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The Conversation


Megan Kurlychek, Penn State
Thu, February 22, 2024 at 8:43 AM EST·6 min read
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New York City's use of stop-and-frisk was found to be unconstitutional in 2013.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

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The police killing of 28-year-old Alexander Spencer in a North Philadelphia
corner store in January 2024 reignited debate about whether expanding
stop-and-frisk in Philly can reduce violence in the city.

As part of her promise to reduce crime, Philadelphia’s newly elected mayor,
Cherelle Parker, has indicated her support for the expansion of stop-and-frisk

Parker’s approach is not surprising. Historically, when crime increases,
American society assumes that lax or lenient crime-control strategies are to

Yet, since the mid-1990s, data repeatedly shows that tough-on-crime approaches –
such as zero-tolerance policies, mandatory sentencing and mass incarceration –
cost taxpayers large sums of money, are inefficient and can even make crime
worse, specifically among youth.

As a professor of sociology, criminology and public policy, I believe that Mayor
Parker and the Philadelphia Police Department should heed the lessons learned
from other jurisdictions regarding the dangers of stop-and-frisk – most notably
New York City.

The greater use of stop-and-frisk in Philadelphia could lead to a myriad of
unwanted consequences, such as lawsuits against the city, greater racial
disparities in the criminal justice system, citizen unrest and distrust of the
police. Meanwhile, there is little evidence that an expanded stop-and-frisk
policy will actually reduce crime.


The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution ensures an individual’s right to
be free from unreasonable searches and seizures. But who determines what is

A 1968 U.S. Supreme Court decision took up that question. In Terry v. Ohio, the
court ruled that a police officer can stop, question and frisk a person as long
as the officer has a reasonable suspicion that the person has committed, is
committing or is about to commit a crime. Frisking was allowed to protect the
police officers only if the individual was suspected to be armed or if during
questioning the level of suspicion rose to probable cause. Probable cause, most
simply, is a higher standard of evidence that an individual may have committed a
crime and is required for a judge to issue a warrant for an arrest or a search.

However, in the decades following Terry v. Ohio, police departments across the
country have used stop-and-frisk in ways that stretch the limits of the decision
and potentially violate Fourth Amendment rights.

New York City is perhaps the most notorious example.


In 1993, Rudy Giuliani

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famously ran his New York City mayoral campaign on a tough-on-crime platform.
Upon election, he hired Bill Bratton as police commissioner. Bratton had
previously served as Boston’s police commissioner and also as the chief of the
NYC Transit Police.

Under this new administration, police began aggressively pursuing minor offenses
such as marijuana possession, alcohol use, motor vehicle violations and
vagrancy. In addition, officers were encouraged to stop and frisk individuals
who merely looked suspicious based on location, dress, demeanor or other
characteristics of the individual.

When Michael Bloomberg replaced Giuliani as mayor in 2002, he expanded on these
practices with “Operation Impact.”

Operation Impact flooded officers into areas that were designated as “impact
zones” because of high levels of existing crime. Unsurprisingly, most of these
neighborhoods had high poverty rates, high rates of renters compared with
homeowners and were communities of color – the three factors that suggest a
community will have high levels of crime.

With police officers disproportionately placed in such communities, and
encouraged to stop and frisk with low levels of suspicion, it is not surprising
that research finds high levels of racial disparity in the decisions to stop and
frisk. Minorities were over 3.5 times more likely than whites to be subject to
these policies. Law professor Jeffrey Bellin detailed how the minor impact that
stop-and-frisk may have had on illegal gun carrying in New York was tied to its


New York City’s experience with stop-and-frisk policies provides, I believe,
important lessons for Philadelphia’s mayor to consider.

First and foremost, multiple lawsuits related to stop-and-frisk were filed
against the NYPD and the city government during Bloomberg’s third term as mayor.
In each of these cases, the city was found liable for unconstitutional

The NYPD and the city itself were rebuked by the courts for the discriminatory
nature of stop-and-frisk searches. Perhaps not surprisingly, stop-and-frisk
became a central issue in NYC’s 2013 mayoral race. In 2013, a federal district
court judge found that stop-and-frisk, as implemented in New York City, was
unconstitutional because of its reliance on racial profiling, and the practice
was eventually curtailed.

While some touted stop-and-frisk policies as the cause for the reduction in
crime in the city during the early 2000s, the same decreases were happening
across the U.S. and Canada – in many areas that did not invoke these policies.
This suggests that the drop in crime was part of a broader trend.

In addition, much research has indicated that the vast majority of incidents of
stop-and-frisk, particularly with individuals of color, do not result in
officers finding drugs or guns, or making an arrest. Thus, they waste valuable
police time and money. In addition, a report from New York’s state attorney
general found that only about 3% of stop-and-frisks in New York City from 2009
to 2012 led to a conviction.

Even when it does not lead to a formal conviction, stop-and-frisk can be
humiliating and traumatic for the individual. They can also lead to further
police brutality and greater mistrust of the police.

Finally, I would like to point out that as stop-and-frisk policies drew to a
close in 2014, the murder rate within the city fell while the number of stops
declined. In fact, the biggest drop occurred precisely when the number of stops
also fell dramatically, according to the Brennan Center for Justice.


Given stop-and-frisk’s controversial nature and questionable results, Parker may
want to prioritize other policing policies that have more evidence of success
and foster better relationships with communities. These include community
policing, “hot spot” policing where officers also receive intensive training in
procedural justice, and expanded use of specialty courts such as drug courts,
veterans courts and mental health courts.

This is far from a complete list of alternatives. Many crime-reduction
strategies are less controversial than stop-and-frisk, put the city at lower
risk of lawsuits, lead to better police-citizen interactions and save taxpayer
dollars that can be spent on crime prevention and other programs that improve
the quality of life of Philadelphians.

This article is republished from The Conversation, a nonprofit, independent news
organization bringing you facts and analysis to help you make sense of our
complex world.

It was written by: Megan Kurlychek, Penn State.

Read more:

 * A road map for the lawful use of stop-and-frisk in Philadelphia – and

 * ‘Stop-and-frisk’ can work, under careful supervision

Megan Kurlychek does not work for, consult, own shares in or receive funding
from any company or organization that would benefit from this article, and has
disclosed no relevant affiliations beyond their academic appointment.

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