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Home Décor › Mirrors › TMPL2296
SKU #: TMPL2296

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4 payments of $62.25

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 1. Space Amplifier: The full length mirror, with its slim metal frame and large
    reflective surface, helps expand any room by allowing light to bounce
    around. It's a simple yet effective way to make your space seem larger and
    more illuminated, whether hung or leaned against a wall.
 2. Modern Versatility: The mirror's sleek design, featuring an arched top and
    metal frame, blends seamlessly into any decor. It's adaptable design allows
    it to be either wall-mounted or leaned, and its availability in black,
    white, and gold ensures it suits a variety of interior styles.
 3. Reliable Longevity: Crafted with top-tier materials, this mirror promises
    durability. The sturdy iron (for black) and aluminium frames (for white and
    gold), coupled with strong D-rings at the back, offer reliable stability.
    Easy to clean and fog-resistant, this mirror provides a clear reflection
    every time. Added to this, our 2-year product warranty and easy 30-day
    return policy for store credit assures your purchase is secure.

Complementary items
Amelia Microfibre Sherpa Blanket
Simply Living Standard Pillows (Set of 2)
Griffin Chest of Drawers
160cm Lewis Desk
Susannah 3 Tier Accessory Case
Bowie Freestanding Mirror
Number One Italian Wall Clock
Easton Upholstered Storage Ottoman
Lovell Rectangular Cotton Pillowcases (Set of 2)
Adele Queen Bed Frame
Luna Bedside Table
66cm Vaughan Ceramic & Fabric Table Lamp
White Tribeca 6 Drawer Lowboy Dresser
Grange Rubberwood Accent Chair
Natural Laney Hand-Woven Jute Rug
Vermouth Reno Pinch Pleat Blockout Curtains (Set of 2)
Thistles Printed Wall Art
Amelia Microfibre Sherpa Blanket
Simply Living Standard Pillows (Set of 2)
Griffin Chest of Drawers
160cm Lewis Desk
Susannah 3 Tier Accessory Case
Bowie Freestanding Mirror
Number One Italian Wall Clock
Easton Upholstered Storage Ottoman
Lovell Rectangular Cotton Pillowcases (Set of 2)
Adele Queen Bed Frame
Luna Bedside Table
66cm Vaughan Ceramic & Fabric Table Lamp
White Tribeca 6 Drawer Lowboy Dresser
Grange Rubberwood Accent Chair
Natural Laney Hand-Woven Jute Rug
Vermouth Reno Pinch Pleat Blockout Curtains (Set of 2)
Thistles Printed Wall Art
Amelia Microfibre Sherpa Blanket

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Offering great value for money is this home essential. The full length mirror
features a slim metal frame, with generously sized looking glass to really open
up your space and add light. It's also lightweight, so whether you choose to
hang it or prop it up against a wall, adding it to your interior is easy.

Minimalistic arch

Metal frame, matte finish, contemporary look - this arched mirror has the
hallmarks of sleek style that will refresh any room. It's the perfect piece to
really enhance your interior.

Generous proportions

The large looking glass surface area makes all the difference to your decor,
offering great value for such an indispensable piece. The slender frame affords
a greater reflective area, gifting the illusion of more space.


Offering great value for money is this home essential. The full length mirror
features a slim metal frame, with generously sized looking glass to really open
up your space and add light. It's also lightweight, so whether you choose to
hang it or prop it up against a wall, adding it to your interior is easy.


 * Black mirror materials: iron frame, glass mirror, MDF backing
 * White & gold mirror materials: aluminium frame, glass mirror
 * Includes: 1 x floor mirror
 * It can be leaned against a wall & secured in place with strong D-rings
   attached on the back
 * The arched top draws the eye upwards
 * Backing is made from sustainably sourced MDF

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Dimensions & Weights

 * Overall 180cm H x 80cm W x 3cm D
 * Frame width: 2cm; frame thickness: 3cm
 * Overall Product Weight 19.62 Kilograms




 * Mirror Type: Full length
 * Mount Type: Wall Mounted; Leaning
 * Shape: Arched
 * Orientation: Vertical
 * Framed: Yes
 * Bevelled Glass: No
 * Style: Contemporary; Scandinavian
 * Wall Mounting Hardware: D-ringsWall Mounting Hardware details: Screws not
 * Number of Mirrors Included: 1
 * Fog Resistant: No
 * Box Contents: 1 x floor mirror
 * Outdoor Use: No
 * Care Instructions: Wipe clean with damp cloth; avoid harsh abrasive cleaners


 * Product Warranty: 2 years


The Metal Arched Full Length Mirror is a Contemporary or Scandinavian style
product. Contemporary style bridges the gap between traditional and modern.
Pieces feature simple and clean lines with smooth surfaces without any carving
or adornment. Scandinavian style is exemplified by clean-lines, simple, and
functional. Scandinavian interiors feature bright white on floors, fabrics, and
walls. While, unpainted, light wood furniture that embraces the natural grain
adds much-needed warmth to spaces. Sleek, utilitarian furniture without much
embellishment is a mainstay in this minimalist style with a modern flair. You
can shop for more Contemporary or Scandinavian Mirrors in the Décor section of
our site.

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1 Jan 2024

We got this in gold and we are OBSESSED! It's friggin' heavy though, so be
mindful when lifting/unpacking, but once it's up, it's gorgeous.

Dylan, PYMBLE, NSW Verified Buyer

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14 Dec 2023

Whilst I am very happy with the mirror and the quick delivery I am very
disappointed that the delivery driver decided to leave it in the foyer of my
apartment complex rather that bring it up to my unit on Level 4 even though I
asked him to several times. It weighed 30 kilos and I was charged $70 for
delivery so would have expected it to come to my door.


Was this helpful? 1 1

16 Jan 2024

Products look great! Note the delivery people only deliver to the front door,
was a mission carrying the mirror up four flights of stairs as a solo tenant

Georgina, CANTERBURY, VIC Verified Buyer

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9 Jan 2024

I'm so happy with the Mirror I purchased. It's the perfect addition to my living

Emma, Little Bay, NSW Verified Buyer

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8 Jan 2024

Amazing quality, exactly what I was looking for.

Quinn, OFFICER, VIC Verified Buyer

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7 Jan 2024

This is a strong framed mirror. I love it. I have been getting lots of comments
on this feature from my family and friends. It looks amazing.

Ms, MOUNT GAMBIER, SA Verified Buyer

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5 Jan 2024

Perfect. Sturdy. As pictured.

Sue, BACCHUS MARSH, VIC Verified Buyer

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4 Jan 2024

Gorgeous mirror and excellent quality! Delivery was seamless and easy. Very

Minna, JORDAN SPRINGS, NSW Verified Buyer

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4 Jan 2024

Gorgeous mirror, I'm 5"10 and it's taller than me!! Love it

Bec, EVANSTON GARDENS, SA Verified Buyer

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3 Jan 2024

Love this mirror - perfect for the space we chose in our walk in robe [heart]
(would be even better if wall plugs were included)

madeline, sans Souci, NSW Verified Buyer

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When you buy a Metal Arched Full Length Mirror online from Temple & Webster in
Australia, we make it as easy to have it delivered to your home in Melbourne,
Sydney or any major city.
If you have any questions about your purchase or any other Mirrors for sale, our
customer service representatives are here to help. Whether you just want to buy
a Metal Arched Full Length Mirror or shop for your entire home, Temple & Webster
has everything you need.

Related Categories

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