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Submitted URL: https://gard.omeclk.com/portal/wts/ue^cn--knraqECydBcfaj8yDw-drHmoTHGqmFVWWcVHm8LcSHmoTHGtGHlFNHlFLNldBLWcTVWkZKoKdLqS3W...
Effective URL: https://www.compositesworld.com/events/details/honeycomb-for-aerospace-structures?first_name=Hatice&last_name=Ak?akaya&email=hat...
Submission: On May 07 via api from TR — Scanned from DE

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            <option value="">Please select a country</option>
            <option value="AF">Afghanistan</option>
            <option value="AL">Albania</option>
            <option value="DZ">Algeria</option>
            <option value="AS">American Samoa</option>
            <option value="AD">Andorra</option>
            <option value="AO">Angola</option>
            <option value="AI">Anguilla</option>
            <option value="AQ">Antarctica</option>
            <option value="AG">Antigua and Barbuda</option>
            <option value="AR">Argentina</option>
            <option value="AM">Armenia</option>
            <option value="AW">Aruba</option>
            <option value="AU">Australia</option>
            <option value="AT">Austria</option>
            <option value="AZ">Azerbaijan</option>
            <option value="BS">Bahamas</option>
            <option value="BH">Bahrain</option>
            <option value="BD">Bangladesh</option>
            <option value="BB">Barbados</option>
            <option value="BY">Belarus</option>
            <option value="BE">Belgium</option>
            <option value="BZ">Belize</option>
            <option value="BJ">Benin</option>
            <option value="BM">Bermuda</option>
            <option value="BT">Bhutan</option>
            <option value="BO">Bolivia, Plurinational State of</option>
            <option value="BQ">Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba</option>
            <option value="BA">Bosnia and Herzegovina</option>
            <option value="BW">Botswana</option>
            <option value="BV">Bouvet Island</option>
            <option value="BR">Brazil</option>
            <option value="IO">British Indian Ocean Territory</option>
            <option value="BN">Brunei Darussalam</option>
            <option value="BG">Bulgaria</option>
            <option value="BF">Burkina Faso</option>
            <option value="BI">Burundi</option>
            <option value="CV">Cabo Verde</option>
            <option value="KH">Cambodia</option>
            <option value="CM">Cameroon</option>
            <option value="CA">Canada</option>
            <option value="KY">Cayman Islands</option>
            <option value="CF">Central African Republic</option>
            <option value="TD">Chad</option>
            <option value="CL">Chile</option>
            <option value="CN">China</option>
            <option value="CX">Christmas Island</option>
            <option value="CC">Cocos (Keeling) Islands</option>
            <option value="CO">Colombia</option>
            <option value="KM">Comoros</option>
            <option value="CG">Congo</option>
            <option value="CD">Congo, The Democratic Republic of the</option>
            <option value="CK">Cook Islands</option>
            <option value="CR">Costa Rica</option>
            <option value="HR">Croatia</option>
            <option value="CU">Cuba</option>
            <option value="CW">Curaçao</option>
            <option value="CY">Cyprus</option>
            <option value="CZ">Czechia</option>
            <option value="CI">Côte d'Ivoire</option>
            <option value="DK">Denmark</option>
            <option value="DJ">Djibouti</option>
            <option value="DM">Dominica</option>
            <option value="DO">Dominican Republic</option>
            <option value="EC">Ecuador</option>
            <option value="EG">Egypt</option>
            <option value="SV">El Salvador</option>
            <option value="GQ">Equatorial Guinea</option>
            <option value="ER">Eritrea</option>
            <option value="EE">Estonia</option>
            <option value="SZ">Eswatini</option>
            <option value="ET">Ethiopia</option>
            <option value="FK">Falkland Islands (Malvinas)</option>
            <option value="FO">Faroe Islands</option>
            <option value="FJ">Fiji</option>
            <option value="FI">Finland</option>
            <option value="FR">France</option>
            <option value="GF">French Guiana</option>
            <option value="PF">French Polynesia</option>
            <option value="TF">French Southern Territories</option>
            <option value="GA">Gabon</option>
            <option value="GM">Gambia</option>
            <option value="GE">Georgia</option>
            <option value="DE">Germany</option>
            <option value="GH">Ghana</option>
            <option value="GI">Gibraltar</option>
            <option value="GR">Greece</option>
            <option value="GL">Greenland</option>
            <option value="GD">Grenada</option>
            <option value="GP">Guadeloupe</option>
            <option value="GU">Guam</option>
            <option value="GT">Guatemala</option>
            <option value="GG">Guernsey</option>
            <option value="GN">Guinea</option>
            <option value="GW">Guinea-Bissau</option>
            <option value="GY">Guyana</option>
            <option value="HT">Haiti</option>
            <option value="HM">Heard Island and McDonald Islands</option>
            <option value="VA">Holy See (Vatican City State)</option>
            <option value="HN">Honduras</option>
            <option value="HK">Hong Kong</option>
            <option value="HU">Hungary</option>
            <option value="IS">Iceland</option>
            <option value="IN">India</option>
            <option value="ID">Indonesia</option>
            <option value="IR">Iran, Islamic Republic of</option>
            <option value="IQ">Iraq</option>
            <option value="IE">Ireland</option>
            <option value="IM">Isle of Man</option>
            <option value="IL">Israel</option>
            <option value="IT">Italy</option>
            <option value="JM">Jamaica</option>
            <option value="JP">Japan</option>
            <option value="JE">Jersey</option>
            <option value="JO">Jordan</option>
            <option value="KZ">Kazakhstan</option>
            <option value="KE">Kenya</option>
            <option value="KI">Kiribati</option>
            <option value="KP">Korea, Democratic People's Republic of</option>
            <option value="KR">Korea, Republic of</option>
            <option value="XK">Kosovo</option>
            <option value="KW">Kuwait</option>
            <option value="KG">Kyrgyzstan</option>
            <option value="LA">Lao People's Democratic Republic</option>
            <option value="LV">Latvia</option>
            <option value="LB">Lebanon</option>
            <option value="LS">Lesotho</option>
            <option value="LR">Liberia</option>
            <option value="LY">Libya</option>
            <option value="LI">Liechtenstein</option>
            <option value="LT">Lithuania</option>
            <option value="LU">Luxembourg</option>
            <option value="MO">Macao</option>
            <option value="MG">Madagascar</option>
            <option value="MW">Malawi</option>
            <option value="MY">Malaysia</option>
            <option value="MV">Maldives</option>
            <option value="ML">Mali</option>
            <option value="MT">Malta</option>
            <option value="MH">Marshall Islands</option>
            <option value="MQ">Martinique</option>
            <option value="MR">Mauritania</option>
            <option value="MU">Mauritius</option>
            <option value="YT">Mayotte</option>
            <option value="MX">Mexico</option>
            <option value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
            <option value="MD">Moldova, Republic of</option>
            <option value="MC">Monaco</option>
            <option value="MN">Mongolia</option>
            <option value="ME">Montenegro</option>
            <option value="MS">Montserrat</option>
            <option value="MA">Morocco</option>
            <option value="MZ">Mozambique</option>
            <option value="MM">Myanmar</option>
            <option value="NA">Namibia</option>
            <option value="NR">Nauru</option>
            <option value="NP">Nepal</option>
            <option value="NL">Netherlands</option>
            <option value="NC">New Caledonia</option>
            <option value="NZ">New Zealand</option>
            <option value="NI">Nicaragua</option>
            <option value="NE">Niger</option>
            <option value="NG">Nigeria</option>
            <option value="NU">Niue</option>
            <option value="NF">Norfolk Island</option>
            <option value="MK">North Macedonia</option>
            <option value="MP">Northern Mariana Islands</option>
            <option value="NO">Norway</option>
            <option value="OM">Oman</option>
            <option value="PK">Pakistan</option>
            <option value="PW">Palau</option>
            <option value="PS">Palestine, State of</option>
            <option value="PA">Panama</option>
            <option value="PG">Papua New Guinea</option>
            <option value="PY">Paraguay</option>
            <option value="PE">Peru</option>
            <option value="PH">Philippines</option>
            <option value="PN">Pitcairn</option>
            <option value="PL">Poland</option>
            <option value="PT">Portugal</option>
            <option value="PR">Puerto Rico</option>
            <option value="QA">Qatar</option>
            <option value="RO">Romania</option>
            <option value="RU">Russia</option>
            <option value="RW">Rwanda</option>
            <option value="RE">Réunion</option>
            <option value="BL">Saint Barthélemy</option>
            <option value="SH">Saint Helena, Ascension and Tristan da Cunha</option>
            <option value="KN">Saint Kitts and Nevis</option>
            <option value="LC">Saint Lucia</option>
            <option value="MF">Saint Martin (French part)</option>
            <option value="PM">Saint Pierre and Miquelon</option>
            <option value="VC">Saint Vincent and the Grenadines</option>
            <option value="WS">Samoa</option>
            <option value="SM">San Marino</option>
            <option value="ST">Sao Tome and Principe</option>
            <option value="SA">Saudi Arabia</option>
            <option value="SN">Senegal</option>
            <option value="RS">Serbia</option>
            <option value="SC">Seychelles</option>
            <option value="SL">Sierra Leone</option>
            <option value="SG">Singapore</option>
            <option value="SX">Sint Maarten (Dutch part)</option>
            <option value="SK">Slovakia</option>
            <option value="SI">Slovenia</option>
            <option value="SB">Solomon Islands</option>
            <option value="SO">Somalia</option>
            <option value="ZA">South Africa</option>
            <option value="GS">South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands</option>
            <option value="SS">South Sudan</option>
            <option value="ES">Spain</option>
            <option value="LK">Sri Lanka</option>
            <option value="SD">Sudan</option>
            <option value="SR">Suriname</option>
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Text Content

Connecting the composites industry
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   Markets See All
    * 29 Apr 2024 Pressure Vessels
      Hexagon Ragasco launches Linktra Smart cylinders in Norway
      Fiberglass pressure vessels with IoT provide real-time insight into
      refilling needs for LPG consumers.
    * 29 Apr 2024 Pressure Vessels
      Com&Sens presents workshop on fiber optic sensing for COPVs
      Three-day hands-on workshop from June 11-13 in Leuven, Belgium, will equip
      participants with a better understanding of fiber optic sensing technology
      for digital manufacturing of composite tanks.
    * 26 Apr 2024 Advanced Air Mobility
      Beta’s Alia eVTOL achieves piloted transition flight
      Full transition from VTOL hover, to wing-borne cruise, and back to
      hover, prepares Beta for next steps in progressing its aircraft platforms.
    * 22 Apr 2024 Pressure Vessels
      NPROXX powers up H2 tank production with move to Alsdorf facility
      Tripled space and capacity to potentially grow composite tank production
      to 30,000+ tanks/year, equipment investments enable manufacturer to handle
      larger orders, streamline operations.
    * 19 Apr 2024 Marine
      Toyoda Gosei composite hydrogen tanks to be used on passenger ship
      Multiple commercial truck-type high-pressure tanks have been extended to
      maritime applications.
    * 17 Apr 2024 Advanced Air Mobility
      Lilium begins composite battery packs production for Lilium Jet
      First units off the battery assembly line in Munich will be used for
      verification testing ahead of first piloted flight, targeted for end of
   Design & Tooling See All
    * 2 May 2024 Aerospace
      NCC leads composites manufacturing phase of eXtra wing demonstrator
      Key structural elements for a 6-meter section of the Airbus biomimetic
      wing were undertaken by NCC engineering specialists to produce 28 one-off
      flying parts.
    * 12 Apr 2024 Design/Simulation
      Optimizing robotic winding of composite tanks and pipes
      Pioneer in mandrel-based reinforced rubber and composite products, TANIQ
      offers TaniqWindPro software and robotic winding expertise for composite
      pressure vessels and more.
    * 12 Apr 2024 Molds/Tools
      Century Tool investment boosts efficiency, capability in tooling for
      Designer and builder of compression molds for composite structures
      installs seven-axis CNC deep-hole drilling and milling machine to improve
    * 6 Mar 2024 Additive Manufacturing
      Massivit, Sika to co-brand digital tooling materials for Massivit 10000
      Strategic MOU initially introduces SikaBiresin CIM 120 and SikaBiresin CIM
      80 to serve crucial composites market needs for 3D printing tooling,
      prototyping and more.
    * 5 Mar 2024 Molds/Tools
      Belotti to integrate hybrid BEAD system with Adaxis AdaOne software
      Through this strategic collaboration, BEAD’s additive and subtractive
      capabilities for large-scale AM composite tooling production are made more
    * 28 Feb 2024 Automation
      Plyable releases AI-powered mold design tool
      Plyable continues to rid composites engineers of workflow bottlenecks
      through an end-to-end automated system — from mold design to quotation to
      manufacturing fulfillment.  
   Materials See All
    * 7 May 2024 Bonding/Welding
      MFFD longitudinal seams welded, world's largest CFRTP fuselage
      successfully completed
      Fraunhofer IFAM and partners have completed left and right welds
      connecting the upper and lower fuselage halves and sent the 8×4-meter
      full-scale section to ZAL for integration with a cabin crown module and
    * 6 May 2024 Glass Fibers
      Large-volume VFGF extrusion printer facilitates modular composite cockpit
      Queen 1 system from Q.Big 3D produced complete cockpit assembly of a full
      flight simulator in a little more than a month, enabling fast build
      speeds, high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.
    * 3 May 2024 Natural Fibers
      Business incubator Chemovator invests in Heartland’s natural fiber
      The Michigan company, producing hemp-based natural fiber materials, is the
      latest addition to Chemovator’s program supporting early stage startups in
      the chemical industry.
    * 3 May 2024 Glass Fibers
      Dutch partnership constructs 3D printed composite pedestrian bridges
      Engineering consulting firm Royal HaskoningDHV and partners achieved a
      bridge design made of 30% fiberglass and 70% waste.
    * 1 May 2024 Aerospace
      Exel pull-wound composites enable Flying Whales airship design
      State-of-the-art VTOL rigid airship, to take 80 kilometers of thin-wall
      carbon fiber tubes, will function like an airborne crane for transporting
      cargo in remote areas.
    * 26 Apr 2024 Thermoplastics
      NIAR, KraussMaffei cooperation enables efficient aerospace aircraft
      Incorporation of FiberForm advances NIAR ability to convert metallic
      components to fiber-reinforced thermoplastic versions in cargo aircraft.  
   Processes See All
    * 7 May 2024 Aerospace
      MFFD longitudinal seams welded, world's largest CFRTP fuselage
      successfully completed
      Fraunhofer IFAM and partners have completed left and right welds
      connecting the upper and lower fuselage halves and sent the 8×4-meter
      full-scale section to ZAL for integration with a cabin crown module and
    * 6 May 2024 Additive Manufacturing
      Large-volume VFGF extrusion printer facilitates modular composite cockpit
      Queen 1 system from Q.Big 3D produced complete cockpit assembly of a full
      flight simulator in a little more than a month, enabling fast build
      speeds, high surface quality and dimensional accuracy.
    * 29 Apr 2024 Filament Winding
      Com&Sens presents workshop on fiber optic sensing for COPVs
      Three-day hands-on workshop from June 11-13 in Leuven, Belgium, will equip
      participants with a better understanding of fiber optic sensing technology
      for digital manufacturing of composite tanks.
    * 26 Apr 2024 Trends
      UMaine’s novel polymer 3D printer surpasses former Guinness World Record
      Four times larger than its 2019 predecessor, Factory of the Future 1.0
      offers new opportunities in composite materials, including development of
      recycled and bio-based materials, opening up new research frontiers.
    * 26 Apr 2024 Fabrics/Preforms
      Designing an infused, two-piece composite baseball bat
      With its Icon BBCOR bat, Rawlings leveraged its experience in braided
      fabrics and RTM to create an optimized, higher-performance two-piece
    * 24 Apr 2024 RTM
      From the CW Archives: The life and death of the BMW i3
      A look back at the ambitious and impressive composites production system
      BMW developed for production of the all-electric i3 EV.
   Composites 101 See All
    * 20 Feb 2024 Thermoplastics
      Composites end markets: Electronics (2024)
      Increasingly, prototype and production-ready smart devices featuring
      thermoplastic composite cases and other components provide lightweight,
      optimized sustainable alternatives to metal.
    * 25 Aug 2023 Composites Basics
      Celebrating 30 years of CompositesWorld, Part 1
      CW explores key composite developments that have shaped how we see and
      think about the industry today.
    * 21 Jul 2023 Troubleshooter
      The basics of composite drawing interpretation
      Knowing the fundamentals for reading drawings — including master ply
      tables, ply definition diagrams and more — lays a foundation for proper
      composite design evaluation.
    * 27 Jan 2023 Troubleshooter
      Proper application of semi-permanent mold release systems
      Performing regular maintenance of the layup tool for successful sealing
      and release is required to reduce the risk of part adherence.
    * 9 Jan 2023 Feature
      Composites end markets: Aerospace (2023)
      With COVID in the past and passengers flying again, commercial aircraft
      production is ramping up. The aerocomposites supply chain is busy
      developing new M&P for an approaching next-generation aircraft program.
    * 29 Dec 2022 Sustainability
      Composites end markets: Automotive (2023)
      Electrification and a focus on sustainability lead to opportunities and
      innovations in composites, from battery enclosures to structural
      components and more.

 * Resources
   * Webinars
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   Webinars Events Suppliers Whitepapers
   Webinars See All
    * 16 May 2024
      Beyond Kinetic Models: Innovative Pathways to Boost Production Efficiency
      After having established a strong foundation in kinetic models in
      a previous webinar, part two delves into the exciting realm of machine
      learning and its transformative potential for composite manufacturing.
      While kinetic models have served the industry well, the growing complexity
      of composite manufacturing demands more sophisticated approaches. In this
      session, sensXPERT will explore innovative pathways to supercharge your
      production efficiency and enhance sustainability beyond the limits of
      traditional models. See how machine learning empowers composite
      manufacturers to achieve unprecedented accuracy in predicting key
      production parameters such as temperature, pressure and cure time. This
      translates to reduced cycle times and waste while increasing production
      throughput to maximize efficiency. SensXPERT will provide concrete
      examples and case studies demonstrating how to bridge the gap between
      meticulously-controlled laboratory experiments and the realities of the
      production floor, overcoming the limitations of kinetic models. Agenda:
      Define machine learning, its applications and their impact on composite
      manufacturing Explore real-world case studies in diverse composites
      manufacturing applications and how they exploit integration options
      Correlation analysis: uncovering hidden relationships between process
      parameters and product outcomes Time series analysis: forecasting
      production trends Anomaly detection: identifying irregularities
    * 6 Jun 2024
      Redefining Laser Projection in Composites Manufacturing
      Discover the latest innovation in laser projection technology poised to
      increase accuracy, efficiency and reliability. LAP will unveil the
      features of its new CAD-PRO Xpert laser projection system and outline how
      various industries can benefit from the system's capabilities. Its
      cutting-edge technology platform empowers users with enhanced color range,
      speed and superior laser projection quality while increasing accuracy,
      efficiency and reliability. Explore how the advanced ergonomics of this
      system can reshape composite manufacturing processes across industries,
      ranging from aerospace and automotive to wind rotor blade production,
      yacht building and beyond. Agenda: Introduction of the features of the
      CAD-PRO Xpert Applications and advantages across industries Upgrading
      workplaces for enhanced digital worker guidance Modular system solutions
      based on the value-adding ecosystem
    * 12 Jun 2024
      Introduction of Automotive-Matured Technologies for High-Rate Aerospace
      KraussMaffei will explain in-situ polyurethane (PUR) overmolding of
      injection-molded and composite parts and the development of this
      technology over the last decade. Waruna Seneviratne, director of the
      Advanced Technologies Lab for Aerospace Systems (ATLAS), will discuss how
      aerospace and advanced air mobility (AAM) markets can capitalize on this
      high-rate manufacturing solution. Agenda: What is ColorForm: process,
      equipment and tooling Pros and cons of the technology High technology
      solution examples: ColorForm automotive Market references in automotive
      Demand for future commercial aviation and both AAM and urban air mobility
      (UAM) What aerospace can learn from automotive for addressing demand for
      high-rate manufacturing Technological advances enabling material and
      process improvements for the future Role of ATLAS manufacturing innovation
      center for promoting advanced manufacturing and workforce development Road
      map for certification through manufacturing demonstrations
    * On Demand
      The Keys to High-Performance Composites: Semi-Finished Goods
      As part three of the webinar series about composites manufacturing
      processes, this webinar will focus on the two main processes to
      manufacture semi-finished goods and the composites resulting from it:
      sheet molding compounding (SMC) and prepreg technology. This presentation
      will briefly highlight the advantages and challenges. The main part of the
      webinars will showcase product recommendations from Evonik's portfolio and
      how they can be used to enhance the performance of the final composite
      materials to meet the requirements from the automotive, aerospace and
      sporting goods industries.
    * On Demand
      Strain Measurement for Composite Testing
      In this webinar, Instron will discuss the different solutions for strain
      measurement on composite materials, such as: strain gauges, clip-on
      extensometers, video extensometers and digital image correlation (DIC). It
      will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each and when you might
      prefer one method over another. Agenda: Brief introduction to composite
      materials and properties Strain measurement techniques for coupon testing
      Examples of strain measurement for various test types including: in-plane
      tensile, compression, through thickness and v-notch shear
    * On Demand
      The Keys to High-Performance Composites: Continuous Processes
      As part two of the webinar series about composites manufacturing
      processes, this webinar will focus on the continuous processes in the
      manufacturing of composite materials: filament winding, pultrusion and a
      combination of both. This presentation will briefly give an overview of
      both processes, discussing their advantages and disadvantages. You'll
      discover the product recommendations from Evonik's portfolio for these
      processes, including how they can be used to enhance the performance of
      the final composite materials. This webinar will conclude with an outlook
      on the various applications including infrastructure, marine and
   9 May 2024 New & Upcoming
   Honeycomb for Aerospace Structures Register Now
   Events See All
    * 6 May 2024
      Offshore Technology Conference 2024
      The Offshore Technology Conference (OTC) is where energy professionals
      meet to exchange ideas and opinions to advance scientific and technical
      knowledge for offshore resources and environmental matters. Since 1969,
      OTC’s flagship conference is held annually at NRG Park (formerly Reliant
      Park) in Houston. OTC has expanded technically and globally with OTC
      Brasil and OTC Asia. OTC is sponsored by 13 industry organizations
      and societies, who work cooperatively to develop the technical program.
      OTC also has endorsing and supporting organizations
    * 20 May 2024
      SAMPE 2024
      Hosted by the Society for the Advancement of Material and Process
      Engineering (SAMPE), SAMPE 2024 is North America's premier advanced
      materials and process engineering conference and exhibition tradeshow.
      SAMPE 2024 is where the advanced materials community comes together for
      face-to-face meetings, top-level education sessions and panels lead by the
      industry’s leaders and innovators.  
    * 5 Jun 2024
      ILA Berlin
      ILA Berlin brings the world's aerospace industry to the center of Europe
      every two years - next time from June 5 to 9, 2024.
    * 11 Jun 2024
      JEC Forum Southeast Asia
      The JEC Forum Southeast Asia is an event organised by JEC The JEC Forum
      Southeast Asia is organised on June 11 and 12, 2024, by JEC, in
      partnership with the Thai Composites Association (TCA), bringing together
      the composite materials community in Southeast Asia.
    * 19 Jun 2024
      SAMPE China
    * 25 Jun 2024
      Graphene Conference 2024
      The 14th edition of the Graphene Conference will take place June 25-28,
      2024, in Madrid, Spain. The international gathering includes thematic
      workshops, B2B networking and an Industrial Forum that dives into a
      variety of topics, including the latest developments in graphene
      production methods towards wide scale commercialization and examples of
      graphene in electronics, energy storage, aerospace and barrier
   6 May 2024 New & Upcoming
   AWEA Cleanpower Conference 2024 Register Now
   Suppliers See All
    * Auxiliary processing equipment, repair equipment, and supplies
    * Composite Structures & Components
    * Design, testing, consulting, other services
    * Fabricating Services
    * Fiber converting/prepreg manufacturing equipment
    * Materials
    * Primary manufacturing equipment
    * Testing, gauging, monitoring, analytical equipment and software
    * Tool Types
    * Tools/tooling materials
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   and materials. Get in front of them with a free company profile.
   Whitepapers See All
    * 10 Jan 2024
      Jetcam addresses the economic importance of efficient material nesting
      Jetcam’s latest white paper explores the critical aspects of nesting in
      composites manufacturing, and strategies to balance material efficiency
      and kitting speed.
    * 8 Jan 2024
      Arris Composites demonstrates advantages of natural fibers applied with
      Additive Molding
      Arris presents mechanical testing results of an Arris-designed natural
      fiber thermoplastic composite in comparison to similarly produced glass
      and carbon fiber-based materials.
    * 27 Dec 2023
      Cevotec white paper presents novel approach for H2 tank production
      Cevotec, a tank manufacturer, Roth Composite Machinery and Cikoni, have
      undertaken a comprehensive project to explore and demonstrate the impact
      of dome reinforcements using FPP technology for composite tanks.   
    * 23 Nov 2023
      KCARBON and KIST develop lyocell/PLA/wood biocomposites
      Initial demonstration in furniture shows properties two to nine times
      higher than plywood, OOA molding for uniquely shaped components.
    * 1 Nov 2023
      Exel Composites releases guide for design considerations in composite
      The composite tubes white paper explores some of the considerations for
      specifying composite tubes, such as mechanical properties, maintenance
      requirements and more.
    * 21 Jul 2023
      UAMMI white paper addresses composites recycling in Utah
      Foundational research discusses the current carbon fiber recycling
      landscape in Utah, and evaluates potential strategies and policies that
      could enhance this sustainable practice in the region.

 * Featured
   * Articles
   * Sustainability
   * Collections
 * Featured
   Articles Sustainability Knowledge Centers CW Tech Days Collections
   Articles See All
    * 26 Apr 2024 Application
      Designing an infused, two-piece composite baseball bat
      With its Icon BBCOR bat, Rawlings leveraged its experience in braided
      fabrics and RTM to create an optimized, higher-performance two-piece
    * 24 Apr 2024 RTM
      From the CW Archives: The life and death of the BMW i3
      A look back at the ambitious and impressive composites production system
      BMW developed for production of the all-electric i3 EV.
    * 24 Apr 2024 Core
      Aviation-specific battery system uses advanced composites to address
      electric, hybrid flight
      BOLDair’s composite enclosure, compression structures and thermal runaway
      management enables high-performance electric energy storage.
    * 19 Apr 2024 Fastening/Finishing
      Creating a composite battery insert-stud solution for EV trucks
      Bossard worked with an OEM and Tier supplier team to meet tight electrical
      insulation and packaging tolerances while reducing tooling, molding and
      assembly costs.
    * 19 Apr 2024 Automotive
      JEC World 2024 highlights: Forwarding initiatives surrounding
      sustainability and mobility
      Themes at the forefront of JEC World 2024 included solutions for mobility
      applications and sustainable materials, technologies and processes for
      composites manufacturing.
    * 18 Apr 2024 Market Outlook
      Composites end markets: Batteries and fuel cells (2024)
      As the number of battery and fuel cell electric vehicles (EVs) grows, so
      do the opportunities for composites in battery enclosures and components
      for fuel cells.
   1 May 2024 Editorial
   Looking at composites through the lens of U.S. history
   Sustainability See All
    * 19 Apr 2024 Carbon Fibers
      JEC World 2024 highlights: Forwarding initiatives surrounding
      sustainability and mobility
      Themes at the forefront of JEC World 2024 included solutions for mobility
      applications and sustainable materials, technologies and processes for
      composites manufacturing.
    * 9 Apr 2024 Natural Fibers
      JEC World 2024 highlights: Glass fiber recycling, biocomposites and more
      CW technical editor Hannah Mason discusses trends seen at this year’s JEC
      World trade show, including sustainability-focused technologies and
      commitments, the Paris Olympics amongst other topics.
    * 28 Mar 2024 Sustainability
      Forvia moves toward more sustainable automotive composites manufacturing
      Automotive technology supplier Forvia shares sustainability goals and
      recent developments aimed at bio-based and recycled materials and ramping
      up hydrogen tank production for clean mobility.
    * 27 Mar 2024 Sustainability
      4 things to consider for sustainable composites manufacturing
      Customer decarbonization goals demand supply chains with sustainable
      business practices. Here are four considerations for supporting those
      goals discussed at CW Tech Days: Sustainability.  
    * 25 Mar 2024 Aerospace
      Measuring energy use to enable sustainable composites production
      Airbus subsidiary CTC uses new technology to measure energy use in machine
      components and processes to optimize equipment, production lines and guide
      decisions for future composites.
    * 20 Mar 2024 Sustainability
      Novel DITF composite material enables CO2-negative construction
      Three materials — bio-based carbon fibers, natural stone and biochar — act
      as an alternative to reinforced concrete in a house wall demonstrator in
      the DACCUS-Pre project.  
   28 Apr 2024 Sustainability
   Watch: A practical view of sustainability in composites product development
   Knowledge Centers
    * Automated Composites
      In the Automated Composites Knowledge Center, CGTech brings you vital
      information about all things automated composites.
    * Sensors for Composite Processing
    * Sustainability
      The composites industry is increasingly recognizing the imperative of
      sustainability in its operations. As demand for lightweight and durable
      materials rises across various sectors, such as automotive, aerospace, and
      construction, there is a growing awareness of the environmental impact
      associated with traditional composite manufacturing processes.
    * The Now and Next in Composites
    * CompositesWorld Collections
      CW’s editors are tracking the latest trends and developments in tooling,
      from the basics to new developments. This collection, presented by
      Composites One, features four recent CW stories that detail a range of
      tooling technologies, processes and materials.
    * Closed Molding Knowledge Center
      Closed mold processes offer many advantages over open molding. This
      knowledge center details the basics of closed mold methods and the
      products and tools essential to producing a part correctly.
   CW Tech Days
    * Composites in Infrastructure and Construction
      CompositesWorld’s CW Tech Days: Infrastructure event offers a series of
      expert presentations on composite materials, processes and applications
      that should and will be considered for use in the infrastructure and
      construction markets.
    * Composites in Advanced Air Mobility
      Explore the cutting-edge composites industry, as experts delve into the
      materials, tooling, and manufacturing hurdles of meeting the demands of
      the promising advanced air mobility (AAM) market. Join us at CW Tech Days
      to unlock the future of efficient composites fabrication operations.
    * Thermoplastics for Large Structures
      Thermoplastics for Large Structures, experts explored the materials and
      processing technologies that are enabling the transition to large-part
    * Sustainability in Composites Manufacturing
      Explore the technologies, materials, and strategies that can help
      composites manufacturers become more sustainable.
   Collections See All
    * Composites in Hydrogen Storage
      A report on the demand for hydrogen as an energy source and the role
      composites might play in the transport and storage of hydrogen.
    * Recycled Composites
      This collection features detail the current state of the industry and
      recent success stories across aerospace, automotive and rail applications.
    * Thermoplastic Composites
      This collection details the basics, challenges, and future of
      thermoplastic composites technology, with particular emphasis on their use
      for commercial aerospace primary structures.
    * Tooling
      This collection features recent CW stories that detail a range of tooling
      technologies, processes and materials.

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Source: Hexcel


May 09, 2024 | 8:00 PM CET

Lightweight honeycomb increases strength and damage tolerance of composite


Visit the Hexcel Composites Showroom

This webinar will cover a range of honeycomb products, how to best select the
right honeycomb for particular applications and design guidelines for
honeycomb-cored structures.


 * Honeycomb overview
 * Configuration and applications
 * General considerations and quality standards
 * Methods and methodology for shaping core
 * Core forming
 * Stabilization
 * CNC machining
 * Case studies
 * Cost progression


Frank Monaco

Non-metallic Honeycomb Product Manager

Frank Monaco is the product manager for non-metallic honeycomb core at Hexcel
Corporation in Casa Grande, Arizona.

In this position, Frank leads the development and implementation of product and
market strategies incorporating product development, manufacturing capabilities,
competitive positioning and promotional considerations.

He joined Hexcel in 2013, and previously served as product manager for glass
honeycomb core, HexWeb Acousti-Cap products and aluminum honeycomb core.

Before joining Hexcel, Frank was a program manager at Albany Engineered
Composites. Previously, he worked in operations, quality and supply chain for
other aerospace companies supporting commercial and military markets and

He served 22 years in the U.S. Air Force and Air Force Reserve, specializing in
aircraft maintenance and logistics. He is a member of the Military Officers
Association of America, the Airlift/Tanker Association and the Logistics
Officers Association.

Frank has a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from California State
Polytechnic University. He is a certified Lean Six-Sigma Blackbelt, Design For
Six-Sigma Greenbelt and Project Management Professional.


Ryan Civalier

Engineered Core Product Manager

Ryan Civalier is the product manager for engineered core at Hexcel Corporation
in Pottsville, Pennsylvania.

In this position, Ryan leads the development and implementation of product and
market positioning strategies incorporating process development and estimation,
manufacturing capabilities, demand forecasting, and long-term strategy and
contracting for engineered core operations at the Pottsville site.

He joined Hexcel in 2019 and previously served in the Hexcel Early Career
Program (ECP) in Salt Lake City, Utah, in technical support engineering and
finance analyst positions in Burlington, Washington, as a manufacturing
engineer. After completing the ECP, Ryan served as a capital project manager for
expansion projects and as a program manager for new program introductions in
Burlington, Washington, and as the program manager for helicopter blades in

Ryan has a bachelor's degree in aerospace engineering from Virginia State
Polytechnic Institute and State University with a minor in mathematics. He is a
certified Six-Sigma Green Belt.

All content on this page is provided by the presenting company.

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Honeycomb for Aerospace Structures
Thursday, May 9, 2024 · 2:00 p.m. · EDT
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Honeycomb for Aerospace Structures
Thursday, May 9, 2024 · 2:00 p.m. · EDT

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