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URL: https://springroll-tc.pbskids.org/hermit-shell/370b9400c203d5779037ae02268127d657d9adb8/debug/index.html
Submission: On August 25 via manual from US — Scanned from US

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FPS: 17.886


The start game event is triggered at the very beginning of the level (after the
game finishes loading don't wait for intro movie to finish). This is used to
compute things like time spent in game.
The exit game event is triggered when the game is quit. This is used to compute
things like time spent in game. Depending on platform this may / may not be
possible. NOTE: "quit" also means navigating away from game.
The start round event is triggered at the start of a round. This event provides
information about the game characteristics of the round (i.e. resources
objectives setup). It is used in calculating things like time spent in a round
(for speed and accuracy) attempts at solving a round and the number of rounds
the player has visited (exposures).
 * optionsarray->objectdictionary contains: position: 0 to 2 position from left
   to right size:integer size of the shell pattern:string type of the shell's
 * target_positionintposition of the correct shell
 * target_sizeintthe size of the target shell or 0 if N/A
 * target_patternstringpattern of the target shell or N/A

The beat round event is triggered when the player finishes a round. This event
is used for calculating time spent in a round (for speed and accuracy) attempts
at solving a round and the number of rounds the player has completed
 * durationintthe duration of the round in milliseconds. Time between start
   round and beat round.
 * missesintthe number of incorrect choices made during the round

The start level event is triggered at the start of a level. A level encapsulates
the time from when the user is presented a new layout (arrangement of beavers)
until all correct decisions in the layout have been made. This event provides
information about the game characteristics of the level (i.e. resources
objectives setup). It is used in calculating things like time spent in a level
(for speed and accuracy) attempts at solving a level and the number of levels
the player has visited (completion).
 * layoutarray->objectdictionary contains: size:integer pattern:string size and
   pattern type of the crab
 * typestring"pattern" or "size"

The beat level event is triggered when the player finishes a level. This event
is used for calculating time spent in a level (for speed and accuracy) attempts
at solving a level and the number of levels the player has completed
 * durationintthe duration of the level in milliseconds. Time between start
   level and beat level.
 * missesintthe number of incorrect choices made this round

The system-initiated instruction event occurs when the game delivers
instructions to the player. It contains information that describes the content
of the instruction. This event differs from events 3020 and 3021 as it captures
instructions that are not given in response to player action. These events are
used to determine the effectiveness of the instructions. We can answer questions
like "did players who received instruction X do better than those who did not?"
 * descriptionstringThe text or description of the instruction
 * identifierstringA unique identifier for this piece of instruction
 * media_type["audio","animation","other"]The type of media that has just played
 * total_durationintThe estimated duration of the media playback in milliseconds
   (if it ran uninterrupted)

The system-initiated feedback (Incorrect) event occurs when the game starts
delivering feedback to the player in response to an incorrect round attempt
(pressing the go button with the incorrect answer). It contains information that
describes the content of the instruction. These events are used to determine the
effectiveness of the feedback. We can answer questions like "did players who
received feedback X do better than those who did not?"
 * descriptionstringThe text or description of the instruction
 * identifierstringA unique identifier for this piece of instruction
 * media_type["audio","animation","other"]The type of media that has just played
 * total_durationintThe estimated duration of the media playback in milliseconds
   (if it ran uninterrupted)

The system-initiated feedback (Correct) event occurs when the game starts
delivering feedback to the player in response to a correct round attempt
(pressing the go button with the correct answer). It contains information that
describes the content of the instruction and will likely occur in conjunction
with a beat round event. These events are used to determine the effectiveness of
the feedback. We can answer questions like "did players who received feedback X
do better than those who did not?"
 * descriptionstringThe text or description of the instruction
 * identifierstringA unique identifier for this piece of instruction
 * media_type["audio","animation","other"]The type of media that has just played
 * total_durationintThe estimated duration of the media playback in milliseconds
   (if it ran uninterrupted)

The end of system-initiated instruction event occurs when the game finishes
delivering instructions to the player. It contains information that describes
the content of the instruction including duration. These events are used to
determine the effectiveness of the instructions and the amount of time they
consume. We can answer questions like "how much time elapsed while the game was
presenting instruction?"
The end of system-initiated feedback (Incorrect) event occurs when the game
finishes delivering feedback to the player in response to an incorrect round
attempt (pressing the go button with the incorrect answer). It contains
information that describes the content of the instruction. These events are used
to determine the effectiveness of the feedback. We can answer questions like
"how much time elapsed while the game was presenting feedback?"
The end of system-initiated feedback (Correct) event occurs when the game
finishes delivering feedback to the player in response to a correct round
attempt (pressing the go button with the correct answer). It contains
information that describes the duration and content of the instruction and will
likely occur in conjunction with a beat round event. These events are used to
determine the effectiveness of the feedback. We can answer questions like "how
much time elapsed while the game was presenting feedback?"
This event occurs when the player clicks to start the game from the starting
 * coordinatesobjectthe game screen coordinates of the click dictionary: {'x':
   integer, 'y': integer, 'stage_width': integer, 'stage_height': integer}

This event occurs when the player drops the crab on a shell. It contains
information about the object that the crab was dropped on and the correctness of
the action. This event is used to diagnose player strategies and understanding.
 * positionintthe number of the division or log from left to right
 * correctbooleanis this the correct choice?
 * sizeintthe size of the crab
 * patternstringthe pattern of the crab
 * coordinatesobjectdictionary: {"x":integer, "y":integer,
   "stage_width":integer, "stage_height":integer} the game screen coordinates of
   the mouse click

This event occurs when the player picks up or begins dragging the crab. This
event is used to determine what object the player is attending to.
 * sizeintthe size of the crab
 * patternstringthe pattern of the crab or N/A if no pattern

This event occurs when the player drops the crab in a location other than a
shell. It contains information about the location where the crab was dropped.
This event is used to diagnose player strategies and understanding.
 * sizeintthe size of the crab
 * patternstringthe pattern of the crab
 * coordinatesobjectdictionary: {"x":integer, "y":integer,
   "stage_width":integer, "stage_height":integer} the game screen coordinates of
   the mouse click

This event occurs when the player clicks on something that isn't covered
elsewhere. It can be useful in determining if there are attractive distractions
(things the player think should do something but don't) in the game or
diagnosing players who are having mechanical difficulties (near misses).
 * coordinatesobjectdictionary: {"x":integer, "y":integer,
   "stage_width":integer, "stage_height":integer} the game screen coordinates of
   the mouse click

This event occurs when the player hovers the mouse over an interactive object.
It contains information about the object under the mouse and the duration of the
hover. This event can be used to diagnose things like planning (are they
hovering the mouse over tiles for long periods before they use those tiles) and
determine which objects the player thinks are important.
 * dwell_timeinthow long the mouse cursor dwells over the object when the player
   dwells for longer than 1sec
 * objectstringthe object or piece of art the player clicked on

This event occurs when the player clicks on the help button. It contains
information about the state of the game that caused the player to seek help.
This event is usually followed by a 3010 (system-initiated instruction) event.
It helps identify points that players feel are too difficult.
 * optionsarray->objectdictionary contains: position: 0 to 2 position from left
   to right size:integer size of the shell pattern:string type of the shell's
 * target_positionintposition of the correct shell
 * target_sizeintthe size of the target shell or 0 if N/A
 * target_patternstringpattern of the target shell or N/A

This event occurs when the player clicks on the button to play again.