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Text Content


This page lists some of my preprints, recent reprints, and indicates how to
access my Games Bibliography. Also my special favorite, the Responsa
Project,which is used worldwide, is mentioned briefly. It is a full text storage
and retrieval system, preceeding Google by 35 years. In 2007 it was awarded the
prestigious Israel Prize.

I. Some Preprints

II. English Reprints

III. Hebrew Transliterated Reprints

            I. SOME PREPRINTS

 * D.Klein and A.S.Fraenkel, K-Pile Wythoff Games, Lexicographic Wythoff, to
   appear in Games Of No Chance.
 * A.S. Fraenkel,Complementary balanced words over an arbitrary finite
 * A.S. Fraenkel, lzichro shel Tzvi Betzer za"l, in Hebrew.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Tzadikim Urshaim b'mas' Horayot, in Hebrew. Preprint.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Leket Al Birkat Hachamah, in Hebrew. Preprint.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Hachodesh hazeh lachem
   roshhttps://link.springer.com/content/pdf/10.1007/s42979-024-02679-7.pdf . 
   chodashim, in Hebrew. Preprint.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Ichud olamot, in Hebrew. Preprint.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Mah'peichat hamach'sheiv bcheikeir eitz haTorah, in Hebrew.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Tzvi Betzer Z"L -- gareis, dayeik v'yakir, in Hebrew.


 * O. Amir, A.Amir, A.S Fraenkel, D. Sarne, On the Practical Power of Automata
   in Pattern Matching, Springer Nature Computer Science Journal, 6 April 2024.
 * A.S. Fraenkel, Solomon W. Golomb's Enlightening Games,  in: The Wisdom of
   Solomon, The Genius and Legacy of Solomon Golomb, 165-168, 2023.
 * A.S Fraenkel, Patrolling the Border of a Striking Conjecture, , INTEGERS,
   Electr. J. Combinatorial Number Theory 22, 6pp, 2022 
 * A.S. Fraenkel and U. Larsson, Games on arbitrarily large rats and
   playability, INTEGERS, Electr. J. Combinatorial Number Theory 19, 29pp,
 * E. Duchene, A.S. Fraenkel, V. Gurvich, N.B. Ho, C. Kimberling and U. Larsson,
   Wythoff  Visions, In: Games of No Chance 5, Proc. BIRS Workshop on
   Combinatorial Games, 2008, Banff, Alberta, Canada, MSRI Publ. (U. Larsson,
   ed.), Vol. 70, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 35--87, 2019.

 * A.S. Fraenkel and U. Larsson, Take-away games on Beatty's Theorem and the
   notion of k-invariance, In: Games of No Chance 5, Proc. BIRS Workshop on
   Combinatorial Games, 2008, Banff, Alberta, Canada, MSRI Publ. (U. Larsson,
   ed.), Vol. 70, Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 333--342, 2019. .
   A.S. Fraenkel, U. Larsson, C. P. Santos & B. von Stengel, Editorial, Special
   issue on combinatorial game theory, Intern. J. Game Theory, 47 no. 2 (2018)
   375 - 377.
   L. Goldberg and A.S. Fraenkel, Rulesets For Beatty Games, Intern. J. Game
   Theory, special issue on combinatorial games. 47 no. 2 (2018) 577 - 594.
   L. Goldberg and A.S. Fraenkel, Patterns in the generalized Fibonacci word,
   applied to games, Discrete Math. 341 (2018) 1675-1687.

 * H. Li,  S. Liu and A.S. Fraenkel, Extensions and restrictions of generakized
   Wythoff,  1--20.
   H. Li, S. Liu, A.S. Fraenkel and W.A. Liu, Variants of $(s,t)$ Wythoff's
   games, Discrete Appl. Math. 227 (2017) 1-12. 

 * G.E. Andrews, A.S. Fraenkel and J.A. Sellers, G.E. Andrews, A.S. Fraenkel and
   J.A. Sellers, $m$-ary partitions with no gaps: a characterization modulo $m$,
   Discrete Math. 339 (2016), pp. 283-287; DOI information:

 *  10.1016/j.disc.2015.08.016 .

 * A.S. Fraenkel, M. Rigo, Games derived from a generalized Thue-Morse word,
   Intern. J. of Game Theory 1--13  (also in Combin. game theory colloq.
   Abstract), 2016

 * G.E. Andrews, A.S. Fraenkel and J.A. Sellers, Characterizing the number of
   $m$-ary partitions modulo $m$, Amer. Math. Monthly, 122 (2015), no. 9,
   880-885, 2015. Copyright November 2015 Mathematical Association of America.
   All Rights Reserved.
   A.S. Fraenkel and N.B. Ho, When are translati ons of P-positions of Wythoff's
   game P-positions?, INTEGERS 15A, #A4, 12 pp., Proc. INTEGERS 2013 Conference,
   The Erdos Centennial Conference, 2015.
   F. Chung, C. Greene, J. Hutchinson -- Eds., Contributors; D.E. Knuth, A.S.
   Fraenkel, D. Zeilberger, M. Petkovsek, N. Calkin, R. Canfield, A. Nijenhuis,
   C.D. Savage, R.P. Stanley, F. Lazbenik -- Contributers,
   Herbert S. Wilf (1931-2012) Remembrance, Notices AMS. vol. 62, No. 4,
   346--360, April 2015. Full article at:
   http://www.math.ucsd.edu/~fan/wilf/hw-ref.pdf .
   A.S. Fraenkel and U. Peled, Harnessing the unwieldy MEX function, In: Games
   of No Chance 4, Proc. BIRS Workshop on Combinatorial Games, 2008, Banff,
   Alberta, Canada, MSRI Publ. (R.J. Nowakowski, ed.), Vol. 63, Cambridge
   University Press, Cambridge, pp. 77--94, 2015.
   A.S. Fraenkel, The Rat game and the Mouse game, In: Games of No Chance 4,
   Proc. BIRS Workshop on Combinatorial Games, 2008, Banff, Alberta, Canada,
   MSRI Publ. (R.J. Nowakowski, ed.), Vol. 63, Cambridge University Press,
   Cambridge, pp. 95--113, 2015.
   A.S. Fraenkel, R.A. Hearn and A.N. Siegel, Theory of combinatorial games,
   Chapter 15 in: Handbook of Game Theory, Volume 4 (H. Peyton Young and Shmuel
   Zamir, eds.), pp. 811- 859, Elsevier 2015.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Integrating and Rejuvenating Old and New Gems, In Language,
   Culture, Computation, Essayss Dedicated to Yaacov Choueka on the Occasion of
   His 75th Birthday, Part I, pp. 37--49, Springer, 2014.
   A. Fink, A.S. Fraenkel and C. Santos, Lim Is not Slim, Internat. J. Game
   Theory (2014) 43:269-281 DOI 10.1007/s00182-013-0380-z
   A.S. Fraenkel, Beating Your Fractional Beatty Game Opponent and: What's the
   Question to Your Answer? , in: Advances in Combinatorics, in Memory of
   Herbert S. Wilf, Proc. Waterloo Workshop on Computer Algebra, I.S. Kotsireas
   and E.V. Zima, eds., May 2011, pp. 175-186, Springer 2013.
   A.S. Fraenkel and Y. Tanny, A Class of Wythoff-Like Games , Proc. INTEGERS
   Conference, Carrollton, Georgia, Oct. 26-29, 2011, in: INTEGERS, Electr. J.
   Combinat. Number Theory 12(B) (2013) #A7, 18pp. Also in Combinatorial Number
   Theory, pp. 91-107, de Gruyter 2013. [Archive of INTEGERS.]
   A.S. Fraenkel, Ratwyt, In memory of Martin Gardner, The College Math. J.,
   March 2012, pp. 160-164.
   A.S. Fraenkel, The vile, dopey, evil and odious game players, Discrete Math.
   312 (2012) 42-46, special volume in honor of the 80th birthday of Gert
   A.S. Fraenkel, Aperiodic subtraction games, Electronic J. Combinatorics vol.
   18(2) P19 12pp., 2011. http://www.combinatorics.org/Journal/journalhome.html
   S. Blanco and A.S. Fraenkel, Tromping Games: Tiling with Trominoes, Proc.
   INTEGERS Conference, in honor of the birthdays of Melvyn Nathanson and Carl
   Pomerance, Carrollton, Georgia, Oct. 14-17, 2009, in: INTEGERS, Electr. J.
   Combinat. Number Theory 11(A) (2011) #6, 29pp.
   U. Larsson, P. Hegarty and A.S. Fraenkel, Invariant and dual subtraction
   games resolving the Duchene-Rigo conjecture, Theoretical Computer Science 412
   (2011), 729-735.
   A.S. Fraenkel, From enmity to amity. Amer. Math. Monthly 117 (2010),
   A.S. Fraenkel, Complementary Iterated Floor Words and the Flora Game. SIAM J.
   on Discrete Math 24 (2010), 570--588.
   E. Duchene, A.S. Fraenkel, R.J. Nowakowski and M. Rigo, Extensions and
   restrictions of Wythoff's game preserving its P-positions. J. Combinat.
   Theory A 117 (2010), 545--567.
   J. Bell, E. Charlier, A.S. Fraenkel, M. Rigo, A decision problem for
   ultimately periodic sets in non-standard numeration systems. Internat. J.
   Algebra Computat 19 (2009), 6, 809--839.
   A.S. Fraenkel and E. Reisner, The game of End-Wythoff, in Games of No Chance
   3, Proc. BIRS Workshop on Combinatorial Games, July 2005, Banff, Alberta,
   Canada, MSRI Publ. (M.H. Albert and R.J. Nowakowski, eds.), Vol. 56,
   Cambridge University Press, Cambridge, pp. 329-347, 2009.
   A.S. Fraenkel, The cyclic Butler University game, in: Mathematical Wizardry
   for a Gardner (E. Pegg Jr, A.H. Schoen, and T. Rodgers, eds.), in honor of
   Martin Gardner, pp. 97-105, A K Peters, Natick, MA, 2009.
   E. Duchene, A.S. Fraenkel, S. Gravier and R.J. Nowakowski, Another bridge
   between Nim and Wythoff, Australasian J. of Combinatorics 44 (2009), 43--56.
   S. Artstein-Avidan, A.S. Fraenkel and V. Sos, A two-parameter family of an
   extension of Beatty sequences, Discrete Math 308 (2008) 4578-4588.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Games played by Boole and Galois, Discrete Appl. Math., 156
   (2008) 420-427.
   P.J. Davis and A.S. Fraenkel, Remembering Philip Rabinowitz, Notices AMS 54
   (2007) 1502-1506. Reprinted, with the permission of the AMS, in The Birth of
   Numerical Analysis (A. Bultheel, R. Cools, eds.) World Scientific (2009)
   A.S. Fraenkel, The Raleigh game. in: Combinatorial Number Theory, Proc.
   INTEGERS Conference 2005, in celebration of the 70th birthday of Ronald
   Graham, Carrollton, Georgia, Oct. 27-30, 2005; B. Landman, M. Nathanson, J.
   Nesetril, R. Nowakowski, C. Pomerance, eds., de Gruyter, pp. 199-208, 2007.
   Also appeared in INTEGERS, Electr. J. Combinat. Number Theory 7(2) (2007)
   #13, 11pp., special volume in honor of Ron Graham.
   A.S. Fraenkel and A. Kontorovich, The Sierpinski sieve of Nim-varieties and
   binomial coefficients. in: Combinatorial Number Theory, Proc. Integers
   Conference 2005, in celebration of the 70th birthday of Ronald Graham,
   Carrollton, Georgia, Oct. 27-30, 2005; B. Landman, M. Nathanson, J. Nesetril,
   R. Nowakowski, C. Pomerance, eds., de Gruyter, pp. 209-227, 2007. Also
   appeared in INTEGERS, Electr. J. Combinat. Number Theory 7(2) (2007) #14,
   19pp., special volume in honor of Ron Graham.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Why are games exciting and stimulating?, Math Horizons
   February 2007, 5--7; 32--33. A German translation, by Niek Neuwahl, was
   poster-displayed at the ``Games & Science, Science & Games" exhibition, which
   took place in Goettingen, July 17 -- Aug 21, 2005. It was selected as runner
   up for an EMS Article Competition 2005 for the educated layman.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Nim is easy, chess is hard --- but why??, J. Internat.
   Computer Games Assoc. 29 (2006) 203--2006. Earlier shorter version appeared
   in Plus Mag. (electronic) issue 40, pluschat section, Sept., 2006.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Euclid and Wythoff games, Discrete Math. 304 (2005) 65--68.
   Aviezri S. Fraenkel and Jamie Simpson, An extension of the periodicity lemma
   to longer periods, Discrete Appl. Math. 146 (2005) 146-155 (special issue of
   12th Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching). Preliminary version
   appeared in Proc. 12th Annual Sympos. Combinatorial Pattern Matching,
   Jerusalem, Israel, July 1--4, 2001 (A. Amir and G. M. Landau, eds.), Lecture
   Notes in Computer Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 98--105) (invited).
   A.S. Fraenkel, New games related to old and new sequences. INTEGERS,
   Electronic J. Combinat. Number Theory 4 (2004) #G06, 18pp.
   http://www.integers-ejcnt.org . First version appeared in Advances in
   Computer Games, Proc. 10-th Advances in Computer Games Conference (ACG-10),
   Nov. 2003, Graz, Austria (H.J. van den Herik, H. Iida, E.A. Heinz, eds.), pp.
   367--382, Kluwer.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Complexity, appeal and challenges of combinatorial games,
   Expanded version of a keynote address at Dagstuhl Seminar Feb.~17--22, 2002,
   Theoretical Computer Science 313 (2004) 393-415, special issue on Algorithmic
   Combinatorial Game Theory.
   S.P. Fekete, R. Fleischer, A.S. Fraenkel and M. Schmitt, Traveling salesmen
   in the presence of competition, Theoretical Computer Science 313 (2004)
   377-392, special issue on Algorithmic Combinatorial Game Theory.
   E.D. Demaine, R. Fleischer, A.S. Fraenkel and R.J. Nowakowski, Open problems
   at the 2002 Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithmic combinatorial game theory,
   Theoretical Computer Science 313 (2004) 539-543, special issue on Algorithmic
   Combinatorial Game Theory (Appendix B).
   A.S. Fraenkel and Dalia Krieger, The structure of complementary sets of
   integers: a 3-shift theorem, Internat. J. Pure and Appl. Math. 10 (2004)
   Aviezri S. Fraenkel and Ofer Rahat, Complexity of error-correcting codes
   derived from combinatorial games, Proc. Intern. Conference on Computers and
   Games CG'2002, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, July 2002 (Y. Bj\"{o}rnsson, M.\
   M\"{u}ller, J. Schaeffer, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer Science LNCS 2883,
   pp. 201--212, Springer 2003.
   Aviezri S. Fraenkel, Jamie Simpson and Mike Paterson, On abelian circular
   squares in binary words. In: Paul Erdos and his Mathematics II, Bolyai Soc.,
   Mathematical Studies 11, Budapest 2002, pp. 329--338. An earlier version
   entitled ``On weak circular squares in binary words'' appeared in Proc. 8th
   Annual Symposium on Combinatorial Pattern Matching, Aarhus, Denmark, June
   30--July 2, 1997 (A. Apostolico and J. Hein, eds.), Lecture Notes in Computer
   Science, Springer, Berlin, pp. 76--82).
   A.S. Fraenkel, Two-player games on cellular automata, in More Games of No
   Chance, Proc. MSRI Workshop on Combinatorial Games, July 10--28, 2000,
   Berkeley, CA (R. J. Nowakowski, ed.), Cambridge University Press, Cambridge,
   Vol. 42, 2002, pp. 279--306.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Arrays, numeration systems and Frankenstein games, Theoretical
   Computer Science 282 (2002) 271--284 (special "FUN in Algorithms" issue).
   A.S. Fraenkel, Mathematical Chats Between Two Physicists, in Puzzlers'
   Tribute: A Feast for the Mind, honoring Martin Gardner (D. Wolfe and T.
   Rodgers, eds.), A K Peters, 2002, pp. 315--325.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Virus versus mankind, in: Proc. 2nd Intern. Conference on
   Computer Games CG'2000, Hamamatsu, Japan, Oct. 2000, Lecture Notes in
   Computer Science, Springer (T. Marsland, I. Frank, eds.), 2001, pp. 204--213.
   A.S. Fraenkel, T. Seeman and J. Simpson The subword complexity of a
   two-parameter family of sequences, Electronic J. Combinatorics vol. 8(2) R10,
   2001 http://www.combinatorics.org/Journal/journalhome.html
   A.S. Fraenkel, A Selection Of Mathematical Board Games, Abstract Presented at
   Board Games in Academia III, Florence, April 12--15, 1999. Proceedings Board
   Games in Academia III, pp. 46--67.
   A.S. Fraenkel and D. Zusman, A New Heap Game, Theoretical Computer Science
   252 (2001) 5--12 (special "Computers and Games issue"). Initial version
   appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1558, Proc. 1-st Intern.
   Conference on Computer Games, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1998, pp. 205--211, 1999.
   A.S. Fraenkel and O. Rahat, Infinite cyclic impartial games, Theoretical
   Computer Science 252 (2001) 13-22 (special "Computers and Games issue").
   Initial version appeared in Lecture Notes in Computer Science 1558, Proc.
   1-st Intern. Conference on Computer Games, Tsukuba, Japan, Nov. 1998, pp.
   212--221, 1999.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Recent results and questions in combinatorial game
   complexities, Expanded version of invited lecture at Ninth Australasian
   Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, Perth, Western Australia, 27---30 July
   1998, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 249 (2000) 265--288. Conference version in: Proc.
   AWOCA98 --- Ninth Australasian Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, (C.S.
   Iliopoulos, ed.), pp. 124--146.
   A.S. Fraenkel, On the recurrence f(m+1)=b(m)f(m)-f(m-1) and applications,
   Discrete Mathematics 224 (2000) 273--279 (Note).
   A.S. Fraenkel and S.T. Klein, Information retrieval from annotated texts, J.
   Amer. Soc. for Information Sciences 50 (1999) 845--854.
   A.S. Fraenkel and Jamie Simpson, The exact number of squares in Fibonacci
   words, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 218 (1999) 95--106 (special Words issue).
   A.S. Fraenkel, Protein folding, spin glass and computational complexity,
   Expanded form of invited paper presented at DNA Based Computers III, Proc.
   DIMACS Workshop (H. Rubin and D. H. Wood, Eds.), June 23--25, 1997,
   University of Pennsylvania, DIMACS Series in Discrete Mathematics and
   Theoretical Computer Science Vol. 48, AMS, 1999, pp. 101--121.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Heap games, numeration systems and sequences, Annals of
   Combinatorics 2 (1998) 197--210.
   U.Blass, A.S. Fraenkel and R. Guelman, How far can Nim in disguise be
   stretched?, J. Combin. Theory (Ser. A) 84 (1998) 145--156.
   A.S. Fraenkel, The Responsa storage and retrieval system---whither? The
   Hebrew version: Proyect hashut: avar, hoveh---v'gam atid? appeared in Dinei
   Yisrael 19 (1997-98) 253--270.
   A.S. Fraenkel and Michal Ozery, Adjoining to Wythoff's game its P-positions
   as moves, Theoretical Computer Science 205 (1998) 283--296.
   A.S. Fraenkel, Multivision: a game of arbitrarily long play, Amer. Math.
   Monthly 105 (1998) 923--928.
   A.S. Fraenkel and Jamie Simpson, How many squares can a string contain? J.
   Combin. Theory Ser. A 82 (1998) 112--120. Errata: In Table 1, the number of
   maximal words (last column) should be 6 and 72 for n=3 and n=12 respectively.
   These corrections do not otherwise affect the results of the paper. We thank
   Troy Vasiga for pointing out the first of these typos.

 * A.S. Fraenkel, Systems of numeration, AMM 1985, 105--114.
 * A.S. Fraenkel and D. Lichtenstein, Computing  a perfect  strategy for n x n
   chess requires time exponential in n, J. Combin.  Theory  Ser.  A  31 (1981)
    1 99--214..
 * M. Boshernitzan and A.S. Fraenkel, Nonhomogenious  spectra of numbers,
   Discrete Math., Communication (1981) 325--327/

 * A.S. Fraenkel, Combinatorial game theory foundations applied to digraph
   kernels , Electronic J. of Combinatorics 4(2) (1997) R10, 17pp. (Wilf

   A.S. Fraenkel, 
   and S.Simonson, 
   Theoretical Comput. Sci.
   no. 1,
   and R.
   On infinite and finite covering systems.
   Amer. Math. Monthly
   no. 8,
   M.A. Berger, 
   A. Felzenbaum
   Fraenkel, Aviezri S.
   Irreducible disjoint covering systems (with an application to Boolean
   First International Colloquium on Pseudo-Boolean Optimization and Related
   Topics (Chexbres, 1987).
   Discrete Appl. Math.
   no. 2-3,
   MR4363103 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Patrolling the border of a striking
   conjecture. Integers 22 (2022), Paper No. A3, 6 pp. 11B75
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR4188748 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Larsson, Urban Games on arbitrarily
   large rats and playability. Integers 19 (2019), Paper No. G04, 29 pp.
   (Reviewer: Grant Cairns) 91A46 (05A17 11B75)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR3965376 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Larsson, Urban Take-away games on
   Beatty's theorem and the notion of k-invariance. Games of no chance
   5, 333–342, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 70, Cambridge Univ. Press,
   Cambridge, 2019. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 1 Citation
   MR3965364 Reviewed Duch�ne, Eric; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Gurvich,
   Vladimir; Ho, Nhan Bao; Kimberling, Clark; Larsson, Urban Wythoff
   visions. Games of no chance 5, 35–87, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ.,
   70, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2019. 91A46 (91-02)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR3842044 Reviewed Goldberg, Lior; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Rulesets for Beatty
   games. Internat. J. Game Theory 47 (2018), no. 2, 577–594. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR3842035 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri; Larsson, Urban; Santos, Carlos P.; von
   Stengel, Bernhard Special issue on combinatorial game theory. Internat. J.
   Game Theory 47 (2018), no. 2, 375–377. 91-06 (91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR3784788 Reviewed Goldberg, Lior; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Patterns in the
   generalized Fibonacci word, applied to games. Discrete Math. 341 (2018), no.
   6, 1675–1687. 68R15 (91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR3661410 Reviewed Li, Haiyan; Liu, Sanyang; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Liu, Wen
   An Variants of (s,t)-Wythoff's game. Discrete Appl. Math. 227 (2017), 1–12.
   (Reviewer: Grant Cairns) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR3404489 Reviewed Andrews, George E.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Sellers, James
   A. m-ary partitions with no gaps: a characterization modulo m. Discrete
   Math. 339 (2016), no. 1, 283–287. 05A17 (05A15 11P81)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR3560331 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The Rat game and the Mouse
   game. Games of no chance 4, 95–113, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ.,
   63, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2015. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 8 Citations
   MR3560330 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Peled, Udi Harnessing the unwieldy
   MEX function. Games of no chance 4, 77–94, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ.,
   63, Cambridge Univ. Press, New York, 2015. (Reviewer: Grant Cairns) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 10 Citations
   MR3418210 Reviewed Andrews, George E.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Sellers, James
   A. Characterizing the number of m-ary partitions modulo m. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 122 (2015), no. 9, 880–885. (Reviewer: David M. Bressoud) 05A17
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR3361813 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Ho, Nhan Bao When are translations
   of P-positions of Wythoff's game P-positions? Integers 15A (2015), Paper No.
   A4, 12 pp. (Reviewer: Paweł Prałat) 91A46 (91A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR3233468 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie Corrigendum to "The
   exact number of squares in Fibonacci words'' [Theoret. Comput. Sci. 218 (1)
   (1999) 95–106] [MR1687768]. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 547 (2014), 122. 68R15
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR3197293 Reviewed Fink, Alex; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Santos, Carlos LIM is
   not slim. Internat. J. Game Theory 43 (2014), no. 2, 269–281. (Reviewer: Nhan
   Bao Ho) 91A46 (68Q80)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR3363969 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Beating your fractional Beatty game
   opponent and: what's the question to your answer? Advances in
   combinatorics, 175–186, Springer, Heidelberg, 2013. (Reviewer: Nhan Bao
   Ho) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 2 Citations
   MR3220917 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Tanny, Yuval A class of Whythoff-like
   games [reprint of MR3055681]. Combinatorial number theory, 91–107, De Gruyter
   Proc. Math., De Gruyter, Berlin, 2013. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR3055681 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri; Tanny, Yuval A class of Wythoff-like
   games. Integers 12B (2012/13), Proceedings of the Integers Conference
   2011, Paper No. A7, 18 pp. (Reviewer: Nhan Bao Ho) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR2897480 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. RATWYT. College Math.
   J. 43 (2012), no. 2, 160–164. 91A46 (11B75 91A26)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR2852506 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The vile, dopey, evil and odious game
   players. Discrete Math. 312 (2012), no. 1, 42–46. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 7 Citations
   MR2988066 Reviewed Blanco, Sa�l A.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Tromping games:
   tiling with trominoes. Integers 11 (2011), no. 3, 333–362. (Reviewer: Grant
   Cairns) 91A46 (05B50)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR2830984 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Aperiodic subtraction
   games. Electron. J. Combin. 18 (2011), no. 2, Paper 19, 12 pp. (Reviewer:
   Peter Vincent Hegarty) 91A46 (11B75 68Q25 91A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 11 Citations
   MR2796920 Reviewed Larsson, Urban; Hegarty, Peter; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Invariant and dual subtraction games resolving the Duch�ne-Rigo
   conjecture. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 412 (2011), no. 8-10, 729–735. (Reviewer:
   Andr�s S�ndor Pluh�r) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR2681526 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. From enmity to amity. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 117 (2010), no. 7, 646–648. 11B83
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR2661423 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Complementary iterated floor words
   and the Flora game. SIAM J. Discrete Math. 24 (2010), no. 2, 570–588.
   (Reviewer: E. J. Barbeau) 91A46 (05A05 11B75)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR2604147 Indexed Davis, Philip J.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Remembering Philip
   Rabinowitz [reprint of MR2361163]. The birth of numerical
   analysis, 179–186, World Sci. Publ., Hackensack, NJ, 2010. 65-03 (01A70
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR2600974 Reviewed Duch�ne, Eric; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Nowakowski, Richard
   J.; Rigo, Michel Extensions and restrictions of Wythoff's game preserving
   its P positions. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 117 (2010), no. 5, 545–567.
   (Reviewer: Thane Earl Plambeck) 91A46 (91A43)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 33 Citations
   MR2572876 Reviewed Bell, Jason; Charlier, Emilie; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Rigo,
   Michel A decision problem for ultimately periodic sets in nonstandard
   numeration systems. Internat. J. Algebra Comput. 19 (2009), no. 6, 809–839.
   (Reviewer: Petr Ambrož) 68Q45 (03B25 11B85 11U05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR2526997 Reviewed Duch�ne, E.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Gravier, S.; Nowakowski, R.
   J. Another bridge between NIM and WYTHOFF. Australas. J.
   Combin. 44 (2009), 43–56. (Reviewer: Thane Earl Plambeck) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 17 Citations
   MR2438162 Reviewed Artstein-Avidan, Shiri; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; S�s, Vera
   T. A two-parameter family of an extension of Beatty sequences. Discrete
   Math. 308 (2008), no. 20, 4578–4588. 05B45 (91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR2379074 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Games played by Boole and
   Galois. Discrete Appl. Math. 156 (2008), no. 4, 420–427. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR2361163 Indexed Davis, Philip J.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Remembering Philip
   Rabinowitz. Notices Amer. Math. Soc. 54 (2007), no. 11, 1502–1506. 01A70
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR2337048 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Kontorovich, Alex The Sierpiński
   sieve of Nim-varieties and binomial coefficients. Combinatorial number
   theory, 209–227, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2007. (Reviewer: Kimmo Eriksson) 05A10
   (11B65 91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR2337047 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The Raleigh game. Combinatorial
   number theory, 199–208, de Gruyter, Berlin, 2007. (Reviewer: E. J.
   Barbeau) 91A46 (91A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 4 Citations
   MR2184445 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Euclid and Wythoff games. Discrete
   Math. 304 (2005), no. 1-3, 65–68. 91A05 (91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 12 Citations
   MR2111926 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie An extension of the
   periodicity lemma to longer periods. Discrete Appl. Math. 146 (2005), no.
   2, 146–155. 68R15 (05A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR2116012 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. New games related to old and new
   sequences. Integers 4 (2004), G6, 18 pp. (Reviewer: David Damanik) 11B83
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 10 Citations
   MR2056945 Indexed Demaine, Erik D.; Fleischer, Rudolf; Fraenkel,
   Aviezri; Nowakowski, Richard J. Appendix B: Open problems at the 2002
   Dagstuhl Seminar on Algorithmic Combinatorial Game Theory. Algorithmic
   combinatorial game theory. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 313 (2004), no.
   3, 539–543. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR2056935 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Complexity, appeal and challenges of
   combinatorial games. Algorithmic combinatorial game theory. Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 313 (2004), no. 3, 393–415. 91A46 (05A99 68Q25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 24 Citations
   MR2056934 Reviewed Fekete, S�ndor P.; Fleischer, Rudolf; Fraenkel,
   Aviezri; Schmitt, Matthias Traveling salesmen in the presence of
   competition. Algorithmic combinatorial game theory. Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 313 (2004), no. 3, 377–392. 90C35 (68Q17 91A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR2042724 Indexed Fraenkel, A. S. New games related to old and new
   sequences. Advances in computer games (Graz, 2003), 367–382, IFIP Int. Fed.
   Inf. Process., 135, Kluwer Acad. Publ., Boston, MA, 2004. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR2020683 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Krieger, Dalia The structure of
   complementary sets of integers: a 3-shift theorem. Int. J. Pure Appl.
   Math. 10 (2004), no. 1, 1–49. (Reviewer: A. Ya. Olenko) 05A17 (05A05 91A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR1973111 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Combinatorial games: selected
   bibliography with a succinct gourmet introduction. More games of no chance
   (Berkeley, CA, 2000), 475–535, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 42, Cambridge
   Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2002. 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR1973018 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Two-player games on cellular
   automata. More games of no chance (Berkeley, CA, 2000), 279–306, Math. Sci.
   Res. Inst. Publ., 42, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 2002. 91A05 (05C85
   68Q80 91A43 91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 8 Citations
   MR1954732 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Simpson, R. J.; Paterson, M. S. On
   abelian circular squares in binary words. Paul Erdős and his mathematics, II
   (Budapest, 1999), 329–338, Bolyai Soc. Math. Stud., 11, J�nos Bolyai Math.
   Soc., Budapest, 2002. 68R15 (05A05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR1909611 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Virus versus mankind. Computers and
   games (Hamamatsu, 2000), 204–213, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.,
   2063, Springer, Berlin, 2002. 05C99 (68Q80 91A43)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR1909052 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Arrays, numeration systems and
   Frankenstein games. FUN with algorithms (Elba, 1998). Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 282 (2002), no. 2, 271–284. (Reviewer: Prabir Das) 91A46 (11B37)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR1904570 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie An extension of the
   periodicity lemma to longer periods (invited lecture). Combinatorial pattern
   matching (Jerusalem, 2001), 98–105, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci.,
   2089, Springer, Berlin, 2001. 68R15
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 2 Citations
   MR1853261 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Seeman, Tamar; Simpson, Jamie The
   subword complexity of a two-parameter family of sequences. In honor of
   Aviezri Fraenkel on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Electron. J.
   Combin. 8 (2001), no. 2, Research Paper 10, 19 pp. (Reviewer: Walter
   Kern) 91A05 (68R15)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR1806223 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Rahat, Ofer Infinite cyclic
   impartial games. Computer and games (Tsukuba, 1998). Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 252 (2001), no. 1-2, 13–22. 91A43 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR1806222 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Zusman, Dmitri A new heap
   game. Computer and games (Tsukuba, 1998). Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 252 (2001), no. 1-2, 5–12. 91A46 (68T20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 7 Citations
   MR1798313 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Recent results and questions in
   combinatorial game complexities. Combinatorial algorithms (Perth,
   1998). Theoret. Comput. Sci. 249 (2000), no. 2, 265–288. (Reviewer: Daniel
   Elliott Loeb) 91A46 (68Q25 68R05 91A40)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1781301 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. On the recurrence fm+1=bmfm−fm−1 and
   applications. Discrete Math. 224 (2000), no. 1-3, 273–279. (Reviewer: Vichian
   Laohakosol) 39A10 (11A55 40A15)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1715689 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Rahat, Ofer Infinite cyclic
   impartial games. Computers and games (Tsukuba, 1998), 212–221, Lecture Notes
   in Comput. Sci., 1558, Springer, Berlin, 1999. (Reviewer: P. A.
   Biryukov) 91A46 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 1 Citation
   MR1715688 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Zusman, Dmitri A new heap
   game. Computers and games (Tsukuba, 1998), 205–211, Lecture Notes in Comput.
   Sci., 1558, Springer, Berlin, 1999. (Reviewer: P. A. Biryukov) 91A46
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 1 Citation
   MR1688708 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Protein folding, spin glass and
   computational complexity. DNA based computers III (Philadelphia, PA,
   1997), 101–121, DIMACS Ser. Discrete Math. Theoret. Comput. Sci., 48, Amer.
   Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1999. (Reviewer: Stephen J. Willson) 92D20 (68Q25
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR1687768 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie The exact number of
   squares in Fibonacci words. WORDS (Rouen, 1997). Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 218 (1999), no. 1, 95–106. (Reviewer: Patrice S��bold) 68R15 (11B39)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 19 Citations
   MR1543394 DML Fraenkel, Aviezri; Martin, Reiner; Problems and Solutions:
   Solutions: Sets with Fixed Nim-Sum: 10564. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 106 (1999), no. 1, 71–72.
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR1681514 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Heap games, numeration systems and
   sequences. Ann. Comb. 2 (1998), no. 3, 197–210. 91A05 (05A99 91A46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 31 Citations
   MR1656919 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Multivision: an intractable impartial
   game with a linear winning strategy. Amer. Math. Monthly 105 (1998), no.
   10, 923–928. (Reviewer: E. Marchi) 90D46 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1652900 Reviewed Blass, Uri; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Guelman, Romina How far
   can nim in diguise be stretched? J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 84 (1998), no.
   2, 145–156. (Reviewer: P. A. Biryukov) 91A46 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR1638601 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Ozery, Michal Adjoining to Wythoff's
   game its P-positions as moves. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 205 (1998), no.
   1-2, 283–296. (Reviewer: P. A. Biryukov) 90D46
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 16 Citations
   MR1616571 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie How many squares can
   a string contain? J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 82 (1998), no. 1, 112–120. 68R15
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 49 Citations
   MR1608392 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, Jamie; Paterson, Mike On
   weak circular squares in binary words. Combinatorial pattern matching
   (Aarhus, 1997), 76–82, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 1264, Springer,
   Berlin, 1997. 68R15
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 3 Citations
   MR1542936 DML Fraenkel, Aviezri; Bloom, D. M.; Suman, Kenneth; Myerson,
   Gerry; Girod, Donald; Knuth, Donald E.; Priestley, W. M.; Deutsch,
   Emeric; Problems and Solutions: Problems: 10564-10570. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 104 (1997), no. 1, 68–69.
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR1444157 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Combinatorial game theory foundations
   applied to digraph kernels. The Wilf Festschrift (Philadelphia, PA,
   1996). Electron. J. Combin. 4 (1997), no. 2, Research Paper 10, approx. 17
   pp. 05C90 (05C85 68Q25 90D43)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 12 Citations
   MR1427984 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Combinatorial games: selected
   bibliography with a succinct gourmet introduction. Games of no chance
   (Berkeley, CA, 1994), 493–537, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 29, Cambridge
   Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1996. 90D46 (90-00)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 2 Citations
   MR1427980 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Error-correcting codes derived from
   combinatorial games. Games of no chance (Berkeley, CA, 1994), 417–431, Math.
   Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 29, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1996. (Reviewer:
   Ram Autar) 94B05 (90D46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR1427955 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Scenic trails ascending from
   sea-level Nim to alpine chess. Games of no chance (Berkeley, CA,
   1994), 13–42, Math. Sci. Res. Inst. Publ., 29, Cambridge Univ. Press,
   Cambridge, 1996. (Reviewer: Imma J. Curiel) 90D46 (05C99 90D05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 11 Citations
   MR1364104 Reviewed Jones, J. P.; Fraenkel, A. S. Complexities of winning
   strategies in Diophantine games. J. Complexity 11 (1995), no. 4, 435–455.
   (Reviewer: John Michael Robson) 68Q25 (03D15 68Q15 90D46)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR1336680 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Loebl, Martin Complexity of circuit
   intersection in graphs. Discrete Math. 141 (1995), no. 1-3, 135–151.
   (Reviewer: Patrick Sol�) 05C85 (57M25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1335685 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Jaffray, Alan; Kotzig,
   Anton; Sabidussi, Gert Modular Nim. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 143 (1995), no.
   2, 319–333. (Reviewer: Edward W. Packel) 90D05 (00A08 05A99 90D42)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR1310736 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Holzman, Ron Gap problems for
   integer part and fractional part sequences. J. Number Theory 50 (1995), no.
   1, 66–86. (Reviewer: Robert F. Tichy) 11J71 (11K31)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 16 Citations
   MR1309124 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, R. Jamie How many squares
   must a binary sequence contain? Electron. J. Combin. 2 (1995), Research Paper
   2, approx. 9 pp. (Reviewer: �kos Pint�r) 11B83 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 29 Citations
   MR1670621 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Combinatorial games: selected
   bibliography with a succinct gourmet introduction. Electron. J.
   Combin. 1 (1994), Dynamic Survey 2, 45 pp. 90-00 (05A99 90Dxx)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 43 Citations
   MR1310872 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Porta, H.; Stolarsky, K. B. The almost PV
   behavior of some far from PV algebraic integers. Discrete
   Math. 135 (1994), no. 1-3, 93–101. (Reviewer: D. Boyd) 11R06 (11B37 11J71)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR1289489 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Klein, S. T. Complexity aspects of
   guessing prefix codes. Algorithmica 12 (1994), no. 4-5, 409–419. (Reviewer:
   Andrea Sgarro) 94A60 (68P25 68Q15 94A29 94A45)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR1274978 Reviewed Bronstein, Victor; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. On a curious
   property of counting sequences. Amer. Math. Monthly 101 (1994), no.
   6, 560–563. (Reviewer: Giuseppe Pellegrino) 05A16
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1269166 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri Even kernels. Electron. J.
   Combin. 1 (1994), Research Paper 5, approx. 13 pp. (Reviewer: Hans L.
   Bodlaender) 05C70 (68Q25 68R10)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR1264482 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Kimberling, Clark Generalized Wythoff
   arrays, shuffles and interspersions. Discrete Math. 126 (1994), no.
   1-3, 137–149. (Reviewer: Volker Strehl) 11B83 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 10 Citations
   MR1138949 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Iterated floor function, algebraic
   numbers, discrete chaos, Beatty subsequences, semigroups. Trans. Amer. Math.
   Soc. 341 (1994), no. 2, 639–664. (Reviewer: Štefan Porubsk�) 11B83 (11B39
   11Z50 58F13)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 15 Citations
   MR1216328 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Scheinerman, Edward R.; Ullman,
   Daniel Undirected edge geography. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 112 (1993), no.
   2, 371–381. 90D35 (68Q25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 17 Citations
   MR1210094 Reviewed Eggleton, Roger B.; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, R.
   Jamie Beatty sequences and Langford sequences. Graph theory and combinatorics
   (Marseille-Luminy, 1990). Discrete Math. 111 (1993), no. 1-3, 165–178.
   (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25 (05A10)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR1208665 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Simonson, S. Geography. Theoret. Comput.
   Sci. 110 (1993), no. 1, 197–214. 90D40 (05C85 68Q25 68R10 90D35)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 11 Citations
   MR1148023 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Simpson, R. Jamie On infinite
   disjoint covering systems. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 119 (1993), no. 1, 5–9.
   (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR1214102 Reviewed Barabash, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Weiss,
   Barak Iterated Beatty functions. Random Comput. Dynam. 1 (1992/93), no.
   3, 333–348. (Reviewer: R. G. Stoneham) 11B34 (11B75)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR1130685 Reviewed Berger, M. A.; Felzenbaum, A.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Holzman,
   R. On infinite and finite covering systems. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 98 (1991), no. 8, 739–742. (Reviewer: Anne Ludington Young) 11B05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR1119698 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Lorberbom, Mordechai Nimhoff
   games. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 58 (1991), no. 1, 1–25. (Reviewer: Daniel
   Elliott Loeb) 90D46 (68Q25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 24 Citations
   MR1095546 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Selected bibliography on combinatorial
   games and some related material. Combinatorial games (Columbus, OH,
   1990), 191–226, Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., 43, AMS Short Course Lecture
   Notes, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991. 90D46 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR1095543 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Complexity of games. Combinatorial
   games (Columbus, OH, 1990), 111–153, Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., 43, AMS Short
   Course Lecture Notes, Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, RI, 1991. 90D46 (05A99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 2 Citations
   MR1095370 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Scheinerman, Edward R. A deletion
   game on hypergraphs. ARIDAM III (New Brunswick, NJ, 1988). Discrete Appl.
   Math. 30 (1991), no. 2-3, 155–162. 90D43 (05C65)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR1084184 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Porta, H.; Stolarsky, K. B. Some
   arithmetical semigroups. Analytic number theory (Allerton Park, IL,
   1989), 255–264, Progr. Math., 85, Birkh�user Boston, Boston, MA, 1990.
   (Reviewer: F. Beukers) 11A05 (20M14)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR1081578 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Irreducible disjoint covering systems (with an application to Boolean
   algebra). First International Colloquium on Pseudo-Boolean Optimization and
   Related Topics (Chexbres, 1987). Discrete Appl. Math. 29 (1990), no.
   2-3, 143–164. (Reviewer: Ivan Korec) 20D60 (03B05 03G05 11B25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR1080539 Reviewed Blass, Uri; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The Sprague-Grundy
   function for Wythoff's game. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 75 (1990), no. 3, 311–333.
   (Reviewer: Jos Potters) 90D43
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 19 Citations
   MR1075260 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Klein, S. T. Bidirectional Huffman
   coding. Comput. J. 33 (1990), no. 4, 296–307. (Reviewer: Alexander
   Barg) 94A29
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 7 Citations
   MR1031263 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Lorberbom, Mordechai Epidemiography
   with various growth functions. Combinatorics and complexity (Chicago, IL,
   1987). Discrete Appl. Math. 25 (1989), no. 1-2, 53–71. (Reviewer: A.
   Pultr) 90D05 (90D42 92A20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR1024962 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Harary, F. Geodetic contraction games on
   graphs. Internat. J. Game Theory 18 (1989), no. 3, 327–338. (Reviewer: Prabir
   Das) 90D05 (05C99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR1009869 Reviewed Duvdevani, N.; Fraenkel, A. S. Properties of k-Welter's
   game. Discrete Math. 76 (1989), no. 3, 197–221. (Reviewer: Victor J.
   Baston) 90D05 (05A99 90D42)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR0992303 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The use and usefulness of numeration
   systems. Inform. and Comput. 81 (1989), no. 1, 46–61. 68Q20 (20F99)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0983032 Reviewed Agur, Z.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Klein, S. T. Errata to: "The
   number of fixed points of the majority rule''. Discrete Math. 73 (1989), no.
   3, 321. (Reviewer: K. B. Reid) 05A15 (68Q80 90A08 92A10 92A20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0991211 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Mycielski-Sierpiński conjecture and Korec-Zn�m result. Colloq.
   Math. 56 (1988), no. 2, 241–249. (Reviewer: Michael E. Mays) 20D60 (11A07
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR0957212 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Loebl, Martin; Nes̆etr̆il,
   Jaroslav Epidemiography. II. Games with a dozing yet winning player. J.
   Combin. Theory Ser. A 49 (1988), no. 1, 129–144. 90D42 (05C20 90D05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0955126 Reviewed Agur, Z.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Klein, S. T. The number of
   fixed points of the majority rule. Discrete Math. 70 (1988), no. 3, 295–302.
   (Reviewer: K. B. Reid) 05A15 (68Q80 90A08 92A10 92A20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 16 Citations
   MR0945272 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Improvements to the Newman-Zn�m result for disjoint covering systems. Acta
   Arith. 50 (1988), no. 1, 1–13. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11A07 (11B25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0945267 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Disjoint covering systems with precisely one multiple modulus. Acta
   Arith. 50 (1988), no. 2, 171–182. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25 (11A07)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0942479 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Erdős, Paul; Felzenbaum,
   Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Nearly disjoint covering systems. Eleventh
   British Combinatorial Conference (London, 1987). Ars
   Combin. 25 (1988), B, 231–246. (Reviewer: R. C. Mullin) 11A07
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0939862 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Covers of product sets and the Korec-Zn�m result. European J.
   Combin. 9 (1988), no. 2, 131–138. (Reviewer: Ivan Korec) 11B25
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0922566 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel,
   Aviezri Remark on the multiplicity of a partition of a group into
   cosets. Fund. Math. 128 (1987), no. 3, 139–144. (Reviewer: F. P�rez
   Monasor) 20D60 (20D20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR0899900 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Goldschmidt,
   Elisheva PSPACE-hardness of some combinatorial games. J. Combin. Theory Ser.
   A 46 (1987), no. 1, 21–38. (Reviewer: Andreas Blass) 68Q15 (05C20 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 7 Citations
   MR0899899 Reviewed Kahane, Joseph; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. k-Welter—a
   generalization of Welter's game. J. Combin. Theory Ser. A 46 (1987), no.
   1, 1–20. (Reviewer: Victor J. Baston) 90D05 (05A99 90D42)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR0893463 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Necessary condition for the existence of an incongruent covering system
   with odd moduli. II. Acta Arith. 48 (1987), no. 1, 73–79. (Reviewer: Š.
   Zn�m) 11A07
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR0891542 Reviewed Berger, M. A.; Felzenbaum, A.; Fraenkel, A. S. Lattice
   parallelotopes and disjoint covering systems. Discrete Math. 65 (1987), no.
   1, 23–46. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25 (11A07)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0887178 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Kotzig, A. Partizan octal games: partizan
   subtraction games. Internat. J. Game Theory 16 (1987), no. 2, 145–154.
   (Reviewer: G. A. Heuer) 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR0880165 Reviewed Apostolico, Alberto; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Robust
   transmission of unbounded strings using Fibonacci representations. IEEE
   Trans. Inform. Theory 33 (1987), no. 2, 238–245. (Reviewer: Andrea
   Sgarro) 94B45 (94A29)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 15 Citations
   MR0875291 Reviewed Berger, M. A.; Felzenbaum, A.; Fraenkel, A. S. A
   nonanalytic proof of the Newman-Zn�m result for disjoint covering
   systems. Combinatorica 6 (1986), no. 3, 235–243. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25
   (11A07 11B83)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 10 Citations
   MR0867643 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Yesha, Yaacov The generalized
   Sprague-Grundy function and its invariance under certain mappings. J. Combin.
   Theory Ser. A 43 (1986), no. 2, 165–177. (Reviewer: Harold Reiter) 90D42
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 8 Citations
   MR0847297 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel,
   Aviezri Necessary condition for the existence of an incongruent covering
   system with odd moduli. Acta Arith. 45 (1986), no. 4, 375–379. (Reviewer: Š.
   Zn�m) 11A07
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0846712 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel,
   Aviezri The Herzog-Sch�nheim conjecture for finite nilpotent groups. Canad.
   Math. Bull. 29 (1986), no. 3, 329–333. (Reviewer: E. I. Khukhro) 20D60
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR0843471 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Disjoint covering systems of rational Beatty sequences. J. Combin. Theory
   Ser. A 42 (1986), no. 1, 150–153. (Reviewer: Calvin T. Long) 11B75 (11B83)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR0818066 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. New results for covering systems of residue sets. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc.
   (N.S.) 14 (1986), no. 1, 121–126. (Reviewer: Štefan Porubsk�) 11B25
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0824850 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Improvements to two results concerning systems of residue sets. Ars
   Combin. 20 (1985), 69–82. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11A07
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0815340 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The use and usefulness of numeration
   systems. Combinatorial algorithms on words (Maratea, 1984), 187–203, NATO
   Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. F: Comput. Systems Sci., 12, Springer, Berlin, 1985.
   (Reviewer: D. A. Klarner) 68Q20 (68P05 68R05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR0815339 Indexed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Klein, Shmuel T. Novel compression of
   sparse bit-strings—preliminary report. Combinatorial algorithms on words
   (Maratea, 1984), 169–183, NATO Adv. Sci. Inst. Ser. F: Comput. Systems Sci.,
   12, Springer, Berlin, 1985. 68P99
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 3 Citations
   MR0789177 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Nes̆etr̆il,
   Jaroslav Epidemiography. Pacific J. Math. 118 (1985), no. 2, 369–381.
   (Reviewer: Klaus Lommatzsch) 90D05 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR0777556 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Systems of numeration. Amer. Math.
   Monthly 92 (1985), no. 2, 105–114. (Reviewer: Torleiv Kl�ve) 11B37
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 103 Citations
    Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Irreducible
   disjoint covering systems (with an application to Boolean algebra). First
   International Colloquium on Pseudo-Boolean Optimization and Related Topics
   (Chexbres, 1987). Discrete Appl. Math. 29 (1990), no. 2-3, 143–164. 
    Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Mycielski-Sierpiński conjecture and Korec-Zn�m result. Colloq.
   Math. 56 (1988), no. 2, 241–249. 
   MR0945272 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Improvements to the Newman-Zn�m result for disjoint covering systems. Acta
   Arith. 50 (1988), no. 1, 1–13. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11A07 (11B25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0945267 Reviewed Berger, Marc A.; Felzenbaum, Alexander; Fraenkel, Aviezri
   S. Disjoint covering systems with precisely one multiple modulus. Acta
   Arith. 50 (1988), no. 2, 171–182. (Reviewer: Š. Zn�m) 11B25 (11A07)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0791023 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Hammer, Peter L. Pseudo-Boolean
   functions and their graphs. Convexity and graph theory (Jerusalem,
   1981), 137–146, North-Holland Math. Stud., 87, Ann. Discrete Math.,
   20, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1984. (Reviewer: Pavol Hell) 90C99 (05C99
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 3 Citations
   MR0744489 Reviewed Boshernitzan, M.; Fraenkel, A. S. A linear algorithm for
   nonhomogeneous spectra of numbers. J. Algorithms 5 (1984), no. 2, 187–198.
   (Reviewer: Richard T. Bumby) 11Y55 (68Q40)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 9 Citations
   MR0742402 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Wythoff games, continued fractions,
   cedar trees and Fibonacci searches. Theoret. Comput. Sci. 29 (1984), no.
   1-2, 49–73. 68Q20 (05A99 90D05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 25 Citations
   MR0732206 Reviewed Mor, M.; Fraenkel, A. S. Cayley permutations. Discrete
   Math. 48 (1984), no. 1, 101–112. (Reviewer: M. Livingston) 05A15 (05A05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 7 Citations
   MR0741904 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Mor, Moshe Combinatorial compression
   and partitioning of large dictionaries. Comput. J. 26 (1983), no.
   4, 336–343. 68P99 (68R05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0732312 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Mor, M.; Perl, Y. Is text compression by
   prefixes and suffixes practical? Acta Inform. 20 (1983), no.
   4, 371–389. 68U15 (94A29)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0727659 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Wythoff games, continued fractions,
   cedar trees and Fibonacci searches. Automata, languages and programming
   (Barcelona, 1983), 203–225, Lecture Notes in Comput. Sci., 154, Springer,
   Berlin, 1983. 68Q20 (11B39 90D05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR0691047 Reviewed Mor, M.; Fraenkel, A. S. Permutation generation on vector
   processors. Comput. J. 25 (1982), no. 4, 423–428. 68E99 (05A05 68C05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0678172 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Yesha, Y. Theory of annihilation games.
   I. J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 33 (1982), no. 1, 60–86. (Reviewer: Selim G.
   Akl) 90D05 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR0675171 Reviewed Fraenkel, L. E. On the embedding of C1(Ω�) in C0,α(Ω�). J.
   London Math. Soc. (2) 26 (1982), no. 2, 290–298. (Reviewer: J. S.
   Martins) 46E35
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0671176 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Tassa, Uzi Strategies for compounds
   of partizan games. Math. Proc. Cambridge Philos. Soc. 92 (1982), no.
   2, 193–204. 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 3 Citations
   MR0666110 Reviewed Amick, C. J.; Fraenkel, L. E.; Toland, J. F. On the Stokes
   conjecture for the wave of extreme form. Acta Math. 148 (1982), 193–214.
   (Reviewer: Alberto Valli) 35R35 (76B15)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 116 Citations
   MR0660914 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. How to beat your Wythoff games'
   opponent on three fronts. Amer. Math. Monthly 89 (1982), no.
   6, 353–361. 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 56 Citations
   MR0675689 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Planar kernel and Grundy
   with d≤3, dout≤2, din≤2 are NP-complete. Discrete Appl. Math. 3 (1981), no.
   4, 257–262. 68C25 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 29 Citations
   MR0635143 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Lichtenstein, David Computing a
   perfect strategy for n�n chess requires time exponential in N. Automata,
   languages and programming (Akko, 1981), pp. 278–293, Lecture Notes in Comput.
   Sci., 115, Springer, Berlin-New York, 1981. 90D05 (68C25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR0629595 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Lichtenstein, David Computing a
   perfect strategy for n�n chess requires time exponential in n. J. Combin.
   Theory Ser. A 31 (1981), no. 2, 199–214. 68C25 (90D05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 11 Citations
   MR0616779 Reviewed Fraenkel, L. E. A lower bound for electrostatic capacity
   in the plane. Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A 88 (1981), no.
   3-4, 267–273. 78A30 (31A15 49G05 52A40)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 5 Citations
   MR0613413 Reviewed Boshernitzan, M.; Fraenkel, A. S. Nonhomogeneous spectra
   of numbers. Discrete Math. 34 (1981), no. 3, 325–327. 10L10
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 11 Citations
   MR1572333 DML Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Herda, Hans; News and Letters. Math.
   Mag. 53 (1980), no. 1, 59–61.
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0593528 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. From Nim to Go. Ann. Discrete
   Math. 6 (1980), 137–156. (Reviewer: Harold Reiter) 90D05 (05C20 68C25)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation


   MR1567093 DML Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Book Review: On numbers and games // Book
   Review: Surreal numbers. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 84 (1978), no. 6, 1328–1336.
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0523586 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Mushkin, M.; Tassa, U. Determination
   of [nθ] by its sequence of differences. Canad. Math. Bull. 21 (1978), no.
   4, 441–446. (Reviewer: Maurice Mignotte) 10F20 (10A30)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 18 Citations
   MR0496795 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Tassa, Uzi; Yesha, Yaacov Three
   annihilation games. Math. Mag. 51 (1978), no. 1, 13–17. (Reviewer: Stanisław
   Zdrzałka) 90D99
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0464779 Reviewed Attar, R.; Choueka, Y.; Dershowitz, N.; Fraenkel, A.
   S. KEDMA—linguistic tools for retrieval systems. J. Assoc. Comput.
   Mach. 25 (1978), no. 1, 52–66. (Reviewer: K. H. V. Booth) 68A50
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0429815 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Complementary systems of
   integers. Amer. Math. Monthly 84 (1977), no. 2, 114–115. (Reviewer:
   Jau-Shyong Shiue) 10L05 (10A40)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 8 Citations
   MR0449726 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Yesha, Y. Theory of annihilation
   games. Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. 82 (1976), no. 5, 775–777. (Reviewer: Richard
   K. Guy) 90D05 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0414115 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Tassa, U. Strategy for a class of games
   with dynamic ties. Comput. Math. Appl. 1 (1975), no. 2, 237–254. (Reviewer:
   Richard K. Guy) 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0384171 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Perl, Y. Constructions in combinatorial
   games with cycles. Infinite and finite sets (Colloq., Keszthely, 1973;
   dedicated to P. Erdős on his 60th birthday), Vols. I, II, III, pp. 667–699.
   Colloq. Math. Soc. J�nos Bolyai, Vol. 10, North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1975.
   (Reviewer: R. K. Guy) 90D05 (05C20)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 5 Citations
   MR0376591 Reviewed Borosh, I.; Fraenkel, A. S. A generalization of Jarn�k's
   theorem on Diophantine approximations to Ridout type numbers. Trans. Amer.
   Math. Soc. 211 (1975), 23–38. (Reviewer: Roland Fischer) 10K15
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0374076 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Further characterizations and
   properties of exactly covering congruences. Discrete Math. 12 (1975), 93–100;
   erratum, ibid. 12 (1975), no. 4, 397. (Reviewer: A. J. Zajta) 10L05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0354027 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Combinatorial games with an
   annihilation rule. The influence of computing on mathematical research and
   education (Proc. Sympos. Appl. Math., Vol. 20, Univ. Montana, Missoula,
   Mont., 1973), pp. 87–91. Amer. Math. Soc., Providence, R.I., 1974. (Reviewer:
   T. L. Saaty) 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter 3 Citations
   MR0339824 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Borosh, I. A generalization of Wythoff's
   game. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 15 (1973), 175–191. (Reviewer: Richard
   K. Guy) 90D05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 14 Citations
   MR0316359 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. A characterization of exactly
   covering congruences. Discrete Math. 4 (1973), 359–366. (Reviewer: J. M.
   Gandhi) 10A10 (10A35)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR0309770 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Complementing and exactly covering
   sequences. J. Combinatorial Theory Ser. A 14 (1973), 8–20. (Reviewer: A.
   Zajta) 05B40
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 30 Citations
   MR0308060 Reviewed Borosh, I.; Fraenkel, A. S. A generalization of Jarn�k's
   theorem on Diophantine approximations. Nederl. Akad. Wetensch. Proc. Ser.
   A 75=Indag. Math. 34 (1972), 193–201. (Reviewer: W. W. Adams) 10F10
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 17 Citations
   MR0302599 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S.; Levitt, Jonathan; Shimshoni,
   Michael Characterization of the set of values f(n)=[nα],  n=1,2,⋯. Discrete
   Math. 2 (1972), no. 4, 335–345. (Reviewer: R. E. Greenwood) 10L10
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 10 Citations
   MR0321866 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Diophantine equations involving
   generalized triangular and tetrahedral numbers. Computers in number theory
   (Proc. Sci. Res. Council Atlas Sympos. No. 2, Oxford, 1969), pp.
   99–114. Academic Press, London, 1971. (Reviewer: J. Riordan) 10A40 (10B35)
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Chapter
   MR0294157 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S. "Economic traversal of labyrinths'':
   Correction. Math. Mag. 44 (1971), 12. 05C35
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0265194 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S. Economic traversal of labyrinths. Math.
   Mag. 43 (1970), 125–130. 05.40
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR0234900 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The bracket function and
   complementary sets of integers. Canadian J. Math. 21 (1969), 6–27. (Reviewer:
   B. Garrison) 10.05
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 32 Citations
   MR0188159 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Borosh, I. Corrigendum: Fractional
   dimension of a set of transcendental numbers. Proc. London Math. Soc.
   (3) 16 (1966), 192. 10.32
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0187379 Reviewed Borosh, I.; Fraenkel, A. S. Exact solutions of linear
   equations with rational coefficients by congruence techniques. Math.
   Comp. 20 (1966), 107–112. (Reviewer: B. N. Parlett) 65.35
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 6 Citations
   MR0177949 Reviewed Fraenkel, A. S.; Borosh, I. Fractional dimension of a set
   of transcendental numbers. Proc. London Math. Soc. (3) 15 (1965), 458–470.
   (Reviewer: J. Popken) 10.32
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0170860 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Distance to the nearest integer and
   algebraic independence of certain real numbers. Proc. Amer. Math.
   Soc. 16 (1965), 154–160. (Reviewer: W. J. LeVeque) 10.32
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article
   MR0164932 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. Transcendental numbers and a
   conjecture of Erdős and Mahler. J. London Math. Soc. 39 (1964), 405–416.
   (Reviewer: G. J. Rieger) 10.32
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR0154841 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. New proof of the generalized Chinese
   Remainder Theorem. Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 14 (1963), 790–791. (Reviewer: D.
   H. Lehmer) 10.06 (10.09)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   MR0153613 Reviewed Gordon, B.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Straus, E. G. On the
   determination of sets by the sets of sums of a certain order. Pacific J.
   Math. 12 (1962), 187–196. (Reviewer: L. Moser) 10.62 (10.05)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   MR0146990 Reviewed Cantor, D. G.; Estrin, G.; Fraenkel, A. S.; Turn, R. A
   very high-speed digital number sieve. Math. Comp. 16 (1962), 141–154.
   (Reviewer: D. H. Lehmer) 68.00 (10.64)
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 2 Citations
   MR0144852 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. On a theorem of D. Ridout in the
   theory of Diophantine approximations. Trans. Amer. Math.
   Soc. 105 (1962), 84–101. (Reviewer: J. Popken) 10.30
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 4 Citations
   NUMBERS. Thesis (Ph.D.)–University of California, Los Angeles. 1961. (no
   paging), ProQuest LLC
   Review PDF Clipboard Series Thesis
   MR0122019 Reviewed Fraenkel, Aviezri S. The use of index calculus and
   Mersenne primes for the design of a high-speed digital multiplier. J. Assoc.
   Comput. Mach. 8 (1961), 87–96. (Reviewer: C. B. Haselgrove) 68.00
   Review PDF Clipboard Journal Article 1 Citation
   A.S. Fraenkel,
   Wythoff Games, Continued Fractions, Cedar Trees and Fibonacci Searches
   Theoretical Computer Science (1984) 49-73


   A.S. Fraenkel and I. Borosh, A generalization of Wythoff's game, J.  Combin.
   Theory ,  (1973)  175--191.


   III. Hebrew Transliterated Reprints


    * A.S. Fraenkel, Eileh v'eileh, in Hebrew. 'Hama'ayan, July 2023.  
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Midat ha'anava' at alit al kulana , in Hebrew;  'Hama'ayan,
      December   2022.  
       * A.S. Fraenkel, T'guva Litguva Transliteration , in Hebrew;  appeared in
         'Hama'ayan, July 2022.  
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Yachasey gomlin beyn Beth Din l'veyn mitdaynim, (in
      Hebrew).  Appeared in "Hama'ayan", Chanuka, Tashpav,  December 2021.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Al hilchot hashacheyn hachiloni (in Hebrew). Hatzofe Erev
      shabbat Mas'ey, ha-tashsach, Aug. 1, 2008, p. 40.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Sifrei Chayim v'sifrei Meitim P'tuchim lfanav (in Hebrew).
      Hama'ayan 48, Issue 1, Tishrei ha-tashsach, September 2007, pp. 34--37,
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Hirhurim m'atim al proyekt hashu''t (in Hebrew) {\it
      Hatzofe\/} Erev Shabbat Hagadol, 11 Nissan ha-tashsaz, March 30, 2007, pp.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Madua ein korin korban musaf shel shabbat b'shabbat -- B,
      in Hebrew. Hama'ayan 47, Issue 3, Nissan Ha-Tashsaz, March 2007, pp.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Al t'filot ha'amida shel arvit, shacharit, mincha umisfei
      rosh chodesh, in Hebrew. Moriya 27, Issue 9-10, pp. 85--89, Tevet
      Ha-tashsav, Jan 2006.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Korban pesach b'veit hamikdash: She'elat z'man umakom, in
      Hebrew. Sefer hazikaron ``Yoseif Da'at" l'zichro shel Yoseif Aharon Nitzan
      za"l (Memorial volume commemorating the memory of the late Yosef Aharon
      Nitzan), Sh'vat Ha-tashsav (Feb 2006), pp. 238--244.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Vaykonein Yirm'yahu al Yoshiyahu, in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev
      Shabbat Pinchas, ha-tashsad, July 9, 2004, p. 14.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Mikra'ot b'chag hashavu'ot v'darchei heyseik (in Hebrew).
      Dedicated to the memory of Prof. Shalom (Freddy) Hirshfeld, za''l, Hatzofe
      Erev Chag Hashavuot, ha-tashsad, May 25, 2004, p. 13.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Meshech Chochma l'sar haTorah, in Hebrew. Dedicated to the
      memory of Dr. Zvi Betzer, za"l, Hatzofe Erev Shabbat Ki Tavo, ha-tashsag,
      Sept 12, 2003, p. 12, 14
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Sukkot B'Shavu'ot, in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev Shabbat
      Sh'lach-L'cha, ha-tashsag, June 20, 2003, p. 14
    * A.S. Fraenkel, hitmachut, mumchiyut utchumim, in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev
      Shabbat Vayeishev, erev chag haChanukah, ha-tashsag, Nov 29, 2002, p. 11.
    * S. Yedid and A.S. Fraenkel, Hashofeit kol ha'aretz lo ya'aseh mishpat?, in
      Hebrew. Dedicated to the memory of Dr. Zvi Betzer, za"l, Hatzofe Erev
      Shabbat Vayeira, ha-tashsag, Oct 25, 2002, p. 14.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, R'galim, korbanot, avodah zarah, in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev
      chag haSukkot, ha-tashsag, Sept 20, 2002, p. 13.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Bein yachid l'tzibbur biymei din, in Hebrew. Hatzofe 1st
      part: Erev Rosh Hashanah, ha-tashsag, Sept 6, 2002, pp. 12--13; 2nd part:
      Erev Yom Kippur, Sept 15, 2002, p. 4.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, He'arot z'irot (2), in Hebrew. Hatzofe (under the title
      "Zeicheir liy'tzi'at mitzrayim") Erev Shabbat Hagadol, 13 Nissan,
      ha-tashsa; April 4, 2001, pp. 12-13.
    * A.S. Fraenkel He'arot z'irot (1), in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev Shabbat
      Mishpatim, parashat Sh'kalim, 1 Adar, ha-tashsa; Feb 23, 2001, pp. 14-15.
    * A.S. Fraenkel M'sirut nefesh ugvurat nefesh, in Hebrew. Hatzofe Erev
      Shabbat Bo, 9 Sh'vat, ha-tashsa; Feb 2, 2001, p. 10.
    * A.S. Fraenkel Al ``Meshech Chochma'', in Hebrew. Hatzofe (under the title
      'Bein n'vuat emet linvuat sheker (al echad meiekronot haparshanut shel
      ha"meshech chochmah")', Erev Shabbat Tol'dot, 4 Kisleiv ha-tashsa; Dec 1,
      2000, p. 8.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Bein yehudim lishe'einam yehudim, in Hebrew. Hatzofe,
      Appeared in two parts: Erev Shavuot, 5 Sivan ha-tashas, June 8, 2000; and
      Erev Shabbat B'ha'alotcha, 13 Sivan ha-tashas; June 16, 2000.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Simaniyot baMikra, in Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat
      K'doshim, 30 Nissan ha-tashas; May 5, 2000.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Hadramah hashnatit, in Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat
      Vayigash, 8 Teiveit ha-tashas; Dec. 17, 1999, p. 12.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, T'filah: keifel teivot umiktzat hanhagot shel shatz, in
      Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Rosh Hashanah ha-tashas, 29 Elul ha-tashnat; Sept.
      10, 1999, pp. 16--17.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Chidon otzrot yisraeil, in Hebrew. In Memorial Volume
      commemorating Rabbi Aaron Nathan Weiss zatzal. A preliminary version
      appeared in Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat Bamidbar, Yom Shichrur Yerushalayim, 28
      Iyar ha-tashnat; May 14, 1999. p. 14.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Kabalat ol malchut shamayim, in Hebrew. Morashteinu vol.
      13, 33-38, Sept. 1999. Preliminaty version appeared in Hatzofe, Erev
      Shabbat Vay'chi, 13 Teiveit ha-tashnat; January 1, 1999, p. 12.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, K'az kein atah, in Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Pesach, 14 Nissan
      ha-tashnat; March 31, 1999, p. 14.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Bameh maftirin uvameh ein maftirin, in Hebrew. Hatzofe,
      Erev Shabbat Nitzavim-Vayeilech, 24 Elul ha-tashnaz; September 26, 1997,
      pp. 7--8.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Madua ein korin korban musaf shel shabbat b'shabbat, in
      Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat Pin'chas, 20 Tamuz ha-tashnaz; July 25,
      1997, p. 6.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Hafradat rashuyot tifkudit bein kohen gadol, melech
      v'sarim?, in Hebrew. Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat Acharei Mot, 25 Nissan
      ha-tashnaz; May 2, 1997, p. 7.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Haramba"m, haRashb"a uMaran al ta'ut b'seifer Torah, in
      Hebrew. Moriya 21 Issue 5--6, Adar Beit ha-tashnaz; 1997, pp. 109--110.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, L'olam heveih adam koneis divrei Torah k'lalim, in Hebrew.
      Hatzofe, Erev Shabbat Ki Tissa, 21 Adar Aleph ha-tashnaz; Feb. 28, 1997,
      p. 8.
    * A.S. Fraenkel, Nusach birkat "me'ein shalosh" utfilato shel kohen gadol
      b'yom hakipurim, in Hebrew. Sh'ma'atin 125, Chanukah ha-tashnav; 1995, pp.
      A dynamic bibliography on Combinatorial Games, currently containing over
      1700 items is a Dynamic Survey (D2, originally 1994) in the Dynamic
      Surveys section of the Electronic Journal of Combinatorics. For the latest
      update, view/download one of the files: gb.dvi, gb.pdf. Corrections,
      suggestions and comments are welcome. They should be sent to me by email.
      Some of the leading refereed electronic journals in mathematics can be
      accessed from here, via the courtesy of the AMS. We mention especially the
      influential Electr. J. Combinatorics, and the younger, yet prestigeous,
      INTEGERS -- Electronic Journal of Combinatorial Number Theory. It has a
      combinatorial games section.
      The Responsa Project stores the largest compilation of Jewish databases
      (it should actually be considerably larger). The most sophisticated search
      tools for Hebrew and Aramaic text processing (which should be much more
      sophisticated!) have been developed for searching it. Its philosophy,
      described from two viewpoints, can be found at: Yaacov Choueka, Aviezri
      Fraenkel's Work in Information Retrieval and Related Areas, A.S. Fraenkel,
      The Responsa storage and retrieval system---whither? The Hebrew version:
      Proyect hashut: avar, hoveh---v'gam atid? appeared in Dinei Yisrael 19
      (1997-98) 253--270. It is a full text storage and retrival system,
      preceeding Google by 35 years, used worldwide. In 2007 it was awarded the
      prestigious Israel Prize.
    * Australia: Rony Attar, Nhan Bao Ho, Jamie Simpson
    * Belgium; Emilie Charlier, Michel Rigo
    * Canada: Jason Bell, British Columbia; James Jones, Alberta; the late Anton
      Kotzig, Quebec; Richard Nowakowski, Nova Scotia; Gert Sabidussi, Quebec
    * China: Rudolf Fleischer, Haiyan Li, Sanyang Liu, Wen An Liu
    * Czech Republic: Martin Loebl, Jaroslav Nesetril
    * France; Eric Duchene, Sylvain Gravier
    * Germany: Sandor Fekete, Matthias Schmitt
    * Hungary: the late Paul Erdos, Vera Sos
    * Israel: Zvia Agur, Shiri Artstein-Avidan, Alexander Barabash, Marc Berger,
      Uri Blass, Viktor Bronstein, Yaacov Choueka, Meir Cohen, Nachum
      Dershowitz, Joseph Dueck, N. Duvdevani, the late Joseph Gillis, Lior
      Goldberg, Elisheva Goldschmidt, Romina Guelman, Ron Holzman, Tomi Klein,
      Dalia Krieger, the late Dan Loewenthal, Mordechai Lorberbom, the late
      Moshe Mor, Mordechai Mushkin, Michal Ozery, Udi Peled, Ofer Rahat, Benny
      Reuter, D. Schindler, Tamar Seeman, E. Segal, the late Michael Shimshoni,
      Mark Slae, E. Spitz, Yuval Tanny, Uzi Tassa, Barak Weiss, Sinai Yedid
      (Responsa), Dmitri Zusman
    * Italy: The late Alberto Apostolico
    * Portugal: Carlos Santos
    * Sweden: Peter Hegarty, Urban Larsson
    * UK: Jonathan Levitt, Mike Paterson
    * USA: George Andrews, PA, Saul Blanco, Itshak Borosh, TX; Michael
      Boshernitzan, TX; the late David Cantor, CA; Philip J. Davis, RI; Erik
      Demaine, MA; Roger Eggleton, IL; the late Gerald Estrin, CA; Alexander
      Felzenbaum, NY; Alex Fink, NC; Michael Garey, NJ; the late Basil Gordon,
      CA; Vladimir Gurvich, NJ; the late Peter Hammer, NJ; the late Frank
      Harary, NM; Robert Hearn, CA, Hans Herda, MA; Alan Jaffrey, IL; David
      Johnson, NJ; Joseph Kahane, NY; Clark Kimberling, IN; Alex Kontorovich,
      NY; David Lichtenstein, MA; Yehoshua Perl, NJ; Horacio Porta, IL; D. Raab,
      NY; Edward Reingold, IL; Elnatan Reisner, MD; Prashant Saxena, IL;Thomas
      Schaefer, CA; Edward Scheinerman, MD; James Sellers, PA, Aaron Siegel, CA,
      Shai Simonson, MA; Kenneth Stolarsky, IL; the late Ernst Straus, CA; the
      late Rein Turn, CA; Daniel Ullman, DC; Yaacov Yesha, MD
      2014, Medal of Honor World Orthodox Leadership Forum, for the Responsa
      Project. Rabbi Avichai Katzin, from the awarding committee, wrote inter
      alia (translation from Hebrew): "The establishment of an enterprise as
      important as the Responsa Project, that daily grants many thousands the
      study of Judaica at an outstanding scale, undoubtely deserves more than
      the decoration you received."
      2007, Elected Meritocrat of Rehovot (Yakir Ha'ir). One of the photos of
      the ceremony, March 6, 2007. (without recipient and spouse)
      2007, Israel Prize for the Responsa Project, initiated in 1963, that
      appears to be the first viable, durable full-text retrieval system, 35
      years prior to Google.
      2006, Recipient of WEIZAC Medal, at December 5 special seminar,
      celebrating recognition by the IEEE of the WEIZAC project as a Milestone
      in the History of Computers. (WEIZAC, constructed at the Weizmann
      Institute of Science in 1954, was the first electronic digital computer in
      the Middle East, and one of the first in the world.)
      2005, Euler Medal recipient of the Institute for Combinatorics and Its
      Applications. Excerpts from the citation in Bull. ICA 47, May 2006; front
      of medal, back; photographed by Eli Shechtman.
      2005, Runner up in European Mathematical Society Article Competition.
      2001, The Fraenkel Festschrift volume, Electr, J. of Combinatorics, vol.
      1998, Quality Initiative Citation to the Responsa Project for creative,
      high-quality and visionary projects to celebrate the 50th anniversary of
      the establishment of the State of Israel.
      1972, Feder Foundation Prize for initiating and creating the Responsa
      Wikipedia pages: Hebrew ; English ; German .
      * Email: "aviezri.fraenkel" followed by the "at" symbol, followed by
        "weizmann.ac.il" .
      * Telephone: 972-8-9343539; secretary: 972-8-9343545
      * Fax: 972-8-9342945.
      * Business address:
        * Professor Aviezri S. Fraenkel
        * Dept of Compu Sci & Appl Math
        * Weizmann Institute of Science
        * 76100 Rehovot
        * Israel
      URL for this homepage is: http://www.wisdom.weizmann.ac.il/~fraenkel
      Return for additional wisdom