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    <h1 class="orange Roboto mt-0"><strong>My Vasodilation Discovery Increases Blood Flow to the Heart, Organs, and the Penis!</strong></h1>
    <h4 class="Roboto blue mb-0" style="font-weight:700;text-align:center; margin: 20px 0px 20px;"><strong>Hey, Matt Cook here, and I've discovered how men can solve a very common health problem and gain great erections again...</strong></h4>
    <div style="height:20px;"></div>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image002.jpg" alt="" width="551" height="367" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>Poor erections are often because of this common health condition in men.</p>
    <p>But most men -- and their doctors -- mistakenly think this health condition isn't a big deal... </p>
    <p>But men and their doctors have no idea that this common health condition is hurting erections...</p>
    <p>How? This common health condition interferes with blood flow to the penis, that's how.</p>
    <p>So right now, I'm telling men like you about this health condition that kills penis blood flow and kills erections... </p>
    <p>And I'm showing you how to see if you have this condition -- and if you do, how to completely reverse it... </p>
    <p>...while increasing blood flow all over the body -- to the heart, to the other major organs, and even the penis... </p>
    <p>This reminds me of a famous dialog where <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M9i5F0VqohY"><strong>Miles Monroe wakes up</strong></a> in the future... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>So if your penis is your favorite organ, this may be the most important thing you ever read...</strong></h2>
    <p>And you won't read this anywhere else, trust me on that... </p>
    <p>Not even my doctor knew about the connection between this commonly overlooked health condition and bad penis blood flow... </p>
    <p> So as I always do when researching a new health problem, I start with a handy little tool called Google Scholar, which contains a library of medical studies going back 120 years.<strong></strong></p>
    <p>But see, Big Pharma works very hard to censor and bury any studies that don't align with their profit-driven system... </p>
    <p>They like studies that say their drugs are good and helpful, and they don't like anything that contradicts that.</p>
    <p>Google is actually complicit in censoring health websites that Big Pharma doesn't like, believe it or not... </p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image004.png" alt="" width="528" height="304" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>So I have to dig deep to find lost and ignored studies that Big Pharma buries, the ones they hope you never see... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>And one of the first things I dig up is a study that blows this whole thing wide open... </strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image006.png" alt="" width="624" height="243" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 "></p>
    <p>Right there in front of me, staring me in the face, is the answer.</p>
    <p>Researchers find that ED guys, men with ED, almost always have high blood pressure.</p>
    <p>This is the commonly overlooked health condition that is connected to ED.</p>
    <p>So if you are suffering from ED, you may right now have high blood pressure or are probably on medication to control it.</p>
    <p>But the real bombshell in this study was something else... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>All of these men also had <em><u>bad penis blood flow</u></em>.</strong></h2>
    <p>The study reports "impairment of arterial function..."</p>
    <p>Which in layman's terms means bad penis blood flow.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>And bad penis blood flow is caused by constricted, stiff, and clogged arteries.</strong></h2>
    <p>That's right.</p>
    <p>Bad blood flow happens because of inflamed arteries...</p>
    <p>...constricted so they are smaller...</p>
    <p>...stiff, so they don't expand when they are supposed to...</p>
    <p>...and clogged, so blood can't easily flow through them...</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>See, the penis is full of these tiny, hair-thin arteries, and they all need to be filled with blood for an erection to happen... </strong></h2>
    <p>But these tiny, hair-thin vessels get clogged with plaque and lose their flexibility...</p>
    <p>...blood can't flow into the erection chambers... </p>
    <p align="center"><a href="http://www.offersyndicate.com/tiny/M6IYS"><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image008.png" alt="" width="539" height="418" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3"></a></p>
    <p>...and this makes erections difficult or even impossible for many men.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>And one thing I've learned about erections -- if you don't use it, you lose it.</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image010.jpg" alt="" width="556" height="372" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>The longer men go with bad penis blood flow, the more difficult it is to get an erection... </p>
    <p>...until men aren't getting erections at all... </p>
    <p>This is why morning wood is so important.</p>
    <p>If you wake up with great morning wood, you are getting great penis blood flow.</p>
    <p>But if morning wood has stopped, you know you have a problem with blood flow... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>And another way to know you have a problem with blood flow? High blood pressure.</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image012.jpg" alt="" width="560" height="372" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>I know it's shocking, but there is a clear link between poor penis blood flow and high blood pressure.<strong> </strong></p>
    <p>At first I was puzzled by the link between poor penis blood flow and high blood pressure... it didn't make sense... </p>
    <p>But the numbers were clear: most men with poor penis blood flow also have high blood pressure.</p>
    <p>So there is clearly and undeniably a link between penis blood flow and blood pressure.</p>
    <p>Then it dawned on me with further study... </p>
    <p>If your arteries are stiff, constricted, and clogged, so blood flow is suffering... </p>
    <p>...your heart has to work much harder to pump blood through these constricted, clogged, and stiff blood vessels.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>It's like an old rusted-up water pipe in the ground filled with sediment and debris...</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image014.gif" alt="" width="530" height="353" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>Now imagine trying to get water to flow through that pipe... </p>
    <p>The pipe is all constricted by the sediment and dirt and debris, so water is barely trickling out... </p>
    <p>So what do you do if you MUST force fluid through that clogged, stiff, and constricted pipe?</p>
    <p>You do what the body MUST do.</p>
    <p><strong>You turn up the pressure. </strong></p>
    <p>You turn up the water pressure to try and force more water through this old grimey pipe.</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image016.jpg" alt="" width="495" height="370" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>And that's EXACTLY what your body is doing when you have poor blood flow.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>The body turns up the pressure in response to narrow, constricted, and clogged blood vessels...</strong></h2>
    <p>High blood pressure means less blood flow is getting through to your vital organs, a lot less.... </p>
    <p>Especially down in the penis chambers where the arteries are so thin and small to begin with...</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image018.jpg" alt="" width="506" height="364" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3"></p>
    <p>As a response to this blood flow problem, your body turns up the pressure.</p>
    <p>Just like the water pipe.</p>
    <p>Isn't it all making sense now?<strong> </strong></p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>So what widens the arteries, restores their flexibility, and unclogs them from plaque?</strong></h2>
    <p>What improves blood flow, especially penis blood flow, so that erections are restored?</p>
    <p>Well it may seem like blood pressure medications are the answer... that a drug that lowers blood pressure should also improve blood flow...</p>
    <p>...thereby restoring vein-busting, engorged erections...</p>
    <p>But we know that isn't true... plenty of men are on blood pressure medications and still having terrible ED.</p>
    <p>And now I know why... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>The pills often make penis blood flow worse!</strong></h2>
    <p>Blood pressure medications work by loosening the arteries just a little, so there is less pressure on the heart... </p>
    <p>So the pills help expand constricted blood vessels slightly...</p>
    <p>...but the pills do nothing to unclog the arteries of plaque or restore their flexibility. </p>
    <p>And over time, blood pressure medications actually make things worse BECAUSE they lower blood pressure... </p>
    <p>Less pressure means less blood flow, even less than before... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>Because high blood pressure may actually be protective!?</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image014_0000.gif" alt="" width="530" height="353" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>If we don't turn up the pressure, we won't get more water flowing through the pipe.</p>
    <p>We'd be stuck with the same problem, right?</p>
    <p>Not enough water coming through the old clogged up, constricted pipe.</p>
    <p>And with blood pressure pills, it's the same -- lower pressure means less blood flow... </p>
    <p>...and less blood flow means less penis blood flow... and ED... </p>
    <p>So this is why blood pressure medications make ED worse for men even though they lower pressure...</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image020.png" alt="" width="586" height="136" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 "></p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>And since blood pressure medications are off the table, what's next?</strong></h2>
    <p>And that's where most of the 27 months added up... with me trying one thing after another... </p>
    <p>...endless experiments and trials... </p>
    <p>Sleepless nights, days locked in my study -- my wife, Jodi, was losing patience with me... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>I looked into increasing nitric oxide -- would this solve the problem?</strong></h2>
    <p>Most people think nitric oxide is a really good thing.</p>
    <p>It's promoted by many men's health magazines and websites, and said to make blood vessels bigger.</p>
    <p>And it's also promoted by the big ED drug companies... they use nitric oxide in Viagra and Cialis.</p>
    <p>It's a key part of how the pills work -- or rather, how they're SUPPOSED to work. </p>
    <p>So the pharmaceutical reps are always filling the doctor's ears with how good nitric oxide is... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>But here's the truth -- nitric oxide is actually very bad for you and doesn't improve blood flow.</strong></h2>
    <p>Nitric oxide is a chemical produced by the body that should only be used as a last resort, for emergencies.</p>
    <p>The more of it you have, the unhealthier it is.</p>
    <p>Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to literally leak -- called vascular permeability. </p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image022.png" alt="" width="624" height="117" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>Nitric oxide stops the delicate Leydig cells from producing testosterone:</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image024.png" alt="" width="624" height="103" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>And it even destroys the delicate cells in the testes:</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image026.png" alt="" width="624" height="115" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 "></p>
    <p>Still think nitric oxide is a good idea? Think again...</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>Nitric oxide causes your arteries to leak...</strong></h2>
    <p>And nitric oxide does nothing for stiffness and plaque, so blood flow still suffers even in the presence of nitric oxide.</p>
    <p>So you can see now why ED pills don't work for so many men. ED pills work by increasing nitric oxide.</p>
    <p>In this pioneering study, ED pills were shown to destroy the delicate testes in male rats:</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image028.png" alt="" width="624" height="141" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>ED pills seem to hurt the delicate tissues in the male genitals...and they don't improve penis blood flow, the real cause of most ED.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>So again, once I learned nitric oxide was bad, I hit a brick wall... there were times when I wanted to just give up...</strong></h2>
    <p>But I knew I was SO close to a solution that I just had to keep pressing forward... </p>
    <p>Until finally, one winter day, I found it... </p>
    <p>...a way to naturally widen the blood vessels, restore their flexibility, and clear out the plaque for better blood flow... </p>
    <p>...and most importantly, restore my erections.... </p>
    <p>...without relying on nitric oxide...</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue" id="health"><strong>This study I dug up about vasodilation is key:</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image030.png" alt="" width="670" height="130" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>The word vasoconstriction is the scientific term for stiff, constricted, clogged arteries that lead to bad blood flow.</p>
    <p>And the word vasodilation refers to the complete opposite -- wide-open, flexible, plaque-free arteries with excellent blood flow.</p>
    <p> This is what we want -- vasodilation!</p>
    <p>And I discovered that the key to vasodilation is oxygen -- and a simple mineral used in a certain way... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>I call it my Vasodilation Protocol, and it naturally widens the arteries, restores their flexibility, and unclogs them of plaque -- improving blood flow, even "down there."</strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image032.gif" alt="" width="599" height="440" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
    <p>It works with a natural compound found in the body that is actually helpful, unlike nitric oxide. </p>
    <p>It unclogs the arteries, clears them of plaque, and restores their flexibility.</p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>So in just minutes, thanks to my <span class="text-danger">Vasodilation Protocol</span>, you are improving penis blood flow naturally.</strong></h2>
    <p>And every nook and cranny in the erection chambers will be filled with oxygen-rich blood... </p>
    <p>...allowing you to enjoy fuller, harder, longer-lasting erections all the time, even when you're asleep...</p>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image034.jpg" alt="" width="516" height="312" class="w-100  mb-4"></p>
    <p>And your blood pressure will naturally fall to normal levels on its own, no prescription necessary.</p>
    <p>And it's all thanks to my brand new <strong class="text-danger">Vasodilation Protocol</strong> that can be yours <strong>FREE</strong> today... </p>
    <h2 class="Roboto center bold fontsize2rem blue"><strong>Here are ALL the benefits of using my <span class="text-danger">Vasodilation Protocol</span>... </strong></h2>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image036.jpg" alt="" width="562" height="376" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
      <li><strong>Better penis blood flow</strong>...</li>
        <li>Now those tiny penis blood vessels are wide open, letting plenty of oxygen-rich blood flow through... </li>
        <li>And blood vessels all over your body are more flexible too, improving blood flow everywhere, not just in your penis... </li>
      <li><strong>Bigger-looking, more engorged erections</strong>...</li>
        <li>Better penis blood flow means the erection chambers in the penis are completely filling with blood, engorging your manhood... </li>
        <li>Now your member is looking twice its size in thickness and girth, and FEELING bigger too... </li>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image038.jpg" alt="" width="534" height="338" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
      <li><strong>Get an erection instantly</strong>... </li>
        <li>Any time you feel the tiniest bit aroused, you are getting rock-hard right then and there... before you had to work at it, but now it's just automatic...</li>
        <li>This is even better than when you were a teenager because now you can last longer too... </li>
      <li><strong>Keep an erection for longer</strong>... </li>
        <li>Since more blood is traveling freely through your penis chambers, you are able to stay harder for longer... </li>
        <li>Now you can last long enough to satisfy her twice, even three times! And she is LOVING it... </li>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image040.jpg" alt="" width="516" height="352" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
      <li><strong>Perfect blood pressure, naturally</strong>... </li>
        <li>With my <strong class="text-danger">Vasodilation Protocol</strong>, your blood vessels are open and blood flow is great... so you no longer have high blood pressure!</li>
        <li>And this is better than the pills because it addresses the ROOT cause of high blood pressure (bad blood flow) -- the pills don't do that!</li>
      <li><strong>Avoid the harmful blood pressure pills...</strong></li>
        <li>Now that your pressure is perfect on its own, you can avoid the blood pressure pills altogether... </li>
        <li>Or if you're already on them, you can stop taking them with your doctor's blessing... </li>
    <p><img src="https://www.thirtyminutesormore.net/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/image042.jpg" alt="" width="537" height="392" class="w-100 h-auto mt-3 mb-4"></p>
      <li><strong>A healthier heart</strong>... </li>
        <li>Now you are getting great blood flow all throughout your body, your heart doesn't have to work as hard...</li>
        <li>It is pumping away, stress-free, sending lots of nutrient-rich blood to all of your vital organs, including your penis!</li>
        <li>The lowers your risks of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke!</li>
      <li><strong>Better brain function</strong>... </li>
        <li>More blood flowing to the brain is a great thing! The brain needs tons of oxygen-rich blood to stay healthy and power the rest of our body... </li>
        <li>Brain fog and memory issues usually disappear on their own once you start getting better blood flow to the brain... </li>
    <div class="tcontent" data-timer="" style="display: block;">
      <h3 class="opthide"><a href="#bottom" class="marginbottomtworem opt underline">To Get the <span class="text-danger">Vasodilation Protocol</span> for FREE Now:<br>
            Set Up Your Account -- Men Only</a></h3>
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      <h1 align="center" class="roboto orange">Congrats -- You're Getting the Vasodilation Protocol for FREE!</h1>
      <p align="center"><img class="img" src="https://aesop.calworth.org/public/images/uploads/2022/04/28/bpp-2svp-2022-04-28-image002.jpg" alt="" width="547" height="366"></p>
      <p>Here's how it works...</p>
      <p>The Vasodilation protocol comes with a huge bonus...the complete <strong>Blood Pressure Protocol</strong> course for just $1 today...</p>
      <p>And this is really an incredible deal because Blood Pressure Protocol is valued at $1,067 on its own...</p>
      <p>But you're getting it all for just $1.00 today!</p>
      <p>One single buck starts you out on everything, with the Vasodilation Protocol totally <strong>FREE</strong>.</p>
      <h3 align="center">Here are some frequently asked questions about the Vasodilation Protocol...</h3>
      <div class="accordion mb-4" id="accordionExample">
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            <h5 class="mb-0">
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                <h5 class="text-black font-weight-bold text-left">
                  <p><strong>Question 1</strong><strong>: I'm on other medications -- is this method safe for me?</strong></p>
          <div id="collapseOne" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingOne" data-parent="#accordionExample">
            <div class="card-body">
              <p>It's always important to talk to your doctor about any change in your health condition.</p>
              <p>But be assured: this is a completely natural method, and it is safe for most men to use.</p>
              <p>And then you can go to your doctor and wow him with your perfect pressure and get to throw the pills in the trash (with his blessing)....</p>
              <p>...and you can brag about your rock-hard erections!</p>
        <div class="card">
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                <h5 class="text-black font-weight-bold text-left">
                  <p><strong>Question 2</strong><strong>: Will this bring back strong, long-lasting erections even if it's been months or years?</strong></p>
          <div id="collapseTwo" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingTwo" data-parent="#accordionExample">
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              <p>For thousands of men, the answer is yes!</p>
              <p>These men are boosting blood flow with the Vasodilation Protocol and noticing the effects as soon as they wake up...</p>
              <p>...with huge morning wood that delights the wife or girlfriend...</p>
              <p>And she's so excited to see you hard and ready for her, she climbs right on -- and when's the last time she's done THAT?</p>
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                  <p><strong>Question 3</strong><strong>: How long does the protocol usually take to work?</strong></p>
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            <div class="card-body">
              <p>The best thing about this method is that it starts working immediately.</p>
              <p>Keep in mind -- every man's body is different, so it can take a few days or even a few weeks for you to get the results you want.</p>
              <p>It all depends on where you're starting from.</p>
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                <h5 class="text-black font-weight-bold text-left">
                  <p><strong>Question 4</strong><strong>: Is this method compatible with your other protocols?</strong></p>
          <div id="collapseFour" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingFour" data-parent="#accordionExample">
            <div class="card-body">
              <p>100% yes. All of my protocols are designed to work together to give you the best health and sex life possible.</p>
              <p>In fact, I highly recommend combining multiple protocols of mine to get your health and sexual function exactly where you want it to be.</p>
        <div class="card">
          <div class="card-header" id="headingFive">
            <h5 class="mb-0">
              <button class="btn btn-link collapsed" type="button" data-toggle="collapse" data-target="#collapseFive" aria-expanded="false" aria-controls="collapseFive">
                <h5 class="text-black font-weight-bold text-left">
                  <p><strong>Question 5</strong><strong>: What if I need help getting this method to work for me... who can I talk to?</strong></p>
          <div id="collapseFive" class="collapse" aria-labelledby="headingFive" data-parent="#accordionExample">
            <div class="card-body">
              <p>You can speak directly to me -- Matt Cook!</p>
              <p>I'd love to help you out and answer any other questions you may have.</p>
              <p>Just shoot me an email at <a href="mailto:matt@getrapidhealth.com">matt@getrapidhealth.com</a>.</p>
              <p>And if you're using the protocol and really loving it, I'd love for you to write me a quick testimonial...</p>
              <p>This way, I can share the good news with other men who are thinking about trying out this method.</p>
              <p>And your success can possibly inspire thousands!</p>
    <h3>Here’s everything you’re getting with Blood Pressure Protocol:</h3>
    <table class="table-style" id="customers">
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><strong><em>Vasodilation Protocol</em></strong>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">Using my Vasodilation Protocol, you'll begin experiencing hyper-oxygenated blood flow throughout your ENTIRE body, including your manhood. Not only will you have perfect blood flow, a
              healthier heart, and a faster-thinking brain that risky pills will never be able to get you, your erections will be like new. Thanks to all that extra blood flow, you'll be able to last longer while looking HUGE, thick, and engorged --
              she won't be able to believe her eyes after you've been on my Vasodilation Protocol!</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><strong><em>90-Second Exercise</em></strong>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">Make your body impervious to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes with a simple 90-second exercise that opens up hard, inflexible blood vessels -- the true silent killer of men
              50+! This is the best heart insurance money can buy -- it can potentially add decades of healthy, happy years to your life!</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><strong><em>Blood Pressure Lowering Shake</em></strong>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">This special recipe helps men restore healthful magnesium, calcium, potassium and sodium. You’ll enjoy better energy levels and better penis blood flow. Easy instructions let you
              prepare and drink this shake in seconds and benefit all day and night.</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><em><strong>2-Step Size System</strong></em>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">Boost blood flow, boost size! I'm showing you how to naturally add more length, girth, and overall size to your member, without pills, pumps, or weird contraptions. This is the only
              way to get bigger that actually works for me and 45,000 other men. It also helps make sure your heart is healthy enough for sex!</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><strong><em>The 5+5 Method</em></strong>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">Avoid dangerous, harmful blood pressure medications by lowering blood pressure the natural way. This is a way of addressing the root cause of cardiac issues and not just putting a
              bandaid over the problem. First your pressure will be lowering by 5 points, then another 5 points...</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><em><strong>The Intensive Care Blood Pressure Solution: 1 plant that lowers even the worst pressure</strong></em>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;">For men whose blood pressure is off the charts, this 1 plant can lower even the most stubborn “three medications” type of blood pressure… the kind that never seems to go down no
              matter what. Most men won’t need this Intensive Care solution -- but for those who do, it’s here and it’s safe and it works.</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$97 Value</strong></td>
        <tr class="tr-style">
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:75%;text-align:left;border-right:none;"><strong><em>Surprise Bonuses (unadvertised)</em></strong>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>The Magic of Letting Go</strong>: How would you like to just really be yourself, and have women be powerfully attracted to you just as you are, rather than
              trying to be someone else? All it takes is this one little switch...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"> <strong>Sex Twice a Day Formula</strong>: Doesn't sex every day for the rest of your life sound nice? I'm showing you how easy it is to get your partner on the same
              page with you and wanting to do it every day, even twice a day...for the rest of your life...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;">strong&gt;Instant Arousal Guide: Imagine living life in a constant state of arousal where everything you do is fun and exciting, and your sexual energy is at an
              all-time high. With this, you are reaching a new beautiful erotic state of pleasure and you can even get a woman to do it for you if you want...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>10 Ways to Get a Closed Woman to Open Her Legs</strong>: Bring the spark back into your sexual relationship with a woman, even if she's lost her enthusiasm,
              and get her opening herself back up to you in more ways than one...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>Become the Man All the Other Men Want to Be</strong>: This is about bringing out the very best in yourself, your true self...and being the man all men -- and
              women -- respect and want to be around...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>Touch Her and Make Her Come</strong>: I'll show you just how powerful a single touch can be...how it makes a woman start spreading her legs, rubbing herself,
              moaning your name, and practically pleading for you to enter her and give her what she craves...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>Living Your Best Life Now</strong>: Wouldn't it be nice to be free of all past negative experiences once and for all, for a brighter, lighter, happier future?
              Now it's possible to leave behind that one particular event that has been influencing and affecting your entire life since it happened, maybe in childhood, maybe in your teenage years or young adult life...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>Turn Her Into a Tiger Slut in Bed</strong>: This is a fan-favorite because it unleashes your woman's wild, animalistic side, and yes every woman has one,
              sometimes it's just buried deep inside...now she is showing you parts of her you've never seen before...</p>
            <p style="margin:0px;font-size:13px;line-height:19px;margin-top: 10px;"><strong>3-Min Conversation to Kiss</strong>: For men who want to spend more time kissing and less time bickering with their spouse, or less time making small talk
              with a new woman and more time getting to know each other in bed...</p>
          <td class="th-td-style" style="width:25%;text-align:right;vertical-align:top;border-left:none;"><strong>$1146 Value</strong></td>
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          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>You saved me from getting the “tube” operation</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Hello Matt, I have solved my problem… WOW, I got an instant erection. I thought this was silly, when I first heard of it, however, I will doing this every other day for at least the next year. P.S. I have been taking
              all of your recommended supplements. I went to my Urologist last Tuesday, he said that my retained urine (after I empty my bladder) was the lowest, it had ever been. The results of his blood test, where my Testosterone was increased
              from 300 to 900, and my PSA was .47. Matt you have saved me from getting the “tube in Dr willie” operation. Thanks, is not enough. - “Earl” from Houston</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>I see the certainty of an amazing sex life</h4>
            <p class="testtext">My fear was that at 43 years old I would be taking unnecessary pills for the rest of my life, without really knowing what the cause was. I found your course and after a little hesitation decided to go “all in”. I am
              glad I did. But more importantly I see the certainty of an amazing sex life as I get older. Knowing that things can get better is a great feeling.</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
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          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>I have been off blood pressure meds for one week now and feel great</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I was somewhat skeptical about your blood pressure program. I am here to tell you that I have been off the blood pressure meds for one week now and feel great. I’m dating a couple of gals and they both are enjoying the
              new me as much as I am enjoying my old self… Everyday it seems that getting more like my old self. Thanks for everything, Harold PS. You every down Texas way give me a holler and come by…</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>Life-transforming information</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome, life-transforming information I have ever discovered. The journey you have sent me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will
              continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to taking further courses from you. Jim S.</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>Lost close to 40 pounds in four months</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I'm in pretty good shape have lost close to 40 pounds in four months. I had high blood pressure for years. Now by starting to eat better my blood pressure is close to the normal range any given day. - “Rats” </p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>Your products are stunning</h4>
            <p class="testtext">First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning. Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into them. Congratulations and thank you. Seriously. Armaan</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item active">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>My health is getting better EVERYDAY</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Thanks a ton, my MASTER!!! It’s a true pleasure and a honor be part of this family!!! My health is getting better EVERYDAY since I started to follow your advices! Big hug and God bless</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
        <div class="carousel-item">
          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>The program is turning out to be a miracle</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I have had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years, and have been on insulin for more than 10 years. Prior to beginning your program, 3 weeks ago, I divided my carb intake by 8 in order to calculate the size insulin
              shot needed. At the end of 3 weeks I am dividing by 15 (and still tending to go low). That is a pretty dramatic decrease in insulin resistance. This morning I drank two cans of Cherry Pepsi (82 carbs). Prior to the diet I then would
              have taken a 10 unit shot. I took no shot and checked my sugar every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Starting at 150, the results were 187, 201, 185, 150, 135, 129, 123, 118. That looks like a fairly normal curve for a non-diabetic. For me the
              program is turning out to be a miracle. With much appreciation Ted Madden</p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
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          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>You rock</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems. Keep up the good work. - Chase </p>
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          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>All these testimonies are completely real.</h4>
            <p class="testtext">All these testimonies are completely real. But only a small percentage of men who buy our programs get these results. Why? I think it’s because most men get our programs but don’t apply them. I hope you get our
              programs and USE them. Then you can write me a testimony that will help other men in a similar situation you were in. --Matt Cook, health researcher </p>
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
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            <h4>I’m still here and can now see again</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Thank you for what you do. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS a year ago I have changed my Diet, lifestyle and mindset. Your emails have been a great help through my struggle in successfully treating my symptoms
              WITHOUT the use of Dr. Prescribed medications. Through diet and lifestyle changes, I have had 0 relapses, while others I know who got on prescription drugs have had multiple relapses and side effects from the drugs. It was the most
              difficult decision to make when I decided to ignore the doctors and deny medication when I was almost blind...but I'm still here and can now see again. Thank you,and if I can EVER assist you in your journey to help others...please don't
              hesitate to email me...I love helping others, and it would bring me great joy to help you do the same. Happy Thanksgiving, Jason G.' </p>
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            <h4>I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon</h4>
            <p class="testtext">Things are improving for this 69 year old guy, and I owe it to a large extent to you and your health recommendations. In particular, my weight is down, my health is better, and I am getting wood stronger and more
              frequently than before. I feel I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon with mama. The pills like Spartagen and Rail gave energy, but didn't do what they claimed. None gave the Erections like Viagra or Cialis. In fact, they
              didn't give any erections at all. Your vitamin recommendations, your food recommendations and things to take and avoid have been great. Thanks again. Robert Margeson</p>
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            <h4>My situation has improved</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I have tried some of Matt’s online courses and have found them to be. Very insightful and helpful. I have gained a lot of sexual behaviour knowledge from his courses that I was never aware of. My situation has improved
              by incorporating the recommended exercises and advice. Thanks Matt, Randy from Toronto</p>
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          <div class="testimonials">
            <h4>Your protocols work!</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I can attest to the fact that your protocols work! I have lost weight and my libido has improved immensely it’s like I do not believe it and this is just four weeks into the program. Regards and thanks again Matt,
            <button type="button" class="btn btn-primary" data-toggle="modal" data-target="#exampleModal_joy"> Read Full Testimonial </button>
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            <h4>My testosterone is 1240 and I am off my diabetes and blood pressure medication</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I have applied all of your nutrition and diet techniques and my testosterone is 1240 and I am off of my diabetes medicine as well as my blood pressure medication. I get so hard now I can't even believe it and I can
              last forever. All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond cutter. Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because of our help we have our fantastic love life again. So thank
              you for all of your help your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in the bedroom. Your courses are nothing short of miraculous. Thank You for
              everything. -Jerry</p>
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            <h4>The easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever tried</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I am so excited! My weight was stuck at 258-260 for the longest time. Last week I noticed some decrease and this morning my weight was 249.5! Blood pressure is down on ½ pill of both valsartan and diltiazem with my
              docs approval. Starting to get medium morning wood and my sugar is easier to control on less Lantus. These programs work! Can’t wait to get my test results in January! This is the easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever
              tried and I have tried many. Thanks again Matt! - Tom </p>
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            <h4>Take ZERO prescriptions...used to take 23 prescription drugs a day</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23 prescription drugs a day. Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue. This
              due to 6 months of research. Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning research into. Sincerely: Gregory Jay Chaney</p>
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            <h4>Causes us guys to produce testosterone</h4>
            <p class="testtext">I noticed an immediate change in my attitude! I think it works on us guys in a way that actually causes us to produce testosterone! This would be a God Send for all the guys on those stupid, ineffective testosterone
              creams! Thanks for turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men! - Robert</p>
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            <h4>Seeing normally again</h4>
            <p class="testtext">When I first went for check up my blood sugar level was 138dl. I was given 48 hours to return and within the 48 hours I followed what was prescribed. When I returned for control my blood sugar had fallen to 113dl. It
              remained at that level for two more weeks and when I went for control again it had fallen to 82dl. That was about a month later. My blurred vision had disappeared and I was seeing normally again. Val</p>
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            <h4>T level more than doubled</h4>
            <p class="testtext">'I just wanted to let you know that when I started your program my t level was 304. A 34 year old man with really really low t levels. I just had them rechecked and it about 5 months time, they have more than doubled.
              Currently at 611 and rising.' Anonymous student</p>
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                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>You saved me from getting the “tube” operation</h4> Hello Matt, I have solved my problem… WOW, I got an instant erection. I thought this was silly, when I first heard of it, however, I will doing this every other day for at
                    least the next year. P.S. I have been taking all of your recommended supplements. I went to my Urologist last Tuesday, he said that my retained urine (after I empty my bladder) was the lowest, it had ever been. The results of his
                    blood test, where my Testosterone was increased from 300 to 900, and my PSA was .47. Matt you have saved me from getting the “tube in Dr willie” operation. Thanks, is not enough. - “Earl” from Houston
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>I see the certainty of an amazing sex life</h4> My fear was that at 43 years old I would be taking unnecessary pills for the rest of my life, without really knowing what the cause was. I found your course and after a little
                    hesitation decided to go “all in”. I am glad I did. But more importantly I see the certainty of an amazing sex life as I get older. Knowing that things can get better is a great feeling.
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>I have been off blood pressure meds for one week now and feel great</h4> I was somewhat skeptical about your blood pressure program. I am here to tell you that I have been off the blood pressure meds for one week now and feel
                    great. I’m dating a couple of gals and they both are enjoying the new me as much as I am enjoying my old self… Everyday it seems that getting more like my old self. Thanks for everything, Harold PS. You every down Texas way give
                    me a holler and come by…
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>Life-transforming information</h4> Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome, life-transforming information I have ever discovered. The journey you have sent me on is never ending and as I continue to
                    work your program my life will continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to taking further courses from you. Jim S.
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>Lost close to 40 pounds in four months</h4> I'm in pretty good shape have lost close to 40 pounds in four months. I had high blood pressure for years. Now by starting to eat better my blood pressure is close to the normal
                    range any given day. - “Rats”
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>Your products are stunning</h4> First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning. Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into them. Congratulations and thank you.
                    Seriously. Armaan
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>My health is getting better EVERYDAY</h4> Thanks a ton, my MASTER!!! It’s a true pleasure and a honor be part of this family!!! My health is getting better EVERYDAY since I started to follow your advices! Big hug and God bless
                <div class="carousel-item">
                  <div class="testimonials">
                    <h4>The program is turning out to be a miracle</h4> I have had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years, and have been on insulin for more than 10 years. Prior to beginning your program, 3 weeks ago, I divided my carb intake by 8 in
                    order to calculate the size insulin shot needed. At the end of 3 weeks I am dividing by 15 (and still tending to go low). That is a pretty dramatic decrease in insulin resistance. This morning I drank two cans of Cherry Pepsi (82
                    carbs). Prior to the diet I then would have taken a 10 unit shot. I took no shot and checked my sugar every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Starting at 150, the results were 187, 201, 185, 150, 135, 129, 123, 118. That looks like a fairly
                    normal curve for a non-diabetic. For me the program is turning out to be a miracle. With much appreciation Ted Madden
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                    <h4>You rock</h4> Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks, and hidden gems. Keep up the good work. - Chase
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                    <h4>All these testimonies are completely real.</h4> All these testimonies are completely real. But only a small percentage of men who buy our programs get these results. Why? I think it’s because most men get our programs but
                    don’t apply them. I hope you get our programs and USE them. Then you can write me a testimony that will help other men in a similar situation you were in. --Matt Cook, health researcher
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                    <h4>I’m still here and can now see again</h4> Thank you for what you do. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS a year ago I have changed my Diet, lifestyle and mindset. Your emails have been a great help through my struggle in
                    successfully treating my symptoms WITHOUT the use of Dr. Prescribed medications. Through diet and lifestyle changes, I have had 0 relapses, while others I know who got on prescription drugs have had multiple relapses and side
                    effects from the drugs. It was the most difficult decision to make when I decided to ignore the doctors and deny medication when I was almost blind...but I'm still here and can now see again. Thank you,and if I can EVER assist you
                    in your journey to help others...please don't hesitate to email me...I love helping others, and it would bring me great joy to help you do the same. Happy Thanksgiving, Jason G.'
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                    <h4>I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon</h4> Things are improving for this 69 year old guy, and I owe it to a large extent to you and your health recommendations. In particular, my weight is down, my health is
                    better, and I am getting wood stronger and more frequently than before. I feel I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon with mama. The pills like Spartagen and Rail gave energy, but didn't do what they claimed. None gave
                    the Erections like Viagra or Cialis. In fact, they didn't give any erections at all. Your vitamin recommendations, your food recommendations and things to take and avoid have been great. Thanks again. Robert Margeson
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                    <h4>My situation has improved</h4> I have tried some of Matt’s online courses and have found them to be. Very insightful and helpful. I have gained a lot of sexual behaviour knowledge from his courses that I was never aware of. My
                    situation has improved by incorporating the recommended exercises and advice. Thanks Matt, Randy from Toronto
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                    <h4>Your protocols work!</h4> I can attest to the fact that your protocols work! I have lost weight and my libido has improved immensely it’s like I do not believe it and this is just four weeks into the program. Regards and
                    thanks again Matt, Jerry
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                    <h4>My testosterone is 1240 and I am off my diabetes and blood pressure medication</h4> I have applied all of your nutrition and diet techniques and my testosterone is 1240 and I am off of my diabetes medicine as well as my blood
                    pressure medication. I get so hard now I can't even believe it and I can last forever. All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond cutter. Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our
                    hearts, because of our help we have our fantastic love life again. So thank you for all of your help your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in
                    the bedroom. Your courses are nothing short of miraculous. Thank You for everything. -Jerry
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                    <h4>The easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever tried</h4> I am so excited! My weight was stuck at 258-260 for the longest time. Last week I noticed some decrease and this morning my weight was 249.5! Blood
                    pressure is down on ½ pill of both valsartan and diltiazem with my docs approval. Starting to get medium morning wood and my sugar is easier to control on less Lantus. These programs work! Can’t wait to get my test results in
                    January! This is the easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever tried and I have tried many. Thanks again Matt! - Tom
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                    <h4>Take ZERO prescriptions...used to take 23 prescription drugs a day</h4> I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23 prescription drugs a day. Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that
                    eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue. This due to 6 months of research. Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning research into. Sincerely: Gregory Jay Chaney
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                    <h4>Causes us guys to produce testosterone</h4> I noticed an immediate change in my attitude! I think it works on us guys in a way that actually causes us to produce testosterone! This would be a God Send for all the guys on those
                    stupid, ineffective testosterone creams! Thanks for turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men! - Robert
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                    <h4>Seeing normally again</h4> When I first went for check up my blood sugar level was 138dl. I was given 48 hours to return and within the 48 hours I followed what was prescribed. When I returned for control my blood sugar had
                    fallen to 113dl. It remained at that level for two more weeks and when I went for control again it had fallen to 82dl. That was about a month later. My blurred vision had disappeared and I was seeing normally again. Val
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                    <h4>T level more than doubled</h4> 'I just wanted to let you know that when I started your program my t level was 304. A 34 year old man with really really low t levels. I just had them rechecked and it about 5 months time, they
                    have more than doubled. Currently at 611 and rising.' Anonymous student
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          <p>And since I'm constantly making brand new discoveries in real-time, I'm giving you a free 14-day All Access Pass to Alpha Lion U with thousands of courses, protocols, weekly experiments, monthly transformation classes, and more…<br></p>
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          <p>Each month, we run interactive Transformation Classes on subjects ranging from natural blood sugar to vascular growth for men.<br></p>
          <p>This is stuff you will NEVER hear from the establishment, updated constantly with new discoveries and new classes that you can access from anywhere in the world, whenever you want.<br></p>
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                  <option value="YT">Mayotte </option>
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                  <option value="FM">Micronesia, Federated States of</option>
                  <option value="MD">Moldova</option>
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                  <option value="PY">Paraguay</option>
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Poor erections are often because of this common health condition in men.

But most men -- and their doctors -- mistakenly think this health condition
isn't a big deal...

But men and their doctors have no idea that this common health condition is
hurting erections...

How? This common health condition interferes with blood flow to the penis,
that's how.

So right now, I'm telling men like you about this health condition that kills
penis blood flow and kills erections...

And I'm showing you how to see if you have this condition -- and if you do, how
to completely reverse it...

...while increasing blood flow all over the body -- to the heart, to the other
major organs, and even the penis...

This reminds me of a famous dialog where Miles Monroe wakes up in the future...


And you won't read this anywhere else, trust me on that...

Not even my doctor knew about the connection between this commonly overlooked
health condition and bad penis blood flow...

So as I always do when researching a new health problem, I start with a handy
little tool called Google Scholar, which contains a library of medical studies
going back 120 years.

But see, Big Pharma works very hard to censor and bury any studies that don't
align with their profit-driven system...

They like studies that say their drugs are good and helpful, and they don't like
anything that contradicts that.

Google is actually complicit in censoring health websites that Big Pharma
doesn't like, believe it or not...

So I have to dig deep to find lost and ignored studies that Big Pharma buries,
the ones they hope you never see...


Right there in front of me, staring me in the face, is the answer.

Researchers find that ED guys, men with ED, almost always have high blood

This is the commonly overlooked health condition that is connected to ED.

So if you are suffering from ED, you may right now have high blood pressure or
are probably on medication to control it.

But the real bombshell in this study was something else...


The study reports "impairment of arterial function..."

Which in layman's terms means bad penis blood flow.


That's right.

Bad blood flow happens because of inflamed arteries...

...constricted so they are smaller...

...stiff, so they don't expand when they are supposed to...

...and clogged, so blood can't easily flow through them...


But these tiny, hair-thin vessels get clogged with plaque and lose their

...blood can't flow into the erection chambers...

...and this makes erections difficult or even impossible for many men.


The longer men go with bad penis blood flow, the more difficult it is to get an

...until men aren't getting erections at all...

This is why morning wood is so important.

If you wake up with great morning wood, you are getting great penis blood flow.

But if morning wood has stopped, you know you have a problem with blood flow...


I know it's shocking, but there is a clear link between poor penis blood flow
and high blood pressure.

At first I was puzzled by the link between poor penis blood flow and high blood
pressure... it didn't make sense...

But the numbers were clear: most men with poor penis blood flow also have high
blood pressure.

So there is clearly and undeniably a link between penis blood flow and blood

Then it dawned on me with further study...

If your arteries are stiff, constricted, and clogged, so blood flow is

...your heart has to work much harder to pump blood through these constricted,
clogged, and stiff blood vessels.


Now imagine trying to get water to flow through that pipe...

The pipe is all constricted by the sediment and dirt and debris, so water is
barely trickling out...

So what do you do if you MUST force fluid through that clogged, stiff, and
constricted pipe?

You do what the body MUST do.

You turn up the pressure.

You turn up the water pressure to try and force more water through this old
grimey pipe.

And that's EXACTLY what your body is doing when you have poor blood flow.


High blood pressure means less blood flow is getting through to your vital
organs, a lot less....

Especially down in the penis chambers where the arteries are so thin and small
to begin with...

As a response to this blood flow problem, your body turns up the pressure.

Just like the water pipe.

Isn't it all making sense now?


What improves blood flow, especially penis blood flow, so that erections are

Well it may seem like blood pressure medications are the answer... that a drug
that lowers blood pressure should also improve blood flow...

...thereby restoring vein-busting, engorged erections...

But we know that isn't true... plenty of men are on blood pressure medications
and still having terrible ED.

And now I know why...


Blood pressure medications work by loosening the arteries just a little, so
there is less pressure on the heart...

So the pills help expand constricted blood vessels slightly...

...but the pills do nothing to unclog the arteries of plaque or restore their

And over time, blood pressure medications actually make things worse BECAUSE
they lower blood pressure...

Less pressure means less blood flow, even less than before...


If we don't turn up the pressure, we won't get more water flowing through the

We'd be stuck with the same problem, right?

Not enough water coming through the old clogged up, constricted pipe.

And with blood pressure pills, it's the same -- lower pressure means less blood

...and less blood flow means less penis blood flow... and ED...

So this is why blood pressure medications make ED worse for men even though they
lower pressure...


And that's where most of the 27 months added up... with me trying one thing
after another...

...endless experiments and trials...

Sleepless nights, days locked in my study -- my wife, Jodi, was losing patience
with me...


Most people think nitric oxide is a really good thing.

It's promoted by many men's health magazines and websites, and said to make
blood vessels bigger.

And it's also promoted by the big ED drug companies... they use nitric oxide in
Viagra and Cialis.

It's a key part of how the pills work -- or rather, how they're SUPPOSED to

So the pharmaceutical reps are always filling the doctor's ears with how good
nitric oxide is...


Nitric oxide is a chemical produced by the body that should only be used as a
last resort, for emergencies.

The more of it you have, the unhealthier it is.

Nitric oxide causes the blood vessels to literally leak -- called vascular

Nitric oxide stops the delicate Leydig cells from producing testosterone:

And it even destroys the delicate cells in the testes:

Still think nitric oxide is a good idea? Think again...


And nitric oxide does nothing for stiffness and plaque, so blood flow still
suffers even in the presence of nitric oxide.

So you can see now why ED pills don't work for so many men. ED pills work by
increasing nitric oxide.

In this pioneering study, ED pills were shown to destroy the delicate testes in
male rats:

ED pills seem to hurt the delicate tissues in the male genitals...and they don't
improve penis blood flow, the real cause of most ED.


But I knew I was SO close to a solution that I just had to keep pressing

Until finally, one winter day, I found it...

...a way to naturally widen the blood vessels, restore their flexibility, and
clear out the plaque for better blood flow...

...and most importantly, restore my erections....

...without relying on nitric oxide...


The word vasoconstriction is the scientific term for stiff, constricted, clogged
arteries that lead to bad blood flow.

And the word vasodilation refers to the complete opposite -- wide-open,
flexible, plaque-free arteries with excellent blood flow.

This is what we want -- vasodilation!

And I discovered that the key to vasodilation is oxygen -- and a simple mineral
used in a certain way...


It works with a natural compound found in the body that is actually helpful,
unlike nitric oxide.

It unclogs the arteries, clears them of plaque, and restores their flexibility.


And every nook and cranny in the erection chambers will be filled with
oxygen-rich blood...

...allowing you to enjoy fuller, harder, longer-lasting erections all the time,
even when you're asleep...

And your blood pressure will naturally fall to normal levels on its own, no
prescription necessary.

And it's all thanks to my brand new Vasodilation Protocol that can be yours FREE


 * Better penis blood flow...
    * Now those tiny penis blood vessels are wide open, letting plenty of
      oxygen-rich blood flow through...

    * And blood vessels all over your body are more flexible too, improving
      blood flow everywhere, not just in your penis...

 * Bigger-looking, more engorged erections...
    * Better penis blood flow means the erection chambers in the penis are
      completely filling with blood, engorging your manhood...

    * Now your member is looking twice its size in thickness and girth, and
      FEELING bigger too...

 * Get an erection instantly...
    * Any time you feel the tiniest bit aroused, you are getting rock-hard right
      then and there... before you had to work at it, but now it's just

    * This is even better than when you were a teenager because now you can last
      longer too...

 * Keep an erection for longer...
    * Since more blood is traveling freely through your penis chambers, you are
      able to stay harder for longer...

    * Now you can last long enough to satisfy her twice, even three times! And
      she is LOVING it...

 * Perfect blood pressure, naturally...
    * With my Vasodilation Protocol, your blood vessels are open and blood flow
      is great... so you no longer have high blood pressure!

    * And this is better than the pills because it addresses the ROOT cause of
      high blood pressure (bad blood flow) -- the pills don't do that!

 * Avoid the harmful blood pressure pills...
    * Now that your pressure is perfect on its own, you can avoid the blood
      pressure pills altogether...

    * Or if you're already on them, you can stop taking them with your doctor's

 * A healthier heart...
    * Now you are getting great blood flow all throughout your body, your heart
      doesn't have to work as hard...

    * It is pumping away, stress-free, sending lots of nutrient-rich blood to
      all of your vital organs, including your penis!

    * The lowers your risks of heart disease, heart attack, and stroke!

 * Better brain function...
    * More blood flowing to the brain is a great thing! The brain needs tons of
      oxygen-rich blood to stay healthy and power the rest of our body...

    * Brain fog and memory issues usually disappear on their own once you start
      getting better blood flow to the brain...


I want my username to be my email address:*
I want my password to be*

Checkout Errors

Give Me Free Access !


Here's how it works...

The Vasodilation protocol comes with a huge bonus...the complete Blood Pressure
Protocol course for just $1 today...

And this is really an incredible deal because Blood Pressure Protocol is valued
at $1,067 on its own...

But you're getting it all for just $1.00 today!

One single buck starts you out on everything, with the Vasodilation Protocol
totally FREE.



It's always important to talk to your doctor about any change in your health

But be assured: this is a completely natural method, and it is safe for most men
to use.

And then you can go to your doctor and wow him with your perfect pressure and
get to throw the pills in the trash (with his blessing)....

...and you can brag about your rock-hard erections!


For thousands of men, the answer is yes!

These men are boosting blood flow with the Vasodilation Protocol and noticing
the effects as soon as they wake up...

...with huge morning wood that delights the wife or girlfriend...

And she's so excited to see you hard and ready for her, she climbs right on --
and when's the last time she's done THAT?


The best thing about this method is that it starts working immediately.

Keep in mind -- every man's body is different, so it can take a few days or even
a few weeks for you to get the results you want.

It all depends on where you're starting from.


100% yes. All of my protocols are designed to work together to give you the best
health and sex life possible.

In fact, I highly recommend combining multiple protocols of mine to get your
health and sexual function exactly where you want it to be.


You can speak directly to me -- Matt Cook!

I'd love to help you out and answer any other questions you may have.

Just shoot me an email at matt@getrapidhealth.com.

And if you're using the protocol and really loving it, I'd love for you to write
me a quick testimonial...

This way, I can share the good news with other men who are thinking about trying
out this method.

And your success can possibly inspire thousands!


Vasodilation Protocol

Using my Vasodilation Protocol, you'll begin experiencing hyper-oxygenated blood
flow throughout your ENTIRE body, including your manhood. Not only will you have
perfect blood flow, a healthier heart, and a faster-thinking brain that risky
pills will never be able to get you, your erections will be like new. Thanks to
all that extra blood flow, you'll be able to last longer while looking HUGE,
thick, and engorged -- she won't be able to believe her eyes after you've been
on my Vasodilation Protocol!

$97 Value 90-Second Exercise

Make your body impervious to heart disease, heart attacks, and strokes with a
simple 90-second exercise that opens up hard, inflexible blood vessels -- the
true silent killer of men 50+! This is the best heart insurance money can buy --
it can potentially add decades of healthy, happy years to your life!

$97 Value Blood Pressure Lowering Shake

This special recipe helps men restore healthful magnesium, calcium, potassium
and sodium. You’ll enjoy better energy levels and better penis blood flow. Easy
instructions let you prepare and drink this shake in seconds and benefit all day
and night.

$97 Value 2-Step Size System

Boost blood flow, boost size! I'm showing you how to naturally add more length,
girth, and overall size to your member, without pills, pumps, or weird
contraptions. This is the only way to get bigger that actually works for me and
45,000 other men. It also helps make sure your heart is healthy enough for sex!

$97 Value The 5+5 Method

Avoid dangerous, harmful blood pressure medications by lowering blood pressure
the natural way. This is a way of addressing the root cause of cardiac issues
and not just putting a bandaid over the problem. First your pressure will be
lowering by 5 points, then another 5 points...

$97 Value The Intensive Care Blood Pressure Solution: 1 plant that lowers even
the worst pressure

For men whose blood pressure is off the charts, this 1 plant can lower even the
most stubborn “three medications” type of blood pressure… the kind that never
seems to go down no matter what. Most men won’t need this Intensive Care
solution -- but for those who do, it’s here and it’s safe and it works.

$97 Value Surprise Bonuses (unadvertised)

The Magic of Letting Go: How would you like to just really be yourself, and have
women be powerfully attracted to you just as you are, rather than trying to be
someone else? All it takes is this one little switch...

Sex Twice a Day Formula: Doesn't sex every day for the rest of your life sound
nice? I'm showing you how easy it is to get your partner on the same page with
you and wanting to do it every day, even twice a day...for the rest of your

strong>Instant Arousal Guide: Imagine living life in a constant state of arousal
where everything you do is fun and exciting, and your sexual energy is at an
all-time high. With this, you are reaching a new beautiful erotic state of
pleasure and you can even get a woman to do it for you if you want...

10 Ways to Get a Closed Woman to Open Her Legs: Bring the spark back into your
sexual relationship with a woman, even if she's lost her enthusiasm, and get her
opening herself back up to you in more ways than one...

Become the Man All the Other Men Want to Be: This is about bringing out the very
best in yourself, your true self...and being the man all men -- and women --
respect and want to be around...

Touch Her and Make Her Come: I'll show you just how powerful a single touch can
be...how it makes a woman start spreading her legs, rubbing herself, moaning
your name, and practically pleading for you to enter her and give her what she

Living Your Best Life Now: Wouldn't it be nice to be free of all past negative
experiences once and for all, for a brighter, lighter, happier future? Now it's
possible to leave behind that one particular event that has been influencing and
affecting your entire life since it happened, maybe in childhood, maybe in your
teenage years or young adult life...

Turn Her Into a Tiger Slut in Bed: This is a fan-favorite because it unleashes
your woman's wild, animalistic side, and yes every woman has one, sometimes it's
just buried deep inside...now she is showing you parts of her you've never seen

3-Min Conversation to Kiss: For men who want to spend more time kissing and less
time bickering with their spouse, or less time making small talk with a new
woman and more time getting to know each other in bed...

$1146 Value


Hello Matt, I have solved my problem… WOW, I got an instant erection. I thought
this was silly, when I first heard of it, however, I will doing this every other
day for at least the next year. P.S. I have been taking all of your recommended
supplements. I went to my Urologist last Tuesday, he said that my retained urine
(after I empty my bladder) was the lowest, it had ever been. The results of his
blood test, where my Testosterone was increased from 300 to 900, and my PSA was
.47. Matt you have saved me from getting the “tube in Dr willie” operation.
Thanks, is not enough. - “Earl” from Houston

Read Full Testimonial


My fear was that at 43 years old I would be taking unnecessary pills for the
rest of my life, without really knowing what the cause was. I found your course
and after a little hesitation decided to go “all in”. I am glad I did. But more
importantly I see the certainty of an amazing sex life as I get older. Knowing
that things can get better is a great feeling.

Read Full Testimonial


I was somewhat skeptical about your blood pressure program. I am here to tell
you that I have been off the blood pressure meds for one week now and feel
great. I’m dating a couple of gals and they both are enjoying the new me as much
as I am enjoying my old self… Everyday it seems that getting more like my old
self. Thanks for everything, Harold PS. You every down Texas way give me a
holler and come by…

Read Full Testimonial


Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome,
life-transforming information I have ever discovered. The journey you have sent
me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will
continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to
taking further courses from you. Jim S.

Read Full Testimonial


I'm in pretty good shape have lost close to 40 pounds in four months. I had high
blood pressure for years. Now by starting to eat better my blood pressure is
close to the normal range any given day. - “Rats”

Read Full Testimonial


First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning.
Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into
them. Congratulations and thank you. Seriously. Armaan

Read Full Testimonial


Thanks a ton, my MASTER!!! It’s a true pleasure and a honor be part of this
family!!! My health is getting better EVERYDAY since I started to follow your
advices! Big hug and God bless

Read Full Testimonial


I have had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years, and have been on insulin for
more than 10 years. Prior to beginning your program, 3 weeks ago, I divided my
carb intake by 8 in order to calculate the size insulin shot needed. At the end
of 3 weeks I am dividing by 15 (and still tending to go low). That is a pretty
dramatic decrease in insulin resistance. This morning I drank two cans of Cherry
Pepsi (82 carbs). Prior to the diet I then would have taken a 10 unit shot. I
took no shot and checked my sugar every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Starting at 150,
the results were 187, 201, 185, 150, 135, 129, 123, 118. That looks like a
fairly normal curve for a non-diabetic. For me the program is turning out to be
a miracle. With much appreciation Ted Madden

Read Full Testimonial


Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks,
and hidden gems. Keep up the good work. - Chase

Read Full Testimonial


All these testimonies are completely real. But only a small percentage of men
who buy our programs get these results. Why? I think it’s because most men get
our programs but don’t apply them. I hope you get our programs and USE them.
Then you can write me a testimony that will help other men in a similar
situation you were in. --Matt Cook, health researcher

Read Full Testimonial


Thank you for what you do. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS a year ago I have
changed my Diet, lifestyle and mindset. Your emails have been a great help
through my struggle in successfully treating my symptoms WITHOUT the use of Dr.
Prescribed medications. Through diet and lifestyle changes, I have had 0
relapses, while others I know who got on prescription drugs have had multiple
relapses and side effects from the drugs. It was the most difficult decision to
make when I decided to ignore the doctors and deny medication when I was almost
blind...but I'm still here and can now see again. Thank you,and if I can EVER
assist you in your journey to help others...please don't hesitate to email
me...I love helping others, and it would bring me great joy to help you do the
same. Happy Thanksgiving, Jason G.'

Read Full Testimonial


Things are improving for this 69 year old guy, and I owe it to a large extent to
you and your health recommendations. In particular, my weight is down, my health
is better, and I am getting wood stronger and more frequently than before. I
feel I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon with mama. The pills
like Spartagen and Rail gave energy, but didn't do what they claimed. None gave
the Erections like Viagra or Cialis. In fact, they didn't give any erections at
all. Your vitamin recommendations, your food recommendations and things to take
and avoid have been great. Thanks again. Robert Margeson

Read Full Testimonial


I have tried some of Matt’s online courses and have found them to be. Very
insightful and helpful. I have gained a lot of sexual behaviour knowledge from
his courses that I was never aware of. My situation has improved by
incorporating the recommended exercises and advice. Thanks Matt, Randy from

Read Full Testimonial


I can attest to the fact that your protocols work! I have lost weight and my
libido has improved immensely it’s like I do not believe it and this is just
four weeks into the program. Regards and thanks again Matt, Jerry

Read Full Testimonial


I have applied all of your nutrition and diet techniques and my testosterone is
1240 and I am off of my diabetes medicine as well as my blood pressure
medication. I get so hard now I can't even believe it and I can last forever.
All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond
cutter. Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because
of our help we have our fantastic love life again. So thank you for all of your
help your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend
your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in the bedroom. Your courses
are nothing short of miraculous. Thank You for everything. -Jerry

Read Full Testimonial


I am so excited! My weight was stuck at 258-260 for the longest time. Last week
I noticed some decrease and this morning my weight was 249.5! Blood pressure is
down on ½ pill of both valsartan and diltiazem with my docs approval. Starting
to get medium morning wood and my sugar is easier to control on less Lantus.
These programs work! Can’t wait to get my test results in January! This is the
easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever tried and I have tried
many. Thanks again Matt! - Tom

Read Full Testimonial


I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23
prescription drugs a day. Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that
eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue. This due to 6 months of
research. Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning
research into. Sincerely: Gregory Jay Chaney

Read Full Testimonial


I noticed an immediate change in my attitude! I think it works on us guys in a
way that actually causes us to produce testosterone! This would be a God Send
for all the guys on those stupid, ineffective testosterone creams! Thanks for
turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men! -

Read Full Testimonial


When I first went for check up my blood sugar level was 138dl. I was given 48
hours to return and within the 48 hours I followed what was prescribed. When I
returned for control my blood sugar had fallen to 113dl. It remained at that
level for two more weeks and when I went for control again it had fallen to
82dl. That was about a month later. My blurred vision had disappeared and I was
seeing normally again. Val

Read Full Testimonial


'I just wanted to let you know that when I started your program my t level was
304. A 34 year old man with really really low t levels. I just had them
rechecked and it about 5 months time, they have more than doubled. Currently at
611 and rising.' Anonymous student

Read Full Testimonial
Previous Next


Hello Matt, I have solved my problem… WOW, I got an instant erection. I thought
this was silly, when I first heard of it, however, I will doing this every other
day for at least the next year. P.S. I have been taking all of your recommended
supplements. I went to my Urologist last Tuesday, he said that my retained urine
(after I empty my bladder) was the lowest, it had ever been. The results of his
blood test, where my Testosterone was increased from 300 to 900, and my PSA was
.47. Matt you have saved me from getting the “tube in Dr willie” operation.
Thanks, is not enough. - “Earl” from Houston


My fear was that at 43 years old I would be taking unnecessary pills for the
rest of my life, without really knowing what the cause was. I found your course
and after a little hesitation decided to go “all in”. I am glad I did. But more
importantly I see the certainty of an amazing sex life as I get older. Knowing
that things can get better is a great feeling.


I was somewhat skeptical about your blood pressure program. I am here to tell
you that I have been off the blood pressure meds for one week now and feel
great. I’m dating a couple of gals and they both are enjoying the new me as much
as I am enjoying my old self… Everyday it seems that getting more like my old
self. Thanks for everything, Harold PS. You every down Texas way give me a
holler and come by…


Matt, I want to thank you for putting together the most awesome,
life-transforming information I have ever discovered. The journey you have sent
me on is never ending and as I continue to work your program my life will
continue to transform as I progress. Thanks again, Matt, and I look forward to
taking further courses from you. Jim S.


I'm in pretty good shape have lost close to 40 pounds in four months. I had high
blood pressure for years. Now by starting to eat better my blood pressure is
close to the normal range any given day. - “Rats”


First of all, can I just say this: Your products are stunning. Just stunning.
Insightful, clear, deep, and very indicative of the HEART that you put into
them. Congratulations and thank you. Seriously. Armaan


Thanks a ton, my MASTER!!! It’s a true pleasure and a honor be part of this
family!!! My health is getting better EVERYDAY since I started to follow your
advices! Big hug and God bless


I have had type 2 diabetes for more than 20 years, and have been on insulin for
more than 10 years. Prior to beginning your program, 3 weeks ago, I divided my
carb intake by 8 in order to calculate the size insulin shot needed. At the end
of 3 weeks I am dividing by 15 (and still tending to go low). That is a pretty
dramatic decrease in insulin resistance. This morning I drank two cans of Cherry
Pepsi (82 carbs). Prior to the diet I then would have taken a 10 unit shot. I
took no shot and checked my sugar every 20 minutes for 3 hours. Starting at 150,
the results were 187, 201, 185, 150, 135, 129, 123, 118. That looks like a
fairly normal curve for a non-diabetic. For me the program is turning out to be
a miracle. With much appreciation Ted Madden


Hi Matt, you rock! Thank you for all your scientific research studies, biohacks,
and hidden gems. Keep up the good work. - Chase


All these testimonies are completely real. But only a small percentage of men
who buy our programs get these results. Why? I think it’s because most men get
our programs but don’t apply them. I hope you get our programs and USE them.
Then you can write me a testimony that will help other men in a similar
situation you were in. --Matt Cook, health researcher


Thank you for what you do. Ever since I was diagnosed with MS a year ago I have
changed my Diet, lifestyle and mindset. Your emails have been a great help
through my struggle in successfully treating my symptoms WITHOUT the use of Dr.
Prescribed medications. Through diet and lifestyle changes, I have had 0
relapses, while others I know who got on prescription drugs have had multiple
relapses and side effects from the drugs. It was the most difficult decision to
make when I decided to ignore the doctors and deny medication when I was almost
blind...but I'm still here and can now see again. Thank you,and if I can EVER
assist you in your journey to help others...please don't hesitate to email
me...I love helping others, and it would bring me great joy to help you do the
same. Happy Thanksgiving, Jason G.'


Things are improving for this 69 year old guy, and I owe it to a large extent to
you and your health recommendations. In particular, my weight is down, my health
is better, and I am getting wood stronger and more frequently than before. I
feel I can probably engage in some sexual activity soon with mama. The pills
like Spartagen and Rail gave energy, but didn't do what they claimed. None gave
the Erections like Viagra or Cialis. In fact, they didn't give any erections at
all. Your vitamin recommendations, your food recommendations and things to take
and avoid have been great. Thanks again. Robert Margeson


I have tried some of Matt’s online courses and have found them to be. Very
insightful and helpful. I have gained a lot of sexual behaviour knowledge from
his courses that I was never aware of. My situation has improved by
incorporating the recommended exercises and advice. Thanks Matt, Randy from


I can attest to the fact that your protocols work! I have lost weight and my
libido has improved immensely it’s like I do not believe it and this is just
four weeks into the program. Regards and thanks again Matt, Jerry


I have applied all of your nutrition and diet techniques and my testosterone is
1240 and I am off of my diabetes medicine as well as my blood pressure
medication. I get so hard now I can't even believe it and I can last forever.
All my wife has to do is simply roll over and touch my leg and I have a diamond
cutter. Me and my wife want to thank you from the bottom of our hearts, because
of our help we have our fantastic love life again. So thank you for all of your
help your courses are everything you say they are and more. I would recommend
your courses to anyone who is experiencing problems in the bedroom. Your courses
are nothing short of miraculous. Thank You for everything. -Jerry


I am so excited! My weight was stuck at 258-260 for the longest time. Last week
I noticed some decrease and this morning my weight was 249.5! Blood pressure is
down on ½ pill of both valsartan and diltiazem with my docs approval. Starting
to get medium morning wood and my sugar is easier to control on less Lantus.
These programs work! Can’t wait to get my test results in January! This is the
easiest way to solve my health problems that I have ever tried and I have tried
many. Thanks again Matt! - Tom


I am a heart patient and currently take ZERO prescriptions as I used to take 23
prescription drugs a day. Now for 2 years I have on a vitamin regimen that
eliminates calcification in my arteries and soft tissue. This due to 6 months of
research. Thanks for your input on this area of life that I am now beginning
research into. Sincerely: Gregory Jay Chaney


I noticed an immediate change in my attitude! I think it works on us guys in a
way that actually causes us to produce testosterone! This would be a God Send
for all the guys on those stupid, ineffective testosterone creams! Thanks for
turning me onto this stuff, it may actually be the best for what ails us men! -


When I first went for check up my blood sugar level was 138dl. I was given 48
hours to return and within the 48 hours I followed what was prescribed. When I
returned for control my blood sugar had fallen to 113dl. It remained at that
level for two more weeks and when I went for control again it had fallen to
82dl. That was about a month later. My blurred vision had disappeared and I was
seeing normally again. Val


'I just wanted to let you know that when I started your program my t level was
304. A 34 year old man with really really low t levels. I just had them
rechecked and it about 5 months time, they have more than doubled. Currently at
611 and rising.' Anonymous student
Previous Next
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Your happiness and success is backed up by my total satisfaction and happiness

When you say yes today, you’re simply agreeing to TRY my system to see if you
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Your payment is refundable any time during the first 60 days. Plus, you have our
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Simply shoot a message to one of our cheerful, helpful team members at

You can message us whenever you want, at any hour of the day, with any problem
you have -- you don’t even have to remember your order number.

We generally answer within 15 minutes during business hours, but you can also
call 877-691-3328 toll-free 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get help.


Start Enjoying Better Blood Flow for Bigger Erections for Just $1.00 Today

Once you accept our simple offer, your card will be billed $1 today.

In 7 days, if you are delighted with everything, a final $67 will be put on that

You'll get "forever" access along with any updates we make to the system.

You can STILL claim your refund of $67 any time in 60 days, for any reason or no

And since I'm constantly making brand new discoveries in real-time, I'm giving
you a free 14-day All Access Pass to Alpha Lion U with thousands of courses,
protocols, weekly experiments, monthly transformation classes, and more…

All fully cited information that you can show your doctors.

Each month, we run interactive Transformation Classes on subjects ranging from
natural blood sugar to vascular growth for men.

This is stuff you will NEVER hear from the establishment, updated constantly
with new discoveries and new classes that you can access from anywhere in the
world, whenever you want.

So with ALU:

"I understand and agree that:

 * I am enjoying a 14-day free trial of Alpha Lion U (if I am not already a
   member) and if I cancel it before the last day, then I will not be charged
   anything additional. I'm sure I'll love it and want to continue but this way,
   it's MY choice!
 * My subscription will automatically renew at the rate of $79 per month unless
   I cancel it.
 * The payment method I am using today will be retained and used to pay for any
   renewal period charges I incur.
 * To cancel, I may simply visit www.getrapidhelp.com and fill in a few easy
   details indicating my choice to cancel. I don't even need to worry about my
   order number or anything like that -- super easy!”

You're also getting award-winning customer support, ready to help and answer any
questions you might have throughout your journey.

You also have support from a brotherhood of more than 40,000 men who are all
working toward the same goal -- the best health and manly function until 120 or


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The Card Verification Value (CVV), or Card Verification Code (CVC), is an extra
code printed on your debit or credit card. With most cards (Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, etc) it is the final three of the number printed on the
signature strip on the reverse of your card. With American Express, it is the
four digit code on the front of your card.
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The Card Verification Value (CVV), or Card Verification Code (CVC), is an extra
code printed on your debit or credit card. With most cards (Visa, MasterCard,
American Express, etc) it is the final three of the number printed on the
signature strip on the reverse of your card. With American Express, it is the
four digit code on the front of your card.
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