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    * Vimeo
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      Data ważności: 1 dzieńRodzaj: HTTP

 * Marketing 28
   Marketingowe pliki cookie stosowane są w celu śledzenia użytkowników na
   stronach internetowych. Celem jest wyświetlanie reklam, które są istotne i
   interesujące dla poszczególnych użytkowników i tym samym bardziej cenne dla
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    * Luigis Box
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      _lb_cccDetermines which products the user has viewed, allowing the website
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      Dowiedz się więcej na temat tego dostawcy
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 * Nieklasyfikowane 13
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      luigis.env.v2.289365-342160W oczekiwaniu
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Moccamaster KBG 741 Select - Yellow Pepper - Filter Coffee Maker

Manufacturer: Moccamaster

Why is Moccamaster coffee machine the best automatic brewer on the market? There
are several reasons: every Moccamaster is produced by hand in the Netherlands;
it takes you 6 minutes to prepare a jug of coffee in the ideal temperature from
92 to 96 ° C; and most importantly, Moccamaster has been created for you to
enjoy delicious coffee. Colour: Yellow Pepper The Switch model offers new
features: - Selection switch - brew 10 or 6 cups of coffee. Thanks to that new
function we can easily decide if we want whole (1,25l) or half jug (750 ml) of
our favourite beverage. While brewing 6 cups the water flow will be slower, but
it won't affect its taste or make it any less aromatic! - Unique 2-phase heating
element. - Intelligent hot plate - It heats the glass carafe during the brew
process, and automatically switches to warming mode to keep the coffee at ECBC
specified temperatures. - Renewed outlet arm -For an optimal spread of hot water
over the coffee grounds   Key features: - coffee brewing temperature: 92 ° - 96
° C and keeping the temperature of 80 ° - 85 ° C - compliant with the ECBC/ SCAE
/ SCAA requirements - automatic switch-off - brewing time: 5 - 6 minutes - jug
with a capacity of 1.25 liters (approx. 10 cups) - the jug with a lid and an
agitator for uniform coffee brewing - 9-hole showerhead for uniform wetting of
coffee beans - aluminum housing available in several colours - copper boiler
with double safety casing - automatically adjustable hotplate - filter holder
with automatically blocked dripping - hotplate coated with special enamel. The
coffee machines are made in the Netherlands. The warranty period for each device
is as much as 5 years!
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278,34 €

HAYB - Się Przelewa Owoc 1kg

Manufacturer: HAYB

Roasting date: 29.02.2024

Whole-bean specialty coffee roasted by HAYB roastery from Poland. The package
contains beans from Rwanda scoring 86+ points. Light roast, recommended
especially for batch pour-overs. Also great for drippers, Chemex, AeroPress,
French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. In the cup, you can expect
loads of fruity sweetness and pleasant acidity. Origin: Rwanda Rushashi
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39,29 €

Johan & Nyström - Bourbon Jungle Omniroast 500g

Manufacturer: Johan & Nyström

Roasting date: 27.02.2024

Background for this blend comes from the longing for a real dark roasting of
high-quality coffee beans. Although the beans are dark roasted, they keep their
clear and intense aroma. This coffee has a smoky flavour with a slight hint of
sweetness and loads of fruit notes. Thanks to the experience in the dark
roasting of coffee, the beans still retain most of their aromas. Its aftertaste
is clear and remains for a long time. This coffee is perfect for a Dripper,
French Press, Moka coffee maker and the traditional espresso brewing method.
This edition consists of: - Brazil Fazenda Dois Irmaos/Pantano - Ethiopia
Adreacha Gr. 2 - El Salvador Menendez
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15,96 €

Arcaffe Elba 1kg

A blend of whole-bean coffee from Brazil, Guatemala and Mexico roasted by
Arcaffe in Italy. Medium roast, perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. The
flavour is well-balanced, with the notes of milk chocolate. Born in 2023, this
100% arabica blend represents our easy-going coffee for espresso and cappuccino.
Named after the biggest and best-known island of the Tuscan archipelago, it aims
to make good espresso enjoyable and easy to understand by everybody.
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30,93 €

Le Piantagioni del Caffe - 85/15 - 1kg

Manufacturer: Le Piantagioni del Caffè

A blend of Arabica and Robusta beans (85/15%) from Guatemala, Ethiopia, Salvador
and Brazil and India, roasted by the highly regarded Italian Le Piantagioni del
Caffè roaster. Coffee with a delicate aroma of spices. You will taste the hints
of walnut and liquorice, and pleasant acidity.Beans included in the blend: -
Guatemala - Finca El Hato Blue - Ethiopia - Selezione Yrgalem - Salvador - Finca
San Luis - Brazil - Fazenda Lagoa do Morro - India - Fairland Estate - Brazil -
Fazenda Samambaia - India - Balehonnur Estate
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30,96 €

Fellow - Carter Everywhere Mug - Matte White - Insulated Mug 473ml

Manufacturer: Fellow

Carter Everywhere Mug it's an extraordinary insulated mug from Fellow. It is
functional and delights the user with its design. Perfect choice for someone who
has high demands towards the product. This mug was designed this way for you to
enjoy the full aroma of your brew. Its thin lip was adjusted to mimic a Cabernet
glass. It has a special ceramic coating, thanks to which the taste of the brew
does not change. The most important features: - Capacity: 473 ml. - Material:
stainless steel, ceramic. - It keeps hot temperatures for 12 hours and cold for
24. - 100% BPA free. - Leak-proof. - Fits all standard drippers and the
AeroPress Coffee Maker (diameter 69 mm).  - Handwash only. Not dishwasher safe.
Lowest price: €42.84
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42,84 €
29,20 €

Eureka Mignon Specialita Matte Black 16CR - Automatic Grinder

Manufacturer: Eureka

Eureka Mignon is an automatic household grinder. Specialita is recommended
especially for espresso, however, it also offers coarser grinding. The grinder
is designed to satisfy the most demanding home baristas. It features a silent
motor technology, it is compact, easy to operate with a touch screen, and
provides consistent grinding. Use An intuitive touch screen makes every
operation extremely easy. You can quickly set the dose, program a single and
double dose, and grind coffee continuously. The display also shows a dose
counter. A Hands-Free fork is suitable for every filter holder. Put the
portafilter on it, and push it forward to activate the button that triggers
grinding. Grinding Mignon is recommended for espresso grinding. To set the
coarseness, simply turn the micrometric regulation knob. Although it is
stepless, it has a scale on it, which makes the whole process much easier. The
grinding is precise and consistent. The most significant element here is the
55mm hardened steel burr. The outcome is about 1.4 - 1.8g/s when grinding for
espresso, and 1.9 - 2.5 g/s with a coarser setting. How it's built Mignon is
also well-designed and well-fitted. It is available in a wide range of
colourways. The body is made of metal, which makes it durable. A transparent,
plastic hopper may hold up to 300g of beans. Additional features - 310 Watt /
1350 RPM engine. - ACE System reducing clumping and electrostatics. - Silent
Technology - compared to the previous version, the grinder is more silent. -
Made in Italy.
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539,00 €

Bialetti - Deco Glamour - Moka Express 3tz Red

Moka Express Deco Glamour is a limited version of the most classic model made by
Bialetti, the world's leading manufacturer of coffee makers. This is the coffee
pot in its original colour that made the Italian manufacturer famous in 1930s.
To this day it is the most popular moka model in the world, as more than 200
million pots have been produced so far. Deco Glamour line is a journey to the
roaring 20s and Art Déco style. Bialetti Moka Express 3tz model is used to brew
3 cups of espresso at a time (about  130 ml). The total capacity is 150 ml. To
prepare true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee pot, good coffee and a
few minutes! • Design: This cast aluminum coffee pot impresses with its quality.
The classic body, unchanged for decades, will make an original element of every
kitchen. The knob and additional handle made of black plastic provide
comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. Made in Italy. •
Use: Bialetti Moka Express is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product
on the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot
by hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your
coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of
coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker
constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee
beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve
level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a
few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans.
Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!  
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45,22 €
Arcaffe Roma 250g

Roma is a high-quality sweet blend of Arabica coffees produced unchangeably
(except for war) since 1926. Coffee brewed with these beans will have a soft and
pleasant crema with the aroma of cocoa and caramel. It is characterized by a
rich, velvety body and a delicate hint of tobacco. It was named in honour of the
famous café in Livorno for which it was created. It is a perfect combination of
6 different Arabica coffees, which creates its unique personality. It consists
of the following beans: - Guatemala, Finca El Hato Blue - Ethiopia, Sidamo
special selection - El Salvador, Finca San Luis - Brazil - washed, Fazenda Lagoa
do Morro - India, Vellakadai estate - Brazil - natural, Fazenda Samambaia. Those
coffees are certified by the "CSC ® - Certified Speciality Coffee Association of
Italy" - All packages are labelled with a number and hologram proving their
high-quality and preventing counterfeiting.
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9,53 €
Fellow Ode Gen 2 Brew Grinder Black

Manufacturer: Fellow

Fellow Ode Gen 2 is an automatic coffee grinder for pour-over brewing methods.
Prepare your V60, Chemex, AeroPress and whatnot! The new generation of
award-winning Fellow grinder is here! What's new? Updated brew burrs (Gen 2 Brew
Burrs) that were designed specifically for Ode by VP of R&D and Certified Q
Grader Nick Terzulli. The Gen 2 Brew Burrs are capable of grinding as fine as
250 microns, while the Standard Brew Burrs that come stock in the original Ode
Brew Grinder can grind as fine as 500 microns. Anti-static technology, which
helps to reduce the static from freshly ground coffee. This reduces the
retention of coffee grounds in the grinder from ~1g to as low as 0.1g, so there
is much less grind mess than the original Ode Brew Grinder. A larger and
redesigned hopper and catch cup that can hold 100g of coffee. Fellow Ode Gen 2
combines great design with functionality: The grind adjustment wheel is located
on the front dial. You can choose one of 31 settings, depending on the brewing
method you use: AeroPress, dripper, Chemex, French Press, or Cold Brew. Ode does
not grind for espresso. Ode includes professional-grade, large, 64mm, flat,
stainless steel burrs that provide even grinding on every setting. The second
generation burrs offer new geometry that enables you to grind finer than the
standard brew burrs. Higher  precision gives more control and makes it easier to
achieve expected extraction and flavour of coffee. The grind size is 250 - 300
microns and up, compared to 550 microns in the standard ODE burrs. Finer
grinding provides higher extraction and enables you to brew more balanced,
sweeter coffee with a higher body. PID System guarantees stable and smooth work.
Automatic shut off. The motor will turn off automatically after grinding. The
system detects when the hopper is empty and turns off the grinder. The hopper
holds up to 100 grams of coffee beans - designed as a single dose hopper. Also,
it has been redesigned - now it as steeper angles to help feed beans down the
chute for speedier grinding. The grounds container is made of aluminum. A magnet
on its bottom makes it easy to place the container on the base of the grinder. A
knocker known from professional grinders helps to get rid of all the grounds -
in result, the retention of the grinder is extremely low. Quiet grind noise
thanks to high-quality materials to ditching the noisy gearbox. The body is
elegant and solid, made of aluminum and plastic. Small dimensions allow you to
place the grinder almost anywhere. Dimensions (D x W x H) 23,9 cm x 10,5 cm x
24,8 cm. 220V, EU plug.  
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450,00 €

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La Cabra - Brazil Dois Irmaos Natural Omniroast 250g (outlet)

Manufacturer: La Cabra

Roasting date: 14.11.2023

Whole-bean specialty coffee from Brazil, roasted in Denmark by La Cabra. Medium
roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French
Press, and other pour-over brewing methods, and for espresso. The brew
is reminiscent of chocolate, red apple, and hazelnut.  Country: Brazil
Region: Cerrado Mineiro Producer: Gabriela Sanchez Processing: Natural Varietal:
Catuai Altitude: 1200 m a.s.l.
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18,58 €
Johan & Nyström - Dark Knight Espresso 500g (outlet)

Manufacturer: Johan & Nyström

Roasting date: 01.10.2023

Dark Knight is a new specialty coffee blend roasted in Sweden by Johan &
Nyström. The blend consists of coffee beans from Peru, and Honduras. This medium
roast is perfect for espresso machines and moka pots. The cup is full of
chocolate, caramel, cherry, and figs. Country: Peru / Honduras Variety: Caturra,
Pacas, Typica, and Bourbon Process: Washed / Natural
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23,58 €
La Cabra - Costa Rica Don Joel Washed Omniroast 250g (outlet)

Manufacturer: La Cabra

Roasting date: 14.11.2023

Whole-bean specialty coffee from Costa Rica, roasted in Denmark by La Cabra.
Medium roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress,
French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods, and for espresso. The brew is
fruity and acidic. Country: Costa Rica Region: West Valley Producer: Allan
Oviedo Processing: Washed Varietal: SL28 Altitude: 1600 m a.s.l.
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23,10 €
Coffeelab - Guatemala Santa Amellia Xalapa DECAF Filter 250g (outlet)

Manufacturer: Coffeelab

Roasting date: 13.11.2023

Decaf whole-bean specialty coffee from Guatemala, roasted in Warsaw by
Coffeelab. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex,
AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. In the cup, you
can expect the hints of caramel, and dried fruits. Country: Guatemala
Region: Fraijanes Processing: Washed Varietal: Pache, San Ramon, Catuai,
Bourbon, Caturra
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12,86 €
Bracia Ziółkowscy - Colombia Monteblanco Citric Natural Filter 150g (outlet)

Roasting date: 17.10.2023

Whole-bean specialty coffee from Colombia, roasted by Bracia Ziółkowscy roasting
brand. Light roast, perfect for filter coffee machines, drippers, Chemex,
AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over brewing methods. The flavour of the
brew resembles currants, lemon, peach, and brown sugar, with winey acidity.
Country: Colombia Region: Huila Producer: Rodrigo Sanchez Varietal: Purple
Caturra Processing: Citric Natural, Fake fermentation Altitude: 1730 m a.s.l.
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15,00 €
Moccamaster KBG 741 Select - Brushed Brass - Filter Coffee Maker (outlet)

Manufacturer: Moccamaster

Why is Moccamaster coffee machine the best automatic brewer on the market? There
are several reasons: every Moccamaster is produced by hand in the Netherlands;
it takes you 6 minutes to prepare a jug of coffee in the ideal temperature from
92 to 96 ° C; and most importantly, Moccamaster has been created for you to
enjoy delicious coffee. Colour: Brushed brass The Switch model offers new
features: - Selection switch - brew 10 or 6 cups of coffee. Thanks to that new
function we can easily decide if we want whole (1,25l) or half jug (750 ml) of
our favourite beverage. While brewing 6 cups the water flow will be slower, but
it won't affect its taste or make it any less aromatic! - Unique 2-phase heating
element. - Intelligent hot plate - It heats the glass carafe during the brew
process, and automatically switches to warming mode to keep the coffee at ECBC
specified temperatures. - Renewed outlet arm -For an optimal spread of hot water
over the coffee grounds   Key features: - coffee brewing temperature: 92 ° - 96
° C and keeping the temperature of 80 ° - 85 ° C - compliant with the ECBC/ SCAE
/ SCAA requirements - automatic switch-off - brewing time: 5 - 6 minutes - jug
with a capacity of 1.25 liters (approx. 10 cups) - the jug with a lid and an
agitator for uniform coffee brewing - 9-hole showerhead for uniform wetting of
coffee beans - aluminum housing available in several colours - copper boiler
with double safety casing - automatically adjustable hotplate - filter holder
with automatically blocked dripping - hotplate coated with special enamel. The
coffee machines are made in the Netherlands. The warranty period for each device
is as much as 5 years!
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309,29 €
Hard Beans - Zestaw nr 1 Ciastka 2 x Kawa Ziarnista 125g + Peeling (outlet)

Manufacturer: Hard Beans

Roasting date: 09.11.2023

Zestaw Hard Beans: kawa ziarnista z Kostaryki (Filter 125g), z Brazylii (Filter
125g) oraz peeling kawowy. W zestawie: - Hard Beans - Kostaryka Los Duran H17
Filter 125g: Palona jasno, sprawdzi się do ekspresu przelewowego, dripa,
Chemexa, AeroPressa, French Pressa, oraz innych alternatywnych metod parzenia. W
filiżance można wyczuć nuty jeżyny i świeżych cytrusów z delikatnym posmakiem
wina. Kraj pochodzenia ziarna: Kostaryka Region: West Valley Metoda obróbki:
Black Honey Odmiana: H17 Położenie upraw: 1475 m n.p.m. - Hard Beans - Brazylia
Samambaia Filter 125g: Palona jasno, idealna do ekspresu przelewowego, dripa,
Chemexa, AeroPressa, French Pressa, oraz innych alternatywnych metod parzenia. W
smaku kawy pojawiają się naturalne nuty zbliżone do herbatników, toffi, mlecznej
czekolady i czerwonych jabłek. Kraj pochodzenia ziarna: Brazylia Region: Sul de
Minas Metoda obróbki: Pulped natural Odmiana: Yellow Bourbon Położenie upraw:
1200 m n.p.m. - Coffee Grounds Scrub - Peeling do ciała Costa Rica 170g:
Wielofunkcyjny peeling, w którym zostały wykorzystane fusy z kaw specialty Hard
Beans. Połączenie lipidów z fusów kawy z naturalnymi olejami, masłem Cupuacu i
czarną glinką oraz witaminą E tworzą wyjątkowy kompleks o pięknym zapachu i
oczekiwanej skuteczności. Bazą peelingu jest olej z awokado. Scrub skutecznie
usuwa martwy naskórek pozostawiając skórę gładką, jędrną i miękką w dotyku.
Produkt dobrze się spłukuje, a po jego użyciu nie musisz już stosować balsamu do
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32,86 €
Dr. Coffee - BR9C Refrigerator (outlet)

Manufacturer: Dr. Coffee

BR9 is a refrigerator ompatible with all Dr.Coffee machines. 4 litre capacity is
enough for a fair amount of milk. Connections on both sides of the machine make
it possible to put it on either side of a coffee machine. Equipped with an
electronic display, offering temperature range between 2 and 6°C. Dimensions: 
Depth 53 cm x Width 22 cm x Height 45.5 cm Weight:  16.4 kg.
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761,67 €
LaCava - Coffeedesk BRU Filter 550g (outlet)

Manufacturer: LaCava

Roasting date: 03.12.2023

LaCava and Coffeedesk cooperate to create a new daily BRU! Speciality coffee
beans from Kenya roasted in Poland by LaCava. Light roast, perfect for filter
coffee machines, drippers, Chemex, AeroPress, French Press, and other pour-over
brewing methods. You can expect hints of juicy black currant, sweet cherry, and
dark chocolate. Pleasant acidity is combined with tea-like texture. Country:
Kenya Region: Nyeri, Murang'a, Kiambu Processing: Washed Varietal: SL28, SL34,
Ruiru 11 Altitude: 1600 - 2300 m a.s.l. Cupping score: 87 pts
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22,86 €
HAYB - Nutty Chocolate 50g (outlet)

Manufacturer: HAYB

Dark chocolate with coffee by HAYB. Do you consider coffee with additions an
absolute blasphemy? Okay. Do you like to add syrup? Also fine. Here we have an
option that won't irritate anyone – these are delicious chocolates where coffee
is the addition, and the other ingredients create a complex chocolate bar! HAYB
has transferred flavour profiles known from Single Origin Specialty coffees to
dark chocolate bars. he delicate bitterness balances with the lightly crunchy
coffee here. It's a very deep combination, like in a proper chocolate-nutty
Brazil. Nutty/Chocolate as it should be! Ingredients: dark chocolate (cocoa
mass, sugar, cocoa butter, emulsifier: soy lecithin, vanilla extract). Ground
coffee 1%, cocoa mass min. 70%. May contain nuts, gluten-free. Nutritional
values per 100g of the product: Energy value 578 kcal Fat 42g of which saturated
fatty acids 25g Carbohydrates 36.3g of which sugars 28.6g Protein 9.1g Salt
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5,48 €

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Bialetti Rainbow 3tz Red

Rainbowis the most colorful series made by Bialetti, the world's leading
manufacturer of coffee makers. Choose the color that suits you and make the
preparation of your favorite coffee even more fun!  Bialetti Rainbow 3tz model
is used to brew 3 cups of espresso at a time (approx. 50ml each). The total
capacity is 150ml.   To brew true Italian espresso, you just need this coffee
pot, good coffee and a few minutes! • Design: Rainbow is the elegant combination
of a classic coffee pot with extravagant design. Chosing this coffee pot you
chose a great tool for making coffee with unique aesthetics. Rainbow is
available in several colors. The knob and additional handle made of black
plastic provide comfortable handling and serving when your coffee is ready. •
Use: Bialetti Rainbow is suitable for gas or electric hobs. Put the product on
the hob so that the handle is beyond the reach of heat. Wash your coffee pot by
hand, without any detergents. Not dishwasher safe. Choosing the size of your
coffee maker, keep in mind that every time you need to prepare the quantity of
coffee specified by the manufacturer. • How does moka work? The coffee maker
constists of a top sealed tank, a filter and a bottom tank. Put ground coffee
beans in the filter, pour water into the bottom tank below the safety valve
level and connect all the elements. Put the coffee pot on the stove and wait a
few minutes. Hot water moves to the top tank, flowing through the ground beans.
Your delicious and aromatic espresso is ready!
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29,40 €
Coffeedesk AeroPress Women's White T-shirt - XL

Manufacturer: Coffeedesk

Limited edition merchandise made by Coffeedesk. This T-shirt was made with love
to coffee and cats... and of some organic cotton. Add a touch of style to your
wardrobe! This one is made for AeroPress lovers! If one of your kitchen cabinets
is filled with brewing accessories, you know who Alan Adler is, your typical day
starts with pressing that coffee syringe, and you are familiar with the 7g
: 100ml ratio, this T-shirt will suit you well! Roll sleeve, regular fit, made
of 100% organic cotton. Size XL (Women's): Width below armhole: 53 cm Length: 69
cm (The size may differ by +/- 1.5cm)
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14,05 €
Loveramics Egg - Espresso 80 ml Cup and Saucer - River Blue

Manufacturer: Loveramics

River Blue Espresso cup and saucer. Loveramics is porcelain created with passion
and love. The combination of these emotions with hard work allows to achieve
mastery and arouse immense delight. That is what the producers from Hong Kong
achieved. The vessels are available in many colours, catch the eye and fit in
with the highest standards. Loveramics is the official sponsor of World Latte
Art Championship 2015 in Gothenburg. The cup is made in accordance with the
guidelines proposed by SCAE and SCAA. The thick walls allow for retaining
perfect temperature of your coffee for a long time, and the rounded shape of the
bottom allows for the optimum development of flavour. The vessels are made of
the top quality porcelain burned at 1300 ℃ . Dimensions: Cup - diameter: 6.5 cm,
height: 5.5 cm; Saucer - diameter: 11.5 cm, height: 2 cm.
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13,10 €
Loveramics Egg - Espresso 80 ml Cup and Saucer - Brown

Manufacturer: Loveramics

Brown Espresso cup and saucer. Loveramics is porcelain created with passion and
love. The combination of these emotions with hard work allows to achieve mastery
and arouse immense delight. That is what the producers from Hong Kong achieved.
The vessels are available in many colours, catch the eye and fit in with the
highest standards. Loveramics is the official sponsor of World Latte Art
Championship 2015 in Gothenburg. The cup is made in accordance with the
guidelines proposed by SCAE and SCAA. The thick walls allow for retaining
perfect temperature of your coffee for a long time, and the rounded shape of the
bottom allows for the optimum development of flavour. The vessels are made of
the top quality porcelain burned at 1300 ℃ . Dimensions: Cup - diameter: 6.5 cm,
height: 5.5 cm; Saucer - diameter: 11.5 cm, height: 2 cm.
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13,10 €
Natumi - Rice-Coconut Unsweetened Glutenfree Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from rice with addition
of coconut. It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and glutenfree product. Without
added sugars, it contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant
sweetness. Składniki: water, rice * (14%), coconut drink * (6%), sea salt,
natural aroma * (* certified organic ingredient). UHT Product.
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2,36 €
Sproud - Pea Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Sproud

Sproud is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Sproud drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Pea milk from Sproud. Perfect, plant-based alternative for
dairy milk. It is white as milk, but better for you and for the environment.
Rich in calcium and vitamins. It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and
gluten-free product. Without added sugars, it contains naturally occurring
sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness. Ingredients: Water, pea protein (2,5%),
agave syrup, rapeseed oil, dipotassium phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium
phosphate, gluten-free oat oil, salt, vitamin B12, riboflavin (B2) and vitamin
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2,98 €
Natumi - Millet Unsweetened Glutenfree Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from millet. It is a 100%
vegetable, lactose-free and glutenfree product. Without added sugars, it
contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness.
Ingredients: water, millet * (15%), sunflower oil *, sea salt (* certified
organic ingredient). May contain other nuts. UHT Product.
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2,62 €
Mount Caramel Dobry Syrop / Good Syrup - Chocolate with chilli 200 ml

Manufacturer: Mount Caramel

At the beginning, the strong aroma of chocolate seems innocent but after a few
seconds it warms you up with aromatic chilli. We recommend to add it to
cocktails, shots and your first morning coffee to warm you up and boost you with
energy. Ingredients: caramelized sugar, water, low fat cocoa powder, chili
Lowest price: €21.00
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5,96 €
5,20 €
Mount Caramel Dobry Syrop / Good Syrup - Vanilla 200 ml

Manufacturer: Mount Caramel

Made from vanilla imported from Madagascar and our innovative extraction method.
No added aromas is the guarantee of pure vanilla flavour. Indispensable addition
to any drinks and various cakes. Ingredients: caramelized sugar, water,
madagascar vanilla beans extract, fresh lemon juice, alcohol up to 1,0%
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5,96 €
Sproud - Barista Pea Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Sproud

Sproud is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Sproud drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Pea milk from Sproud. Perfect, plant-based alternative for
dairy milk. It is white as milk, but better for you and for the environment.
Rich in calcium and vitamins. Created for baristas, perfect for Latte and tea.
It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and gluten-free product. Without added
sugars, it contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness.
Ingredients: Water, Rapeseed Oil, Protein from pea (2,5%), Agave Syrup, Acidity
Regulator (Dipotassium Phosphate), Mineral [Calcium], Gluten Free Oats Oil,
Salt, Vitamins [VitaminD, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12].
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2,98 €


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Natumi - Rice-Coconut Unsweetened Glutenfree Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from rice with addition
of coconut. It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and glutenfree product. Without
added sugars, it contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant
sweetness. Składniki: water, rice * (14%), coconut drink * (6%), sea salt,
natural aroma * (* certified organic ingredient). UHT Product.
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2,36 €

Oatly - Oat Drink Barista 1L

Manufacturer: Oatly

Oatly is a variety of plant drinks that are a great alternative to dairy milk.
They are rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Oatly drinks are suitable for
vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and fruit
cocktails. Oatly Barista is a product created for baristas and it is 100%
plant-based. It foams easily, great for professional use. Ingredients: Oat base
(water, oats 10 %), rapeseed oil, acidity regulator (dipotassium phosphate),
calcium carbonate, calcium phosphates, iodised salt, vitamins (D2, riboflavin,
B12). Nutritional values (100ml): Energy: 247 kJ/59 kcal Fat: 3.0 g - including
saturated fatty acids: 0.3 g Carbohydrates: 6.6 g - including sugars: 4.0 g
Fibre: 0.8 g Proteins: 1.0 g Salt: 0.10 g
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2,60 €
Sproud - Pea Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Sproud

Sproud is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Sproud drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Pea milk from Sproud. Perfect, plant-based alternative for
dairy milk. It is white as milk, but better for you and for the environment.
Rich in calcium and vitamins. It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and
gluten-free product. Without added sugars, it contains naturally occurring
sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness. Ingredients: Water, pea protein (2,5%),
agave syrup, rapeseed oil, dipotassium phosphate, calcium carbonate, calcium
phosphate, gluten-free oat oil, salt, vitamin B12, riboflavin (B2) and vitamin
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2,98 €
Oatly - Chocolate Oat Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Oatly

Oatly is a variety of plant drinks that are a great alternative to dairy milk.
They are rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals. Oatly drinks are suitable for
vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and fruit
cocktails. Chocolate Oat Drink. Perfect without any additions. Owes it chocolate
flavour to cocoa certified by the Cococa Horizon Foundation. It is 100%
plant-based, it does not contain lactose. It is loaded with a nutritional
balance. Perfect addition to your morning museli. Ingredients: Oat base (water,
oats 10%), sugar 3,5%, cocoa powder 1%, rapeseed oil, calcium carbonate, calcium
phosphates, iodised salt, flavour, vitamins (D2, riboflavin, B12).
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2,60 €
Natumi - Millet Unsweetened Glutenfree Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from millet. It is a 100%
vegetable, lactose-free and glutenfree product. Without added sugars, it
contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness.
Ingredients: water, millet * (15%), sunflower oil *, sea salt (* certified
organic ingredient). May contain other nuts. UHT Product.
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2,62 €
Alpro - Oat Drink Barista

Manufacturer: Alpro

Alpro is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Alpro drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Alpro Oats Barista is a plant-based drink created for
professional environment. Perfect when you look for a creamy texture in your
plant-based drink. Ingredients: Oat base (water, oat (10%)), sunflower oil, pea
protein, sea salt, vitamins (B2, B12, D2).
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2,74 €
Sproud - Barista Pea Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Sproud

Sproud is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Sproud drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Pea milk from Sproud. Perfect, plant-based alternative for
dairy milk. It is white as milk, but better for you and for the environment.
Rich in calcium and vitamins. Created for baristas, perfect for Latte and tea.
It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free and gluten-free product. Without added
sugars, it contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness.
Ingredients: Water, Rapeseed Oil, Protein from pea (2,5%), Agave Syrup, Acidity
Regulator (Dipotassium Phosphate), Mineral [Calcium], Gluten Free Oats Oil,
Salt, Vitamins [VitaminD, Riboflavin, Vitamin B12].
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2,98 €
Alpro - Barista Almond Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Alpro

Alpro is a plant-based drink that is a great alternative to dairy milk. It is
100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals - without artificial
additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Alpro drinks are suitable
for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the morning muesli and
fruit cocktails. Alpro Almond Barista is a perfect plant-based drink to prepare
fantastic coffee with milk. Ingredients: Water, Almond (2.5%), Sugar, Fructose,
Acidity regulators (Potassium phosphates), Calcium (Calcium carbonate), Natural
flavourings, Stabilisers (Gellan gum, Guar gum), Sea salt.
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3,00 €
Natumi - Oat-Soy Barista Unsweetened Drink

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from oats and soy.
Perfect for your Cappuccino or Caffe Latte It is a 100% vegetable, lactose-free
product. Without added sugars, it contains naturally occurring sugars, which
brings pleasant sweetness. Ingredients: water, whole grain oats * (10%), soybean
* (2%), sunflower oil *, sea salt (* certified organic ingredient). May contain
other nuts. UHT Product.
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2,12 €
Natumi - Soy Unsweetened Glutenfree Drink 1L

Manufacturer: Natumi

Natumi is a variety of organic plant drinks that are a great alternative to
dairy milk. They are 100% natural, rich in nutrients, vitamins and minerals -
without artificial additives such as flavorings and flavour enhancers. Natumi
drinks are suitable for vegetarians and vegans. It's a great addition to the
morning muesli and fruit cocktails. Organic drink made from soy. It is a 100%
vegetable, lactose-free and glutenfree product. Without added sugars, it
contains naturally occurring sugars, which brings pleasant sweetness.
Ingredients: water, soybeans * (9%) (* certified organic ingredient). May
contain other nuts. UHT Product.
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1,89 €

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coffeedeskpl Ogłaszamy wiosenne porządki na naszych wirtualnych półkach! Do
zgarnięcia ponad 500 produktów nawet 50% taniej 💸 Mamy kawy, herbaty, dodatki i
akcesoria do parzenia, link do promocji znajdziesz w bio: @coffeedeskpl 📲

4 days ago • View on Instagram

coffeedeskpl Dobra kawa przez cały marzec z darmową dostawą 💙
@kafarpalarniakawy została w 2015 roku przez grupę zaprzyjaźnionych baristów.
Sercem projektu jest palarnia kawy specialty w Gliwicach, która napędza
pozostałe działania takie jak szkolenia, warsztaty i obsługę imprez plenerowych.
Istotną kwestią jest precyzyjna selekcja sprowadzanego ziarna, aby w ofercie
znalazły się kawy najwyższej jakości, pozyskiwane w sposób moralny, z
poszanowaniem praw lokalnych społeczeństw.

6 days ago • View on Instagram

coffeedeskpl Parzymy marcowe Kawy Miesiąca z @trigger.roastery i @coffeelab_pl

March 8 • View on Instagram

coffeedeskpl Dobra kawa przez cały marzec z darmową dostawą 💙
@kafarpalarniakawy została w 2015 roku przez grupę zaprzyjaźnionych baristów.
Sercem projektu jest palarnia kawy specialty w Gliwicach, która napędza
pozostałe działania takie jak szkolenia, warsztaty i obsługę imprez plenerowych.
Istotną kwestią jest precyzyjna selekcja sprowadzanego ziarna, aby w ofercie
znalazły się kawy najwyższej jakości, pozyskiwane w sposób moralny, z
poszanowaniem praw lokalnych społeczeństw.

March 8 • View on Instagram

coffeedeskpl O słodkie morele! Nowa wersja kultowego ekspresu #Moccamaster już
jest dostępna 🍑 co sądzicie o tym kolorze?

March 6 • View on Instagram

coffeedeskpl Ostatnia zimowa herbata miesiąca to korzenno - waniliowy chai z
@teministeriet 💫 Jest słodki i delikatnie pikantny, doskonale rozgrzewa i otula
brzuszek słodyczą. Dostępny w klasycznej i takiej tyci mini puszce.

March 5 • View on Instagram


Coffeedesk is your one-stop online store for everything coffee and tea-releated
created by coffee lovers who want to share their passion with you.

Our goal is to introduce you to the world of great coffee and amazing tea. To do
so, we give you access to over 3000 top-notch products from over 150 world-known
brands. All of them available in the comfort of your home with free delivery for
orders over €99 and 365-day returns.

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