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Submission: On May 10 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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      <img class="sg-header-image" src="" alt="">
      <h1 class="sg-title" tabindex="0"><span>2024 Strategic Priorities Survey MGA v1 LL</span></h1>
      <div class="sg-header-hook-2"></div>
    <div class="sg-content" id="sg-skipnav-target">
      <div class="sg-content-hook-1"></div>
      <h2 class="sg-page-title" role="heading" tabindex="0">Introduction</h2>
      <div class="sg-question-set">
        <div id="sgE-7838133-11-69-box" class="sg-question sg-type-instruction ">
          <input type="hidden" id="sgE-7838133-11-69-meta" name="sgE-7838133-11-69-meta" value="hidden=false&amp;required=false">
          <input type="hidden" id="sgE-7838133-11-69-time" name="sgE-7838133-11-69-time" value="">
          <div class="sg-instructions"> Thank you for participating in our MGA Strategic Priorities survey. The collective responses from you and your peers will provide useful insights into the opportunities in the industry and how different
            segments of players are approaching them.<br><br> All individual responses will remain anonymous; only aggregated results will be used for analysis and reporting.&nbsp;<br><br> Everyone who completes the survey can receive a free copy of
            the report. The first 150 people who complete the survey will get a $10 Starbucks e-gift card, and will also be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Gift Cards (email address required so we can send it to you).<br><br>
            Thank you for participating!<br><br><em>P.S. The survey works on all screens but works best on your desktop/laptop. You can pause and return later to where you left off - just click on the "Save and Continue" button on the top of the
              page.</em> </div>
        <input class="" type="hidden" name="sgE-7838133-11-1957" id="sgE-7838133-11-1957-element" value="Generic">
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Thank you for participating in our MGA Strategic Priorities survey. The
collective responses from you and your peers will provide useful insights into
the opportunities in the industry and how different segments of players are
approaching them.

All individual responses will remain anonymous; only aggregated results will be
used for analysis and reporting. 

Everyone who completes the survey can receive a free copy of the report. The
first 150 people who complete the survey will get a $10 Starbucks e-gift card,
and will also be entered into a drawing to win one of five $50 Gift
Cards (email address required so we can send it to you).

Thank you for participating!

P.S. The survey works on all screens but works best on your desktop/laptop. You
can pause and return later to where you left off - just click on the "Save and
Continue" button on the top of the page.
