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Offen Epic erstellt vor 1 Jahr von Becka Lippert @beckalippert


Using a thematic roadmap designers will have the ability to focus on a larger
problem area -rather than a feature- and to dive deep into a set of related
problems based on user needs. This focus will generate a comprehensive
experience inclusive of any/all related touch-points in the UI as well as an
iterative approach to implementing these experiences. Hence the notion of
theming and maintaining focus on that theme until it is delivered in the
composite. This approach also builds in the runway for extensible problem and
solution validation initiatives that can cover a wider surface area and uncover
more nuance than if we focused on a particular problem for a specific feature.

Learn more about UX Roadmaps

Now Next Future Start=Current Quarter Start=Next Quarter Start=In 2 quarters
Required for maturitycomplete Required for maturitycomplete maturitylovable

We can follow this and make adjustments if themes take more or less time.
Generally, if a theme takes more than a quarter to complete, then it should be
broken down into a smaller theme.

Note: There will be instances where we are working on a feature/capability that
is not contained in one of our themes. Think of themes as the strategic design
initiatives we need to complete to hit our target maturity level. The other
issues are for maintaining the experience as it relates to our standards and our
customer's standards.



Complete Definition: Companies use GitLab in concert with their existing
security processes and tools to manage many aspects of vulnerability-related
risks across the entire application lifecycle.


 * Attain an understanding of complex and nuanced problems, informed by industry
   standards and best practices
 * Adhere to the design process and best practices to solve user problems
   through workflows and comprehensive experiences
 * Remain focused on a Theme within the scope of attaining Complete category


 * Leadership can see a project, sub-group, group or instance level view of
   their vulnerabilities AND their dependencies at each level.
 * Security Teams can quickly triage their vulnerabilities and dependencies with
   filters, searching and grouping within the vulnerability and dependency
 * Developers trust that new vulnerabilities on their branch are accurate. When
   possible, repetitive triage tasks are automated.



Theme Label Status DRI Target Start Target design complete Leadership can see if
their organization is at risk TBD TBD @beckalippert - -


Theme Label Status DRI Target design complete Rem. UX Weight Increase security
team's efficiency when triaging vulnerabilities at scale UX ThemeTriage vulns at
scale In Progress @beckalippert %15.10 TBD


Theme Status DRI Target Start Target design complete Developers trust that new
vulnerabilities on their branch are accurate. - - - -


Theme Status DRI Target Start Target design complete Enable security teams to
collaborate more effectively - - - - Reduce Security team's effort by automating
time-consuming triage tasks UX ThemeAutomate triage Designs completed in %15.8


Contents of a UX theme

Theme Title: The theme title quickly articulates the focus of the theme and its
related activities. This is used for recall when planning / discussing or
working directly on a theme.

Subject Matter: A brief statement noting the breadth of the theme and which
workflows it covers. This helps understand the scope at a high level.

User Benefits: These are the benefits a user would directly receive when the
theme is completed. Related Jobs Documented JTBD that relates to the user
benefit. These are written as jobs excluding the motivation and result.

Business Objective: What do we stand to gain from completing this theme. This is
our internal motivation for working on this theme whereas the user benefits are
our external motivation. Often this is measurable or quantifiable but that
doesn’t have to be the standard.

Sub themes: These can be listed as capabilities and act as an itemized list of
topics to cover in the larger theme. We can close the theme when all of these
are delivered and research hasn’t uncovered additional sub themes. Research
topics: Open and high-level questions relating to the theme. These act as an
initial guide for us to determine if problem validation is required in the
theme. The topics also give us a sense of our understanding and confidence in
the theme.

Related product themes: One or more themes from the product or company vision
that relates to the UX theme. This ensures we are keeping the overall direction
(the forest) in mind when we are working on the issue (the trees) in the theme.


Vulnerability Management to Complete. See FY24 UX Roadmap: Threat Insights Mural
for themes required for Complete.

vor 1 Jahr von Alana Bellucci bearbeitet


devops govern group threat insights UX UX Roadmap
devops govern group threat insights UX UX Roadmap
UX +3 weitere
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Abbrechen Einschalten

FY23 Threat Insights UX Roadmap
 * Vulnerability Management - Category Vision
 * Vulnerability Management - Viable to Complete
 * FY23 Threat Insights UX Roadmap

5 Teilnehmer(innen)


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 * Becka Lippert added groupthreat insights devopsgovern UX UX Roadmap labels
   vor 1 Jahr
   added groupthreat insights devopsgovern UX UX Roadmap labels

 * Becka Lippert added epic &7607 (closed) as parent epic vor 1 Jahr
   added epic &7607 (closed) as parent epic

 * Becka Lippert changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 *  * Becka Lippert @beckalippert · vor 1 Jahr
      @abellucci I created this epic as a placeholder until we can work out our
      FY24 UX priorities. I'm thinking through whether or not we need to create
      new themes, rearrange the priority of the existing themes, or create new
      themes altogether. Given the priorities you mentioned in our agenda
      yesterday, here's where the corresponding design issues and themes live
      for each:
       * Leadership can see a project, sub-group, group or instance level view
         of their vulnerabilities AND their dependencies at each level.
      It sounds like you're referring to the list of vulns and dependencies
      specifically, and not any high-level data or trends (e.g. on the Security
      Dashboard). Is that right? If so, I think this will be complete after the
      Group-level Dependency List MVC and Post-MVC Group/Sub-group level
      Dependency List.
      Update: on second thought, you'd probably want to add these issues
      relating to the project-level Dependency List into this theme as well:
       * 🎨 Design: Add Dependency List Filtering and Searching
       * 🎨 Design: Dependency List Grouping
       * ➕ others in the Dependency Management Minimal to Viable epic
      However, I want to note that Threat Insights is responsible for Dependency
      Management, while Dependency Scanning, Container Scanning, and License
      Compliance are all owned by Composition Analysis (PM: @smeadzinger), but
      @sam.white informed me that Threat Insights owns the UI for these things,
      and that another thing we need to add is the ability to do grouping on the
      Dependency List page so we can deprecate and remove the License Compliance
      page in 17.0. (This can either be included in that Post-MVC issue I linked
      above, or proposed separately in it's own issue, which would need to be
      created.) Other than that, he can't think of any significant License
      Compliance features that would be needed. I don't know what other needs
      there might be for Dependency List and Container Scanning, but we should
      get those listed out now if there are any.
      All of the above fits in with our current theme, UX Theme: Increase
      security team's efficiency when triaging vulnerabilities at scale, so we
      can add any existing related ones (or new ones that need opening) into
      that theme.
      I'm confused on what's happening to the instance level which was to become
      Workspaces and if that's still the plan. @jmandell do you know what the
      status is on that?
      @abellucci are these priorities in order? In other words, does this focus
      on leadership come before the 2 below?
       * Security Teams can quickly triage their vulnerabilities and
         dependencies with filters, searching and grouping within the
         vulnerability and dependency report.
      Filtering, grouping, and saved views are all issues in our current theme,
      UX Theme: Increase security team's efficiency when triaging
      vulnerabilities at scale. There is one other issue in there that was
      created by the designer before me, which is unrelated to the topics you
      mentioned, and is not ready for design: Problem validation: Comparing and
      cross-referencing vulnerabilities. We can move this into a backlog if you
      don't see it as a priority. As the issue title suggests, we would need to
      do problem validation on this first. This was opened before my time on
      Threat Insights and I suspect that grouping and advanced filters might
      help solve some of these potential problems.
       * Developers trust that new vulnerabilities on their branch are accurate.
         When possible, repetitive triage tasks are automated.
      Automation we'd have to discuss further, but we do have designs completed
      for two Threat Insights policies that will allow some automation, see UX
      Theme: Reduce Security team's effort by automating time-consuming triage
      tasks. Also related is UX Theme: Developers fix vulnerabilities in new
      code more quickly, but there's really only one design issue in there that
      pertains to groupthreat insights anymore, the other two are owned by
      devopscreate and groupstatic analysis.
      We also have UX Theme: Enable security teams to collaborate more
      effectively which contains things like the vulnerability detail commenting
      improvements, adding assignees, adding to dos on vulns, and more. That was
      supposed to be the theme after the current one (UX Theme: Increase
      security team's efficiency when triaging vulnerabilities at scale), so
      curious where you feel like this falls in priority.
      There are 5 other themes in the Future and Future+ buckets that we should
      My suggestion would be to duplicate the former Threat Insights UX Roadmap
      Workshop Mural to use as a template, where we can list all of these
      existing issues, and include any new ones that need opening, and
      reorganize them all into new themes which we can prioritize. If that
      sounds good, I'll put some time on the calendar to do so!
      Bearbeitet vor 1 Jahr bei Becka Lippert
    * Antworten reduzieren
    * Alana Bellucci @abellucci · vor 1 Jahr
      @beckalippert - Thank you for kicking off the UX Roadmap for FY24! We will
      do a combination of creating new themes, and rearranging the priority of
      some of the existing themes. I went ahead and added four top level themes
      for this year and put them in their respective now, next, future, and
      future+ tables. Some of the next themes you are already working on, which
      is great!
      From an engineering perspective, we are tracking this as our 12 month
      roadmap. You will see that some of the work will bounce back and forth
      between what I've proposed as Now and Next themes for UX. How could we
      make more streamlined for you?
      I've outlined more details around each theme below and tried to answer all
      of your questions for your initial comment. Please take the liberty to
      make changes directly to this roadmap based on my feedback and your
      Leadership can see if their organization is at risk encompasses the work
      for the group/sub-group level dependency list as well as Add support for
      the Vulnerability Report and De... (&10048).
      > I'm confused on what's happening to the instance level which was to
      > become Workspaces and if that's still the plan.
      I think it is now the Organization object; Create Organization (&9266).
      AT SCALE
      The work you are already doing for UX Theme: Increase security team's
      efficiency w... (gitlab#362979) aligns well with security teams can
      quickly triage their vulnerabilities and dependencies with filters,
      searching and grouping within the vulnerability and dependency report. I
      want to make sure we add the ability to filter/group/sort/search for the
      Dependency List in addition to the Vulnerability Report.
      > ... ability to do grouping on the Dependency List page so we can
      > deprecate and remove the License Compliance page in 17.0.
      Let's make sure we can group by license. I see this iteration as a post
      MVC after Post-MVC Group/Sub-group level Dependency List (&10090).
      Problem validation: Comparing and cross-referen... (gitlab#267590) can be
      moved to the %Backlog.
      I think we should add the existing theme UX Theme: Reduce Security team's
      effort by auto... (gitlab#362664 - closed) to this section because the
      other theme is also about triaging.
      I am still working on the requirements for this theme; developers trust
      that new vulnerabilities on their branch are accurate. I am in the process
      of understand this issues and linking everything I think could be a
      problem in this issue. This may be backend only, I should know more in the
      coming weeks as I groom and understand the underlying issues.
      It looks like you've already identified the different issues for enabling
      security teams to collaborate more effectively!
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 * Alana Bellucci changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 * Alana Bellucci changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 * Becka Lippert mentioned in issue gitlab#398248 (closed) vor 1 Jahr
   mentioned in issue gitlab#398248 (closed)

 * Becka Lippert changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 * Alana Bellucci changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 * Becka Lippert mentioned in issue gitlab#362670 vor 1 Jahr
   mentioned in issue gitlab#362670

 * Alana Bellucci changed the description vor 1 Jahr Mit vorheriger Version
   changed the description

 * Becka Lippert mentioned in issue gitlab#415751 vor 11 Monaten
   mentioned in issue gitlab#415751


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