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By Unit 42

March 19, 2024 at 3:00 AM

Category: Malware

Tags: Advanced Threat Prevention, Advanced URL Filtering, Advanced WildFire,
Cloud-Delivered Security Services, Cortex XDR, Cortex XSIAM, DNS security,
next-generation firewall, Smoke Loader, Spear Phishing, UAC-0006, Ukraine

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This article announces the publication of our first collaborative effort with
the State Cyber Protection Centre of the State Service of Special Communications
and Information Protection of Ukraine (SCPC SSSCIP). This collaborative research
focuses on recent Smoke Loader malware activity observed throughout Ukraine from
May to November 2023 from a group the CERT-UA designates as UAC-0006.

Unit 42 has been collaborating with Ukraine for many years to share actionable
intelligence and expertise. As the war in Ukraine enters its third year, Ukraine
faces an all-time high in both volume and severity of cyberattacks. Global
threat actors, including nation-states, cybercriminals and hacktivist groups,
are seizing the opportunity presented by the Ukraine conflict for their
malicious purposes. The SCPC SSSCIP has identified Smoke Loader as a prominent
type of malware used in recent attacks.

Also known as Dofoil or Sharik, Smoke Loader is a backdoor targeting systems
running Microsoft Windows. Threat actors have advertised this threat on
underground forums since 2011. Primarily a loader with added
information-stealing capabilities, Smoke Loader has been linked to Russian
cybercrime operations and is readily available on Russian cybercrime forums.

Ukrainian officials have highlighted a surge in Smoke Loader attacks targeting
the country’s financial institutions and government organizations. While Ukraine
has seen a rise in Smoke Loader attacks, this malware remains a global threat
and continues to be seen in multiple campaigns targeting other countries.
However, this surge of attacks suggests a coordinated effort to disrupt
Ukrainian systems and extract valuable data.

While Smoke Loader can be distributed through web-based vectors, attacks using
this malware against Ukraine have been detected in malicious emails from
phishing campaigns. The SCPC SSSCIP report provides detailed analysis on 23
waves of email-based attacks from May 10-Nov. 23, 2023. This report is most
beneficial to security professionals who study trends in attack chains, analyze
malware or are interested in deep technical analysis and detailed indicators of

To review the technical aspects of these Smoke Loader campaigns in Ukraine,
refer to the SCPC SSSCIP report.

Readers can prevent Smoke Loader and similar malware attacks by prioritizing
security measures and cultivating smart online habits. Be extremely cautious
when opening email attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown
senders. Stick to trusted websites for downloads. Create strong, unique
passwords for online accounts, and stay informed of current cybersecurity
threats. These measures can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to
malware like Smoke Loader.

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from the Smoke Loader samples
in the SCPC SSSCIP report through Cortex XDR and XSIAM, as well as through our
Next-Generation Firewall with Cloud-Delivered Security Services, including
Advanced WildFire, DNS Security, Advanced Threat Prevention and Advanced URL

If you think you might have been compromised or have an urgent matter, contact
the Unit 42 Incident Response team.

Related Unit 42 Topics Smoke Loader, Spear Phishing, UAC-0006, Ukraine


Background on Smoke Loader
The UAC-0006 Group
Scale of the Attacks


Also called Dofoil or Sharik, Smoke Loader is a malicious program that loads
other malware, although it has a range of other capabilities. A 2016 article on
Smoke Loader noted that an early version was first advertised in the criminal
underground as early as 2011. Various sources have documented Smoke Loader
activity since then, and numerous reports have been published, including an
analysis on Smoke Loader we released in 2018.

Smoke Loader has been distributed through email, and it has appeared as a
payload from web-based vectors like Rig Exploit Kit. We have even seen Smoke
Loader distributed as a payload from other malware like Glupteba.

Since it first appeared, reporting on Smoke Loader indicates that various groups
have used it against different industries and organizations across the globe.
These activities range from recent targeted cyberattacks in Ukraine to criminal
activity resulting in Phobos ransomware infections.

As well-known and currently active malware as a service, Smoke Loader is one of
many ideal candidates (from the threat actor perspective) for any attack,
including those reported by Ukraine SCPC SSSCIP.


On May 5, 2023, CERT-UA issued alert CERT-UA#6613, its first notification of
Smoke Loader activity under the UAC-0006 identifier. Throughout the remainder of
2023, the CERT-UA published five additional notices on the UAC-0006 group.

According to CERT-UA, the UAC-0006 group ranked first in the category of
financial crimes as of December 2023. UAC-0006 uses Smoke Loader to download
other malware, and the group uses this additional malware in attempts to steal
funds from Ukrainian enterprises. These attempts represent a significant
potential for financial loss.

While CERT-UA has not confirmed a specific threat actor behind these Smoke
Loader attacks, various sources suspect UAC-0006 might be associated with
Russian cybercrime.


As previously noted, UAC-0006 ranks first in the category of financial crimes in
Ukraine as of December 2023. By October 2023, CERT-UA reported a surge in
UAC-006 activity, noting this group attempted to steal tens of millions of
hryvnias (Ukrainian dollars) from August-September 2023.

The SCPC SSSCIP report documents 23 waves of Smoke Loader attacks from May
through December 2023 based on our joint research. These campaigns have notably
increased the threat level for accountants in Ukraine and represent the
potential loss of 1 million hryvnias per week on average.


Palo Alto Networks collaborated with the SCPC SSSCIP to provide actionable
threat intelligence to mitigate Smoke Loader attacks targeting Ukrainian
organizations. Our joint research provides valuable insight into how attackers
leverage Smoke Loader in real-world campaigns. This includes understanding
initial attack vectors, types of secondary payloads and the overall objective of
the attackers. Our research was used to help develop our mutual defenses and to
disrupt the entire attack chain.

For a deeper understanding of the technical aspects of UAC-0006 Smoke Loader
campaigns in Ukraine, read the SCPC SSSCIP report.

A crucial element of defense against Smoke Loader is prioritizing security
measures and cultivating smart online habits. Be extremely cautious when opening
email attachments or clicking links, especially from unknown senders. Stick to
trusted websites for downloads, and create strong, unique passwords for all
online accounts. Stay informed on current cybersecurity threats. Such vigilance
should significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to malware like Smoke

Palo Alto Networks customers are better protected from Smoke Loader through
Cortex XDR and XSIAM, as well as through our Next-Generation Firewall with
Cloud-Delivered Security Services, including Advanced WildFire, DNS Security,
Advanced Threat Prevention and Advanced URL Filtering.

If you think you might have been compromised or have an urgent matter, contact
the Unit 42 Incident Response team or call:

 * North America Toll-Free: 866.486.4842 (866.4.UNIT42)
 * EMEA: +
 * APAC: +65.6983.8730
 * Japan: +81.50.1790.0200

Palo Alto Networks has shared these findings with our fellow Cyber Threat
Alliance (CTA) members. CTA members use this intelligence to rapidly deploy
protections to their customers and to systematically disrupt malicious cyber
actors. Learn more about the Cyber Threat Alliance.


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