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  —   An encyclopedia of deep politics

=  Latest =

 Volodymyr Zelensky 16 March 2022 19:06 (4.2 K)  Project AERODYNAMIC 16 March
2022 18:44 (2.4 K)  George Eliason 16 March 2022 18:39 (1.3 K)  Conspiracy 16
March 2022 18:01 (3.1 K)  White-collar crime 16 March 2022 17:52 (4.8 K)
 “"COVID-19/Vaccine"” 16 March 2022 17:52 (18 K)  COVID-19/Perpetrators/WEF 17
March 2022 18:16 (15 K)  Michael Butter 16 March 2022 16:51 (1.8 K)  2014
Ukraine coup/Civil war 17 March 2022 14:40 (10 K)  Ukraine 16 March 2022 16:22
(8 K)  Ukraine/Nuclear weapons 16 March 2022 15:40 (5.5 K)  Cryptocurrency 16
March 2022 14:22 (7.1 K)  University of Illinois at Chicago 16 March 2022 13:23
(1.6 K)   17 March 2022 11:32 (1.5 K)  Jeremy Howard 16 March 2022 12:34 (3.4 K)
 University of South Africa 16 March 2022 10:58 (1.2 K)


 US/Deep state

25 January 2022 19:29 (57 K)  John-Reier Martinsen

14 October 2020 16:27 (8 K)  Gymnich Meeting

8 March 2020 14:34 (5 K)  Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

12 March 2022 15:20 (6.4 K)  Kashmir Princess

16 February 2022 16:45 (10 K)  Airwars

10 March 2022 22:12 (1.9 K)  Club de Berne

3 January 2022 19:26 (6.4 K)  COVID-19/Euthanasia

15 January 2022 09:25 (12 K)  Annecy shootings

24 January 2022 22:23 (5.6 K)  Gaslighting

6 February 2022 14:51 (5.7 K)  Norman Kirk

3 January 2022 19:45 (4.7 K)  Bilderberg/2021

15 March 2022 21:19 (1.4 K)  Imane Fadil

24 January 2022 12:58 (8.7 K)  Wallenberg family

2 March 2022 21:23 (12 K)  Australian Strategic Policy Institute

7 March 2022 22:13 (12 K)  Atlantik-Brücke

14 February 2022 02:26 (21 K)

 Document:NATO goes to war against Russia 2 March 2022 15:01 (9.9 K)
 Document:Being anti-war does not make us apologists for 'the enemy' or anyone
else 26 February 2022 22:17 (6 K)  Document:Vladimir Putin announces Special
Military Operation in Ukraine 25 February 2022 22:31 (22 K)  Document:Fifty
Years of the Deep State

21 February 2022 19:37 (139 K)  Document:Climate science is a "Zombie science"
15 February 2022 11:19 (7.9 K)  Document:Hidden Alliance of former WEF Young
Global Leaders working in Lockstep 2 February 2022 12:55 (10 K)  Document:US
charged with war crimes in Syria prison siege 27 January 2022 17:15 (11 K)
 Document:Beware the Cult of Cadwalladr 24 January 2022 13:57 (8.7 K)
 Document:Sajid Javid Signs Off £1 Billion Private Health Windfall 14 January
2022 21:28 (5.1 K)  Document:The tyranny of woke capitalism 13 January 2022
19:30 (19 K)  Document:The new alliance between anti-vaxxers and the far right
is a deadly threat 13 January 2022 11:58 (10 K)  Document:Stench of Corruption
10 January 2022 22:17 (9.4 K)  Document:Whistleblower Craig Murray Sentenced To
8 Months In Prison Over His Reporting On Former Scottish First Minister’s Trial
5 January 2022 23:34 (14 K)  Document:The bloody legacy of Bomber Blair 4
January 2022 14:31 (6.5 K)  Document:Peaceful Eco-activism & Lawyers for Nature
are Triumphant 31 December 2021 23:22 (7.5 K)  Document:The Mind Numbing
Hypocrisy of the Supreme Court 22 December 2021 19:59 (3.7 K)

 Conspiracy 16 March 2022 18:01 (3.1 K)  White-collar crime 16 March 2022 17:52
(4.8 K)  “"COVID-19/Vaccine"” 16 March 2022 17:52 (18 K)  Ukraine/Nuclear
weapons 16 March 2022 15:40 (5.5 K)  Cryptocurrency 16 March 2022 14:22 (7.1 K)
 Bitcoin 16 March 2022 05:03 (7.3 K)  Supply chain 16 March 2022 04:56 (2.6 K)
 Donbas 16 March 2022 00:29 (4.1 K)  Intelligence cycle 15 March 2022 20:20
(2.8 K)  Smith-Mundt Modernization Act of 2012

12 March 2022 15:20 (6.4 K)  The Establishment 11 March 2022 02:01 (13 K)
 COVID-19/Purposes 17 March 2022 05:52 (23 K)  Wolfowitz Doctrine 9 March 2022
16:55 (14 K)  Platformization 8 March 2022 17:06 (23 K)  We the people 8 March
2022 07:50 (711 bytes)  Education 6 March 2022 17:06 (448 bytes)

 Université Laval 14 March 2022 10:10 (1.4 K)  Université de Sherbrooke 14 March
2022 10:05 (1.2 K)  University of Zaragoza 13 March 2022 23:28 (1.1 K)
 University of the Pacific 13 March 2022 13:39 (1.6 K)  Chatham House 13 March
2022 10:48 (13 K)  University of the Punjab 13 March 2022 05:44 (1.6 K)  Körber
Foundation 12 March 2022 22:27 (396 bytes)  Australian Institute of
International Affairs 12 March 2022 22:22 (13 K)  UN/SC 12 March 2022 15:32
(2.1 K)  Brookings Institution 12 March 2022 07:52 (4.8 K)  European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development 11 March 2022 08:17 (947 bytes)  Institute of
Public Affairs 11 March 2022 00:57 (44 K)  Open Society Foundations/Recipients
10 March 2022 22:14 (261 bytes)  Airwars

10 March 2022 22:12 (1.9 K)  EXPOSE Network 10 March 2022 07:32 (3 K)  Norwegian
Confederation of Trade Unions 9 March 2022 22:36 (3.1 K)

 Volodymyr Zelensky 16 March 2022 19:06 (4.2 K)  George Eliason 16 March 2022
18:39 (1.3 K)  Michael Butter 16 March 2022 16:51 (1.8 K)  Jeremy Howard 16
March 2022 12:34 (3.4 K)  Peter Thiel 16 March 2022 04:45 (5.2 K)  Daria
Kaleniuk 16 March 2022 00:54 (1.2 K)  Lauren Southern 16 March 2022 20:15
(3.8 K)  Patty Stonesifer 15 March 2022 21:37 (2.9 K)  Lila Rajiva 15 March 2022
21:28 (3.1 K)  Matthew Shearer 15 March 2022 21:25 (3.3 K)  Rick Rozoff 15 March
2022 18:36 (652 bytes)  Robert Malone 15 March 2022 18:33 (11 K)  Reiner
Fuellmich 15 March 2022 18:27 (7.2 K)  Greg Coppola 15 March 2022 18:22 (1.6 K)
 Christopher Langan 15 March 2022 18:02 (2.2 K)  Wolfgang Kubicki 15 March 2022
13:52 (13 K)

 WW3 15 March 2022 13:26 (7.3 K)  “ATO” 17 March 2022 18:22 (4.8 K)  2014
Ukraine coup/Civil war 17 March 2022 14:40 (10 K)  Presidency of Donald Trump 14
March 2022 17:24 (9.3 K)  Freedom Convoy 2022 14 March 2022 10:16 (8.1 K)
 Bosnian War 14 March 2022 00:34 (1 K)  2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine 14
March 2022 23:04 (24 K)  Le Cercle/2004 (Belgrade) 12 March 2022 17:05 (1.1 K)
 FBI/Activities 1971-2001 9 March 2022 23:53 (1.2 K)  2001 Mexican legislative
assembly attack

8 March 2022 11:48 (14 K)  Markovic affair 5 March 2022 08:23 (17 K)  Ukraine
coup 2014/Parliament grants limited self-rule 5 March 2022 02:36 (2.5 K)  2022
Birmingham Erdington by-election 4 March 2022 12:57 (3.2 K)  Franklin child
prostitution ring 3 March 2022 20:52 (10 K)  9-11/E-4B 3 March 2022 16:18
(6.6 K)  Project Pegasus revelations 3 March 2022 15:39 (3.3 K)

 1781 15 March 2022 18:32 (15 K)  1720 15 March 2022 18:25 (100 bytes)  1765 15
March 2022 18:18 (19 K)  1763 15 March 2022 18:17 (12 K)  1665 15 March 2022
17:52 (109 bytes)  1755 15 March 2022 17:51 (22 K)  1971 14 March 2022 21:14
(1.7 K)  2006 13 March 2022 12:33 (4 K)  2003 13 March 2022 11:09 (3.3 K)  2005
12 March 2022 16:14 (3.3 K)  2021 1 March 2022 18:33 (34 K)  2022 28 February
2022 19:42 (2.3 K)  2020 23 February 2022 17:46 (7.4 K)  2010s 21 February 2022
18:57 (6.7 K)  2014 17 January 2022 16:43 (2.1 K)  1856 9 January 2022 18:44
(3.6 K)

 Paul Farmer 22 February 2022 23:22 (781 bytes)  Jean-Luc Brunel 19 February
2022 18:11 (1.4 K)  Luc Montagnier 17 February 2022 14:06 (2 K)  Hana Horka 20
February 2022 02:46 (1.4 K)  David Sassoli 24 January 2022 18:17 (2.6 K)  Bob
Saget 10 January 2022 07:12 (1.5 K)  José Évrard 26 January 2022 15:12 (1.2 K)
 Desmond Tutu 26 December 2021 14:14  Ed van Thijn 21 December 2021 09:59
(6.8 K)  Árpád Pusztai 16 February 2022 04:37 (5.2 K)  Robert McKinney 22
December 2021 17:37 (738 bytes)  Bob Dole 13 December 2021 11:38 (5.3 K)  Marcus
Lamb 4 December 2021 18:59 (879 bytes)  Josée Forest-Niesing 7 December 2021
18:14 (1.2 K)  Emad al-Swealmeen 19 November 2021 16:19 (4.2 K)  Matthew Festing
16 January 2022 16:00 (1.2 K)

 2022 Birmingham Erdington by-election 4 March 2022 12:57 (3.2 K)  2022 Russian
invasion of Ukraine 14 March 2022 23:04 (24 K)  2022 Southend West by-election 4
February 2022 11:21 (2.5 K)  Freedom Convoy 2022 14 March 2022 10:16 (8.1 K)
 2022 Parliament of South Africa fire 5 January 2022 04:37 (1 K)  Bristol Covid
surge hub 12 January 2022 17:47 (986 bytes)  2021 North Shropshire by-election
17 December 2021 21:11 (6.4 K)  2021 Old Bexley and Sidcup by-election 3
December 2021 16:15 (5.3 K)  2021 Liverpool bombing 20 November 2021 14:07
(3.2 K)  Liverpool Women's Hospital bombing 17 November 2021 18:17 (1.8 K)
 COP26 1 January 2022 15:06 (7.9 K)  Sudan/2021 coup d'état 26 October 2021
16:26 (1.2 K)  Health Freedom for Humanity Symposium 2021 4 September 2021 14:54
(588 bytes)  Pandora Papers 4 November 2021 21:58 (5.5 K)  Epik data breach 2
October 2021 03:33 (1.8 K)  9-11/20th Anniversary 17 September 2021 03:13
(2.9 K)

 2030 12 December 2021 23:11 (1.4 K)  2024 22 August 2021 14:13 (438 bytes)
 2023 5 September 2021 04:56 (333 bytes)  2022 28 February 2022 19:42 (2.3 K)
 2021 1 March 2022 18:33 (34 K)  2020 23 February 2022 17:46 (7.4 K)  2019 12
September 2021 02:09 (9.9 K)  2018 21 January 2021 18:14 (5.4 K)  2017 23
February 2019 11:39 (6.9 K)  2016 27 August 2019 01:36 (6.3 K)  2015 26 January
2018 23:28 (3.3 K)  2014 17 January 2022 16:43 (2.1 K)  2013 8 July 2021 15:26
(3.5 K)  2012 4 December 2018 13:45 (1.4 K)  2011 8 March 2020 18:09 (3.7 K)
 2010 1 January 2022 20:15 (2.7 K)

  15 March 2022 18:20 (2.3 K)  Qwant 15 March 2022 07:39 (1.3 K)  OpEdNews 16
March 2022 20:30 (1.3 K)   10 March 2022 23:38 (8 K)   8 March 2022 18:51
(2.1 K)   8 March 2022 11:30 (796 bytes)  Biblioteca Pleyades 2 March 2022 00:15
(645 bytes)  Dissident Voice 28 February 2022 01:41 (893 bytes)   27 February
2022 12:24 (2.4 K)  Vineyard of the Saker 26 February 2022 08:40 (531 bytes)  
25 February 2022 16:24 (7.7 K)   22 February 2022 23:48 (2.9 K)  The Grayzone 20
February 2022 17:06 (1.3 K)   18 February 2022 20:40 (1 K)   18 February 2022
17:30 (3.2 K)   18 February 2022 17:01 (3.1 K)

 Community portal 2 March 2022 15:41 (5 K)  News 1 March 2022 15:10 (6.2 K)
 Disclaimers 24 February 2022 19:47 (1.5 K)  Projects 19 February 2022 17:59
(8.1 K)  FAQ 25 January 2022 20:31 (11 K)  About 25 January 2022 20:27 (6.2 K)
 Standardisation 30 December 2021 16:53 (9.5 K)  Style Guide 27 November 2021
19:02 (22 K)  To Do 17 November 2021 18:18 (11 K)  Policy 28 July 2021 19:13
(4.6 K)  Read This First 18 June 2021 19:06 (6.4 K)  Site Backup 24 May 2021
19:36 (10 K)  Stubs 6 May 2021 18:29 (549 bytes)  Importing From Wikipedia 4
February 2021 19:49 (6.6 K)  Editor Undertakings 20 January 2021 13:33 (4.3 K)
 Quotation 16 January 2021 21:20 (4.7 K)

 Premier of New Brunswick 14 March 2022 00:39 (1,005 bytes)  European Bank for
Reconstruction and Development/President 12 March 2022 06:38 (116 bytes)
 Austria/Ambassador/USSR 10 March 2022 18:23 (124 bytes)
 Australia/Minister/Communications 7 March 2022 11:19 (99 bytes)
 Under-Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations 7 March 2022 07:05 (872
bytes)  UK/Permanent Representative to the UN in Geneva 6 March 2022 08:27
(1.2 K)  US/Ambassador/Kosovo 6 March 2022 07:24 (3.7 K)  Canadian International
Council/President 2 March 2022 10:57 (117 bytes)  Under Secretary of the Navy 2
March 2022 05:50 (802 bytes)  United States Under Secretary of the Air Force 2
March 2022 05:44 (1.5 K)  United States Under Secretary of the Army 2 March 2022
05:41 (1.4 K)  US/Special Envoy for Northern Ireland 1 March 2022 23:35 (5.1 K)
 US/Senate/Select Committee/Ethics/Chair 1 March 2022 23:24 (2.1 K)
 US/Senate/Committee/Rules and Administration/Chair 1 March 2022 23:16 (1,007
bytes)  Bilderberg/Steering committee/Chairman 1 March 2022 18:45 (281 bytes)
 UK/Minister/Supply 28 February 2022 22:45 (1.9 K)

 Heather Hallett 16 March 2022 16:55 (1.2 K)  Money/Central bank digital
currency 17 March 2022 04:40 (2 K)  Supply chain 16 March 2022 04:56 (2.6 K)
 Lightening network 16 March 2022 04:24 (1.7 K)  Virginia Tech shooting 15 March
2022 22:48 (728 bytes)  COVID-19/Perpetrators 15 March 2022 21:31 (289 bytes)
 Russel Bentley 15 March 2022 19:18 (1.6 K)  Steve Outtrim 15 March 2022 18:24
(2.1 K)  Tonbridge School 15 March 2022 13:23 (216 bytes)  Oleksandr Turchynov
14 March 2022 21:11 (2 K)  OpEdNews 16 March 2022 20:30 (1.3 K)  Mark Paslawsky
14 March 2022 20:36 (1.1 K)  Oligarch 14 March 2022 01:02 (189 bytes)  Bosnian
War 14 March 2022 00:34 (1 K)  Hugo Rifkind 13 March 2022 15:58  Gladio 3.0 13
March 2022 11:41 (3 K)

Wikispooks Twitter feed

 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine 10 March 2022 16:47  FBI Activities
2001-present 4 March 2022 11:12  Google 3 March 2022 04:17  Bilderberg/2021 3
March 2022 01:44  COVID-19/Media Manipulation 1 March 2022 19:47  WW3 1 March
2022 18:36  Reddit 28 February 2022 22:42  Russia/Encirclement 28 February 2022
16:33  Main Page 27 February 2022 05:33 (5.5 K)  2021 25 February 2022 03:50
 COVID-19/Purposes 24 February 2022 01:25  Tulsi Gabbard 20 February 2022 20:00
 Moderna 18 February 2022 03:04  Mann ohne Kindheit - Vom Opfer zum Täter 17
February 2022 01:09  WEF/Young Global Leaders 16 February 2022 22:08  WEF/Global
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 Infobox person 15 March 2022 18:27  Person 15 March 2022 18:21 (23 K)
 DatedObjects 12 March 2022 16:11  Infobox event 8 March 2022 17:35  Event 8
March 2022 17:34 (15 K)  Has facilitator 8 March 2022 17:32 (248 bytes)  Concept
8 March 2022 17:12 (8.3 K)  SponsoredEvents 24 February 2022 19:34  Decade 21
February 2022 18:39 (3.2 K)  SMWDocs 20 February 2022 12:12  PartyMembers 20
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 Infobox settlement 20 February 2022 10:42  Place 19 February 2022 19:21
 Employees 17 February 2022 17:10  Has nationalityAtBirth 17 February 2022 14:23
(168 bytes)

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