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 * Regione Regione Italia Premi Invio per aprire il menù a tendina
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    * Repubblica Democratica del Congo
    * Repubblica del Congo
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   Lingua Lingua Italiano Premi Invio per aprire il menù a tendina
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      Per viaggi locali, regionali o internazionali, prenota i tuoi voli con
      South African Airways qui.
    * Informazioni di viaggio
       * Esperienza SAA
       * Orari dei voli
       * Payment Acceptance
       * Credit Voucher Application
       * Credit Voucher Redemption
       * Online Credit Voucher Redemption
       * Voyager Wallet
       * Making Flexible Changes For You
       * Request a Refund
    * Scopri il Sudafrica
       * Discover South Africa
    * Personalizza la tua esperienza
       * Scegli il tuo posto
       * Colli aggiuntivi
       * Fai upgrade con Step-Up
       * Additional Seats with Step-Up
    * Completa la tua esperienza
       * Hotel
       * Noleggio auto
       * Destination Activities
       * Travel Insurance
   Pianifica & Prenota
 * Gestisci & Vola
    * Gestisci & Vola
      StepUp e vivi un’esperienza indimenticabile in Business Class. Vuoi
      provare in prima persona deliziosi piatti e massimo comfort? Fai
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    * Gestisci la mia prenotazione
       * Gestione prenotazioni
       * Effettua il check in
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       * Richiedi una fattura
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       * Bagagli: ritardata consegna e danni
       * Articoli da viaggio vietati e merci pericolose
       * Regolamentazioni sui bagagli
       * Suggerimenti per il viaggio
       * Firearms and Ammunition
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   Gestisci & Vola
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   The SAA Terms and Conditions can be viewed here.

       South African Airways will not assume responsibility to the member (or
       any Person nominated by them for an Award Certificate) for any indirect,
       consequential or special damages, howsoever caused, whether arising from
       any act or omission of South African Airways, or any third party for whom
       South African Airways is vicariously responsible (contractually or
       Subject to the provisions of sections 43(5) and 43(6) of the Electronic
       Communications and Transactions Act, Voyager shall not be liable for any
       damage, loss or liability of whatsoever nature arising from the use or
       inability to use this web site or the service or content provided from
       and through this web site. Furthermore, Voyager makes no representations
       or warranties, implied or otherwise, that, amongst others, the content
       and technology available from this web site are free from error or
       omissions or that the service will be 100% uninterrupted and error free.
       1. Voyager protects a user's privacy.
       2. No personal information will be disclosed to third parties without the
          user's permission or due process, however, Voyager may share personal
          information with business partners.
       3. Voyager gathers and will be in possession of the following private and
          personal information of users and passengers:
          1. Information provided by the user voluntarily - this information is
             used to provide a better service to users; and
          2. Information automatically provided (eg cookies) - this information
             is gathered to better your browsing and interaction with Voyager.
             Cookies cannot harm your computer or carry viruses.
       4. By using this web site the User consents to the following:
          1. Voyager may use your personal information to communicate with the
             user from time to time. Users may indicate if they do not wish to
             receive such communications;
          2. Fly SAA may use user's information for non-personal statistical
          3. Fly SAA retains the copyright in databases of personal information
             of users; and
          4. Voyager may share user's information with business partners for
             commercial reasons.
       1. All reasonable steps will be taken to secure a user's information.
       2. User's undertake not to divulge their user name and passwords to any
          other person.
       3. It is expressly prohibited for any person, business, or entity to gain
          or attempt to gain unauthorised access to any page on this web site,
          or to deliver or attempt to deliver any unauthorised damaging or
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          to deliver any unauthorised, damaging or malicious code to this web
          site or attempts to gain unauthorised access to any page on this web
          site shall be held criminally liable, and in the event that Voyager
          should suffer any damage or loss, civil damages will be claimed.

   The flysaa.com Terms and Conditions can be viewed here.

   The information in this e-mail which includes any attachments is
    * confidential,
    * may be privileged and
   Access to this e-mail by anyone else is unauthorised. If this e-mail is not
   intended for you, you may not copy, distribute, or disclose the included
   information to anyone. Neither South African Airways, nor any related entity
   will be held liable for any loss or damages whatsoever arising out of your
   reliance on the information contained in this e-mail. If you are not the
   intended recipient you are requested to advise the sender by return and
   delete this e-mail and any enclosed data from all storage media. Any
   disclosure of confidential or privileged information transmitted herewith may
   result in legal proceedings being instituted against the recipient hereof.
   Whilst all reasonable steps are taken to ensure the accuracy and integrity of
   information and data transmitted electronically, and to preserve the
   confidentiality thereof, South African Airways will not be held liable for
   any loss or damages caused of whatsoever nature arising out of information or
   data that is, for whatever reason, intercepted, corrupted, infected with a
   computer virus or does not reach its intended destination, timeously or at
   all. It is the responsibility of the named recipient(s) to ensure that this
   e-mail and its contents are virus free.
   Unless the sender of this e-mail is duly authorised by South African Airways
   to send this e-mail and unless the content of this e-mail is also duly
   authorised by South African Airways, any views or undertakings expressed in
   this e-mail are those of the individual sender in his or her personal
   capacity and South African Airways will not be held liable for any loss or
   damages arising there from of whatsoever nature. Any recipient of an e-mail
   which constitutes spam contains infringing or offensive content of any nature
   is requested to report the matter to South African Airways. No one may
   conclude any binding agreement on behalf of South African Airways with
   another party by e-mail without express written confirmation by a duly
   authorised representative of South African Airways.
   This notice also serves to inform any person who intends to use the e-mail
   system provided by South African Airways that any e-mail communication so
   sent may be intercepted in accordance with applicable provisions of the
   Regulation of Interception of Communications and Provision of
   Communication-Related Information Act 70 of 2002. Persons corresponding with
   SAA by e-mail are advised that all e-mail received into SAA and sent out from
   SAA, is archived. SAA reserves the right to institute legal proceedings
   against the sender for any use of this email facility contrary to the
   acceptable use policy.

    Advance Seat Reservation – Terms and Conditions
   Advance Seat Reservation (ASR) is only available on flights operated by South
   African Airways (SAA) and 083 validated ticket stock with the following
   seating options: standard seat, extra legroom and emergency exit row seats.
    *  Seat Selection is subject to the availability of requested seats and is
      available on a per sector basis only. Price is per seat, per sector.
    * Passengers who do not wish to purchase ASR can choose their seats free of
      charge (except exit row seats) when they check‐in online 24 hours prior to
      departure, or at the airport, subject to availability.
    * Seat Selection does not necessarily include all passengers in a booking
      unless expressly selected. Accordingly, SAA cannot guarantee that all
      parties in a booking will be seated together. Individual passengers in a
      single booking may request different types of seats e.g. standard seat and
      Exit Row Seat. The applicable seat charges will apply to each seat type.
    * Unaccompanied minors are exempt from the ASR charge and a seat will be
      allocated to them free of charge.
    * Passengers who wish to sit next to each other, but have made separate
      bookings, will need to request their individual seats independently. SAA
      is not able to advise on the seat selection of passengers on other
      bookings. SAA is, furthermore, unable to link separate bookings.
      Accordingly, if you have paid to sit next to other passengers in a
      different booking, SAA will not be able to seat you back together with the
      passengers you were originally seated with.
    * Passengers who have specific needs should directly contact the SAA Contact
      Centre (or their travel agent) to allow SAA to assist with the allocation
      of an appropriate seat.
    * Seat requests cannot be guaranteed as they may need to be changed for
      operational, safety or security reasons, even after boarding the aircraft.
    * Seat selection is not transferable to another passenger.
    * Seat selection is non-refundable unless:
      * SAA changes the passenger seat for operational, safety or security
        reasons (even after boarding the aircraft), and SAA is unable to seat
        the passenger in a suitable alternative.
      * There is a flight disruption causing the passenger to be moved to
        another flight and SAA is unable to seat the passenger in a suitable
        alternative on your new flight.
      * SAA moves the passenger to a flight not operated by SAA.
      * SAA moves the passenger to a seat in a higher cabin, either for
        operational reasons or as a goodwill gesture.
    * If SAA changes the passenger’s seat for operational, safety or security
      reasons or if the passenger is affected by a flight disruption, the
      affected passenger may apply for a refund after departure by contacting
      SAA’s Reservation’s Call Centre or emailing the request to
      onlinerefunds@flysaa.com . Refund requests must be lodged no later than 3
      months after the affected flight.
    * Changes:
      * Once a passenger has selected and paid for a specific seat, passenger
        may select a different seat in the same flight and cabin of equal value
        to the original seat purchased.
      * If a passenger chooses to change flights, they may select a seat of
        equal value of the new flight with the same routing. If the seat of
        equal value is not available, the value is non-refundable.
      * Once a passenger has selected and paid for a specific seat, they cannot
        move to an available seat of higher value within the same cabin (for
        example an Extra Legroom Seat).
      * If the passenger elects to pay to move to a higher cabin or booking
        class where seat selection is free, they are entitled to apply for a
        refund, if seat selection was purchased.
   Additional Requirements and Conditions for Exit Row Seats.
   In order to sit in the Emergency Exit Row Seat, passengers shall comply with
   all legal and safety standards:
    * Passengers must be at least 16 years or older at the time of flying and
      acknowledge the exit row briefing given by cabin crew once on board the
    * Passengers must be willing to assist in the unlikely event of an emergency
      and be able to speak and understand English and carry out instructions. In
      the event of an emergency, passengers have to be able to check outside
      conditions and react to cabin crew commands and be able to reach, open,
      lift and throw out an exit door that weighs up to 27kg (60lbs).
    * Passengers cannot sit in the emergency exit row if they have any permanent
      or temporary impairment, for example, deaf, hearing impaired, blind,
      vision-impaired, any strength or mobility limitation, intellectual
      impairment or be travelling with a service dog
    * Passengers travelling with someone who needs their assistance in an
      emergency or passengers who are seated with an infant or passengers who
      require an extension seat belt, will not be eligible to be seated in an
      Exit Row Seat.
    * SAA has the sole discretion, at check-in or boarding, to determine whether
      a passenger meets the requirements to sit in an Exit Row Seat. If the
      passenger does not meet the requirements, they will be assigned a
      different seat.
    * A boarding pass for an exit row seat will only be issued once a SAA staff
      member confirms all safety criteria are met as outlined in our terms and
    * If a SAA staff member confirms that the passenger does not meet any of the
      required safety criteria, SAA may re-assign the passenger to a regular
      economy seat before or during the journey without refund of the Exit Row
      Seat reservation fees. These important safety requirements mean that
      notwithstanding the fact that passengers will be able to use Web and Kiosk
      check-in, where there are identified issues on-board the aircraft,
      passengers may be moved if they do not meet the exit row seating criteria.
    * If a passenger becomes unable to meet all physical and legal safety
      requirements to sit in an exit row seat they must give SAA 72 hours’
      notice, further to which they will be moved to a standard seat and
      refunded the Exit Row Seat fee.

   Terms of Use for South African Airways Social Media Platforms, Aka House
   To protect users and the brand, all of South African Airways social media
   platforms – South African Airways are actively moderated according to the
   policies set out below. Social Media House Rules need to be hosted on
   flysaa.com, which can be linked to from within each SAA social media
   account’s Bio.
   If any post violates these policies, it will be removed. Continuous violation
   by a user may result in that user being blocked. We do not want to ‘police’
   our social media environments, we welcome and encourage your comments,
   complaints or compliments; we just want to keep the environment free from
   The policies are:
   1. No hate speech;
   2. No swearing, or explicit or profane content;
   3. No personal attacks. No threatening or disparaging an individual or group
   based on their race, religion, gender, disability,  age or sexual
   4. No spam or other promotional content not relevant to South African
   Airways. (i.e. any business-related or otherwise promotional links that are
   not relevant to South African Airways will be removed);
   5. No posts linking to malicious files or software that may damage users'
   6. No pornographic references, either written or visual;
   7. No gratuitous or violent imagery, nor commentary;
   8. We value the privacy of all our users. Any content revealing personal
   information such as the names of third parties, phone numbers, addresses,
   credit card details or any content that invades others' privacy will be
   9. By posting on this page, you grant South African Airways and its
   respective entities a non-exclusive, royalty-free, worldwide, irreversible
   license to reproduce, transmit, display, disclose and otherwise use your
   SAA reserves the right to modify or change these conditions at any time.

   In the event that your travel is interrupted due to a lengthy tarmac delay,
   flight delay, flight cancellation or denied boarding situation, the following
   Interrupted Travel Assistances will apply to passengers originating from the
   respective regions on the direct service of  South African Airways (SAA).
   Download the Travel Assistance Brochures 
    * General
    * United States of America
    * Nigeria


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    * Star Alliance
    * Formazione equipaggio di cabina
    * Formazione operazioni aeroporto
    * Training commerciale
    * Inflight Magazine (digital copy)

    * SAA Cargo
    * SAA Technical

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    * Impegno del Cliente US
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    * Protezione della privacy

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