lfg.jup.ag Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:3108::ac42:2891  Public Scan

URL: https://lfg.jup.ag/wen
Submission: On January 26 via manual from PH — Scanned from DE

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

<form class="flex flex-col items-center justify-between w-full">
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      <div class="flex flex-col">DCA may not execute initially when competition is high. The larger your order, the greater the chance it will be executed.</div>
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                  d="M6.69319 5.84293V8.58985C6.69319 8.97282 6.38288 9.28313 5.99992 9.28313C5.61695 9.28313 5.30664 8.97282 5.30664 8.58985V5.84293C5.30664 5.46043 5.61695 5.14966 5.99992 5.14966C6.38288 5.14966 6.69319 5.46043 6.69319 5.84293Z"
                  d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
                  d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
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                <div class="text-xs text-black/40 dark:text-white-25 font-medium">$100.00</div>
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            <div class="font-semibold text-base" translate="no">WEN</div>
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            <div class="!w-full"><button type="button" class="items-center py-3 pl-4 pr-5 space-x-2 rounded-lg bg-jupiter-light dark:bg-white/10 text-white/75 !bg-transparent !px-3 !py-1 !text-v2-lily flex justify-between !w-full text-sm">minute<div
                  class="ml-auto text-black/25 dark:text-white/25 group-hover/select:text-[#00D1DF] dark:group-hover/select:text-dark-active-state fill-current"><svg width="10" height="6" viewBox="0 0 10 6" fill="inherit"
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                    d="M6.69319 5.84293V8.58985C6.69319 8.97282 6.38288 9.28313 5.99992 9.28313C5.61695 9.28313 5.30664 8.97282 5.30664 8.58985V5.84293C5.30664 5.46043 5.61695 5.14966 5.99992 5.14966C6.38288 5.14966 6.69319 5.46043 6.69319 5.84293Z"
                    d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
                    d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
            class="h-[54px] mt-2 rounded-xl flex space-x-3 items-center px-2 bg-v2-background-dark text-sm lg:text-base group-hover/select:border-v2-active-state group-hover/select:bg-[rgba(199,242,132,0.2)] group-hover/select:shadow-swap-input-dark">
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                  d="M6.69319 5.84293V8.58985C6.69319 8.97282 6.38288 9.28313 5.99992 9.28313C5.61695 9.28313 5.30664 8.97282 5.30664 8.58985V5.84293C5.30664 5.46043 5.61695 5.14966 5.99992 5.14966C6.38288 5.14966 6.69319 5.46043 6.69319 5.84293Z"
                  d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
                  d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
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                  <path d="M6.83337 3.56012C6.83337 4.02043 6.46024 4.39309 5.99994 4.39309C5.53963 4.39309 5.1665 4.02043 5.1665 3.56012C5.1665 3.09981 5.53963 2.72668 5.99994 2.72668C6.46024 2.72668 6.83337 3.09981 6.83337 3.56012Z" fill="inherit">
                    d="M6.69319 5.84293V8.58985C6.69319 8.97282 6.38288 9.28313 5.99992 9.28313C5.61695 9.28313 5.30664 8.97282 5.30664 8.58985V5.84293C5.30664 5.46043 5.61695 5.14966 5.99992 5.14966C6.38288 5.14966 6.69319 5.46043 6.69319 5.84293Z"
                    d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
                    d="M6 0C2.68644 0 0 2.68644 0 6C0 9.31356 2.68644 12 6 12C9.31356 12 12 9.31356 12 6C12 2.68644 9.31356 0 6 0ZM9.4884 9.4884C8.5659 10.4264 7.3068 10.9574 5.991 10.9631C4.67568 10.9687 3.41196 10.4484 2.48196 9.51792C1.55149 8.58792 1.03116 7.3242 1.0368 6.00888C1.04243 4.69308 1.57352 3.43404 2.51148 2.51148C3.43398 1.57351 4.69308 1.04244 6.00888 1.0368C7.3242 1.03118 8.58792 1.55149 9.51792 2.48196C10.4484 3.41196 10.9687 4.67568 10.9631 5.991C10.9575 7.3068 10.4264 8.56584 9.4884 9.4884Z"
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            <div class="flex justify-between">
              <div class="flex items-center">
                <p class="text-black-35 dark:text-white-35 text-xs flex items-center">Buy WEN at rate</p>
                <div class="flex items-center text-xs ml-1 font-medium text-jupiter-yellow">(+2900%)</div>
              </div><button type="button" class="dark:text-white-35 dark:hover:text-white-75 text-black-35 hover:text-black text-xxs cursor-pointer underline rounded">Use Max Price</button>
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              <div class="flex items-center"><span class="font-semibold text-sm">USDC</span></div>
            <div class="text-xs text-v2-lily/30 absolute bottom-2">$0.00003000000</div>
          <div class="pr-2 text-xxs text-black-50 dark:text-[#CFF3FF] dark:text-opacity-[0.35] flex justify-end">WEN / USDC</div>
      <div class="!bg-transparent w-full css-1lpgtt2"><button type="button"
          class="h-full rounded-xl text-white group bg-none bg-[#141519] dark:bg-[#121D28] hover:bg-gradient-to-r from-[rgba(199,242,132,1))] to-[rgba(0,190,240,1)] dark:hover:border dark:hover:border-v2-primary disabled:cursor-not-allowed border border-v2-lily/20 w-full">
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Text Content

Network: Healthy

ConnectConnect Wallet
ConnectConnect Wallet

A community coin to give back and immortalize WEN culture.

$WEN is for the community born from @weremeow's fractionalized poem NFT. Managed
by Ovols and launched through the Jupiter Beta Launchpad.

WEN SiteWEN Twitter


Market fees might be high during the launch period, and should subside quickly
after launch.



Based on Jupiter's Quote API


Meteora DLMM

Launch Pool:

Go to Pool

Initial Price

0.000001 USDC (1M FDMC)

Max Price

0.00003 USDC (30M FDMC)

Total Token Supply


Total Tokens in Pool




Learn more about our Price Model here


Preset Limit Orders or DCA in advance to acquire tokens at launch. New tokens
are volatile, set a maximum price limit when trading them.
Max Swap per TX for the first 2 minutes is 50M

Initial Price

0.000001 USDC

Spot Price


Max Price

0.00003 USDC

SwapDCALimit Order
DCA may not execute initially when competition is high. The larger your order,
the greater the chance it will be executed.
I want to allocate


To buy





Max Price

Buy WEN at rate

Use Max Price
Connect Wallet

Please read the FAQ carefully before placing orders


Meteora DLMM

Visit Pool

MET points

Dynamic Pools

Visit Meteora

MET points

Read about Meteora’s Stimulus Package


Chaos for Good: On-chain launches for a million users

We are testing a new approach for Defi 2.0 projects to launch with fully
transparent on-chain market making & no shenanigans. On-chain launches are quite
a different beast with a ton of coordination needed between infrastructure
partners, and education of new concepts for users (slippage, gas, network
congestions, price curves). Jupiter is pushing it to the limit with more than 1
million users & bots claiming & trading at the same time — join us in the
pioneering mess & pave the way for future projects to launch on-chain!

Under the hood: DLMM pool

We are using a custom single-sided Meteora DLMM pool as a novel mechanism to
bootstrap early liquidity. It has a low inital price for rapid price discovery
and to attract immediate USDC liquidity for paper paws to dump. It also provides
early backstop liquidity that the team cannot withdraw. 100% transparent and on
chain, no drama. Learn more here.

How can I use Limit Orders & DCA?

In times of network congestion, such as airdrop claims, you can try increasing
your priority fees. You can change your settings on the bottom footer. You might
also need to loosen your price targets and slippage tolerance to get your trades
through. Bear in mind that your slippage setting and max/min price settings are
there to protect you, so it has to be within your tolerance.

What can I do with $WEN?

You can claim $WEN from this page, or trade it using Swap, DCA and Limit Orders.
You can also go to other AMMs like Meteora.ag to provide liquidity for $WEN and
earn trading fees.
Join theJoin Ovols Discord.

Is this token by the Jupiter team?

The $WEN token is the first poem token launched using Jupiter’s new LFG
launchpad, by the Ovols team.
Read the tweet here.

What’s the airdrop criteria?

Jup.ag users who swapped more than $5 in volume within the past 6 months (before
Jan 19 UTC 00:00) or had DCA/LO/Perps orders filled, or Ovols NFT holders, or
bluechip NFT holders, or Genesis Saga Holders all received an equal airdrop of
643,652 $WEN.

Current market fees

Claim0.000100000 SOL
Swap0.000100000 SOL
Limit/DCA0.000100000 SOL
Max fee(~$0.09)
Jupiter intelligently decides the best fee for you. Set a max cap to prevent
Market fees will be used. Set your max fees per transaction to avoid overpaying.


You are currently looking at the first token-launch for Jupiter's beta LFG
Launchpad .
We are recruiting brave on-chain catdets to be the first to spear their cat
claws through the decentralized meta.

Ready for $WEN?

Yes, me brave cat!