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              <p> The good doctor had the perfect life with a lovely wife, two adorable children, a nice house, and a thriving practice. Unfortunately, this good doctor spent his time cheating his patients by making their prescriptions in his home
                lab. When his nurse found out, he went mad with fear and swallowed all of his latest concoction to spare his family from the truth - but the results of this experiment turned out much, much worse.&nbsp;</p>
              <p> Turn any home into a secret evil laboratory when you put the Dr. Illume Animatronic on display in your home. His green glowing LED eyes, gurgling screams, and rocking torso will terrify any guests who enter your lair this Halloween!
                <li> Includes: <ul>
                    <li> Animatronic</li>
                    <li> Instruction manual</li>
                    <li> Volume control</li>
                    <li> External speaker jack</li>
                    <li> Adapter</li>
                    <li> Product Sounds: <ul>
                        <li> Gurgling screams</li>
                    <li> Animated</li>
                    <li> IR sensor activated</li>
                    <li> Step pad compatible</li>
                    <li> Multi-prop remote compatible</li>
                    <li> Adapter Type: 5.9V 1.5A (included)</li>
                    <li> Cord Length: 6.0 feet</li>
                    <li> Material: Metal, fabric, plastic, electronics</li>
                    <li> Care: Spot clean</li>
                    <li> Imported</li>
                    <li> Note: Recommended for use in covered areas</li>
              <p> &nbsp;</p>
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                      name: "5.6 Ft Dr. Illume Animatronic - Decorations",
                      description: "pThe good doctor had the perfect life with a lovely wife, two adorable children, a nice house, and a thriving practice. Unfortunately, this good doctor spent his time cheating his patients by making their preions in his home lab. When his nurse found out, he went mad with fear and swallowed all of his latest concoction to spare his family from the truth - but the results of this experiment turned out much, much worse.&nbsp;/ppTurn any home into a secret evil laboratory when you put the Dr. Illume Animatronic on display in your home. His green glowing LED eyes, gurgling screams, and rocking torso will terrify any guests who enter your lair this Halloween!/pulliIncludes:ulliAnimatronic/liliInstruction manual/liliVolume control/liliExternal speaker jack/liliAdapter/liliProduct Sounds:ulliGurgling screams/li/ul/liliAnimated/liliIR sensor activated/liliStep pad compatible/liliMulti-prop remote compatible/liliAdapter Type: 5.9V 1.5A included/liliCord Length: 6.0 feet/liliMaterial: Metal, fabric, plastic, electronics/liliCare: Spot clean/liliImported/liliNote: Recommended for use in covered areas/libr //ul/li/ulp&nbsp;/p",
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The good doctor had the perfect life with a lovely wife, two adorable children,
a nice house, and a thriving practice. Unfortunately, this good doctor spent his
time cheating his patients by making their prescriptions in his home lab. When
his nurse found out, he went mad with fear and swallowed all of his latest
concoction to spare his family from the truth - but the results of this
experiment turned out much, much worse. 

Turn any home into a secret evil laboratory when you put the Dr. Illume
Animatronic on display in your home. His green glowing LED eyes, gurgling
screams, and rocking torso will terrify any guests who enter your lair this

 * Includes:
   * Animatronic
   * Instruction manual
   * Volume control
   * External speaker jack
   * Adapter
   * Product Sounds:
     * Gurgling screams
   * Animated
   * IR sensor activated
   * Step pad compatible
   * Multi-prop remote compatible
   * Adapter Type: 5.9V 1.5A (included)
   * Cord Length: 6.0 feet
   * Material: Metal, fabric, plastic, electronics
   * Care: Spot clean
   * Imported
   * Note: Recommended for use in covered areas



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Universal Step Pad Activator

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Multi-Prop Remote

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Mist Maker

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400 Watt Low-Lying Fog Machine

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20 Ft Fog Hose and Adapter Kit

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