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 * World
   * Areas
   * Bestiary
     * Alphabetic
     * By Level
     * By Area
   * Quests
     * Repeatable
     * Single
     * Series
     * Card
     * -
     * Asmodeum
   * Shops
   * NPC
   * -
   * Maps
     * AO World
     * AO World (mon.)
     * Dungeon
     * Lost Atlantis
 * Items
   * Weapons
     * Swords
     * Axes
     * Spears
     * Bows
     * Staves
     * Shadowblades
     * -
     * Shields
     * Ammunition
   * Armors
     * Garment
     * Mantle
     * Vestment
     * -
     * Sets
   * Equipment
     * Halos & Caps
     * Trinkets
     * Cloaks
     * Backpacks
     * Rides
     * Robots
     * Badges
     * -
     * Fashion
   * Misc. Items
     * Food
     * Gems
     * Lucky Bags
     * Emotes
     * Teleport
     * -
     * Stances
     * Scrolls
     * Recipes
     * -
     * Materials
     * Semi-products
   * -
   * Treasure Maps
   * Cardsets
   * Pets
 * Players
   * Fighters
     * Stances:
     * Sword
     * Axe
     * Spear
     * Bow
     * Shadowblade
     * Avatar
     * Assault
     * Common
   * Mages
     * Spells:
     * Life
     * Chaos
     * Wraith
     * Earth
     * Common
   * Producers
     * Production:
     * Weaponsmith
     * Armorsmith
     * Tailor
     * Technician
     * Cook
     * Defense Tower
     * Furniture
   * Hybrids
   * -
   * Stats
   * Skills
   * Leveling
   * Skill Exp
   * Rank
   * -
   * Factions
   * Leagues
   * Totem War
   * Teams

 * Information
   * Dictionary of Terms
   * -
   * Improving Equipment
     (Pestles and Piercing Hammers)
   * Item Mall
   * Angel Baby
   * -
   * Guides

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 * AO Wiki en Español



 * Copyrights for Angels Online logo, monster images, item images, icons, maps
   and other screen-shots from the game belong to game creators and providers so
   using them for any commercial purpose is prohibited.
 * When using data and images from this site for other Angels Online guides,
   please respect the work we did on collecting and organizing this data and add
   information about the source.
 * Most of the data (images, stats) on this site is based on files that are used
   by the game, so they should be correct. But drop data (monster, lucky bag
   drops) is based on file that is not used by the game and currently is not
   updated, so it's probably mostly correct but not fully dependable.
 * This site best viewed with Mozilla Firefox 3.0 (recommended), Opera 9.5 or
   eventually Google Chrome, IE 7 and is NOT compatible with IE 6 or lower.


4/1/2015 - ABOUT EDITING

So as you can see, the wiki is slowly catching up to the game thanks to
Katilette, ijbest, and birthdaybeating.
But please make sure that everyone who is working on this wiki knows what he/she
is supposed to do.
You should divide pages between each other to make it easier for everyone. Use
this forum thread to discuss anything related to this wiki Updating English Wiki



4/23/2013 - YAY!

So, our wiki is a bit out-dated, and we're looking for a little help with
editing ^^
Check the Updating English Wiki thread on the Angels Online forum for more
And we have a few people updating maps, monsters, Fashion PDs, and armors.



2/9/2013 - UPDATE

Hey everyone, new wiki mod here. I'll be updating Weapons up to lvl 190 for now,
then I'll move to sets and all major stuff that need to be updated.
I'll try to update as much as possible for now. More updates during the weekend
because of school~



10/22/2012 - SO, UMM…

I hardly even play anymore. But other people have been working on stuff. Just
want to make sure a couple things are clear here:

 1. Ads: I don't make anything from them. Wikidot puts those there for users who
    aren't logged in. Just log in to get rid of them
 2. Changing restricted pages: I can still do it. Just ask me on Windows Live
    Messenger ( or get a hold of me somehow and I'll take
    care of it
 3. Demacia. Heck yeah.
 4. If you need any of my old wiki-data-creating tools I can try to dig them up.



4/1/2011 - WORK WORK WORK.

HI PEOPLE! Well, I know I haven't gotten much done recently. That's namely
because well, college doesn't exactly give me a lot of free time in which to
extract alllllllll the information from the game and parse it into a format that
the wiki accepts. As we get within a month of the end of the semester, I've
begun to work on writing my little programs that take the information and decode
it directly onto the wiki (or at least text files I can copypaste from XD).
Regardless, once classes let out, I should have some major updates inbound for
both English and Spanish wikis.




Well, we're still trying to get our grubby little hands on the drop data for the
latest expansion. Problem is, we haven't found it yet. Bottom line is that
you'll know when we know. Comprehensive articles on pet fusion, item fusion, and
pet merging should be available soon-ish. That's all for now



6/27/2010 - ME TOO

I've now got rights to poke around here myself-so you can expect to see me doing
my thing. Since I've got rights to both wikis as well as the official forums,
I'll start taking to making things the same throughout. Best place to get a hold
of me if theres something particular you want taken care of is by sending me a
forum PM here.




So far Conci has done a wonderful job as the new AO Wiki Mod. I would love to
see this wiki flourish again, so I'm making sure that he can stay on board as
long as he is willing to.

Also, congratulations to the Spanish AO Wiki team! It looks fantastic and you
guys have my blessing as well.




Thanks to Wikidot Support our wiki has a mod. This means lots of updates to the
home page, deleting all the junk files, fixing page names, etc. :) If you think
there's something that needs editing and admin/mod access, let me know on the
forum by PMing me at assassindeath8.

However, this arrangement may be temporary due to the extraordinary
circumstances, so my access could be removed at any time bringing us back to
admin/mod-less wiki. :(

On to the second issue at hand. As we get closer to the release of Candyland,
the more outdated the wiki is: we need to redouble our efforts and be ready for
all the new info! So please take the extra time and fix errors and mistakes you




All images, stats and drops of man area monsters are added, bus still may
contain some small mistakes.

Badge drops have to be checked throughly because i couldn't find data about them
so they have to be confirmed by in-game experience.



News Archive


 * Areas
 * Bestiary
   * Alphabetic
   * By Level
   * By Area

 * Weapons
   * Swords
   * Axes
   * Spears
   * Bows
   * Staves
   * Shadow Blades
   * -
   * Shields
   * Ammunition
 * Armors
   * Vestment
   * Mantle
   * Garment
   * -
   * Sets
 * Equipment
   * Halos & Caps
   * Trinkets
   * Cloaks
   * Backpacks
   * Rides
   * Robots
   * -
   * Fashion
 * Misc. Items
   * Food
   * Gems
   * Lucky Bags
   * Pet Eggs
   * Emotes
   * Teleport
   * -
   * Scrolls
   * Stances
   * Recipes
   * -
   * Materials
   * Semi-products

 * Stances
   * Sword
   * Axe
   * Spear
   * Bow
   * Shadowblade
   * Avatar
   * Assault
   * Common
 * Spells
   * Life
   * Chaos
   * Wraith
   * Earth
   * Common
 * Production
   * Weaponsmith
   * Armorsmith
   * Tailor
   * Cook
   * Technician

 * Maps
   * AO World
   * AO World (monsters)
   * Dungeon
   * Lost Atlantis
   * (Large files !!!)

 * Information
   * Dictionary of Terms
   * About Angels Online
   * Card Collection
   * How your Stats help you
   * Classes and Skills
   * Leveling up
   * Angel Rank and Credits
   * Factions, Leagues and the Totem War
   * Raising and caring for a Pet
   * How to improve your equipment
     (Pestles and Piercing Hammers)
   * All about Treasure Maps
   * What is the Item Mall?


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