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1.7M orders 🔥56K reviews ⭐️ Free Shipping over $79!

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   Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
   * Maxi Dresses
   * Short Dresses
   * Party Dresses
   * Little Black Dresses
   Matching Sets Outerwear
   * Kimonos
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New Arrivals Tops
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* Sleeveless Tops
* Long Sleeve Tops
* Sweaters
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Loungewear Activewear Swim Basics Rompers + Jumpsuits Dresses
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* Little Black Dresses
Matching Sets Outerwear
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New Arrivals drop throughout the week, join our email list to get alerts! We've
got the casual wardrobe staples and elevated basics you need! Limited quantities
mean they’re likely to sell out fast, so get those fingers clicking and add to
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Coffee loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Coffee 2 reviews $79.00

Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Purple loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Purple 2 reviews $79.00

Miller Platform Sneakers - Ivory newshoessneakers
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Miller Platform Sneakers - Ivory $49.00

THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Tea Leaf newshort-sleeve-topstops
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THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Tea Leaf 1 review $33.00

Jessica Bodysuits bodysuitsnewsleeveless-topstops
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Jessica Bodysuits $19.99

"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Camel accessorieshatsnew
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"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Camel $17.99

"NEW YORK" Embroidered Hat - Camel accessorieshatsnew
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"NEW YORK" Embroidered Hat - Camel $17.99

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Can't Stay Ribbed Top - Dusty Rose long-sleeve-topsnewtops
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Can't Stay Ribbed Top - Dusty Rose $35.00

A Little Extra Sneakers - Gold newshoessneakers
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A Little Extra Sneakers - Gold 10 reviews $50.00

Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Coral loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Coral 1 review $65.00

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I'll Be By The Pool Maxi Dress - Dusty Green dressesmaxi-dressesnew
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I'll Be By The Pool Maxi Dress - Dusty Green 171 reviews $29.00

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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Cream loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Cream 2 reviews $79.00

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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Black loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Black 2 reviews $79.00

A Little Extra Sneakers - White Black newshoessneakers
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A Little Extra Sneakers - White Black 10 reviews $50.00

Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Black loungewearmatching-setsnew
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Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Black 1 review $65.00

"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Black accessorieshatsnew
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"LONDON" Embroidered Hat - Black $17.99

See what our customers are saying

Get the jumpsuit!
Heating Things Up Jumpsuit - Olive
This is seriously the best jumpsuit! The fabric is so buttery soft and
lightweight! The ruffle detail on the bust and cute tie waist are super
flattering. I'm so happy I ordered this. Going to wear on repeat. I'm curvier
and short and this was still super flattering and didn't need to be hemmed when
I wear it with wedges.
United States
Fit my shape perfect!
Really Doing It Short Overalls - Ash Mocha
Im a girl at heart when it come to short overalls. Easy to put on with a cute
baseball hat and sneakers. I snagged the Rose one's too. I love the materials is
not hard at all. And im so happy I snagged them. Perfect lengh too.
Bridgette H.
United States
So cute!
Phoebe Layered Ankle Wedges
I love love love how girly these are! They're so classy and the padded sole
makes them so comfortable to wear! I hope these come in multiple colors. I'm a
true size 7 and the size 7 fits perfectly.
United States
Heart on the Line Sweater - Ivory
Fitted perfect...comfortable!
United States
So stretchy and soft!
Really Doing It Short Overalls - Ash Black
Absolutely love these overalls! I was hesitant since i'm curvier however, I was
so surprised that it ended up being so flattering! The material has such great
stretch to it and the denim has that vintage washed feel which is super soft!
I'm so excited i'll definitely be snagging the other two colors
United States
Living in this set!
Everyday Ribbed Matching Set - Black
I was pleasantly surprised with how comfortable and flattering this set was! I
have been mixing and matching the pieces with items I already own. The top is so
cute with the set but I absolutely love pairing it with my KanCan Cora jeans.
The slightly relaxed fit is super comfy!
United States
CBRAND Stay Original Cold Shoulder Sweater - Heather Grey
Love these types of sweaters and it’s a nice fit. Perfect for winter and fall
United States
Fabulous Fit
Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Cream
I need them in all the colors!. Such high quality feeling. This fit me perfect
in all the right places and I didnt want to take it off. I love lounging in sets
like this so perfect to wear anywhere or at home.
United States
My go-to hoodie!
Too Good Ribbed Hoodie - Olive
I love how soft and lightweight this hoodie is! The textured detailing makes it
stand out without stepping too far out from my comfort zone. Definitely want
this in more colors!
United States
Miley Pointed Toe Booties - Black
Love these boots the quality is amazing and I love the alligator vegan
leather!!! I dozed up due to having a wider foot and they were perfect
Nikki B.
United States
Comfortable meets sexy!
Heating Things Up Jumpsuit - Black
One and done outfit and you’ll be comfortable me while feeling confident and
sexy! Loving the material it is stretchy and true to size! Love that the tie is
removable for a more simple look.
Rachel V.
United States
Get every color!
Fall Prep Mock Neck Sweater Top - Cream
I’ve paired this with jean’s and dressed it up with trousers, it’s a great look
both ways. It’s meant to fit boxy, so I love it with a little tuck to bring the
waist in a bit. Not itchy. You’ll wear this one for so many occasions.
United States
Amazing quality!
THREAD & SUPPLY Lolly Tee - Cream
I now understand the hype around Thread & Supply shirts! When I got this
t-shirt, the quality really surprised me! The fabric and fit are both so nice
and extremely flattering. I love having a high quality basic that will live
through so many wears since it's going to be an outfit go-to for me. So excited
to get the other styles! I'd stay true to size in these and only size up for a
more relaxed fit.
United States
Acid wash sweatshirts
The Obsession Is Real Acid Wash Sweatshirts
love the color & super soft.
Renee B.
United States
RISEN Della Flare Jeans - Light Wash
LOVE these jeans!!
United States
My fav waffle knit tops
Riri Waffle Knit Henley Top - Sand Beige
These tops are the absolute best I own in many colors! They go with anything and
everything! Great to wear for layering or by themselves!!!
Nikki B.
United States
Take it Easy Sweater - Black
Has a lot of distressing, to much for me. If you like distressing this will be
for you. Material is great, soft. Fits true to size
United States
Luxury says it all!
Quiet Luxury Open Front Cardigans
Another piece that feels like it could have cost double because the material is
so good! The body’ is forgiving and drapes. The arms fit true to size.
United States
Fit perfectly!!
KANCAN Heidi Mid Rise Flare Jeans - Dark Wash
I love the dark wash and slim fit down my thighs with flare at the end. They’re
comfortable and cute and super flattering! True to size in my size 7/8
Kimberly R.
United States
The quality exceeds the price!
Cool For The Summer Lounge Set
Oh my gooodness! The quality and style of this lounge set for under $50 is so
amazing! I've looked at similar sets that have been so expensive. I'm so glad I
stumbled across this one and can get multiple color options. It's super
comfortable and the fabric quality will live through lots of wears and washes.
The top is so cute paired with denim and i've been loving my shorts paired over
my favorite bodysuits. Can't stop wearing it on repeat!
United States
KANCAN Cadence Double Button Straight Leg Jeans - Medium Wash
36b 5'4 158lbs they are so comfortable.
Jean W.
United States
Perfect fit!
KANCAN Raven High Rise Slim Straight Jeans - Medium Wash
These come in on your waist which works so well with an hour glass figure and
then are relaxed the legs. The darker wash is in all the right areas to flatter
you! Only size up if you carry your weight in your stomach, otherwise I found
them to be tts. They are comfortable and can be folded or not to best fit you.
Super cute throw on and go jeans!
United States
So comfortable
Amped Up Butter Soft Jogger with Side Pockets
These pants are adorable and comfortable
Antoinette R.
United States
90s baby
FLYING MONKEY Harper 90'S Vintage Slim Straight Jeans
I like that these are not super long! Being 5’4 I can wear them with a heel or
baggy with a platform sneaker. I am usually a 5 and could go down to a 3 if I
wanted them less relaxed. The quality is amazing as expected from Flying Monkey!
United States
My Favorite sneakers!!!
A Little Extra Sneakers - White Black
These are one of favorite sneakers.. I worn them out so Im excited for the
restock. They are comfortable and I love the unique glitter detail. I also like
the platform height being that Im only 5'1. I have worn these when traveling
because they are so easy to slip in and out of.
Bridgette H.
United States
Ready Set Go!
Jessie Scuba Lounge Set - Black
This feels so high end! The material is worth double at other retailers. The fit
and detail are fantastic. Get every color! Stay tts.
United States
KANCAN Celia High-Rise Flare Jeans - Medium Wash
LOVE these jeans! Very flattering & comfortable stretch!
United States
Amazing quality!
Quiet Luxury Open Front Cardigans
The quality of the cardigan has exceeded all my expensive designer
cardigans/jackets. It is such a comfortable and soft piece but I love how it can
easily dress up any outfit. Don't miss out on getting it! The flowy open front
is extremely flattering and I love how the arms and back have a more tailored
look to them.
United States
Black platform sneakers
Bailey Platform Sneakers - Black
I absolutely love my shoes and have gotten so many compliments. They are very
comfortable and true to size. I would highly recommend getting these.
Lorinda E.
United States
Super soft sweater on sale!!!
CBRAND Come with Me Cable Knit Sweater - Grey
I’m 5’8” 145lbs & went with a medium. It’s a nice relaxed fit, just the way I
like. Excellent quality.
LaNell H.
United States


Tops Tops

Bottoms Bottoms

Outerwear Outerwear

Dresses Dresses

Shoes Shoes

Basics Basics
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