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CBD Oil UK: Where to Buy it [Answered]
10 Best CBD Oil Tinctures That Work!
CBD Oil Reviews
Alpha-Cat CBD Review [2021 Brand Review]

Alpha-Cat is a European CBD brand that, like most, is looking to further change
in the CBD world. Uniquely, this brand also sells marijuana ...

Carolina Hemp Company Review [2021 Complete Brand Review]

Find out all about the Carolina Hemp Company in today’s full Greenshoppers
review. Take a look at the quick summary below for a brand ...

Hemp Bombs CBD Oil Review [Tested for 2021]

Here at Greenshoppers, we provide full product reviews for CBD brands throughout
the world. Today, we are checking out Hemp Bombs, a well-renowned competitor ...

10 Best CBD Oil Tinctures That Work!
5 Major Retailers That Sell CBD
What Is Dr. Chin’s Herbal CBD? [Reviewed]
Epidiolex: An Actual CBD Pharmaceutical? [Review]
MCT Oil: Health Benefits and Common Uses


Cannabidiol (aka CBD) has gained in popularity in the last couple of months, in
part due to its availability in high-street health shops and health benefits.

While once viewed as an option only for the debilitating conditions, CBD oil
gained popularity among wellness fans, due to its ability to provide relief from
everything from pain to depression and anxiety. But what exactly is CBD Oil
exactly and are there any associated risks?

Furthermore, is CBD the same as cannabis?

CBD is one of the 80+ cannabinoids, that can be found in the cannabis plant.
Using advanced extraction processes, also known as the CO2 extraction process,
it’s extracted and mixed with a carrier oil, for example hemp seed or coconut –
to create what you know as CBD oil.

Unlike other cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), CBD is not
psychoactive. This means that it won’t make you ‘high’ – the sensation most
commonly associated with cannabis.

Nevertheless, according to recent studies, it is reported to offer a range of
health and medicinal benefits – which is the main reason behind our CBD oil UK
review website.

At GreenShoppers we aim to provide you with the most up-to-date and relevant
information about CBD Oil. Here you’ll find a wide range of informative articles
and product reviews. We hope you’ll find exactly what you are looking for and if
you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us through our Facebook


Unlike traditional medicine, CBD Oil is a relatively new concept to many. The
potential power of CBD is only recently being discovered and thanks to the media
and ongoing research, a new light is being shed on what once thought to be an
addictive plant.

While the majority of research conducted into the benefits of CBD oil has been
done on animals and not on human test trials, some pretty clear benefits have
been highlighted:

CBD oil can help to alleviate pain.

Many studies have examined the link between pain relief and CBD, which are
thought to be down to the oil’s ability to interact with neurotransmitters and
reduce inflammation.

Did you know, one study found that people living with multiple sclerosis
experience reduced muscle spasms, increased mobility, and reduced pain when
treated with a combination of CBD and THC for one month; while another study
demonstrated CBD improved pain management for those with rheumatoid arthritis.

Other studies have found that CBD oil is helpful in reducing anxiety. Back in
2011, the journal Neuropsychopharmacology published a study that found that
people with generalised social anxiety disorder (SAD)
who were given 600mg of CBD oil, before a public speaking test, as opposed to a
placebo, experienced significantly less anxiety and discomfort during their

While there is still much to learn about this miraculous plant, at GreenShoppers
we make it our mission to inform users of this potential medicine and hope to
educate our readers.


There has been a fair amount of confusion around the legality of CBD oil in the
UK. Especially as the vast majority of cannabinoids are controlled substances
under the Misuse of Drugs Act. Even though the actual plant may not be
permitted, its extracted components are a completely different story. As of now
CBD oil is legal across the UK for medicinal purposes, considering it has been
derived from an industrial hemp strain that is EU-approved. These strains must
contain very little to no THC (the psychoactive cannabinoid).

To be exact, in order for CBD oil to be legal in the UK, it must contain no more
than 0.2% THC, and the THC must not be easily separated from it.

How to Take CBD Oil with any of our CBD oil UK Brands?

With most CBD brands, the CBD oil you are going to purchase will be available as
a tincture. The common practise is to take a few drops under your tongue,
holding the oil in your mouth for a few seconds so it can be absorbed, before
swallowing. For those who do not like the taste of the oils, can check out our
CBD vape oil review section on the site. You’ll also find reviews of capsules,
creams that can be applied topically, and e-liquid CBD Oil vape review UK pens.

When it comes to dosage, on most of our UK CBD Oil review guidelines you’ll see
that you should start with the smallest possible dose and gradually build up –
this way you’ll be able to tell if the lower dosage is working for you.
Nevertheless, it’s always best to consult your doctor before trying any new
alternative product.

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