister of Education and Early Childhood Development and
includes persons designated by the Minister to act on behalf of the
“parent” includes guardian;(parent)
“personal information” means personal information as defined in the Right to
Information and Protection of Privacy Act;(renseignements personnels)
“personalized learning plan” means a personalized plan for a pupil that
specifically and individually identifies practical strategies, goals, outcomes,
targets and educational supports and designed to ensure the pupil experiences
success in learning that is meaningful and appropriate, considering the pupil’s
individual needs;(plan d’intervention)
“positive learning and working environment” means a safe, productive, orderly
and respectable learning and working environment free from bullying,
cyberbullying, harassment and other forms of disruptive or non-tolerated
behaviour or misconduct, including behaviour or misconduct that occurs outside
school hours and off the school grounds to the extent the behaviour or
misconduct affects the school environment;(milieu propice à l’apprentissage et
au travail)
“public education” means those educational programs and educational services,
extending from kindergarten to graduation from high school, provided by the
Minister under this Act to persons who are of school age;(instruction publique)
“pupil” means a person who is enrolled in a school established under this
“recruited international pupil” means a person who is recruited under section
8.2 and lawfully admitted to Canada for the purpose of attending school in New
Brunswick;(élève international recruté)
“resident of the Province” means a person lawfully entitled to be or to remain
in Canada, who makes their home and is ordinarily present in New
Brunswick;(résident de la province)
“school” means a structured learning environment through which public education
is provided to a pupil;(école)
“school age” means the age between the date on which a person is required to
attend school under subsection 15(1) and the end of the school year in which the
person attains the age of twenty-one years;(âge scolaire)
“school buildings” includes any building approved by the Minister as necessary
for the operation of a school district;(bâtiment scolaire)
“school district” Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.2
“school personnel” means(personnel scolaire)
(a) superintendents, directors of education and other administrative and
supervisory personnel,
(b) school bus drivers,
(c) building maintenance personnel, including custodians,
(d) secretaries and clerks,
(e) teachers,
(f) persons other than teachers engaged to assist in the delivery of programs
and services to pupils, and
(g) other persons engaged in support areas such as social services, health
services, psychology and guidance;
“school property” includes property leased by or otherwise furnished to the
Minister and used for school purposes;(biens scolaires)
“school year” means a year beginning on the first day of July and ending on the
thirtieth day of June;(année scolaire)
“serious misconduct” means any behaviour exhibited by a person that is viewed by
the school or school district officials as extreme and unacceptable in the New
Brunswick public education system, including (inconduite grave)
(a) bullying,
(b) cyberbullying,
(c) hazing or any other form of intimidation,
(d) possessing, using or providing weapons,
(e) possessing, using or selling illegal or dangerous substances or objects,
(f) disseminating hate propaganda material, and
(g) any other behaviour that would reasonably be considered a serious
“special education program” Repealed: 2014, c.37, s.1
“student teacher” means a student engaged in practice teaching while enrolled in
a teacher education program at any university designated by the
Minister;(enseignant stagiaire)
“teacher” means a person holding a teacher’s certificate issued by the Minister
and employed in the delivery of public education as a teacher, a principal, a
vice-principal, a superintendent, a director of education or a district
supervisor of instruction;(enseignant)
“teacher’s certificate” includes an interim teacher’s certificate, a teacher’s
licence and a local teacher’s permit.(certificat d’enseignement)
2000, c.52, s.2; 2004, c.19, s.2; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2012, c.21, s.1; 2014, c.37,
s.1; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
1.1The purpose of this Act is to recognize
(a) that the school system is founded on the principles of free public
education, linguistic duality and the inclusion of all pupils, and
(b) the importance of the cultures and languages of the Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey
2021, c.10, s.1
2000, c.52, s.3
Establishment of schools
2(1)A District Education Council may, with the approval of the Minister and for
the purpose of providing public education, establish schools within the school
district for which the District Education Council is established.
2(2)All schools established under this section are to be non-sectarian.
2(3)A school for which responsibility is transferred to a District Education
Council under subsection 3(2) shall, for the purposes of this Act, be considered
to be a school established by the District Education Council.
2000, c.52, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1
Operation of schools
3(1)A District Education Council shall, in accordance with this Act and through
the superintendent of the school district, operate all schools established by
the District Education Council under subsection 2(1) and all schools for which
responsibility is transferred to the District Education Council under
subsection (2).
3(2)The responsibility for the operation of schools in existence on July 1,
2001, within each school district is transferred effective July 1, 2001, from
the Minister to the District Education Council that is established for the
school district in which the schools are located.
2000, c.52, s.5; 2021, c.10, s.1
Closure of schools
2000, c.52, s.6
3.1A District Education Council may, with the approval of the Minister, close a
school established by the District Education Council under subsection 2(1) or
any school for which responsibility is transferred to the District Education
Council under subsection 3(2).
2000, c.52, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1
Organization of school districts, schools and classes
4(1)Two distinct education sectors are established consisting of
(a) school districts organized throughout the Province in the English language,
(b) school districts organized throughout the Province in the French language.
4(2)Schools and classes of a school district shall be organized in the official
language of the school district.
4(3)The language of instruction in schools and classes of a school district,
other than second language instruction, shall be the official language of the
school district.
4(4)For each of the two education sectors established under subsection (1),
there shall be a dedicated division within the Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development to develop and oversee the implementation and evaluation
of educational programs and educational services.
4(5)The educational programs and educational services provided within a school
district, other than second language instruction, shall be developed,
implemented and delivered by persons who speak the official language of the
school district and so as to preserve and promote that language and culture.
4(6)Notwithstanding any other provision of this Act, the educational programs
and educational services provided within a school district organized in one
official language shall not be provided in the other official language for
persons who speak that other official language.
2010, c.31, s.34
Entitlement based on linguistic proficiency
5(1)A person entitled to free school privileges under section 8 is entitled
(a) if the person has sufficient linguistic proficiency in only one of the
official languages of New Brunswick, to receive those privileges in a school
district, school and class organized in that official language,
(b) if the person has sufficient linguistic proficiency in both of the official
languages of New Brunswick, to receive those privileges in a school district,
school and class organized in either of the official languages,
(c) if the person does not have sufficient linguistic proficiency in either of
the official languages of New Brunswick, to receive those privileges in a school
district, school and class organized in either of the official languages, or
(d) notwithstanding paragraph (a), if the person’s parent has rights under
section 23 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms, to receive those
privileges in a school district, school and class organized in the French
5(2)Where a superintendent has a doubt as to the linguistic proficiency of a
person, the superintendent shall administer such tests as the Minister considers
necessary to determine the linguistic proficiency of the person.
5(3)A District Education Council shall provide supplementary educational
programs and services for a pupil admitted by virtue of paragraph (1)(d) to a
school organized in the French language if, in the opinion of the superintendent
concerned, such supplementary educational programs and services are required to
improve the linguistic skills of that pupil to a level necessary to
satisfactorily participate in the instructional program in which that pupil is
placed under section 11.
2000, c.52, s.7; 2021, c.10, s.1
Powers and duties of the Minister
2021, c.10, s.1
6The Minister
(a) shall establish educational goals and standards and service goals and
standards for public education in each of the education sectors established
under subsection 4(1),
(a.1) shall, for each of the education sectors established under
subsection 4(1), provide a provincial education plan,
(b) may prescribe or approve
(i) instructional organization, programs, services and courses, and evaluation
procedures for such instructional organization, programs, services and courses,
(ii) pilot, experimental and summer programs, services and courses, and
(iii) instructional and other materials and equipment for use in the delivery of
any program, service, course or evaluation procedure under this Act,
(b.1) may conduct tests and examinations in any grade or level,
(b.2) may establish, within the scope of this Act, provincial policies and
guidelines related to
(i) public education,
(ii) the health and well-being of pupils and school personnel,
(iii) the transportation of pupils,
(iv) school infrastructure, and
(v) investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional
misconduct, and
(c) may approve or recommend books and other learning resources for school
2000, c.52, s.8; 2014, c.37, s.2; 2021, c.10, s.1
Local programs and services
2000, c.52, s.9
6.1A District Education Council may, in accordance with the needs of the pupils
and the resources of the school district for which the District Education
Council is established and in accordance with any provincial policies
established by the Minister,
(a) subject to the approval of the Minister, provide for the development and
delivery of instructional programs, services and courses unique to the character
and economy of the community, and
(b) select, from among the optional instructional programs, services and courses
prescribed by the Minister, those to be offered in each school in the school
district for which the District Education Council is established.
2000, c.52, s.9; 2021, c.10, s.1
Programs and services in relation to Indigenous education
2021, c.10, s.1
7The Minister shall prescribe or approve programs and services which
(a) respond to the unique needs of Mi’kmaq and Wolastoqey children, if the
Minister has entered into an agreement with a council of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey
First Nation under subsection 50(1) or paragraph 50(2)(b), and
(b) foster a better understanding of Indigenous history, culture and languages
among all pupils.
2000, c.52, s.10; 2017, c.7, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1
School privileges
8(1)Subject to subsection (2), the Minister shall provide free school privileges
under this Act for every person who is of school age and who
(a) has not graduated from high school, and
(b) is a resident of the Province.
8(2)Subsection (1) does not relieve the Government of Canada of any obligation
in respect of the education of any person whose education is the constitutional
responsibility of the Government of Canada.
8(3)The Minister may, in accordance with and subject to such terms and
conditions as may be prescribed by regulation, provide free school privileges to
such other persons or categories of persons as may be prescribed by regulation.
8(4)The Minister may, in accordance with and subject to such terms and
conditions and fees as may be prescribed by regulation, provide school
privileges to such persons or categories of persons not entitled under
subsection (1) or (3) to receive free school privileges as may be prescribed by
8(5)Subsection (4) does not apply to the provision of school privileges to
international pupils or recruited international pupils.
2021, c.10, s.1
School privileges – international pupils
2021, c.10, s.1
8.1(1)On the recommendation of the superintendent concerned, the Minister may
provide school privileges to an international pupil.
8.1(2)The recommendation of a superintendent under subsection (1) shall be made
subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council
8.1(3)The superintendent concerned may charge international pupils a tuition fee
calculated in accordance with the regulations.
8.1(4)In addition to the tuition fee, the superintendent concerned may charge
international pupils
(a) an administration fee not greater than the amount prescribed by regulation,
(b) an orientation fee prescribed by regulation, if the school district offers
an orientation program for international pupils, and
(c) any other fee prescribed by regulation.
8.1(5)Subsections (3) and (4) do not apply to an international pupil who is a
participant in an educational exchange program under which a New Brunswick pupil
attends a school outside Canada without a fee.
8.1(6)If an international pupil attends school in New Brunswick for less than a
complete school year, the superintendent concerned may reduce the tuition fee
charged under subsection (3) in proportion to the part of the school year the
international pupil is not in attendance.
8.1(7)Despite anything in this section or the Financial Administration Act, all
or part of the fees payable under this section may be collected, retained or
distributed by the District Education Council concerned.
2021, c.10, s.1
School privileges – recruited international pupils
2021, c.10, s.1
8.2(1)With the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the Minister may
designate agents of the Crown with the objective of recruiting individuals to
attend school in the Province as recruited international pupils.
8.2(2)Designated agents of the Crown may
(a) collect fees from a recruited international pupil, and
(b) provide school privileges to a recruited international pupil.
8.2(3)Despite the Financial Administration Act, all or part of the fees payable
under this section may be collected, retained or distributed in accordance with
the terms of an agreement between the Minister and an agent of the Crown
referred to in subsection (1).
2021, c.10, s.1
Sales agent
2021, c.10, s.1
8.3(1)With the consent of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, the Minister may
designate agents of the Crown with the objective of selling educational
programs, services and materials.
8.3(2)Designated agents of the Crown may collect from buyers amounts for the
sale of educational programs, services and materials.
8.3(3)Despite the Financial Administration Act, all or part of the amounts
payable under this section may be collected, retained or distributed in
accordance with the terms of an agreement between the Minister and an agent of
the Crown referred to in subsection (1).
8.3(4)A diploma equivalent to a New Brunswick high school diploma may be granted
to an individual who successfully completes, outside New Brunswick, a program of
studies established by the Minister.
2021, c.10, s.1
Recruitment and sales
2021, c.10, s.1
8.4The same agent of the Crown may be designated under sections 8.2 and 8.3.
2021, c.10, s.1
Determination of pupil’s residency
9(1)For the purposes of paragraph 8(1)(b) and regulating the placement of pupils
under section 11 or 12, the residence of a pupil means
(a) if the pupil has not attained the age of nineteen years or is not living
independently of the parent of the pupil, the ordinary place of residence of the
parent of the pupil, or
(b) if the pupil has attained the age of nineteen years or is living
independently of the parent of the pupil, the ordinary place of residence of the
9(2)For the purposes of subsection (1) and the definition “independent pupil”,
the superintendent concerned shall, at the written request of the pupil or the
parent of the pupil, determine whether or not the pupil is living independently
of the parent of the pupil.
2000, c.52, s.11
Proof of immunization
10(1)A superintendent shall refuse admission to a pupil entering school for the
first time who does not provide satisfactory proof of the immunizations required
under the Public Health Act or the regulations under that Act.
10(2)Subsection (1) does not apply to a pupil whose parent provides
(a) a medical exemption, on a form provided by the Minister and signed by a
medical practitioner, or
(b) a written statement, on a form provided by the Minister and signed by the
parent, of the parent’s objection for reasons of conscience or religious belief
to the immunizations required under the Public Health Act or the regulations
under that Act.
2017, c.42, s.81; 2021, c.10, s.1
Placement of pupils
11(1)The superintendent concerned shall determine the placement of pupils in
classes, groupings, grades, programs, services and schools according to the
needs of the pupils and the resources of the school district.
11(2)For the purposes of placement, kindergarten shall be considered the first
year of public education.
11(3)The parent of a pupil or an independent pupil may, in accordance with the
regulations, appeal a decision made under subsection (1) or section 12 in
respect of the placement of the pupil.
11(4)A decision made by a superintendent under subsection (1) shall be made
(a) subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council
concerned, and
(b) only with respect to pupils who are enrolled in a school in the school
district or who reside in the school district for which the superintendent is
appointed or reappointed.
1997, c.66, s.1; 2000, c.52, s.12; 2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
11.1(1)A teacher who holds a master’s degree approved by the Minister and
completes the training approved by the Minister may administer a test prescribed
by regulation, score the test and interpret and apply the results of the test,
for the purpose of developing a personalized learning plan for a pupil.
11.1(2)This section and the regulations made under paragraph 57(1)(o.1) shall
supersede all other provisions in the Psychologists Act and any regulation made
under that Act.
2021, c.10, s.1
Programs and services for pupils requiring a personalized learning plan
2014, c.37, s.3
12(1)A personalized learning plan shall be developed for a pupil if the
superintendent concerned, after consulting with qualified persons, determines
that the physical, sensorial, cognitive, social-emotional or other needs of the
pupil requires that a personalized learning plan be developed.
12(2)The superintendent concerned shall consult with the parent of the pupil
during the process of the determination referred to in subsection (1).
12(3)The superintendent concerned shall place a pupil requiring a personalized
learning plan so that the pupil receives the programs and services within the
common learning environment to the fullest extent considered practicable having
regard for the rights and needs of that pupil and the needs of other pupils.
12(4)The superintendent concerned may deliver programs and services for pupils
requiring a personalized learning plan to a pupil at the pupil’s home or other
setting if the pupil is not able to receive the program or service in a school
due to
(a) the pupil’s fragile health, hospitalization or convalescence, or
(b) a condition or need that requires a level of care that cannot reasonably be
provided effectively in a school setting.
12(5)The Minister may issue policies to District Education Councils regarding
the identification of pupils requiring personalized learning plans under
subsection (1) and the placement of pupils requiring a personalized learning
plan under subsection (3).
12(6)A decision made by a superintendent under subsection (1) or (3) shall be
(a) subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council
(b) subject to any policies issued by the Minister under subsection (5), and
(c) only with respect to pupils who are enrolled in a school in the school
district or who reside in the school district for which the superintendent is
appointed or reappointed.
1997, c.66, s.2; 2000, c.52, s.13; 2014, c.37, s.3; 2021, c.10, s.1
Roles of parents
13(1)A parent, in support of the learning success of their child and the
learning environment at the school, is expected to
(a) encourage their child to attend to assigned homework,
(b) communicate reasonably with school personnel employed at the school their
child attends as required in the best interests of the child and the school
(c) cause their child to attend school as required by this Act,
(d) ensure the basic needs of their child are met, and
(e) have due care for the conduct of their child at school and while on the way
to and from school.
13(2)The parent of a pupil has a right to reasonable consultation with the
pupil’s teacher or the principal of the school the pupil attends with respect to
the education of the pupil.
13(3)It is the responsibility of the parent of a pupil and of school personnel
to conduct themselves in a respectful manner and to follow established
procedures when involved in communications concerning the pupil.
13(4)The principal of a school may establish a communication plan to be followed
by a parent and a member of the school personnel which may include, but is not
limited to,
(a) the means of communication,
(b) the frequency of communication, and
(c) the supervision with regard to communication.
2012, c.21, s.2; 2021, c.10, s.1
Duties of pupils
14(1)It is the duty of a pupil to
(a) participate in learning opportunities to their potential,
(b) accept increasing responsibility for their learning as the pupil progresses
through their schooling,
(c) attend to assigned homework,
(d) attend school regularly and punctually,
(e) contribute to a safe and positive learning environment,
(f) be responsible for their conduct at school and while on the way to and from
(g) respect the rights of others, and
(h) comply with all school policies.
14(2)It is the right of a pupil to be informed of their educational progress on
a regular basis.
2021, c.10, s.1
Compulsory attendance
15(1)Except as provided in section 16 and subject to subsection (2), a child is
required to attend school in the school in which the child is placed by the
superintendent concerned under section 11
(a) beginning on the first school day of a given school year if, on or before
the thirty-first day of December of that school year, the child will have
attained the age of five years, and
(b) until the child graduates from high school or attains the age of eighteen
15(2)The parent of a child referred to in paragraph (1)(a) may defer the
attendance of their child until the first school day of the next school year if
the child has not attained the age of five years on or before the first day of
September of a given school year.
15(3)Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
15(4)The principal of a school or such other person as may be designated by the
superintendent concerned shall, subject to any policies or directives of the
District Education Council concerned, examine every case of non-compliance with
subsection (1) in the school.
15(5)When the examination warrants it, the principal or such other person as may
be designated by the superintendent concerned shall, by way of a written notice,
(a) notify the superintendent of the case, and
(b) notify the parent of the child of the case and the consequences of
15(6)On receipt of the notice referred to in paragraph (5)(b), unless the child
is excused from attendance as provided by this Act or the regulations, the
parent of the child shall immediately cause the child to attend school.
15(7)A parent who violates or fails to comply with subsection (6) commits an
offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a
category C offence.
15(8)Subsection (7) does not apply if the child concerned has attained the age
of sixteen years.
2000, c.52, s.14; 2021, c.10, s.1
16(1)A child is not required to attend school if the child
(a) is unable to attend school by reason of the child’s sickness or other
unavoidable cause,
(b) is officially excluded from attendance under this Act or the regulations,
(c) is absent on a day regarded as a holy day by the religious denomination of
the child or the parent of the child, or
(d) in circumstances considered exceptional by the Minister, is exempted from
attendance in writing by the Minister.
16(2)The Minister shall, on application of the parent of a child, exempt in
writing the child from attending school where the Minister is satisfied that the
child is under effective instruction elsewhere.
2021, c.10, s.1
Employment of children during school hours
17(1)Where a child is required by this Act to be in attendance at school, no
person shall employ that child during the child’s school hours.
17(2)A person who violates or fails to comply with subsection (1) commits an
offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a
category C offence.
2021, c.10, s.1
Burden of proof of age of child
(a) a person is charged with an offence
(i) under section 15 in respect of a child who is alleged to be between the ages
of five and fifteen years inclusive, or
(ii) under section 17 in respect of a child who is alleged to be between the
ages of five and seventeen years inclusive, and
(b) the child appears to the court to be within those ages,
the child is deemed to be within those ages unless the contrary is proved.
18(2)Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
Referral to the Minister of Social Development
2000, c.26, s.95; 2008, c.6, s.11; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2019, c.2, s.38
19Where a parent neglects or refuses to ensure that their child attends school
as required by this Act and, in the opinion of the superintendent concerned, the
child’s well-being may be in danger, the superintendent shall refer the matter
to the Minister of Social Development for investigation under the Child and
Youth Well-Being Act.
2000, c.26, s.95; 2008, c.6, s.11; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2019, c.2, s.38; 2021,
c.10, s.1; 2023, c.36, s.7
Acute communicable disease or acute communicable infestation
20(1)A principal may exclude from school property a pupil who is or is suspected
to be affected with an acute communicable disease or an acute communicable
20(2)Where a pupil has been excluded from school property under this section,
the principal may require the pupil to produce a medical certificate of freedom
from contagion or infestation before allowing the pupil to return to school.
Order and discipline
21(1)Subject to the authority of the District Education Council concerned under
subsection 45(2), every teacher has a general oversight of school property while
being used for school purposes.
21(2)Subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council
concerned, every teacher shall
(a) maintain proper order and discipline in or on school property,
(b) maintain proper order and discipline on the part of pupils under the
teacher’s supervision during school activities off school property, and
(c) have due care for the conduct of pupils while on their way to and from
21(3)When performing the duties of a student teacher, a student teacher has the
same powers and responsibilities as a teacher under this Act in respect of the
maintenance of order and discipline.
2000, c.52, s.15
Improper conduct
22(1)Where a person creates or attempts to create a disturbance in or on school
property while being used for school purposes, a teacher may exclude that person
from the school property.
22(2)Where under subsection (1) a teacher attempts to exclude a person from
school property and that person refuses to immediately leave the school property
that person commits an offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act as a category C offence.
22(3)Where a person, in or on school property,
(a) uses threatening or abusive language, or
(b) speaks or acts in such a way as to impair the maintenance of order and
discipline in or on the school property,
that person commits an offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial
Offences Procedure Act as a category C offence.
Corporal punishment
23A teacher shall not discipline any pupil by administering corporal punishment.
Suspension of pupils
24(1)A principal may for cause suspend
(a) a pupil from attendance at school
(i) for a fixed period of time not exceeding five consecutive school days, or
(ii) pending a review of the matter and decision under subsection (2) by the
superintendent concerned, or
(b) any other school privilege of a pupil
(i) for such period of time as is determined by the principal, or
(ii) pending a review of the matter and decision under subsection (2) by the
superintendent concerned.
24(2)The superintendent concerned may for cause suspend any or all school
privileges of a pupil for such period of time as is determined by the
24(3)Where a principal suspends a pupil under paragraph (1)(a), the principal
shall immediately report the matter in writing to the superintendent concerned.
24(4)In accordance with the regulations, the parent of a pupil or an independent
pupil may, where the pupil is suspended from attendance at school under this
section for more than five school days in a school year, appeal the most recent
suspension from attendance at school.
24(5)Where a pupil’s school privileges are suspended under this section and not
reinstated on an appeal of the suspension under subsection (4), the pupil’s
school privileges shall not be reinstated, despite the expiry of the period of
time of the suspension, unless assurance of the pupil’s reform is received from
the pupil.
24(6)A principal may, for the purposes of this section, designate a
vice-principal of the school to act on behalf of the principal.
24(7)Where any or all of the school privileges of a pupil are suspended under
this section, and the pupil transfers to another school district before the
expiry of the period of time of the suspension, the superintendent of the school
district to which the pupil has transferred may, on a review of the
circumstances, uphold, shorten the period of time of or waive the suspension.
1997, c.66, s.3; 2000, c.52, s.16
Destruction of school property
25Where school property is destroyed, damaged, lost or converted by the
intentional act of a child, the child and the child’s parents are jointly and
severally liable to the Minister in respect of the act of the child.
2021, c.10, s.1
New Brunswick high school diploma
26A New Brunswick high school diploma shall be granted to pupils enrolled in the
public education program provided under this Act who successfully complete a
program of studies established by the Minister.
2021, c.10, s.1
Duties of teachers
27(1)The duties of a teacher employed in a school include
(a) implementing the prescribed curriculum,
(b) identifying and implementing learning and evaluation strategies that foster
a positive learning environment aimed at helping each pupil achieve prescribed
learning outcomes,
(b.1) implementing the positive learning and working environment plan,
(c) maintaining a deportment consistent with their position of trust and
influence over young people,
(d) exemplifying and encouraging in each pupil the values of truth, justice,
compassion and respect for all persons,
(e) attending to the health and well-being of each pupil,
(e.1) reporting concerns and feedback to the superintendent concerned or the
Minister in a respectful, constructive, informed and fact-based manner,
(f) maintaining their professional competence, and
(g) assisting in the development and implementation of the school improvement
plan and cooperating in the preparation of the school performance report.
27(2)A teacher employed in a school is accountable to the superintendent of the
school district through the principal of the school for the performance of the
teacher’s duties and the overall educational progress of the pupils under the
teacher’s instruction.
2012, c.21, s.3; 2021, c.10, s.1
Duties of principals
28(1)The principal of a school
(a) is the educational leader and administrator of the school and has overall
responsibility for the school and for the teachers and other school personnel
employed at the school, and
(b) is accountable to the superintendent of the school district for the
performance of the principal’s duties and the overall educational progress of
the pupils enrolled in the school.
28(2)The duties of a principal include
(a) preparing, in consultation with the Parent School Support Committee and the
school personnel, a school improvement plan and coordinating its implementation,
(b) preparing, for parents of the pupils enrolled in the school, an annual
school performance report, and ensuring that that report is communicated to
those parents and the school community,
(b.1) submitting annually to the District Education Council concerned, through
the superintendent of the school district, a copy of the school improvement plan
and a copy of the annual school performance report,
(c) ensuring that reasonable steps are taken to create and maintain a safe,
positive and effective learning environment,
(c.1) ensuring that a positive learning and working environment plan is
developed and implemented, in collaboration with the Parent School Support
Committee at the school and, where appropriate, with students, and report
regularly to the Parent School Support Committee at the school and the
superintendent of the school district with respect to the progress and
effectiveness of the plan,
(c.2) to report any incident of serious misconduct to the superintendent of the
school district,
(d) participating in the selection of school personnel for the school,
(e) encouraging and facilitating the professional development of teachers and
other school personnel employed at the school,
(f) evaluating the performance of teachers and other school personnel employed
at the school,
(f.1) creating a positive learning and working environment that allows for open
discussion, constructive dialogue and the sharing of concerns or constructive
feedback by school personnel and volunteers,
(g) being accountable and responsible for funds provided to and raised for the
(h) ensuring that provincial, school district and school policies are followed,
(i) ensuring the establishment of and participating in the operation of a Parent
School Support Committee at the school.
2000, c.52, s.17; 2012, c.21, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1
Teacher education
29The Minister
(a) shall provide for a system of teacher education,
(b) may enter into an agreement with any university providing for the
establishment, maintenance and conduct of teacher education programs by the
university, on such terms and conditions as the Minister and the university may
agree, and
(c) may make the schools available for the practice teaching component of a
teacher education program established under any agreement entered into under
paragraph (b).
2021, c.10, s.1
Teacher certification
30(1)In this section
“conditional teacher’s certificate” means a teacher’s certificate that is valid
subject to the fulfillment of such conditions as are specified by the Registrar
or the Appeal Board, as the case may be.(certificat d’enseignement assorti de
“non-professional conduct” Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18
30(2)The Minister shall provide a system of teacher certification for the
purposes of establishing certification standards and for the issuance,
conversion, suspension, revocation and reinstatement of teachers’ certificates.
30(3)The Registrar may for cause
(a) issue to an applicant a conditional teacher’s certificate, or
(b) refuse to issue to an applicant a teacher’s certificate.
30(4)The Registrar may for cause, as the Registrar considers appropriate in the
(a) convert a teacher’s certificate to a conditional teacher’s certificate,
(b) suspend a teacher’s certificate for a definite period of time not to exceed
one year,
(c) suspend a teacher’s certificate for an indefinite period of time until such
conditions as are specified by the Registrar at the time of the suspension have
been met,
(d) suspend a teacher’s certificate for an indefinite period of time pending
review and decision by the Appeal Board,
(e) revoke a teacher’s certificate for a definite period of time not to exceed
ten years, or
(f) permanently revoke a teacher’s certificate.
30(4.1)If the Registrar intends to take an action under subsection (4) or to
refer a matter to the Appeal Board under subsection 31(4), the Registrar shall,
30 days before acting, make reasonable efforts to
(a) notify the teacher of the Registrar’s intention to act with reasons and of
the opportunity to make representations to the Registrar in writing, and
(b) provide the teacher with copies of all relevant documents on which the
Registrar intends to rely.
30(4.2)A teacher referred to in subsection (4.1) may make representations for
the consideration of the Registrar within 30 days after receiving the notice.
30(5)A person whose teacher’s certificate has been suspended or revoked under
subsection (4) shall not teach in a school during the period of suspension or
revocation, as the case may be.
30(6)A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph (4)(b) is automatically
reinstated on the expiry of the period of suspension.
30(7)A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph (4)(c) shall be
reinstated once the Registrar is satisfied that the conditions specified by the
Registrar at the time of the suspension have been met.
30(8)A teacher’s certificate suspended under paragraph (4)(d) shall be
reinstated, converted to a conditional teacher’s certificate, suspended or
revoked in accordance with the decision of the Appeal Board.
30(9)A person whose teacher’s certificate has been revoked under
paragraph (4)(e) may, after the expiry of the period of revocation, apply to the
Registrar, in accordance with the regulations and subject to the same
requirements that exist for new applicants, for the issuance of a new teacher’s
30(10)If the Registrar acts under subsection (3) or (4), the Registrar shall
immediately make reasonable efforts to notify in writing the applicant or the
teacher, as the case may be,
(a) of the decision of the Registrar, and
(b) subject to subsection 31(3), of the right to appeal the decision under
section 31.
30(10.1)If the Registrar acts under subsection (3) or (4), the Registrar shall
notify the Minister without delay.
30(11)A decision of the Registrar under this section does not constitute
disciplinary action for the purposes of the Public Service Labour Relations Act,
and is not subject to grievance or adjudication under that Act or a collective
agreement under that Act.
30(12)Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18
30(13)Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.18
2000, c.52, s.18; 2021, c.10, s.1
Appeal Board on Teacher Certification
31(1)There is established an Appeal Board on Teacher Certification consisting of
such persons as are appointed by the Lieutenant-Governor in Council in
accordance with the regulations.
31(2)Subject to subsection (3), an applicant or a teacher affected by a decision
of the Registrar under section 30 may, by notice in writing, appeal the decision
to the Appeal Board.
31(3)A decision of the Registrar under paragraph 30(3)(b) to refuse to issue a
teacher’s certificate may not be appealed if the grounds for such refusal
pertain to insufficient credentials for certification.
31(4)The Registrar may refer a matter under paragraph 30(4)(d) or any other
matter relating to the issuance, conversion, suspension and revocation of
teachers’ certificates to the Appeal Board for review and decision.
31(5)The Appeal Board shall hear, determine or otherwise deal with any matter
appealed to it under subsection (2) or referred to it under subsection (4), and
may confirm, vary or rescind the decision of the Registrar under section 30 or
otherwise dispose of the matter referred to it.
31(6)The decision of the Appeal Board under this section is final and shall not
be questioned or reviewed in any court.
31(7)Notwithstanding subsection (6), the Appeal Board may at any time, where it
considers it advisable to do so, on application or of its own motion reconsider
any decision made by it and may vary or revoke any such decision.
31(8)The Appeal Board, for the purposes of this Act, is vested with all the
powers and privileges of commissioners under the Inquiries Act.
2021, c.10, s.1
Registry – suspended and revoked teachers’ certificates
2021, c.10, s.1
31.01(1)The Registrar shall establish and maintain a registry of the names of
any teachers whose teacher’s certificate has been suspended or revoked under
subsection 30(4).
31.01(2)Despite the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, if a
teacher’s certificate is suspended or revoked, the Registrar shall publish on
the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development website
(a) the name of the teacher,
(b) the registration number assigned to the teacher’s certificate,
(c) the action taken by the Registrar with reasons, and
(d) any other information prescribed by regulation.
31.01(3)A publication shall not be made under subsection (2) until after the
matter is dealt with by the Appeal Board under subsection 31(5) or after the
expiry of the appeal period prescribed by regulation.
2021, c.10, s.1
Disclosure to other registrars
2021, c.10, s.1
31.02(1)Despite the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, the
Registrar may disclose to the registrar of another jurisdiction in Canada
information with respect to
(a) a decision of the Registrar under subsection 30(4), and
(b) a decision of the Appeal Board under subsection 31(5) or (7).
31.02(2)A disclosure under subsection (1) may include the following
(a) the name, including any former names, and date of birth of the teacher;
(b) the registration number assigned to the teacher’s certificate;
(c) the type of teacher’s certificate;
(d) the action taken by the Registrar with reasons; and
(e) any other information prescribed by regulation.
2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
Mandatory reporting of non-professional conduct
2000, c.52, s.19
31.1(1)The following definitions apply in sections 31.1 to 31.6.
“administrative proceedings” means hearings before an adjudicator under the
Public Service Labour Relations Act and hearings before the Appeal
Board.(procédure administrative)
“professional person” means a professional person as defined in section 33 of
the Child and Youth Well-Being Act.(professionnel)
“serious professional misconduct” means conduct engaged in by a member of the
school personnel that has or is likely to have an injurious effect on the
physical, mental, social or emotional well-being of a pupil or any other person
under 19 years of age, including, but not limited to, physical, psychological or
sexual abuse and sexual exploitation.(inconduite professionnelle grave)
31.1(2)Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
31.1(2.1)If a member of the school personnel has been charged with or convicted
of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada), the member shall notify the
superintendent concerned without delay.
31.1(3)A superintendent shall report to the Minister without delay the name of
any teacher or other member of the school personnel
(a) who has been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada),
(b) who the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in
conduct constituting serious professional misconduct,
(c) who, in the case of a teacher, the superintendent has reasonable grounds to
believe has committed an act which may be grounds for the suspension or
revocation of the teacher’s certificate, or
(d) who is seeking to resign or against whom disciplinary action is being
contemplated because of serious professional misconduct or alleged serious
professional misconduct.
31.1(3.1)A superintendent shall report to the Registrar without delay the name
of any teacher
(a) who has been convicted of an offence under the Criminal Code (Canada),
(b) who the superintendent has reasonable grounds to believe has committed an
act which may be grounds for the suspension or revocation of the teacher’s
certificate, or
(c) who is being investigated, who is seeking to resign or against whom
disciplinary action is being contemplated because of serious professional
misconduct or alleged serious professional misconduct.
31.1(4)A member of the school personnel shall immediately report to the
superintendent concerned the name of any member of the school personnel who the
member has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in serious professional
31.1(5)A professional person who is not a member of the school personnel shall
immediately report to the Minister the name of any member of the school
personnel who the person has reasonable grounds to believe has engaged in
serious professional misconduct.
31.1(6)This section applies notwithstanding that the person has acquired the
information through the discharge of the person’s duties or within a
confidential relationship.
31.1(7)A person who fails to comply with subsection (2.1), (3), (3.1), (4) or
(5) commits an offence punishable under Part II of the Provincial Offences
Procedure Act as a category F offence.
31.1(8)No action lies for damages or otherwise against a person in relation to
anything done or purported to be done in good faith, or in relation to anything
omitted to be done in good faith, in the execution or intended execution of the
duty to report under this section.
31.1(9)Except in the course of judicial or administrative proceedings, no person
shall reveal the identity of a person who has given information under this
section without that person’s written consent.
31.1(10)A person who violates subsection (9) commits an offence punishable under
Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category H offence.
31.1(11)No disciplinary action may be taken against, and no resignation may be
accepted from, a member of the school personnel as a result of serious
professional misconduct or alleged serious professional misconduct, nor is an
agreement in relation to such disciplinary action or resignation valid, without
the prior approval of the Minister.
31.1(12)The Minister may, prior to any disciplinary action being taken against a
member of the school personnel, take such action as the Minister considers
appropriate if, in the opinion of the Minister, a matter reported to the
Minister under this section
(a) has been inadequately investigated, or
(b) may result in inappropriate disciplinary action against a member of the
school personnel.
31.1(12.1)Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
31.1(13)Notwithstanding any provision in any collective agreement under the
Public Service Labour Relations Act, any information maintained in the file of a
member of the school personnel with respect to a resignation or disciplinary
action taken in relation to serious professional misconduct shall not be
2000, c.52, s.19; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.36, s.7
False allegations
2021, c.10, s.1
31.2A person who knowingly makes a false allegation of serious professional
misconduct or provides false information with regard to an allegation of serious
professional misconduct commits an offence punishable under Part 2 of the
Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category F offence.
2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
31.3(1)The Minister shall appoint a person as an investigator to conduct
investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional misconduct.
31.3(2)The Minister shall issue to an investigator a certificate of appointment
bearing the Minister’s signature or a facsimile of it.
31.3(3)An investigator who exercises powers under this Act or the regulations
shall produce the certificate of appointment when requested to do so.
31.3(4)A superintendent shall report to the investigator any allegation of
serious professional misconduct and shall provide to the investigator any
information relating to the allegation that is available to the Superintendent.
31.3(5)The investigator shall
(a) conduct an investigation with respect to an allegation of serious
professional misconduct,
(b) report the findings of an investigation to the Minister, the superintendent
concerned and, in the case of a teacher, the Registrar, and
(c) make recommendations to the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a
teacher, the Registrar.
31.3(6)During an investigation under this section, the investigator may
(a) require to be produced for inspection, or for the purpose of obtaining
copies or extracts, any record or document relevant to the investigation,
(b) make those examinations and inquiries of any person that the investigator
considers necessary, and
(c) collect, use and disclose personal information for the purpose of the
investigation and to make recommendations.
31.3(7)An investigation under this section shall be conducted in accordance with
the policies and guidelines established by the Minister relating to
investigations with respect to allegations of serious professional misconduct.
31.3(8)A statement, declaration, record or document made or given by a person at
the request of an investigator in the course of an investigation is confidential
and may only be disclosed by the investigator in accordance with this section.
2021, c.10, s.1
Obstruction of investigator
2021, c.10, s.1
31.4A person who obstructs or interferes with an investigator who is conducting
or attempting to conduct an investigation under section 31.3 commits an offence
punishable under Part 2 of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act as a category E
2021, c.10, s.1
Review of findings
2021, c.10, s.1
31.5(1)A member of the school personnel against whom a finding of serious
professional misconduct is made by the investigator may request that the
Minister review the finding by applying to the Minister in writing within 10
days after receiving notice of the finding.
31.5(2)If a request for a review is made under subsection (1), the Minister
shall notify the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a teacher, the
Registrar without delay.
31.5(3)Following a review of a finding of serious professional misconduct, the
Minister may confirm or vary the finding and shall notify the member of the
school personnel in writing within 15 days after receiving the request for
review or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the member.
2021, c.10, s.1
Registry – serious professional misconduct
2021, c.10, s.1
31.6(1)The Minister shall establish and maintain a registry of the names of
members of the school personnel who have been found to have engaged in serious
professional misconduct after investigations conducted under section 31.3 and
the findings of the investigations.
31.6(2)If a member of the school personnel is found to have engaged in serious
professional misconduct, the Minister shall publish on the Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development website
(a) the name of the member,
(b) the school district at which the member is employed,
(c) the date the allegation was made and the date the findings were reported to
the superintendent concerned and, in the case of a teacher, the Registrar,
(d) the action taken by the superintendent concerned and the Registrar, if
applicable, with reasons, and
(e) any other information prescribed by regulation.
31.6(3)A publication under subsection (2) shall not be made until after a review
has been conducted under section 31.5 or after the expiry of the review period
referred to in that section.
2021, c.10, s.1
2021, c.10, s.1
31.7If a person volunteering at a school engages in conduct that has or is
likely to have an injurious effect on the physical, mental, social or emotional
well-being of a pupil or any other person under 19 years of age, including, but
not limited to, physical, psychological or sexual abuse and sexual exploitation,
sections 31.3 to 31.6 apply with the necessary modifications and the Minister
may prohibit the person from volunteering at a school.
2021, c.10, s.1
Establishment of Parent School Support Committees
2000, c.52, s.20
32(1)There shall be a Parent School Support Committee for each school under this
32(2)A Parent School Support Committee shall have no fewer than six and no more
than twelve members, the exact number of which shall be determined in accordance
with such guidelines as may be established by the District Education Council
32(3)The majority of the members of a Parent School Support Committee shall be
parents of pupils enrolled in the school or persons nominated by parents of
pupils enrolled in the school as representatives of those parents.
32(4)The members of a Parent School Support Committee referred to in
subsection (3) shall, in accordance with the regulations,
(a) be elected to the Parent School Support Committee by parents of pupils
enrolled in the school, or
(b) where vacancies exist following an election under paragraph (a), be
appointed to the Parent School Support Committee by the persons elected to the
Parent School Support Committee under paragraph (a).
32(4.1)Except as provided for in subsection (5), school personnel who are
employed in a school are not eligible to be elected or appointed to or to serve
as a member of the Parent School Support Committee for that school.
32(5)One teacher employed at the school, elected by the teachers employed at the
school in accordance with such guidelines as are established by the District
Education Council concerned, shall be a member of the Parent School Support
32(6)In a school where a high school program is provided, a pupil of the school
enrolled at the high school level, elected by pupils of the school in accordance
with such guidelines as are established by the District Education Council
concerned, shall be a member of the Parent School Support Committee.
32(6.1)Subject to subsections (2) and (3), in a school where a high school
program is not provided, the members of a Parent School Support Committee
elected or appointed to the Parent School Support Committee under subsection (4)
may, in accordance with such guidelines as are established by the District
Education Council concerned, appoint one pupil from the school as a member of
the Parent School Support Committee.
32(7)Subject to subsections (2) and (3), the members of a Parent School Support
Committee elected or appointed to the Parent School Support Committee under
subsection (4) may, in accordance with the regulations, appoint one or two
persons to the Parent School Support Committee as community members.
32(7.1)Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (4), where a Home and School
Association or Comité de parents is organized at a school, the Home and School
Association or Comité de parents, as the case may be, may appoint a parent of a
pupil enrolled in the school as an additional member of the Parent School
Support Committee.
32(8)The principal of the school shall attend and participate in all meetings of
the Parent School Support Committee.
32(8.1)A member of a District Education Council may attend and participate in
any meeting of a Parent School Support Committee for a school in the school
district for which the District Education Council is established.
32(9)Notwithstanding subsection (1), the District Education Council concerned
(a) in circumstances prescribed by regulation, group two or more schools
together for the purpose of establishing one Parent School Support Committee for
those schools, and
(b) in circumstances prescribed by regulation, exempt a school from the
requirement of having a Parent School Support Committee.
32(10)Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (4), the District Education Council
concerned may
(a) in circumstances prescribed by regulation, provide for the transfer of
members from one Parent School Support Committee to another Parent School
Support Committee, and
(b) where necessary in order to give effect to paragraph (a), permit the size of
the Parent School Support Committee to which the members are transferred to
exceed the maximum size permitted under subsection (2).
2000, c.52, s.21
Duties of the Parent School Support Committees
2000, c.52, s.22
33(1)A Parent School Support Committee shall advise the principal of the school
respecting the establishment, implementation and monitoring of the school
improvement plan which may include
(a) strategies for ensuring the language and culture of the school preserve and
promote the language and culture of the official linguistic community for which
the school is organized,
(b) the school mission,
(c) strategies for establishing school policies related to education, language
and culture,
(d) strategies for providing communication between the school and families
residing in the area served by the school, and encouraging family involvement in
the school,
(e) strategies for establishing partnerships with the community to improve the
quality of learning within the school,
(f) strategies for developing a school climate and conditions to improve the
quality of learning and teaching within the school,
(g) strategies for establishing a positive pupil climate within the school, and
(h) strategies for improving school property and facilitating use of the school
by the community.
33(1.1)The Parent School Support Committee at the school shall advise the
principal of the school respecting the establishment, implementation and
monitoring of the positive learning and working environment plan, which may
(a) strategies and practices to promote respectful behaviour and a positive and
inclusive social climate for all students and staff,
(b) strategies and programs to prevent disrespectful behaviour or misconduct,
(c) policies and practices to address disrespectful behaviour or misconduct in a
timely manner and in a way that teaches and reinforces respect for other
persons, and
(d) appropriate support strategies for students participating in disrespectful
behaviour and students who have been affected by the disrespectful behaviour of
33(2)A Parent School Support Committee shall
(a) through the chair of the Parent School Support Committee, or another member
designated by the Parent School Support Committee, who must be a parent of a
pupil enrolled in the school, participate in the selection of the principal or
any vice-principal of the school,
(b) review the results of the school performance report,
(c) advise the principal of the school in the development of school policies
prepared in accordance with district and provincial policies,
(d) provide, on the request of the superintendent concerned, input into any
performance evaluation of the principal or any vice-principal of the school in
matters relating to the duties of the Parent School Support Committee under this
section, and
(e) communicate with the District Education Council concerned with respect to
matters relating to the duties of the Parent School Support Committee under this
2000, c.52, s.23; 2012, c.21, s.5
Establishment of district parent advisory councils
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.24
2000, c.52, s.24
34Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.25
2000, c.52, s.25
Duties of district parent advisory councils
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.26
2000, c.52, s.26
35Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.27
2000, c.52, s.27
Authority to reject appointments
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.28
2000, c.52, s.28
36Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.29
2000, c.52, s.29
Establishment of District Education Councils
2000, c.52, s.30
36.1One District Education Council shall be established for each school
2000, c.52, s.30
Legal status of District Education Councils
2000, c.52, s.30
36.11(1)A District Education Council is a body corporate and shall hold those
rights and obligations as are provided to the District Education Council under
this Act.
36.11(2)A District Education Council, in its name, may sue and be sued.
36.11(3)Where a District Education Council sues or is sued, or is named in a
complaint under the Human Rights Act and is alleged to have violated that Act,
and the Minister is not a party to the action or named in the complaint, the
District Education Council shall immediately notify the Minister of the action
or the complaint.
36.11(4)Where the Minister is notified of an action or complaint under
subsection (3), the Minister may intervene in the action or complaint if, in the
opinion of the Minister, the action or complaint
(a) might affect the Minister or the Province, or
(b) might have implications that would extend beyond the school district
2000, c.52, s.30; 2021, c.10, s.1
Composition of District Education Councils
2000, c.52, s.30
36.2(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall by regulation determine the
number of councillors for each District Education Council.
36.2(2)Councillors shall be elected as provided in this Act.
36.2(3)Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), in school districts prescribed
by regulation, the Minister shall appoint one additional councillor who is a
member of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation and who resides in the school
36.2(3.1)Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), the Minister shall appoint to
each District Education Council in accordance with the regulations, if any, one
additional councillor who is a pupil and who resides in the school district.
36.2(4)One councillor shall be elected to a District Education Council for each
of the subdistricts referred to in subsection 36.21(1) and each councillor shall
discharge the duties of the office of councillor for the school district.
36.2(5)Notwithstanding subsection (4), where two or more subdistricts have been
combined into an electoral zone, the councillors to be elected from that
electoral zone shall be
(a) equal in number to the number of subdistricts comprising the electoral zone,
(b) elected at large within that electoral zone.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2009, c.33, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1
Subdistricts and electoral zones
2000, c.52, s.30
36.21(1)For the purpose of the election of councillors, the Lieutenant-Governor
in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, shall by regulation divide
each school district into a number of subdistricts equal to the number of
councillors for that school district.
36.21(2)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the
Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may
by regulation
(a) alter the number of subdistricts within a school district, or
(b) alter the boundaries of one or more subdistricts within a school district.
36.21(3)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the
Minister after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, no
later than the thirty-first day of October in the year before the year in which
a District Education Council election is to be held, may by regulation
(a) eliminate an existing electoral zone, or
(b) combine two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone.
36.21(4)Notwithstanding subsection (3), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on
the recommendation of the Minister, may by regulation combine two or more
subdistricts into an electoral zone for the purpose of the District Education
Council elections to be held in May 2001.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2021, c.10, s.1
District Education Council elections
2000, c.52, s.30
36.3(1)District Education Council elections shall be held on the same day as
general elections under the Local Governance Act.
36.3(2)Where a first District Education Council election is held in accordance
with section 36.8 within one year before the date fixed under subsection (1) for
a regular District Education Council election, the second election for that
District Education Council shall be held at the second subsequent regular
District Education Council election.
36.3(3)Except for provisions inconsistent with this Act or the regulations under
this Act and for provisions relating to by-elections, the provisions of the
Municipal Elections Act and the regulations under the Municipal Elections Act,
excluding Part 2 of that Act and the regulations made under that Part, are
adopted for the purposes of and apply with the necessary modifications to
District Education Council elections.
36.3(4)Repealed: 2007, c.79, s.65
36.3(5)Notwithstanding subsection 17(1) of the Municipal Elections Act, a person
is not eligible to nominate and shall not nominate a candidate for the office of
councillor unless that person is a parent of a pupil enrolled in a school in the
school district for which the candidate is offering.
36.3(6)Repealed: 2004, c.1, s.37
36.3(7)Where in a provision of the Municipal Elections Act or the regulations
under that Act, as adopted under subsection (3), the word “council” or
“municipality” is found, for the purposes of this Act the words “District
Education Council” or “school district” respectively shall be substituted.
36.3(7.1)Despite subsection (7), the word “municipality” in section 22.1 of the
Municipal Elections Act shall be substituted with the words “electoral zone” or,
if an electoral zone has not been established, the word “subdistrict”.
36.3(8)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may authorize the Municipal Electoral
Officer to designate persons to act on behalf of the Municipal Electoral Officer
for the purposes of this Act.
36.3(9)A person who violates or fails to comply with an adopted provision that
is listed in Column I of Schedule A of the Municipal Elections Act commits an
offence under this Act.
36.3(10)For the purposes of Part II of the Provincial Offences Procedure Act,
each offence referred to in subsection (9) is punishable as an offence of the
category listed in Column II of Schedule A of the Municipal Elections Act beside
the section number of the adopted provision to which the offence relates.
36.3(11)For the purposes of subsections (9) and (10), “adopted provision” means
a provision of the Municipal Elections Act that is adopted with the necessary
modifications under this section, or is adopted as modified under this section,
as the case may be.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.1, s.37; 2004, c.2, s.16; 2007, c.79, s.65; 2017,
c.20, s.54; 2018, c.10, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1
Eligibility for voting in a District Education Council election
2000, c.52, s.30
36.31(1)Subject to subsection (2), every person who
(a) is eighteen years of age as of the day of the election,
(b) has been ordinarily resident in the Province for the period of time referred
to in paragraph 13(1)(b) or (1.1)(b) of the Municipal Elections Act, as is
appropriate in the circumstances,
(c) is ordinarily resident in the electoral zone, or where an electoral zone has
not been established, the subdistrict on election day, and
(d) is a Canadian citizen,
is entitled to vote in a District Education Council election held in the
electoral zone, or where an electoral zone has not been established, in the
subdistrict in which the person is ordinarily resident.
36.31(2)A person is not entitled to vote and shall not vote in a District
Education Council election if the person is not eligible to vote under
paragraph 13(2)(c) of the Municipal Elections Act.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.1, s.37
Declaration of school district
2000, c.52, s.30
36.4(1)A person shall, prior to voting, declare either the school district
organized in the English language or the school district organized in the French
language as the school district in relation to which the person intends to vote.
36.4(2)Repealed: 2007, c.79, s.65
36.4(3)A person is entitled to vote only in relation to the school district
declared under subsection (1).
2000, c.52, s.30; 2007, c.79, s.65
Eligibility for candidacy in a District Education Council election
2000, c.52, s.30
36.41(1)Subject to subsection (2), a person may be a candidate for the office of
councillor in an electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been
established, in a subdistrict if the person
(a) is entitled to vote under section 36.31, and
(b) is a resident of the electoral zone or, where an electoral zone has not been
established, of the subdistrict for which the person is offering when nominated.
36.41(2)School personnel and employees of the Department of Education and Early
Childhood Development are not eligible to be elected or appointed to or to serve
as a councillor.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.3; 2010, c.31, s.34
Declaration of language
2000, c.52, s.30
36.5A candidate for the office of councillor shall certify on the candidate’s
nomination paper that the candidate is willing to discharge the duties of the
office of councillor in the official language on the basis of which the school
district, for which the candidate is offering, is organized.
2000, c.52, s.30
Incomplete elections
2000, c.52, s.30
36.51(1)Notwithstanding subsection 36.2(2), where a District Education Council
election fails to result in the election of
(a) a councillor for a subdistrict, or
(b) the required number of councillors for an electoral zone,
the Minister shall, subject to subsection (2) and in accordance with the
regulations, appoint that number of councillors required to fill the vacant
positions from among candidates nominated, in accordance with the regulations,
by the District Education Council.
36.51(2)A person is eligible for appointment to a District Education Council
under subsection (1) if the person is eligible under section 36.41 to be a
candidate for the office of councillor in the electoral zone or, where an
electoral zone has not been established, in the subdistrict in which the vacant
position exists.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1
Commencement of office
2000, c.52, s.30
36.6Each District Education Council shall take office the first day of July
following the District Education Council elections.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.5
Term of office
2000, c.52, s.30
36.7(1)Subject to subsection (4), the term of office of every elected councillor
is four years commencing the first day of July following the District Education
Council elections and ending the thirtieth day of June following the next
36.7(2)A person may be re-elected to a District Education Council for any
subsequent four year term if that person continues to meet the eligibility
requirements under section 36.41 to be a candidate for the office of councillor.
36.7(3)Subject to subsection (4), the term of office of a councillor appointed
under subsection 36.2(3) or 36.51(1) commences on the date of the councillor’s
appointment and ends on the thirtieth day of June following the next District
Education Council elections.
36.7(3.1)Subject to subsection (4), the term of office of a councillor appointed
under subsection 36.2(3.1) commences on the first day of July in the year in
which the councillor is appointed and ends on the thirtieth day of June the
following year.
36.7(4)A position on a District Education Council is considered to be vacant
where a councillor
(a) dies or resigns,
(b) becomes ill, so as to be declared by the District Education Council as
incapable of acting as a councillor for the remainder of the councillor’s term
of office,
(c) is declared by the District Education Council to have acted wilfully or
negligently in contravention of this Act,
(d) is convicted of an indictable offence,
(e) is declared by the District Education Council to have failed to attend three
regular meetings in a twelve month period without cause,
(f) becomes a member of the school personnel or an employee of the Department of
Education and Early Childhood Development, or
(g) ceases to be a resident of the school district for which the councillor was
elected or appointed.
36.7(5)A councillor may resign from office by giving notice in writing to the
secretary of the District Education Council.
36.7(6)A District Education Council shall, in writing, notify the Minister of a
resignation received by the District Education Council under subsection (5)
within seven days after the acceptance by the District Education Council of the
36.7(6.1)If the position of a councillor is vacated under paragraph (4)(c),(d)
or (e), the person is not eligible to be elected or appointed or to serve as a
councillor for the subsequent term.
36.7(7)Where the position of a councillor is vacated under subsection (4), the
Minister shall, subject to subsection (8) and in accordance with the
regulations, appoint a person to fill the vacant position for the balance of the
term of the councillor replaced from among candidates nominated, in accordance
with the regulations, by the District Education Council.
36.7(8)A person is eligible for appointment to a District Education Council
under subsection (7) if the person is eligible under section 36.41 to be a
candidate for the office of councillor in the electoral zone or, where an
electoral zone has not been established, in the subdistrict in which the vacant
position exists.
36.7(9)Notwithstanding subsection (7), where the position of a councillor
appointed under subsection 36.2(3) is vacated under subsection (4), the Minister
shall appoint a person who is a member of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey First Nation
and who resides in the school district to fill the vacant position for the
balance of the term of the councillor replaced.
36.7(10)Notwithstanding subsection (7), where the position of a councillor
appointed under subsection 36.2(3.1) is vacated under subsection (4), the
Minister shall appoint a councillor who is a pupil and who resides in the school
district to fill the vacant position for the balance of the term of the
councillor replaced.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.2, s.16; 2009, c.33, s.2; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2021,
c.10, s.1
Remuneration and expenses of councillors
2012, c.7, s.1
36.71(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council shall fix the remuneration of the
chair and the other councillors of a District Education Council.
36.71(2)The chair and the other councillors of a District Education Council are
entitled to be paid travel expenses incurred in relation to the performance of
their duties in the name of the District Education Council, as fixed by the
Treasury Board travel policy guidelines, as amended.
36.71(3)The remuneration and the reimbursement of expenses shall be paid out of
the budget provided by the Minister to a District Education Council under
section 50.2.
2012, c.7, s.1; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2021, c.10, s.1
Creation of provisional District Education Councils
2000, c.52, s.30
36.8Where a new school district is created under subsection 43(1), the Minister
may provide for
(a) the composition of the District Education Council in accordance with
subsection 36.2(1),
(b) the holding of elections,
(c) the fixing of days for nominations either before or after the effective date
of the operation of the District Education Council,
(d) the appointment, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, of
an interim District Education Council until the next regularly scheduled
District Education Council election,
(e) the fixing of days for first meetings of the District Education Council, and
(f) such other matters as the Lieutenant-Governor in Council considers necessary
to provide for the effective administration of the new District Education
2000, c.52, s.30; 2004, c.19, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1
Authority and responsibility of the District Education Councils
2000, c.52, s.30
36.9(1)A District Education Council shall establish, implement and monitor a
three year district education plan for the school district for which the
District Education Council is established.
36.9(2)A district education plan shall be consistent with the provincial
education plan and shall include
(a) a vision, including a mission statement, goals and values,
(b) a strategy respecting the delivery and evaluation of educational programs
and services within the school district, including educational priorities,
objectives and a work plan,
(c) accountability measures for evaluating pupil achievement, monitoring school
district performance and monitoring the achievement of strategic objectives, and
(d) strategies to ensure the preservation and promotion of the language and
culture of the official linguistic community for which the school district is
36.9(3)A District Education Council shall submit to the Minister by July 1 of
each year an updated copy of its district education plan.
36.9(4)A District Education Council shall establish, implement and monitor a
district expenditure plan for the school district for which the District
Education Council is established, and shall submit it to the Minister by July 1
of each year.
36.9(5)A District Education Council shall
(a) develop school district policies and procedures, not inconsistent with
provincial policies and procedures, in matters relating to the authority given
to the District Education Council, or the superintendent of the school district,
under this Act and the regulations,
(b) ensure that provincial policies and procedures are being followed by the
superintendent of the school district,
(c) review and approve the district performance report prepared by the
superintendent under paragraph 48(2)(d), and present the report annually at an
open meeting of the District Education Council,
(d) review the school improvement plan and the school performance report for
each of the schools in the school district,
(e) evaluate annually, in accordance with the regulations, the performance of
the superintendent of the school district,
(f) maintain communication links between the District Education Council and the
Parent School Support Committees for the schools within the school district, and
consult with the Parent School Support Committees with respect to matters
relating to the duties of the Parent School Support Committees under this Act,
(g) review and oversee the expenditure of trust funds given for the benefit of
pupils enrolled in schools within the school district in accordance with the
terms of the trust,
(h) prepare annually, for submission to the Minister,
(i) a report that identifies priorities respecting capital construction projects
within the school district, and
(ii) a report with respect to the progress and effectiveness of the positive
learning and working environment plan in the school district, and
(i) provide training for members of the Parent School Support Committees for the
schools within the school district.
36.9(6)A District Education Council may
(a) cooperate with another District Education Council to share school personnel
and educational or administrative programs and services,
(b) cooperate with persons and organizations to advance the quality of learning
within the school district for which the District Education Council is
established and to foster the spirit of lifelong learning within the community,
(c) provide for the settlement of disputes arising in connection with school
matters between any parent or pupil and any member of the school personnel, and
(d) make rules, not inconsistent with this Act or the regulations, governing its
internal procedure and meetings.
36.9(7)The Minister shall establish a code of conduct with the content
prescribed by regulation applicable to the councillors.
36.9(8)A District Education Council shall establish processes and policies with
respect to contraventions of the code of conduct by councillors.
2000, c.52, s.30; 2012, c.21, s.6; 2021, c.10, s.1
Establishment of provincial boards of education
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.31
2000, c.52, s.31
37Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.32
2000, c.52, s.32
Duties of provincial boards of education
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.33
2000, c.52, s.33
38Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.34
2000, c.52, s.34
Provincial forums
2000, c.52, s.35
38.1(1)The Minister shall, for each education sector established under
subsection 4(1), convene two provincial forums each year to
(a) facilitate information sharing and consultation between the Minister and the
District Education Councils, and
(b) permit the Minister and the District Education Councils to identify and
discuss areas of concern.
38.1(2)Each provincial forum, for each education sector established under
subsection 4(1), shall be attended by
(a) the chair of each District Education Council in the education sector, or a
person designated by the chair for this purpose,
(b) the superintendent of each school district in the education sector, or a
person designated by the superintendent for this purpose,
(c) the Minister, and
(d) such provincial officials as the Minister may designate for this purpose.
2000, c.52, s.35; 2021, c.10, s.1
Support staff
2000, c.52, s.35
38.2(1)The Minister shall, in accordance with the regulations, provide, for each
education sector established under subsection 4(1), a dedicated support staff to
(a) facilitate information sharing and communications among the District
Education Councils, and
(b) coordinate training opportunities for members of the Parent School Support
Committees and the District Education Councils.
38.2(2)For each education sector established under subsection 4(1), a
representative shall be selected by and from among the chairs of the District
Education Councils to provide direction to the support staff provided under
subsection (1).
2000, c.52, s.35; 2021, c.10, s.1
Eligibility of members of committees, councils and boards
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.36
2000, c.52, s.36
39Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.37
2000, c.52, s.37
Conduct of members of Committees and Councils
2000, c.52, s.38
40Every member of a Parent School Support Committee and a District Education
Council shall
(a) exercise their duties under this Act in good faith,
(b) comply with this Act and the regulations, and
(c) refrain from exercising individual influence or authority over the
superintendent of the school district or over other school personnel.
2000, c.52, s.39; 2021, c.10, s.1
Provision of information to the Minister
2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1
40.1(1)Each District Education Council shall prepare and submit to the Minister,
at such time and in such format as determined by the Minister, an annual report
for the previous school year containing
(a) statistical and financial information relating to the school district for
which the District Education Council is established,
(a.1) information relating to bullying in the New Brunswick public education
system, and
(b) information relating to the educational performance of the pupils in the
school district for which the District Education Council is established.
40.1(2)A District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school
district, shall provide to the Minister, at the times and in the format
determined by the Minister, the information, including personal information,
that the Minister considers necessary.
40.1(3)The Minister may require that such information systems and data standards
as specified by the Minister be used in schools and school districts if, in the
opinion of the Minister, such are required to facilitate information sharing,
data transfer, technical support and reporting requirements.
40.1(4)The Minister may use and disclose personal information obtained under
this section for the purpose of delivering public education.
2000, c.52, s.40; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1
Investigations and inquiries
2000, c.52, s.40
40.2(1)For the purpose of ensuring compliance with this Act and the regulations,
the Minister may appoint a person to investigate and inquire into
(a) the financial, administrative, safety or educational condition relating to
any matter connected with the management, administration or operation of a
District Education Council, a school district or a school, or
(b) matters relating to the effectiveness of instruction being provided when an
application for exemption from school attendance is requested or has been
granted under subsection 16(2).
40.2(2)A person appointed under subsection (1)
(a) is, if the appointment so provides, vested with all the powers and
privileges of a commissioner under the Inquiries Act,
(b) shall on request be given access to and may examine any relevant records,
books of account or other documents or property,
(c) may make copies of any relevant records, books of account or other
documents, and for such purpose may remove records, books of account or other
documents from any premises and shall return them to those premises as soon as
possible after the making of the copies, and
(d) shall report the results of their investigation and inquiry to the Minister.
40.2(3)On receipt of a report under paragraph (2)(d), the Minister may request a
District Education Council to take such action as the Minister considers
necessary to meet the responsibilities of the District Education Council or the
requirements of the Minister under this Act.
2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1
Request for corrective action
2000, c.52, s.40
40.3(1)The Minister may request a District Education Council to take such
corrective action as the Minister considers necessary if, in the opinion of the
(a) the health, safety or educational welfare of pupils is endangered,
(b) the District Education Council fails to comply with any provision of this
Act or the regulations or with a policy of the Minister issued in accordance
with this Act, or
(c) the resources of the District Education Council are being expended in an
irresponsible manner.
40.3(2)Where a District Education Council fails to comply with a request of the
Minister to take action under subsection (1) or subsection 40.2(3) within the
time specified in the request, the Minister may take such corrective action as
the Minister considers necessary.
40.3(3)Where the Minister takes action under subsection (2), the District
Education Council concerned may, within thirty days after the taking of the
action, apply by Notice of Application to a judge of The Court of King’s Bench
of New Brunswick for a review of the action taken by the Minister.
40.3(4)The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under
subsection (3).
2000, c.52, s.40; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63
Dissolution of a District Education Council
2000, c.52, s.41
41(1)The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may
apply by Notice of Application to a judge of The Court of King’s Bench of New
Brunswick to dissolve a District Education Council if, in the opinion of the
Minister, the District Education Council
(a) is unable to function due to organizational difficulties, or
(b) fails to comply with the provisions of this Act or the regulations within a
reasonable period of time after being advised by the Minister of the provisions
of this Act or the regulations with which the District Education Council has
failed to comply.
41(2)The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under
subsection (1).
41(3)On the hearing of an application made under subsection (1), the judge may
(a) dismiss the application, or
(b) allow the application and by order dissolve the District Education Council
concerned and may fix a period of time for the purpose of subsection (4).
41(4)Where on the hearing of an application made under subsection (1) a District
Education Council is dissolved, the authorities and responsibilities of the
District Education Council shall vest in the Minister, for a period of time not
to exceed one year or such shorter period of time as may be fixed by the judge
on the hearing of the application, until an interim District Education Council
is appointed in accordance with subsection (7) or the next regular District
Education Council election is held.
41(5)A District Education Council may, by a two-thirds majority vote of its
members, declare itself unable to function due to organizational difficulties
and, having done so, shall immediately inform the Minister, in writing, of the
41(6)Where a District Education Council acts in accordance with subsection (5),
the District Education Council is dissolved and the authorities and
responsibilities of the District Education Council shall vest in the Minister,
for a period of time not to exceed one year, until an interim District Education
Council is appointed in accordance with subsection (7) or the next regular
District Education Council election is held.
41(7)Where the Minister is vested with the authorities and responsibilities of a
District Education Council under subsection (4) or (6), the Minister may, with
the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, appoint an interim District
Education Council and vest in the interim District Education Council the
authorities and responsibilities of a District Education Council until the next
regular District Education Council election.
41(8)A person is eligible for appointment to an interim District Education
Council under subsection (7) if the person meets the eligibility requirements
under section 36.41 to be a candidate for the office of councillor.
2000, c.52, s.42; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63
Administration of Act
42(1)The Minister shall administer this Act and may designate persons to act on
behalf of the Minister.
42(2)The Minister, with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may
establish educational advisory boards, educational advisory committees and such
other educational advisory bodies as the Minister considers necessary for the
effective administration of this Act.
2021, c.10, s.1
School districts
43(1)Subject to subsection 4(1), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the
recommendation of the Minister, may by regulation
(a) divide the Province into school districts,
(b) create new school districts,
(c) abolish or alter boundaries of school districts, and
(d) amalgamate school districts.
43(2)Subject to subsection 4(1), when two or more District Education Councils
each pass a resolution by a majority vote of its members to amalgamate their
school district or any portion of their school district with another school
district or any portion of another school district and forward a certified copy
of the resolution of each District Education Council to the Minister, the
Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister, may by
regulation amalgamate those school districts or the portions of those school
districts into one school district and alter the boundaries of the school
districts accordingly.
43(3)Where two or more school districts are amalgamated under paragraph (1)(d)
or subsection (2), the existing District Education Councils of those school
districts shall administer the amalgamated school district jointly until the
next regular District Education Council election.
2000, c.52, s.43; 2021, c.10, s.1
Division of financial resources between linguistic sectors
44(1)The financial resources voted by the Legislative Assembly for school
operations shall be divided by the Minister on an equitable basis between the
two distinct education sectors established under subsection 4(1).
44(2)The equitable division of financial resources under subsection (1) shall
seek to assure to each of the education sectors established under
subsection 4(1) an equivalent standard of education taking into account the
needs and particular circumstances of each sector.
2000, c.52, s.44; 2021, c.10, s.1
School property
45(1)All school property is vested in the Minister.
45(2)A District Education Council shall, at all times, have management, care and
control of all school property in the school district for which the District
Education Council is established, until such time as the school property is
declared surplus by the District Education Council.
45(3)A District Education Council shall determine the general location in which
to locate a school established under section 2.
45(4)The Minister
(a) shall determine the sites of schools, school district offices and other
school buildings,
(b) shall determine the physical plant standards for a safe and healthy school
(c) may purchase, lease or accept gifts of lands or buildings for school or
school district office purposes,
(d) in consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may construct
and furnish schools, school district offices and other school buildings, and
(e) with the approval of the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, may lease, sell or
otherwise dispose of any lands or buildings acquired under this Act.
2000, c.52, s.45; 2021, c.10, s.1
Community use of school property
46(1)For such purposes and subject to such terms and conditions as may be
prescribed by regulation and to the extent practicable, a District Education
Council, through the superintendent of the school district, shall make school
property available for use by community groups or other persons or
46(2)Where a fee is charged for the use of school property under subsection (1),
the District Education Council may retain and expend that fee in accordance with
the regulations.
46(3)For the purposes of this Act, the authorization of the use of school
property under subsection (1) is not a lease.
46(4)Where the Minister leases property for school purposes and the owner
retains the right to make the property available for the use of third parties
when the property is not required for school purposes, all fees paid to the
owner for such use may be retained by the owner unless otherwise provided for in
the lease.
2000, c.52, s.46; 2021, c.10, s.1
Appointment of superintendents
47(1)A District Education Council shall select, appoint and direct, and may
suspend, dismiss or otherwise discipline, the superintendent of the school
district for which the District Education Council is established.
47(2)The superintendent is, subject to the authority under this Act of the
Minister and the District Education Council concerned, the chief executive
officer of the school district.
47(3)The appointment of a superintendent shall be for a five year term.
47(4)The appointment of a superintendent shall not be made without the prior
written approval of the Minister.
47(5)Where a District Education Council seeks the approval of the Minister for
the purposes of subsection (4), the District Education Council shall give to the
Minister, in such form and containing such information as may be required by the
Minister, notice of its intention to appoint the superintendent.
47(6)The Minister may approve or refuse to approve the appointment of a
superintendent within one month after receipt by the Minister of the notice
referred to in subsection (5).
47(7)The Minister may refuse to approve the appointment of a superintendent if,
in the opinion of the Minister,
(a) the candidate lacks the requisite education, experience or qualifications,
(b) an established selection policy or procedure has been violated.
47(8)Where the Minister refuses to approve the appointment of a superintendent,
the Minister shall give the District Education Council concerned reasons for the
refusal in writing.
47(9)Where the Minister refuses to approve the appointment of a superintendent,
the District Education Council concerned may,
(a) in accordance with this section, appoint another individual as
superintendent of the school district, or
(b) within thirty days after receipt of the reasons referred to in
subsection (8), apply by Notice of Application to a judge of The Court of King’s
Bench of New Brunswick for a review of the decision made by the Minister.
47(10)The Rules of Court apply in respect of an application made under
paragraph (9)(b).
47(11)Where the judge dismisses an application made under paragraph (9)(b), the
District Education Council concerned shall, in accordance with this section,
appoint another individual as superintendent of the school district.
47(12)A District Education Council shall not enter into a contract of employment
or a contract renewing a contract of employment with an individual who is
appointed as a superintendent of a school district unless the contract includes
a five year term with no option to renew or extend the contract at the end of
the term if the individual is not reappointed as a superintendent.
47(13)On the expiry of the term of an appointment or reappointment of a
superintendent, the District Education Council concerned may, at the discretion
of the District Education Council, reappoint the superintendent.
47(14)The reappointment of a superintendent shall be for a five year term.
47(15)An individual appointed as a superintendent of a school district before
the commencement of this section and who holds that position on the commencement
of this section shall be deemed to have been appointed under subsection (1).
2000, c.52, s.47; 2021, c.10, s.1; 2023, c.17, s.63
District staffing
2000, c.52, s.48
47.1(1)The superintendent of the school district, subject to subsection (2) and
on behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education
Council, shall select, appoint and direct, and may suspend, dismiss or otherwise
discipline, such school personnel as are required to operate the schools and the
school district office in the school district for which the District Education
Council is established.
47.1(2)The superintendent in selecting and appointing school personnel required
to operate the school district office shall do so in accordance with a plan of
establishment authorized by the Minister.
47.1(3)School personnel employed in accordance with this section are employed in
Part II of the public service of the Province as specified in the First Schedule
of the Public Service Labour Relations Act.
47.1(4)The salary scales for all school personnel shall be those established by
the Treasury Board under the Financial Administration Act.
47.1(5)A District Education Council shall pay as salary to school personnel only
those amounts specified in the salary scales established under subsection (4).
47.1(6)A District Education Council, through the superintendent of the school
district, and the Minister may collect, use and disclose the personal
information of school personnel employed in accordance with this section for the
purpose of managing or administering the school personnel.
2000, c.52, s.48; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2017, c.30, s.1; 2021, c.10, s.1
Review of disciplinary action
2021, c.10, s.1
47.2(1)A member of the school personnel who is the subject of a decision with
respect to disciplinary action by a superintendent, other than a member who is
subject to grievance or adjudication processes under a collective agreement, may
request that the superintendent review the decision with respect to disciplinary
action by applying to the superintendent in writing within 10 days after
receiving notice of the decision.
47.2(2)Following a review of a decision with respect to disciplinary action, the
superintendent shall confirm or vary the decision and shall notify the member of
the school personnel in writing within 15 days after receiving the request for
review or within a longer period of time if agreed to by the member.
2021, c.10, s.1
Duties of superintendents
48(1)A superintendent is accountable to the District Education Council concerned
for the management of programs and resources, for the quality of learning and
for the implementation of the district education plan and district expenditure
plan in the school district in respect of which the superintendent is appointed
or reappointed.
48(2)The duties of a superintendent, with respect to the school district for
which the superintendent is appointed or reappointed, include
(a) providing leadership in the school district in promoting quality education,
inclusive education, enhanced community involvement and the efficient delivery
of services,
(b) coordinating and administering the educational programs and educational
services prescribed by the Minister,
(b.1) ensuring the implementation of best practice in teaching and evaluation
(b.2) ensuring that school district and provincial policies are followed by
school personnel,
(c) having primary responsibility for the preparation and implementation of the
district education plan and the district expenditure plan for the school
(d) having primary responsibility for the preparation of a district performance
report, in such format as may be determined by the Minister, for submission
annually to the District Education Council and the Minister,
(e) Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.49
(f) ensuring the allocation, management and development of all human resources
in the school district,
(f.1) ensuring that the performance of school personnel is evaluated, in
accordance with the regulations,
(f.2) consulting with the Parent School Support Committee concerned, in
accordance with paragraph 33(2)(d), when conducting a performance evaluation of
a principal or a vice-principal,
(f.3) attending and participating in official meetings of the District Education
(g) providing for the effective and efficient management of available financial
(g.1) providing alternative education programs and services for pupils
consistent with policies established by the Minister;
(h) ensuring effective communication links, procedures and mechanisms are in
place, and
(i) making an annual report to the District Education Council at the end of each
school year with respect to the progress and effectiveness of the positive
learning and working environment plan in the school district.
48(3)A superintendent may, except with respect to the superintendent’s duties
provided for under subsection (2), designate persons to act on behalf of the
2000, c.52, s.49; 2012, c.21, s.7; 2014, c.37, s.4; 2021, c.10, s.1
Appointment of Registrar
2021, c.10, s.1
48.1The Minister shall appoint an employee of the Department of Education and
Early Childhood Development as Registrar.
2021, c.10, s.1
Duties of directors of education
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.50
2000, c.52, s.50
49Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.51
1997, c.66, s.4; 2000, c.52, s.51
2021, c.10, s.1
50(1)Subject to subsection (3), the Minister may enter into agreements with a
local government, the Government of Canada or any other government or a person
or organization for any purpose within the scope of this Act.
50(2)Without limiting the generality of subsection (1), the Minister may enter
into agreements
(a) with the Government of Canada respecting the operation or ownership of
school property by Canada or the Province or both,
(b) with the Government of Canada, or with a council of a Mi’kmaq or Wolastoqey
First Nation, to recover the cost of providing school privileges to persons
whose education is the constitutional responsibility of the Government of
(c) Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
(d) Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
(e) with a local government or any other corporate body respecting the
construction or operation of school property for the educational, cultural and
recreational use by the community.
50(3)Despite a designation under section 8.3, the Minister may enter into
agreements with a local government, the Government of Canada or any other
government or a person or organization to sell educational programs, educational
services or educational materials outside the New Brunswick public education
50(4)With the approval of the Treasury Board, the Minister may retain from year
to year a portion of the funds paid to the Minister under an agreement entered
into under paragraph (2)(b) to be used to enhance the education of Mi’kmaq or
Wolastoqey children.
50(4.1)Subject to sections 50.1 and 50.2, a superintendent, on behalf of and
subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council
concerned, may enter into agreements with a local government, the Government of
Canada or any other government or a person or organization for the purpose of
carrying out the authorities and responsibilities of the District Education
Council or the superintendent under this Act.
50(5)Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
2000, c.52, s.52; 2005, c.7, s.22; 2016, c.37, s.50; 2017, c.20, s.54; 2021,
c.10, s.1
Application of legislation
2000, c.52, s.53
50.1Unless otherwise specifically provided for in this or any other Act of the
Legislature or in any regulation under this or any other Act of the Legislature,
a District Education Council is subject to those provisions of the Financial
Administration Act, the Procurement Act and the regulations under those Acts
that apply to the Department of Education and Early Childhood Development, and
those provisions apply to a District Education Council with the necessary
2000, c.52, s.53; 2010, c.31, s.34; 2012, c.20, s.32; 2021, c.38, s.32
School district budgets and expenditures
2000, c.52, s.53
50.2(1)The Minister shall provide annually to each District Education Council a
budget for the operation of the school district for which the District Education
Council is established.
50.2(2)The Minister may
(a) revise the budget provided under subsection (1), and
(b) establish guidelines respecting the expenditure of the budget provided under
subsection (1), or any revision of the budget under paragraph (a).
50.2(3)A District Education Council may expend
(a) in accordance with any guidelines established by the Minister under
paragraph (2)(b), such sums of money as are provided in the budget under
subsection (1), or any revision of the budget under paragraph (2)(a),
(a.1) the additional sums of money derived from the fees under section 8.1,
(a.2) subject to the terms of an agreement under section 8.2, the additional
sums of money derived from the fees under that section,
(a.3) subject to the terms of an agreement under section 8.3, the additional
sums of money derived from the fees under that section,
(b) in accordance with the regulations, such additional sums of money as are
(i) earned and retained by the District Education Council from sources specified
by regulation,
(ii) awarded to the District Education Council, or
(iii) received by the District Education Council by way of gift, and
(c) in accordance with the terms of the trust, such additional sums of money as
are received by the District Education Council in trust for specific purposes.
50.2(4)The sums of money provided in the budget under subsection (1), or any
revision of the budget under paragraph (2)(a), are to be drawn out of the
Consolidated Fund by the District Education Council in accordance with the
Financial Administration Act.
50.2(5)The financial accounts and records of a District Education Council shall
be maintained on the financial accounting system provided and supported by the
50.2(6)The Minister may, at the discretion of the Minister, examine the
financial accounts and records of a District Education Council referred to in
subsection (5).
50.2(7)A District Education Council may hold only such bank accounts as have
been approved by the Minister of Finance and Treasury Board.
50.2(8)A District Education Council shall expend only such sums of money as are
identified in subsection (3) and shall not borrow money from external sources.
50.2(9)Notwithstanding the Financial Administration Act, a District Education
Council may, subject to the regulations, retain from year to year a budgetary
surplus which the District Education Council has realized in its operations and
any additional sums of money referred to in paragraphs (3)(a.1), (a.2), (a.3),
(b) and (c).
2000, c.52, s.53; 2019, c.29, s.43; 2021, c.10, s.1
Authority to retain and expend funds
2021, c.10, s.1
51(1)The Minister may retain from year to year and expend, in such manner and
for such purposes as the Minister considers appropriate, such sums of money as
(a) earned by the Minister from sources prescribed by regulation,
(b) realized from the disposal of surplus school property by the Minister in
accordance with the Financial Administration Act or any regulation under that
(c) awarded to the Minister, or
(d) received by the Minister by way of gift.
51(2)The Minister may retain from year to year and expend, in accordance with
the terms of the trust, such sums of money as are received by the Minister in
trust for specific purposes.
2021, c.10, s.1
Audit of school districts
2000, c.52, s.54; 2021, c.10, s.1
51.1(1)Where an audit is performed by the Comptroller under section 15 or 16 of
the Financial Administration Act in relation to the operation of a school
district, a report on the results of the audit shall be prepared by the
Comptroller for submission to the Minister and the District Education Council
51.1(2)The District Education Council concerned shall, within a reasonable
period of time after receipt of the report on the results of the audit, present
the report to the public at an official meeting of the District Education
2000, c.52, s.54; 2011, c.20, s.7; 2021, c.10, s.1
Authority to indemnify and defend
2021, c.10, s.1
52On such terms and conditions as the Minister considers appropriate, the
Minister may indemnify and defend
(a) members of the Parent School Support Committees and the District Education
Councils and student teachers, in respect of any claim for damages or otherwise
arising from any act done or omitted in good faith in the execution or intended
execution of any duty or authority under this Act or the regulations, and
(b) volunteers, in respect of any claim for damages or otherwise arising from
any act done or omitted in good faith in the execution or intended execution of
any instruction on behalf and with the knowledge and consent of the
superintendent concerned.
2000, c.52, s.55; 2021, c.10, s.1
Conveyance and lodging of pupils
53The superintendent concerned, in accordance with the regulations and on behalf
of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education Council,
(a) shall make such arrangements as the superintendent considers necessary for
the conveyance of pupils, and
(b) may make arrangements for the lodging of pupils.
2000, c.52, s.56
Unique identification number
2021, c.1, s.30
53.1(1)The Minister and a District Education Council, through the superintendent
of a school district, may collect and use an individual’s Medicare number for
the purpose of creating a unique identification number for a pupil.
53.1(2)The Minister and a District Education Council, through the superintendent
of a school district, may use the unique identification number created for a
child under the Early Childhood Services Act as the unique identification number
for a pupil.
53.1(3) The Minister and a District Education Council, through the
superintendent of a school district, may disclose to the Minister of Health an
individual’s Medicare number for the purpose of validating the unique
identification number for a pupil.
53.1(4)The unique identification number of a pupil forms part of the record
maintained in respect of the pupil under section 54.
2021, c.1, s.30
Pupil records
2000, c.52, s.57
54(0.1)A record shall be maintained in respect of each pupil and may contain
personal information.
54(0.2)The superintendent concerned may use and disclose personal information
contained in the record maintained in respect of a pupil for the purpose of
delivering public education.
54(1)Subject to subsections (1.1) and (3), the parent of a pupil or a pupil is
entitled to access to pupil records maintained in respect of the pupil.
54(1.1)Where a pupil has attained the age of nineteen years, a parent of the
pupil is not entitled to access any record maintained in respect of the pupil
without the consent of the pupil.
54(2)Where a person is given access to a record in accordance with
subsection (1), the superintendent concerned shall, where the superintendent
believes it is necessary, explain or interpret the information disclosed on the
54(3)Where the superintendent concerned believes that access to a record
maintained in respect of a pupil would be detrimental to the well-being or
future development of or the educational opportunities for the pupil, the
superintendent may
(a) deny access to the record, and
(b) where the superintendent believes it is appropriate, describe or interpret
such of the content of the record the knowledge of which, in the opinion of the
superintendent, would not be detrimental to the well-being or future development
of or the educational opportunities for the pupil.
54(4)Where the superintendent concerned, having denied a person access to a
record in accordance with paragraph (3)(a), believes it is not appropriate to
describe or interpret any of the contents of the record in accordance with
paragraph (3)(b), the superintendent shall make known to that person, at the
time of such denial, the existence and general nature of the record.
54(5)A person who has been denied access to any record in accordance with
paragraph (3)(a) may, in accordance with the regulations, appeal the denial.
54(6)The parent of a pupil who has been denied access to any record in
accordance with paragraph (3)(a) is, notwithstanding such denial, entitled to
make inquiries to the superintendent concerned and to be given general verbal
information by the superintendent in relation to the educational progress of the
54(7)A decision made by a superintendent under this section shall be made on
behalf of and subject to any policies or directives of the District Education
Council concerned.
1997, c.66, s.5; 2000, c.52, s.58; 2017, c.30, s.1
Confidentiality of tests and test items
55The Minister, a District Education Council or a superintendent may, when
requested to release or give access to tests or test items, refuse to release or
give access to the tests or test items if, in the opinion of the Minister, the
District Education Council or the superintendent, as the case may be, the
integrity of the assessment or evaluation process would thereby be jeopardized.
2000, c.52, s.59; 2009, c.R-10.6, s.91; 2021, c.10, s.1
School personnel within Part II of the public service
Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.60
2000, c.52, s.60
56Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.61
2000, c.52, s.61
Terms and conditions of employment of a teacher
56.1The terms and conditions of employment of a teacher set out in a collective
agreement negotiated under the Public Service Labour Relations Act and agreed
between the Province of New Brunswick as represented by Treasury Board and an
organization representing the teachers and in full force and effect may not be
altered by any regulation made under this Act.
2016, c.37, s.50
Publication of annual report
Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
2012, c.21, s.8; 2021, c.10, s.1
56.2Repealed: 2021, c.10, s.1
2012, c.21, s.8; 2021, c.10, s.1
Conflict with the Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act
2013, c.34, s.10
56.3(1)If section 31.1, 31.2, 31.3, 31.4, 31.5, 31.6 or 31.7 is inconsistent
with or in conflict with a provision of the Right to Information and Protection
of Privacy Act, the above mentioned section prevails.
56.3(2)If section 54 is inconsistent with or in conflict with a provision of the
Right to Information and Protection of Privacy Act, section 54 prevails, other
than the provisions of that Act relating to the collection, use or disclosure of
personal information in the context of
(a) a common or integrated service, program or activity of a public body
referred to in that Act, and
(b) the agreements entered into under section 47.1 of that Act.
2013, c.34, s.10; 2013, c.47, s.2; 2017, c.31, s.68; 2019, c.18, s.3; 2021,
c.10, s.1
Review of Act
2021, c.10, s.1
56.4The Minister shall initiate a review of this Act every ten years, the first
of which shall be completed no later than July 1, 2031.
2021, c.10, s.1
57(1)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council may make regulations
(a) for the organization, government and discipline of schools;
(b) respecting school vacations and authorizing the Minister to vary such
vacations for any school district for any school year;
(c) respecting the closing of schools or parts of schools during part of the
school year;
(d) for the classification of schools;
(e) for establishing curricula and the holding of examinations;
(f) respecting the terms and conditions under which textbooks are distributed
and the responsibility for the care and custody of textbooks;
(g) for the arrangement and order of school property;
(g.1) respecting the flying of flags;
(h) prescribing persons or categories of persons for the purpose of
subsection 8(3);
(i) respecting the manner in which and the terms and conditions under which the
Minister may provide free school privileges under subsection 8(3);
(j) prescribing persons or categories of persons for the purpose of
subsection 8(4);
(k) respecting the manner in which and the terms and conditions under which the
Minister may provide school privileges under subsection 8(4);
(k.1) prescribing the method of calculating the amount of a tuition fee for the
purposes of subsection 8.1(3);
(k.2) prescribing the maximum amount of an administration fee for the purposes
of paragraph 8.1(4)(a);
(k.3) prescribing the amount of an orientation fee for the purposes of paragraph
(k.4) prescribing the amount of other fees for the purposes of paragraph
(l) respecting the admission and placement of pupils in classes, grades,
programs, services and schools;
(m) respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of
subsection 11(3);
(n) for the establishment, organization, government, instruction, examination
and inspection of alternative education services;
(o) respecting the accommodation and equipment of premises used for alternative
education services;
(o.1) prescribing tests for the purposes of section 11.1;
(p) respecting the identification of pupils requiring a personalized learning
plan referred to in section 12;
(q) respecting the health and treatment of pupils requiring a personalized
learning plan referred to in section 12;
(r) respecting school attendance, including the manner in which and the terms
and conditions under which a child may be exempted from attending school under
subsection 16(2);
(r.1) respecting the suspension of school privileges;
(s) respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of
subsection 24(4);
(t) limiting the liability of parents under section 25;
(u) in accordance with the Public Health Act, for the health, cleanliness and
physical well-being of pupils;
(v) respecting the deportment and appearance of pupils;
(v.1) respecting the format of and the information to be contained in a school
improvement plan or an annual school performance report;
(w) respecting responsibilities of teachers, principals and other school
(w.1) respecting required qualifications for school personnel;
(w.2) respecting performance evaluations of superintendents and other school
(w.3) respecting investigations of allegations of serious professional
misconduct of school personnel;
(x) respecting the training and certification of teachers and the classification
of other school personnel;
(y) respecting the issuance, conversion, suspension, revocation and
reinstatement of teachers’ certificates;
(z) respecting applications for the purpose of subsection 30(9);
(aa) respecting the composition of, appointments to and the powers and duties of
the Appeal Board;
(bb) respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose of
section 31;
(cc) respecting reviews, including the procedure for reviews, for the purpose of
section 31;
(dd) respecting the making of decisions by the Appeal Board;
(dd.1) prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.01(2)(d);
(dd.2) prescribing an appeal period for the purposes of subsection 31.01(3);
(dd.3) prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.02(2)(e);
(dd.4) prescribing information for the purposes of paragraph 31.6(2)(e);
(ee) respecting the election of members of a Parent School Support Committee
including without limiting the generality of the foregoing, respecting the
eligibility requirements of candidates and voters, the nomination procedures,
the holding of elections, the use of school buildings and other school resources
for such elections and the filing and determination of complaints in relation to
such elections;
(ee.1) prescribing the number of councillors for each District Education
(ee.2) respecting the process for the nomination of candidates for the office of
(ee.3) respecting the use of school resources for District Education Council
(ee.4) respecting District Education Council election campaigns, including
spending limits;
(ee.5) prescribing schools districts for the purpose of subsection 36.2(3);
(ee.6) prescribing the process by which the Minister appoints a councillor for
the purpose of subsection 36.2(3.1);
(ff) respecting the terms of office of members of a Parent School Support
Committee and the maximum number of terms that members may serve;
(gg) respecting the acceptance of office and the taking and subscribing to an
oath of office by members of a Parent School Support Committee or a District
Education Council;
(hh) respecting vacancies on a Parent School Support Committee;
(hh.1) respecting, for the purposes of subsections 36.51(1) and 36.7(7), the
nomination of candidates by a District Education Council, and the appointment of
councillors by the Minister, to fill vacant positions on a District Education
(ii) respecting the circumstances under which a position on a Parent School
Support Committee is considered to be vacant;
(jj) respecting the resignation of members of a Parent School Support Committee;
(kk) respecting the reimbursement of expenses of members of a Parent School
Support Committee;
(ll) Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62
(mm) respecting the selection of a chair and vice-chair from among the members
of a Parent School Support Committee or a District Education Council;
(nn) respecting the duties and powers of the chair and vice-chair of a Parent
School Support Committee or a District Education Council;
(oo) respecting meetings of a Parent School Support Committee or a District
Education Council, including without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
respecting the fixing of a day for the first meeting, the procedures to be
followed in the fixing of dates for meetings, the number and frequency of
meetings, the procedure to be followed at meetings, the quorum for meetings, the
holding of special meetings, the holding of open and in camera meetings, the
votes taken at meetings and the minutes of meetings;
(pp) respecting conflicts of interest pertaining to members of a Parent School
Support Committee or a District Education Council, including the circumstances
that constitute a conflict of interest, the disclosure of a conflict of interest
and the manner in which a conflict of interest is to be dealt with;
(qq) respecting the appointment of persons to a Parent School Support Committee
as community members;
(rr) Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62
(ss) prescribing circumstances for the purposes of paragraphs 32(9)(a), 32(9)(b)
and 32(10)(a);
(ss.1) prescribing the contents of a code of conduct for the purposes of
subsection 36.9(7);
(tt) Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62
(uu) respecting the establishment and operation of a support staff for the
purposes of subsection 38.2(1);
(uu.1) respecting the selection of a representative for the purposes of
subsection 38.2(2);
(vv) respecting the rights, privileges, powers and obligations of a person
designated by the Minister to act on behalf of the Minister;
(ww) respecting the establishment and conduct of educational advisory boards,
educational advisory committees and educational advisory bodies under
subsection 42(2), the eligibility requirements of members, the terms of office
of members and the duties and responsibilities of such boards, committees and
(xx) Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.62
(yy) prescribing purposes and terms and conditions relating to the use of school
property under section 46;
(yy.1) prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under
which, a District Education Council may retain and expend any fee charged for
the use of school property under section 46;
(yy.2) prescribing, for the purposes of subparagraph 50.2(3)(b)(i), the sources
from which a District Education Council may earn and retain additional sums of
(yy.3) prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under
which, a District Education Council may retain and expend additional sums of
money referred to in paragraph 50.2(3)(b);
(yy.4) prescribing the purposes for which, and the terms and conditions under
which, a District Education Council may retain and expend a budgetary surplus
which the District Education Council has realized in its operations and
prescribing the maximum budgetary surplus that may be retained by a District
Education Council;
(zz) prescribing the manner in which, and the terms and conditions under which,
the Minister may provide a driver education program;
(aaa) prescribing the sources from which and the terms and conditions under
which the Minister may earn and retain sums of money;
(aaa.1) respecting access to and the contents, maintenance, retention and
disposal of pupil records;
(bbb) respecting appeals, including the procedure for appeals, for the purpose
of subsection 54(5);
(ccc) subject to the Motor Vehicle Act, respecting the conveyance of pupils
including, without limiting the generality of the foregoing,
(i) driver qualifications, training, conduct and safety,
(ii) the condition of and standards for motor vehicles operated for the
conveyance of pupils, and
(iii) insurance requirements for motor vehicles operated for the conveyance of
(ddd) respecting the lodging of pupils;
(eee) respecting fees for the purposes of this Act and the regulations;
(fff) making it an offence for a person to violate any provision of a regulation
made under this Act, and prescribing penalties not exceeding one hundred dollars
for such violations;
(ggg) defining any word or expression used in but not defined in this Act for
the purposes of this Act, the regulations or both;
(hhh) generally for the better administration of this Act.
57(2)Subject to subsection 4(1), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the
recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations
(a) dividing the Province into school districts;
(b) creating new school districts;
(c) abolishing or altering boundaries of school districts;
(d) amalgamating school districts.
57(3)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister,
may make regulations dividing each school district into subdistricts.
57(4)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister
after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, may make
(a) altering the number of subdistricts within a school district;
(b) altering the boundaries of one or more subdistricts within a school
57(5)The Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister
after consultation with the District Education Council concerned, no later than
the thirty-first day of October in the year before the year in which a District
Education Council election is to be held, may make regulations
(a) eliminating an existing electoral zone;
(b) combining two or more subdistricts into an electoral zone.
57(6)Notwithstanding subsection (5), the Lieutenant-Governor in Council, on the
recommendation of the Minister, may make regulations combining two or more
subdistricts into an electoral zone for the purpose of the District Education
Council elections to be held in May 2001.
2000, c.52, s.62; 2004, c.19, s.7; 2009, c.33, s.3; 2012, c.7, s.2; 2014, c.37,
s.5; 2017, c.42, s.81; 2021, c.10, s.1
Application of Regulations Act
58The Regulations Act does not apply to any instrument made under the authority
of this Act by the Minister, or by a Parent School Support Committee or a
District Education Council.
2000, c.52, s.63; 2021, c.10, s.1
Transitional provisions
59Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.64
2000, c.52, s.64
Transitional provisions
60Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.65
2000, c.52, s.65
Transitional provisions
61Repealed: 2000, c.52, s.66
2000, c.52, s.66
Transitional provisions
62All rights, privileges, franchises, entitlements, debts, obligations and
liabilities of the school boards and the community boards dissolved under
section 80.1 of the Schools Act, and all funds, including trust funds, and
accounts receivable standing to the credit of a school board or a community
board dissolved under section 80.1 of the Schools Act, including interest that
has accrued on the funds, including trust funds, and accounts receivable,
continue to be vested in the Minister.
2021, c.10, s.1
Repeal of Education of Aurally or Visually Handicapped Persons Act
63The Education of Aurally or Visually Handicapped Persons Act, chapter E-1.2 of
the Acts of New Brunswick, 1975, is repealed.
Repeal of Schools Act
64The Schools Act, chapter S-5.1 of the Acts of New Brunswick, 1990, is
Repeal of regulations under Schools Act
65New Brunswick Regulations 83-203, 87-31, 91-186, 92-26, 92-28 and 92-29 under
the Schools Act are repealed.
66This Act or any provision of it comes into force on a day or days to be fixed
by proclamation.
N.B. This Act, except section 63, was proclaimed and came into force
December 29, 1997.
N.B. Section 63 of this Act was proclaimed and came into force December 7, 2006.
N.B. This Act is consolidated to December 13, 2023.
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