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              <h1 class="Typography__TypographyElement-sc-1mxik0z-0 iLEEYM Heading__Element-sc-ofww2t-0 bNfRqj variant-heading2 colour-neutral-one">COMO Maalifushi</h1>
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                Roundtrip Domestic Seaplane Transfers</h2>
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              <p>Discover unparalleled island opulence with a five-star stay at the acclaimed COMO Maalifushi, the first and only resort in the Maldives’ alluring Thaa Atoll. Awake each morning to the gentle murmur of the endless Indian Ocean and
                savour halcyon days filled with inimitable luxury – experience authentic Maldivian beachside dining at Madi, exquisite omakase and Japanese whisky at Tai or charter the resort’s private luxury yacht for unforgettable adventures in
                paradise. Spend early evenings admiring each spectacular sunset from the comfort of your sleek, lavishly furnished accommodation – exquisitely crafted by renowned Japanese atelier Koichiro Ikebuchi – or savour unforgettable evenings
                snorkelling with whale sharks.</p>
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                  <p>COMO is renowned worldwide for tremendous hospitality, and backed by their signature top-notch service it's easy to lose yourself in paradise. Enjoy one of the Maldives' most exceptional surf spots, praise the sun with
                    complimentary yoga classes or allow the resort's rotating guest mixologists to take you on a journey in modern cocktail magic. Scuba-diving lovers will find Maalifushi's reef a step above the rest, with onsite PADI-approved
                    courses and countless untouched secret reefs for divers of all levels.</p>
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            <p><strong>Water Villa Upgrade:</strong> Signature Maldivian bliss awaits when you upgrade to the spacious, one-bedroom Water Villa, featuring a private pool, sundeck with lagoon access and expansive windows overlooking the shimmering
              Indian Ocean.</p>
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Thaa Atoll, Maldives



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Discover unparalleled island opulence with a five-star stay at the acclaimed
COMO Maalifushi, the first and only resort in the Maldives’ alluring Thaa Atoll.
Awake each morning to the gentle murmur of the endless Indian Ocean and savour
halcyon days filled with inimitable luxury – experience authentic Maldivian
beachside dining at Madi, exquisite omakase and Japanese whisky at Tai or
charter the resort’s private luxury yacht for unforgettable adventures in
paradise. Spend early evenings admiring each spectacular sunset from the comfort
of your sleek, lavishly furnished accommodation – exquisitely crafted by
renowned Japanese atelier Koichiro Ikebuchi – or savour unforgettable evenings
snorkelling with whale sharks.

COMO is renowned worldwide for tremendous hospitality, and backed by their
signature top-notch service it's easy to lose yourself in paradise. Enjoy one of
the Maldives' most exceptional surf spots, praise the sun with complimentary
yoga classes or allow the resort's rotating guest mixologists to take you on a
journey in modern cocktail magic. Scuba-diving lovers will find Maalifushi's
reef a step above the rest, with onsite PADI-approved courses and countless
untouched secret reefs for divers of all levels.

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Travel until Sep 30, 2024
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Water Villa Upgrade: Signature Maldivian bliss awaits when you upgrade to the
spacious, one-bedroom Water Villa, featuring a private pool, sundeck with lagoon
access and expansive windows overlooking the shimmering Indian Ocean.

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5 nights

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