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What's the Difference Between UPS and USPS? Reading What Is a Shipping Label and
How to Print It? 13 minutes Next What Is Brand Packaging and How to Make It?
By MUNBYN OrderApr 10, 2024 1 comment
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Shipping labels have become a vital part of e-commerce, especially when it comes
to fulfilling orders. If you're running an online store, then you need to know
how to create shipping labels and how to use them effectively. In this article,
we'll go over everything you need to know about shipping labels: what they are
and why they're important for your business.



A shipping label is a sticker that's used to identify the package and contains
information about its contents. The sender puts the label on their package,
which means that only they can remove it once the item has been shipped. If
you're going to be shipping items in bulk, it's important that your labels have
enough space for all this information so there are no mistakes when you're
sending out packages. Here are different types of shipping labels:

 1. Address Labels: Address labels are used to provide essential information
    about where a package should be delivered. You'll typically include details
    such as the recipient's name, street address, city, state or province,
    postal code. Address labels ensure your package reaches its destination


 2. International Shipping Labels: International shipping labels are
    specifically designed for packages that are being sent across borders and
    require customs clearance. These labels include important information in
    addition to the standard address details, such as the content description,
    value, and country of origin.


 3. Directional Arrow Labels: Directional arrow labels help shipping personnel
    understand the correct orientation of a package. They usually consist of
    arrows pointing in different directions (up, down, left, right) to indicate
    which side of the package should be facing up or which end should be opened
    first. These labels are especially important for items that are fragile,
    contain liquids, or have specific handling requirements.


 3. Fragile Labels: Fragile labels are used to indicate that the contents of a
    package are delicate or breakable. By applying these labels, you're
    informing handlers and carriers to exercise extra care during the shipping

 5. Hazard Labels: Hazard labels are used when shipping items that pose
    potential risks to the carrier, handlers, or the environment.Common examples
    include labels for hazardous chemicals, flammable materials, or substances
    that might be harmful if mishandled.


 6. Special Handling Labels: Special handling labels are used when a package
    requires unique attention or treatment during transit. This could be due to
    the package's size, weight, sensitivity, or any other characteristic that
    sets it apart from standard shipments. These labels can include instructions
    for how the package should be handled, stored, or delivered. 


SEE ALSO: How to Make Return Address Labels in Google Docs (Step-by-step)

SEE ALSO: How to Print Shipping Labels on Etsy (A Step-by-step Guide)



Shipping labels are helpful in identifying packages, and also help keep track of
the items that have been shipped out. The information on these labels is
important when it comes time for customers to receive their orders because all
the details are right there on one label, including information such as where
the package came from and where it was delivered along with other relevant
information such as return policies or warranty coverage.



A shipping label is the most important part of your shipment. It contains all of
the information that a shipper or customer needs, including:

 1. Sender Information: It includes name of the sender or the company, return
    address, city, state, ZIP code of the sender.

 2. Recipient Information: It includes name of the recipient, delivery address
    (street address or P.O. Box), city, state, ZIP code, and phone number of the

 3. Maxi code: It's a 2D barcode designed for quick scanning on conveyors,
    particularly used by UPS for tracking and shipping packages efficiently

 4. Service Type: It refers to the specific type of shipping service that the
    sender has chosen for the package. It indicates the level of service service
    used (e.g., Ground, Priority Mail, First-Class Mail, etc.).

 5. Tracking Number: It's used to track the package's journey.

 6. Barcode: A unique barcode that represents the tracking number, you can use
    Google lens to scan it.

 7. Weight: The weight of the package, which helps determine postage cost.
 8. The Routing code: It provides instructions on how the package should be
    sorted and directed at different points within the distribution network.




If you're printing many labels regularly, you might want to invest in a thermal
label printer, which is specifically designed for printing high-quality shipping

First, you'll need a shipping label printer. You need to decide which kind of
printer you'd like to use: thermal transfer or direct thermal. Thermal transfer
printers are more expensive and require special labels. Direct thermal printers
are the most widely used type of label printer in the world—and for good reason!
They're affordable and produce high-quality results when used with compatible
materials like vinyl labels. We've written an article about the difference
between Direct Thermal and Thermal Transfer Printing here. Here are some factors
to consider when choosing the printer:

 * Easy to use. The printer should be easy to set up, operate and maintain.
 * Affordable. Look at the cost of replacement ink cartridges, as well as the
   unit's cost of ownership over time.
 * Reliable. You want a printer that will last for years without any problems or
   issues—and one you can trust when it comes time to print your labels!
 * Fast printing speeds can save you time during busy days at work or on the
   weekend when it comes time for shipping label printing; look for models with
   fast speeds so you don’t have any delays in getting your packages on their

SEE ALSO: An Ultimate Guide to Choosing Munbyn Label Printers



You'll also need labels for printing. There are two main types: paper labels or
themal labels. With the latter, you can print directly onto the adhesive
backing. In addition to that, you can also save a lot of time of cutting and
taping. If you're planning on printing onto thermal labels, we recommend
choosing an industrial label printer over consumer-grade models.

The standard size for a shipping label is typically 4 inches by 6 inches. 4x6
shipping labels are commonly used because they provide enough space for all the
necessary information without being too large for most package sizes. However,
other common sizes include:

 * 5" x 11" sheets that contain multiple labels or a single integrated label.
 * 4" x 4" labels, which might be used for smaller packages.
 * 6" x 3" labels, which are also quite common. 

The size you choose may depend on the requirements of the carrier and the size
of the package you're shipping. Always check with your specific carrier for
their labeling requirements.



Use an online shipping service or carrier website (like USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL,
or others) to create a new shipment. Enter the necessary details like sender and
recipient address, package weight, dimensions, and desired shipping service or

You can get a shipping label in a variety of places. Here are some of the most
popular options:

 * Online: If you don’t want to take the time and effort to create your own
   shipping labels, you can purchase them from a third party. Many online
   retailers will sell custom-made shipping labels for their products. These
   labels come in a variety of shapes and sizes so that they can be used with
   different types of packages. What's the best part? They are much cheaper than
   what you can get from local stores.
 * At a shipping company or store: You may have an account with the U.S. Postal
   Service or another shipping company that allows you to order labels there
   directly through them. They will usually offer other services such as packing
   materials, packaging supplies and more!
 * At a printer supply store: Local stores often carry mailing items like
   envelopes and labels for sale off-the-shelf so customers can take advantage
   of their conveni
 * ence without having to wait for delivery times from online retailers.



Once you've purchased your label, the shipping service should provide a PDF or
similar file of the label. Open the file and review the print preview to ensure
all details are correct and that the label fits within the printable area. Here
are various ways to print shipping labels:

 1. Carrier's Platforms: This is like printing labels straight from the source.
    When you use a carrier's platform (like UPS, FedEx, USPS, etc.), they offer
    tools that let you create and print shipping labels directly from their
    website or application. You enter the shipping details, choose the service
    level you want, and bam, you get a label ready to slap on your package. It's
    quick and convenient, especially if you're loyal to a specific carrier.


 2. Shipping Software: Shipping software is like a one-stop-shop for all your
    label needs, such as ShipStation and It often integrates with
    multiple carriers, so you can compare rates and services. You input the
    shipping info once, and the software generates labels for you.


 3. E-commerce Platforms: If you're running an online store on platforms like
    Shopify or Etsy, they often offer label printing right from your seller
    dashboard. When an order comes in, you can create and print the shipping
    label without leaving the platform. It's a neat way to manage your orders
    and labels all in one place, especially if you're selling stuff online.

SEE ALSO: Cheapest Ways to Print Shipping Labels as a Small Business



When applying a paper label without adhesive to your package, affix it securely
with glue. Ensure it is applied smoothly without any wrinkles or air
bubbles. For added security, you may need to tape over the label with
transparent shipping tape to protect it from moisture and wear. 

If you're printing with a thermal label printer, the labels are generally
self-adhesive; simply peel them off and affix them to your package. Be mindful
to position the label on the largest side of the parcel and avoid placing it
over any seams or edges.

Remember to always double-check the information on the shipping label before
printing to avoid any mistakes that could delay your shipment. If you need to
edit a label after purchasing, you’ll usually have to void the label within a
certain time frame and purchase a new one.



Once your label is securely attached, you're ready to ship the package using the
method you find most convenient, whether it's dropping it off at a carrier
location, placing it in a drop box, or scheduling a pickup.

Remember to check your carrier's latest pickup times and deadlines for same-day
shipping. These services provide convenience and can save you a trip, especially
if you're managing multiple shipments or handling larger items.




There is no fee for creating the label, especially when you utilize blank
thermal labels and your own printer to generate shipping labels, but the only
cost of the label is the carrier's shipping charge.

The postage fees vary depending on several factors, including the carrier (such
as USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc.), the service level (e.g., standard,
express, overnight), package weight, dimensions, and the distance it needs to

Additionally, if you're buying postage through an online service or a postage
meter, you might get discounted rates compared to retail pricing. It is
advisable to compare rates across different carriers to find the most
cost-effective option for your needs.

SEE ALSO: What's the difference between UPS and USPS?



Yes, a shipping label can be handwritten, but you must ensure that the address
and any other necessary information are written clearly and legibly without any

Keep in mind that while handwritten labels are acceptable, printed labels with
barcodes tend to expedite the shipping process since they are easily scannable
and reduce the risk of human error during sorting and delivery. For businesses
or frequent shippers, investing in a label printer might be more efficient.



Shipping a package from home without a printer is still possible by using
handwritten labels or alternative methods, such as electronic postage by online
carrier services or mobile apps.

Some carriers offer services that allow you to pay for postage online without
needing to print anything. After buying postage online, you might be able to
schedule a pickup from your home. The courier will come to your address to pick
up the package.



There are a few different places where the shipping label should be placed on a
box. The most obvious place to put it is on top of the box, facing up so that
someone can see what's inside at first glance. However, this isn't always
possible because many boxes have other labels that need to be visible at all
times. In that case you'll want to put your label near the right side of the box
instead; putting it too close to an edge will make it harder for people who need
to open up your package and inspect its contents.



Shipping labels are a necessary part of e-commerce. Without them, you can't send
products to your customers, and they'll never know what to expect when their
package arrives at their doorstep. Shipping labels are also important for other
reasons, such as keeping track of inventory and controlling shipping costs. But
sometimes, it's hard to know where or how they should be printed; after all,
there's no shortage of options out there! We hope this article has made things
easier by covering everything about shipping labels.

Table of Contents

 * What is a shipping label?
 * Why do I need shipping labels?
 * What information is on a shipping label?
 * How to print shipping labels?
 * FAQs
 * Conclusion






November 1, 2023 at 11:27 am

your little printer is perfect for this!

your little printer is perfect for this!

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