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Abby Schreiber
13 August 2020

"The top conferences and communities out there have essentially become
'Coachella for professionals,'" Joshua Jordison explains. "Here's what I mean by
that: People don't really go to Coachella to listen to music anymore. They 'do
it for the 'gram;' they go so they can be seen by others." Though Jordison is
diplomatic and doesn't "name names," it's hard not to look at something like
Davos without seeing his point (especially when you're just as likely to read
headlines about "Record private jet flights into Davos as leaders arrive for
climate talk," as much as any news about important discussions or policies
coming out of the conclave).


Along with speaker and author Wes Chapman, Jordison is the co-founder of The
Human Gathering, an ultra-discrete members-only private community that gathers
some of the most successful, influential people in the world to tackle global
systemic challenges ranging from human trafficking and homelessness to
institutional racism, the global food crisis and more.

In its first iteration, THG would host biannual weekend gatherings for members
at private properties in idyllic settings like Malibu where attendees could
participate in discussions about global issues, connect with like-minded peers
and take time and space to unplug, reflect and recharge in nature. More
recently, Jordison and Chapman have acquired a private ranch in Idaho so as to
have a permanent clubhouse of sorts for members to enjoy on their own, as well
as convene at for gatherings.

For members who attend these events — much like the community itself — the
weekend isn't distinct because of its swankiness (although with a private ranch,
a chef and other amenities, the experience is certainly upmarket). Nor is it
special because of the caliber of who you'll meet (though the group includes
CEOs and leaders of major Fortune 500 companies, as well as fireside chats with
people like the former president of the Oprah Winfrey Network Sheri Salata,
X-Prize founder Peter Diamandis and Obama's former Deputy Press Secretary Bill

What sets it apart from anything else attendees are likely to experience in
their day-to-day life, let alone at these other name-brand conferences, is the
fact that thanks to careful planning and thoughtful, intentional execution,
Jordison and Chapman have created an environment where members must set aside
any type-A tendencies, go with the flow and put their trust in the founders'

No one is given an itinerary in advance and everyone is expected to relate to
other members as equals — something only enhanced by the fact that the Human
Gathering's relative secrecy has prevented it from becoming a social calendar
status symbol. "We don't kowtow to our members," Jordison says. "I don't care
how seemingly powerful or impressive a person is. Inside of our community,
everyone is equal. There is no social hierarchy between our members, perceived
or otherwise." They also don't publicize the names of their members (and, as of
2019, have stopped taking photos at gatherings).

While these large-scale gatherings remain on hold due to the pandemic, and
Jordison and Chapman are re-envisioning how these retreats could both become
more intimate and more frequent going forward, the community itself is
continuing to thrive as members sustain their connections and relationships
year-round, rather than over the course of a single weekend.

PAPER spoke to Jordison about the enigmatic and unconventional community he
started, and about how our surreal times have brought members closer together
than ever.

In your own words, how would you describe The Human Gathering?

We are a private community that brings together some of the most incredible
executives, founders and amazing people in the world. We value [a member] being
a genuinely good, decent person above all else. Regardless of how prominent a
prospective member may be, if they aren't a genuinely good, decent person who
can be trusted, they cannot be a part of our community. We are the only
community in the world, with members of our caliber, that curates for this. Our
focus is authentic human connection, building real relationships and combining
forces to make the world better in tangible, measurable ways. We provide an
environment of trust, in which our members can connect.

Initially, The Human Gathering was just a conference but now it's a year-round
membership community. How did that pivot come about?

When we first started The Human Gathering, it was an annual, exclusive
conference. That grew into a biannual, exclusive conference. Over time, people
kept telling us they wanted to stay connected year-round. It became obvious that
the relationships formed at our conferences were like seeds that wanted to grow
into trees. There was a special magic to the way people interacted in the
environment we created. And so we decided to scale that environment, evolving
into a private community that operates year round. When we did that, things
really took off.

Why would someone want to become a member?

There are three main benefits to being a member of The Human Gathering:

1. The Network: Through our network of members, any person and resource can be
accessed. And it simply does not matter how lofty or arduous our members' goals
and dreams are: Being a part of The Human Gathering makes it far easier for our
members to achieve whatever it is they want to achieve and in less time than
they otherwise would be able to. It changes their professional lives, forever.

2. Authentic Relationships: We do not allow members to join our community unless
they are a genuinely good, decent person who can be trusted. Because of this,
all of our members are like-minded. They choose to live their lives in a
specific kind of way. Because they all believe they should treat others well,
our members form real, authentic relationships. Members find new best friends in
our community. And for many of them, it has been years since that has happened.
It impacts their personal lives, forever.

3. Change The World: As a community, we believe in the principle of combined
leverage for good. All of our members care about leaving their mark on the
world, by helping others. Our members all feel incredibly fortunate to lead the
lives they lead. And so, we like to tackle large, systemic problems. Whether
it's human trafficking, civil rights or homelessness, our members combine their
powers to make insane things happen.

Where did the idea for The Human Gathering first come from?

The Human Gathering was born out of frustration. Possibly more now than ever
before, human beings are starving for authentic human connection. The trouble is
that authentic human connection is insanely difficult to find. This is
especially the case for successful founders, executives and otherwise
well-connected individuals. For both my co-founder and myself, referring to one
another as "successful" or "well connected" still feels bizarre. We both came-up
from the bottom and worked hard to get to where we are today. No matter what
station I reach in life, I will always feel like that kid whose parents couldn't
afford to buy milk. Still, we saw clearly that our needs and the needs of our
peers were not being met. And so we decided to create something new.

There is no shortage of conferences and networking communities that cater to
successful founders, executives etc. Over the past decade, both my co-founder
Wes and myself joined dozens of these "elite" communities and conferences. Over
time, we noticed that all of them shared the same two problems. First, people
tend to join these types of elite communities because they serve as status
symbols. This creates a culture of pretentiousness, in which members are
constantly trying to impress each other. I find this to be particularly
annoying. I'm not a pretentious person. I'd much rather go for a hike in my
3-year-old Nikes than strut around in a new, shiny pair of Balenciaga sneakers.

Second, none of the conferences or communities we were a part of did anything to
vet their members for things like integrity, character or trustworthiness. In
the past few years it has become glaringly clear that there is absolutely no
connection between how successful a person is and whether or not they are a
good, trustworthy person. And I only need to say one person's name to illustrate
this point: Harvey Weinstein. I spent over a decade working in the music
industry and met a lot of Harvey Weinstein-esque individuals. Unfortunately, I
met many of these people through the most prestigious conferences and
communities out there. It became clear that no one was even acknowledging, let
alone trying to address this problem.

From a practical standpoint, how did you go about creating The Human Gathering
and finding members?

The first thing we did was lock ourselves in a cabin for two days, in Lake
Arrowhead, California. We white-boarded the entire vision for The Human
Gathering, forgetting to eat or sleep for much of the time. At its inception, it
honestly looked like we had a very slim chance of pulling it off. No one had
ever created anything like it before. We had to figure out how to solve several
seemingly unsolvable problems. And the first one of those was how to find
potential members for the community. We knew we would never be able to
advertise, as doing so would cast too wide of a net. To this day, we have never
spent a dime on advertising. This community has grown entirely through
word-of-mouth and organic outreach. In the beginning, what we did was call some
of our friends at various companies like Nike, Omnicom, CAA, the Recording
Academy and others. About 15 people formed a committee. And through that
committee, we started gathering names of individuals and companies that could be
a good fit for our community. If we think someone may be a good fit for The
Human Gathering, we simply reach out. Anyone can apply to be a part of The Human
Gathering. Many of our members find us through word-of-mouth. Each prospective
member goes through an application and vetting process. We take it very

What is the membership application process like?

We have several layers to our application process. In some cases, our research
into an applicant begins before they even apply. After a potential member begins
their online application our community manager spends hours researching every
applicant. We do extensive online research, far beyond what a prospective member
writes in their application. That information is then compiled and passed onto
our host committee. If our host committee approves an application, it goes
directly to myself and my co-founder. We make the final decision, without any
exceptions. The entire process takes weeks from start to finish.

Once someone is a member, what can they expect?

Our membership is designed to help our members authentically connect with each
other. We have figured out how to engineer serendipity, to the extent one can do
that. Serendipity can never be fully engineered, because then it wouldn't be
serendipity. However, it is possible to create an environment where the maximum
number of serendipitous collisions take place. We do exactly that.

Members get access to our private online portal that can't be Googled. This
password protected portal allows members to message each other, email each other
directly and interact in other ways. We also provide members with curated
introductions to each other, multiple times throughout their membership. A big
part of our team's job is to get to know members and introduce them to each
other, based on what they want for their lives and care about.

Members also have access to the private ranch, throughout the year and at
curated ranch gatherings. These intimate experiences provide an incredible way
for our members to connect, in one of the most beautiful, serene places in the

Why do you intentionally want to keep membership numbers low?

When a community gets too big, authentic human connection breaks down. I've
watched it happen over and over again. Many communities before us have made the
mistake of growing too big, too fast. It always drives out the members who were
there from the beginning. We want to stay relatively small and exclusive
forever, because that will allow our members to form deep, long term
relationships with each other. By sticking to our vision, we are providing an
environment for our members to truly connect. And nothing is more important than
that. We will always be the smallest, most exclusive community of our kind.

Since The Human Gathering has been intentionally discrete, how do you combat
skeptics who may think the whole premise is "fake" or "elitist" or "cult-y"?

First, I don't think it's our job to convince everyone. Apart from doing
interviews like this one from time to time, we don't really worry about it that
much. Instead, we focus on the people who just get it. We aren't trying to grow
our community too quickly, so there's no reason to try and convince everyone
that we are what we say we are. Word of mouth has been spreading for years and
that makes a big difference.

In addition to that, time is always on our side. It is one of our biggest
assets. We have been patient in growing our community, focusing on quality over
quantity. We knew it would take time to build this community the way we were
doing it. We have now been building this community for 6 years. Each passing
year we have to worry less and less about skeptics. We knowingly went into this
with the understanding that we were doing this the "hard way," but we knew it
was the only way to build what was missing in the world.

While the country still navigates the pandemic, what kinds of changes have you
been making and what will in-person events look like going forward?

Like every business in the world, COVID-19 has impacted us. What we have chosen
to do with this impact is innovate. When we secured the ranch, long before
COVID-19 came on the scene, we had a 3-5 year plan to move away from the
biannual gatherings and move to more curated and smaller gatherings multiple
times per year.

COVID-19 showed us that we did not need to wait years to do this. We took the
plan we had and the obstacles that COVID-19 presented and we innovated. We added
a full-time Community Manager to our staff, whose solo occupation is to connect
members inside our community. We doubled down on preparing the ranch to safely
host our members. We added more virtual options inside our community and we
empowered our members to help each other through this unprecedented time.

What kind of impact has COVID had on members and the work they're doing

Our community has come together more via COVID-19 than we could have ever
imagined. We have continued our work in the areas of civil rights and human
trafficking. Members have supported each other on every level. While what
happened to George Floyd has certainly renewed global interest related to civil
rights, we have already been deeply engaged in it for years. We've gotten to
know the families of Nelson Mandela, Frederick Douglass, Rosa Parks, Harriett
Tubman and many others over the past several years. It has definitely been
interesting to watch how engagement has changed. Many of the people
(non-members) we reached out to who were "too busy" a year ago are now clamoring
to come onboard our initiatives. I anticipate this increased level of engagement
from the general public tapering off, as it always does in these kinds of
situations. This is one of the reasons our community exists: to sustain that
level of engagement, always.

What is the most rewarding part, for you, about The Human Gathering?

Without question, it is being able to connect some of the most influential
people in the world and then step back to watch the magic that comes from that.
In my early twenties, I realized that I had a gift for connecting interesting,
powerful people. I just started doing it. And because I didn't come from a
particularly influential family, it was one of the ways I lifted my family out
of poverty. The Human Gathering allows me to make high level connections at
scale. I get to watch the ripples of impact from those connections, for years to

Those connections are truly powerful. Seeing what can come from truly
like-minded, diverse and good people is astounding. From the philanthropic
works, to the partnerships our members develop; watching our members shape the
world is truly remarkable.

What do you hope will be the legacy of each Human Gathering?

While our mission statement — "We are a private community of connected leaders
with one mission to impact the globe unheralded leaving a mark for generations
to come" — is truly our cornerstone approach, we also live by the statement,
"Making the impossible possible."

As a community, we love to tackle large, systemic problems. Due to the caliber
of our members, we have the ability to solve problems that few others can solve.
All of our members care deeply about leaving their mark on the world — a
positive mark. Walt Disney once said, "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."
That quote really resonates with our team and all of our members. Alone, there's
no doubt that each and every one of our members are extraordinary individuals.
But together, we have the power to change the world for the better and leave
behind a legacy that is carved into the history of humanity, forever.

Photos courtesy of The Human Gathering

Related Articles Around the Web
 * The Human Gathering | Human Gathering ›

Famous People


Paper Magazine

Another day, another development in the Kanye West and Kim Kardashian divorce


It all started Monday when Ye took to Instagram to once again allege his ex was
trying to keep him away from their four kids: North, Saint, Chicago and Psalm.

"This was on my daughters back pack when I was 'allowed' to see her last week,"
the rapper captioned a photo of North's bag, which she decorated with enamel
pins of her mom, dad and an alien.

"This is why I go so hard for my family I am wired to protect my family at all
cost," Ye continued. "As the priest of my him Don't worry Northy God is still

According to TMZ though, Kim quickly called bullshit in the comments section,
asking him to "please stop with this narrative," especially since he was "just
here this morning picking up the kids for school."

Granted, this isn't the first time Ye's accused Kim of doing this, as he
previously claimed his estranged wife of kidnapping their daughter Chicago after
supposedly barring him from her joint birthday celebration with cousin Stormi

“I’m just wishing my daughter a public happy birthday,” he said in a video where
he also accused Kim of playing "games" in their ongoing custody battle. However,
he went on to say in a follow-up video that Stormi's dad, Travis Scott,
eventually sent him the address.

At the time, sources said Kim was "shocked" by the allegation, as Ye was "never
not invited." And while she didn't publicly address that particular incident,
she did recently state in recent court documents that she had wanted to keep
their divorce proceedings private.

“I very much desire to be divorced,” she said, later adding that "Kanye has been
putting a lot of misinformation regarding our private matters and co-parenting
on social media which has created emotional distress."

Then, came a series of videos posted by Ye this past weekend, in which he
accused Kim of keeping North from him by not allowing her at his Sunday Service
event. He also claimed she wouldn't let him weigh in on where the kids should go
to school.

Shortly after Ye's latest attack, alleged text messages between Ye and Kim's new
boyfriend, Pete Davidson, were posted by the comedian's friend Dave Sirus. In
the exchange, Pete told Ye to "grow the fuck up," before taunting him by sending
a selfie of himself "in bed with your wife."

"I've decided that I'm not gonna let you treat us this way anymore and I'm done
being quiet," Pete wrote, though he also went on to tell Ye he was willing to
privately talk with him at the Beverly Hills Hotel "man to man."

"Let me help you man. I struggle with mental health stuff too. It's not an easy
journey," he continued. "You don't have to feel this way anymore. There's no
shame in having a little help. You'll be so happy and at peace."

See Kim's comment on Ye's post below.

Photo via Getty / Taylor Hill / WireImage & James Devaney

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 * Kim Kardashian "Shocked" by Kanye's Claims About Chicago's Party ›
 * Kanye "Ye" West Wants to Reunite With Kim Kardashian and His Kids ›

Related Articles Around the Web
 * Kim Kardashian (@KimKardashian) | Twitter ›
 * Kim Kardashian (@kimkardashian) is on Instagram ›
 * ye (@kanyewest) | Twitter ›
 * ye (@kanyewest) • Instagram photos and videos ›

Famous People


Paper Magazine

Pete Davidson is adding "astronaut" to his resumé.


Next week, the star will be shot into suborbital space on one of Jeff Bezos's
Blue Origin rockets. The March 23 flight makes Davidson the latest celebrity to
take the 10-minute ride, following William Shatner's October trip, Michael
Strahan's December excursion and, of course, Bezos himself, who took the first
flight last July.

This time around, the comedian is “an honorary guest" who will board the
company's 60-foot rocket, New Shepard, alongside five paying customers. He will
be joined by investor Marty Allen, former NASA manager George Nield,
entrepreneur Jim Kitchen, as well as couple Sharon and Marc Hagle, the latter of
whom owns property company Tricor International. Notably, Sharon Hagle also
founded a non-profit called SpaceKids Global, which is dedicated to teaching
kids about space flights.

According to CNN, Davidson will basically attend a few days of space camp at
Blue Origin's West Texas facility, where he will train for the flight,. The
experience entails the rocket breaking the sound barrier as it climbs 60+ miles
above the Earth's surface, allowing the passengers to feel a few minutes of
weightlessness after the passenger capsule detaches from the booster towards the
top of its flight path. Davidson and Co. will then experience intense G-force
before the parachutes are deployed to slow down the capsule and safely land.

Looks like Ye's going have to wait a little longer for that "man to man" meetup.

Read CNN's full report here.

Photo via Getty / Jeff Kravitz / FilmMagic

From Your Site Articles
 * Pete Davidson Wants to Meet Up and Settle Things With Ye - PAPER ›
 * Kim Kardashian and Pete Davidson Are Instagram Official - PAPER ›
 * Mackenzie Scott's Ex Leaves the Planet - PAPER ›
 * Jeff Bezos Will Travel to Space - PAPER ›

Related Articles Around the Web
 * Pete Davidson - IMDb ›



by Kenna McCafferty

Paper Magazine

After a flurry of online backlash, Jane Campion quickly apologized to Venus and
Serena Williams for her "thoughtless comment" during her acceptance speech for
Best Director last night at the 2022 Critic’s Choice Awards.


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Receiving accolades for her film The Power of the Dog, Campion started strong
thanking fellow nominees, before addressing the tennis stars who were in
attendance for King Richard, a screenplay based on their lives, saying, "Venus
and Serena, you're such marvels. However, you don't play against the guys, like
I have to."

Social media was quick to swoop in, finding Campion’s quippy comments about the
Williams sisters unnecessary, dismissive — and all too familiar.

Fashion editor Gabrielle Karefa-Johnson remarked in an Instagram story that she
was “0% surprised” by the unnecessary comment. “I’m so tired of black women
being the butt of people’s jokes... some people will literally use any occasion
to bring us down.”

Others, like director Ava Duvernay, hinted that Campion’s comment ignored Serena
and Venus’ dedication to the women’s equity movement.

The comment about the Williams sisters comes off the heels of Campion’s response
to Sam Elliot’s criticism of The Power of the Dog. Elliot, who has acted in a
series of Westerns, described the film as “homoerotic,” and a “piece of shit.”

Campion retorted, "What can I say? I'm sorry, he was being a little bit of a
B-I-T-C-H. Sorry to say it, but he's not a cowboy; he's an actor. The West is a
mythic space and there's a lot of room on the range." But her off-handed callout
of the Williams invited criticism regarding how intersectional her feminist
stance is, begging the question of who there is room for on Campion’s mythic

However, Campion backtracked her remarks shortly thereafter, commenting in
Variety, “the last thing I would ever want to do is minimize remarkable women. I
love Serena and Venus.”

“Their accomplishments are titanic and inspiring," she continued, "Serena and
Venus, I apologize and completely celebrate you.” The all-star sisters have yet
to respond, and we hope are celebrating the sweeping success of King Richard,
for which Will Smith took home Best Actor, adding to the film’s five existing

Photo via Getty/ Stephane Cardinale - Corbis

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 * All of the Snubs and Underdogs From the 2022 Oscar Noms - PAPER ›
 * Cannes 2019: More Female Directors, No Netflix, No Tarantino ... ›

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 * Jane Campion Apologizes for Venus and Serena Williams Comment ... ›
 * Jane Campion: Award Acceptance Speech | 27th Critics Choice ... ›
 * Jane Campion on Sam Elliott: 'Being a Little Bit of a B-I-T-C-H' - Variety ›

Famous People


Paper Magazine

Billie Lourd is a married woman!


According to People, the actress got hitched to Austen Rydell in Cabo San Lucas,
Mexico on Saturday. The confirmation comes shortly after Lourd's American Horror
Story co-star Leslie Grossman posted an Instagram Story about being "sad" that
the "most fun" wedding weekend was over.

"But I won best dressed, and I may have bribed the judges," Grossman teased. "I
may have done whatever I needed to do to get this trophy. But I got it."

To back up Grossman's statement, a source also told the publication that Lourd's
father, Bryan, got a big block of hotel rooms for all the guests and,
apparently, there was even a private pool party. But that shouldn't be
surprising, given they had plenty of time to plan the big event, as the couple
initially got engaged in June 2020, three months before welcoming their son,
Kingston Fisher, in September.

Lourd and Rydell initially dated when they were younger before breaking things
off. However, People reported that they reconnected in 2017, with the groom even
coming with Lourd and her father to see the North Lights in Norway for the
anniversary of mother Carrie Fisher's death.

Congratulations to the happy couple! Read People's entire report here.

Photo via Getty / David Crotty / Patrick McMullan

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