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PORTA means “door” or “carry” in Italian.

We bring restaurant-quality Italian food to your door.

Our chefs make our food from scratch and flash freeze it to lock in the flavour.


Wake up to the taste and smell of freshly baked pastries. Try our freshly-made
pasta paired with classic sauces. Enjoy our handmade Roman-style stirata pizza
that is light, airy with a crispy finish. Top off your PORTA meal with a
delicious Italian dessert.

slide 1 of 1



San Marzano tomato sauce, fresh mozzarella and smoky pepperoni



Freshly made spaghetti served in a classic San Marzano tomato sauce




A classic coffee-flavoured dessert that means "pick me up" in Italian

(Pack of 4)




Light, flaky pastry made with layered dough and butter.
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    Choose from a variety of pizza, pasta and dessert recipes handmade by our

    Let the ristorante come to you! Free deliveries weekly, bi-weekly or

    PORTA meals arrive frozen and are ready in 15 minutes or less. No prep or

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slide 2 of 3
 * Paolo Mariani Flour, a third generation family run mill in Le Marche.
 * 100% Extra-Virgin Coratina Olive Oil made by a close family friend in Puglia
   exclusively for us.
 * San Marzano Tomatoes from the best harvests in Campania each season.
 * Paolo Mariani Flour, a third generation family run mill in Le Marche.

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Try Porta
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Reviews from PORTA Customers
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5.0 star rating 92 Reviews
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Easy to order, simple delivery,
Easy to order, simple delivery, everything has been delicious so far
jennifer c.
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Easy to order, simple delivery,

Easy to order, simple delivery, everything has been delicious so far
jennifer c.
5.0 star rating 03/24/22
So delicious, so convenient!
These meals are so delicious, and so easy to make. While I love the tasty
desserts (the tiramisu is to die for!), and the hearty a...
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5.0 star rating 03/24/22
So delicious, so convenient!

These meals are so delicious, and so easy to make. While I love the tasty
desserts (the tiramisu is to die for!), and the hearty a...
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5.0 star rating 03/23/22
Very positive first experience
We received our first Porta box 2 weeks ago. Likes the fact that they use dry
ice which evaporates so there are just plastic bags ...
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Susan H.
5.0 star rating 03/23/22
Very positive first experience

We received our first Porta box 2 weeks ago. Likes the fact that they use dry
ice which evaporates so there are just plastic bags ...
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Susan H.
5.0 star rating 03/16/22
Excellent pizza
Finally a bake at home pizza that satisfies! The crust is every bit as good as a
dine in pie.
Dani G.
5.0 star rating 03/16/22
Excellent pizza

Finally a bake at home pizza that satisfies! The crust is every bit as good as a
dine in pie.
Dani G.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
Delicious pasta and great desserts!
I love having these as a quick backup option that doesn’t feel like a compromise
on quality. Great food and it’s ready fast!
Jess R.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
Delicious pasta and great desserts!

I love having these as a quick backup option that doesn’t feel like a compromise
on quality. Great food and it’s ready fast!
Jess R.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
First impressions
We have enjoyed all the dishes in our first order. They are quick to prepare as
advertised and the cost is reasonable. We would ap...
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Denise O.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
First impressions

We have enjoyed all the dishes in our first order. They are quick to prepare as
advertised and the cost is reasonable. We would ap...
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Denise O.
5.0 star rating 03/30/22
A+ customer service
Sofia was efficient with her response and resolved my issue immediately.
I was able to activate my account and modify the menu...
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Claudia S.
5.0 star rating 03/30/22
A+ customer service

Sofia was efficient with her response and resolved my issue immediately.
I was able to activate my account and modify the menu...
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Claudia S.
5.0 star rating 03/30/22
'Great' rating!
This is the second time I received a delivery from Porta. Both times the meals
were easy to prepare and were delicious! Thank you....
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Heather C.
5.0 star rating 03/30/22
'Great' rating!

This is the second time I received a delivery from Porta. Both times the meals
were easy to prepare and were delicious! Thank you....
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Heather C.
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Delizioso !!!
Porta food is heaven in your mouth .
Easy to heat up , fresh and delicious .

I highly recommend it .
Diana Z.
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Delizioso !!!

Porta food is heaven in your mouth .
Easy to heat up , fresh and delicious .

I highly recommend it .
Diana Z.
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Easy to order, simple delivery,
Easy to order, simple delivery, everything has been delicious so far
jennifer c.
5.0 star rating 03/28/22
Easy to order, simple delivery,

Easy to order, simple delivery, everything has been delicious so far
jennifer c.
5.0 star rating 03/24/22
So delicious, so convenient!
These meals are so delicious, and so easy to make. While I love the tasty
desserts (the tiramisu is to die for!), and the hearty a...
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5.0 star rating 03/24/22
So delicious, so convenient!

These meals are so delicious, and so easy to make. While I love the tasty
desserts (the tiramisu is to die for!), and the hearty a...
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5.0 star rating 03/23/22
Very positive first experience
We received our first Porta box 2 weeks ago. Likes the fact that they use dry
ice which evaporates so there are just plastic bags ...
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Susan H.
5.0 star rating 03/23/22
Very positive first experience

We received our first Porta box 2 weeks ago. Likes the fact that they use dry
ice which evaporates so there are just plastic bags ...
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Susan H.
5.0 star rating 03/16/22
Excellent pizza
Finally a bake at home pizza that satisfies! The crust is every bit as good as a
dine in pie.
Dani G.
5.0 star rating 03/16/22
Excellent pizza

Finally a bake at home pizza that satisfies! The crust is every bit as good as a
dine in pie.
Dani G.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
Delicious pasta and great desserts!
I love having these as a quick backup option that doesn’t feel like a compromise
on quality. Great food and it’s ready fast!
Jess R.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
Delicious pasta and great desserts!

I love having these as a quick backup option that doesn’t feel like a compromise
on quality. Great food and it’s ready fast!
Jess R.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
First impressions
We have enjoyed all the dishes in our first order. They are quick to prepare as
advertised and the cost is reasonable. We would ap...
Read More
Denise O.
5.0 star rating 04/04/22
First impressions

We have enjoyed all the dishes in our first order. They are quick to prepare as
advertised and the cost is reasonable. We would ap...
Read More
Denise O.
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