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   1.  Belgian Days
   2.  Friends and Memories
   3.  Historical Sites: Buchenwald C…
   4.  Historical Sites: Nuremberg NS…
   5.  Historical Sites: Verdun Battl…
   6.  Holland
   7.  Latvia Liberty Monument Close-…
   8.  Lithuania i -- Riga to Vilnius
   9.  Lithuania ii -- Vilnius (Vilna…
   10. My Family Mystery Photos
   11. Riga Konventa Seta
   12. Riga City
   13. Riga People
   14. Riga to Tallinn
   15. Saint Peter's Church Riga Clo…


Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin, 2004
Belgian Days

Brussels and Bruges (Brugge)

Album wurde erstellt 17 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 10 Jahre vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Friends and Memories

Some places I've been and some of the people I've been there with.

Album wurde erstellt 19 Jahre vor und geändert 17 Jahre 4 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2004
Historical Sites: Buchenwald Concentration Camp

What remains of the Buchenwald ("Beech Forest") Concentration Camp,
located near Weimar, former East Germany. From July 1937 to March 1945, 238,980
prisoners from 30 countries passed through Buchenwald. 43,045 of these were
killed, died from brutal conditions, or did not survive forced "death
march" evacuations. On April 11, 1945, the SS fled from the advancing US
forces, and the camp underground took control, liberating 21,000 inmates. For
those not familiar with its notorious history, an excellent and disturbing
summary is at A graphic
first-hand account of its Liberation in 1945 is at

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Historical Sites: Nuremberg NSDAP Rally Grounds

The site of the Nazi Party (NSDAP) Rallies filmed by Leni Riefenstahl. Designed
to appear impressive, the reality was shoddy construction behind the marble

Album wurde erstellt 14 Jahre 10 Monate vor und geändert 10 Jahre 6 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin, 2004
Historical Sites: Verdun Battlefield

The Battle of Verdun in France was one of the greatest and lengthiest in world
history. Never before or since has there been such a long and costly battle
involving so many men on such a small area -- less than 10 Km -- of land. The
battle lasted from 21 February 1916 until 19 December 1916, at the cost of at
least 700,000 casualties (dead, wounded and missing). There was no real military
or strategic justification for these losses: for the Germans, the entire point
was to "bleed" the French Army, but in the end, both sides suffered
equally grievously. Unlike most of the World War I battlefields, the destruction
was so vast that no attempt could be made to restore the land, and even today it
remains much as it was at the War's end. Andre Maginot served here, and the
battle success of the Verdun fortifications gave him the idea for his Maginot
Line proposals. For more details about this tragic event, please see and also
which has links to many other sites. For German-speaking visitors, I recommend
Paul Ettighoffer's dramatic and still gripping "Verdun", a personal
account by an ordinary soldier who was there from start to finish during that
tragic campaign. The book was first published shortly after the end of The Great
War, and can still be easily found. For my friend Andreas Collmenter, whose
grandfather fought there.

Album wurde erstellt 18 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 10 Jahre 5 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003

Some photos of Holland.

Album wurde erstellt 18 Jahre 8 Monate vor und geändert 18 Jahre 8 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Latvia Liberty Monument Close-Up

The Liberty Monument and surrounding area. The Monument was built in 1936 during
the first period of Independence. Everyone has seen pictures of it, but normally
just from the distance and you never see it properly. These photos are
different: many closeup pictures, so that you can see the detail for once. Hope
you like them. All taken by me in 2003. Also look at my Favorite Links section
for some other interesting history links.

Album wurde erstellt 18 Jahre 9 Monate vor und geändert 18 Jahre 9 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Lithuania i -- Riga to Vilnius

Trip from Riga in Latvia to Vilnius in Lithuania, Feb-March 2003.

Album wurde erstellt 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor
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Copyright (c) Roman Iwaschkin 2003. All rights reserved
Lithuania ii -- Vilnius (Vilna)

Some images of Vilnius, the modern capital city of Lithuania, taken during a
visit in Feb-March 2003

Album wurde erstellt 17 Jahre 5 Monate vor und geändert 17 Jahre 5 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
My Family Mystery Photos

Some old photos of my family from Latvia. If anyone can translate any of the
writings on the back, please make a comment. Many of these are mystery photos
from my father's personal album, and any useful information about the writings
on them would be very much appreciated. Thank you for all the help, I am very
grateful to you all.

Album wurde erstellt 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Riga Konventa Seta

A beautiful quarter of the Old Town. It was once the site of the Seta Convent,
but fell into disrepair. It is now being restored and renovated.

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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Riga City

Riga, Latvia, Feb-March, 2003.

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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Riga People

Riga, Latvia, February-March, 2003.

Album wurde erstellt 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Riga to Tallinn

Trip from Riga in Latvia to Tallinn in Estonia, Feb-March 2003.

Album wurde erstellt 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor und geändert 19 Jahre 6 Monate vor
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Copyright (C) Roman Iwaschkin 2003
Saint Peter's Church Riga Close-Up

St Peter Church, Riga. It was first mentioned in 1209, as the Merchant's Church.
At the time, it was intended to be the main one for the city. Originally, it was
Catholic, but became Lutheran during the Reformation in 1523. During warfare
with the Livonian Order in 1297, it was used for catapult bombarding of the
Wittenstein Castle. In 1408-09 the Rostock architect I. Rummeschotel added a new
altar area to the existing building. More construction took place in 1456, and
by 1473 the old church was completed. The tower, originally of wood, was rebuilt
a number of times. It once collapsed in a storm, totally destroying a nearby
house and killing 8 people. It then it burned down for the first time in 1721,
and it is said that the Emperor Peter the Great himself helped fight the fire,
and then immediately issued the orders for its reconstruction. He ordered the
chief architect to sit on top of the weather vane at the completion of the work,
drink a glass of wine, and throw the glass to the ground. The shattered pieces
were to be counted, and the number of pieces would show how many centuries the
spire would survive. The glass landed on a passing hay cart and survived, with
only the stem breaking -- two pieces. Sure enough, the spire was destroyed by
fire again -- two hundred years later, on Saint Peter's Day, 1941. For many
years it was thought that the church was accidentally hit in the crossfire of
battle; however it has since been discovered that it was deliberately set on
fire by retreating Soviet troops as a propaganda move to blame the Germans for
its destruction. There is now an elevator to an observation platform from which
you get by far the best view of Riga City.

Album wurde erstellt 18 Jahre 8 Monate vor und geändert 18 Jahre 8 Monate vor
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