xentracking.com Open in urlscan Pro
2606:4700:3033::ac43:a34f  Public Scan

URL: https://xentracking.com/
Submission: On August 30 via automatic, source certstream-suspicious

Form analysis 3 forms found in the DOM


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id Name Group Traffic Source Clicks LP CTR Leads CR EPC CPC Revenue Spend Profit
ROI 42 btykd rb bhd k fftthzki kb |itsddkn New Campaigns Redirects 29292 44%
6471 4.38% $0.164 $1.422 $1204.68 $3247.11 $1104 275% 56 aby deyyihrzthaaiai|yn
z f etni hz Group 1 Other 44254 88% 5125 4.79% $1.182 $0.699 $3035.94 $859.63
$4830 91% 51 tyy sefri t nsfa a|ddkfykyzibb ybri Diets Google Adwords 27457 15%
218 2.79% $0.221 $1.581 $2481.30 $4277.78 $3832 51% 84 hs td d |kzhfzyrsk ny| zd
nb| nash Old Pops 2581 88% 6541 3.35% $1.306 $0.343 $4631.66 $422.97 $2483 282%
95 zfzd |nske d sttrf eeyazyh| nf|kdh Old Other 18126 65% 2248 2.18% $0.750
$1.642 $1738.49 $1205.20 $1297 134% 69 ah|a tbtd knnfihkfsty tr kyentk Group 1
Facebook 56516 97% 2272 1.84% $1.146 $0.605 $2396.31 $3587.70 $2978 96% 96
drknrii drf ze er|htfyt |n||efi f Diets Facebook 63023 96% 9915 4.50% $0.570
$1.514 $313.22 $2076.41 $2915 243% 21 a|fd rbthd re| rzezy|fftd dyz fysah
Sweepstakes Pops 55472 95% 6384 3.78% $1.527 $1.851 $4621.31 $1141.19 $4757 266%
73 r zfid|r a sne abke dfhdrzh zeetnz Diets Google Adwords 73995 75% 8218 2.45%
$0.164 $0.822 $1807.37 $2492.74 $485 269% 65 t ybrezekrzztazati kh| y tenrzsk|kz
Group 1 Redirects 52677 17% 8578 5.85% $1.673 $1.221 $696.58 $1320.48 $1114 5%
12 |ebrzsey nfnykd|hbbszkia | tdebt d CPI Offers Google Adwords 34490 79% 9401
5.70% $1.272 $1.509 $742.83 $2985.42 $476 272% 16 nh|stkidrkht yssdn yfetk| n
bzyh CPI Offers Google Adwords 3109 76% 9889 1.90% $0.748 $1.412 $3901.90
$4498.75 $3498 241% 95 b yds dfeni nkzb f |be aeekatsfhz Old Pops 95140 3% 8447
3.79% $0.195 $0.158 $423.11 $4560.74 $3357 238% 91 d nef sr r nh kn|yhdyrdht i
nh rd Hi Defo Forum Facebook 51660 32% 9316 1.76% $0.863 $1.285 $2226.54
$3602.20 $2126 235% 24 trykk eskdr zndndkndkzzszbta| sy s Old Pops 23117 82%
7562 5.50% $0.338 $0.324 $2881.22 $3716.72 $1083 87% 60 ddr n|ytdh nabennbnds
nrk fhehnyd Group 1 Redirects 63288 45% 153 2.40% $0.987 $0.326 $2748.85
$3057.50 $3138 202% 50 en d y btzfzbr zr| ia dafabrzrr td Diets Facebook 34543
72% 223 4.93% $0.361 $0.410 $499.95 $4068.33 $3297 100% 88 ey
frfkanykd|hdrk|f|eytafnitref sty Old Other 79841 95% 9787 4.84% $1.311 $1.959
$4931.90 $1644.75 $395 276% 28 e|rn yfeznerei ykty ed ekr|ien a|ir Sweepstakes
Facebook 61398 9% 2839 3.42% $0.128 $1.901 $2920.47 $941.44 $2757 47% 52 nfi
|kzrt zkdn zkti n ahzz knan Diets Pops 15821 95% 1827 2.60% $1.433 $0.999
$1477.85 $2754.36 $4091 31% 89 |htd|yhn i bbb idyssats fr ed ib| CPI Offers
Facebook 65527 12% 8235 2.56% $1.216 $0.778 $2158.43 $4496.13 $3222 56% 91 snf
ztdb fd|kzihkbii yyhf nk|eated Old Pops 49375 26% 6355 2.24% $0.910 $0.183
$59.17 $1230.48 $4072 37% 36 znbzazk|n|knfr k kk | yi znankih Old Google Adwords
53424 83% 2787 3.31% $0.753 $1.184 $2104.56 $2750.92 $1910 254% 25 za n|ih
iehhhtrd|h nyndrfzrsf y|f|h CPI Offers Facebook 99417 93% 2516 5.67% $1.596
$1.605 $4577.94 $43.35 $3701 202% 29 fhrntd fsrt a|zbrkiebty| fzrrht|d Hi Defo
Forum Redirects 44419 45% 5215 3.68% $1.150 $0.467 $1408.10 $2400.71 $3615 288%
95 zb zre nkzn si dzz hryykfetz sskst| Old Redirects 67731 6% 1471 1.97% $0.545
$1.227 $2770.15 $3797.96 $3133 129%


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