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Do you know Robinhood yet?He is a fictional character who helps the poor by
taking the wealth of the corrupt rich. What if I tell you that he really exists
and is still alive today? He is alive in the form of WIKIBIT!WikiBit is like
Robinhood that will help us gain wealth in a justifiable way; by giving us the
latest updates about digital assets, NFTs, platforms and more. It even gives us
an opportunity to have an open discussion to share wisdom & knowledge in this
kind of field. It is a community with the same interest!The good thing here is
that there is still an ONGOING AIRDROP till tomorrow [October 14th] to give away
free money Robinhood is este WikiBit. 🤣We only have limited time, so you can
still catch up!Get a chance to receive a reward worth of $ 20 USD or more! What
you need to do is just REGISTER in WikiBit, POST, LIKE & COMMENT to this
article.What are you waiting for? Let's go!
10-13 64 59
Online Raketeroo
Who wants airdrop?Who wants free dollar? Who wants to know the modern Robinhood?
I am sure we are all amazed about the heroistic of Robinhood where he showed
villain could also be a hero. He helps people with his own way by redistributed
wealth through violent but effective method. But do we still need Robinhood
today? what do you think? That’s why WikiBit.com brings the idea of
Decentralized Robinhood and appeals to all Web3 practitioners and investors to
share the crypto-related information on WikiBit.com. Everyone, including
yourself, benefits from sharing your observations and thoughts in a
community.Eventually, all the WikiBit users will be part of the identity, Robin
Hood, and share not only glory but economic profits. What are your ideas about
decentralized Robinhood and your thoughts about Wikibit? Please make comments
under my post to win the reward.Please share your thoughts about the concepts of
Decentralized Robinhood, and then ask your fans what their perspectives are.
10-12 55 31
good evening familyThe project I'm going to share today is called Space CatsHe
is a DEFI project shared by many bloggers recentlyHis overall operation is very
easy and simple, but the entry threshold is relatively highSo you must make your
own decisions before investing.Be careful not to invest more than you can afford
This project is simply using a gripper robotWhen a large order is detected in
the marketInstantly increase its miner fee to buy firstand preemptively sell
this coin after you buy itComplete instant arbitrageHowever, the gameplay of
this project is different from that of general arbitrage robots.This project
also issued cat coinsAnd restrict everyone to add liquidity to the flow pool
firstOnly then can you drive this robot to make moneySo the profit of this
project is in addition to the profit of the clip robotThere are also the rise
and fall of cat coins and the rewards of the liquidity poolYou must add cat
coins equivalent to 250USDT+250U into the liquidity poolWe can only drive 250U
robotsOne advantage here is that although you need to buy 250U of cat coins to
open a robotBut the money returned to us after the robot arbitrage is USDTThis
will prevent cat coins from being smashed.Operation teaching:1. Go to the
official website to join the membership: https://spacecatdao.com/?ref=ZOFFYF2.
Go to Pancakeswap to buy cat coins and add a liquidity pool (USDT+SCAT)SCAT
contract: 0x22a681b2b57050ab42cb4a426d56a733c6ca859a! Remember that the minimum
investment amount is 250U+250U equivalent SCAT, and you need to buy an
additional 250U SCAT to open the robot, but there is a slippage of 14%. It is
recommended to buy a little more3. Go back to the official website to turn on
the robot, and then you can get the income every day Remember that although the
benefits of this project are good, it must be accompanied by corresponding
risksYou must do your homework before committing By the way, I have to fight
with the project side for additional benefits.Draw four fans to get 25u
eachThere are five steps in the draw1. Open the official website and join the
membership with my invitation code (https://spacecatdao.com/?ref=ZOFFYF)2. Leave
your opinion on this project and leave your wallet address under this article3.
Go to the official TG group to call ROY fans to travel in space
(https://t.me/spacecatdao)4. Go to Youtube to comment on the video, like and
comment5. Take a screenshot of the above three steps to the Roy fan group and
wait for a week to draw the lottery ( https://t.me/RoyCrypto_TW_Group )
10-13 70 17
We can speculate on what value cryptocurrency may have for investors in the
coming months and years (and many will), but the reality is it‘s still a new and
speculative investment, without much history on which to base predictions. No
matter what a given expert thinks or says, no one really knows. That’s why it‘s
important to only invest what you’re prepared to lose, and stick to more
conventional investments for long-term wealth building.“If you were to wake one
morning to find that crypto has been banned by the developed nations and it
became worthless, would you be OK?” Frederick Stanield, a CFP with Lifewater
Wealth Management in Atlanta, Georgia, told NextAdvisor.Keep your investments
small, and never put crypto investments above any other financial goals like
saving for retirement and paying off high interest debt.And WikiBit is trying to
become a decentralized robinhood its vision is to gathering maximum info that
can benifit more traders, return users' value back.What do you think? Just leave
your comments below.
10-10 440 91
What;s up mga Ka-Bit!Airdrop on October 8 to 14!Wikibit Robin Hood Campaign,
Kasama ang mga influencers na pinoy maganda ang campaign na ito at according to
Sixth, we always think about the legend who redistributed wealth through violent
but effective methods. People love this iconic dude who leveraged social
equality for what he did. And do we need another Robin Hood nowadays? Anyone
aware of the fact that the rich become richer and the poor poorer will probably
agree with it.But who could be the Robin Hood in the modern day to help all of
us? We know that most modern “heroes” are the ones who build products and profit
themselves the most. That’s why WikiBit.com brings the idea of Decentralized
Robinhood and appeals to all Web3 practitioners and investors to share the
crypto-related information on WikiBit.com. Everyone, including yourself,
benefits from sharing your observations and thoughts in a community.Eventually,
all the WikiBit users will be part of the identity, Robin Hood, and share not
only glory but economic profits. What are your ideas about decentralized
Robinhood and your thoughts about Wikibit? Please make comments under my post to
win the reward.Please share your thoughts about the concepts of Decentralized
Robinhood, and then ask your fans what their perspectives are.
10-11 261 171
Award amount: 20 USDTTime: Oct.24th -- Oct.28th Introduction: We will reward you
for sparking your ideas about any exchange or token you prefer to deal with or
exposing a terrible experience that makes you lose. Please share your story and
let other "Robinhoods" know. The top 100 posts with the highest likes will be
rewarded during the activity period. (The number of likes must exceed 30 to win
the prize. Each account can only have one chance to win the award)
10-27 30 35
Airdrop on October 8 to 14?? Damnnnnnn!!!Are you a Crypto Merry Man? Or are you
a Blockchain Maid Marian? Whichever the case, yo boi DamienWolf is inviting you
to join the new project of Wikibit called the "Decentralized Robinhood Campaign"
and all of us can be a part of this! Robin Hood was always associated as a Thief
who steals from the rich and gives to the poor. But there's no reason to steal
on this project as what we modern-day Robin Hoods will be doing is to share
crypto-related information on Wikibit.com. I am joined by a team of cool crypto
cats here headed by Marvin Favis which needs no introduction! What are your
thoughts on the project? Whats your crypto story? Light up the comments. Lets
10-12 38 24
For investors,What's most important?Poor information Poor information determines
how much you earn.also determines your successWikibit Blockchain Investor's
RobinhoodProvides global blockchain investorsAn unprecedented information
exchange platformYou can get the experience and information of all users in the
most instantWhether it is the latest news of the project, exchange
informationAnd the temporary inability to withdraw funds immediately kicked out
the fraudulent projects, etc.are the most important part of our investorsHighly
recommend this site!I also hope that you can make good use of the resourcesGrow
together, get rid of leeks together, make big money togetherDuring PS 10/8-10
eventJust like and comment on this articleYou can take a screenshot to Abby's dc
to receive a 1U reward
10-08 61 61
When talking about Robin Hood, we always think about the legend who
redistributed wealth through violent but effective methods. People love this
iconic dude who leveraged social equality for what he did. And do we need
another Robin Hood nowadays? Anyone aware of the fact that the rich become
richer and the poor poorer will probably agree with it. But who could be the
Robin Hood in the modern day to help all of us? We know that most modern
“heroes” are the ones who build products and profit themselves the most. That’s
why WikiBit.com brings the idea of Decentralized Robinhood and appeals to all
Web3 practitioners and investors to share the crypto-related information on
WikiBit.com. Everyone, including yourself, benefits from sharing your
observations and thoughts in a community. Eventually, all the WikiBit users will
be part of the identity, Robin Hood, and share not only glory but economic
profits. What are your ideas about decentralized Robinhood and your thoughts
about Wikibit? Please make comments under my post to win the reward.
10-13 25 34
Multiverso NFT
Hiiii!!My name is Silvio and I am the Founder of the Multiverso NFT Youtube
Channel! We have been working for over 9 months on the market! =DI created this
channel with the aim of helping people earn extra income with play to earn games
and the crypto world!As I dedicated myself to the channel, I learned a lot from
my subscribers and tried to teach as much as I could! =)I am very grateful for
everything that has happened to me and I can say that meeting the people who
make up the NFT Multiverse ecosystem was the best part! xDThat's because, I
formed friendships that I carry with great affection and I met amazing people
along this journey who opened my mind to new perspectives of life!! =)Now we're
starting a new chapter here with WikiBit! It will be my greatest pleasure to
cooperate with all of you and I thank you all for your attention and willingness
to read what I wrote!
10-01 81 49
NFT Labs: Application Scenarios of NFT(Music)-IV
The combination of NFT and music is a major trend at present. The NFT
marketplace promises to open u

More articles


Field Survey


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A Visit to hot forex in UK -- No Office Found

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7×24 NEWS

11-18 09:20

Tether: USDT on Solana has no inherent risk, some exchanges suspend deposits or
it is only because of the close connection between FTX, Alameda and Solana

Tether, the stablecoin USDT issuer, stated that although Alameda is one of the
largest issuers of USDT, the failure of Alameda does not mean that it poses a
risk to Tether.Alameda’s issuance of USDT means that Alameda transfers USD to
Tether, and Tether issues USDT. These reserves are still in Tether’s hands and
are not on Alameda’s balance sheet. Alameda can redeem any USDT they own for USD
through the Tether redemption facility.In addition, Tether has not loaned
Alameda any USDT or other funds, has no outstanding USDT loans, Tether reserves
or any other funds, and has not participated in any leveraged activities and
transactions.In addition, SolanaUSDT has no inherent risks, and Alameda’s large
participation in Solana will not affect the basic dynamics of USDT functions and
USDT issuance operations. The suspension of USDT deposits on Solona by some
exchanges may simply be due to the close connection between FTX, Alameda, and


[Put away]

Tether, the stablecoin USDT issuer, stated that although Alameda is one of the
largest issuers of USDT, the failure of Alameda does not mean that it poses a
risk to Tether.Alameda’s issuance of USDT means that Alameda transfers USD to
Tether, and Tether issues USDT. These reserves are still in Tether’s hands and
are not on Alameda’s balance sheet. Alameda can redeem any USDT they own for USD
through the Tether redemption facility.In addition, Tether has not loaned
Alameda any USDT or other funds, has no outstanding USDT loans, Tether reserves
or any other funds, and has not participated in any leveraged activities and
transactions.In addition, SolanaUSDT has no inherent risks, and Alameda’s large
participation in Solana will not affect the basic dynamics of USDT functions and
USDT issuance operations. The suspension of USDT deposits on Solona by some
exchanges may simply be due to the close connection between FTX, Alameda, and
Positive 10

Negative 1


Bitstamp’s Spanish Subsidiary Receives Approval from Local Regulators and
Completes Registration with the Central Bank

Bitstamp’s Spanish subsidiary has been approved by the country’s regulators and
registered with the Central Bank , becoming the 46th licensed crypto business in
Spain.Bitstamp is one of the largest cryptocurrency platforms in Europe, which
allows the exchange to provide services to local customers. Bitstamp has
previously accepted local regulation in Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
After obtaining regulatory approval in Spain, it can provide cryptocurrency
exchange services and services locally. E-wallet hosting service.


[Put away]

Bitstamp’s Spanish subsidiary has been approved by the country’s regulators and
registered with the Central Bank , becoming the 46th licensed crypto business in
Spain.Bitstamp is one of the largest cryptocurrency platforms in Europe, which
allows the exchange to provide services to local customers. Bitstamp has
previously accepted local regulation in Italy, Luxembourg and the Netherlands.
After obtaining regulatory approval in Spain, it can provide cryptocurrency
exchange services and services locally. E-wallet hosting service.
Positive 8

Negative 8


Security Team: The YES project is confirmed as an exit scam project, which has
made about $1.5 million in profits

On November 17, CertiK Skynet monitored that the price of the $YES project
plummeted by more than 99%. After investigation by the CertiK security team, it
was confirmed that the project was an exit scam project.The scam has made around
$1.5 million so far. It is known that the project has neither a social account
nor an official website.The token deployer began minting $YES tokens back in
August, sending the entire token supply to two wallet addresses, subsequently
distributing tokens to four external accounts, and selling tokens. Proceeds from
the scam are currently held in two wallets in BUSD.


[Put away]

On November 17, CertiK Skynet monitored that the price of the $YES project
plummeted by more than 99%. After investigation by the CertiK security team, it
was confirmed that the project was an exit scam project.The scam has made around
$1.5 million so far. It is known that the project has neither a social account
nor an official website.The token deployer began minting $YES tokens back in
August, sending the entire token supply to two wallet addresses, subsequently
distributing tokens to four external accounts, and selling tokens. Proceeds from
the scam are currently held in two wallets in BUSD.
Positive 1

Negative 7


InsurAce founder: working with industry organizations to build a user insurance
system similar to Federal Insurance (FDIC)

Oliver, the founder of the web3 insurance protocol InsurAce, said that in the
FTX crash, many institutions suffered heavy blows, but at the same time, many
small and medium users also suffered losses, and many users suffered great
losses in their life savings.In the traditional financial industry, there is an
insurance infrastructure such as the US Federal Insurance FDIC , which can
provide each depositor with an insurance amount of 250,000 US dollars.
Similarly, there is the Singapore Savings Insurance Plan SDIC, which can protect
each user. 75,000 Singapore dollars insured. When a financial institution goes
bankrupt, the insurance plan will step in to provide such claims coverage for
small and medium users.


[Put away]

Oliver, the founder of the web3 insurance protocol InsurAce, said that in the
FTX crash, many institutions suffered heavy blows, but at the same time, many
small and medium users also suffered losses, and many users suffered great
losses in their life savings.In the traditional financial industry, there is an
insurance infrastructure such as the US Federal Insurance FDIC , which can
provide each depositor with an insurance amount of 250,000 US dollars.
Similarly, there is the Singapore Savings Insurance Plan SDIC, which can protect
each user. 75,000 Singapore dollars insured. When a financial institution goes
bankrupt, the insurance plan will step in to provide such claims coverage for
small and medium users.
Positive 6

Negative 8


Starkware: STRK is currently non-trading

Ethereum Layer 2 development company Starkware disclosed in its official
document that its native token STRK is currently in a non-transactional state,
and this state will remain until further notice by the StarkNet
Foundation.Starkware spokesperson Nathan Jeffay revealed that although STRK has
been deployed, the time to award or lock Tokens to Starkware investors and core
contributors has not yet begun.


[Put away]

Ethereum Layer 2 development company Starkware disclosed in its official
document that its native token STRK is currently in a non-transactional state,
and this state will remain until further notice by the StarkNet
Foundation.Starkware spokesperson Nathan Jeffay revealed that although STRK has
been deployed, the time to award or lock Tokens to Starkware investors and core
contributors has not yet begun.
Positive 7

Negative 1


Singapore Deputy Prime Minister: Not open to crypto speculation

Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said in an interview during the
economic forum that we are open to digital innovation and digital asset
innovation, but we will not be open to crypto speculation at all.Being on the
right path in terms of digital asset innovation is an important enabler that I
think could change financial markets, cross-border payments, settlements,
capital markets, there’s a lot of potential there.However, we have said for a
long time, even if people criticize us for saying this, that we need to take a
strong stance on crypto speculation and trading, especially retail investors.So,
even before FTX happened, we had published a consultation paper on strengthening
the regulatory rules around this — about cryptocurrency trading, about retail
investor exposure to cryptocurrencies.


[Put away]

Singapore Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong said in an interview during the
economic forum that we are open to digital innovation and digital asset
innovation, but we will not be open to crypto speculation at all.Being on the
right path in terms of digital asset innovation is an important enabler that I
think could change financial markets, cross-border payments, settlements,
capital markets, there’s a lot of potential there.However, we have said for a
long time, even if people criticize us for saying this, that we need to take a
strong stance on crypto speculation and trading, especially retail investors.So,
even before FTX happened, we had published a consultation paper on strengthening
the regulatory rules around this — about cryptocurrency trading, about retail
investor exposure to cryptocurrencies.
Positive 8

Negative 9

11-17 09:45

AAC PASS launched planetary market function

According to official news, AAC PASS encrypted planet launched the planet market
function today.Users who hold planetary family, satellite family and meteor
family can exchange pledge rewards into NFT equivalent to USDT, and NFT can be
sold on the trading platform iNFTspace.


[Put away]

According to official news, AAC PASS encrypted planet launched the planet market
function today.Users who hold planetary family, satellite family and meteor
family can exchange pledge rewards into NFT equivalent to USDT, and NFT can be
sold on the trading platform iNFTspace.
Positive 10

Negative 10


Adidas launches new virtual fashion collection Adidas Virtual Gear

Adidas launched a new virtual fashion collection Adidas Virtual Gear today. NFT
is deployed on Ethereum, and the current floor price is 0.069 E.


[Put away]

Adidas launched a new virtual fashion collection Adidas Virtual Gear today. NFT
is deployed on Ethereum, and the current floor price is 0.069 E.
Positive 4

Negative 5


Uniswap may announce the cooperation between its NFT products and the Pudgy
Penguins series of NFTs

Scott, head of Uniswap NFT products, posted a post on social media suggesting
that Uniswap may announce the cooperation between its NFT products and the Pudgy
Penguins series of NFTs.As previously reported, in September, Uniswap Labs Chief
Operating Officer Mary-Catherine Lader said that she is focusing on several new
products and is expected to launch a one-stop NFT trading product this fall,
allowing users to buy and sell NFT from different markets on Uniswap.


[Put away]

Scott, head of Uniswap NFT products, posted a post on social media suggesting
that Uniswap may announce the cooperation between its NFT products and the Pudgy
Penguins series of NFTs.As previously reported, in September, Uniswap Labs Chief
Operating Officer Mary-Catherine Lader said that she is focusing on several new
products and is expected to launch a one-stop NFT trading product this fall,
allowing users to buy and sell NFT from different markets on Uniswap.
Positive 5

Negative 7


There is no BTMX in the wallet on the FTX Ethereum chain, only KNC and ETH are

According to data from Dune Analytics, most of the tokens in the FTX Ethereum
chain wallet have been sold off.Currently there are only two tokens left, KNC
and ETH, including 7,899,446 KNC, or about $4,859,850, and 52 ETH, or about
$64,061, with a total value of about $4,871,133.


[Put away]

According to data from Dune Analytics, most of the tokens in the FTX Ethereum
chain wallet have been sold off.Currently there are only two tokens left, KNC
and ETH, including 7,899,446 KNC, or about $4,859,850, and 52 ETH, or about
$64,061, with a total value of about $4,871,133.
Positive 1

Negative 5



Unable to Withdraw




Unable to Withdraw

Bitkub customer service keeps asking for charges

From 2022/10/21, when I want to withdraw coins, the customer service requires
payment of risk control funds and handling fees. Until today, 11/15, the
customer service also requires payment of platform management fees. I told the
customer service that there is no funds, and the customer service is still
urging , Asked when I can pay, the customer service has not given the withdrawal
and still have to pay!

2022-11-15 05:58


Unable to Withdraw

cant withdarw fund

im trying to withdraw when SBF and CZ fighting but its like requested withdraw
never accepted

2022-11-15 00:10


Unable to Withdraw


I went to make a withdrawal Sun 13 Nov 22 and it was blocked. I was told I need
to deposit 5001 USDT to release my funds and unlock my account when I asked help

2022-11-14 08:28


Unable to Withdraw

Unable to withdraw

The platform said that you can withdraw the money by returning the friend's
deposit amount, and then it became frozen, saying that it was suspected of money
laundering crimes, and you could not withdraw money, and the friend's account
was also frozen. It is known that the account is still frozen, or the deposit
can only be withdrawn after a total of 38,888 USDT. Avoid a money laundering
crime. Since you all know the account number, how can you be suspected of money

2022-11-14 06:46


Unable to Withdraw

Scam website SDAG. Please report it, hope no one get victimized again

SDAG, a trading platform with a license and a guaranteed exchange, is full of
gimmicks, but now, the funds invested in it are no longer allowed to be
withdrawn by you. it's abominable that the income tax you paid, but you still
won't be allowed to withdraw. What a fraudulent behavior.

2022-11-10 06:02


Unable to Withdraw

Can't withdraw

It is very convenient to find them at any time when depositing money, and
withdrawal is difficult and I am deceived.

2022-11-10 00:56


Unable to Withdraw


Very rubbish trading platform, when you invest more than $50,000, you cannot
withdraw funds to your bank card, or transfer your cryptocurrency to other
exchanges. The support team is all bots and they haven't gotten back to me for a
month. Very rubbish trading platform when you invest more than $50k. You cannot
withdraw funds to a bank card or transfer your cryptocurrencies to other
exchanges. The support team is bots and they haven't gotten back to me for a

2022-11-09 10:29




Odd, incredible setting, HOH analysts postulate, there is pressure from other
consortiums in the market and that is the opposite of HOH. quite strangely
magical. "CONCERSION" Which is very surprising, HOH analysts are still telling
their members to do a depot, with a pretty sweet promise.. this is a fraud
scenario. be careful & don't follow

2022-11-05 02:17



Band coin perpetual contract cannot be closed

Band coin perpetual contract cannot be closed, resulting all the profit was lost
and the principle is liquidated

2022-11-03 18:16



FEG unlimited increases issuance, pretend to be hacked, embezzles user assets.
The community has been crazy, all of them are shills, not allowed to tell the
truth, can only follow their words.

FEGit is a scam project, developed by chinese people, with foreigners showing
their faces for marketing. the total circulation is 200,000 t, and each chain is
100,000 t. no practical products have been developed in version 1.0. ,
self-directed and self-acted hacking incident, embezzled another token rox, 30
million us dollars, and has not compensated investors so far, this loss is borne
by investors personally, this project party, has no capital background, no
technology, all rely on pyramid schemes fraud, issued at that time, i went to
many exchanges. because of non-compliance with the review, additional issuance
rights, and code loopholes, i was taken off the shelves by major platforms in
seconds. because 1.0 can no longer be deceived, i began to dream of 2.0 and
bragged about the technology. in fact, it is a simple k-line interface is full
of false propaganda. all the rebranding of 2.0 is for the purpose of
whitewashing the fraudulent behavior of 1.0. this coin can be issued
indefinitely, and you will lose at any cost. keep your eyes open [d83d] ][dc40]

2022-11-02 06:33


Unable to Withdraw

Disgusting scam exchange, support team is all bots

Very rubbish trading platform, when you invest more than $50,000, you cannot
withdraw funds to your bank card, or transfer your cryptocurrency to other
exchanges. The support team is all bots and they haven't gotten back to me for a
month. Very rubbish trading platform when you invest more than $50k. You cannot
withdraw funds to a bank card or transfer your cryptocurrencies to other
exchanges. The support team is bots and they haven't gotten back to me for a

2022-11-01 04:00



Husd, the stable currency of Huobi, is seriously decoupled, and it is withdrawn
to exchange, but they do not recognize it, which is a typical fraud

Husd, the stable currency of Huobi, is seriously decoupled. The exchange said
that it can be converted by 1:1. I deposit to exchange, but they do not
recognize it now. The stable coin can be crushed. Never expect that.

2022-10-31 19:53



REDT fake currency

Trade frozen REDT fake currency and can't WD

2022-10-31 13:06



imei code

My IMEI code is blocked, can you help me if I can, please help me, it's easy, if
I transfer my money

2022-10-30 12:08


Unable to Withdraw

I was on one of the ETH Mining Pool exchanges in Coinbase wallet, but I couldn't
withdraw USDT, saying I didn't have 5,000 USDT, so I couldn't withdraw. Here is
one of the women who introduced it to me, the man was I changed it after the
woman asked back, I suspect they are a gang, be careful, thanks

I was on one of the ETH Mining Pool exchanges in Coinbase wallet, but I couldn't
withdraw USDT, saying I didn't have 5,000 USDT, so I couldn't withdraw. Here is
one of the women who introduced it to me, the man was I changed it after the
woman asked back, I suspect they are a gang, be careful, thanks

2022-10-29 11:17


Unable to Withdraw

There are various reasons to pay fees for withdrawal

If you want to withdraw money, it will say that the account is frozen! If you
pay a deposit first, the freeze will be lifted! Then you will be asked to pay
for various reasons! Letters of notice of cancellation are sent to you almost in
the middle of the night! Also told you that only 30 minutes for withdrawal!
Otherwise, there will be a late fee! After all, there are various reasons!

2022-10-28 16:24







2022-11-15 05:36


Charting is Good. Unlike in Binance

Sun God Nika

2022-11-13 09:47


FTX officials appeared to confirm rumors of a hack on Telegram, instructing
users to delete FTX apps and avoid its website.

Rimuru TempestCh

2022-11-12 15:34


Backing out would be one more stunning development in the collapse of Sam
Bankman-Fried’s crypto empire.

Rimuru TempestCh

2022-11-12 15:34


“The whole operation was run by a gang of kids in the Bahamas,” a person
familiar with the matter told CoinDesk on condition of anonymity.

Rimuru TempestCh

2022-11-12 15:34


In a late-night Twitter Spaces on Saturday, Musk said his “bullshit meter was
redlining” when he met former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried and urged users to store
their crypto holdings on cold wallets.

Rimuru TempestCh

2022-11-12 15:33


FTX stated in its official Telegram channel that it had been hacked, instructing
users not to install any new upgrades and to delete all FTX apps
Market of major cryptocurrencies More

BTC/OKEX in the quarter

Total market cap

Total Liquidations in 24H

Binance long/short ratio in population

 * Currencies
 * BTC
 * ETH
 * EOS
 * BCH
 * LTC
 * XRP
 * ETC
 * BSV

 * Quotation
 * $16,776.8 +1.54%
 * $1,221.54 +2.06%
 * $0.91 +2.08%
 * $104.9 +2.68%
 * $63.34 +7.25%
 * $0.38 +1.41%
 * $19.82 +2.17%
 * $38.95 +2.37%

 * Position amount









 * Liquidation amount

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * 1H

 * Long/Short Ratio in Population
 * Long: short=1.24
 * Long: short=1.5
 * Long: short=2.18
 * Long: short=1.3
 * Long: short=0.8
 * Long: short=1.76
 * Long: short=2.3
 * Long: short=0.79

 * Long/Short Ratio in Value
 * Long: short=1
 * Long: short=1.02
 * Long: short=0.91
 * Long: short=0.84
 * Long: short=1.01
 * Long: short=0.96
 * Long: short=0.94
 * Long: short=1.84

 * Quarterly Premium
 * -$17408.326
 * -$722.295
 * -$2.891
 * -$368.694
 * -$68.892
 * -$0.269
 * -$22.931
 * -$89.702

 * Long/Short Ratio
 * 49.89%
 * 50.57%
 * 47.72%
 * 45.62%
 * 50.22%
 * 48.87%
 * 48.57%
 * 64.83%

 * Perpetual contract rates
 * --0.0102%
 * --0.0015%
 * ++0.0262%
 * ++0.0149%
 * --0.0056%
 * ++0.0227%
 * ++0.0125%
 * ++0.1262%

24H liquidation statistics

24H Liquidation $36.0453million


Liquidation amount
BCH $8,730.000.02% BTC $73,6000.00% EOS $822,1903.28% ETC $198,4700.48% ETH
$344,3800.03% LTC $139,6500.18% XRP $21.4509m20.75%


11.18 13:21


close out short sale


1par value

11.18 11:44


sell to close


1391par value

Liquidation amount
BTC $205,1000.03% ETH $52,5400.03% LTC $420.000.00% XRP $330.000.00%


11.18 13:21


close out short sale


1par value

11.18 08:16


sell to close


2par value

Liquidation amount
BCH $15,68027.34% BTC $11.8999m111.38% ETC $890.001.72% ETH $636,97012.89% LTC
$79,11018.94% XRP $119,390258.31%


11.18 13:21


close out short sale


13par value

11.18 13:21


close out short sale


1par value

Long/Short trend

Whole network trend


Binance trend


Long position ratio
BTC Quotation

BTC contract balance data
24H change
Position vol($)
Short/long ratio in value
Long: short=25% 75%
Long: short=50% 50%
Long: short=43% 57%

Contract position trend

Global Blockchain Regulatory Dynamics

Nov 11, 2022Latest Update


1.64 %

9.02 %

84.43 %

4.91 %
Global Blockchain Popularity

 * #
 * Country/Region
 * Blockchain Popularity

 * 1
 * 7.86

 * 2
   United States
 * 8.86

 * 3
 * 8.77

 * 4
 * 8.68

 * 5
 * 8.22

 * 6
 * 8.18

 * 7
 * 8.07

 * 8
   United Kingdom
 * 8.01

 * 9
 * 7.97

 * 10
 * 7.92

 * APP
 * TOP


 * Hong Kong

 * Hong Kong

 * Taiwan

 * The United States

 * South Korea

 * Britain

 * Japan

 * Indonesia

 * Vietnam

 * Australia

 * Singapore

 * Thailand

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