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Each indicator will be tested in a range of Forex markets on the daily time
frame over 12 years I am choosing to limit the markets to those in which the USD
is the counter currency. So that all tests have the same pip value. I hope this
will produce a better apples to apples comparison. As mentioned above leverage
will not be used.


This will simplify testing as I want the indicator to take me out of each
position rather than being leveraged up and having to place stops at arbitrary
places. Each indicator will be tested according to the most prevalent use case
in tutorials and online literature. As an example, for simple oscillators I will
enter at tops and exit at bottoms and vice versa rather than look for divergence
with price or using them to identify trends above a median line.

Full details of the entry and exit conditions for each indicator test shall be
explained in the accompanying review. What on earth is a bullish engulfing
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An indicator is lot more like salt and pepper than Colonel Sanders 12 secret
herbs and spices. If you only learn one thing today, make it this: As traders,
we only have access to a very limited amount of information. Indicators are
designed to show previous patterns in the market that might not be easy to see
with the naked eye. On the other hand, the Forex market has the tendency to act
in a specific direction under specific conditions.

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Those who have just started Forex trading must make themselves familiar with the
best indicators. There are some specific price patterns that occur again and

With the help of the indicators, it is easy to recognize such patterns as they
are formed to get an edge by utilizing that information. Nevertheless, the
traders have to ensure to use trading software that is rich in feature.


Every trader has its own personality and style. In this way, they would be able
to make the most of it. Be that as it may, there is no Forex indicator that is
known to be the best one. A trader must spent time and get knowledge about a
range of Forex indicators and then select one.

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For this reason, it is recommended that the trader must start with the simplest
Forex trading indicator. For the entries of it check if we have a long or a
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The RSI indicator is a classic Forex indicator used to measure momentum in the
market. lease watch the full day trading analysis of all major currency pairs in
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through the.

For exit we have for long when the actual candle is green and the last previous
two were red. For exit we have for short, when the actual candle is red and the
last previous two were green. This is my first attempt at producing a strategy
in Pine Script.

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The Strategy for 48% ROI Annually Calls vs. Puts: Which Is the Better for
Generating Income? Put Options: What They Are and How They Work What you need to
know about cash-covered puts

A short position is when you have borrowed a stock from a broker, and try to
sell it. You create a put option on a short position, and sell to open the

How To Sell Put Options Successfully In 5 Easy Steps

This makes a sell to open put option. A buyer can purchase the option, which you
then plan to buy back at a later time sell to open, buy to close. For the
strategy to work, you must sell the option at a higher price and then buy the
stock later, at a lower price from your broker and keep the profit, assuming the
market goes down.

Sell to open is generally only used when shorting a position—when an investor
sells a stock they have borrowed. The options buyer isn't obligated to exercise
the right to sell the stock, but when the stock price keeps dropping, the option
provides the investor with the ability to sell at a set price. This protects
investors by letting them get out of their stock position before it loses too
much value.

You could create this insurance policy by selling also called writing a put
option contract that covers shares. They can execute the option any time they
choose, between the time of writing and the close of trading, on the day you've
selected for this put option to expire. This is money you keep. Several
scenarios might play out when using a sell to open put option. You can guess the
problem - because the position wasn't remotely small relative to the capital I
had available at the time, I was too overleveraged to be able to expand the
position as part of the trade repair process.

I did what I could, of course, and put up a gallant fight, and even made
significant process working the strike price lower. But AAPL's correction proved
to be deeper than my under-capitalized ability to weather it. Being able to find
great put selling trades, and knowing when and how to set them up, is only part
of the battle, of course.

In this section of Guide, we're going to cover managing, adjusting, and - if
necessary - repairing your trades. And the best way to do that is to separate
our trades into two different groups - those that go according to plan, and
those that don't. As long as the share price doesn't dip below the strike price
of your short put, you're good, correct?

Just let that baby ride and wait for it to expire worthless and then move on to
the next trade, right? In fact, there may be times when it makes a lot of sense
to close a successful trade early. Inside the Leveraged Investing Club , we
strive to manage our successful put selling trades by time value, unless the
technicals intervene first. When we write or sell a put, we want the time value
priced into that put to erode, decline, deplete, etc. Reminder - an option's
price consists of intrinsic value and extrinsic or time value.


Intrinsic Value is totally about an option's relationship to the underlying
share price or how much "in the money" an option is. Puts are in the money when
the stock is trading below the put's strike price, and calls are in the money
when the stock is trading above the call's strike price. Extrinsic or Time Value
is the "risk premium" part of an option. Or what we receive for assuming the
risk of insuring or theoretically offering to buy the stock in the event that
the underlying stock takes a dive.


The holder of a put option has the right to sell stock at the strike price, and
each contract is worth shares. An investor may choose to use. Selling (also
called writing) a put option allows an investor to potentially own the
underlying security at a future date and at a much more.

While intrinsic value - if there is any - is always calculated the same way,
time value fluctuates depending on how much expected or potential volatility the
market is pricing into the underlying stock during the remaining lifespan of a
specific option. How near an option's strike price is to the current share price
also has a big impact on time value pricing.

That's because options closest to the share price will always have the most time
value priced into them and at the highest annualized rate of return which we'll
also cover in just a bit. Finally, at expiration, an option's price will consist
only of intrinsic value - if it has any.


On the contrary, those that were already the 62 put prior to the two-day
sell-off would be an unpleasant situation. You can see that in this example,
even though selling puts has lost money, it has lost less than simply buying the
shares on both an absolute and relative basis. The options buyer isn't obligated
to exercise the right to sell the stock, but when selling put options strategies
stock price keeps dropping, the option provides the investor with the ability to
sell at a set price. Selling LEAP puts is a great strategy on companies that
have a long history of dividend increases. Selling put options is a popular
strategy for option traders and an easy place for beginners to get started.
Their mindset is similar to an apartment owner. YP Investors hopes this strategy
will help you successfully grow your wealth so that you can live the life you
want! Reviewed by. If the stock price drops, sold puts may suffer losses. After
all, he selling put options strategies you could ask him to buy it on any day
during the agreed-upon period.

If, in the case of a put option, the underlying stock is trading at or above the
put's strike price at expiration, the put will expire worthless. Now, in most
hypothetical examples of the strategy, the ideal outcome is that the put or puts
you've sold expire worthless. Which, of course, they will do if the underlying
stock is trading at or above the strike price of the short put at expiration.
But the reality is that if you want to manage your successful put selling trades
as efficiently and as safely as possible, you're going to find that you end up
exiting the vast majority of these successful trades ahead of schedule.

It means that we measure and use time value in a way that vastly improves the
efficiency and safety of our trades. The first item is the three ways in which a
put option loses value which as put sellers we want. I have a full article on
how naked puts lose value here. But it essentially comes down to this - there
are only three ways that a put option can decline in value:.

In a perfect world, time value - which is what we're really selling here - would
dissipate or burn off at a nice, orderly, steady rate, like air leaking from a
tire, or fuel burning on a pleasant drive through the country. But as you can
see, there are a lot of moving parts involved in the pricing of an option, and
as the underlying stock bounces around, as the market continually re-evaluates
and re-prices the risk premium, and as expiration steadily nears, the price of
an option naturally fluctuates a great deal.

When you sell a put option, you obviously want it to lose value, but two of the
three pricing factors above - movement in the underlying share price and a
change in implied volatility - can go the other way and increase time value.

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So it's not that an option's price necessarily becomes inefficient - but there
will be times when a short put's remaining time value will have declined at a
much faster rate than it otherwise would have had it declined in a mice,
orderly, measured pro-rated fashion. When you've got Mr. Market on the ropes -
i. And to really illustrate how and why this is, there's a second item we need
to be clear on - calculating annualized returns.

Yes, there are shady marketing types out there who use it to misleadingly boost
returns or they'll base their ROI on implied margin usage, not actual capital.
And, yes, the shorter the duration of the trade, the more the annualized metric
skews your results.

But it's still a fabulous way to track your performance because it enables you
to compare apples and oranges as it were. It's essentially an investing
speedometer that tells you how fast your money is making more of itself. And -
as we'll see - it can also be a terrific tool when helping you to decide when it
makes sense to close a successful trade early. You can check out this site
article on calculating annualized ROIs , but the quick version is that you want
to determine your total ROI and then convert that into an annualized rate.

In other words, I start by taking my booked income on a trade and dividing it by
the capital at work. This gives me a total ROI percentage. I then take that
percentage and multiply it by the result of divided by how long the trade was
open, which then gives me my annualized ROI. In fact, I've always got my eyes on
the annualized rate - before, during, and after a trade:.

That's because you're locking in annualized returns at a much higher rate
compared to your original set up , and you free up your capital for better or
more lucrative opportunities ahead of schedule. There's also an even cooler use
of the annualized metric that can really underscore when it makes sense to exit
a successful trade early.

And that's to calculate the annualized rate on the money that you would be
leaving on the table. If you're closing a trade early, by definition, you're
going to be leaving a certain amount of premium or time value on the table. In
other words, you can lock in three-quarters of your max potential gains in
one-third of the original projected holding period.

Without the annualized metric, you might understand at an abstract level that it
probably sort of makes sense to exit this position early. But here's where
things become much more clear - you can also calculate how much money you're
leaving on table and whether it's worth sticking around for it. Now it becomes
super easy to decide whether it makes sense to exit a successful short put
position early. Can I find another good put selling opportunity that will pay me
more than 9. The above is a pretty simplified example - we'll look at some real
world examples below - but there are a couple other factors involved.


The good news is that there are a growing number of option-friendly brokers with
super cheap commission structures e. Interactive Brokers, tastyworks, etc. And I
would also underscore that exiting a trade early with less than your max
potential profits means you're booking less total income. But it also means you
have the opportunity to theoretically ring the register more than once over the
same time period. Finally, keep in mind that keeping a trade going in order to
collect the remaining time value, but at a low annualized rate, can in itself
elevate your risk.

Yes, your at or near the money short put trade has now been effectively
converted into an out of the money short put position. But those are exactly the
types of trade I personally avoid in the first place because I feel my
compensation is too low for the services I provide. OK - let's look at a couple
of real world examples where it made sense to close a winning naked put trade
ahead of schedule.

This was a trade we entered inside the Leveraged Investing Club at the very end
of December 29, So in this rare instance - because I felt that all the negatives
were known and priced in ahead of earnings - I was OK with selling a put for a
duration that included a quarterly earnings release. So in this case, I locked
in There's another reason why it may make sense to close a winning or successful
put selling trade early - because the technicals tell you to.


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Indicator Forex - Moving Average. Indicator Forex - Moving Average Indicator
Moving Average adalah Indicator yang menampilkan nilai rata-rata data harga
dalam periode waktu tertentu. Periode moving average bisa kita atur sendiri
misalnya 12, 14, 20 atau lainnya sesuai kebutuhan. Sehingga jika saat ini anda
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12, itu berarti nilai moving average saat ini adalah rata-rata data harga dalam
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ada bermacam-macam pilihan yaitu: Open, High, Low, close, Median Price, Typical
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