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   Outdoor Pillows
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   Christmas Trees
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 * About Pier 1 Imports
 * History
 * Contact Information


 * FAQs
 * Assembly Instructions
 * Product Notes & Recalls


 * Privacy Policy
 * Terms of Use
 * Copyright & Trademark Notice
 * Return Policy
 * Shipping Information
 * Merchandise Safety
 * Product Notices & Recalls
 * User Content Policy


Effective Date: This Privacy Policy was last revised on October 13, 2020

Introduction and Overview

You have arrived at a web site that is provided by Pier 1 Imports Online, Inc.
and/or its affiliates (“Pier 1 Imports” or “we,” “our” or “us”). This “Privacy
Policy” governs your use of www.pier1.com, www.pier1.ca, and any other official
Pier 1 Imports sites (including mobile sites or apps), and any interactive
features, applications, and/or other services that we make available through a
site that posts a link to this Privacy Policy (collectively, referred to as
the “Site”). This Privacy Policy also applies to Personal Information (defined
below) we may collect from you in our Pier 1 Imports retail stores
(“Store” or “Stores”), and through official surveys and sweepstakes entry forms,
or in any other instance when you contact us or interact with us.

This Privacy Policy describes what information Pier 1 Imports collects about
you, why we collect it, how we use it, and under what circumstances we share it
with third parties. This Privacy Policy also describes the choices you can make
about how we use your information. To the extent we provide you notice on our
Site or in our Stores of different or additional privacy policies or practices
(e.g., at the point of our collection), those additional terms shall govern such
data collection and use.

Table of Contents

It is important that you read and understand the entire Privacy Policy before
using the Site. To ease review, each section below contains a brief introductory
summary and a link to the full explanation. You can click on the headings and
the “More” buttons to be taken to the full explanation. Should you wish to print
out this Privacy Policy, you may do so via the “print” feature of your web

 1.  Collection of Information
     1. Information You Provide to Us
     2. Information We Collect When You Use the Site
     3. Location-Based Information
     4. Information We Collect From Third Parties
     5. Information We Collect When You Interact with Third-Party Sites
     6. Information You Provide About a Third Party
 2.  How We Use the Information We Collect
 3.  Sharing of Information with Third Parties
     1. When You Request We Share With Third Parties
     2. Third Parties Providing Services to Pier 1 Imports
     3. Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op
     4. To Protect the Rights of Pier 1 Imports and our Users
     5. Affiliates and Business Transfer
     6. Sweepstakes, Contests and Promotions
     7. Co-Branded Areas
 4.  Information You Disclose Publicly
     1. User Content and Public Information
     2. Name and Likeness
 5.  Interest-Based Advertising
 6.  Third-Party Content and Links to Third-Party Sites
 7.  Transfer of Information to the United States
 8.  What Should Parents Know About Children
 9.  Security
 10. How Long Is My Personal Information Retained
 11. Updating Your Information and Choices
 12. Changes to the Privacy Policy
 13. Applicable Law
 14. Langauge

State Specific Information:

Your California Privacy Rights

Your Connecticut Privacy Rights

Full Detailed Privacy Policy

1. Collection of Information: We collect the following categories and types of
information from the various sources highlighted below: 

1. Information You Provide to Us

In this Policy “Personal information” means information that identifies, relates
to, describes, is capable of being associated with, or could reasonably be
linked, directly or indirectly, with a particular consumer or household. This
will usually include various different types of information as describe below.

We may ask you to provide us with the following Personal Information: (1)
contact information and other identifying information, including your first and
last name, email address, home address, zip code, phone number; (2) financial
information, including credit and debit card numbers, checking account numbers;
(3) demographic information, including date of birth ; (4) audio and visual
information, including your videos and photos; (5) commercial information,
including products purchased or viewed on our Site; and (6) inferences drawn
from the other information that we receive directly or passively from you, in
order to create a profile about you to reflect your preferences,
characteristics, behavior and attitude. We may collect this information from you
such as when you:

 * Submit account registration forms;
 * Sign up or request to be placed on our mailing, SMS text and/or email
   marketing lists;
 * Place an order through the Site;
 * Participate in a survey or Promotion (defined in Section 3(e) below);
 * Contact us regarding a question or concern;
 * Submit an application for employment; and
 * Otherwise interact with the Site or the Store.

Your decision to provide this information is voluntary, but if you choose not to
provide this requested information you may not be able to take advantage of all
of the Site’s features or our services.

2. Information We Passively Collect When You Use the Site

In addition to information that you choose to submit to us, we and/or our
service providers may automatically collect and/or store certain identifiable
information when you visit or interact with the Site (“Usage Information”). This
Usage Information may be stored and/or accessed from your personal computer,
laptop, tablet, mobile phone or other device (a “Device”) whenever you visit or
interact with our Site. Usage Information may include:

 * your IP address or other unique identifier ( “Device Identifier”);
 * your Device browser, operating system and mobile network information;
 * the areas within our Site that you visit and your activities there, including
   remembering you and your preferences;
 * your general location; and
 * certain other Device data, including the time of day you visit our Site,
   among other information.

We may use various methods and technologies to collect and/or store Usage
Information, such as:

 * Cookies. A cookie is a file placed on a Device to uniquely identify your
   browser or to store information on your Device. Our Site may use HTTP
   cookies, HTML5 cookies, Flash cookies and other types of cookie technology to
   store information on local storage. Regular cookies may generally be disabled
   or removed by tools that are available as part of most commercial browsers,
   and in some (but not all) instances can be blocked by selecting certain
   settings. Each browser you use will need to be set separately and different
   browsers offer different functionality and options. Please note that these
   tools may not be effective with regard to Flash cookies or HTML5 cookies. For
   information on disabling Flash cookies, visit www.adobe.com. Please
   understand that if you disable or remove any type of cookie, some parts of
   our Site may not function properly.
 * Web Beacons. A Web Beacon is a small tag (which may be invisible to you) that
   may be placed on our Site’s pages and messages. Web beacons may be used by us
   for a number of purposes, including to count visitors to the Site, to monitor
   how users navigate the Site, to count how many emails that were sent were
   actually opened or to count how many particular links were actually viewed.
 * Embedded Scripts. An embedded script is programming code that is designed to
   collect information about your interactions with the Site, such as the links
   you click on. The code is temporarily downloaded onto your Device from our
   web server or a third party service provider, is active only while you are
   connected to the Site, and is deactivated or deleted thereafter. The embedded
   script does not collect your Personal Information.
 * ETag, or entity tag. An ETag or entity tag is a feature of the cache in
   browsers. It is an opaque identifier assigned by a web server to a specific
   version of a resource found at a URL. If the resource content at that URL
   ever changes, a new and different ETag is assigned. Used in this manner ETags
   are a form of Device Identifier. ETag tracking may generate unique tracking
   values even where the consumer blocks HTTP, Flash and/or HTML5 cookies.

We may use the above technologies (or ones we incorporate in the future) for a
variety of purposes, including:

 * Prevention of fraudulent activity and improved security functionality.
 * To assess the performance of the Site.
 * To offer you enhanced functionality when accessing the Site, including
   identifying you when you sign in to our Site or keeping track of your
   specified preferences.
 * To deliver content relevant to your interests on our Site and third party
   sites based on how you interact with our advertisements and/or content. 

       3. Location-Based Information

Our Site (including our mobile apps) may use location-based services to verify
your location, deliver you relevant content and/or advertising based on your
location, as well as to share your location with our service providers as part
of the location-based services we offer. Further, we or our service providers
may use your location information to display our nearest Store location to you.
You have the ability to turn location-based services on and off by adjusting the
settings of your Internet browser or mobile device, or by following the standard
uninstall process and removing all Pier 1 Imports applications from your mobile

4. Information We Collect From Third Parties

We may also receive information about you from your friends and other third
parties, and combine or link that information with information we have about
you. To the extent we combine information we receive from third parties with
your Personal Information, the combined information, unless disclosed otherwise,
will be treated as Personal Information under this Privacy Policy. In no other
circumstances will this Privacy Policy apply to information we receive about you
from third parties. 

5. Information We Collect When You Interact with Third-Party Sites

The Site may allow certain kinds of interactions between the Site and your
account on a third-party site or application. The use of this functionality may
involve the third-party site providing information, including Personal
Information, to us. For example, when you register with the Site, you may have
an option to use your Facebook account to facilitate the registration or
transaction process on the Site. If you choose to use this functionality, the
third-party site may send Personal Information about you to us. If so, we will
treat this information as Personal Information under this Privacy Policy. In
addition, we may provide links on the Site to facilitate sending a communication
from the Site. For example, we may use third parties to facilitate emails,
Tweets or Facebook postings. These third parties may retain any information used
or provided in any such communications or activities and these third parties’
practices are not subject to our Privacy Policy. You should review the
applicable third-party privacy policies before using such tools.

6. Information You Provide About a Third Party

You may send someone else a communication from the Site, such as sending an
invitation to a friend. If so, the information you provide (names, email
addresses, mobile number, etc.) will be used to facilitate the communication and
will not be used for marketing purposes unless we obtain consent from that
person or we explicitly say otherwise. Please be aware that when you use any
send-to-a-friend functionality on our Site, your email address, mobile number,
name or username and message may be included in the communication sent to your
addressee(s). Some of these tools may be third-party tools subject to
third-party privacy policies.

2. How We Use the Information We Collect

We may use your Personal Information, Demographic Information or Usage
Information for various purposes, including, but not limited to, the following:

 * Improving the effectiveness of our Site, marketing endeavors and service
 * Processing credit applications;
 * Site registration;
 * Processing and completing purchase, return and similar transactions;
 * Providing customer service;
 * Notifying you of product recalls or providing other information concerning
   products you have purchased;
 * Sending you direct mail offerings;
 * Sending you email communications such as electronic newsletters about our
   products, services and Promotions;
 * Sending you email about orders you have made on Pier1.com;
 * Enabling you to participate in the Site’s features such as surveys and
 * Identifying your product and service preferences and informing you of new or
   additional products, services and Promotions that may be of interest to you;
 * Providing mobile marketing messages and service messages;
 * To analyze preferences, trends and statistics; and
 * For purposes disclosed at the time you provide your information or as
   otherwise set forth in this Privacy Policy.

3. Sharing of Information with Third Parties.

We may share your Personal Information, Demographic Information or Usage
Information with third parties under various circumstances, including, but not
limited to, the following:

1. When You Request We Share With Third Parties.

We may share information with third parties at your request. In the event we do
so, all information we disclose will be subject to the privacy policies and
practices of such third parties. In addition, the third parties may store,
collect or otherwise have access to your information when you interact with
their technologies, content or apps on our Site or link to them from our Site.
This may include using third-party tools such as Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest or
other third-party posting or content sharing tools. We are not responsible for
the practices of such third parties and, therefore, you should review such
third-party privacy policies prior to interacting with them.

2. Third Parties Providing Services to Pier 1 Imports.

We may use third party service providers to perform certain services, such as:
(a) to assist us in e-commerce operations; (b) to manage a database of customer
information; (c) hosting the Site; (d) designing and/or operating the Site’s
features; (e) tracking the Site’s activities and analytics; (f) enabling us to
send you special offers or perform other administrative services; (g) to allow
you to participate in live chat on the Site; and (h) other services designed to
assist us in maximizing our business potential. We may provide third parties
with access to your information to carry out the services they are performing
for us. We only provide our Service Providers with the information necessary for
them to perform these services on our behalf.  Each Service Provider must agree
to use reasonable security procedures and practices, appropriate to the nature
of the information involved, in order to protect your Personal Information from
unauthorized access, use, or disclosure.  Service Providers are prohibited from
using Personal Information other than as specified by us. Third-party analytics
and other service providers such as Google Analytics may set and access their
own technologies on your Device and they may otherwise collect or have access to
information about you. These service providers use the technology described
above to help us analyze how users use the Site and to provide advertisements to
you on other websites. We are not responsible for those third party technologies
or activities arising out of them. However, some third parties may offer you
certain choices regarding their practices. For example, to learn about opting
out of Google Analytics, please click here. To learn about opting out of the use
of Adobe cookies for analytics and on-site personalization, please click here.
We are not responsible for the effectiveness of or compliance with any third
parties’ opt-out options.

3. Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op.

Pier 1 Imports participates in the Adobe Marketing Cloud Device Co-op to better
understand how you use our Site and apps across the various devices you use, and
to deliver tailored promotions. To learn more about how Adobe does this,
click here. Please note, We are not responsible for Adobe’s compliance with
Adobe’s privacy policy.

4. To Protect the Rights of Pier 1 Imports and our Users.

We may disclose your Personal Information if we believe in good faith that doing
so is necessary or appropriate to: (i) protect or defend the rights, safety or
property of Pier 1 Imports or third parties (including through the enforcement
of this Policy, our Terms of Use, and other applicable agreements and policies);
or (ii) comply with legal and regulatory obligations (e.g., pursuant to law
enforcement inquiries, subpoenas or court orders).

5. Affiliates and Business Transfer.

We may share your information with our parent, subsidiaries and affiliates. We
also reserve the right to disclose and transfer all such information: (i) to a
subsequent owner, co-owner or operator of the Site and/or our Stores; or (ii) in
connection with a merger, consolidation, restructuring, the sale of
substantially all of our interests and/or assets or other corporate change,
including during the course of any due diligence process.

6. Sweepstakes, Contests and Promotions.

We may offer sweepstakes, contests, and other promotions (any, a “Promotion”)
through the Site, in the Stores or through one of our social media pages that
may require registration. By participating in a Promotion, you are agreeing to
official rules that govern that Promotion, which may contain specific
requirements of you, including, allowing the sponsor of the Promotion to use
your name, voice and likeness in advertising associated with the Promotion. If
you choose to enter a Promotion, Personal Information may be disclosed to third
parties or the public in connection with the administration of such Promotion,
including in connection with winner selection, prize fulfillment, and as
required by law or permitted by the Promotion’s official rules, such as on a
winner’s list.

7. Co-Branded Areas.

Certain areas of the Site may be provided to you in association with third
parties (“Co-Branded Areas”) such as co-promotional partners and may require you
to disclose Personal Information to them. Such Co-Branded Areas will identify
the third party and indicate if they have a privacy policy that applies to their
collection and use of your information. If you elect to register for products
and/or services, communicate with such third parties or download their content
or applications, you may be providing your information to both us and the third
party. Further, if you sign-in to a Co-Branded Area with a username and password
obtained on the Site, your Personal Information may be disclosed to the
identified third parties for that Co-Branded Area. An example of a Co-Branded
Area is the Pier 1 Rewards Card. We are not responsible for such third party’s
data collection or practices and you should look to such third party privacy
policies for more information.

4. Information You Disclose Publicly

1. User Content and Public Information.

The Site may permit you to submit ideas, photographs, videos, audio recordings,
questions, comments, suggestions or other content, including Personal
Information (collectively, “User Content”), on blogs, social media sites and
message boards and other public forums, as well as in connection with our Site’s
product review service and wish list feature. We or others may store, display,
publish, distribute or otherwise use User Content online or offline in any media
or format and may or may not attribute the User Content to you. Others may have
access to this User Content and may have the ability to share it with third
parties. Please note that Pier 1 Imports does not control who will have access
to the information that you choose to make public, and cannot ensure that
parties who have access to such publicly available information will respect your
privacy or keep it secure. We are not responsible for the privacy or security of
any information that you make publicly available on the Site or what others do
with information you share with them on the Site.

2. Name and Likeness.

We may also publish your name, voice, likeness and other Personal Information
that is part of your User Content, and we may use the content, or any portion of
the content, for advertising, marketing, publicity and promotional activities.
For full terms and conditions regarding User Content you submit, please review
our Terms of Use.

5. Interest-Based Advertising

You may see certain ads on other websites because we participate in advertising
networks administered by third parties. These networks track your online
activities over time and across third party websites and online services by
collecting information through automated means, including through the use of the
technologies described in the “Information We Collect When You Use the Site”
Section above, and they use this information to show you advertisements that are
tailored to your individual interests. The information they collect includes
information about your visits to our Site, such as the pages you have viewed.
This collection and ad targeting takes place both on our Site and on third-party
websites that participate in the ad network. This process also helps us track
the effectiveness of our marketing efforts. We and our service providers,
including Google and Adobe, use first-party cookies (such as the Google
Analytics cookie) and third-party cookies (such as a DoubleClick cookie)
together to report how our internet advertising methods are related to your
related to visits to the Site.

To learn more about how to opt out of DoubleClick’s use of cookies, visit the
DoubleClick opt-out page, here. To learn more about ad networks, including how
to opt-out, please click here.

Also, some third parties, such as companies that offer Internet browsers, have
developed signals (e.g., browser do not track signals) that give you a choice
regarding the collection of information about your online activities over time
and across third-party websites or online services. Currently, we do not monitor
or take any action with respect to these signals or other mechanisms offered by
Internet browsers. If you would like more information on self-regulatory
programs that permit you to exercise choice, click on the ad networks link in
the paragraph above.

6. Third-Party Content and Links to Third-Party Sites

The Site may contain content that is supplied by a third party, and those third
parties may collect Usage Information and your Device Identifier when pages from
the Site are served to you. In addition, when you are on the Site, you may be
directed to other services that are operated and controlled by third parties.
For example, the giftcertificates.com site used to purchase Pier 1 Imports gift
cards online is operated by a third party. We are not responsible for the data
collection and privacy practices employed by any of these third parties. You
access these third party websites or content at your own risk. For example, if
you “click” on a link, the “click” may take you off the Site onto a different
site. These other sites may independently collect data about you and may or may
not have their own published privacy policies.

7. Transfer of Information to the United States

Our Site is operated in the United States and Canada and intended for users
located only in the United States and Canada. If you are located outside of the
United States, please be aware that information we collect will be transferred
to, and processed, stored and used in the United States. The data protection
laws in the United States may differ from those of the country in which you are
located, and your information may be subject to access requests from
governments, courts, or law enforcement in the United States according to laws
of the United States. By using the Site or providing us with any information,
you consent to the transfer to, and processing, usage, sharing and storage of
your information in the United States.

8. What Should Parents Know About Children

We understand the importance of protecting children’s privacy in the interactive
world. We do not use the Site to knowingly collect Personal Information from
children under the age of 13 without parental consent. If you are a child under
13 years of age, you are not permitted to use the Site and should not send any
information about yourself to us through the Site.

In the event that we become aware that we have collected Personal Information
from any child, we will dispose of that information in accordance with the
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act. If you are a parent or guardian and
you believe that your child under the age of 13 has provided us with information
without your consent, please contact us at support@pier1inc.com, and we will
take reasonable steps to ensure that such information is deleted from our
databases.  California users under the age of 18 may request the removal of
their content or information publicly posted on the Site by e-mailing us at

9. Security

We incorporate commercially reasonable safeguards to help protect and secure
your Personal Information. However, no data transmission over the Internet,
mobile networks, wireless transmission or electronic storage of information can
be guaranteed 100% secure. As a result, we cannot guarantee or warrant the
security of any information you transmit to or from our Site, and you provide us
with your information at your own risk.

10. How Long Is My Personal Information Retained

We will keep your Personal Information only as long as is commercially
reasonable for the purposes described in the Privacy Policy or for any such
period as may be required by applicable law.

11. Updating Your Information and Choices

You may update or correct information about you through the Site’s account
registration forms or by contacting us:

 * By Email: support@pier1inc.com.
 * By Postal Mail: Pier 1 Imports Online, Inc., Attn: Customer Service, 1680
   Michigan Ave, Ste 700, Miami Beach, FL 33139.

You may opt out of receiving promotional mail, emails and/or text messages from
us by sending an email to supporte@pier1inc.com or letter to Pier 1 Imports
Online, Inc., Attn: Customer Service, 1680 Michigan Ave, Ste 700, Miami Beach,
FL 33139. Please be sure to include your current information and the requested
changes you would like us to make to your marketing profile in your
communication. You may also cancel or modify our email marketing communications
you receive from us by following the instructions contained within our
promotional emails. Additionally, if you subscribe to text messages from us, you
can terminate a particular text message subscription by reply texting “STOP.”
Please allow 10 days to process your email request and 6-8 weeks to process your
postal mail request, during which period you may continue to receive
communications from Pier 1 Imports. Please note that we will retain your
information for legitimate business purposes or as required by law. Also, if you
have made any public postings on the Site such as in user comment sections of
the Site, these communications cannot generally be removed.

Please note that we may still send you certain communications relating to your
account or use of our Site, such as administrative and service announcements and
these transactional account messages may be unaffected if you choose to opt-out
from receiving our marketing communications.

If you have any questions about the Privacy Policy, or practices described in
it, please direct your communication to the above address “Attn: Privacy
Officer/Legal Department.” You may also send an email to legal@pier1inc.com.

12. Changes to the Privacy Policy

We reserve the right to change this Privacy Policy at any time. Any changes will
be effective immediately upon the posting of the revised Privacy Policy and your
use of our Site indicates your consent to the privacy policy posted at the time
of use and you will be bound by such changes unless you advise us in writing, by
phone or by e-mail that you wish to withdraw your consent (as per the procedure
outlined above). You are responsible for regularly reviewing the Privacy Policy
and any changes thereto.

13. Applicable Law

The Privacy Policy will be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws
of the State of Texas, without regard to its conflicts of law provisions.

14. Language

The parties have requested that this Privacy Policy and all related documents be
drawn up in English only. Les parties aux présentes ont exigé que le présent
contract et tous les documents qui s'y rattachent soient rédigés en anglais

Your California Privacy Rights

California's Civil Code section 1798.100 et seq. provides residents of
California a number of rights as they relate to Personal Information. These are
the “right to know”, the “right to delete”, and the “right to opt-out”.

Right to Know. You may request Pier 1 provide you the specific pieces of
Personal Information that Pier 1 has about you; categories of Personal
Information we have collected about you; categories of sources from which the
Personal Information is collected; categories of Personal Information that Pier
1 sold or disclosed for a business purpose about you; categories of third
parties to whom the Personal Information was sold or disclosed for a business
purpose; and the business or commercial purpose for collecting or selling
Personal Information. Please note that much of the information you can make a
request for is already contained in this Policy. Should you wish to exercise
this right, please see the section below which explains how to do so. If you do
not have an account with Pier 1, we will need to have sufficient information to
be able to verify your identity, such as your email address, phone number, and
last date of purchase.

Right to Delete. California law gives residents a limited right to request
deletion of their Personal Information. However, this right is limited by a
number of exceptions. Fundamentally, if Pier 1 has a permissible need to retain
Personal Information, we are not under an obligation to delete such information,
even when requested. Generally, we retain Personal Information so we may
complete the transaction for which the Personal Information was collected,
provide a good or service requested by you, or reasonably anticipated within the
context of our ongoing business relationship with you, or otherwise perform a
contract between us and you; detect security incidents, protect against
malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity; or prosecute those
responsible for that activity; debug to identify and repair errors that impair
existing intended functionality of our online properties; enable solely internal
uses that are reasonably aligned with your expectations based on your
relationship with Pier 1; comply with a legal obligation; or otherwise use your
Personal Information, internally, in a lawful manner that is compatible with the
context in which your provided the information. As such, we generally do not
accept requests to delete Personal Information. However, we will respond to
requests to remove Personal Information from some of our systems as a part of a
request to close or otherwise disable a membership account. If you would like to
request deletion of Personal Information, please see the section below which
explains how to do so. If you do not have an account with Pier 1, we will need
to have sufficient information to be able to verify your identity, such as your
email address, phone number, and last date of purchase..

Do Not Sell My Personal Information 

Personal Information that We Sell

We may “sell” (as sell is defined in California's Civil Code section 1798.140)
the following categories of Personal Information: 

 * Identifiers 
 * Characteristics of protected classifications under California and federal
 * Internet/electronic activity; 
 * Commercial information; and
 * Inferences drawn from the categories described above in order to create a
   profile about you to reflect your preferences, characteristics, preferences,
   behavior and attitudes. 

We “sell” your Personal Information to digital advertising networks.  We do not
knowingly sell the Personal Information of minors under the age of 16. 

If you would like to opt-out of any sale of your Personal Information, you may
do so by following the procedure outlined above in the section entitled
“interest based advertising”.

Designating an Authorized Agent. California law permits California residents to
designate an agent to manage their rights under California law. If you would
like to designate an agent to manage your privacy preferences, you may do so
using the mechanisms noted below under “Exercising California Privacy Rights”.
Note that If you do not have an account with Pier 1, we will need to have
sufficient information to be able to verify your identity, such as your email
address, phone number, and last date of purchase. We will also need sufficient
Personal Information about your authorized agent to be able to identify them. As
part of this process, you must have permission from your authorized agent to
disclose their Personal Information to us for the purpose of acting as your

Non-discrimination. California law does not permit Pier 1 to discriminate
against you because you exercised any your rights under this title, including,
but not limited to, by: denying you access to goods or services; charging
different prices or rates for goods or services, including through the use of
discounts or other benefits or imposing penalties; providing a different level
or quality of goods or services; suggesting that you will receive a different
price or rate for goods or services or a different level or quality of goods or

Financial Incentives. We offer various financial incentives. The terms of the
financial incentive will be presented to you at the time you sign up.  You may
withdraw from any of the financial incentives by contacting us at
support@pier1inc.com.  The value of your data is the value of the offer
presented to you.  We have calculated the value of the incentive by using the
expense related to the offer.

Exercising California privacy rights. If you are a California resident and would
like to exercise any of your rights you may do so by contacting us via the
methods noted above in the section entitled “Updating Your Information and
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