www.scandichotels.fi Open in urlscan Pro
2a02:26f0:dc::217:61f2  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.scandichotels.fi/
Effective URL: https://www.scandichotels.fi/
Submission: On September 28 via manual from PL — Scanned from FI

Form analysis 1 forms found in the DOM

Name: bookingWidgetGET /varaa-hotelli/valitse-hotelli/redirect

<form action="/varaa-hotelli/valitse-hotelli/redirect" method="GET" name="bookingWidget">
  <booking-widget class="no-animate" ng-version="13.1.2">
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              for="widget-search__text"><span>Missä haluaisit yöpyä?</span><span class="hide-on-load">@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetSearchLabel</span></label><!----><input type="hidden" name="hotel" value="undefined"><!----><!----></div>
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                              data-date="1667347200000">2</button><button tabindex="-1" type="button" class="dp-day dp-edge-day " data-date-specflow="2022-11-3" data-date="1667433600000">3</button><button tabindex="-1" type="button"
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                              data-date="1667606400000">5</button><button tabindex="-1" type="button" class="dp-day dp-edge-day " data-date-specflow="2022-11-6" data-date="1667692800000">6</button></div>
                          <footer class="dp-cal-footer"><button tabindex="0" type="button" class="dp-apply">Tallenna</button><button tabindex="-1" type="button" class="dp-today">tänään</button><button tabindex="-1" type="button"
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              </div><button type="button" tabindex="0" class="date-picker__apply btn u-no-button-style">Tallenna</button>
        </date-picker><label for="date-picker"><span>Saapuminen ja lähtö</span><span class="hide-on-load">@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetFromLabel</span></label></div><guest-selection>
        <div tabindex="-1" class="guest-selector">
          <div class="guest-wrapper input-group"><svg viewBox="0 0 16 15" focusable="false" class="icon icon--xs icon--white icon-people">
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            </svg><span id="guestInput" tabindex="0" class="guest-selector__text arrow-down input">1 Aikuinen</span><label for="guestInput"><span>Majoittujia ja huoneita</span><span class="hidden">Majoittujia</span><span
          <div class="dropdown__modal" hidden="">
            <div class="guest-selector__header"><label for="guest-selector__room-count" class="guest-selector__header-label"><span>Huoneiden määrä</span>: &nbsp; </label>
              <div class="custom-select custom-select--inline custom-select--booking-widget-dialog"><select id="guest-selector__room-count" aria-invalid="false" class="guest-selector__room-count ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid">
                  <option value="1" selected="selected">1</option>
                  <option value="2">2</option>
                  <option value="3">3</option>
                  <option value="4">4</option>
            <div class="guest-selector__body">
              <div class="guest-selector__room-details">
                <div class="room-info">
                  <div class="room-info__label"><span>Huone </span> 1: </div>
                  <div class="input-group-2col">
                    <div class="input-group-2col__col"><scandic-number-input arialabel="adults. Choose the number of adults that will stay in the room." type="adult" min="1" max="6"><span role="spinbutton" tabindex="0" class="numeric-input"
                          aria-label="1 adults. Choose the number of adults that will stay in the room."><input type="hidden" name="room[0].adults" value="1"><span class="numeric-input__value"> 1 <span
                              class="numeric-input__unit">Aikuinen</span><!----></span><span class="numeric-input__controls"><button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="numeric-input__controls__increase"><span
                                class="icon icon--up-arrow-small"></span><span class="hidden--accessible">Increase</span></button><button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="numeric-input__controls__decrease"><span
                                class="icon icon--down-arrow-small"></span><span class="hidden--accessible">Decrease</span></button></span></span></scandic-number-input></div>
                    <div class="input-group-2col__col"><scandic-number-input arialabel="children. Choose the number of children that will stay in the room." type="child" min="0" max="5"><span role="spinbutton" tabindex="0" class="numeric-input"
                          aria-label="0 children. Choose the number of children that will stay in the room."><input type="hidden" name="" value="0"><span class="numeric-input__value"> 0 <span
                              class="numeric-input__unit">Lasta</span><!----></span><span class="numeric-input__controls"><button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="numeric-input__controls__increase"><span
                                class="icon icon--up-arrow-small"></span><span class="hidden--accessible">Increase</span></button><button type="button" tabindex="-1" class="numeric-input__controls__decrease"><span
                                class="icon icon--down-arrow-small"></span><span class="hidden--accessible">Decrease</span></button></span></span></scandic-number-input></div>
                <div class="guest-selctor__child-info"><!----></div><!---->
            <div class="guest-selector__footer"><a class="iconic-item iconic-item--m iconic-item--centeredx close-guest-selector"><span class="iconic-item__text">Valmis</span></a></div>
      <div class="booking-widget-options-toggle"><button type="button" data-hj-ignore-attributes="" class="u-no-button-style visible-medium-up-flex" tabindex="0"><span class="booking-widget-options-toggle__text"><span
              class="hidden">Varauskoodi</span><span>Varauskoodi, </span><span>Bonus Cheque</span><span>tai</span><span>Palkintoyö</span></span><span
            class="booking-widget-options-toggle__text hide-on-load"><span>@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetBookingCodeLabel</span>,
            class="booking-widget-options-toggle__icon icon-show-options"><img src="/Static/img/icons/arrows/downInCircle.svg" alt="Show code options icon" class="icon icon--s"></span></button><!----></div><!---->
      <div class="booking-widget__submit hidden visible-medium-up-block"><button type="submit" data-hj-ignore-attributes="" class="btn booking-widget__btn u-no-button-style"><span>Hae huoneet ja hinnat</span><span
            class="hide-on-load">@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetBookButtonLabel</span><span class="loader loader--right" hidden=""><span></span><span></span><span></span></span></button></div>
      <div class="booking-widget__multi-destination">
        <div class="booking-widget-options-item"><label for="multiDestination" class="custom-checkbox-wrapper"><input id="multiDestination" type="checkbox" value="1" name="multidest" class="custom-checkbox ng-untouched ng-pristine ng-valid"><span
              class="custom-checkbox-label">Varaa useampi hotelli</span></label>
          <div class="booking-widget-options__tooltip">
            <a href="#mainnav-widget-multi-destination-tooltip" aria-describedby="mainnav-widget-multi-destination-tooltip" role="tooltip" data-js-tooltip="" data-tooltip-open-on-focus="true" class="icon icon--info icon--info-white"></a>
            <div id="mainnav-widget-multi-destination-tooltip" class="tooltip__body hidden">
              <p class="tooltipHeader">Suunnitelmissa varata useampi hotelli?</p>
              <p>Valitse "Varaa useampi hotelli" ja voit varata jopa 5 hotellia kerralla. Valittuasi ensimmäisen hotellin, voit lisätä useamman hotellin. Tämä uusi toiminnallisuus on tällä hetkellä voimassa vain kun varauksessa on yksi huone per
                hotelli ja hinta on peruttavissa kuluitta.</p>
        <div class="booking-widget-options-toggle"><button type="button" data-hj-ignore-attributes="" class="u-no-button-style hidden-medium-up"><span class="booking-widget-options-toggle__icon"><img src="/Static/img/icons/shared/addCircle.svg"
                alt="Show code options icon" class="icon icon--s icon-show-options"><img src="/Static/img/icons/shared/removeCircle.svg" alt="Hide code options icon" class="icon icon--s icon-hide-options"></span><span
              class="booking-widget-options-toggle__text hidden">Varauskoodi</span><span class="booking-widget-options-toggle__text">Koodit ja palkintoyöt</span><span
              class="booking-widget-options-toggle__text hide-on-load">@Texts.CodesRewardsNights</span></button><!----><button type="submit" data-hj-ignore-attributes="" class="btn booking-widget__btn u-no-button-style hidden-medium-up"><span>Hae
              huoneet ja hinnat</span><span class="hide-on-load">@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetBookButtonLabel</span><span class="loader loader--right" hidden=""><span></span><span></span><span></span></span></button></div><!---->

Text Content


Käytämme evästeitä ja vastaavia varmistaaksemme sivuston toiminnan sekä
salliaksemme omien mieltymysten tallentamisen. Käytämme evästeitä myös
kerätäksemme tietoja sivujen käytöstä, kuinka päädyit sivuille sekä
laitteestasi, jotta voimme räätälöidä sisältöä ja mainoksia sekä tukea
sosiaalisen median ominaisuuksia. Jaamme myös sosiaalisen median, mainosalan ja
analytiikka-alan kumppaneillemme tietoa siitä, miten käytät sivujamme. He voivat
yhdistää näitä tietoja muihin heille antamiisi tietoihin tai niihin joita on
kerätty, kun olet käyttänyt heidän palvelujaan.

Lue lisää Eväste- sekä Tietosuojaehdoistamme.

Salli kaikki evästeet Määritä asetukset
Evästeilmoitus [#IABV2SETTINGS#] Tietoja
 Välttämätön (58)  Mieltymykset (4)  Tilastot (15)  Markkinointi (93)
 Luokittelemattomat (5)

Välttämättömät evästeet auttavat tekemään verkkosivustosta käyttökelpoisen
sallimalla perustoimintoja, kuten sivulla siirtymisen ja sivuston suojattujen
alueiden käytön sekä mahdollistaa oikean fontin, kuvamuodon ja muut sivuston
asetukset. Verkkosivusto ei toimi kunnolla ilman näitä evästeitä.

Tähän kategoriaan kuuluvat myös Google Analytics ja Adobe Analytics -evästeet,
joilla selvitetään kuinka päädyit sivustollemme (esim. Trivago, TripAdvisor,
KAYAK Network -kanavien, Google-mainoslinkin tai jonkun muun sivuston kautta),
sivujen näytöt ja niiden kestot, käyttämäsi laitteet (selain, laitemalli,
näyttöresoluutio, kieli) ja tehtiinkö osto (hinta, ostonumero, huonetyyppi,
henkilöiden lukumäärä, varausaika, jne). Näitä tietoja käytetään
ostokäyttäytymisen analysointiin, virheiden korjaamiseen ja sivuston yleiseen
parantamiseen. Jos kirjaudut Scandic Friends -sivuille, profiilitietojasi
käytetään ainoastaan Adobe Analytics -järjestelmässä. Jos saavuit sivuillemme
jonkin partnersivustomme kautta (Trivago, TripAdvisor, KAYAK Network or
Derbysoft), käytämme evästeitä näihin tiettyihin partnereihin liittyen ja jaamme
tietoa mahdollisesta ostostasi, jotta varmistamme oikean partner-komission.

prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) attacks.1
vuosiHTTPAWSALBTGCORSembed.toristy.comRegisters which server-cluster is serving
the visitor. This is used in context with load balancing, in order to optimize
user experience. 6 päivääHTTPrc::aGoogleThis cookie is used to distinguish
between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make
valid reports on the use of their website.PersistentHTMLrc::cGoogleThis cookie
is used to distinguish between humans and bots. SessionHTMLgdprID5Determines
whether the visitor has accepted the cookie consent box. This ensures that the
cookie consent box will not be presented again upon re-entry. 1
päiväHTTP__RequestVerificationToken [x2]Scandic
www.scandichotels.fiHelps prevent Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF)
attacks.SessionHTTPARRAffinitySameSiteScandicUsed to distribute traffic to the
website on several servers in order to optimise response
times.SessionHTTP__cf_bm [x2]Jobylon
MyNewsDeskThis cookie is used to distinguish between humans and bots. This is
beneficial for the website, in order to make valid reports on the use of their
website.1 päiväHTTPSESS#www.scandichotels.fiPreserves users states across page
requests.1 päiväHTTPssmwww.scandichotels.fiUsed to persist log in state between
sessions by the login handler when logging in or out from Scandic's
website.SessionHTTPusernamewww.scandichotels.fiUsed to persist log in state
between sessions by the login handler when logging in or out from Scandic's
website.2 vuottaHTTPmStripeDetermines the device used to access the website.
This allows the website to be formatted accordingly. 2
vuottaHTTP_abckwww.scandichotels.fiUsed to detect and defend against
replay-cookie-attacks – The cookie is necessary for the security and integrity
of the website. 1 vuosiHTTP_gaGoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to
generate statistical data on how the visitor uses the website.2
vuottaHTTP_gat [x2]Google
ScandicUsed by Google Analytics to throttle request rate1
päiväHTTP_gidGoogleRegisters a unique ID that is used to generate statistical
data on how the visitor uses the website.1 päiväHTTP_vwo_uuid_v2VWOThis cookie
is set to make split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's
relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the
visitor's experience on a website.1 vuosiHTTPAI_bufferMicrosoftUsed in context
with the "AI_sentBuffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates
(Azure). This synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate
data-server-updates. SessionHTMLAI_sentBufferMicrosoftUsed in context with the
"AI_buffer" in order to limit the number of data-server-updates (Azure). This
synergy also allows the website to detect any duplicate data-server-updates.
SessionHTMLai_sessionMicrosoftPreserves users states across page requests.1
päiväHTMLai_userMicrosoftUsed by Microsoft Application Insights software to
collect statistical usage and telemetry information. The cookie stores a unique
identifier to recognize users on returning visits over time.1
vuosiHTTPAITR_InvalidBackendResponsewww.scandichotels.fiThis cookie is used to
detect errors on the website - this information is sent to the website's support
staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the
website.SessionHTMLAITR_TransmissionFailedwww.scandichotels.fiThis cookie is
used to detect errors on the website - this information is sent to the website's
support staff in order to optimize the visitor's experience on the
website.SessionHTMLak_bmscwww.scandichotels.fiThis cookie is used to distinguish
between humans and bots. This is beneficial for the website, in order to make
valid reports on the use of their website.1
päiväHTTPAKA_A2www.scandichotels.fiThis cookie is necessary for the cache
function. A cache is used by the website to optimize the response time between
the visitor and the website. The cache is usually stored on the visitor’s
browser.1 päiväHTTPAMCV_#Adobe Inc.Cookie which contains a unique session ID for
Adobe Analytics. It indicates that a session has been initialized. It is also
used for registering if a user is a new or returning visitor.2
vuottaHTTPAMCVS_#AdobeOrgAdobe Inc.Session cookie which contains Scandic's
organisation ID with Adobe. It indicates that a session has been initialized.
The organisation ID helps Adobe to only analyse traffic from legitimate Scandic
websites.SessionHTTPASP.NET_SessionIdwww.scandichotels.fiPreserves the visitor's
session state across page requests.SessionHTTPbm_miwww.scandichotels.fiUsed in
context with the website's BotManager. The BotManager detects, categorizes and
compiles reports on potential bots trying to access the website.1
päiväHTTPbm_svwww.scandichotels.fiUsed in context with the website's BotManager.
The BotManager detects, categorizes and compiles reports on potential bots
trying to access the website.1 päiväHTTPbm_szwww.scandichotels.fiUsed in context
with the website's BotManager. The BotManager detects, categorizes and compiles
reports on potential bots trying to access the website.1
päiväHTTPcom.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.cookiesMigratedAdobe Inc.Used in
context with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer
between Adobe DTM onto Adobe Launch.
PersistentHTMLcom.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.landingPageAdobe Inc.Stores
visitors' navigation by registering landing pages - This allows the website to
present relevant products and/or measure their advertisement efficiency on other
websites. SessionHTMLcom.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.landingTimeAdobe
Inc.Sets a timestamp for when the visitor entered the website. This is used for
analytical purposes on the website.
SessionHTMLcom.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.pagesViewedAdobe Inc.Contains
data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website and its
sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of advertisements and
for statistical purposes.
Inc.Contains data on user navigation, interaction and time spent on the website
and its sub-pages - This data is used to optimise the relevance of
advertisements and for statistical purposes.
PersistentHTMLcom.adobe.reactor.core.visitorTracking.trafficSourceAdobe Inc.Used
by the website's owners to identify how the visitor accessed the website - This
is used for statistical purposes.
SessionHTMLcom.adobe.reactor.dataElementCookiesMigratedAdobe Inc.Used in context
with the cache-function on the website, facilitating data transfer between Adobe
DTM onto Adobe Launch. PersistentHTMLCookieConsentCookiebotStores the user's
cookie consent state for the current domain1 vuosiHTTPgpv_p17Adobe Inc.Used by
Adobe Analytics to preserve which page a user is viewing. 1 päiväHTTPgpv_pnAdobe
Inc.Registers statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for
internal analytics by the website operator. 1 päiväHTTPgpv_v99Adobe Inc.Used by
Adobe Analytics to preserve which page a user is viewing. 1
päiväHTTPloginTrackDatawww.scandichotels.fiUsed to determine logged in or out
state of the login function on Scandic's
website.SessionHTMLRTs.go-mpulse.netThis cookie is used to identify the visitor
through an application. This allows the visitor to login to a website through
their LinkedIn application for example.6 päivääHTTPs_ccAdobe Inc.Used to check
if the user's browser supports cookies.SessionHTTPs_ecidAdobe Inc.This cookie is
set after the AMCV cookie is set by the client. The purpose of this cookie is to
allow persistent ID tracking in the 1st-party state and is used as a reference
ID if the AMCV cookie has expired.2 vuottaHTTPs_pltAdobe Inc.Registers the
website's speed and performance. This function can be used in context with
statistics and load-balancing.SessionHTTPs_pltpAdobe Inc.This cookie is used by
Adobe Analytics to measure performance on page loadSessionHTTPsat_trackAdobe
Inc.Stores the user's cookie consent state for the current
domainSessionHTTPsessionIdwww.scandichotels.fiPreserves the visitor's session
state across page requests.SessionHTMLtestAdobe Inc.Used to detect if the
visitor has accepted the marketing category in the cookie banner. This cookie is
necessary for GDPR-compliance of the website.
SessionHTTPuserHtmlForLoggedInOrLoggedOutwww.scandichotels.fiUsed to determine
logged in or out state of the login function on Scandic's
website.SessionHTMLgidGiosgThis cookie is created for the chat function. It does
not work without this cookie.2 vuottaHTTPsgidGiosgThis cookie is created for the
chat function. It does not work without this cookie.2 vuottaHTTPv.gifVWOThis
cookie is set to make split-tests on the website, which optimizes the website's
relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be set to improve the
visitor's experience on a website.SessionPixel

Mieltymysevästeiden avulla sivusto tallentaa tietoja, jotka muuttavat sivuston
käyttäytymistä ja ulkonäköä, kuten kielivalintoja tai käyttäjän sijainteja.

NimiTarjoajaTarkoitusVoimassaTyyppigiosg_chat_id_#GiosgNecessary for the
functionality of the website's chat-box function. 2
vuottaHTTPgiosg_gid_#GiosgNecessary for the functionality of the website's
chat-box function. 2 vuottaHTTPgiosg_gsessid_#GiosgNecessary for the
functionality of the website's chat-box function. 1
päiväHTTPgiosg_operator_state_cache_#Adobe Inc.Necessary for the functionality
of the website's chat-box function. SessionHTML

Tilastoevästeet keräävät tietoja siitä kuinka käytät sivustoamme, kuten
esimerkiksi millä sivuilla käyt ja kuinka kauan. Käytämme näitä tietoja
ymmärtääksemme, miten käyttäjät ovat vuorovaikutuksessa sivustomme kanssa.

NimiTarjoajaTarkoitusVoimassaTyyppic.gifMicrosoftCollects data on the user’s
navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical
reports and heatmaps for the website owner.SessionPixelCLIDMicrosoftCollects
data on the user’s navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to
compile statistical reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1
vuosiHTTPcksync.phpMedia.netThis cookie is used to determine if cookie data
synchronization is enabled or disabled – cookie data synchronization is used to
synchronize and gather visitor data on several
domains.SessionPixelvisitor-idMedia.netThis cookie is used to collect
information on the visitor. This information will be stored for internal
analytics at the website's operator – Internal analytics is used by websites to
optimize their domains.1 vuosiHTTP_clckMicrosoftCollects data on the user’s
navigation and behavior on the website. This is used to compile statistical
reports and heatmaps for the website owner.1 vuosiHTTP_clskMicrosoftRegisters
statistical data on users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics
by the website operator. 1 päiväHTTP_cltkMicrosoftRegisters statistical data on
users' behaviour on the website. Used for internal analytics by the website
operator. SessionHTML_ga_#GoogleUsed by Google Analytics to collect data on the
number of times a user has visited the website as well as dates for the first
and most recent visit. 2 vuottaHTTP_vis_opt_sVWOUsed by Visual Website Optimizer
to determine if the visitor is participating in a design experiment.99
päivääHTTP_vis_opt_test_cookieVWOUsed to check if the user's browser supports
cookies.SessionHTTP_vwo_dsVWOCollects data on the user's visits to the website,
such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages
have been loaded with the purpose of generating reports for optimising the
website content.3 kuukauttaHTTP_vwo_snVWOCollects statistics on the visitor's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been read.1 päiväHTTP_vwo_uuidVWOUsed by Visual
Website Optimizer to ensure that the same user interface variant is displayed
for each visit, if the user is participating in a design experiment.10
vuottaHTTPvwoSnVWOThis cookie is set to make split-tests on the website, which
optimizes the website's relevance towards the visitor – the cookie can also be
set to improve the visitor's experience on a
website.PersistentHTMLmnd_track_anonymous_idMyNewsDeskCookie used by MyNewsDesk
to preserve session ID and measure statistics on Scandic's MyNewsDesk

Markkinointievästeet keräävät tietoa siitä kuinka sivustoamme käytät (esim.
sivujen näytöt ja kestot) ja kuinka löysit meidät (esim. mainoslinkin kautta).
Jaamme edellä mainittua tietoa sekä ostotietojasi (esim. huonetyyppi, hinta,
ostonumero) partnereillemme Adobe, Google, Bing (Microsoft), Facebook ja
LinkedIn muodostaaksemme tilastoja, näyttääksemme käyttäytymiseen perustuvaa
mainontaa partnereidemme mainosverkostossa (esim. Facebook tai muut sivustot)
sekä varmistaaksemme oikean partner-komission.

Lisäksi käytämme evästeitä tunnistaaksemme saavuitko sivuillemme jonkun
partnereistamme TripAdvisor, Trivago tai KAYAK kautta, jotta varmistamme
sivuillamme mahdollisesti tekemästäsi ostosta oikean partner-komission.

Käytämme evästeitä myös jakaaksemme tietoa käynnistäsi ja ostoistasi (hinta,
ostonumero) Annalect (Semasio) -toimijalle varmistaaksemme tehokkaan
markkinoinnin ja luodaksemme personoituja mainoksia kyseisen kanavan kautta.

DigitalOdottaaSessionHTTP0123456789#Improve DigitalOdottaa3
kuukauttaHTTP-1Improve DigitalCollects information on user behaviour on multiple
websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance of
advertisement on the website.3 kuukauttaHTTPtuuid [x2]Improve Digital
BidswitchCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such
as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have
been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.3
kuukauttaHTTPtuuid_lu [x2]Improve Digital
BidswitchContains a unique visitor ID, which allows Bidswitch.com to track the
visitor across multiple websites. This allows Bidswitch to optimize
advertisement relevance and ensure that the visitor does not see the same ads
multiple times. 3 kuukauttaHTTPumImprove DigitalRegisters the visitor's behavior
on social media - can be used to optimize ad-relevance and general targeting.3
kuukauttaHTTPumehImprove DigitalUsed to track visitors on multiple websites, in
order to present relevant advertisement based on the visitor's preferences. 3
kuukauttaHTTPvarchar (72)Improve DigitalOdottaaSessionHTTPxuidTripleliftPresents
the user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by
third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixelpixelAdformOdottaaSessionPixeluuid2AppnexusRegisters a
unique ID that identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted
ads.3 kuukauttaHTTPIDSYNCOathUsed to identify the visitor across visits and
devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant
advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. 1 vuosiHTTPcBidswitchRegulates
synchronisation of user identification and exchange of user data between various
ad services.1 vuosiHTTPsync [x4]Bidswitch
YieldmoCollects data on user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the
website and make advertisement on the website more relevant.
SessionPixelul_cb/syncBidswitchCollects information on user behaviour on
multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance
of advertisement on the website.SessionPixelMUID [x2]MicrosoftUsed widely by
Microsoft as a unique user ID. The cookie enables user tracking by synchronising
the ID across many Microsoft domains.1 vuosiHTTPSRM_BMicrosoftTracks the user’s
interaction with the website’s search-bar-function. This data can be used to
present the user with relevant products or services. 1
vuosiHTTPANONCHKMicrosoftRegisters data on visitors from multiple visits and on
multiple websites. This information is used to measure the efficiency of
advertisement on websites. 1 päiväHTTPSMMicrosoftRegisters a unique ID that
identifies the user's device during return visits across websites that use the
same ad network. The ID is used to allow targeted ads.SessionHTTPCMIDCasale
MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits to the website, such as
the number of visits, average time spent on the website and what pages have been
loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.1 vuosiHTTPCMPROCasale
MediaCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple websites, in order to
present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the website to limit the
number of times that they are shown the same advertisement. 3
kuukauttaHTTPCMPSCasale MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits
to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website
and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.3
kuukauttaHTTPCMTSCasale MediaCollects visitor data related to the user's visits
to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website
and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted ads.3
kuukauttaHTTPrumCasale MediaCollects data related to the user's visits to the
website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the website and
what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted
ads.SessionPixeldis/rtb/appnexus/cookiematch.aspxCriteoSets a unique ID for the
visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant
advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement
hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixeldis/rtb/google/cookiematch.aspxCriteoSets a unique ID
for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with
relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party
advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixeluidCriteoCollects visitor data related to the user's
visits to the website, such as the number of visits, average time spent on the
website and what pages have been loaded, with the purpose of displaying targeted
ads.1 vuosiHTTPdemdexAdobeVia a unique ID that is used for semantic content
analysis, the user's navigation on the website is registered and linked to
offline data from surveys and similar registrations to display targeted ads.179
päivääHTTPdpmAdobeSets a unique ID for the visitor, that allows third party
advertisers to target the visitor with relevant advertisement. This pairing
service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which facilitates
real-time bidding for advertisers.179 päivääHTTPIDEGoogleUsed by Google
DoubleClick to register and report the website user's actions after viewing or
clicking one of the advertiser's ads with the purpose of measuring the efficacy
of an ad and to present targeted ads to the user.1
vuosiHTTPpagead/landing [x2]GoogleCollects data on visitor behaviour from
multiple websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also
allows the website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same
advertisement. SessionPixeltest_cookieGoogleUsed to check if the user's browser
supports cookies.1 päiväHTTPeverest_g_v2Adobe Inc.Used for targeted ads and to
document efficacy of each individual ad.1
vuosiHTTPcriteoexchange.mediavine.comPresents the user with relevant content and
advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.13
päivääHTTPmv_tokensexchange.mediavine.comSets a unique ID for the visitor, that
allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant
advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement
hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.13
päivääHTTPmv_tokens_eu-v1exchange.mediavine.comSets a unique ID for the visitor,
that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant
advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement
hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.13
päivääHTTPmv_tokens_invalidate-verizon-pushesexchange.mediavine.comSets a unique
ID for the visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor
with relevant advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party
advertisement hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.13
päivääHTTPfrMeta Platforms, Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of
advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party advertisers.3
kuukauttaHTTPtrMeta Platforms, Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a series of
advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party
advertisers.SessionPixelads/ga-audiencesGoogleUsed by Google Ads to re-engage
visitors that are likely to convert to customers based on the visitor's online
behaviour across websites.SessionPixelpagead/1p-user-list/#GoogleTracks if the
user has shown interest in specific products or events across multiple websites
and detects how the user navigates between sites. This is used for measurement
of advertisement efforts and facilitates payment of referral-fees between
websites.SessionPixelcallbackID5Collects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
1 päiväHTTPcarID5Presents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The
service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate
real-time bidding for advertisers.1 päiväHTTPcfID5Sets a unique ID for the
visitor, that allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant
advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement
hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.1
päiväHTTPcipID5Presents the user with relevant content and advertisement. The
service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate
real-time bidding for advertisers.1 päiväHTTPcnacID5Presents the user with
relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by third-party
advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.1
päiväHTTPs/966/9.gifID5Presents the user with relevant content and
advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixel_kuid_SalesforceRegisters a unique ID that identifies a
returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.179
päivääHTTPdata-cMedia.netPresents the user with relevant content and
advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.29
päivääHTTPdata-c-tsMedia.netCollects data on the user across websites - This
data is used to make advertisement more relevant.29
päivääHTTPvisitor/syncvisitor.omnitagjs.comThis cookie is used to assign
specific visitors into segments, this segmentation is based on visitor behavior
on the website - the segmentation can be used to target larger
groups.SessionPixel_boomr_akamaiXhrRetrys.go-mpulse.netCollects information on
user preferences and/or interaction with web-campaign content - This is used on
CRM-campaign-platform used by website owners for promoting events or
products.PersistentHTML_fbp Meta Platforms, Inc.Used by Facebook to deliver a
series of advertisement products such as real time bidding from third party
advertisers.3 kuukauttaHTTP_gcl_auGoogleUsed by Google AdSense for experimenting
with advertisement efficiency across websites using their services. 3
kuukauttaHTTP_uetsidMicrosoftCollects data on visitor behaviour from multiple
websites, in order to present more relevant advertisement - This also allows the
website to limit the number of times that they are shown the same advertisement.
1 päiväHTML_uetsid_expMicrosoftContains the expiry-date for the cookie with
corresponding name. PersistentHTML_uetvidMicrosoftUsed to track visitors on
multiple websites, in order to present relevant advertisement based on the
visitor's preferences. 1 vuosiHTML_uetvid_expMicrosoftContains the expiry-date
for the cookie with corresponding name.
PersistentHTMLcriteo_write_testCriteoSets a unique ID for the visitor, that
allows third party advertisers to target the visitor with relevant
advertisement. This pairing service is provided by third party advertisement
hubs, which facilitates real-time bidding for advertisers.1
päiväHTTPcto_bundleCriteoPresents the user with relevant content and
advertisement. The service is provided by third-party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers.13
kuukauttaHTMLcto_tld_testCriteoUsed to identify the visitor across visits and
devices. This allows the website to present the visitor with relevant
advertisement - The service is provided by third party advertisement hubs, which
facilitate real-time bidding for advertisers. 1 päiväHTTPredirSmartPresents the
user with relevant content and advertisement. The service is provided by
third-party advertisement hubs, which facilitate real-time bidding for
advertisers.SessionPixeldspuuidSmartclipRegisters data on visitors from multiple
visits and on multiple websites. This information is used to measure the
efficiency of advertisement on websites. 29 päivääHTTPpsynSmartclipUsed in
context with video-advertisement. The cookie limits the number of times a user
is shown the same advertisement. The cookie is also used to ensure relevance of
the video-advertisement to the specific user. 29 päivääHTTPuuidSmartclipThis
cookie is used to optimize ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple
websites – this exchange of visitor data is normally provided by a third-party
data-center or ad-exchange.29 päivääHTTPbt3s.thebrighttag.comCollects data on
user behaviour and interaction in order to optimize the website and make
advertisement on the website more relevant. 1
vuosiHTTPbtv3.crs.thebrighttag.comOdottaa29 päivääHTTPcss.thebrighttag.comThis
cookie is used to optimize ad relevance by collecting visitor data from multiple
websites – this exchange of visitor data is normally provided by a third-party
data-center or ad-exchange.SessionPixel__vtTripadvisorLinks user’s preferences
and website behavior with the TripAdvisor website, allowing TripAdvisor to show
relevant advertisement towards the specific user. 1
päiväHTTPServerPoolTripadvisorUsed for viewing embedded content from
TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking
across websites.SessionHTTPTACdsTripadvisorUsed for viewing embedded content
from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user
tracking across websites.2 kuukauttaHTTPTADCIDTripadvisorUsed for viewing
embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees
and user tracking across websites.10 vuottaHTTPTASessionTripadvisorUsed for
viewing embedded content from TripAdvisor, including payment of referral
commission fees and user tracking across
websites.SessionHTTPTAUniqueTripadvisorUsed for viewing embedded content from
TripAdvisor, including payment of referral commission fees and user tracking
across websites.2 vuottaHTTPA3OathCollects information on user behaviour on
multiple websites. This information is used in order to optimize the relevance
of advertisement on the website.1 vuosiHTTPidYieldlabRegisters a unique ID that
identifies a returning user's device. The ID is used for targeted ads.1
vuosiHTTPVISITOR_INFO1_LIVEYouTubeTries to estimate the users' bandwidth on
pages with integrated YouTube videos.179 päivääHTTPYSCYouTubeRegisters a unique
ID to keep statistics of what videos from YouTube the user has
seen.SessionHTTPytidb::LAST_RESULT_ENTRY_KEYYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-cast-availableYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-cast-installedYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-connected-devicesYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-device-idYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoPersistentHTMLyt-remote-fast-check-periodYouTubeStores the user's video
player preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-appYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube
videoSessionHTMLyt-remote-session-nameYouTubeStores the user's video player
preferences using embedded YouTube videoSessionHTML

Luokittelemattomat evästeet ovat evästeitä, joita luokittelemme parhaillamme
yhdessä yksittäisten evästeiden tarjoajien kanssa.


Evästeet ovat pieniä tekstitiedostoja, joita sivustot voivat käyttää moniin
tarkoituksiin, kuten tehdäkseen käyttäjäkokemuksesta tehokkaamman,
mahdollistaakseen sisäänkirjautumisen tai tilastointi- sekä
markkinointitarkoituksiin. Lain mukaan voimme tallentaa evästeitä tai vastaavaa
teknologiaa (jäljempänä ”evästeet”) laitteellesi ilman lupaasi
viestintätarkoituksessa tai mikäli se on ehdottoman tärkeää käyttäjän pyytämän
tiedon tuottamiseen. Tarvitsemme suostumuksesi kaikkien muuntyyppisten
evästeiden käytölle. Tämä sivusto käyttää erityyppisiä evästeitä. Jotkut
evästeet ovat sivuillamme esiintyvien kolmansien osapuolten esimerkiksi
markkinointitarkoituksiin asettamia. Voit milloin tahansa muuttaa tai peruuttaa
hyväksyntäsi sivustollamme evästeilmoituksen kautta. Jos haluat ottaa meihin
yhteyttä hyväksymiseesi liittyen, ole hyvä ja ilmoita hyväksymistunnuksesi ja
-päivämäärä. Hyväksymistunnuksen löydät ”Hyväksy evästeet” tai ”Peru evästeet”
-valintojen yläpuolelta. 
Evästeilmoitus päivitetty viimeksi 13.9.2022, tekijä: Cookiebot
Salli kaikki evästeet
Salli valinta Salli kaikki evästeet
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Täältä löydät yhteenvedon varaamistasi hotelleista.




Missä haluaisit yöpyä?@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetSearchLabel
28 syys - 29 syys
Saapuminen ja lähtö@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetFromLabel
1 AikuinenMajoittujia ja
Huoneiden määrä:  
Huone 1:
1 AikuinenIncreaseDecrease
0 LastaIncreaseDecrease

VarauskoodiVarauskoodi, Bonus
Hae huoneet ja hinnat@ViewBag.BookingWidgetLabels.BookingWidgetBookButtonLabel
Varaa useampi hotelli

Suunnitelmissa varata useampi hotelli?

Valitse "Varaa useampi hotelli" ja voit varata jopa 5 hotellia kerralla.
Valittuasi ensimmäisen hotellin, voit lisätä useamman hotellin. Tämä uusi
toiminnallisuus on tällä hetkellä voimassa vain kun varauksessa on yksi huone
per hotelli ja hinta on peruttavissa kuluitta.

VarauskoodiKoodit ja palkintoyöt@Texts.CodesRewardsNightsHae huoneet ja
Parhaan hinnan takuu vain osoitteessa scandichotels.fi


Hyvää sekä sinulle että ympäristölle!
Katso uutuudet



Scandic Friends -jäsenenä saat alennusta kaikista hinnoista kaikkina


Scandic Friends -etuna laskemme 6.11. asti jokaisen pisteisiin oikeuttavan yön
kahdeksi. Aktivoi etu!


Hyödynnä pisteesi ja varaa palkintoyö tarjoushintaan valituissa hotelleissa


Etu on voimassa kaikkina päivinä syyslomalla. Lapset majoittuvat maksutta
12-vuotiaiksi asti.


Hotelli avautuu 14.10. Varaa ensimmäisten joukossa avajaistarjous alk. 69 €/2hh.


Osta hotellilahjakortti netissä. Lahjaksi hyvää oloa ja hemmottelua.

Katso kaikki tarjoukset



Uusi urbaani Scandic Helsinki Hub on nyt avoinna. Keskellä kaikkea.


Näin varaat kokouksesi vain muutamalla klikkauksella.


Juhlavat tilat, upea ohjelma ja herkulliset tarjoilut odottavat.



Katso kaikki kohteet, aktiviteetit ja hotellitarjoukset.


Kokosimme parhaat menovinkit suosituimpiin kohteisiimme Suomessa!


Hemmottelua, elämyksiä ja aamiainen pitkän kaavan mukaan sisältyvät hintaan.


Nauti trooppisten allasosastojen lämmöstä ja hemmottelevasta hotellilomasta.


Avaamme jatkuvasti uusia ja upeita hotelleja. Lisäksi uudistamme hotellejamme


Löydät Scandic-hotelleja 130 kohteessa kuudessa maassa. Tervetuloa!



Scandic Friends -jäsenenä saat alennusta ruoasta ravintoloissamme. Lisäksi
tarjoamme kuukausittain vaihtuvat annosedut.


Scandicissa on aina tilaa omalle ajalle. Ja taas on akut ladattu uuteen päivään!


Scandicissa majoitut, syöt ja kokoustat vastuullisesti - hyvällä omallatunnolla.



Oletko juuri sinä uusi tiimikaverimme? Katso kaikki avoimet työpaikat ja hae


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Scandic on Pohjoismaiden suurin hotelliketju, jolla on toiminnassa tai
kehitteillä yli 280 hotellia ja 57 000 huonetta 6 eri maassa. Scandic työllistää
yli 10 000 tiimiläistä. Scandic Friends on Pohjoismaisen hotellialan suurin




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