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Homestefano grossi2022-10-07T04:56:35+00:00


Buckhead Imports provides first-class maintenance, service, and repair of
European automobiles. For years we have specialized in BMW, Jaguar, and Mercedes
and now service all European makes. Our strength lies in our ability to exceed
industry standards through a deep understanding of our clients’ needs. We
provide reliability, value, and craftsmanship above and beyond our customer’s
expectations. These qualities uniquely characterize Buckhead Imports.

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> I have been taking my classic 1988 SL to Buckhead Imports for more than 10
> years. It is such a relief to know that there are highly qualified service
> professionals who are there to ensure my classic car stays on the road. The
> owner, Jason, is a great guy who is friendly, passionate and equitable. Tyler,
> “the front guy,” is responsive and knowledgeable. Whether it’s a major job or
> a minor fix, I trust them completely to do a phenomenal job at a fair price.

David R.

> I like this place mainly based on pricing and timeliness. Took my Mercedes
> here for a water pump replacement and a few filters. This saved me close to
> $1K, as compared to the dealership. The down side is that they do not offer
> any loaner cars, so one has to wait nearby the shop or get a ride – but
> totally worth it, given the savingns. Quality of work appears to be good for
> now!

Irina B.

> I notoriously wait until my BMW is near explosion before I’ll take it in for
> repairs, as a result of Global’s highly inflated prices and inefficiency at
> ever getting it right the first time I take it in. Buckhead Imports has 100%
> eased the hatred of BMWs that the dealership cultivated for 10 years. They are
> super responsive, will explain what’s going on with the car in detail, and
> FAST. Something that would have taken the dealership 2-3 days to complete just
> takes a couple of hours here.

Kate S.

> Great Customer Service. Genuine and Sincere and very cooperative. Faster
> service than I expected. Reasonable prices as well. I had recently purchased a
> “00” BMW 740 IL “as is”. Unfortunately I found out it had much more problems
> after having Bulkhead Imports to diagnose it. Mark and Kevin were informative,
> cordial and honest with me. I have already returned a couple times and will
> definitely return in the future.

Cass R.


28 Irby Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30305 | Call Billy for an appointment: 404-816-9606
Email: | Towing: R. Mayer 404-874-5926 or 770-381-1728

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28 Irby Avenue, Atlanta, GA 30305
Call Billy for an appointment: 404-816-9606
Towing: Mr Grubb Car Transport 404-441-5056
Car Storage: 404-923-0261


Weekdays Monday - Thursday
8am - 5pm

8am - 2pm

Weekends Saturday - Sunday


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