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Whether you're a new or self-taught user, there are many Microsoft PowerPoint
tools that can truly take your presentations to the next level - in a snap.

In this 75-minute webinar, our PowerPoint expert will help you ramp up your
presentations to captivate any audience and improve your professional

Join us to discover:

 * Essential shortcuts for creating presentations more efficiently, without
   compromising quality
 * Secrets of how expert presenters make their slides sizzle to keep their
   audience's engagement
 * Detailed instructions on how to use the newest tools in PowerPoint to deliver
   your message with impact, whether in person or online
 * Tips the pros use to handle the unexpected while presenting


PowerPoint Power Tools – Keys to Creating Memorable Presentations

 * Time-saving shortcuts and methods that allow you to focus on crafting your
   message, rather than tweaking slide content
 * How to correctly use images and other visual media in your presentations for
   the greatest impact
 * Reinforce, reinvent or refresh branding in a few clicks even on your largest
 * Using video, audio and screen captures for interactive and engaging

PowerPoint Tricks to Liven Up Your Presentation & Engage your Audience

 * Using Picture Format tools to enhance and adjust images for maximum impact
 * The correct way to use Slide Masters and & Themes to convey your branding and
   fit the venue
 * How to add animation that enhances rather than distracts from your message
 * Using special elements like charts, graphs and diagrams in exciting new ways

Presenting Information Effectively - Save Time without Losing Impact

 * Essential PowerPoint tools to control & edit your presentation
 * Techniques to add organization & meaning: Increase the effectiveness of your
 * Expert methods to communicate your data, proposals & stories in a compelling
 * Summarize with Zoom Slides: Utilize thumbnails as links to move through

New Features to Increase Efficiency, Interactivity & Collaboration

 * Morph transition and 3D Models: Smooth animation technique
 * Two ways to start from outlines to ensure optimal content flow
 * Improved image editing like background removal, transparency and artistic
 * Creating videos from your PowerPoint using the new Record and Cameo tools.
 * Creating value-added handout material that lets your audience know you’ve
   thought about them.

Question & Answer Session – have your specific question answered!


Melissa Esquibel is a technology consultant, coach, trainer and speaker.

 * She is a consultant, frequent speaker and Microsoft Certified Trainer.
 * Since 1991, Ms. Esquibel has assisted a variety of companies and industries
   with Microsoft Office (Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Access, Outlook) all versions
   through 2016. Her strong foundation in finance and accounting was built over
   years in the banking and accounting industries.
 * Melissa has 25+ years of experience in information technology with a
   background in training, finance, technical writing and business risk


An engaging PowerPoint presentation will skyrocket your credibility. In this
live 75-minute event, you will learn innovative ways to elevate your Microsoft
PowerPoint skills and create stand-out presentations.

If you'd like this program customized for your organization, call us at
1-800-964-6033. We're certain we can fulfill your training needs, while making
it fit in your budget!



Wednesday, July 19, 2023

at 1PM (ET)

Live + On-Demand $199 + applicable taxes
3 Workshop Bundle $300 + applicable taxes
One-year subscription (All Access Membership) $699 + applicable taxes

If you can’t make it live, no worries! You’ll receive the recording and
materials after the event.

Add To Cart

Guaranteed to be Good

All training experiences include a 7-day 100% money-back guarantee.

Full-Team Pass

Simply share the invite link with your team so you can learn and grow together!

Yours Forever

The event recording and materials are yours to rewatch and share as you choose.


This program has been approved for 1.25 (HR (General)) recertification credit
hour toward aPHRTM, aPHRiTM, PHR®, PHRca®, SPHR®, GPHR®, PHRiTM and SPHRiTM
recertification through the HR Certification Institute. Learn more at hrci.org


Progressive Women's Leadership is recognized by SHRM to offer Professional
Development Credits (PDCs) for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. This program is valid
for 1.25 PDCs for the SHRM-CP® or SHRM-SCP®. For more information about
certification or recertification, please visit www.shrmcertification.org.

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We work to combine practical wisdom, expert guidance, and a community of peers
to best serve, create, and develop leaders among women.

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