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   2019 | 12 十月 2019
   Stanbic Credit Cards Launched
   Stanbic Bank Ghana on Wednesday, October 9 launched its innovative Visa
   Credit Cards to facilitate banking transactions.
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    * Personal Loan Flexible, short to medium-term loan Learn more
    * Vehicle Loan Loan to buy vehicles and power generators for personal use
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    * Home Loans Personal mortgage to buy or build your dream home View all Home
    * Salary Advance Personal overdraft tailored to meet your cash flow needs
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    * Consumer Finance Loan Loan for consumer appliances and products Learn more
    * Education Plan A protection and investment plan to help fund your child’s
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    * Funeral Plan An extensive cover to help with the costs associated with a
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Invoice Discounting
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Upload your Ghana Card

From July 1, 2022, Ghana Card will be the only acceptable ID card for financial
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How to Bank during this difficult moment

As part of our collective national fight against the Covid-19 pandemic, we have
set out new service protocols to serve you during this period.

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Current Operating Hours

Request a service

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 * Reset your password
 *  Retrieve your Online banking username
 * Increase your transaction limit
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 * Update your records with your Ghana Card

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Know your money’s safe when making payments in-store, online or overseas
Featured Products
Gold Visa Credit Card

Get affordable access to credit with a Contactless Gold card that’s packed with
everyday benefits

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Achiever Bank Account - Pay-as-you-go

For a minimal service fee, you can enjoy the benefits of the Achiever PAY AS YOU
GO, offering a secure and convenient way to carry out banking activities

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USSD Mobile Banking

USSD Mobile Banking is a free service that allows you to access basic banking
services on your mobile phone, without consuming data or call credit. This
channel provides customers with unrivalled ease in accessing and transacting on
their bank accounts

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Quick Access Links
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Login to manage your Stanbic MoneyWallet Multi-Currency Card

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Corporate Card

Login to manage your Stanbic Corporate Prepaid Card

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Online Banking

Login to Stanbic Online Banking to manage your account

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Daily Forex Rates

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Ghana Reference Rate

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Private Banking Pricing


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Executive Banking Pricing


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Foreign Products and Services Pricing


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Dormant Accounts
Dormant Accounts


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Dormant Accounts Notice


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Stanbic Bank Ghana Limited is a financial services provider licensed by Bank of
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