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📢 Twitch Extension Backend Service for Hearthstone Deck Tracker.

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Upgrade to Django 3.2 and Python 3.9 (#17)
April 27, 2022 17:08
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November 11, 2022 14:10
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March 13, 2023 20:26
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April 27, 2022 17:08
Upgrade to Django 3.2 and Python 3.9 (#17)
April 27, 2022 17:08
View code
Twitch HDT EBS API Usage Authentication Twitch Metadata Headers POST /send/:
PubSub Send endpoint POST /setup/: Verify and update setup state EBS
configuration Settings



Twitch Extension Backend Service for Hearthstone Deck Tracker.



Authentication happens exclusively through OAuth2. The API accepts
valid OAuth2 Bearer Tokens.


With every request, the following two headers should be send:

 * X-Twitch-Client-Id: The client ID of the configured extension. An HTTP 400
   will be returned if this header is missing or not valid.
 * X-Twitch-User-Id: The Twitch User ID (channel ID) of the user's Twitch
   channel. An HTTP 400 will be returned if this header is missing.
 * X-Twitch-Extension-Version: The version of the extension that has been
   installed. Only used if available (eg. by Javascript clients).

The Twitch User ID must correspond to a linked Twitch account on
for the same account as the one the client authenticates itself against. If the
User ID is not one of the account's linked Twitch accounts, an HTTP 403 will be
returned with the error channel_not_allowed and extra details. Example:

POST /send/ HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json
Authorization: Bearer xxxxxxxxxxxx
X-Twitch-Client-Id: d72hk844mgvex3kbfhrgjtdoeqrh0t
X-Twitch-User-Id: 1111111

HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden
Content-Type: application/json

    "available_channels": ["123456", "123654"],
    "error": "channel_not_allowed",
    "detail": "No permission for channel '1111111'"


The /send/ endpoint allows sending pubsub JSON messages to the twitch channel
specified in the X-Twitch-User-Id HTTP header. The endpoint expects a POST with
data formatted as {"type": "...", "data": {...}}. The input is validated, signed
with the extension's locally-configured secret, then submitted to the Twitch
Extension PubSub API.


The /setup/ endpoint takes the same twitch metadata headers but expects no
input. Authentication happens using a Twitch JWT which is verified then paired
up with a HearthSim user. This endpoint allows verifying that OAuth2 permissions
and Twitch setup is in order. Upon HTTP POST, the Twitch user's extension's
required_configuration setting will be updated to signal the setup being
complete, thereby allowing the user to complete the extension setup on Twitch.



The EBS looks for the following application settings:

 * EBS_APPLICATIONS: A dictionary of Twitch Extension Client ID -> Configuration
   for each configured extension. The expected configuration is a secret string,
   which is the extension secret (as provided in Base64), and an owner_id
   string, which is the owner ID of the Twitch extension.
 * EBS_JWT_TTL_SECONDS: The TTL (in seconds) of JWTs used to communicate with
   the Twitch API. Default: 120


📢 Twitch Extension Backend Service for Hearthstone Deck Tracker.


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 * beheh Benedict Etzel
 * jleclanche Jerome Leclanche
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