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by JamieAl
Convert MATLAB function to C++   [General C++ Programming]
I have a function from a textbook:
https://people.maths.ox.ac.uk/trefethen/spectral.html Basically it calculates
the Chebyshev differentiation matrix and I hav...
Mar 13, 2024 at 8:41am2024-03-13T18:41:46.000Z
[8 replies] Last: heh, so much ram ... my 2 year old PC has 64 gb .. a number
that, in m... (by jonnin)

Cyclic dependencies - how to deal with them?   [General C++ Programming]
Hi, I have a class GridCtrl that delegates to GridCtrlHandler but
GridCtrlHandler must also be able to call methods on GridCtrl. I cannot have
GridCtrl.h ...
Mar 13, 2024 at 8:16am2024-03-13T18:16:28.000Z
[4 replies] Last: It was you who mentioned header files and #includes first.
This "issu... (by Peter87)

by seeplus
C++ Safety in Context   [Lounge]
See: https://herbsutter.com/2024/03/11/safety-in-context/
Mar 13, 2024 at 1:08am2024-03-13T11:08:13.000Z
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by SubZeroWins
C++ Questions (1,2,3)   [Beginners]
1) Why does "&myChar " act differently in 2 different contexts? [code] char*
pointer = &myChar[0]; //ALSO WORKS!!! [/code] Above, it actually return th...
Mar 11, 2024 at 5:38am2024-03-11T15:38:42.000Z
[41 replies] Last: I was afraid you would reiterate that. That is why I
mentioned that I ... (by SubZeroWins)

by JamieAl
Why is my fft function not working as expected?   [General C++ Programming]
Trying to take the fft of 2D array along one direction (x for example and not y)
so it's a 1D FFT of 2D array. I have done this successfully before using Eigen
Mar 10, 2024 at 2:48pm2024-03-11T00:48:17.000Z
[7 replies] Last: @mbozzi Thanks a lot! I think this answers my question and
gets me th... (by JamieAl)

by Zaap
vector push_back passing size from 0 to overflow   [General C++ Programming]
Hi, please see the following code and the associated prints. I also add the
Argument class below. Basically, it crashes the second time it goes in the loop
Mar 8, 2024 at 6:18am2024-03-08T16:18:12.000Z
[2 replies] Last: What is the definition of _arguments? (by seeplus)

by BigNibs
Looking for tutor for OOP class   [Beginners]
Hi everyone, I dont know if this is the right channel to ask this but im
starting to fall behind pretty hard in my OOP class, I really need to catch up
on a cou...
Mar 7, 2024 at 12:03am2024-03-07T10:03:57.000Z
[2 replies] Last: For a different take on your lecture notes, have a look at:
https://ww... (by seeplus)

by spistol
Linking problem with qrcodegencpp [Linux]   [Beginners]
Installing a new library and future its compilation is always pain for me. I've
just installed simple lib:
Mar 6, 2024 at 10:56pm2024-03-07T08:56:28.000Z
[4 replies] Last: >> /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libqrcodegencpp.so.1 > This one
looks lik... (by keskiverto)

by Jonathan100
Pointer to array in 2d array   [Beginners]
Hi folks. I have certain function (in .cpp source) that takes a pointer to an
array of 8 integer values. (The function is responsible for creating a Minor -
Mar 6, 2024 at 5:09pm2024-03-07T03:09:57.000Z
[6 replies] Last: Ah, yes, you ran into magic VLA stuff. Fix that by cranking up
your c... (by Duthomhas)

by Jonathan100
Git questions   [Beginners]
Hi. Can I ask here git questions?
Mar 6, 2024 at 4:38am2024-03-06T14:38:41.000Z
[2 replies] Last: That git-scm website has lots of git flavors for the 3 big
OSes. If y... (by George P)

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