www.multisoftvirtualacademy.com Open in urlscan Pro  Public Scan

Submitted URL: http://www.multisoftvirtualacademy.com/
Effective URL: https://www.multisoftvirtualacademy.com/
Submission: On October 09 via manual from IN — Scanned from DE

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    <select name="coursename" required="" id="courseNameHm" class="form-full mt5">
      <option value="">Select course</option>
      <option value="10774 Online Training">10774 Online Training</option>
      <option value="10961 Online Training">10961 Online Training</option>
      <option value="20696 Online Training">20696 Online Training</option>
      <option value="20741B Online Training">20741B Online Training</option>
      <option value="20743B Online Training">20743B Online Training</option>
      <option value="3D Printing">3D Printing</option>
      <option value="40577-G: Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Innovate and modernize apps with Data and AI Online Training">40577-G: Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Innovate and modernize apps with Data and AI Online Training</option>
      <option value="55286-A: SharePoint 2019 Power User">55286-A: SharePoint 2019 Power User</option>
      <option value="6o Green Belt Training">6o Green Belt Training</option>
      <option value="80643AE Online Training ">80643AE Online Training </option>
      <option value="AbInitio Online Training">AbInitio Online Training</option>
      <option value="Actuate Birt Online Training">Actuate Birt Online Training</option>
      <option value="Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016-20345–1AC Training">Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016-20345–1AC Training</option>
      <option value="Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Training">Adobe Photoshop® CS5 Training</option>
      <option value="Adv Testing with Kali Linux Training">Adv Testing with Kali Linux Training</option>
      <option value="Advance MS-Excel Training">Advance MS-Excel Training</option>
      <option value="Advanced Documents and Reports 10.203">Advanced Documents and Reports 10.203</option>
      <option value="Advanced MS SCCM Current Branch Scenarios">Advanced MS SCCM Current Branch Scenarios</option>
      <option value="Air Conditioning System Design Training">Air Conditioning System Design Training</option>
      <option value="ALM/QC  Online Training">ALM/QC Online Training</option>
      <option value="Amazon Marketplace WS Online Training">Amazon Marketplace WS Online Training</option>
      <option value="Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI
">Analyzing and Visualizing Data with Power BI </option>
      <option value="Android App Development with Kotlin Course Online">Android App Development with Kotlin Course Online</option>
      <option value="Angular 11">Angular 11</option>
      <option value="Angular 2 Training ">Angular 2 Training </option>
      <option value="Angular 4 Training">Angular 4 Training</option>
      <option value="Angular 7">Angular 7</option>
      <option value="ANSYS Fluent">ANSYS Fluent</option>
      <option value="Apache CouchDB for Developers Online Training">Apache CouchDB for Developers Online Training</option>
      <option value="Apache Kafka Online Training">Apache Kafka Online Training</option>
      <option value="Apache Spark Online Training">Apache Spark Online Training</option>
      <option value="App Setup in MS Dynamics NAV 2017 Training">App Setup in MS Dynamics NAV 2017 Training</option>
      <option value="Application Setup in MS Dynamics NAV 2016">Application Setup in MS Dynamics NAV 2016</option>
      <option value="Artificial Intelligence Training">Artificial Intelligence Training</option>
      <option value="ASIC Design and Verification Training">ASIC Design and Verification Training</option>
      <option value="AutoCAD Civil 3D Grading Training">AutoCAD Civil 3D Grading Training</option>
      <option value="AutoCAD P&amp;ID Essential">AutoCAD P&amp;ID Essential</option>
      <option value="AutoCAD<sup>®</sup> Training">AutoCAD® Training</option>
      <option value="Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis">Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis</option>
      <option value="Automation Anywhere Training">Automation Anywhere Training</option>
      <option value="AVR Microcontroller Online Training">AVR Microcontroller Online Training</option>
      <option value="AWS DevOps Online Training">AWS DevOps Online Training</option>
      <option value="AWS Soln Arch Profess Level Training">AWS Soln Arch Profess Level Training</option>
      <option value="AWS SysOps Training Online">AWS SysOps Training Online</option>
      <option value="AZ-020T00-A: Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers">AZ-020T00-A: Microsoft Azure solutions for AWS developers</option>
      <option value="AZ-120T00: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads">AZ-120T00: Planning and Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads</option>
      <option value="AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Certification Online Training">AZ-204: Developing Solutions for Microsoft Azure Certification Online Training</option>
      <option value="AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Technologies Online Training">AZ-300: Microsoft Azure Solutions Architect Technologies Online Training</option>
      <option value="AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design">AZ-304: Microsoft Azure Architect Design</option>
      <option value="AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Online Training">AZ-500: Microsoft Azure Security Technologies Online Training</option>
      <option value="Backbone Js Online Training">Backbone Js Online Training</option>
      <option value="BI Solutions Online Training">BI Solutions Online Training</option>
      <option value="Big Data Hadoop Architect Training">Big Data Hadoop Architect Training</option>
      <option value="BizTalk Server 2016 Administration Online Training">BizTalk Server 2016 Administration Online Training</option>
      <option value="BizTalk Server Online Training">BizTalk Server Online Training</option>
      <option value="Blockchain Online Training">Blockchain Online Training</option>
      <option value="BOD410-SAP Lumira Designer Basic">BOD410-SAP Lumira Designer Basic</option>
      <option value="Boosting &amp; Bagging Training">Boosting &amp; Bagging Training</option>
      <option value="Business Intelligence in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training">Business Intelligence in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training</option>
      <option value="C/Side Intro in MS Dynamics NAV 2013 Training">C/Side Intro in MS Dynamics NAV 2013 Training</option>
      <option value="C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 2 Course">C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 2 Course</option>
      <option value="CAPM Training">CAPM Training</option>
      <option value="CATIA V6 2013x - 100 Essentials Training">CATIA V6 2013x - 100 Essentials Training</option>
      <option value="CATIA V6 2013x Assembly Design Training ">CATIA V6 2013x Assembly Design Training </option>
      <option value="CATIA V6 R2016x Essentials for Users Training">CATIA V6 R2016x Essentials for Users Training</option>
      <option value="CBAP Online Training">CBAP Online Training</option>
      <option value="CCNP Routing &amp; Switching Online Training">CCNP Routing &amp; Switching Online Training</option>
      <option value="CCSA R80 Training">CCSA R80 Training</option>
      <option value="Chef DevOps">Chef DevOps</option>
      <option value="Cisco Nexus 7000 Switches Training">Cisco Nexus 7000 Switches Training</option>
      <option value="Citrix XenServer 6.5 SP1 Admin Training">Citrix XenServer 6.5 SP1 Admin Training</option>
      <option value="CLD900 - SAP Integration Suite">CLD900 - SAP Integration Suite</option>
      <option value="Cloud Computing Training">Cloud Computing Training</option>
      <option value="Cognos BI Admin Training">Cognos BI Admin Training</option>
      <option value="CompTIA Network+ Online Training">CompTIA Network+ Online Training</option>
      <option value="CompTIA Server+ Online Training">CompTIA Server+ Online Training</option>
      <option value="Core Java<sup>®</sup> Online Training">Core Java® Online Training</option>
      <option value="Course 55164-A: Quick Powerful Graphics with Power View, PowerPivot, Power Query, Power Map and Powe">Course 55164-A: Quick Powerful Graphics with Power View, PowerPivot, Power Query, Power Map and Powe</option>
      <option value="Create Android apps with App Inventor">Create Android apps with App Inventor</option>
      <option value="CRM Customization &amp; Configuration Training">CRM Customization &amp; Configuration Training</option>
      <option value="Customer Service in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training">Customer Service in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training</option>
      <option value="Data Analysis with R">Data Analysis with R</option>
      <option value="Data Processing Systems with SMACK stack">Data Processing Systems with SMACK stack</option>
      <option value="Data Science with Python Training">Data Science with Python Training</option>
      <option value="Data Science with Spark">Data Science with Spark</option>
      <option value="Data Scientist Training">Data Scientist Training</option>
      <option value="DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Performance Tuning and Monitoring">DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows Performance Tuning and Monitoring</option>
      <option value="DCS">DCS</option>
      <option value="Deep Learning with R">Deep Learning with R</option>
      <option value="Delcam Online Training">Delcam Online Training</option>
      <option value="Designing and Deploying MS Exchange Server 2016 Training">Designing and Deploying MS Exchange Server 2016 Training</option>
      <option value="Developing MS Azure Training">Developing MS Azure Training</option>
      <option value="Development Environment Intro in MS Dynamics Training">Development Environment Intro in MS Dynamics Training</option>
      <option value="Development II in MSDynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8 Training">Development II in MSDynamics AX 2012 R3 CU8 Training</option>
      <option value="Digital Marketing Training">Digital Marketing Training</option>
      <option value="Docker Training and Certification">Docker Training and Certification</option>
      <option value="DP-203T00: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure">DP-203T00: Data Engineering on Microsoft Azure</option>
      <option value="Drupal 8 for Beginners">Drupal 8 for Beginners</option>
      <option value="Dynamics AX 2012 Training">Dynamics AX 2012 Training</option>
      <option value="Dynamics AX Financials 2012 Training">Dynamics AX Financials 2012 Training</option>
      <option value="ELK Stack Course">ELK Stack Course</option>
      <option value="Embedded C Online Training">Embedded C Online Training</option>
      <option value="ETABS Online Training ">ETABS Online Training </option>
      <option value="ETL Testing Online Training">ETL Testing Online Training</option>
      <option value="Finance Adv in MS Dynamics NAV 2016">Finance Adv in MS Dynamics NAV 2016</option>
      <option value="Finance Essential NAV 2015 Training">Finance Essential NAV 2015 Training</option>
      <option value="Finance Essentials in MS Dynamics NAV 2017 Training">Finance Essentials in MS Dynamics NAV 2017 Training</option>
      <option value="Financials I in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Training">Financials I in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Training</option>
      <option value="Fixed Assets in MS Dynamics NAV 2016">Fixed Assets in MS Dynamics NAV 2016</option>
      <option value="Full Stack Web Developer ">Full Stack Web Developer </option>
      <option value="Getting Started with Agile">Getting Started with Agile</option>
      <option value="GoldenGate 12c Fundamentals Training">GoldenGate 12c Fundamentals Training</option>
      <option value="Google Cloud Architect Certification Online Training">Google Cloud Architect Certification Online Training</option>
      <option value="Hadoop Data Analytics Online Training">Hadoop Data Analytics Online Training</option>
      <option value="Hands-On Python &amp; R In Data Science Training">Hands-On Python &amp; R In Data Science Training</option>
      <option value="Hive Training Online Training">Hive Training Online Training</option>
      <option value="HR306 - Configuration of Time Recording">HR306 - Configuration of Time Recording</option>
      <option value="HR580 - Analytics and Reporting in HCM">HR580 - Analytics and Reporting in HCM</option>
      <option value="HR862-SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management Administration">HR862-SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management Administration</option>
      <option value="HTML5 and CSS3 Training">HTML5 and CSS3 Training</option>
      <option value="IBM Application Server Online Training">IBM Application Server Online Training</option>
      <option value="IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2 Training">IBM FileNet Content Manager 5.2 Training</option>
      <option value="IBM Message Broker Online Training">IBM Message Broker Online Training</option>
      <option value="IBM Netcool OMNIbus 8.1 Admin Training">IBM Netcool OMNIbus 8.1 Admin Training</option>
      <option value="IBM Transformation Extender Online Training">IBM Transformation Extender Online Training</option>
      <option value="IBM® FileNet P8 Platform 5.2 - Installation Training">IBM® FileNet P8 Platform 5.2 - Installation Training</option>
      <option value="IBM® Lotus Domino 8.5 Online Training">IBM® Lotus Domino 8.5 Online Training</option>
      <option value="IBM® Security QRadar Online Training">IBM® Security QRadar Online Training</option>
      <option value="IBM® Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 for Implementers Training">IBM® Tivoli Monitoring 6.3 for Implementers Training</option>
      <option value="IBM® Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 (TS612G) Training">IBM® Tivoli Storage Manager 6.3 (TS612G) Training</option>
      <option value="Identity Manager 11g R2 Training">Identity Manager 11g R2 Training</option>
      <option value="Image Processing using MATLAB Online Training">Image Processing using MATLAB Online Training</option>
      <option value="Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS V3)">Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS V3)</option>
      <option value="Implementing MS Azure Infra Solutions Training">Implementing MS Azure Infra Solutions Training</option>
      <option value="Infrastructure as a Service Solutions with Azure">Infrastructure as a Service Solutions with Azure</option>
      <option value="Installation and Configuration in MS Dynamics NAV 2016">Installation and Configuration in MS Dynamics NAV 2016</option>
      <option value="Installation in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training">Installation in MS Dynamics CRM 2016 Training</option>
      <option value="Intergraph CAESAR Online Training">Intergraph CAESAR Online Training</option>
      <option value="Introduction to Abaqus Training">Introduction to Abaqus Training</option>
      <option value="Introduction to MS Dynamics 365 Training">Introduction to MS Dynamics 365 Training</option>
      <option value="Introduction to TypeScript">Introduction to TypeScript</option>
      <option value="Inventory Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018">Inventory Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018</option>
      <option value="Iot Fundamentals with Raspberry Pi3">Iot Fundamentals with Raspberry Pi3</option>
      <option value="ISTQB Test Manager Training">ISTQB Test Manager Training</option>
      <option value="ISTQB-BCS - CTAL-TA Online Training">ISTQB-BCS - CTAL-TA Online Training</option>
      <option value="ITIL<sup>®</sup> SS Online Training">ITIL&lt;sup&gt;®&lt;/sup&gt; SS Online Training</option>
      <option value="ITIL<sup>®</sup> CSI  Online Training">ITIL® CSI Online Training</option>
      <option value="ITIL<sup>®</sup> SD  Online Training">ITIL® SD Online Training</option>
      <option value="ITIL<sup>®</sup> ST Online Training">ITIL® ST Online Training</option>
      <option value="Jenkins">Jenkins</option>
      <option value="jQuery Online Training">jQuery Online Training</option>
      <option value="Kibana: Essentials Online Training Course">Kibana: Essentials Online Training Course</option>
      <option value="Kubernetes Administration Using Docker">Kubernetes Administration Using Docker</option>
      <option value="Laravel PHP Framework Online Training">Laravel PHP Framework Online Training</option>
      <option value="Learning Python Data Analysis">Learning Python Data Analysis</option>
      <option value="Learning VMware App Volumes">Learning VMware App Volumes</option>
      <option value="Linux Device Driver Training">Linux Device Driver Training</option>
      <option value="Linux Systems Programming Training ">Linux Systems Programming Training </option>
      <option value="Machine Learning Specialist Training">Machine Learning Specialist Training</option>
      <option value="Machine Learning with TensorFlow">Machine Learning with TensorFlow</option>
      <option value="Macro and VBA Excel Training">Macro and VBA Excel Training</option>
      <option value="Management of Risk (M_o_R®) Foundation">Management of Risk (M_o_R®) Foundation</option>
      <option value="MariaDB for Developers Online Training">MariaDB for Developers Online Training</option>
      <option value="Mastering Go Programming">Mastering Go Programming</option>
      <option value="Mastering Microsoft Project 2016 Training">Mastering Microsoft Project 2016 Training</option>
      <option value="Mastering Wireshark 2">Mastering Wireshark 2</option>
      <option value="MATLAB<sup>®</sup> Online Training">MATLAB® Online Training</option>
      <option value="MB-200: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Core Associate">MB-200: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Customer Engagement Core Associate</option>
      <option value="MB-220T00: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing">MB-220T00: Microsoft Dynamics 365 Marketing</option>
      <option value="MB-240: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service Associate Online Training">MB-240: Microsoft Dynamics 365 for Field Service Associate Online Training</option>
      <option value="MCSA Office 365 Online Training">MCSA Office 365 Online Training</option>
      <option value="MCSA Windows Server 2016">MCSA Windows Server 2016</option>
      <option value="MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014">MCSA: SQL Server 2012/2014</option>
      <option value="MCSA: SQL Server 2016 Database Development">MCSA: SQL Server 2016 Database Development</option>
      <option value="MCSA<sup>®</sup> 70-411 Online Training">MCSA® 70-411 Online Training</option>
      <option value="MCSE BI Online Training">MCSE BI Online Training</option>
      <option value="MEMSQL 6.5 ADMINISTRATOR Online Training">MEMSQL 6.5 ADMINISTRATOR Online Training</option>
      <option value="Microsoft 365 Identity &amp; Services (MS100)">Microsoft 365 Identity &amp; Services (MS100)</option>
      <option value="Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-301) Online Training">Microsoft Azure Architect Design (AZ-301) Online Training</option>
      <option value="Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Online Trainin">Microsoft Certified Dynamics 365 for Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate Online Trainin</option>
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       * 40577-G: Microsoft Cloud Workshop: Innovate and modernize apps with
         Data and AI Online Training
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         Reports with MS-SQL Server 2012
         (MS-SQL 2012)
       * Designing BI Solutions with MS 
         SQL Server 2012 (70-467)
       * Microsoft® SQL Server BI 2008
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         Analysis Services
       * Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008
         Integration Services
       * Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008
         Reporting Services
       * 10989 Analyzing Data With Power BI
       * SQL Server 2012 High Availability
       * 10774 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012
       * 10777 Implementing A Data Warehouse With Microsoft SQL Server 2012
       * 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases
       * 10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell
       * 20764: Administering a SQL Database Infrastructure (SQL Server 2016)
       * DP-300T00-A: Administering Relational Databases on Microsoft Azure
         Online Training
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       * 20774A- Perform Cloud Data Science with Azure Machine Learning
       * 20775A - Performing Data Engineering on Microsoft HDInsight
       * MCSA: SQL Server 2016 Business Intelligence Development
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       * MCSA® 70-411
       * MCSA® 70-412
       * Developing Microsoft SharePoint Server 2016 Solutions
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       * Microsoft®: 70-744: Securing Windows Server 2016
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       * Microsoft Lync Server
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       * Administering Microsoft Exchange Server 2016-20345–1Ac
       * Designing and Deploying Microsoft Exchange Server 2016–20345–2AC
     * System Center
       * MS Configuration Manager (SCCM 2012)
       * Advanced Microsoft SCCM Current Branch Scenarios
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       * Getting Started with System Center 2016 Operations Manager
     * Applications
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         * Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018
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         * Fixed Assets
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         * 80951AE: Finance Advanced
         * 80952AE: Application Setup
         * 80953AE: Trade
         * 80954AE: Installation and Configuration
       * NAV 2016
         * Introduction
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         * Finance Advanced
         * Finance Essentials
         * Core Setup and Finance
         * Trade & Logistics
         * Installation and Configuration
         * Development Environment Introduction
         * Application Setup
       * NAV 2015
         * Finance Essential
         * Application Setup
       * NAV 2013
         * Installation & Configuration
         * C/Side Intro
       * AX 2012
         * AX 2012 Development
         * Development I AX 2012 R3
         * Development II AX 2012 R3
         * AX Financials
         * Financial I AX 2012 R3
         * Financial II AX 2012 R3
         * Project Management and Accounting - Basic AX 2012 R3
         * Data Management AX 2012 R3
         * Bill of Materials AX 2012 R3
         * Supply Chain Foundation AX 2012 R3
         * Transportation Management AX 2012 R3
         * Distribution and Trade in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3
         * Fixed Assets in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3
         * Reporting in AX 2012 R3
         * AX Distribution and Trade
         * AX 2012 R3 Installation and Configuration
         * AX 2012 R3 Retail Application
         * AX 2012 R3 HR and Payroll
         * AX 7 Finance
         * 80694AE: Warehouse Management
         * 80696AE: SQL Optimization
         * 80716AE: Retail Channel Management and Corporate Operations
       * Microsoft Dynamics 365
         * Introduction
         * Agent Enablement
         * Customizations & Configurations
         * Sales Management
         * 81055AE: Relationship Management
         * 81067AE: Development Environment Intro
         * Customer Engagement Core Associate
         * Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate
         * Customer Engagement for Customer Service Associate
         * Field Service Associate
         * MB-900T01: Dynamics 365 Fundamentals
         * Customer Service Functional Consultant Associate
         * Sales Functional Consultant Associate
         * MS-100T00-A: Microsoft 365 Identity and Services
       * CRM 2016
         * 80735AE: Installation
         * Customization & Configuration
         * Business Intelligence
         * Online Deployment
         * Customer Service
         * Customization and Configuration
         * 80727AE: Sales Management
         * 80867AE: Reporting for End Users and Functional Consultants
         * 80868AE: Reporting for Developers
       * CRM 2013
         * Installation and Deployment
         * Customization and Configuration
         * Extending
   * Oracle®
     * Database
       * SOA Suite 12c: Build Composite Applications
       * 12c: New Features Admin
       * 12c: SQL Tuning for Developers Ed1
       * 12c admin install and upgrade accelerated
       * Oracle 12c DBA
       * Oracle SOA Suite 12c
       * 12c: RAC Administration
       * Introduction to SQL
       * 11g: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Admin Accelerated 2
       * 11g: Administration Workshop I
       * 11g: Administration Workshop II
       * 11g: Database Administration OCA
       * PL/SQL
       * Essbase 11.1.2 for System
       * MySQL Performance Tuning Ed 3
       * 11g RAC Administration R 2
       * Oracle Access Manager 11g R2: Admin
       * Identity Manager 11g R2: Essentials
       * Oracle Weblogic Server
       * Web Services foundation Using xml for Framework 4 ED 1
       * Web Services Advanced Using XML for Framework 4 ED 2
       * R12.x Oracle Inventory Management Fundamentals
     * Oracle® PeopleSoft
       * HRMS
       * Financial-Receivables
       * Financial-Payables
       * Financial-General Ledger
     * Oracle® EBS
       * HR- Payroll Fundamentals (Global)
       * EBS- General Ledger
       * EBS- Payables Management
       * EBS- Receivables Management
       * SCM- Order Management
       * Oracle BPM 11g Modeling
     * Oracle® Hyperion
       * Hyperion Financial Management
     * Business Intelligence
       * OBIEE
       * Oracle BI Publisher Adminstrator
       * Oracle BI 11g: Create Analyses & Dashboards
     * GoldenGate
       * GoldenGate 12c: Fundamentals
       * GoldenGate 11g: Fundamentals for Oracle®
     * Cloud
       * Oracle HCM Cloud: Global Human Resources Ed 3
       * Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c: Install & Upgrade
       * Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 12c
       * Using Oracle Enterprise Manager Cloud Control 13c
   * CAD/CAM
     * Civil
       * AutoCAD® 2D & 3D
       * AVEVA E3D (Everything 3D) Admin Online Training
       * STAAD.Pro® v8i
       * Revit® Structure
       * Autodesk® BIM 360™
       * Autodesk Robot Structural Analysis Online Training
       * Navisworks
       * ETABS
       * AutoCAD Civil 3D Grading
       * AutoCAD® P&ID
       * Structural Analysis Computer System
       * RISA Foundation
       * MaxSurf Online Training
       * Road Design & Analysis using MXROAD
     * Mechanical
       * Hypermesh
       * Magma5
       * CATIA®
       * CATIA® V6 2013x - 103 Assembly Design
       * CATIA® V6 2013x - 201 Drafting
       * CATIA® V6 2013x - 100 Essentials for New Users
       * CATIA® V6 R2015x Essentials for Users
       * CATIA® V6 R2016x Essentials for Users
       * SolidWorks®
       * SOLIDWORKS API Fundamentals
       * UG-NX
       * Delcam
       * Revit® MEP
       * Inventor
       * ANSYS
       * ANSYS Fluent Online Training
       * Introduction to Abaqus
       * NX 2 Automotive Interior Trim
     * Architecture
       * Revit® Architecture
       * Adobe Photoshop® CS5
       * V-Ray
       * 3ds MAX
       * SAP2000
     * Electrical
       * AutoCAD Electrical
       * Electrical Instrumentation Design & Drafting
       * SPEL Basic
       * SPEL Advanced
       * PLC Automation Online Training
     * Piping
       * AutoCAD Piping
       * AutoCAD P&ID Essential Online Training
       * Piping Design & Drafting
       * Intergraph CAESAR II®
       * SP3D®
       * SP3D Admin
       * SP3D Civil
       * SP3D Electrical
       * PDMS
       * PDMS Administration
       * SPI/INtools
       * Air Conditioning System Design (HVAC)
       * Process Instrumentation & Control
       * SM3D
       * SmartPlant P&ID
     * Others
       * Rhino CAD
       * Rhino Intermediate & Advanced
       * 3D Printing
       * CANoe
   * ERP/SAP
     * SAP®
       * SAP® BASIS
       * SAP® PM
       * SAP® ABAP
       * SAP® CO
       * SAP® (SAP-FI/CO)
       * SAP® HR
       * SAP® SD
       * SAP® MM
       * SAP® Quality Management
       * SAP® CRM Functional
       * SAP® HANA
       * SAP® BI
       * SAP® BO
       * BOE310 - SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Platform:
         Administration and Security Online Training
       * SAP® EHS
       * SAP® Success Factors
       * SAP® Warehouse Management
       * SAP® NetWeaver
       * SAP C4C Technical
       * SAP FIORI
       * SAP Hybris (DEV & FUN)
       * SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer - Project Implementation
       * SAP Hybris Cloud for Sales
       * SAP Hybris Cloud for Service
       * SAP UI5
       * SAP APO
       * SAP BODS
       * SAP Ariba
       * SAP Leonardo Machine Learning Foundation
       * SAP PI/PO 7.4
       * SAP S/4HANA Finance 1809
       * SAP S/4HANA Logistics 1809
       * SAP SCM
       * SAP Security
       * SAP SuccessFactors Onboarding and Recruiting
       * SAP BPC
       * C4H340 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 1 Course Online Training
       * C4H341 - SAP Commerce Cloud Developer Part 2 Course Online Training
       * SAP HANA Cloud Integration
       * SAP IS Oil & Gas
       * SAP IS Retail
       * SAP IS Utilities
       * PS Business Processes in SAP Project Management
       * PS Master Data Configuration in SAP Project System
       * PS Project Management – Controlling
       * PS Project Management - Logistics
       * SAP IBP
       * SAP BW 7.5 on HANA
       * SAP S/4 HANA Finance 1909
       * CLD900 - SAP Cloud Platform Integration Online Training
       * HR940 - Authorizations in SAP HR Online Training
       * HR862-SAP SuccessFactors Learning Management Administration Online
       * HR800 SAP SuccessFactors Platform Administration Online Training
       * HR580 - Analytics and Reporting in HCM Online Training
       * HR505 - Organizational Management Online Training
       * HR306 - Configuration of Time Recording Online Training
       * HR305 - Configuration of Master Data Online Training
       * SAP Analytics Cloud Online Training
     * Dynamics®
       * NAV 2018
         * Inventory Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Online Training
         * Warehouse Management in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018 Course
         * Installation and Configuration in Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2018
       * NAV 2017
         * Service Management
         * Fixed Assets
         * 80950A: Finance Essentials
         * 80951AE: Finance Advanced
         * 80952AE: Application Setup
         * 80953AE: Trade
         * 80954AE: Installation and Configuration
       * NAV 2015
         * Finance Essential
         * Application Setup
       * NAV 2013
         * Installation & Configuration
         * C/Side Intro
       * AX 2012
         * AX 2012 Development
         * Development I AX 2012 R3
         * Development II AX 2012 R3
         * AX Financials
         * Financial I AX 2012 R3
         * Financial II AX 2012 R3
         * Project Management and Accounting - Basic AX 2012 R3
         * Data Management AX 2012 R3
         * Bill of Materials AX 2012 R3
         * Supply Chain Foundation AX 2012 R3
         * Transportation Management AX 2012 R3
         * Distribution and Trade in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3
         * Fixed Assets in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3
         * Reporting in AX 2012 R3
         * AX Distribution and Trade
         * AX 2012 R3 Installation and Configuration
         * AX 2012 R3 Retail Application
         * AX 2012 R3 HR and Payroll
         * AX 7 Finance
         * 80694AE: Warehouse Management
         * 80696AE: SQL Optimization
         * 80716AE: Retail Channel Management and Corporate Operations
       * Dynamics 365
         * Introduction
         * Agent Enablement
         * Customizations & Configurations
         * Sales Management
         * 81055AE: Relationship Management
         * 81067AE: Development Environment Intro
         * MS Dynamics 365 for Talent
         * MS Dynamics 365 for Retail
       * CRM 2016
         * 80735AE: Installation
         * Customization & Configuration
         * Business Intelligence
         * Online Deployment
         * Customer Service
         * Customization and Configuration
         * 80727AE: Sales Management
         * 80867AE: Reporting for End Users and Functional Consultants
         * 80868AE: Reporting for Developers
       * CRM 2013
         * Installation and Deployment
         * Customization and Configuration
         * Extending
     * Oracle® PeopleSoft
       * HRMS
       * Financial-Receivables
       * Financial-Payables
       * Financial-General Ledger
       * PeopleSoft Admin
     * Oracle® EBS
       * HR- Payroll Fundamentals (Global)
       * EBS- General Ledger
       * EBS- Payables Management
       * EBS- Receivables Management
       * SCM- Order Management
     * Oracle® Hyperion
       * Hyperion Financial Management
   * Internet of Things
     * IoT – Fundamentals with Raspberry Pi3
   * Virtual Reality
     * Virtual Reality Development using Unity 5.0
     * Unity Virtual Reality – Volume 1
     * Unity Virtual Reality – Volume 2
   * Embedded Systems
     * PCB Designing
     * Microcontroller
       * Embedded C
       * 8051 Microcontroller
       * AVR Microcontroller
       * PIC Microcontroller
       * ARM7 Microcontroller
     * Linux System Programming
       * Linux System Programming
       * Linux Device Driver
       * RTOS
     * VLSI
       * ASIC Design and Verification
       * Verilog
       * SystemVerilog
       * VHDL
       * PERL Scripting
       * LabVIEW
       * Raspberry Pi3
     * Others
       * MATLAB®
       * MATLAB® Simulink
       * Machine Learning with MATLAB
   * Service Management (ITIL)
     * ITIL® v4 Foundation
     * ITIL® v3 Foundation
     * ITIL® SS
     * ITIL® SD
     * ITIL® ST
     * ITIL® SO
     * ITIL® CSI
     * TOGAF®
   * Digital Marketing
     * Social Media Marketing
     * Digital Marketing
     * Google Analytics
     * Search Engine Marketing
   * Virtualization
     * Citrix
       * XenServer 6.5 SP1 Administration
       * XenApp 6.5 Administration
     * VMware
       * VMware vSphere
       * VMware Horizon View
       * Learning vSphere 6
       * Learning VMWare Horizon 7
       * Advanced VDI with VMware Horizon 7
       * Learning VMware App Volumes
       * Advanced VMware vRealize Operations Manager
       * Learning Data Visualization
     * Microsoft
       * Server Virtualization with Windows Server Hyper-V® and System Center
     * Building Data Visualizations with D3 and Angular 2
   * CompTIA
     * A+
     * Network+
     * Security+
     * Server+
   * Database
     * Microsoft
       * 20761A: Querying Data with Transact-SQL 2016
       * (SSRS) Analyzing Data with SQL Server 2016 Reporting Services
       * (SSIS) Implementing SQL 2016 Data Warehouse
       * (SSAS) Developing SQL 2016 Data Models
       * MCSA SQL Server 2012
       * MCSE BI 2012
       * Implementing Data Models and
         Reports with MS-SQL Server 2012
         (MS-SQL 2012)
       * Designing BI Solutions with MS 
         SQL Server 2012 (70-467)
       * Microsoft® SQL Server BI 2008
       * Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008
         Analysis Services
       * Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008
         Integration Services
       * Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2008
         Reporting Services
       * 10989 Analyzing Data With Power BI
       * SQL Server 2012 High Availability
       * 10774 Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2012
       * 10777 Implementing A Data Warehouse With Microsoft SQL Server 2012
       * 20461: Querying Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Databases
       * 10961: Automating Administration with Windows PowerShell
     * Oracle
       * SOA Suite 12c: Build Composite Applications
       * 12c: New Features Admin
       * 12c: SQL Tuning for Developers Ed1
       * 12c admin install and upgrade accelerated
       * Oracle 12c DBA
       * Oracle SOA Suite 12c
       * 12c: RAC Administration
       * Introduction to SQL
       * 11g: RAC and Grid Infrastructure Admin Accelerated 2
       * 11g: Administration Workshop I
       * 11g: Administration Workshop II
       * 11g: Database Administration OCA
       * PL/SQL
       * Essbase 11.1.2 for System
       * MySQL Performance Tuning Ed 3
       * 11g RAC Administration R 2
       * Oracle Access Manager 11g R2: Admin
       * Identity Manager 11g R2: Essentials
       * Oracle Weblogic Server
       * Web Services foundation Using xml for Framework 4 ED 1
       * Web Services Advanced Using XML for Framework 4 ED 2
     * Jenkins
     * NoSQL Database
     * Neo4J
     * MariaDB for Developers
     * MariaDB Administration
     * Apache CouchDB for Developers
     * PostgreSQL Administration & Development
     * Redis
   * Apple/iOS®
     * macOS Support Essentials 10.13
   * Programming & Development
     * Mobile/Web Development
       * iPhone®
       * Android®
       * Create Android apps with App Inventor
       * Windows® Apps using C#
       * HTML5 & CSS3
       * Ruby On Rails
       * Angular 7
       * Angular 6
       * Angular 4
       * Angular2
       * Angular 2 Web Development with TypeScript
       * Angular JS
       * jQuery
       * XAMARIAN
       * Ionic Framework
       * Mobile Ui Design Essentials
       * NativeScript
       * PhoneGap
       * Backbone.js
       * MEAN Stack Development
       * Django
       * Python, MySQL and Django
       * Android App development with Kotlin Online Training
     * MCSD SharePoint® Server 2013 Dev
     * MCSE SharePoint® Server 2013 Admin
     * Progressive Web Application Development
     * Core Java®
     * Oracle JAVA SE 8
     * ReactJS with Redux
     * React Redux React-Router
     * MuleSoft.U Development Fundamentals (Mule 3)
     * Node.js
     * Vue.js
     * Introduction to TypeScript
     * React Native
     * Oracle JAVA Advanced Framework
     * Core PHP
     * PHP 7 Programming Solutions
     * HTML5 & CSS3
     * PERL Scripting
     * Developing ASP.NET MVC 4 Web Applications
     * Windows® Apps using C#
     * Python®
     * Python GUI Programming Solutions
     * Modern Python Solutions Part 1
     * Modern Python Solutions Part 2
     * Spring Framework Certification
     * Macro and VBA Excel
     * MATLAB®
     * MATLAB® Simulink
     * Natural Language Processing with Python
     * DSP with MATLAB
     * Docker
     * Full Stack Web Developer
     * Mastering Go Programming
     * Getting Started with PHP 7
     * Adobe Flex
     * Akka With Scala
     * Laravel PHP Framework
     * Web Development with Angular 2 and Bootstrap
     * Mastering Node.js
     * Getting Started with Unity 2D Game Development
     * Drupal 8 for Beginners
     * Angular 2 Solutions - Advanced Concepts
     * Mastering Bootstrap 4
     * Test-Driven Android
     * Visual Studio 2015 Solutions - Part 1
   * Software Quality Testing
     * Mobile Testing Manual & Automation
     * Mobile and Database Testing
     * ISTQB® Foundation
     * UFT/QTP
     * ALM/QC
     * Selenium Training
     * Selenium Webdriver
     * ISTQB® Test Manager
     * ISTQB® - BCS (CTAL-TTA)
     * ISTQB® - BCS (CTAL-TM)
     * Webservices SoapUI
     * Mobile Automation Sellenium Appium
     * ETL Testing
   * Cisco®
     * CCNA® R & S
     * CCNP® R & S
     * CCNP Service Provider
     * Implementing Cisco Network Security (IINS V3)
     * Implementing Cisco Wireless Network Fundamentals (WIFUND)
     * Cisco Nexus 5000 Switches
     * Cisco Nexus 7000 Switches
   * Red Hat®
     * RHCSA
     * RHCVA
     * JBoss® Application Administration I
     * JBoss® Application Administration II
   * Information Security
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       * CHFI v8
       * CSCU (Security for users)
     * CheckPoint
       * CCSE R77
       * CCSA R80
     * Linux
       * Advance penetration testing with Kali Linux
     * IBM®
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What Our Customers Are Saying

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The course was excellent and was delivered at a pace to suit my availability.
Also, the option to do some of the sessions over the weekends was helpful. The
trainer was very knowledgeable in AX2012 Financials. I would certainly recommend
people to do this form of training with Multisoft, as it is good value for
money. The course coordinator took care of the delivery and admin side of things
satisfactorily. All-in-All, a good training experience

Joe Hailey, Financials I in MS Dynamics AX 2012 R3 Training, UK

There were some technological difficulties at first, but then ran smoothly.
Sometimes background noise made it difficult to listen to the trainer. The
trainer was lovely, polite, patient, and excited to teach. I would ask for her
again, and have already recommended her to a window company. I love the fact
that the course was videotaped so I can watch it repeatedly. Thank you very

Lisa Renzetti, Revit® Architecture, Canada

I want to thank Multisoft Virtual Academy for providing Piping Design & Drafting
online training course. I think it is one of the successful training
institutions that helps to develop your practical skills for both fresh
graduated and experts Candidates. On the personal level, I know Success is no
accident. It is hard work, perseverance, learning and studying. So it's a
pleasure to start learning piping design with Multisoft

Ahmed Hamed Yehia Agina, Pipe Design & Drafting Training, Egypt

I have completed Human Capital Management SAP online course being in Malaysia.
The course of 30 hours has been very intensive and informative. We communicated
with the trainer to conduct three hours training course on a daily basis. The
theory was something new as I had previous practical experience with SAP at

Oxana Zhiber, SAP ERP-HR Online Training, Malaysia

I would like to thank you very much for this training course. It was very
helpful and satisfied my needs. I would like to thank the trainer for the great
effort. He showed to be very knowledgeable and experimented in STAAD.Pro. He was
able to provide me with very deep information and was able to easily and clearly
answer my questions. He provided me with excellent case studies to help me more
acquire the knowledge…

Razan Al Habal, STAAD.Pro® v8i Training, Canada

The training provided by my trainer was very helpful as it helped to see the
tree through the forest of CBAP. It is nice to be guided by a professional with
a clear knowledge about the subject. I feel more comfortable now to prepare for
the exam than before attending these training sessions

Aroel Vanden Broele, CBAP Online Training, Switzerland

The course was very exciting and the practice exercise made it simpler to
understand. The trainer was very good and clearly delivered his tutorials. I am
currently working in an environment that does not require Primavera, but I am
confident that once I am exposed to the planning environment, I will be able to
put to practice what I have learned

Aqueline Loveness Makwindi, Primavera® P6 Online Training, South Africa

The training sessions were good, due to understanding and support provided by
the trainer and the advisor. Though there were some connection and audio
problems, the trainer used to repeat that part every time. He was polite and
provided flexible training session. Thanks to the training advisor too, as he
used to arrange all the sessions as per our flexibility

Shreyas J. Sathe, ARM7 Microcontroller Training, India

Very knowledgeable, use it in my everyday career, will recommend to other CATIA

Donald Callahan, CATIA® Online Training, USA



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