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Submission: On June 04 via api from US — Scanned from DE

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Green Flu Don’t Stop the F’n Riders

Posted by Jake at 7:04 AM

You might’ve heard about a lot of bands cancelling their tours this week because
of all the airports shutting down and the government telling people to stay
indoors. To that the Riders say: We’ll stop touring when we stop breathing. What
America needs most right now in its time of trial is MUSIC, and that is one
thing the Riders are proud to provide.

The airports shutting down don’t confront us none. We don’t tour in a fancy
plane (just the ol’ dependable Riders tour bus, and I could tell y’all some
stories of what we’ve gotten up to there over the years). And with the No
Salvation Tour only halfway done, we’re not about to let all our fans down who
laid down their hard-earned dollars for tickets (and who might wanna buy our new
album besides).

Next tour stop’s Griffin, Georgia, at the good old Peach Pit Arena at Whispering
Oaks Fairgrounds. We’ve played there before and it’s one of our favorite
all-time tour stops. You Georgians know how to rock! We’ll see you there, Green
Flu or no Green Flu. You just bring your own badass self and your old lady, and
let the Riders take care of the rest.

Much Love,


R.I.P. Riggs Donner

Posted by Jake at 9:22 AM

Today of course marks the anniversary of the tragic death of Riggs Donner, the
late great Riders bass player I replaced. 24 years ago today, Riggs put on his
motorcycle helmet, hopped on his hog, changed his mind about the helmet and took
it off again, then headed out to Sugar Bares, his favorite local strip club. He
never made it. Why he took that helmet off is anyone’s guess—Ox says he was
always complaining it chafed—but one thing none of us have to guess at what
happened next. That eighteen-wheeler dragged poor Riggs the better part of a
mile. Miraculously, his skull was the only part of his skeleton not damaged in
the accident—you can read whatever you like into that.

Now sure, you could make the case that yer old pal Jake's been in the band five
times as long as the great Riggs. You could also make the case that yer old pal
Jake's appeared on all of the important albums the Riders've ever made, that he
wrote the band’s only number one hit, and that the great Riggs was constantly
drunk and barely ever played his own instrument in the studio, and live they
turned his amp off and had a roadie play his stuff behind the scenes. but still:
Riggs Donner was a Bass Legend. And let me tell you, the other Riders'll never
let me forget how impossible it's gonna be to follow in his boots.

So raise your glasses, brothers and sisters, to the late, great, Riggs Donner.
Maybe someday I'll be honored enough to be considered his official replacement,
and get the full one-fourth of the royalties on all the songs I helped write
instead of half my share going to his widow. But until that day, let's give it
up for Riggs. He played on the first Riders album (officially) and that is the
only album he’s appeared on, but as the guys are always so keen on telling me,
he left some pretty big boots to fill.

All you ticketholders in Baton Rouge, Louisiana are in for a treat at the show
tonight—the boys’ve put together a concert tribute for Riggs, with his son, Thad
Donner, taking over the bass duties. So yer old buddy Jake’ll be manning the
merchandise booth tonight, signing t-shirts, CDs, and anything else all the
ladies out there might want signed. (Fellas: only signed t-shirts and CDs,

Much love,


A Big Riders Shout-Out to Dwayne Thompson

Posted by Jake at 2:17 PM

So I’m sure y’all have heard by now that yer ol’ pal Dusty said a few
controversial things at the Waynesboro, Oklahoma show last night, coming down
pretty hard against cancer research. I just wanna say that we totally support
our pal, even though officially the Midnight Riders do not endorse any of the
opinions voiced by Dusty last night, nor condone his actions afterwards, when a
journalist asked him why he loved cancer and Dusty knifed him between the ribs.

Luckily, the journalist is expected to recover fully – thanks to Dwayne Thompson
from Amarillo, Texas, who won our website contest and gets to donate a lung in
exchange for the FULL MIDNIGHT RIDERS DISCOGRAPHY on CD, autographed. You are
the king, Dwayne.

Once again, we fully support Dusty while simultaneously not endorsing anything
he says.

To all you diehard Midnighters out there in Florence, Arkansas, we’ll see you
tonight at the Florence Civic Center and Flea Market.

Much love,


Jake Here (For Real)

11:49 AM

Hey there, brothers. Apparently Ox found my laptop and decided to have a little
fun. Then he found my book of Renaissance art and pasted on pages of pornography
from Mounds Magazine.

The guys sure do bust my hump that I wrote ‘This Man Loves You’. You might
remember the song—it’s the one that became a number one hit. Oh, that’s right.
It’s the only Riders song to become a number one hit. You probably recognize it
from a bunch of car ads a while back. We made a pretty respectable pile of coin
off that song. That song they’re always criticizing.

Here’s a fact about ‘This Man Loves You’ you Midnighters might not have known: I
wrote it to my father after he passed on. That Ox sure is a card, let me tell
you. One of these days someone’s gonna break a tooth off in that big funny mouth
of his.

Much love,


I aM JAke

3:17 AM

I rite ballads hahahaaaa this man loves you

Every time i look at my stupid art books i cry

On the Road to Fort Worth

3:14 AM

Long night, brothers. The life of the road. 3am and we’re on our way to Fort
Worth, Texas (a town with some history for the Riders) for another kick-ass
show. I’m writing to you from my laptop on the Riders tour bus. Things are
pretty chill here. Dusty’s practicin’ some licks. Smitty’s playin’ some Xbox,
unwinding. And Ox is drinking an entire bottle of scotch whiskey and hurling
insults at me. So it’s just another day in the life, brothers.

Hold on. Ox says he wants to type something at all you Riders fans out there.
Take it away, Ox:


According to Ox I can’t delete that or I’m kicked out of the band. We’ll see you
in Fort Worth, Midnighters.

Much love,


Where to Find the New Album

3:26 PM

A lot of you’ve been emailing your ol’ pal Jake about where to find High Heels
and Brushed Steel, our new greatest hits album (with two awesome new bonus

Well, I can tell you where you won’t find it—in stores. According to the
bullshit bean counters, there’s only so much shelf space, and the last Riders
album “underperformed” (not in quality, brother, that’s all I have to say). The
Powers That Be have decided a new album from the Midnight goddamn Riders won’t
sell as much as some auto-tuned bimbo singing about her feelings. So guess who
gets shown the door? Not the bimbo.

You heard right, folks: The Midnight Riders got dropped from our label. And our
take on that is: Good riddance to bad bullshit. Who needs ‘em? The Riders have
never been about the corporate game anyway. The Riders are about the road,
brother—connecting with fans, setting off fireworks, and delivering the best
goddamn live show in the business.

So all you diehard Midnighters out there eager to get your hands on High Heels
and Brushed Steel, rest easy. Cause you’ll be able to buy it from the Riders
themselves on our No Salvation fairgrounds tour this fall! We’re taking the
album with us and selling it on tour. If you’re looking for the absolute
greatest greatest hits album $25 can buy, and you wanna give a big “Screw you”
to the record company bigwigs besides, we’ll see you on tour, cause the Riders
are Ridin’ Out.

Much love,
